A Conceptual Model of Blended Learning in the Context of Digital
Teaching and Learning Transformation
Girts Burgmanis
, Dace Namsone
, Inese Dudareva
, Kārlis Greitāns
and Zane Olina
Interdisciplinary Centre for Educational Innovation University of Latvia, Raina Boulevard 19, Riga, Latvia
Keywords: Digital Transformation, Education, Blended Learning.
Abstract: This paper explores the necessity for a new vision in education, emphasizing the significant role of the digital
dimension in skill development and lifelong learning opportunities, alongside the traditional didactic triangle
of learner, teacher, and content. We propose a conceptual framework for digital teaching and learning
transformation, focusing on three main components: the digital learning ecosystem, quality learning contexts,
and support for digital transformation. Finally, we discuss the potential influence of generative artificial
intelligence (GenAI) solutions on digital teaching and learning transformation, highlighting the need for
further research in this area. Overall, this paper provides insights into the complex process of digital
transformation in education and offers key components enhancing teaching and learning practices in the
digital age.
The rapid development of technology, the increasing
globalization of the digital world, and changes in
societal structures highlight the need for a new vision
in education, where the digital dimension is
considered significant both in terms of skill
development and in ensuring more accessible,
personalized, and transformative lifelong learning
opportunities for every citizen. Therefore, modern or,
using the term of Fullan and Donelly (2013) ‘new
pedagogy’ relies on the acceleration and deepening of
the learning through effective use of pervasive digital
technologies (Fullan et al., 2017; Sinay & Graikinis,
Digital dimension appears prominently in both
national and global policy documents, e.g., in
OECD’s Four Scenarios of Schooling (OECD, 2020)
in which none of the four suggested learning
scenarios is based on a traditional model of a school
as a brick-and-mortar establishment, but rather
distributed and networked personalized ecosystems
of learning, all of the scenarios imply hybrid learning
environments; WEF’s Education 4.0 Framework
(WEF, 2020) calls for technology skill development
and innovative pedagogies such as personalized and
self-paced learning; accessible and inclusive learning.
In these frameworks, digital dimension is seen as
an enabler of more inclusive learning opportunities
where digital tools and information are to be used in
a meaningful, human-centred context with careful
consideration of its potential benefits for
transforming individual’s lives as well as associated
risks. With digital technology, teaching and learning
methods can be enhanced, fostering deeper learning
experiences. This enables opportunities for student
development in critical thinking, collaboration,
creativity, communication, and independent learning
both in and out of the classroom (Dede & Frumin,
These frameworks, in a sense, set a high bar for
technology use it is insufficient and maybe even
counterproductive to view use of technologies in
education as an end in itself or as merely a way for
teachers and administrators to do their tasks more
efficiently, but rather consider use of technologies as
Burgmanis, G., Namsone, D., Dudareva, I., Greit
ans, K. and Olina, Z.
A Conceptual Model of Blended Learning in the Context of Digital Teaching and Learning Transformation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012738200003693
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 634-641
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Copyright © 2024 by Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
part of future-focused transformative education
scenarios. Technology has the potential to change
how learners, educators, resources, and content are
viewed in modern learning settings (OECD, 2017).
Additionally, the advancements in generative
artificial intelligence (GenAI) solutions (Gottschalk
& Weise, 2023) in recent years holds the potential to
fundamentally alter the didactic triangle (Kansanen &
Meri, 1999) and reshape the dynamics of student-
teacher interaction in the future. Such scenarios call
for deeper system-wide changes at all levels, not only
practices of individual teachers for the promise of
digital transformation to be realized.
The situation described above leads us to the
central question of this position paper: how to
conceptualise digital teaching and learning
transformation at all education system levels?
We first review three integral concepts for digital
teaching and learning transformation digital
learning ecosystem, quality learning contexts and
support for digital transformation. Furthermore, we
use the reviewed concepts to justify our proposal for
the conceptualization of digital teaching and learning
transformation in education a theoretical
framework, which is further explored at the
classroom level in a conceptual model of blended
learning. We conclude this position paper with a
discussion of future research directions.
2.1 The Digital Learning Ecosystem
Digital learning ecosystem (DLE) frameworks
identify critical components and processes that need
to be attended to in order to help schools and teachers
better leverage digital opportunities. For example,
Nguyen and Tuamsuk (Nguyen & Tuamsuk, 2022)
suggest that DLE is like a natural ecosystem in which
biotic (teachers, learners, stakeholders etc.) and
abiotic components (technologies, infrastructure,
learning contents, administration) interact with each
other and with their social, economic and cultural
environment; within it teachers, students, educational
institutions and stakeholders share learning resources
and tools to boost the learning process.
From a systems perspective, it is helpful to
consider digital learning ecosystem as consisting of
three levels: micro-level (teaching and learning
practices), meso-level (institution), and macro-level
(system, society):
The micro-level focuses on teachers and
students at the classroom level, encompassing
collaboration between individual teachers and
students, as well as the use of digital tools and
technologies to enhance the teaching and
learning experience.
The meso-level encompasses the school
culture, structure, and internal policy actions
(for example, the use of artificial intelligence in
the learning process), as well as the integration
of digital technologies at the school level. This
includes the implementation of learning
management systems, digital content, and
collaboration platforms.
The macro-level encompasses national policy
and global trends that shape the educational
environment. This includes the development of
infrastructure, funding mechanisms, and
policies to support digital learning initiatives
on a broader scale, as well as international
frameworks for digital education.
These levels interact and influence each other
within the digital learning ecosystem. Alignment
among the three levels is crucial not only in any
teaching and learning environment but it becomes
particularly significant in hybrid and online learning
environments, where there is an increased
responsibility and self-regulation on the part of the
learner (Voogt & Knezek, 2021). For instance, during
the COVID-19 pandemic students struggled to adjust
to online learning and found learning a burden
(Oyedotun, 2020), faced challenges with self-
regulation (Van Dorresteijn et al., 2020).
Voogt and Knezek posit that alignment can be
achieved in three ways a) through quality learning
contexts; b) teacher support; c) collaboration among
representatives of different levels. We will tackle
quality learning contexts first as key concern of the
micro-level of a digital learning ecosystem, while the
latter two will be addressed primarily at the meso- and
2.2 Quality Learning Contexts
There is a growing consensus in the scholarly
community that mere presence of technologies in the
classroom does not enhance learning or improve
learning outcomes for students (van den Berg et al.,
2004; Jenkins, 2007; Consoli et al., 2023). Digital
tools have the potential to enhance or even transform
teaching and learning practices if and when used in a
A Conceptual Model of Blended Learning in the Context of Digital Teaching and Learning Transformation
deliberate and appropriate way, considering whole
student experience and context of use. Without
deliberate attention to digital learning environment
design, there is a danger of replicating or even
reinforcing poor pedagogical practices.
Consoli et al. (2023), in their review of large-scale
studies, conclude that the mere frequency of
technology use at school does not lead to better
learning outcomes. Juuti et al. (2022) found that
while frequency of technology use did not have a
significant impact, functional use of technology
(appropriate, seamless use in context) did yield
positive effects on student academic achievement.
With regard to quality learning contexts, Voogt
and Knezek (Voogt & Knezek, 2021) emphasize two
alignment issues: 1) how to consider the entire
student experience using digital tools (for instance,
the use of technology as a cognitive tool for learning
support cannot be isolated from the psychological and
emotional impact of digital technologies on student);
2) how to integrate technology into educational and
pedagogical objectives.
Thus, to foster deeper learning, greater student
engagement and academic achievement, sound
pedagogical models and thoughtful integration of
technology, content and pedagogy to achieve specific
learning outcomes are key, especially in hybrid and
blended learning settings.
2.3 Institutional and System-Wide
Support for Purposeful
With regard to meso- and macro-level system
alignment in support of teachers, Voogt and Knezek
(Voogt & Knezek, 2021) emphasize that support
offered needs to be aligned with the teachers’
competency needs in four competency domains.
required for online teaching, i.e., interpersonal skills,
organizational skills, technological pedagogical
content knowledge, and flexibility. In addition,
professional learning activities should target teacher
pedagogical reasoning about technology use in
education, so that they would then be able to align
technology affordances with the learning activities
and educational goals. Furthermore, when school
leadership and teachers share a vision about the role
of technology in the teaching and learning process
technology integration efforts are more effective
(Christensen, R. et al., 2018).
Overall, research suggests that successful digital
transformation in K-12 settings requires a
combination of strong leadership, effective
professional development, collaborative planning,
stakeholder engagement, and establishment of a
culture of innovation and risk-taking (Christensen et
al, 2018; Elkordy et al., 2021; Yuliandari et al., 2023;
Reich, 2020; Voogt & Knezek, 2021; Ninkovic et al.,
2023). Additionally, alignment of technology with
instructional goals, integration of digital technology
into the curriculum, and presence of appropriate
resources are also important factors to consider. For
example, Luckin et al. (2012) offer Ecology of
Resources framework distinguishing between four
different types of resource People (and their attitude
and skills): teachers, adults, peers; Tools: learning
materials; Environment: the setting in which learning
is taking place; and Knowledge and skills: the
learning outcomes in focus at any particular moment).
We have incorporated these elements in the
theoretical framework described below.
2.4 Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework outlined in this study (see
Figure 1) has evolved over the past two years within
the project titled "Innovative Solutions for Blended
Learning Implementation: Teaching and Learning
Processes in the Context of Digital Transformation."
It has been shaped by insights from other researchers
and the expanding literature on digital technologies in
education. The proposed Theoretical Framework for
Digital Teaching and Learning Transformation (TF)
is an attempt to systematically integrate the three
main components: content, pedagogy and technology
to ensure that the promise of digital transformation in
education is fully realized and an increasing number
of students can benefit from personalized and
meaningful learning experiences. It also links
together the three digital learning ecosystem levels to
ensure better support for meaningful technology
integration. The TF will further be used to analyze
complex relationships between digital transformation
and its impact on teaching and learning.
The TF (see Figure 1) centers around student
learning and purposeful integration of content, sound
learning principles and the use of digital tools at the
classroom (micro) level. At this level, the TF
highlights the importance of aligning teaching and
learning approaches with technologies, based on
specific learning principles - communication,
cooperation and cognitive activation. In simple
words, the teacher in the classroom have to match the
curriculum's content to the specific learning needs of
students and select suitable digital tools to offer the
most effective learning experience, taking into
account the type of learning goals involved.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Theoretical Framework for Digital Teaching and Learning Transformation.
Student motivation and readiness for technology-
enriched learning environments as well as subject
knowledge, pedagogical skills, technological
competencies and confidence in their abilities are
important considerations for successful digital
transformation of teaching and learning at the
At the school (meso-) level, the TF includes the
following key prerequisites for successful digital
transformation: digital capacity and accessibility of
ICT, strong leadership and culture of innovation. Low
digital capacity can result in widening gaps,
inequalities, and learning losses (Blasko et al., 2022)
Schools need to enhance their digital capacity by
building the right culture, policies, infrastructure, and
ensuring that both students and staff have the
necessary digital skills to effectively use technology
in teaching and learning (Costa et al., 2021;
Timotheou et al., 2023). Our previous research
demonstrates that for any transformative change at
the school level, the role of school leadership in
supporting professional learning of its staff, creating
trusting and mutually supporting environment and
fostering collective efficacy beliefs around increased
student achievement are critical for long-term
sustained change (Lazdiņa & Daga-Krūmiņa, 2023;
Greitāns & Namsone, 2023).
At the system (macro) level, the TF model
emphasized the importance of personalized and
needs-based professional development for teachers,
acknowledging the transformative nature of changes
in teachers` perspectives and the acquisition of
essential skills for digital transformation.
Therefore, comprehensive support at all levels is
necessary, which encompasses ICT integration,
regulatory frameworks, and risk mitigation strategies,
to effectively promote the desired transformation of
teaching practices and ensure the successful
implementation of the theoretical framework.
To further refine content, pedagogy and technology
integration options at the micro or classroom level,
we offer a conceptual model of blended learning.
Blended learning has been described as the
integration of face-to-face and online instruction
A Conceptual Model of Blended Learning in the Context of Digital Teaching and Learning Transformation
(Graham, 2013). Blended learning has also been
conceived as a structured educational program where
students engage in learning partially through online
content delivery and instruction, allowing them
control over such aspects as timing, location, path,
and pace. Additionally, part of their learning occurs
in a supervised, physical setting away from home.
Furthermore, the modalities along each student`s
learning path within a course or subject are connected
to provide an integrated learning experience
(Christensen, Horn and Staker, 2013).
3.1 Characteristics of Blended
Blended learning requires a significant re-evaluation
of the roles of both students and teachers, a deep
understanding from the teacher regarding the
interaction between content, technology, and
pedagogy. It may impose additional demands on
program design and digital infrastructure.
A common feature of blended learning is that, in
cases where a course occurs partially online and
partially in-person, typically both parts of the course
are integrated. In other words, what students learn
online informs what they learn in person, and vice
versa. If students have control over their learning pace
in a blended learning environment, this control often
applies to the entire subject/course (including in-
person activities), not just to the online portion of the
3.2 A Conceptual Model of Blended
The goal of our Conceptual Model of Blended
Learning (see Figure 2) is to help teachers expand on
their teaching and learning repertoire by making use
of digital affordances and sound learning principles to
foster students` cognitive activities, engagement,
communication, and collaboration. According to
Consoli et al. (2023), “digital affordance” denotes the
specific potential of digital technology to change the
way teaching and learning takes place. For example,
they have identified the following digital affordances
from within a broad spectrum of technology
integration studies: to promote connectivity and
collaboration among students; to enable simulations,
animations, and visualizations; to increase
differentiation in teaching practices, and to promote
self-regulated and independent learning. These digital
affordances offer useful criteria for designing and
evaluating blended learning solutions and we have
incorporated them in our model.
Our Blended Learning Model highlights the
importance of considering sound learning principles
and selecting appropriate methods, tools and
environments, including digital, that are effective for
teaching particular learning objectives. It
incorporates technology–enhanced face-to-face
learning in the classroom, personalized online
learning, and blended learning approaches.
The Theoretical Framework of Digital Teaching
and Learning Transformation examined earlier (see
Figure 1) outlines the prerequisites for the practical
application of the blended learning model.
Figure 2: A Conceptual Model of Blended Learning in the Context of Digital Teaching and Learning Transformation.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
In this paper we propose thesis that mere presence of
technologies in the classroom does not enhance
learning and only purposeful integration of content,
learning principles and use of digital tools in the
teaching and learning process can improve student
To explain the complexity of digital
transformation and identify the essential components
for successful technology integration in classrooms,
we created a theoretical framework for digital
teaching and learning transformation. We argue that
digital transformation should be viewed as a multi-
level ecosystem, where changes at one level alone
cannot effectively support schools and teachers in
leveraging digital opportunities. At the classroom
level, having access to technologies, motivated
students eager to use them, and confident teachers
with digital and teaching skills are crucial for
successful digital transformation in teaching and
learning. Achieving these conditions depends largely
on factors such as digital capacity, leadership, and an
innovative culture within the school. Furthermore,
achieving alignment among content, pedagogy, and
technology to meet learning goals is a challenging
task for teachers. They require high-quality
professional development that is tailored to their
specific needs. Such personalized and consistent
support should be a priority at the system (macro)
Only when there is alignment in understanding of
the role of technology in teaching and learning
process and what resources are required for
successful technology integration at all decision
making levels from the classroom, to school and
system levels, powerful learning opportunities can be
In this paper, we concentrate on the classroom
level and present a conceptual model of blended
learning. We suggest that teachers play a crucial role
in choosing suitable methods, tools, and
environments based on specific learning goals. Put
simply, technologies are tools that require skilled
individuals to use them effectively.
After the rise of generative artificial intelligence
(GenAI) solutions (Gottschalk & Weise, 2023) in the
last two years (e.g. ChatGPT was launched by
OpenAI in 2022), future studies should explore how
these solutions could influence digital teaching and
learning transformation. It is assumed that GenAI
solutions hold potential for conceptual changes in the
digital learning ecosystem models. Several authors
agree on the idea that in the 21st century, the
canonical didactic triangle (learner teacher
content) should be reconsidered by adding a fourth
pillar the digital technologies (Seghroucheni et al.,
2014; Daaif, 2019; Prediger et al., 2019). From our
perspective, an emerging research question is can
high-quality GenAI solutions push out teachers (at
least in some cases) from the didactic triangle?
Recent studies highlight the important role of teachers
when using GenAI solutions (Dasari et al., 2024), yet
these solutions evolve rapidly and possibly even now
can replace low performing teachers in some
instances (Thuy et al., 2024). Therefore, we see a
need for an extended discussion around digital
teaching and learning transformation by including not
only the educational teaching and learning and
educational management school leadership
perspectives but also the ethical, developmental
psychology, and other perspectives.
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Latvian and European Society," project "Innovative
Solutions for Blended Learning Implementation:
Teaching and Learning Process in the Digital
Transformation Context," Project No. VPP-
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A Conceptual Model of Blended Learning in the Context of Digital Teaching and Learning Transformation