2022a) a network-aware Kubernetes scheduler is pro-
posed, aimed to reduce the network distance among
the microservices with a high degree of communica-
tion to improve the application response time. The
load-aware scheduler plugin proposed in this work is
complementary to the network-aware one and both
can be used together on the same scheduler.
In this work we proposed to extend the Kubernetes
platform with a real load-aware orchestration strat-
egy aimed at reducing the shared resource interfer-
ence among distributed microservices-based applica-
tions running on the same clusters in order to min-
imize QoS violations on their response times. The
main goal is to overcome the limitations of the Ku-
bernetes static scheduling and descheduling policies
that require ahead of time knowledge of computa-
tional resource requirements of each microservice to
make optimal container placement and rescheduling
decisions. Considering the dynamic nature of dis-
tributed microservices applications, the idea is to ex-
tend the Kubernetes scheduler and descheduler com-
ponents with custom plugins that make use of runtime
microservices resource usage telemetry data to make
their decisions. In this way, the effort for static appli-
cation resource usage profiling can be reduced, while
at the same time guaranteeing the expected applica-
tion performances.
As a future work, we plan to improve the proposed
custom scheduling and descheduling strategies by us-
ing time series analysis techniques in order to design
more sophisticated algorithms that take into account
long-term telemetry data to improve application re-
source usage predictions.
This work was partially funded by the European
Union under the Italian National Recovery and Re-
silience Plan (NRRP) of NextGenerationEU, Mission
4 Component C2 Investment 1.1 - Call for tender No.
1409 of 14/09/2022 of Italian Ministry of University
and Research - Project ”Cloud Continuum aimed at
On-Demand Services in Smart Sustainable Environ-
ments” - CUP E53D23016420001.
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Load-Aware Container Orchestration on Kubernetes Clusters