23 times: seq
of APP
and seq
of APP
. In order to
distinguish between different runs, we have run flow
rules with priority 40000 + i. If there are no races,
then as a result, we should get the empty flow table of
the rules of switch s
. However, according to the per-
formed experiments, after observing sequences seq
and seq
23 times, the rule with the priority 40022 is
still in the table after the script execution. The results
clearly show that in this case, the probability thresh-
old 0.99 is sufficient to observe the (?PF,!FD)-race.
In this paper, we considered concurrency issues in the
composition of EIOAs and reactive systems which
can be modeled by EIOAs. In particular, we in-
troduced the formal definitions of input/output, in-
put/input and output/output races that can occur in
the composition of EIOAs. We used a probabilistic
approach to establish the correlation between races in
the composition of EIOAs and their appearance in a
reactive system implementation. In order to check,
how practical is our approach, we performed an ex-
perimental evaluation with the SDN framework.
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work. Despite the fact that the proposed approach is
generic, experiments were only carried for the SDN
framework. The proposed approach relies on the LTL
based model checking solutions for describing and
detecting races in SDN; in the future, other formal
verification techniques and their applicability to the
problem of interest can be investigated.
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ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering