Greener Information Systems for Product Configuration
Management: Towards Adaptation to Sustainability Requirements
Anders Jakobsen
, Torben Tambo
and Maja Kadenic
Department of Business Development and Technology, Aarhus University, Birk Centerpark 15, Herning, Denmark
Keywords: Sustainability, Product Configuration, Product Life-Cycle Management, Information Systems, Mechanical
Engineering, ISO14020.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the need to reconceptualize the dimension of product life-cycle
management systems related to product configuration to embrace data of the specific sustainability impact of
the configuration choices. While this is very much related to physical products, the information systems
dimension is fundamental to include to model, decide, document, trace and review sustainability of products.
This paper is based on a longitudinal case study along with a comprehensive literature review. Key findings
related to the isolation of product configuration systems as key determinants for specific sustainability in a
governed and traceable form. These systems do largely not cover sustainability as of today: A redesign is
needed. A research agenda is outlined combining sustainability-thinking with socio-technical design. A
proposal for the design is presented using a multi-level, multi-tier approach to Product Configuration Systems.
The process has major implications around in the industry as legislators are mandating extensive
documentation for specific choices and documentation of the sustainability impact of physical products.
In the current context, there is a growing emphasis on
sustainability, leading to an increased demand for
environmentally conscious products. This is raising a
strong issue within design of information systems.
Organizations are compelled to adopt more
sustainable practices throughout the product life cycle
(Hassan et al., 2017; Huang & Badurdeen, 2018).
This shift is driven by concerns over non-renewable
resource use, the obligation of strong regulations, and
increased consumer awareness. During this evolving
landscape, the product configuration system (PCS)
emerges as a key enabler, facilitating cost-effective,
customer-centric product development through
tailored customization (Hassan et al., 2017; Zheng et
al., 2017; Huang & Badurdeen, 2018). The
importance of environmental protection and rigorous
application of environmental regulations, the request
of sustainable product design has become more
prevalent (Badurdeen et al., 2018). This intensifies
the increased tendency of mass customization and
specialized customer-centric products to satisfy
individual customer requirements (Zheng et al., 2017;
Kristjansdottir et al., 2018). Sustainable products can
be defined as manufactured products that follows
sustainable principles and are sustainability
compliant during their absolute product life cycle
(Zheng et al., 2017). PCS consists of predefined
attributes with restrictions and information related to
product features, product structure, production
processes, costs, and prices for customers to select
(Zheng et al., 2017; Shafiee et al., 2018; Haug et al.,
2019). In such a way, PCS have been defined as a
socio-technical system, consisting of technical
components and an organizational element involving
individuals, procedures, processes etc. (Forza &
Salvador, 2006). This challenges organizational
sustainable design of engineered products and
systems as it requires addressing both technical and
organizational dimensions (Forza & Salvador, 2006;
Skerlos, 2015). Although the literature related to
sustainability is rich, and academia has made efforts
to the conceptualization and materialization of long-
Jakobsen, A., Tambo, T. and Kadenic, M.
Greener Information Systems for Product Configuration Management: Towards Adaptation to Sustainability Requirements.
DOI: 10.5220/0012737200003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 100-109
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
term stakeholder value of its three pillars of
sustainability: economic, environmental, and social
sustainability (Huang & Badurdeen, 2018;
Ghobakhloo, 2020); this supports the driving
mechanism of innovation and long-term product
success (Huang & Badurdeen, 2018). The major
impact of sustainability impacts is normally taking
place outside of the company, therefore systems and
architectures must look across organisational
boundaries (Tambo, 2017). The dilemma can be
stated as: How can sustainable practices support PCS
in engineering of highly complex industrial products?
Manufacturers today are confronted with a range of
diverse challenges as many configuration projects
fails, as literature doesn't elaborate on strategic nor
sustainable alternatives in a comprehensive way;
instead, it offers broad suggestions for individual
strategies with no holistic perspectives (Haug et al.,
2019). Crafting a PCS demands complex
technicalities or business expertise, which domain
specialists may find challenging to effectively convey
to configuration professionals (Shafiee et al., 2018).
The challenge of representing the necessary technical
or business expertise may be characterised by detailed
quantification of the benefits, costs, and ROI from
using PCS in the literature (Kristjansdottir et al.,
2018). PCS activities focus on quotation or
production processes rather than multiple business
processes (Bredahl Rasmussen et al., 2021). These
critiques of PCS call for a refinement for a holistic
approach for an establishment of sustainable practices
in manufacturing companies (Huang & Badurdeen,
Therefore, this paper focuses on identifying the
PCS landscape related to the novelty of sustainability
gains, excluding the product configurator is not
limited to sales phases (Myrodia et al., 2019).
Including the life cycle phases of a configurable
product and connecting it across all business
processes is considered a challenging task (Myrodia
et al., 2019). Extensive literature and industrial use
cases emphasize the difficulties in data acquisition
and verification, valid product modelling, and
accurate product documentation (Kristjansdottir et
al., 2018; Myrodia et al., 2019). Interconnected
information systems and digital connective
information development and sharing may can
challenge the triple bottom line (economic,
environmental, and social) sustainability
(Ghobakhloo, 2020). This paper further investigates
functions for sustainability implications related to
PCS. In doing so, this paper initiates a state-of-the-art
content-driven review and analysis of existing
literature to identify the critical elements of
sustainability functions respective to PCS and its
nuanced perspectives. Finally, this paper discusses
the findings and justifies the fundamental design
principles and sustainability trends favourably in
support of PCS.
This paper is based on a qualitative research approach
for an in-depth case study combined with an
extensive literature review and a singular case study
(Dubois & Gadde, 2002; Yin, 2009). The literature
review is based on the bibliometric approach
(Carvalho et al., 2013). The case study is from a major
European electromechanical manufacturer. The case
study is longitudinal applying qualitative approach
with company interviews. The case study is employed
to evaluate the practical implications of the current
PCS, which relates to empirical data based on the
longitudinal approach of a two-year employment
within the case company. The case study constructs
the foundational agenda discussion based on
information system within the case company
(Shakirov et al., 2019).
Relevant literature and its content were based on
the bibliometric approach (Carvalho et al., 2013),
which primarily focus on identification of patterns
within the literature based on; analysis of citations.
Figure 1: Literature review process.
The bibliometric study for this paper includes a
content analysis, which is based on the researchers to
allow the identification of the most important topics,
approaches, and methods, thereby the most important
definitions for this paper (Carvalho et al., 2013). To
acquire a sample a database was chosen and was
searched with no restrictions but by the use of
keywords, such as “Product Configuration System”,
“Product Configuration”, “Product Information
Management”, “Product Lifecycle Management”,
Greener Information Systems for Product Configuration Management: Towards Adaptation to Sustainability Requirements
“Data Management Systems”, “Sustainability”,
“Sustainable Systems”, and “Sustainability
Evaluation”. To create transparency the workflow of
the literature review is shown below in Fig 1.
3.1 Product Configuration
The definition of product architecture yields the
configuration process logically possible, without
involving technical expertise (Forza & Salvador,
2006). Although, it is necessary to define system
instruments to support configuration to reduce
computing complexity as salesmen, engineers, and
customers are within the conditions to operate
autonomously in a defined configuration process
(Forza & Salvador, 2006; Zheng et al., 2017).
Figure 2: Logical Architecture of a PCS (Forza & Salvador,
This emphasize that the PCS and its architecture
operates between function and physical domain,
excluding the customer domain. Thereby, the CTO
refers to product configurability, which relates to the
product family architecture, where the organization
has pre-defined all possible variants of components
and established rules governing their determination
within a product family (Forza & Salvador, 2006;
Zheng et al., 2017). Product functions and purposes,
along with their characteristics, are linked to
individual component variants or their combinations.
Although the PCS can be perceived as a computing
tool that interacts with the personnel and is linked to
processes: the configuration process and the
modelling process (Forza & Salvador, 2006; Zheng et
al., 2017). This means two uniquely interfaces related
to a configuration engine and a modelling engine.
3.2 Sustainable Product Development
Skerlos, (2015) emphasize that organizations must
establish their sustainability dimensions and targets
based on the three pillars of sustainability (economic,
environmental, and social sustainability) (Huang &
Badurdeen, 2018; Ghobakhloo, 2020). These driving
pillars of sustainability enforce the internal
innovation mechanism for long-term product success
(Ahmad et al., 2018; Huang & Badurdeen, 2018).
Specialized tools are required at the product design
level to evaluate the expected environmental impact
of different design options (Skerlos, 2015). The
importance of such tools is central as product
development engineers may be challenged by
conducting impact assessments for each design
option without dedicated assistance (Skerlos, 2015;
Ahmad et al., 2018). Literature for sustainable design
serve distinct purposes, including: 1) presenting
awareness about potential environmental impacts and
suggesting mitigating design strategies (e.g.,
checklists, guidelines, and case studies), 2) enabling
the ranking or scoring of a product's environmental
performance concerning specific environmental
aspects (e.g., toolboxes or advisory software tools),
and 3) facilitating life cycle assessments (LCA)
(Skerlos, 2015; Ahmad et al., 2018; Huang &
Badurdeen, 2018). Skerlos, (2015) highlights that
such guidelines in typical checklists conflicts with
themselves or with other product attributes of the
design. To address this conflict between sustainable
design guidelines and to foster innovation, several
application-specific software tools have emerged
(Skerlos, 2015; Ahmad et al., 2018). Application-
specific software tools requires less information than
a full LCA, allowing ranking of design options and
justification for specific decisions aimed at reducing
environmental impact, they may lack the
transparency of full LCAs. In addition, these tools do
not capture the environmental characteristics of the
supply chain and are less likely to comprehensively
account for situational factors in production, use, and
disposal (Skerlos, 2015). Moreover, it was found that
80% of sustainability impacts are defined within the
initial stages of the product development design stage
(Ahmad et al., 2018). To address this challenge in the
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
manufacturing sector, the development and
production of sustainable products have been defined
as a crucial strategy to achieve sustainability (Ahmad
et al., 2018). Myrodia et al. (2019) argues that
Configuration Lifecycle Management (CLM) is
relevant for manufacturing organizations of
configurable products as the significance of CLM
aims to establish a singular source for configuration
data and models shared across various business units
within an organization. Although, CLM refers to the
management of all configuration models and
correlated data across all phases of a product's
lifecycle, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
focuses on keeping track related to existing product
information processes and information systems
(Myrodia et al. 2019). However, CLM focuses on
maintaining the PCS for generating new
specifications from the PCS. Product configurator is
set to model complex configurable products, where
engineering rules are provided as inputs for the
configurator from the PLM system. Myrodia et al.
(2019) highlights the challenge of integrating product
configurators with other IT systems to facilitate data
exchange, as input and/or output of each
configuration step. This complexity comes to IT
systems utilized by multiple departments. Beyond the
technical complexities of connecting, aligning, and
integrating IT systems with product configurators, the
operational perspective holds a significant
importance and should not be discarded (Myrodia et
al., 2019). The operational perspective involves
factors such as process standardization, resource
allocation, knowledge sharing, and supportive
methods for cross-department collaboration, are
crucially interconnected with the success of relevant
data (Myrodia et al., 2019).
3.3 Product Configuration – Digital
Product configuration systems (PCS) are systems
designed to facilitate product customization for
customers (Hvam et al., 2008; Hvam et al., 2013;
Kristjansdottir et al., 2018; Piroozfar et al., 2019).
Such system specifies pre-defined product entities,
whether these are physical or non-physical, along
with their properties, fixed or variable (Li et al., 2015;
Kristjansdottir et al., 2018; Piroozfar et al., 2019).
The reliability and complexity of a configuration
systems is reflected of the organizational product
portfolio (Kristjansdottir et al., 2018). A PCS can
support organizational activities of specifying
product features, product performance, product costs
etc. for customers during sales and engineering
phases of a product (Li et al., 2015; Kristjansdottir et
al., 2018; Piroozfar et al., 2019). These activities can
be defined as the specification process, which
involves customer needs, design, and specification of
a product variant to full-satisfy customer
requirements and specification of e.g., product
manufacturing, supply-chain management, service
delivery, product life cycle properties (Hvam et al.,
2008; Hvam et al., 2013; Kristjansdottir et al., 2018).
The facilitation of a PCS requires robust product
information, as this is increasingly prevalent in
multiple life cycles (Piroozfar et al., 2019). Activities
respective to the specification process are within pre-
defined attributes and well-defined complex product
solutions, contradictory the goal of the customer is to
find an optimal solution according to the needs,
quality of specifications, lead time etc. within defined
information modelled in the PCS (Hvam et al., 2008;
Piroozfar et al., 2019). The configuration of the
product is based on the defined solution space relative
to the information modelled within the PCS. This can
be referred to as customers configure-to-order (CTO),
as customers defines a product within the solution
space found in the configuration system (Hvam &
Ladeby, 2007). Additionally, this brings substantial
benefits related to generating quotations, capabilities
to meet customer needs, and on-time delivery (Hvam
et al., 2008; Hvam et al., 2013; Kristjansdottir et al.,
2018; Piroozfar et al., 2019).
3.4 Product Configurator Development
The application development of configurators is a
subtype of the software-based systems applicable to
formalize a e.g., CTO of product specifications (Haug
et al., 2012). The organizational task of developing
the configurator can be complex and time-consuming,
whereas Haug et al. (2012) argues that it is crucial to
apply an appropriate strategy. In addition, literature
lacks an in-depth exploration of various strategic
alternatives; it merely offers broad suggestions for
individual strategies (Haug et al., 2012). Therefore,
fig. 3 is an overview related to the process of the
development and maintenance a product configurator
involving six phases (Haug et al., 2012). The dotted
lines are not necessarily explicitly defined as e.g., the
distinction between analysis module and design is not
formulated with real-world practices as this involves
variation in organizational practices.
Greener Information Systems for Product Configuration Management: Towards Adaptation to Sustainability Requirements
Figure 3: The Process of Creating Product Configurators
(Haug et al., 2012).
3.5 Sustainable Product Configuration
Literature represents sustainable PCS based on real-
world applications for environmental accountability
and product traceability within the supply chain level
solutions (Helo et al., 2024). This relates to
quantifying environmental impact within the PCS
correlated to the organizational supply chain and its
potential impact respective to their suppliers and the
transportation operations. In other words, the PCS is
based on emission calculations for each product
variant (Helo et al., 2024). In addition, Helo et al.
(2024) proposes that PCS, bill-of-materials (BOM),
operations routing information, supplier locations,
and environmental inventory database must be
consolidated into one practical application built on
industrial standards. This involves PCS, enterprise
resource planning (ERP), and computer aided design
automation systems merged with LCA. Borsato,
(2014) highlights that PLM strategies must embrace
sustainability respective to multi-disciplinary efforts
by bridging product and process data beyond the
organizational information system e.g., ERP, but
throughout their entire supply chain. In addition,
Borsato, (2014) emphasize that PLM information
flows in various organizational business channels and
patterns, whereas these must be linked to the current
IT infrastructure and technology capabilities to
exchange information and explore sustainable
practices. The PLM information is relevant for
sustainability purposes as the decision-making
relevant for environmental issues early in the product
development stage can yield more significant results,
as reactive measures may prove to be less effective
than proactive ones (Borsato, 2014).
The case company was selected based on assessment
of complete access to information, data, and internal
documents, as well as the availability of the existing
configurator that supports multiple stages. The
extension of multiple configurator processes and
stages from the existing configurator, this case is
reduced to industrial offerings for generalizability
(Bredahl Rasmussen et al., 2021). This single-case
study design can be mitigated to other case companies
as an initial mapping of current PCS within the case
company support several business processes and IT
Figure 4: Product Configuration System, Case Company.
The review of the existing configuration system is
applicable to investigate the conditions required for
the beneficial application of understanding the
sustainability perspective related to PCS (Bredahl
Rasmussen et al., 2021). Fig. 4 outlines the
investigated application and its conditions based on
the case study of an CTO company, which provides
empirical evidence of the potentiality of sustainability
and the feasibility within the existing PCS. This case
varies in scale of complexity as the PCS are
characterized as a multistage configurator for
electromechanical industrial product offerings. The
formulation of a multistage configuration provides
reductions at additional stages to increase the sales
performance respective to improved customer
communication and product quality (Bredahl
Rasmussen et al., 2021). In other words, a multistage
configuration includes several stages of the order-
fulfilment process (e.g., quotation, product design,
detailed design, manufacturing, sales areas, delivery
or installation processes). The evaluation of this PCS
based on a multistage configuration contributes
valuable application insights into the complexities
and potentialities of sustainability in diverse system
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The case company operates in various differentiated
markets, where customization is highly necessary to
satisfy requirements from customers, local
regulations, compliance, and local authorities. The
range of industrial product offerings are to
accommodate specific needs to fit within existing
production or process lines. The company handles the
process of designing and configuring the product
based on compliance from a manufacturing
perspective, obtaining approval from e.g., authorities.
Initially, the PCS have a broad range of standardized
product family. This is as one product group for one
singular standardized product offering has 10950
unique hits. In addition to this product group for PCS
the product is within the range of the classification of
CTO category. The number of 10950 unique hits
specifying the complexity and the number of
attributes that could be mixed and matched based on
the large variety of product offerings. The number of
attributes and constraints can be classified as a PCS
with high complexity (Shafiee et al., 2020).
5.1 Exploring the PCS
This paper explores the novelty of sustainability in
PCS within the case company. The exploration seeks
to identify critical PCS elements of sustainability
related to semantic interoperability. Considering the
future sustainable industry expectations, the
exploration are centralized in identifying critical
aspects and potential areas in PCS layouts, this
research addresses the inadequacy in academic
investigations as literature related to PCS does not
involve sustainability. The PCS process used by the
case company consisted of six major phases: (1)
Master Data, (2) Classification, (3) BOM, (4)
Routing, (5) Supply Chain management, and (6)
Prices. Fig. 4 illustrates the original configuration
system, where the PCS is based on a multistage
configurator, where product specifications are
provided based on commercialized data structures
related to a commercial configuration engine,
corresponding to data structures related to a technical
configuration engine. These computing algorithm
engines are not documented nor investigated related
to other IT systems.
5.2 Sustainability-Thinking in the PCS
PCS is encountered by complex real-world
applications related to regulations, compliance,
environmental impact evaluation. Literature link PCS
and sustainability respectively for environmental
accountability and product traceability within the
supply chain level solutions (Helo et al., 2024). This
is emphasized by the multistage configurator
employing (5) Supply Chain management within the
case companies PCS related to e.g., potential impact
respective to suppliers, sales offices, and
transportation operations. However, the technicality
and subsystem with interfaces are not defined within
the existing PCS. Optional sizing parameters for life
cycle cost calculations is a subsystem within PCS
uniquely defined product specification profile related
to: operating time, energy prices, anticipated
increasement in energy prices, CO2 emission
intensity, maintenance cost based on a Life-Cycle-
Cost (LCC) analysis. The subsystems of BOM,
operation routing information, supplier locations, and
sales office/areas are consolidated into the PCS
design, which correlates with literature for
sustainable PCS each product variant (Helo et al.,
2024). However, literature emphasize the need for the
consolidation for one practical application based on
industrial standards. This involves the PCS to be
merged with an environmental LCA database.
Computing and consolidating such practical
application are critically overlooked. Despite the
multistage configurator involving sustainable
mechanisms and resources the interface is yet to be
discovered considering the investigated research
literature and case results. PLM strategies are not
sufficient as these case results highlights the tendency
of not including multi-disciplinary efforts to bridge
product and process data beyond the organizational
information system.
In addition, Borsato, (2014) emphasize that PLM
information flows in various organizational business
channels and patterns, whereas these must be linked
to the current IT infrastructure and technology
capabilities to exchange information and explore
sustainable practices. The PLM information is
relevant for sustainability purposes as the decision-
making relevant for environmental issues early in the
product development stage can yield more significant
results, as reactive measures may prove to be less
effective than proactive ones (Borsato, 2014).
5.3 Sustainable Socio-Technical System
Sustainable Socio-Technical System (Forza &
Salvador, 2006; Skerlos, 2015) challenges
organizational sustainable design of engineered
products and systems as it requires addressing both
technical and organizational dimensions. The
Greener Information Systems for Product Configuration Management: Towards Adaptation to Sustainability Requirements
adoption of sustainable practices related to PLM
(Hassan et al., 2017; Huang & Badurdeen, 2018)
concerns the obligation of severe regulations and
environmental product declarations (EPD) as
manufacturers must report comparable and third-
party verified data like environmental performance
of their respective products (Environmental Product
Declarations, 2024). The formulation of a multistage
configuration (Bredahl Rasmussen et al., 2021) is set
to increase sales performance relative to product
quality, where EPD the environmental performance
of each configured product must be described based
on LCA of each configured product in the PCS based
on ISO 14020 (Environmental Product Declarations,
2024). The implementation of LCA relates to
information compiled in a EPD reporting format and
ISO 14020 conjunctions, which leads to customer-
centric product development through tailored
customization based on sustainability-thinking.
Predefined PCS attributes and information related to
product features, product structure, production
processes, costs, and prices for customers to select
shall be verified by developing a EPD subsystem that
corresponds to PLM activities, PCS functionalities,
and with other standards in the ISO 14020 family.
The case company focuses on operational excellence
based on LCC analysis that relates to operational
sizing parameters in the PCS, relying on investment-
risk of a product beyond its initial acquisition
expenses. This paper supports a holistic approach to
integrating sustainability-thinking leading to a
sustainable PLM generation, emphasizing the
implementation of ISO 14020 and EPD reporting
elements with a renewed PLM and PCS focus on
representing sustainability-thinking based on real-
world applications for environmental accountability
and product traceability. The emphasis correlates to
quantifying environmental impacts on understanding
the considering facilitation of ISO 14020 and the
information system driving products through
standardized declaration methods.
5.4 Bridging Sustainability-Thinking
with PCS
The theoretical background of the process of
developing product configurators introduces the
concept of CTO product specifications (Hvam et al.,
2008; Haug et al., 2012).
The complexity of integrating sustainability-
thinking lacks an in-depth exploration based on PLM
strategic alternatives. Therefore, Fig.5 follows the
process of the development and maintenance of a
product configurator (Haug et al., 2012), which
Figure 5: ISO 14020 Configuration System Integration.
considers the importance of sustainability-thinking
respective to EPD systems and ISO 14020
compliance. The real-world application of Fig.5 does
not account for schematic foundational algorithms
programming of optimized sustainable practices. The
growing importance of sustainability concerns the
attention of introducing sustainable PLM to support
processes related to the practicality and credible
modelling of
optimized sustainable footprints by changing
sustainable documented resources.
5.5 Information Architecture Proposal
The proposed information architecture is based on
Forza & Salvador, (2006) and Haug et al., (2012) for
a sustainable socio-technical architectural informa-
tion system of a PCS
Figure 6: Proposed IS Architecture.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The sustainable socio-technical architectural
information system is modularized according to
patterns of hierarchy, defining the basic concept for
how to bridge sustainability-thinking with PCS. The
proposal establishes the layout and integration
relationships of structural components and units for
the software PCS items. In addition, the architecture
is comprised into several structural units, which is
connected and integrated into structural components.
Structural components and units are product elements
that can be managed through e.g., LCA. Structural
components are combined into multiple conceptual
components, which enables the software of the PCS
to be utilized. The information for a sustainable socio-
technical system requires the adoption of PLM
practices related to obligations of strict regulations of
EPD. This information is a dynamic interaction
between the company and the customer as this
interaction is fundamentally important as
manufacturers must report product compliance and
environmental performance. The product
specifications and characteristics are defined by the
customer, explored in the customer interface. Fig. 6
considers the importance of sustainability-thinking
regarding product specifications to satisfy customer
needs through configuration activities respectively if
the product variety offered is compliant with ISO
14020 based on the information system connected to
the EPD subsystem. Additionally, the proposed
information architecture improves the transparency
and efficiency of front-end communication as
sustainability opportunities becomes transparent for
customers to decides.
5.6 Research Agenda
The findings in this paper it is expected that ISO
14020 provides a foundation for environmental
declarations, and product categories rules (PCR)
development can be combined with detailed and
specific rules for PCS and PLM strategy dimensions.
Moreover, to ensure organizational consistencies and
reliability in environmental information systems.
Properties of sustainability-thinking broadens the
vocabulary of promoting sustainability and
information systems respective to environmental
impact of products in the context of PCS and PLM.
The properties of this case study revealed a
differentiated understanding between what existing
literature defines as sustainable PCS and what is
expected to be uniformed and compliant with
distinctive sustainability-thinking for PCS. Through
research Fig.6 summarizes a proposed research
agenda to share experience based on real-world
applications into the sustainability-thinking domain.
Figure 7: Proposed Research Agenda.
This paper acknowledges that sustainability in
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is an ongoing
discourse rather than a concluded enterprise system,
and the information system respective to engaging a
meaningful conversation is yet to be explored (Forza
& Salvador, 2006; Hvam et al., 2008). The primary
emphasis relates on the aspect of modelling and
fostering alternative mindsets of sustainability-
thinking that goes beyond sustainable manufacturing
and sustainable product development (Hassan et al.,
2017; Huang & Badurdeen, 2018). The case study
results emphasize that that the most significant risk
associated with sustainability is reducing it to a mere
reporting tool as the system complexity increases
(Bredahl Rasmussen et al., 2021). There are
undefined tolerances of facilitation where sustainable
PLM goes beyond reporting, aiming instead for
practical and credible modelling of optimized
sustainable footprints through the adaptation and
utilization of well-documented sustainable resources
(Hvam et al., 2008; Hvam et al., 2013). The research
agenda emphasizes that constraining sustainability
initiatives to a superficial undertaking solely aimed at
generating reports is cautioned against. This intricate
research necessitates continuous dialogue and
collaboration to effectively implement sustainability
initiatives in practice.
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Greener Information Systems for Product Configuration Management: Towards Adaptation to Sustainability Requirements