perspectives. The proposed framework helps to find
solutions when overarching goals conflict with
educational reality, guiding decision-making on
necessary actions to align educational programs with
emerging needs. Once the HE architecture is
established, detailed descriptions provide the
rationale behind strategic alignments, ensuring
coherence and effectiveness in organizational
In future endeavours, HE architects and
educational program leaders may benefit from
comprehensive guidelines and a meta-model to aid in
change management processes. These resources
would provide valuable insights on constructing,
utilizing, and updating each view effectively. Change
within HES can stem from various sources such as
strategic realignments at the organizational level,
quality assessments based on student feedback,
recommendations for accreditation, new or
rationalized processes, evolving industry
requirements, shifts in graduate profile expectations,
as well as the identification of outdated or emerging
opportunities in T&L, could it be courses, T&L
models, human or physical resources. Also, in the
context of crisis, unanticipated change, resilience is to
be addressed, a property that reinforce the ability of a
system to continue operating effectively during
VUCA times (Bennett & Lemoine, 2014). Hollnagel
(Hollnagel, 2010) defines organizational resilience as
“the intrinsic ability of a system or an organization to
adjust its functioning prior to, during, or following …
disturbances, so that it can sustain required operations
under both expected and unexpected conditions”.
Business operations can adapt and respond to internal
or external dynamic unknown changes. Resilient
organization can recover more quickly as they have
built processes that minimize downtime (McManus,
Sonia et al., 2008).
This study was partly conducted through the
DECART project, co-funded by the Erasmus+
programme of the European Union
( The European Commission
support to produce this publication does not constitute
an endorsement of the contents which reflects the
author views only, and the Commission cannot be
held responsible for any use which may be made of
the information contained therein.
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