Towards a Cloud-Based Smart Office Solution for Shared Workplace
Dominik Hasiwar
, Andreas Gruber
, Christian Dragschitz
and Igor Ivki
1,2 a
University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Eisenstadt, Austria
Lancaster University, Lancaster, U.K.
Smart Office, Shared Workplace Individualization, Workplace Environment Index.
In the evolving landscape of workplace dynamics, the shift towards hybrid working models has highlighted
inefficiencies in the use of traditional office space and the need for an improved employee experience. In this
position paper we propose a Smart Office solution that addresses these challenges by integrating a microser-
vice architecture with Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to provide a flexible, personalized workspace
environment. The position paper focuses on the technical implementation of this solution, including the de-
sign of a Workplace Environment Index (WEI) to monitor and improve office conditions. By using cloud
technology, IoT devices with sensors, and following a user-centred design, the proposed solution shows how
Shared Open Workspaces can be transformed into adaptive, efficient environments that support the diverse
needs of the modern workforce. This position paper paves the way for future experimentation in real-world
office environments to validate the effectiveness of the Smart Office solution and provide insights into its po-
tential to redefine the workplace for improved productivity and employee satisfaction.
The COVID-19 pandemic initiated a critical and un-
foreseen shift in workplace dynamics, forcing com-
panies to quickly move from a traditional zero home
office policy to a 100% home office model. This dras-
tic change out of necessity has gradually evolved into
a hybrid work culture that includes a combination of
remote and in-office work. In the post-pandemic land-
scape, this shift has brought flexibility, improved em-
ployee satisfaction and significant reductions in oper-
ational costs such as heating, electricity, and mainte-
nance. However, it has also led to a noticeable ineffi-
ciency in the use of office space. The changing pres-
ence of staff, with some working remotely while oth-
ers are on site, often leaves office desks unoccupied.
This represents a clear inefficiency in the current of-
fice layout and highlights the need for more open and
adaptable environments to optimize the use of office
space and reflect the changing nature of work in the
post-pandemic era (Elias, 2023).
Building on the idea of reconfigured office spaces,
the concept of Shared Open Workspaces offers a
promising solution where, for example, employees
can reserve desks for daily use. This model increases
the efficiency of office space use and fits well with the
flexible nature of the hybrid working model. How-
ever, there is a notable trade-off in terms of personal-
ization and comfort. In such environments, the lack
of customizable elements such as ergonomic adjust-
ments, personal memorabilia (e.g. family pictures)
and preferred desk locations can affect the sense of
belonging and comfort at work. In addition, the vary-
ing environmental conditions within the workspace,
such as uneven temperature, humidity, or noise lev-
els, can have a significant impact on an employee’s
productivity and well-being. Some may find them-
selves in less than ideal conditions, which can lead to
long-term discomfort or dissatisfaction.
Addressing these challenges requires an ap-
proach that improves the efficiency of Shared Open
Workspaces while allowing employees to personalize
their individual workspace. The overall aim of this
approach should be to reconcile the benefits of office
space optimization with the personal needs and com-
fort of each employee.
In response to the challenges identified, this posi-
tion paper presents a cloud-native solution based on a
microservice architecture, comprising three main ser-
vices to improve the experience within Shared Open
Hasiwar, D., Gruber, A., Dragschitz, C. and Ivki
c, I.
Towards a Cloud-Based Smart Office Solution for Shared Workplace Individualization.
DOI: 10.5220/0012739000003711
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2024), pages 367-374
ISBN: 978-989-758-701-6; ISSN: 2184-5042
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Workspaces. The first service (Workspace Manage-
ment Service) can be used to create and manage
workspaces (offices) and their workplaces (desks),
while the second service (Workplace Individualiza-
tion Service) enables workplace customization. This
includes personalizing of each workplace by enabling
ergonomic adjustments (e.g., desk height) and per-
sonalized memorabilia (e.g., digital frames displaying
private photographs). This service also collects envi-
ronmental data using sensors to monitor conditions
such as temperature, humidity, and noise levels. Fi-
nally, the third service (Workplace Booking Service)
offers employees the flexibility to reserve and acti-
vate their workspaces, which adapt to their prefer-
ences when activated. Together, these services aim to
create a dynamic, user-friendly, and adaptable Shared
Open Workspace environment.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 summarizes the related work in the
field. Next, in Section 3, we present the architectural
building blocks of the proposed Smart Office solu-
tion. Furthermore, we propose a methodological ap-
proach to calculate a Workplace Environment Index
(WEI) based on the collected environmental data. In
this context, we explain how the WEI can be used to
rank workplaces, or even to improve their environ-
mental conditions of them. Finally, Section 5 con-
cludes our work and outlines future work in the field.
In the research area of smart offices, office productiv-
ity, and smart workplace environments, a number of
studies have focused on the impact of various phys-
ical and technological factors on employee perfor-
mance and well-being. Mak and Lui (2011), and
Leaman (1995) evaluated the impact of environmen-
tal influences on productivity, highlighting the effects
of sound, temperature, and overall satisfaction with
workspace conditions.
Porras-Salazar et al. (2021) conducted a meta-
analysis on the effects of room temperature on work
performance in the office and examined 35 studies to
assess the relationship between air temperature and
cognitive performance in office environments. Lusa
et al. (2019) focused on multi-space offices, linking
workspace design elements like furniture and acous-
tics to employee well-being and satisfaction.
Ohrn et al. (2021), and Hanif and Saleem (2020)
examined the effects of office design variations, in-
cluding Activity-Based Flex Offices and different uni-
versity library layouts, on productivity and employee
satisfaction. Pitchford et al. (2020) contributed an ex-
perimental perspective by comparing different office
designs in a technology company, highlighting pref-
erences for zoned open-plan and team office designs.
Robertson et al. (2013) focused on ergonomics,
demonstrating the benefits of ergonomic training and
sit-stand workstations on worker performance and
discomfort. Wells’ (2000) study explored the role of
personalization in the office, demonstrating its signif-
icant impact on employee well-being and job satisfac-
tion, with gender-based differences in personalization
In the research area of smart office environments,
Zhang et al. (2022) reviewed Internet of Things (IoT)
and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications for em-
ployee health promotion, while Choi et al. (2015)
presented a smart office energy management system
using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons and a
mobile app. Bhuyar and Ansari (2016) describe an in-
tegrated smart office automation system, demonstrat-
ing the usefulness of IoT technologies in improving
office environments.
Ryu et al. (2015) proposed an Integrated Se-
mantics Service Platform for smart offices, empha-
sizing semantic interoperability in IoT-based services.
glu et al. (2015) provided a user-centric ex-
ploration of smart office environments, highlighting
the importance of understanding user expectations.
Finally, Uppal et al. (2021) introduced a cloud-
based IoT system for smart offices, focusing on de-
vice health monitoring and fault prediction to enhance
employee well-being.
Summarizing, the identified studies provide a
multifaceted view of how physical, ergonomic, and
technological elements interact to shape the modern
office environment and influence employee produc-
tivity, satisfaction, and well-being. However, they
have not fully explored the use of IoT devices com-
bined with a management application to personalize
workspaces and monitor environmental factors in a
flexible workplace culture. The proposed Smart Of-
fice approach aims to fill this gap by providing a com-
prehensive solution that combines workspace person-
alization with environmental monitoring and control,
leveraging IoT and cloud technology.
In this section, we present the technical implemen-
tation of the proposed Smart Office solution. First,
we provide an overview of the architectural building
blocks and explain the high-level architectural design.
Next, we describe the three core microservices of the
proposed solution and explain how they can be used
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
to manage, individualize and book workplaces in a
Shared Open Workspace environment. Finally, we
present two mobile apps and explain how they can be
used by regular users and administrators to interact
with the Smart Office solution.
3.1 Architectural Building Blocks
The Smart Office is designed as a set of independent
microservices, each providing a distinct functionality,
yet seamlessly integrating to form a robust and ag-
ile application environment. The solution also relies
on a number of other components and managed ser-
vices that are used in a typical microservice architec-
ture. Figure 1 shows the individual components of the
Smart Office application environment. This cloud-
native approach not only improves the maintainability
of the application, but also unlocks the full potential
of cloud capabilities (managed services, auto-scaling,
fault tolerance, and distributed processing).
At its core, the Smart Office is orchestrated within
Kubernetes, an open-source platform that automates
the deployment, scaling, and management of con-
tainerized applications. This ensures that each mi-
croservice is efficiently managed and scaled to meet
the dynamic needs of the application requirements.
Kubernetes plays a central role in maintaining the
resilience and elasticity of the application, enabling
the seamless handling of variable workloads (Sharma,
Complementing the microservice architecture, the
Smart Office uses the database-per-service pattern,
where each microservice has its own database. This
approach emphasizes the principle of loose coupling,
by ensuring that each service is completely indepen-
dent in terms of data management (Kumar and Shas-
try, 2017). These dedicated database instances are
provided by a managed database service, which ab-
stracts away the complexities of database manage-
ment such as provisioning, scaling, backup, and re-
covery. This ensures that the data processing aspect
of the Smart Office is robust, secure, and performance
In addition to the architectural components al-
ready mentioned, another important element of the
Smart Office is the message broker. This application
unit acts as an intermediary between the individual
microservices and IoT devices, enabling the exchange
of information. Using a publish-subscribe model, the
microservices and IoT devices can publish messages
or subscribe to specific topics without having direct
knowledge of each other. This model increases the
scalability and flexibility of the system, allowing ser-
vices and devices to be easily added or changed with-
out disrupting the entire application.
In addition to the Smart Office microservices, the
individual IoT devices installed on site at each work-
place play an essential role in the overall functionality
of the application. These devices have two main func-
tions. The first is to manage the customizable features
of a workplace, such as operating a digital picture
frame or controlling a height-adjustable desk. This
functionality allows for a personalized and adaptable
work environment, tailored to a user’s individual pref-
erences. The second function of the IoT devices is
to monitor environmental conditions. Through con-
nected sensors, they collect environmental data such
as temperature, CO
concentration, and humidity to
Figure 1: Architectural Building Blocks of the Smart Office Solution.
Towards a Cloud-Based Smart Office Solution for Shared Workplace Individualization
ensure a healthy and conducive working environment.
Although each of the components presented so far
plays an important role in the overall application ar-
chitecture, the Smart Office microservices and mobile
applications are at the heart of the application. The
entire business logic of the solution is encapsulated
in these application elements. The following sections
provide a detailed introduction to their specific func-
tions and responsibilities.
3.2 Workspace Management Service
By mapping each individual workplace as a digital
object within the application, the Workspace Manage-
ment Service provides a detailed and dynamic view of
the office space and facilitates the efficient manage-
ment and allocation of workplaces. Beyond simple
mapping, the Workspace Management Service care-
fully monitors the allocation of available workplaces,
ensuring optimal utilization of the office space while
also keeping track of the customizable attributes of
each workplace. These attributes, which currently
include features such as a digital picture frame or a
height-adjustable desk, greatly enhance the user ex-
perience by allowing the work environment to be tai-
lored to individual preferences. Importantly, the ar-
chitecture of the system is designed for future adapt-
ability, allowing additional features to be seamlessly
integrated as new technologies emerge.
3.3 Workplace Individualization Service
The Workplace Individualization Service specializes
in the management and aggregation of personalized
data specifically tailored to individual work environ-
ments. By focusing on personalized data collection,
this service plays an important role in optimizing the
work experience through a tailored approach that ad-
dresses the unique needs of each workplace. The
service’s responsibilities fall into three distinct cate-
Ergonomic adaptability
Personal memorabilia
Environmental data collection
The first category focuses on the management of the
data required to operate the height adjustable desks.
This aspect ensures that each workspace can be phys-
ically adapted to meet the ergonomic needs of its user,
promoting health and comfort in the office workspace.
The second category relates to the management of
personal memorabilia. This involves managing users’
pictures, which are displayed in digital picture frames
and add a personal touch to any workplace. In this
way, the service helps to create a more familiar and
welcoming working environment, boosting morale
and a sense of belonging. The final category relates to
the environmental data collected by the IoT devices,
such as temperature, CO
concentrations and humid-
ity. This information is then used to create the WEI
which gives administrators a quick overview of the
environmental status of each workplace.
3.4 Workplace Booking Service
The Workplace Booking Service is designed to allow
users to reserve a specific (open) workplace for a spe-
cific period of time. In addition, the service provides
a comprehensive view of workplace availability, en-
suring that users can easily find and secure a space
that meets their needs, thereby increasing the flexibil-
ity and efficiency of office space utilization.
As well as managing reservations, the Workplace
Booking Service is also responsible for the actual ac-
tivation of a booking. Once a user has booked a
workspace, the service works with other components
of the Smart Office application to personalize the
workspace according to the user’s preferences. This
personalization includes adjusting the height of the
desk and displaying user-specific images on a digital
picture frame. By integrating information from mul-
tiple sources, the service not only simplifies the reser-
vation process but also ensures that each workspace
is tailored to provide a comfortable, personalized, and
productive environment for each user.
3.5 Mobile Applications
The Smart Office microservice application has been
complemented by two specialized mobile applica-
tions, each designed to address different user require-
ments. The first application is optimized for the regu-
lar users of the Smart Office, offering a user-friendly
interface and a range of features designed to enhance
their daily office experience. This includes the abil-
ity to make workplaces reservations, manage personal
preferences and customize individual workplace con-
figurations. Users can personalize their office envi-
ronment, from configuring their preferred images on
digital frames to adjusting the height of their desks.
The second application is designed for adminis-
trators of the Smart Office solution, enabling them to
manage the complex aspects of office space utilization
and maintenance. Through the application, adminis-
trators can oversee the allocation of workspaces, con-
solidate user bookings, and monitor the overall usage
of office resources. In addition, the app provides ac-
cess to a wealth of environmental data collected from
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
various IoT sensors, including the insightful WEI.
This feature enables administrators to make informed
decisions about workspace management, ensuring op-
timal use of office space and maintaining a high stan-
dard of workplace environment.
The WEI represents a significant step forward in the
management and optimization of workplace condi-
tions, harnessing the power of IoT technology. The
index is calculated using data collected by an IoT de-
vice using various sensors installed in a workplace.
These sensors measure various environmental param-
eters such as temperature, humidity and CO
tration. By continuously collecting and analysing this
data, the WEI provides a comprehensive, real-time as-
sessment of a workplace’s environmental conditions.
The calculation of the WEI is based on the following
general equation:
W EI =
+ ... +WEI
As shown in (1), the WEI is calculated by the sum
of weighted (W
, W
, ..., W
) workplace environment
measurements (W EI
, W EI
, ..., W EI
) using the IoT
device and its sensors divided by the total number of
WEI measurements (n). The resulting measurement
of each sensor represents a specific WEI (e.g., WEI
with a corresponding weight (e.g., W
) to be able to
emphasize one environmental measurement over an-
other one. This allows to prioritize certain WEI mea-
surements and give some values more weight com-
pared to others. For instance, a certain workplace en-
vironment measurement (e.g., temperature) might be
more important for a certain workplace compared to
another one (e.g., humidity). In this case the weight
of the first measurement would be higher compared to
the second to show which one is more significant in
this specific case.
The WEI in (1) enables to calculate the environ-
ment index of a workplace to evaluate its environmen-
tal conditions. This index can further be used when
analysing the booking pattern of certain workplaces to
identify the reasons why some are overbooked while
others are not favoured by the employees. In the fol-
lowing sections, the WEI calculation will be explored
in more detail.
4.1 WEI Calculation
Based on the general WEI equation from (1), the cal-
culation of the WEI follows a four-stage approach to
ensure accuracy and relevance.
4.1.1 Step 1: Define Range of Values
The first step is to establish a range of values for the
environmental data to be measured by determining an
optimum, minimum and maximum value for each en-
vironmental parameter. This first step is essential as it
lays the foundation for the subsequent normalization
process to ensure that the data accurately reflects the
quality of the workplace environment. The following
table shows an example range of values for the envi-
ronmental values of temperature, humidity and CO
Table 1: Min-max Value Range of Environmental Data.
Minimum Maximum
Temperature 15
C 30
Humidity 10% 80%
Level 100 ppm 800 ppm
4.1.2 Step 2: Normalization
Once the value ranges are established, the second step
is to apply a linear min-max normalization, as pro-
posed by Vafaei et al. (2016) using the following
i j
i j
The min-max normalization from (2) converts the
measured environmental values into a normalized
range from 0 to 1, where the value 0.5 represents
the previously defined optimum or mean value for
each parameter. This normalized scale ensures that
the mean value accurately reflects the most desirable
environmental condition and allows a consistent and
fair assessment of different environmental parame-
ters. Based on this, the environmental measurements
of different metrics (with different units) can be ag-
gregated after the normalization step, allowing the
calculation of an overall WEI as shown in (1).
4.1.3 Step 3: Transformation
In the next step, the normalized values are converted
to the actual WEI value range of 0 to 100. This con-
version is based on the use of the following parabolic
f (x) = a(x h)
+ k (3)
Towards a Cloud-Based Smart Office Solution for Shared Workplace Individualization
The idea is to have a parabola that peaks at 0.5
and intersects the x-axis at 0 and 1, corresponding to
the minimum and maximum of the normalized val-
ues. The variables h and k represent the vertex co-
ordinates of the parabola. As a result, the variable h
represents the previously established optimal normal-
ized value of 0.5, while k represents the upper limit
of the WEI scale, which is 100. Solving the equation
for the points of intersection of the parabola with the
x-axis gives the actual value of the variable a (Papula,
2018). Table 2 shows the conversion of the measured
example environmental data into the WEI using the
parabolic function:
Table 2: Normalized environmental data.
Measured Normalized WEI
Temperature 23.5
C 0.57 98.04
Humidity 35% 0.36 92.16
Level 600 ppm 0.71 82.36
As shown in Table 2, the initial measured temper-
ature value of 23.5°C was normalized using the min-
max normalization from (2) with its minimum and
maximum values from Table 1. Then the parabolic
function from (3) was used to convert the normalized
value of 0.57 to the WEI of 98.04.
4.1.4 Step 4: Aggregation
Once all measured values have been converted, the fi-
nal step is to aggregate them to calculate the overall
WEI for a specific workplace. As previously men-
tioned, there may be cases where not all the calcu-
lated values contribute equally to the overall WEI. For
this reason, weights are used to emphasize one result
or environmental measure over another. This means
that specific environmental factors can be given more
weight than others, depending on their impact on the
workplace environment. Based on the weighted ap-
proach, the final score provides a tailored assessment
of the workplace environment that reflects the unique
priorities and needs of each workplace. As a result,
the partial WEI results for the temperature, humidity
and the CO
level as well as the strategic weighting of
the environmental variables are incorporated into the
subsequent equation:
W EI =
Using the example environmental measurement
data from Table 1 and giving equal weight to each
metric, the overall WEI result is 90.85.
4.2 WEI Applicability
The calculated WEI can be used as an indicator
to evaluate different environmental conditions of a
workplace and calculate an overall score. This ap-
proach enables to monitor the conditions of a work-
place in real-time and to take action to improve or op-
timize the conditions of a workplace. In addition, the
use of IoT technology demonstrates how a physical
work environment can become smart by dynamically
adapting to the user needs.
One of the key advantages of the WEI is its
utility in enhancing user experience within a shared
workspace environment. Employees within the Smart
Office can select workplaces that perfectly match
their personal preferences and comfort requirements
based on the calculated WEI. This capability is not
only beneficial for satisfying employees’ comfort
needs, but also for optimizing their productivity and
well-being. In addition, the WEI can be used to rank
workplaces, providing a clear, data-driven guide to
the best performing environments within a facility.
Such a feature democratizes workplace choice and en-
sures that all users have access to the spaces that best
suit their needs, thereby promoting a more equitable
and satisfying working environment.
Beyond the benefits to the individual user, the
WEI can be an invaluable tool for facilities man-
agement, acting as an early warning system to high-
light potential problems at specific workstations. For
example, abnormal temperature readings could indi-
cate a malfunction in the ventilation system, while
elevated CO
levels could indicate overcrowding in
a particular area. Furthermore, by correlating WEI
data with user booking patterns, facility managers can
gain insight into the environmental conditions that are
most conducive to employee comfort and productiv-
This improved understanding can contribute to
more efficient control of facility systems for heating,
cooling and lighting based on real-time occupancy
and usage patterns. Such tailored environmental ad-
justments not only improve the overall workplace ex-
perience but also contribute to energy efficiency and
sustainability goals. In the area of predictive analyt-
ics, trends in WEI data can predict the need for main-
tenance or indicate potential failures in facility ser-
vices, enabling pre-emptive action to minimize dis-
ruption and improve overall workplace functionality.
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
The COVID-19 pandemic has been the driving force
behind an unprecedented shift towards hybrid and
remote working models, opening up a wide range
of possibilities for reimagining the traditional office
space. At the heart of this transformation is the chal-
lenge of optimizing these new working environments
to meet the diverse needs of a dispersed workforce,
while maximizing efficiency and fostering a sense of
belonging among employees. In this paper we pro-
posed a cloud-based Smart Office solution for Shared
Open Workspaces, with a focus on individualization,
efficiency within adaptive work environment.
First, we presented a technological framework us-
ing microservice architecture to manage, personal-
ize, and book office spaces, complemented by mo-
bile applications for end users and administrators.
Next, we presented a model that uses different en-
vironmental measurement metrics (measured by an
IoT device with sensors) and combines them to cal-
culate an overall WEI score. Finally, we discussed
how the calculated WEI can be used to monitor and
optimize workplace conditions, improving employee
well-being, and productivity.
The proposed Smart Office solution bridges the
gap between workspace flexibility and personaliza-
tion needs in hybrid working models. Based on a
microservice architecture and IoT integration, the so-
lution enables scalable, user-centric office environ-
ments. In addition, the WEI score provides actionable
insights into workplace conditions, promoting opti-
mal workspace utilization and employee satisfaction.
To further support the proposed Smart Office so-
lution, it is essential to conduct empirical studies or
pilot implementations. Therefore, it is planned to im-
plement the Smart Office solution in a real-world of-
fice environment, incorporating adjustable desks and
digital frames for a personalized touch. This empir-
ical real-world implementation serves as a founda-
tional step not only for assessing the solution’s effec-
tiveness and practicality but also for analysing critical
aspects such as cost efficiency, security, privacy con-
cerns, and scalability. By evaluating these facets, the
implementation aims to ensure the solution’s viability
in diverse settings and its adaptability to various user
needs and office environments.
The empirical approach will be complemented by
a user experience study to correlate user satisfaction
with the WEI outcomes, thereby enabling iterative re-
finement of the solution based on actual usage data.
A thorough evaluation of the WEI in a live environ-
ment will help to identify and improve both optimal
and underperforming workspaces. The adaptability of
the Smart Office solution to offices of varying sizes
and organizational structures is a key consideration.
A detailed scalability study will be conducted to eval-
uate how the solution can be effectively scaled up or
down, depending on the specific needs of an organiza-
tion. This will include exploring modular aspects of
the microservice architecture and the IoT framework
to ensure that the Smart Office solution can be tai-
lored to accommodate different workspace environ-
ments and employee densities.
This position paper paves the way for future re-
search into Smart Office environments, focusing on
sustainability, user engagement, and the integration of
advanced technologies to further enhance the office of
the future.
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