ized storage would require transferring data through
network infrastructure like switches and routers. This
increased network traffic can cause a failure in mes-
sages passing between safety-critical components,
which should be avoided.
To address these challenges, an event-based data
recording approach is proposed, which records a set
of information based on the occurrence of specific
events. This approach reduces the OBU resource oc-
cupation time and allows for the labeling of collected
data based on predefined event conditions, making it
easier to manage and scale the data management pro-
In this work, we introduce the Flowride® logger,
a hybrid event-based and continuous logging frame-
work implemented on ADASTEC commercial full-
stack AV software, Flowride.ai® . This framework
is deployed on the KARSAN e-ATAK 8-meter elec-
trified bus in the U.S. and Europe, known as the first
commercial mid-size automated public transportation
bus in both regions. We use real data from the de-
ployed bus in Norway, Stavanger, to demonstrate the
effectiveness of the proposed framework. In the fol-
lowing sections, we discuss related work in the scope
of AV onboard data collection frameworks, provide a
problem description for data collection based on the
operation of a real deployed AV, and present statisti-
cal data representing the operation performance of the
Flowride® logger framework. Finally, we conclude
the current work and discuss future work paths.
Real-time data recording of autonomous robots is es-
sential for providing evidence of their operation, both
successful and failed, and for utilizing real-scene data
in development. In their publication (Saaristola et al.,
2022), the authors provide a comprehensive overview
of the requirements and challenges of data collec-
tion for AVs. They divide the data collection frame-
work into three main components: data selection (se-
lecting content to record), data extraction (retriev-
ing recorded data), and data transmission (transfer-
ring data from the OBU to remote storage). The au-
thors conducted their research in collaboration with
a commercial AV software supplier and used numeri-
cal measurements to evaluate the performance of their
work. However, their study was conducted on a sin-
gle machine and did not consider the network infras-
tructure for an OBU of distributed machines. Addi-
tionally, the authors did not discuss event-based data
collection, which involves triggering the data collec-
tion module when predefined conditions are detected.
Generally, our methodology and experiments align
with those proposed by (Saaristola et al., 2022).
In our work, we follow a data collection approach
similar to that described in (Saaristola et al., 2022).
However, we use two different methods for data col-
lection: continuous and event-based data collection.
In the latter method, we record data within a time
range of t − δ < t < t + δ if one of the predefined
events occurs. It means the Flowride® logger should
keep all subjects to record data in the computer’s
stack memory for δ seconds instead of trying to write
to storage. This reduces continuous and unneces-
sary occupation of disk I/O usage bandwidth. In
Flowride.ai® we have δ = 20 seconds.
Regarding works on recording data based on trig-
gered events, we can refer to (B
ohm et al., 2020) for
a detailed overview of the subject and to (Guo et al.,
2020) and (Guo et al., 2018), where the authors use
a blockchain-based mechanism to extract events. We
have noticed that the works in (B
ohm et al., 2020),
(Guo et al., 2020), and (Guo et al., 2018) aim to
provide event detection procedures that lead to data
collection based on the requirements of road authori-
ties, focusing mainly on safety measures, incident and
crash reporting. However, these works did not dis-
cuss events related to data collection for data-driven
development. We refer to works (Guo et al., 2020)
and (Guo et al., 2018) as efforts to identify events that
trigger the whole or part of the data collection frame-
work. In our work, the event conditions are strictly
predefined, since we have mapped all requirements
from event-based data collection into a constant set of
messages to collect. However, this can be subject to
future work to utilize and expand event-based logged
data file metadata.
The benefits of data-driven development in the AV
sector are not a new topic among researchers (Koch
et al., 2020). For example, we can refer to the work of
(Ma and Qian, 2021), where the authors used a data-
driven approach to solve the traffic sensing problem,
such as determining traffic flow, density, and speed.
The authors in (Parsa et al., 2021) proposed a data-
driven approach to study the impact of connected AVs
on traffic flow. The authors in (F
enyes et al., 2021)
used a data-driven approach for the control design
of AVs by contributing data-driven approaches in AV
motion modelling. Data-driven modelling and AV
scenario simulation applications, where real-world
data was used to reconstruct the real scenario in the
simulation environment, also gained attention. For
example, we can refer to the work of (Amini et al.,
2020), where the author proposed a data-driven simu-
lation and training engine using human-collected tra-
jectory paths to develop a robust control policy. As
Introducing Flowride® Logger, an Onboard Data Collection Framework for Commercial Automated Vehicles