An Architecture Framework for Higher Education
Siegfried Rouvrais
and Sobah Abbas Petersen
Department of Computer Science, IMT Atlantique, Brest, France
Department of Computer Science, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, Higher Education, Educational Framework, Strategic Alignment, Organizational
Sustainability, Change Management.
Abstract: In the realm of higher education, an educational architecture framework can play a pivotal role in fostering
enhanced communication between program leaders and various educational stakeholders. Within this context,
architecture views serve as comprehensive representations of the overarching architectural landscape, catering
to the diverse requirements and needs of involved stakeholders. Embracing a view-based approach empowers
higher education institutions to reinforce strategic alignment while seamlessly integrating change
management practices to accommodate evolving requirements. In this perspective, this paper proposes six
distinct views to reflect on how enterprise architecture could be applied to higher education. Examples are
given based on ArchiMate models. These examples serve as compelling illustrations of how educational
architecture frameworks can drive organizational transformation.
The higher education (HE) sector has been under
tension during the COVID-19 crisis. As identified by
Gardner-Le Bars (2023), ”when Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs) face crises, personnel are called
upon to rapidly develop and deploy innovative
solutions to maintain the integrity of teaching
services. As HEIs often possess highly diverse
employee and student populations, transboundary
type crisis events, which can provoke campus
closures, are particularly challenging. Such crises are
often unforeseen, require rapid and radical changes to
operations”. Changing requirements put some
pressure on institution’s strategic plan, they affect
goals, business processes, curriculums, as learning
resources. As an example, in the public HE sector if
less state aid are given, reducing operating costs can
be a new strong requirement. This requirement can
lead to a merger of two institutions to mutualize and
thus reduce expenses. With new goals, a merger
directly impacts business processes and the study
programs, as the institution is being dispatched
between different physical sites, with various learning
resources. As another example, considering societal
and environmental responsibility (SER) is now a must
do in HE curriculums. Energy and environmental
issues are taking on major societal importance.
Integrating SER in an educational program can lead
to a reform, impacting the curriculum but also the
vision, goals, business processes, etc.
As a primer on how Enterprise Architecture (EA)
could be applied to HE, this paper contributes to the
field of HE management in the context of changing
requirements. Changing requirements in a HES
(Higher Education System) raise some questions, e.g.
can a framework for HES with views improve
collaboration and communication between
stakeholders, reduce complexity, have better
resources management, enhance efficiency and
organizational coherency and sustainability? By
adopting a view-based framework directly inspired
from the TOGAF Open Group Architecture
Framework, the paper explores six specific views that
may be used in practical educational applications, to
guide effective change.
As a context, this paper first overviews the broad
lines of the TOGAF Architecture Development
Method (ADM) for the changes and transformations
within an organization. It presents the various
stakeholders and users of a HES. Then it shares and
discusses six views of an EA for HE, with examples.
Rouvrais, S. and Petersen, S.
An Architecture Framework for Higher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0012738900003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 739-747
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
EA is aimed at understanding the needs of all the
stakeholders to meet the needs. As such, the Zachman
Framework provided a taxonomy to analyze the
different viewpoints of stakeholders and identify the
different aspects of an enterprise (Zachman, 2008).
Since then, several EA frameworks have been
developed, such as The Open Group’s Architectural
Framework, TOGAF (TOGAF, 2024) and the Federal
Enterprise Architecture FEA (Bellman & Rausch,
2004). A description of the most popular EA
frameworks and a comparison of them is available
from (Sessions & deVadoss, 2014). Some EA
frameworks, such as FEA, are focused on
standardization across enterprises, while others, such
as TOGAF, are focused on the process. As such,
TOGAF provides a method for the changes and
transformations within an organization, could it be a
EA is a means of supporting the HESs and HEIs
in an era where they are expected to be agile and
flexible to meet changing requirements effectively.
Universities have adopted EA to align their ICT with
their strategic goals (Nottingham, 2012; Batmetan,
2022, Araya-Guzman et al., 2018). As reported in
(Nur Shabrina et al. 2022), EA helps also to achieve
the mission and objectives related to the education
process (Ramadhan & Arman, 2014), to plan the
University infrastructure and to reduce disparity
among the system development processes. More
importantly, the HE sector is affected by the trend to
undergo digital transformation. This requires a
redefinition of the services and how these services are
operated. EA has been identified as one of the
approaches that can support digital transformations in
HE (Sandkuhl & Lehmann, 2017. TOGAF appears to
be the most popular EA framework among HEIs, due
its completeness of the process (i.e. the TOGAF
ADM), easy access and availability of best practice
examples (Nur Shabrina et al. 2022).
For HE, an Architecture Development Method
(ADM) as TOGAF may be used (cf. Figure 1). ADM
phases are suggested, starting from Principles and
Vision (A) entities, intended “to capture the
surrounding context of formal architecture models,
including general Architecture Principles, strategic
context that forms input for architecture modeling,
and requirements generated from the architecture”.
The TOGAF standard relies on the various views
aside vision:
Business Architecture View (B) for the
organization's business goals, processes, and
structure with its stakeholders.
Information Systems Architecture View (C) for
the data, application, and technology architecture
(D) view. These are not addressed in this study.
Opportunities and Solutions View (E) for
specific business needs to achieve strategic
objectives. It can link the architecture to the
implementation of educational purposes.
Migration Planning View (F) for transitioning a
HE system architecture to the target architecture,
as for educational change or reforms.
Implementation and Governance View (G) to
specify the actual implementation of the HES
architecture. It includes processes from the
governance domain, as compliance mechanisms
to ensure that the architecture is effectively
implemented and maintained, most often for
quality assurance purposes of the educational
The Change management view (H).
Figure 1: Structure of the TOGAF Architecture
Development Method.
This paper proposes to organize the education parts
of a HES with views. It presents six views that may
be used to describe a HE system on its academic
perspective. These views can be used to better
understand the business, as well as for improving it.
Each view is discussed in the following sections.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Changing requirements and requirement management
are in the scope of several stakeholders within the
HES. Stakeholders are at different level, they mainly
At macro-level, on the mission and strategy side:
o Internal: rectors, directors of education,
higher and faculty managers, etc.
o External; accreditation bodies,
governmental and non-governmental
organizations, local communities,
professional communities, etc.
At meso-level:
o On the academic side and departments:
professors, faculty, assistants, heads of
programs, educational and curriculum,
committee members, etc.
o On the client side: students, student
associations, alumni, enterprises and socio-
economic environment, academic partners,
territorial communities, etc.
o On the service side: technicians,
administration staff, communication
members, IT service staff, scheduling
officers, grading administrators,
pedagogical service members, internship
managers, international service members,
industry liaison, etc.
These stakeholder profiles all form a constellation
of roles, directly linked to business domains and
processes. Understanding their needs and priorities
help to shape the architecture to better serve changing
requirements. Six views are suggested to manage
changing requirements of an HES, as suggested in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Proposed views for Higher Education.
4.1 Policy and Principles
A policy aims to support University’s strategy and
provides a basis for making good strategic choices
that strengthen the quality of the programme portfolio
and each programme of study. Furthermore, the
policy aims to ensure that the development of study
programs and portfolios are within the frameworks
and overarching principles specified in legislation,
regulations, and political guidelines.
Educational principles play a vital role in
upholding the rule of Ministries of HE by promoting
adherence to legal norms. An educational principle
can for example emphasize active learning to provide
technical knowledge along with communication and
professional skills to students. Another can prompt to
societal, economic, and environmental responsibility
(SER) in the curriculums on all semesters. At design
level, the constructive alignment (Biggs, 1996)
principle can be a formal requirement of the
accreditation body (i.e. aligning all learning
objectives, assessments, and instructional activities),
as inclusive curriculum design.
For example, in 2024, IMT Atlantique,
grad/postgrad School of engineering in France, is
supported by several policies, e.g. policy of non-
discrimination; equivalent rights; ethical sourcing
policy; building energy renovation and construction;
biodiversity and ecosystems; robust and sustainable
technologies in training activities. They directly
irrigate the educational programs. Quality policies are
most often formally required. For NTNU in Norway,
five main principles are presented in Figure 3.
National guidelines for quality assurance and
compliance with legislation, regulations & political
guidelines are external requirements.
Figure 3: NTNU principles for educational concerns.
In France, a Master-level curriculum in
engineering education is evaluated every five years
by the French accreditation body (CTI, Commission
des Titres d’Ingénieurs, somehow same process and
references as with the ABET US accreditation system
for engineering education). As stated in CTI
references, “the school has defined a strategy and a
quality policy that has been made public. The school
defines the appropriate processes and tools that
enable it to ensure the quality of its activities and
An Architecture Framework for Higher Education
results; these elements form an integrated and
coherent system of internal and external management
of global quality. The bodies and personnel in charge
of the quality approach are duly designated and
identified as such in the school. All staff are
committed to the process of continuous
improvement”. In Norway, all courses offered at the
NTNU follow the national guidelines for quality
assurance issued by NOKUT (the Norwegian Agency
for Quality Assurance in Education). NTNU’s Policy
for Quality and Development of the Study
Programme Portfolio is intended to help ensure high
quality in the study programmes, and to stimulate
student’s personal development.
4.2 Vision and Goals
Principles can be implemented through various
strategies, e.g. thanks to pedagogical styles as project-
based learning, experiential learning. Work-
Integrated-Learning model can be beneficial when
University-Industry-Business collaboration is an
institution principle. Also, to be aligned with
principles, vision and goals impact the organizational
structure, academic programs, student services, as
administrative processes.
As an example, IMT Atlantique's vision is to
combine digital technology, energy, and the
environment to transform society and industry. This
vision translates into a scientific ambition focused on
interdisciplinarity, an assertive technological
dimension, and scientific strengths at the service of
the school's strategy. IMT Atlantique aims to develop
academic programs in line with the needs of
companies, to contribute to innovation and
entrepreneurship. I can be linked to University-
Industry collaboration principle. NTNU’s vision is
“knowledge for a better future” and aims to benefit
society. In Norway, NTNU’s mission includes
providing research-based education at all levels and
to participate in a knowledge-based public debate and
use the knowledge to benefit society. It recognises its
responsibility for creating outstanding graduates and
to contribute to the development of Norway. The
university’s strategy includes providing an excellent
learning environment that could lead to
internationally outstanding graduates. The strategy
also states that it will contribute actively towards
achieving the United Nations’ SDGs. The strategic
goals at the university level are then adapted at the
faculty and department levels as shown in Figure 4
(left part at university level, right part at department
level). Minimum 30% female students in all study
programs is an example of Department goal.
Figure 4: Strategic Goals at University and Department
5.1 Business Domain in Higher
Organizing the HES into the proposed business
domains is to help architects to benefit from a better
understanding of strategic needs, requirements, and
challenges of educational reforms or change to
optimize business functions. As seen previously, on a
pure educational level, some domains include
processes at Faculty level, at Programme level, some
other are more at micro-level, e.g. course level
domain. In the interface are some other domains, e.g.
R&D, finances, resources (cf. Table 1).
Table 1: Business domains.
Higher Education business domains
domain (FD)
domain (PD)
domain (CD)
Administration &
Financial domain
HR & Resources
R&D domain
Business domains are linked to functional areas, e.g.
Faculty domain (FD) which support governance
The programme (PD) and course (CD) level
domains include functions and processes related
to programs, program reforms, curricula, course
management, grading, academic support
services, etc.
Administration and Finance Domain (AFD)
addresses functions and processes related to
budgeting, expenses, facilities and resource
management, as administrative activities.
Some other domains can be added, e.g. Alumni
and Business relation Domain (ABD) for functions
and processes related to interactions with alumni,
internships, work integrated learning, as fundraising
or donor relations; or Student Service Domain (SSD)
for functions and processes related to student
admissions, registration, student records, financial
aid, counselling, and career services.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The information technology domain is not
addressed in this paper and is out of the scope of this
study. Almost, the IT domain covers technical
infrastructure and its network, its service applications
(e.g. an LMS as Moodle or Teams) or the IT support.
Interfaces exist between domains, with a relative
proximity between domains. As an example, the
Research & Development business domain (which
include research activities, research projects and
contracts, business and industry partnerships,
innovation, or IP management) can impact and feed
curriculum updates, as business and industry
partnerships may add values to education.
5.2 Business Processes
Business domains group similarities and shared
characteristics of business functions, processes, and
activities. They can have their own set of processes,
data, as stakeholders. They permit to organize the
business architecture view, allowing HE architects to
design, understand, share, analyze and more easily
manage different aspects in a structured manner,
breaking down some complexity.
Governance processes are more in the hand of the
director, direction services and deans, for meeting
strategic requirements, school transformation, quality
assurance, external and internal communications,
engagement of the institution in the SDGs. Some
operational macro processes exist, they are out of the
scope of this paper, e.g. (i) developing research and
innovation, (ii) developing and strengthening
relations with companies, or (iii) developing the
school internationally. As support macro-processes
can be: (i) optimizing material and financial
resources, (ii) developing the IS, or (iii) managing HR
Linked to curriculum, several processes coexist
and interoperate, linked to principles and goals, e.g.:
Designing and developing quality training
courses by integrating quality processes;
Carrying out and managing training course;
Implementing accreditation or certification
Recruiting and graduating students;
Providing administrative and social support for
students, socio-cultural and professional
5.3 Example
The main processes include (i) preparing the course,
(ii) delivering the course to the students, i.e. teaching,
(iii) conducting the learning activities, (iv)
assessments and (v) improving the course based on
feedback from the students. An overview of the main
processes is shown in Figure 5. Each of these main
processes are detailed in the different sub-processes.
Preparing the course involves designing (or
improving or revising) the course, preparing the
course material, such as lecture slides and learning
tasks and activities, developing assessment
guidelines, and publishing the course on the
university’s Learning Management System (LMS)
which can be a Blackboard application. Delivering
the course includes giving lectures, coordinating and
conducting tutorials, assessments of the students’
work and doing the final grading. The university
encourages and recommends the use of engaging
learning activities (cf. e.g. principle on active
learning) and therefore, the process also includes
coordinating and conducting learning activities (e.g.,
student presentations and peer reviews), providing the
necessary instructions to the Learning Assistants,
developing the relevant material for the activities,
e.g., some hints and recommendations, and
integrating any formative assessments into the final
grade. The final process is improving the course for
the future. Many activities are part of this course
process, which are to be best aligned with principles
and goals as with the changing requirements.
Figure 5: Course process view in ArchiMate.
Educational leaders are given considerable latitude in
terms of programme contents, teaching methods,
assessment procedures, targeted skills, course type
and volume, or scheduling. Designing and operating
an educational programme is an engineering activity
by itself which requires methods and tools
(Rompelman & De Graaff, 2007). Concerns of the
educational programme domain can be structured in
a dedicated curriculum HE architecture view, e.g.
with the following three distinct curriculum models
(Harden 2001): (i) the syllabus composed of learning
outcomes (intended curriculum), (ii) the programme
with its T&L constituents (taught curriculum), and
An Architecture Framework for Higher Education
(iii) the validated curriculum. These three curriculum
perspectives can be part of a curriculum view in the
HE architecture.
6.1 Three Curriculum Perspectives in
the View
As presented in Rouvrais and Chiprianov (2012),
using UML class diagram modeling, for the intended
curriculum, authors define the associations for a
generic syllabus including learning outcomes, being
knowledge, skills, or competencies of activity
domains. These learning outcomes are linked with
process view activities, e.g. learning outcomes
definition, curriculum design activity, course process,
etc. A specific curriculum can be described by its own
type of learning outcomes and instances. For the
taught curriculum, associated concepts to the
educational programme are courses, internships,
extracurricular activities, majors, minors, electives,
T&L styles, etc. They are linked with the previous
view example on the course process. A specific
educational programme is specified by its own course
instances, which could be included in semesters. For
the validated curriculum, concepts are assessment,
proficiency level, portfolio, interview, report, oral
exam, questionnaire, a.s.o. Here also, some links from
the assessment business processes with curriculum
concepts are to be defined.
6.2 Curriculum Associations
The three previous curriculum models in this view
have also linked concerns, which are echoed in some
business processes of the previous view, e.g. to ensure
constructive alignment principle (Biggs, 1996). Each
course activities of the taught curriculum (cf. right of
the Figure 6) are to meet some learning outcomes
(e.g. knowledge, skills, dispositions) of the intended
curriculum (cf. left of the Figure 6), and the
assessment permit to reach a proficiency level in the
validated curriculum (cf. bottom of the Figure 6).
Curriculum maps and proficiency matrix are tools to
facilitate the alignment checking, e.g. for coherency
and completeness of learning achievements.
In the HE architecture, the fifth Learning Resource
View, human and material, is to include all elements
which support operation in the HESs, being the staff,
the LMS or so. It can include also external resources,
Figure 6: Curriculum mapping.
as industrial partners, collaborations, etc. As an
example, it is to ensure as a requirement that the
school has enough permanent teachers and teachers
and researchers as well as administrative and
technical staff enabling it to define and implement its
educational project. This view permits to operate the
curriculum view, where links to stakeholders,
workspaces, material, IT can be made.
7.1 Resource Requirements
As required by the CTI in France, the requirements
can be at institutional level “The school has premises
and material resources which allow it to accomplish
its educational mission and all its activities in good
conditions: training premises, IT resources,
equipment for experimental work, multimedia
documentation center, platforms high technology.
The school offers material conditions which allow
students to benefit fully and safely from training and
to promote their personal development. The school
provides engineering students with premises enabling
them to develop a quality student and community life:
residences, university restaurants, sports facilities,
association premises […]. The school is making its
premises more accessible to people with disabilities”.
7.2 Resource Example
Figure 7: Resources in ArchiMate.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Resources mainly support the taught model of the
curriculum view. They are of different types and at
different levels, as described below for a course
example at NTNU on EA (cf. Figure 7):
Human resources which are primarily the course
teacher, which is also the main lecturer, guest
lecturer(s) and the Learning Assistants. These are
shown as business actors (in yellow) in the
Physical facilities (shown in green), which
include lecture halls and classrooms for the
students to work in.
Software applications and other support tools
(shown in blue). The modeling applications
include the ArchiMate modeling tool Archi and
iDraw templates for modeling the 4EM
language. The LMS system, Blackboard, is used
to share all the learning resources such as lecture
slides, the syllabus, which consists of a set of
research articles and books. In addition,
Microsoft teams is used to coordinate the work
among the lecturer and the Learning Assistants.
As part of quality assurance, study programs can be
assessed by an external accreditation body. For
internal quality improvement loops, the curriculums
and courses are often required to identify a reference
group, who act as representatives of the class and
provide feedback from the students to the teacher, and
recommend actions for improving the course in the
future. This is similar to an Action Research cycle
where feedback is first gathered, and the course is
improved based on the feedback. As an example, at
NTNU (cf. Figure 8), the improvement process
includes gathering feedback from students and
learning assistants, synthetising feedback, checking
updates from the university’s strategy, quality
assurance recommendations and guidelines, and then
updating the course within the overall study program,
and its three curriculum perspectives. The course
syllabus and educational activities are then updated,
ensuring also coherency with the overall curriculum
architecture view.
Figure 8: Change management process example in
As stated in the introduction, when a HEI faces
changing needs or even crises, personnel are called
upon to rapidly develop and deploy solutions to
maintain the integrity of learning activities, teaching
services, and overall curriculum coherency. A
pandemic crisis, an institution merge, a new formal
SER policy, ask for rapid transformations which can
impact the institution vision and goals, its processes,
its curriculums, its resources. Overall, the changing
requirements can impact several views, which are to
remain aligned as best as possible. Specific views can
be envisioned to facilitate transformations and change
management in the educational offers, e.g.:
Opportunities and Solutions View (OOV) to
enhance the educational offerings, improve
student services, and optimize administrative or
support processes. Examples include
implementing a new T&L models, migrating
some course delivery mode to online, using
flipped classrooms, moving to more formative
assessments, etc.;
Migration Planning View (PMV) would outline
the roadmap for change management as
identified in the OOV, with resource allocation
to facilitate a smooth transition;
Implementation and Governance View (IGV) for
implementing the educational changes, including
project management, governance processes. The
accreditation requirements, university or school
policies as regulations are considered. It would
ensure that the architectural changes of a
curriculum are effectively aligned with the
strategic objectives.
An EA framework incorporating models of a HES
can play a crucial role in facilitating sense making
within an educational organization. A HES involves
multiple stakeholders and can be comprehensively
described through a structured architecture. To this
end, this study proposed six views inspired by the
TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM)
to specify an HES, enabling easier adaptation to
evolving requirements while maintaining strategic
alignment. Changing requirements, stemming from
internal or external factors or events, impact both
vision and goals, business processes, curriculum
offers, as learning resources. Illustrated examples
have shown that views and well documented models,
using ArchiMate, can enhance collaboration and
communication among stakeholders across different
An Architecture Framework for Higher Education
perspectives. The proposed framework helps to find
solutions when overarching goals conflict with
educational reality, guiding decision-making on
necessary actions to align educational programs with
emerging needs. Once the HE architecture is
established, detailed descriptions provide the
rationale behind strategic alignments, ensuring
coherence and effectiveness in organizational
In future endeavours, HE architects and
educational program leaders may benefit from
comprehensive guidelines and a meta-model to aid in
change management processes. These resources
would provide valuable insights on constructing,
utilizing, and updating each view effectively. Change
within HES can stem from various sources such as
strategic realignments at the organizational level,
quality assessments based on student feedback,
recommendations for accreditation, new or
rationalized processes, evolving industry
requirements, shifts in graduate profile expectations,
as well as the identification of outdated or emerging
opportunities in T&L, could it be courses, T&L
models, human or physical resources. Also, in the
context of crisis, unanticipated change, resilience is to
be addressed, a property that reinforce the ability of a
system to continue operating effectively during
VUCA times (Bennett & Lemoine, 2014). Hollnagel
(Hollnagel, 2010) defines organizational resilience as
“the intrinsic ability of a system or an organization to
adjust its functioning prior to, during, or following
disturbances, so that it can sustain required operations
under both expected and unexpected conditions”.
Business operations can adapt and respond to internal
or external dynamic unknown changes. Resilient
organization can recover more quickly as they have
built processes that minimize downtime (McManus,
Sonia et al., 2008).
This study was partly conducted through the
DECART project, co-funded by the Erasmus+
programme of the European Union
( The European Commission
support to produce this publication does not constitute
an endorsement of the contents which reflects the
author views only, and the Commission cannot be
held responsible for any use which may be made of
the information contained therein.
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