Indescribably Blue: Bluetooth Low Energy Threat Landscape
Christopher Skallak and Silvie Schmidt
Competence Centre for IT-Security, FH Campus Wien, Favoritenstrasse 226, Vienna, Austria
Bluetooth Low Energy, IoT-Security, BLE.
This paper elaborates security vulnerabilities of Bluetooth Low Energy. The STRIDE process is used to builld
a threat model in order to identify these vulnerabilites. These range from packet sniffing on the physical layer
to sophisticated Machine-in-the-Middle attacks that are built upon address spoofing and jamming attacks. The
proposed threat model also identifies the optional and mandatory dependencies between the attack vectors.
Furthermore, we elaborate the attack vectors aligned to the BLE stack.
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) upon many other nu-
merous communication protocols, e.g., ZigBee, Inter-
net Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) over Low Power Wire-
less Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN), and Long
Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN), is used in
the realm of Internet of Things (IoT) devices for low-
power wireless communication. These devices made
their way into various domains like the industry with
the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), healthcare
with smartwatches, and transportation (Sarawi et al.,
2017). BLE devices do not always use the provided
security features. This was demonstrated by Richo
Healey and Mike Ryan at the DefCon 23
by ex-
ploiting the BLE connection of electric skateboards
(Healey and Ryan, 2020). They did reverse engineer
the BLE connection between a Boosted Board
its remote. Therefore, they were able to control the
board with their own script and to take over a connec-
tion by jamming it and connecting to the adversary
device to the board. Anthony Rose and Ben Ramsey
demonstrated this at DefCon 24
by exploiting vari-
ous smart locks controlled with BLE. Their findings
show that the Noke Padlock
, Masterlock Padlock
accessed 2023-06-24
2, accessed 2023-06-24
accessed 2023-06-24
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ronic-locks, accessed 2023-07-04
August Doorlock
, and Kwikset Kevo Doorlock
sisted their penetration testing by using proper AES
encryption with truly random nonces, multi-factor
authentication, and allowing long passwords with a
length of up to 16 and 20 characters. The Quicklock
& Padlock and iBluLock Padlock
did not
apply any encryption and sent the password in plain
text. Other locks were susceptible to replay attacks
like the Elecycle
EL797 & EL797G Smart Pad-
locks, Vians Bluetooth Smart Doorlock
, and Lagute
Sciener Smart Doorlock
(Rose and Ramsey, 2020).
Consequently, these and various other attacks on the
BLE connections put valuable data and BLE devices
at risk. Therefore, this paper elaborates various BLE
vulnerabilities and creates a threat model using the
STRIDE approach. In our outlook we present a pro-
posal for a design of an open-source BLE develop-
ment and pentesting tool called BLEBerry. This work
is based on (Skallak, 2023).
(Barua et al., 2022) offer a comprehensive survery on
BLE threats; our work aims to focus on the dependen-
cies between the threats and attack vectors in order to
be able to design a user-friendly BLE pentesting tool.
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Skallak, C. and Schmidt, S.
Indescribably Blue: Bluetooth Low Energy Threat Landscape.
DOI: 10.5220/0012737300003705
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2024), pages 339-350
ISBN: 978-989-758-699-6; ISSN: 2184-4976
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Bluetooth Low Energy Threat Model (Skallak, 2023).
Our BLE threat model is based on the STRIDE
method; it classifies the threat vectors for BLE.
STRIDE is a mnemonic for the following types of at-
tack (Shostack, 2014):
Spoofing attacks are used by attackers to dis-
guise themselves as their target. Spoofing at-
tacks on BLE are achieved by altering the Blue-
tooth device address in the header of the link layer
PDUs. A successful spoofing attack can establish
spoofed connections, Machine-in-the-Middle at-
tacks (MitM), or send advertisements with coun-
terfeit data disguised as a legitimate device.
Tampering is the act of modifying data. In a BLE
attack scenario, this is especially used to modify
pairing packets to enable MitM attacks or to alter
transmitted data during a MitM attack.
Repudiation describes the denial of malicious ac-
tions. A digital cryptographically secure data
signing approach or message logging mechanism
is applied to prevent repudiation. These measures
are not applicable for BLE because the protocol
is developed for devices with restricted power and
computing resources.
Information Disclosure describes the leakage of
data without gaining the needed authorization.
The BLE standard implements an access control
scheme where each attribute holds its access re-
quirements. This is implemented as the so-called
properties that indicate that the content of the
attribute can be unencrypted, authenticated, en-
crypted, or authenticated and encrypted. There-
fore the developer can decide which attributes are
openly accessible to everybody and which ones
are sensitive. However, downgrade attacks re-
moved encryption and led to information disclo-
Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks prevent the tar-
get device from providing its services or prevent-
ing a legitimate user from accessing them. BLE
is prone to DoS attacks, especially via radio jam-
ming, because all packets are sent over the air.
Elevation of Privilege attacks allow the adversary
to raise their privilege and interact with services
they are not supposed to. Attacks on BLE only use
the elevation of privilege by spoofing the device
address to bypass the address whitelisting feature.
The BLE threats are categorized in Table 1. Conse-
quently, the attack vecotrs are identified at: Physical
Layer, the Link Layer, the Security Manager Pro-
tocol, and the Generic Attribute Protocol. They are
discussed in Section 3.
Attack Model Limitations
The threats addressed in our threat model only focus
on the BLE protocol specification and do not cover
the application layer. The implementation of the ap-
plication layer is outsourced to the manufacturer of
the product, which renders it out of scope for this pa-
per. Furthermore, the vulnerabilities of the Bluetooth
BR/EDR are not addressed since the two specifica-
tions are incompatible except for Key Negotiation of
Bluetooth (KNOB) (Antonioli et al., 2019b) Attack
and Cross Transport Key Derivation (CTKD) (SIG,
2021). KNOB is a Bluetooth BR/EDR vulnerability
adapted to work with the BLE protocol. CTKD de-
rives a BLE key from a Bluetooth BR/EDR key, and
vice versa (SIG, 2021). Therefore, a compromized
Bluetooth BR/EDR key can be used to create a mali-
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 1: STRIDE categorization of threats (Skallak, 2023).
Layer Attack Vector S T R I D E
PHY Physical Sniffing S M
PHY Spoofing [S] M S S I I
PHY [S] Advertisement spoofing M S S
PHY [S] GATT peripheral spoofing M S S S
PHY [S] GATT central spoofing M S S I
PHY Stealing the BD Address and IRK M S S S
PHY Radio Jamming I M
PHY Fuzzing I I
LL Battery drain Attacks [BDA] M
LL [BDA] Connection/Pairing request flooding M
LL [BDA] Battery drain Attacks I M
LL [BDA] Spoofed connection M
SMP Downgrade Attacks [DA] S M S I
SMP [DA] Pairing Downgrade Attack S M S
SMP [DA] Downgrade attack to Just Works S M S
SMP [DA] Encryption Key entropy downgrade attack S M S
SMP [DA] Downgrade Attack to plain text S M S S
SMP Brute Forcing Legacy Pairing Encryption Key S M S
SMP Cross Key Derivation (CTKD) S M S S S
SMP Deploying new LTK DoS M
M Main STRIDE category of threat
S Substitute STRIDE category of threat
I STRIDE category applies to some specific threat implementations
cious BLE connection. The attacker has no physical
access to the victim’s device. Therefore, altering the
firmware in this attack scenario is not possible. Hard-
ware security is out of scope of this paper.
The threat model is based on the BLE stack with
its protocols and layers, as illustrated in Figure 1. The
proposed threats and vulnerabilities are located at the
lowest entry point they take place. If a threat has de-
pendencies on another one they are positioned on the
layer they are performed on not where the prequisite
threats are applied. All threats that are mentioned in
this Section are discussed in Section 3.
Figure 2 illustrates the dependencies of all threats
with each other. The Figure differentiates between
mandatory and optimal dependencies. For instance,
a Machine-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attack requires ad-
dress spoofing and radio jamming can be used to raise
the chances of a successful spoofed connection but is
not mandatory. The theft of the Identity Resolving
Key (IRK) results in a special issue where a manda-
tory dependency loop with address spoofing is cre-
ated. Impersonating the target Peripheral is required
to gather the IRK of the target Central. The IRK is
then used to impersonate the target Central and estab-
lish a connection with the target Peripheral.
This Chapter discusses and examines the attack vec-
tors identified in Table 1.
3.1 Physical Layer
The physical layer is the medium the communication
protocol uses to communicate over. BLE uses radio
waves, especially the 2.4 GHz ISM band, for com-
munication between devices. The radio is a shared
medium that all devices can access with an antenna
and chip that operates on the frequency range between
2402 and 2480 MHz. Therefore, this layer is vulnera-
ble to jamming attacks and devices that sniff the com-
munication over the radio.
3.1.1 Packet Sniffing and Passive Eaves
Packet Sniffing collects packets within a network
and converts them into a human-readable format for
further analysis. Network administrators use tradi-
tional Ethernet network sniffing for monitoring traf-
fic, network troubleshooting, and examining proto-
Indescribably Blue: Bluetooth Low Energy Threat Landscape
Figure 2: Bluetooth Low Energy Threat Dependencies (Skallak, 2023).
cols, which might send sensitive data in an insecure
fashion (Thiyeb et al., 2018). Sniffing BLE Pack-
ets is performed by either monitoring the local Blue-
tooth device or host controller interface with tools,
like Wireshark
, which only allows seeing broad-
casted advertisements in the scanning state and data
transfers between the local and connected device in
the connected state. Specialized hardware solutions,
called BLE sniffers, collect messages on the physical
layer. That adds the capability to sniff connections
between other devices. BLE sniffers can be acquired
by different vendors and various price ranges. High-
end sniffers which are used in a commercial setting
are costly, e.g., Spanalytics PANalyzr
. This sniffer
can sniff the whole 2.4-2.5 GHz ISM band at the same
time and analyze BLE, Bluetooth BR/EDR, and Wi-
Fi Packets. There are also low-cost consumer friendly
counterparts like:
Ubertooth One by Great Scott gadgets
, based on
the CC2400 wireless transceiver. Besides packet
sniffing, the Ubertooth One can be used for spec-
trum analysis of the 2.4 GHz band.
nRF Sniffer
by Nordic Semiconductors op-
erated with nordic development kits like the
nRF52840 Dongle or the Bluefruit LE Sniffer by
, which sniff connections up to BLE
version 4.1.
Low-cost BLE sniffers have the trade-off that they
can sniff only one of the 40 BLE channels and can
follow only one connection.
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The Ettus OctoClock
is added to synchronize
the two SDRs. In the performance evaluation, they
sniffed 24 connections simultaneously, and the sys-
tem detected all active connections in less than 200
ms. However, the proposed device requires expen-
sive hardware and therefore is not accessible to hobby
tinkerers (Cominelli et al., 2020) Sniffing BLE con-
nections cannot be mitigated because the data is sent
over the air via radio waves. However, it is possi-
ble to prevent the transmitted data from information
disclosure by encrypting it. The encryption can be
either applied by the security features of BLE by us-
ing encrypted writeable or readable characteristics of
a GATT server or proprietary implementations which
encrypt the transmitted data on the application layer.
If the BLE security features are used, the data is en-
crypted on the link layer, which ensures that all the
data is encrypted and only the header of the packet,
access address, and CRC are sent in plain text.
3.1.2 [DoS] Radio Jamming
BLE is vulnerable to RF jamming like any wireless
communication protocol, e.g., WiFi. With BLE, the
three advertisement channels are high-interest targets
of jamming attacks to help with a spoofing attack or
to disturb Broadcaster and Observer data transmis-
sion. Jamming aims to create planned data collisions
to flip bits on the receiver end. The flipped bit or bits
will lead to a Cyclic Redundancy Checksum (CRC)
failure, and the receiver will discard the message be-
fore processing. BLE jamming can be distinguished
into full band or selective channel jamming. Full
band jamming will flood all 40 channels or the three
advertisement channels with arbitrary radio signals.
This type of jamming has high power consumption
and can be easily detected. Selective channel jam-
ming attacks only one channel and is more power ef-
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IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
ficient and less detectable (Br
auer et al., 2016); the
authors proposed a selective reactive jammer. A se-
lective reactive jammer waits for a packet to be sent
by the target and then reacts by sending an arbitrary
bitstream, also called a jamming signal, on the same
channel. The jammer is based on the RedBearLab
BLE Nano
board, which is equipped with a Nordic
nRF51822 System on a chip. This device was cho-
sen because it has a short turnaround time of 140µs
from receiving to transmitting, which is required for
reactive jamming. It also has the advantage of a small
footprint and power efficiency at a small price. The
proposed device is separated into a beacon detection
and jamming part. Beacon detection receives and de-
codes packets sent on its current advertising channel,
and if the Bluetooth address of the received packet
matches the target, it switches to the jamming phase.
This phase emits a short jamming signal and hops to
the next advertisement channel, and switches back to
the detection phase. The channel must be switched
because advertising devices use a deterministic chan-
nel switching scheme containing channels 37, 38, and
39 by default. Devices can also be configured only to
use a subset of these channels, which must be found
out in a reconnaissance phase, and the jammer must
be configured accordingly.
3.2 Link Layer
The link layer is responsible for packet addressing,
obfuscating the real device address with resolvable
private addresses, and filtering the connection re-
quests by a whitelist. Attack vectors on this layer
range from spoofing addresses, stealing the key to re-
solve private addresses to Denial of Service attacks.
3.2.1 Address Spoofing
BLE Address spoofing is the act of altering the
BLE address to imitate another device. The most
straightforward way to spoof the address is if the
Bluetooth chip allows changing its address with
manufacturer-specific Host Controller Interface
(HCI) commands. The GitHub repository of the
Linux Bluetooth stack Bluez
provides a tool called
that performs this process for controllers
manufactured by Texas Instruments
, Ericsson
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, and ST Microelectronics
. Address
spoofing lays the foundation for many other attacks,
e.g., Machine-in-the-Middle Attacks, Denial of
Service, and bypassing the Whitelist. In this paper,
BLE Spoofing is separated into three categories:
advertisement spoofing, GATT Peripheral spoofing,
and GATT Central spoofing.
Advertisement Spoofing
Advertisements are used to indicate that connection
establishment with the sending device is possible
or for broadcasting public messages. Broadcasted
messages usually contain data about the device’s
services, e.g., its name or sensor data. This data is
presented in a format defined by the BLE specifi-
cation to provide interoperability. Although, some
manufacturers implement a proprietary format, like
the one used for iBeacon by Apple. Broadcasting
data is used for connectionless data transfers between
Broadcasters and Observers, e.g., sensor nodes that
broadcast their measured data to Observers, which
store and visualize it for the user. An attacker can
broadcast arbitrary data to the Observers by spoofing
the Bluetooth address. The address is spoofed by
changing the advertisement packet’s source address
field to the impersonated Broadcaster device’s
address. The spoofed messages are used to feed
false information to the Observers (Jasek, 2016).
Advertisement spoofing is also used to trick Central
devices to connect to a spoofed Peripheral. The usual
procedure for a Central to connect with a Peripheral
starts by listening for advertisements. As soon as the
Central receives an advertisement with the address of
a desired Peripheral, it sends a connection request.
BLE Peripherals are often designed to have low
power consumption for extended life capabilities on
a small battery. Therefore they often have configured
long advertising intervals. An adversary can exploit
this by sending advertisements with a spoofed
address at a shorter advertising interval. Due to the
shorter interval, the adversary device has higher odds
to be chosen for connection establishment by the
Central. An attacker can achieve even greater odds
by either jamming the other device or by connecting
to the legitimate Peripheral. Many Peripherals are
configured to allow only one connection at a time and
therefore stop advertising when a device establishes
a connection to it, which can be abused for this
attack as well. As soon as the target connects to
the adversary device it presents a spoofed GATT
profile to the target and responds with arbitrary data
if the target wants to read an attribute. The spoofed
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Indescribably Blue: Bluetooth Low Energy Threat Landscape
GATT profile can be acquired by connecting to the
legitimate Peripheral and scanning it beforehand
(Jasek, 2016).
GATT Peripheral Spoofing
(Wu et al., 2020) focus on the GATT Peripheral spoof-
ing attack of a beforehand securely paired connection
between the target Central and a legitimate Peripheral
with their proposed BLE Spoofing Attacks (BLESA).
The spoofing attack is performed when the Central
attempts to reconnect due to signal loss. The adver-
sary sends spoofed advertisements and hopes the tar-
get Central establishes a connection. The adversary
then presents the target with a cloned GATT profile
with services that do not use encryption and collects
the received plain text data. This attack is based on
the following two BLE design weaknesses (Wu et al.,
The encryption and authentication of BLE energy
are handled per attribute and are optional due to
the specification.
The Peripheral enforces the security policies, and
the Central cannot request encryption or authenti-
A reconnecting Central can follow two different au-
thentication procedures reactive authentication and
proactive authentication. Whereas the reactive
authentication procedure is always susceptible to
BLESA. The proactive authentication procedure is
vulnerable but the authors of the paper found that
some implementations of the BLE stack are vulner-
able because they are not following the specification
correctly (Wu et al., 2020).
Reactive authentication procedure: The Central
assumes no security and requests the desired at-
tribute. The Peripheral then indicates to the Cen-
tral that the used security level is insufficient and
requests to raise it. The message transfers can be
repeated after adjusting the security level. When
the BLESA attack is performed on this authenti-
cation procedure, the adversary does not send the
insufficient security level error message, and the
Central does not adjust the security level. The
Central writes data to a sensitive characteristic,
e.g., password in plain text, which leads to infor-
mation disclosure (Wu et al., 2020).
Proactive authentication procedure: With this pro-
cedure the Central sends an enable encryption re-
quest before interacting with any attribute. If the
Peripheral still has the shared Long Term Key
(LTK) the secure data transfer can start. Other-
wise, the Peripheral responds with an encryption
failed message, and both devices abort the con-
nection and perform a new pairing procedure. The
BLESA attack on this procedure responds with
a missing LTK error to the encryption request.
The Central is supposed to close the connection
or initiate another pairing process if the specifi-
cation was followed correctly. Although, some
implementations of the BLE specification do not
abort the connection and fall back to a plain text
communication and are therefore vulnerable (Wu
et al., 2020).
(Wu et al., 2020) recommend the usage of the
proactive authentication procedure and fixing the
implementation issues to mitigate this attack. In
their testing, they discovered that the Linux BLE
stack BlueZ
uses the reactive procedure and is
not vulnerable to BLESA. Android and iOS devices
use the proactive procedure but were still vulnerable
at the time of their research due to implementation
issues (Wu et al., 2020).
GATT Central Spoofing
GATT Central spoofing is required in these specific
The Machine-in-the-Middle attack, where a ma-
licious third party impersonates both Central and
Peripheral devices to locate itself in the middle of
the connection to eavesdrop on transmitted mes-
sages. Machine-in-the-Middle attacks are dis-
cussed in further detail in Section 3.4.1 (Wang
et al., 2020).
If the Peripheral uses the whitelist security fea-
ture. This feature restricts devices that do not own
a whitelisted address from establishing a connec-
tion to the Peripheral. Therefore spoofing is used
to bypass the whitelist. If the spoofed device also
uses the private address feature, the adversary ad-
ditionally needs to steal the Identity Resolution
Key (IRK) first. The process of obtaining the
Bluetooth address and IRK is addressed in Sec-
tion 3.2.2 (Zhang et al., 2020).
If the target Peripheral has proprietary whitelist-
ing, other security features or services imple-
mented on the application layer, which performs
operations based on the device address.
3.2.2 Stealing the IRK and Address
The Identity Resolution Key (IRK) is used to resolve
the private address of the device. This private ad-
dress is a privacy feature to hide the real address and
prevent malicious actors from tracking the device by
changing it periodically. The IRK is distributed with
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IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
the connection partner device during the pairing pro-
cedure to enable it to resolve the address in subse-
quent sessions. Each holder of the IRK can resolve
the address. A malicious actor can abuse this distri-
bution by creating a fake Peripheral that spoofs a le-
gitimate Peripheral the target wants to connect with.
Upon connection, the Central expects the adversary
device to hold the Long Term Key, which it does not
possess. Therefore, the adversary needs to trick the
target into initiating a new pairing procedure to re-
place the Long Term Key of the target. This is ac-
complished by sending a ’key missing error message’
during the connection process, which leads to a fall-
back to plain text communication. If the target intends
to read or write an attribute that has encrypted read or
write permissions, the fake device responds with an
’insufficient encryption error message’, and the target
initiates the re-paring process. During pairing, the tar-
get shares its real device address and the IRK with the
attacker. With this knowledge, the attacker can imper-
sonate the target device and bypass whitelisting of the
legitimate Peripheral (Zhang et al., 2020).
3.2.3 DoS: Battery Drain Attacks
BLE was developed to provide a communication
standard for battery-powered devices with a small
energy footprint. The devices can be programmed
to offer long sleep phases and short awake phases,
which can be used to report sensor data. This allows
sensor nodes to run for years on one battery and to be
placed in hardly accessible areas. Denial of service
by draining their battery puts sensor network nodes
and the network itself at great risk or can even disrupt
the network for the duration it takes to replace the
batteries. High battery drain can be achieved by
various methods as follows (Uher et al., 2016).
Connection or Pairing Request Flooding
This attack is performed by sending high quantities
of pairing requests or connection requests and not
performing the pairing or connection process (Sevier
and Tekeoglu, 2019).
Denial of Sleep Attacks
This attack is performed by establishing a connec-
tion to the device and keeping the connection The
BLE specification provides a link layer request packet
that can be used for connection-based battery drain
attacks. The LL POWER CONTROL REQ can be
used to request a transmission power increase, lead-
ing to a higher battery drain. The maximum power
level can be requested by using the value of 0x7F in
the packet. Although the device can deny the request
(SIG, 2021).
3.2.4 DoS: Spoofed Connection
A simple Denial of Service against Centrals and Pe-
ripherals can be performed by establishing a usual
connection. However, it is required to spoof a de-
vice and to advertise the cloned GATT profile to trick
the Central into connecting to it. The Centrals then
regards it as a legitimate connection and stops scan-
ning advertisements. The spoofed device can drop the
write requests and respond to read requests with arbi-
trary data. This prevents the device from using the
features of the legit device (Jasek, 2016). The related
attack on Peripherals can be performed because not
all Peripherals allow multiple connections at a time.
These Peripherals stop advertising as soon as the ad-
versary is connected. This prevents the legitimate user
from receiving its advertisements and establishing a
connection (Lounis and Zulkernine, 2019). Periph-
erals were designed to allow only one connection to
a Central simultaneously, but since BLE version 4.1,
this restriction was lifted, and Peripherals allow mul-
tiple Centrals to establish a connection. Although this
is an optional feature, the usage depends on the de-
vice’s manufacturer. Therefore, many Peripherals are
still vulnerable to this Denial of Service attack (SIG,
3.2.5 Fuzzing
Fuzzing is usually used to find vulnerabilities in
BLE implementations and Bluetooth chips. A fuzzer
sends arbitrary packets by sending unsupported
values, invalid key sizes, or packets with mutated
field lengths. BLE fuzzing can be differentiated
into packet fuzzing and attribute fuzzing (Ray et al.,
2018), (Garbelini et al., 2020).
Packet Fuzzing allows to interacting with all pro-
tocols of BLE. The packet can carry packet fields with
mutated lengths or values to trigger non-compliant
behavior. Fuzzing packets can result in the following
vulnerabilities (Garbelini et al., 2020):
Device Crashes can be achieved by corrupting the
memory of a remote device with a buffer overflow
or due to incorrect behavior of protocol execution.
Device Deadlocks are the result of a hard fault that
was not handled properly by restarting the device.
Bypassing Security was possible by fuzzing
Telink Semiconductor devices which led to the
installation of a Long Term Key (LTK) of zero
length (CVE-2019-19194). The Diffie-Hellman
check of secure connection pairing was skipped
on Texas Instruments semiconductors (CVE-
2020-13593) with a fuzzing attack.
Indescribably Blue: Bluetooth Low Energy Threat Landscape
Attribute Fuzzing focuses on fuzzing the GATT
service by writing arbitrary values to a characteristic.
3.3 Security Manager
The Security Manager Protocol is responsible for de-
vice authentication and the creation of key material.
The attacks on this protocol focus on downgrading
the used security features of the connection or com-
promizing keys.
3.3.1 Downgrade Attacks
Downgrade attacks are used to either lower the
security to a level that is vulnerable to Machine-in-
the-Middle (MitM) and other attacks, e.g., using the
Just Works association model, to reduce the entropy
of encryption keys or to remove the encryption
altogether. Downgrade Attacks are used for spoofing
and MitM attacks to enable the attacker to read the
sent packets or alter them and inject arbitrary ones.
BLE Pairing Downgrade Attack
BLE has two possible pairing protocols to establish
encryption for a connection. The first one was
released with BLE and is called legacy pairing. The
other one is called secure connections pairing and
was introduced with BLE version 4.2 as the replace-
ment for the old one because legacy pairing has a
design flaw, as shown in Section 3.3.2. Both of the
methods still coexist for backward compatibility. An
attacker can use this to downgrade the pairing method
to legacy pairing and brute force the keys which are
used to encrypt the connections. This attack requires
the attacker to perform a Machine-in-the-Middle
(MitM) attack while the devices perform the pairing
procedure. The malicious device alters the pairing
request and response packet to force the devices
to use legacy pairing with the passkey association
model. Both pairing packets have the same fields and
are used to decide the used parameters of the pairing
procedure. The most important packet fields for this
attack are the ”IO Capability” and ”AuthReq” fields.
The IO capability field is set in a way that at least one
device contains the value for display only (0x00) and
the other device for keyboard only (0x02) value or
both devices have the value for keyboard and display
(0x04) to force the Passkey Entry pairing method.
The ”AuthReq” field holds different flags, of which
the secure connection (SC) is the only important one
for the attack. The secure connection field indicates
if the device can perform secure connection pairing.
The secure connection pairing procedure is only
used if both devices set the value to 1. Therefore,
changing this value to 0 in one of the two packets is
required, resulting in a downgrade to legacy pairing.
This attack can be driven further by brute-forcing the
key as described in Section 3.3.2. This attack can be
mitigated by using the secure connection only mode
of BLE, which only allows devices for pairing in
secure connections mode with the trade-off of losing
backward compatibility (SIG, 2021).
Association Model Downgrade Attack to Just
This attack requires the attacker to perform a
Machine-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack before the
pairing process is initiated to alter the pairing request
and response packets. With this attack, the adversary
party only changes the IO capabilities. At least one of
the two packets needs to set the IO capability field to
the value (0x03), which indicates that the device has
neither a keyboard to insert numbers nor a display to
show them. Due to the specification, this results in
the usage of the Just Works association model, which
Legacy and Secure Connections pairing implement.
The Secure Connections variant provides higher
security because it replaced the six-digit Temporal
Key used by Legacy pairing with a high entropy
Diffie-Hellman Key. Secure Connections pairing
is secured against passive eavesdropping but is
vulnerable to active MitM attacks. On the other
hand, the Just Works model of Legacy pairing is
vulnerable to both because a fixed value is used for
the Temporal Key. This downgrade attack can be
mitigated by using the secure connection only mode,
which requires an authenticated association model
which is only satisfied with Numeric Comparison,
Out of Band and Passkey Entry (SIG, 2021).
Encryption Key Entropy Downgrade Attack with
Key Negotiation of Bluetooth (KNOB)
The original Key Negotiation of Bluetooth (KNOB)
exploit (Antonioli et al., 2019a) was developed to
exploit Bluetooth BR/EDR’s Link Manager Protocol
(LMP). The attack reduces the key’s entropy for
link-layer encryption to one byte. The exploit was
modified to also work for the BLE Protocol. BLE
uses a different architecture, which moved the key
size negotiation to the pairing process with a key
size between 7 and 16 bytes. Therefore, BLE’s Long
Term Key (LTK) has higher minimum entropy than
Bluetooth BR/EDR’s LTK. The key length negotia-
tion takes place in the first phase of pairing, named
feature exchange, performed before encryption, and
the messages are sent in clear text. An attacker can
perform a Machine-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack, as
mentioned in section 3.4.1, and alter the key size
parameter of the feature exchange message to seven.
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
The in phase three established LTK is downgraded to
an entropy of 7 bytes. All other keys, e.g., the link
key, are derived from the LTK, which consequently
result with a lower entropy than possible. The
AES-CCM specification requires an encryption key
with a size of 16 bytes. Therefore, shorter LTKs are
padded in at the most significant bytes with zeros to
fit this requirement. Once the pairing is completed,
the connection is encrypted, restricting the attacker
to only eavesdropping and logging the encrypted
messages. The attacker then can brute force the
LTK and decrypt the sent packets afterward. A
brute-forced LTK also allows the attacker to actively
eavesdrop on all subsequent connections and perform
a MitM attack on them or even establish a spoofed
connection with encryption. The tests conducted by
Daniele Antonioli et al. (Antonioli et al., 2020a)
show that all their tested devices are susceptible
to the attack. Even the most secure BLE mode,
which is specified to use secure connections with
authentication and requires an LTK with an entropy
of 16 bytes, can be downgraded to 7 bytes due to
their findings (Antonioli et al., 2020a).
Downgrade Attack to Plain Text
This attack is similar to the attack model as described
in Section 3.2.1. The attacker spoofs a Peripheral that
the Central has paired with in the past. If the Central
requests to enable encryption, the adversary responds
with an encryption failed message to indicate a miss-
ing Long Term Key. The Central is supposed to close
the connection or initiate the pairing procedure again
if it follows the steps of the BLE specification cor-
rectly. Although, some devices perform a fallback to
plain text communication due to implementation is-
sues (Wu et al., 2020). Yue Zhang et al.[ZWD+20]
used this implementation bug which was existent
in Android 9.0 and some other design flaws of an-
droids BLE implementation to create spoofing, pas-
sive eavesdropping, and MitM attacks where the com-
munication between the target Central and spoofed
Peripheral is downgraded to plain text (Zhang et al.,
3.3.2 Brute Forcing Legacy Pairing Encryption
(Kwon et al., 2016) found a major design flaw in
the legacy pairing Passkey Entry protocol. The Short
Term Key (STK), used to encrypt the communication,
is calculated by the Temporal Key (TK) and two ran-
dom values, each generated by one device of the two
devices. The random values are exchanged in plain
text during the protocol. Therefore, the only secret
parameter is the Temporal Key, a random six-digit
value chosen by the user and inserted into both de-
vices. The problem is that the six-digit TK only cre-
ates an entropy of around 20 bits, which can be brute-
forced. This allows the attacker to calculate the STK
and decrypt the exchanged messages. The LTK and
additional key material are subsequently exchanged
to the STK generation while being encrypted by the
STK. Therefore the LTK and STK can be recovered
by brute-forcing the passkey if the required messages
were recorded. Mike Ryan (Ryan, 2013) has created
a tool called crackle
to crack the TK and to recover
the other keys from a pcap file of the communication
establishment which can be recorded with the Uber-
tooth One (Kwon et al., 2016), (Ryan, 2013). BLE
legacy pairing is still part of the specification, even
with the introduction of the successor Secure Con-
nections for backward capability and because of the
existence of devices that still use BLE version 4.0.
An adversary can abuse this to perform a downgrade
attack to legacy paring, as shown in Section 3.3.1.
3.3.3 Cross Transport Key Derivation (CTKD)
This threat vector originates in Bluetooth BR/EDR
and is used to create compromized LTK for BLE
connections using the Cross-Transport Key Deriva-
tion (CTKD) protocol. This protocol was introduced
in version 4.2 and is used by dual-mode devices to
derive a Bluetooth BR/EDR Long Term Key (LTK)
from a BLE LTK and vice versa. Before CTKD
was implemented, both protocols needed to perform
pairing to generate keys, and now with CTKD only
one pairing process needs to be performed. CTKD
can only be used with devices with a dual controller
that supports BLE and Bluetooth BR/EDR, like most
smartphones and laptops do. Daniele Antonioli et al.
(Antonioli et al., 2020b) used this feature to create the
so-called Blur attacks because they blur the bound-
aries between the two Bluetooth protocols. These
attacks can be used for impersonation, Machine-in-
the-Middle (MitM) attacks, and to overwrite a trusted
LTK (Antonioli et al., 2020b).
CTKD Exploit
The blur attacks utilize the following four design is-
sues of the CTKD feature to overtake a connection by
overwriting the shared LTK between the two target
identities (Antonioli et al., 2020b):
Dual Pairing
Both BT BR/EDR and BLE of dual-mode devices
are in pair-able states when one of the both is cur-
rently in use. They accept pairing requests, al-
27, accessed 2024-
Indescribably Blue: Bluetooth Low Energy Threat Landscape
though they are not discoverable. Because the de-
vice is pair-able over both BT BR/EDR and BLE
and only one of the both is currently used, an
attacker can silently pair with the unused com-
munication protocol using the Just Works pairing
Asymetric Role Systems
BT BR/EDR and BLE use different role systems.
BLE implements the fixed roles Central and Pe-
ripheral, and BT BR/EDR differentiates between
master and slave, but BT BR/EDR roles can be
switched anytime, even before the pairing pro-
Replacing Keys
CTKD can overwrite the existing key if the new
one has the same or higher strength and protec-
tion against Machine-in-the-Middle (MitM). The
Identity Resolving Key (IRK), which is used for
hiding the real device address, is also sent when a
BLE key gets derived from a BR/EDR key.
Manipulation of the Association Model
Devices forget the used association model after
the pairing process. Therefore, a malicious device
can connect to the unused protocol with a different
association model, e.g., Just Works, and perform
CTKD to replace the keys.
This exploit can overtake a secure connection
of two paired devices if at least one is a dual-mode
device. The attacker connects to one of the two
devices by using the not used communication pro-
tocol while spoofing the address with the address
of the other target. The attacker also claims to have
neither input nor output capabilities to force the Just
Works association model. If the attackers request to
perform the CTKD procedure, the key for the legit
connection is replaced. The attacker has overtaken
the connection, which means the malicious party is
connected to one target, and the legitimate device can
not reconnect anymore due to the key miss-match.
The attack can be leveled up to a MitM attack by
performing the attack with the other device if it also
is a dual-mode device (Antonioli et al., 2020b).
3.3.4 Deploying New LTK DoS
Deploying a new malicious LTK can cause a specific
Denial of Service on Android 9.0 devices. This DoS
exists because the Android applications can not detect
a broken link key and do not initiate a new pairing
phase to create a new one. Furthermore, the function
removeBound() to delete a deprecated key can only
be performed with system-level permissions, which
means that they can only be deleted manually by re-
moving the bound in the Android system settings. Al-
though, replacing the Long Term Key requires the at-
tacker to connect to the target Peripheral while spoof-
ing the address of the target Central. During the con-
nection setup, the adversary indicates a missing key
with a ”key missing error message”. This causes the
attacker and target device to do a pairing process and
replaces the LTK, which is shared between the tar-
get Central and Peripheral. The cross-transport key
derivation described in Sections 3.3.3 can be used to
replace the key as well (Zhang et al., 2020).
3.4 Generic Attribute Protocol
The attack vector at the Generic Attribute Protocol
is the Machine-in-the-Middle (MitM), which requires
the malicious actor to spoof the Central and Periph-
eral to connect to the two targets. This attack is used
to eavesdrop on the connection between the targets if
the security was downgraded or the key got compro-
3.4.1 MITM Attack
The specification of BLE (SIG, 2021) built the
different association models to protect the devices
against Machine-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks and
passive eavesdropping attacks. Passive eavesdrop-
ping attacks are sniffing the radio channels and trying
to follow the connection. This attack is only able
to record the transmitted packets and is not able
to alter them. MitM attacks, on the other hand,
create a connection with both target devices while
spoofing the addresses of the target devices. MitM
attacks either relay the transmitted packets, which
is called a passive MitM, or alter packets and drop
the packet during transmission, which is called an
active MitM attack. The legacy pairing association
models Just Works, and Passkey Entry do not protect
against passive eavesdropping if the attacker sniffs
the packets containing the values that are used to
calculate the Long Term Key (LTK). The Temporal
Key (TK) is the only secret value used to create the
LTK. The TK is a six-digit long value chosen by the
user, who inserts the value into both devices. This
value has low entropy and can be brute forced, as
shown in Section 3.3.2. If the Just Works model is
used, the key is a fixed value of 0x00, which lets the
attacker skip brute-forcing the TK (SIG, 2021). The
Secure Connections pairing protocols for Just Works,
Passkey Entry, and Numeric Comparison removed
the TK from deriving the LTK and only uses the
TK for authentication. The LTK is based on Elliptic
Curve Diffie-Hellman with the elliptic curve P-256.
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
This provides passive eavesdropping protection.
The Just Work model is still not protected against
MitM attacks because it is not authenticated. Secure
Connections differentiates between authenticated,
e.g., Passkey Entry, Numeric Comparison, and not
authenticated, e.g., Just Works association models.
The usage of authenticated models is indicated
with the MIM protection flag in the authentication
requirements field of the pairing request and response
packets. The Numeric Comparison model protects
against MitM attacks because it shows a random
number on the displays of both devices. The connec-
tion is compromised with a MitM attack if values do
not match. Therefore, the user is responsible to check
if the values match. Some lazy users might press the
acknowledge button without checking, which nulli-
fies the authentication (SIG, 2021). The Out of Band
(OOB) association model of both pairing methods
outsources parts of the pairing process to the OOB
protocol, e.g., Near Field Communication (NFC).
Therefore the MitM and passive eavesdropping pro-
tection is dependent on the OOB protocol. If Secure
Connections pairing is used, passive eavesdropping
protection is OOB independent because the OOB is
only used for authentication, and the LTK is based
on Elliptic Curve Diffie- Hellman. MitM attacks are
mainly based on spoofing and downgrade attacks
described in Sections 3.2.1 and 3.3.1. Downgrade
attacks use the Just Works model, which is vulnerable
to MitM attacks. An attacker connected to the
Central and Peripheral with the Just Works model
can relay, alter, and drop packets. MitM attacks with
the other association models can be performed if the
attacker can gather the LTK with the possibilities
discussed in the Sections 3.3.2 and 3.3.3. Although to
counter MitM attacks pairing is needed, which is not
mandatory by BLE to transmit messages. The GATT
architecture only requires pairing if the device wants
to access an authenticated, encrypted, or encrypted
and authenticated attribute. Therefore, the attacker
pairs with the Peripheral and then shows the Central
a cloned GATT profile with unauthenticated plain
text attributes. The malicious identity needs to force
Just Works pairing with the Peripheral by indicating
that he does not have any input or output capabilities.
This results in a encrypted connection between the
advesary and the Peripheral and the connection
between the Central and the target perfomed as plain
text. The adversaty is then able to log, relay, drop and
alter packets on the Central side of the MitM (Wang
et al., 2020).
We examined various attacks on BLE and built a
threat model in order to identify attack vectors. The
research shows that BLE Specification provides secu-
rity features to create devices with secure BLE data
transfers. Nevertehless, the devices can only keep
their valuable data confidential if the provided secu-
rity features are used. Our findings show that the se-
curity features are not always properly applied or the
security is bypassed due to bugs in the implementa-
tion of the BLE specification. In the course of our re-
search we designed a proposal for a BLE penetration
testing tool.
4.1 Outlook
The next steps regarding our threat model practical
are tests of the addressed attack vectors on BLE de-
vices. Consequently, the knowledge acquired from
penetration testing can be used to calculate the sever-
ity scores using the Common Vulnerability Scoring
. In order to perform the penetration tests we
plan to develop the aforementioned framework which
aims to offer user-freindly penetration testing. The
BLE Berry tool provides various features like BLE ra-
dio sniffing, device scanning, GATT profile scanning,
and passive MitM.
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