Generation of Breaking News Contents Using Large Language Models
and Search Engine Optimization
ao Pereira
, Wenderson Wanzeller
and Ant
onio Miguel Rosado da Cruz
1,2 a
ADiT-LAB, Instituto Polit
ecnico de Viana do Castelo, 4900-348 Viana do Castelo, Portugal
ALGORITMI Research Lab, Universidade do Minho, Guimar
aes, Portugal
AI, Artificial Intelligence, News, Newspaper, LLM, Large Language Models, Journalist, Breaking News.
With easy access to the internet, anyone can search for the latest news. However, the news found on the
internet, especially on social media, are often of dubious origin. This article explores how new technologies
can help journalists in their day-to-day work. We therefore sought to create a platform for generating hot
news content using Artificial Intelligence, namely Large Language Models (LLMs), combined with Search
Engine Optimization (SEO). We investigate how LLMs impact content production, analyzing their ability to
create compelling and accurate narratives in real time. Additionally, we examine how SEO integration can
optimize the visibility and relevance of this content in search engines. This work highlights the importance
of strategically combining these technologies to improve efficiency in disseminating news, adapting to the
dynamism of online information and the demands of a constantly evolving audience.
In the digital realm, the rapid evolution of technolo-
gies and the swift dissemination of information have
made it increasingly challenging to verify the authen-
ticity of the news that reach us. News should be to-
tally impartial, not opinionated, and inform the reader
effectively. However, any individual can access a so-
cial network or build a website and create fake news
or news that are not totally impartial. Fake news are
gaining momentum on social media, as it is increas-
ingly easier to create and disseminate links and con-
tent or “illustrative” images of false events, and dis-
seminate this content on WhatsApp, X and Facebook,
seeking to influence the reader’s opinion in a biased
way. A study by the Columbia Journalism Review
(Nelson, 2017) states that 30 per cent of fake news are
linked to Facebook, which creates a chain of shares
that lead the user to believe that they are real news
(see Figure 1).
The main goal aim of this paper is to support the
creation of credible news contents quickly, impar-
tially and seriously. The aim is that, when a news
topic is hot or trending, a journalist can quickly cre-
ate a news story with all the details, without block-
ers, and obtain a news text with the help of AI based
tools, based on the text of the same news from dif-
ferent sources previously catalogued as credible. The
Figure 1: Connecting Fake News to social networks (taken
from (Nelson, 2017)).
proposed news platform will generate news contents
with daily trending topics, with the help of Artificial
Intelligence and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
technology (Google, 2024), so that it is optimised for
search engines. This will provide journalists with
an important tool to make them able to use these
news items, which have been generated according to
the trending words of the moment, enabling them to
edit any generated text to meet the journalist’s cri-
teria so that they can then be published wherever
they wish. The journalist has full control over the
news item and can freely edit it to suit the required
context. The generated content will cite the credi-
Pereira, J., Wanzeller, W. and Rosado da Cruz, A.
Generation of Breaking News Contents Using Large Language Models and Search Engine Optimization.
DOI: 10.5220/0012739200003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 888-893
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ble sources from where it has been based on. To
give an example: With the resignation of the Por-
tuguese Prime Minister, news trends monitoring plat-
forms, such as Google Trends, presented trending
words like ”Ant
onio Costa”, ”Resignation Ant
Costa”, ”Prime Minister”, etc. When journalists log
on to the proposed platform, they will see all the news
created by the platform based on the trending words
of the moment. This way, they will not waste time
searching for trending topics, and will be able to use
the platform to launch breaking news that would take
much longer to build if they had to do more research,
check sources, etc.
Using a Large Language Model, such as Chat-
GPT (ChatGPT, ), the aim is to obtain a news text that
summarises the news contents obtained from credible
sources. From the texts collected, a complete and im-
partial news item will be generated, with all the details
so that the reader is properly informed. At the end
of this process, the user/journalist will always be in
charge of editing, finalising and approving the news,
being able to enter the platform and consult and ap-
prove, or not, the complete news with the latest hot
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In
the next section, the research methods is presented.
In section 3, a review of tools for supporting journal-
ists in creating news texts is made. Section 5 presents
conclusions and defines research lines for future de-
velopments of this project.
The research method followed in this work is Design
Science Research (DSR) (Cruz and Rosado da Cruz,
2020). DSR is an iterative problem-solving process
common in areas such as information systems and
computer science. This approach involves creating
and evaluating innovative artefacts to deal with com-
plex problems. The process includes several phases:
problem identification, artefact design and develop-
ment, demonstration or validation, evaluation and it-
erative refinement.
In the problem identification phase, researchers
thoroughly understand the context and scope of the
problem. They then move on to the design and de-
velopment of artifacts, which can range from models
to software systems. This stage emphasises creativity
and innovation, combining existing knowledge with
innovative approaches to create effective solutions.
Once the artifact is created, it undergoes demon-
stration or validation to show its functionality and po-
tential impact. This involves implementing it in real
or simulated environments and establishing evalua-
tion criteria. The evaluation phase analyses the arte-
fact’s usefulness, usability and contribution to knowl-
edge, focusing on both practical application and the-
oretical advancement.
Iterative refinement is a central aspect of DSR.
Based on the evaluation results and feedback, re-
searchers continuously improve the artefact to in-
crease its relevance and effectiveness. Finally, the re-
sults and insights are communicated through publi-
cations and other channels, contributing to collective
knowledge in the respective field.
This research work has concluded the problem
identification phase, being here presented the context
and scope of the problem, together with the defini-
tion of future work for the design and development of
the main artifact, which will be a journalists-targeted
news platform that will generate news contents with
the help of Artificial Intelligence and Search Engine
Optimisation (SEO) technology, and based on the
daily trending topics.
The state of the art research has focused on the fol-
lowing topics: ”support tools for journalists” and ”ar-
tificial intelligence in journalism”.
In the first article analysed (Franks et al., 2022),
the authors analyse the lack of specific digital tools
adapted to support journalists’ creativity. While some
general tools are adapted to help with story develop-
ment, such as search engines and text analysis, not
many are designed for journalists and do not explicitly
focus on idea generation during news development.
Examples of digital tools for journalism include
DocumentCloud (DocumentCloud, ), which analyses
documents for references and timelines, and proto-
types such as NewsReader (NewsBlur, ), using text
analysis and AI to categorise news and financial data,
although they do not focus on generating new angles
for news stories.
Other tools are mentioned, such as the Story Dis-
covery Engine (Broussard, 2014), which helps anal-
yse text and discover stories. The text also mentions
startups such as, which offers interactive as-
sistants for quick searches, but has no concrete evi-
dence of supporting journalists’ creativity.
Another article (Dhiman, 2023) discusses the role
of artificial intelligence (AI) in journalism, emphasis-
ing that, although AI can automate aspects such as
data analysis, fact-checking and even news produc-
tion, it cannot replace human journalists.
AI is seen as a tool to complement human jour-
Generation of Breaking News Contents Using Large Language Models and Search Engine Optimization
nalists, allowing them to concentrate on complex re-
porting while AI handles routine tasks. It highlights
how AI can reduce variable costs in journalism by au-
tomating data analysis, fact-checking, news produc-
tion and personalising content for readers. However,
it notes that implementing AI can require significant
technological investment.
The article also looks at how AI, such as Chat-
GPT, can help with tasks related to journalism, such
as fact-checking, writing news articles, creating head-
lines and analysing data. It emphasises the impor-
tance of using AI tools judiciously and verifying in-
formation from any source.
Overall, while AI presents opportunities to sim-
plify journalistic processes and reduce costs, it em-
phasises the need for ethical considerations and hu-
man oversight when using these technologies.
Another article (Kotenidis and Veglis, 2021)
notes that algorithmic technology has advanced con-
siderably in recent years, but faces challenges, espe-
cially in the automated production of content. One
crucial limitation is the reliance on structured data. In
addition, although algorithms can mimic human writ-
ing, they still lack in areas such as analytical thinking,
flexibility and creativity. This creates a disconnect
between algorithms and humans, especially in auto-
mated newsrooms.
In addition to automated content production, there
are challenges in other areas, such as data mining,
where the results can be insignificant or even incor-
Despite this, algorithmic technology is promis-
ing for solving contemporary problems in journal-
ism, such as information overload and credibility. Al-
though the introduction of more sophisticated algo-
rithms may cause turbulence, it is hoped that they
will help produce news faster and on a larger scale,
expanding coverage to unprofitable events. However,
this could lead to information overload, exacerbated
by the spread of fake news.
This recent study (Lermann Henestrosa et al.,
2023) investigated how readers perceive content pro-
duced automatically by algorithms, focussing specif-
ically on science journalism articles. Although much
content is already generated automatically, there is lit-
tle knowledge about how artificial intelligence (AI)
authoring affects audience perception, especially in
more complex texts.
The researchers highlighted technological ad-
vances in automated text generation, citing large-scale
language models such as OpenAI’s GPT-3, Microsoft
and NVIDIAs Megatron-Turing as examples of ad-
vanced natural language generation (NLG) capabili-
ties. These models illustrate the ability to simulate
human writing, but there is still a lack of studies on
the impact of AI authoring on complex texts.
The studies conducted analysed readers’ percep-
tions of science journalism articles written by algo-
rithms. Surprisingly, even when an AI author pre-
sented information in an evaluative way on a scientific
topic, there was no decrease in the credibility or trust
attributed to the text. The presentation of the infor-
mation was identified as the main factor influencing
readers’ perceptions, regardless of the declared au-
An interesting point was that although the partici-
pants considered the AI author to be less ”human” in
their writing, this perception did not impact the eval-
uation of the messages. This raised questions about
the importance of the nature of the author for readers
in terms of credibility and trust in the content.
The results indicated an acceptance of AI as an
author of scientific texts, provided certain conditions
were met. In addition, the studies revealed positive
attitudes towards automation, suggesting a favourable
attitude towards the use of algorithms in content pro-
However, the studies had some limitations, includ-
ing the influence of participants’ prior beliefs and the
perceived neutrality of the information presented. Fu-
ture research should further explore how readers un-
derstand the workings of text production algorithms
and the relationship between the perceived ”humani-
sation” of AI and the credibility of the content gener-
In summary, the study has contributed to a deeper
understanding of how AI authorship affects the pub-
lic’s perception of complex content, paving the way
for reflection on the acceptance of algorithmically
generated texts in more diverse contexts.
The study (Sir
en-Heikel et al., 2023) examines
the influence of AI technologies on journalism by
studying the logics underpinning the construction of
technical solutions. It uses a theoretical framework
to understand the interrelationships between institu-
tions, individuals, and organizations in social sys-
tems. The integration of AI technologies into news
organizations impacts how work is organized and re-
shapes journalism. The study explores companies that
develop and sell NLG (natural language generation)
services for journalism, revealing how technologists
view their interactions with news organizations.
The participants in the study represent different
educational backgrounds, cultures, and languages, yet
share a sensemaking of their relationship with jour-
nalism. The presupposition that technologists and
journalists occupy separate fields of logic is validated
through the interviews. The companies involved in
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the study differ in size, market reach, and age, allow-
ing for analysis of both established players and new
entrants to the field.
It also focuses on the interplay that occurs when
AI technologies are incorporated into organizations.
It reveals that AI technologies in news organizations
require interaction between the logics of journalism
and technologists, leading to competition and assim-
ilation of logics. The study is limited by only inter-
viewing one representative from each company, but
sheds light on the influence exerted by AI technolo-
gies on journalism.
It identifies a shared theory of rationalization, a
frame of optimization, and a narrative of misinterpre-
tation among the companies involved in developing
AI solutions for journalism. The theory of rationaliza-
tion is distilled as solutionist, rationalizing news or-
ganizations by solving the problem of reaching audi-
ences at scale without adding human resources. This
allows newswork to refocus on creating value for au-
diences. The frame of optimization centers around
optimizing newswork, freeing journalists from hav-
ing to do ”boring news that doesn’t add any value.
It derives from the theory of rationalization and ver-
balizes a normative conceptualization of what jour-
nalism ought to be. The narrative of misinterpretation
is expressed through the limitations of explaining AI
systems, to whom it is explained, and when it is ex-
This also delves into the perspectives of technol-
ogists involved in developing AI solutions applied in
journalism. It reveals that different companies pro-
vide different solutions for automated content, with
varying generation and distribution models. The
study sheds light on the influence exerted by AI tech-
nologies on journalism by studying the logics under-
pinning the construction of the technical solutions.
Table 1 summarizes the conclusions from the state
of art.
According to a survey conducted by the media
think-tank at the London School of Economics (LSE),
news organizations see potential for AI throughout
the entire production process, including news gath-
ering, production, and distribution. The main moti-
vations for adopting AI in journalism are increased
efficiency in the newsroom, improved business func-
tionality, and enhanced relevance for audiences.
AI technologies, particularly NLG, have been uti-
lized for various applications in journalism. These
include content recommendation, improved tagging,
automated stories, summaries, and text-to-audio con-
version. AI is also valuable for data cleansing, extrac-
tion, linking records, and identifying news angles. It
is particularly useful for handling resource-intensive
or technically challenging stories.
The article highlights that AI is viewed as a part-
ner in the journalistic process, augmenting and opti-
mizing news work. It can assist in sorting out mean-
ing from vast amounts of information and contribute
to the production of scoops, analysis, and brand build-
ing. The focus is on augmenting work processes
that lack creativity, allowing journalists to concen-
trate on more important aspects of their work. While
AI has the potential to address certain challenges in
journalism, there is also recognition of the impact on
jobs. The article emphasizes the importance of defin-
ing journalistic value in terms of investigative stories,
analysis, and brand building, rather than simply re-
lying on AI for routine news stories. In conclusion,
the study provides valuable insights into the inter-
play between AI technologies and journalism, shed-
ding light on the influence exerted by AI technolo-
gies on journalism. It highlights the need for inter-
action between the logics of journalism and technol-
ogists, and the competition and assimilation of logics
that occur when AI technologies are incorporated into
organizations. The study contributes to a better un-
derstanding of the impact of AI technologies on jour-
nalism and the dynamics of the evolving relationship
between technology and news organizations.
Based on all the articles analysed, it is clear that there
is still a long way to go on both sides. It is sometimes
difficult to introduce technological evolution in cer-
tain areas, but journalism has increasingly benefited
from artificial intelligence. So, in summary:
Support Tools and AI in Journalism: An article
highlights the lack of specific digital tools designed
to foster journalists’ creativity. While there are gen-
eral tools to help develop stories, few are dedicated to
generating ideas during news production. Examples
mentioned include DocumentCloud and NewsReader,
but there is a lack of tools focussed on generating new
angles for news stories.
Role of AI in Journalism: AI is seen as a com-
plementary tool to human journalists, capable of au-
tomating tasks such as data analysis, fact-checking
and even news production. However, it is emphasised
that AI cannot replace essential human skills for jour-
nalism, such as empathy, understanding the nuances
of language and ethical considerations.
Challenges of AI in Journalism: Automation in
content production faces challenges, including limi-
tations in interpreting unstructured data and the dif-
ficulty in replicating human analysis, flexibility and
Generation of Breaking News Contents Using Large Language Models and Search Engine Optimization
Table 1: Summary of conclusions from the state of art.
Title and Reference Main conclusions
Using computational tools to support
journalists’ creativity (Franks et al., 2022)
- Lack of digital tools to support journalists creativity.
How Artificial Intelligence Helped Me Investigate
Textbook Shortages (Broussard, 2014)
- AI offers interactive assistants, but has no concrete
evidence of supporting journalists’ creativity
Does Artificial Intelligence Help Journalists:
A Boon or Bane? (Dhiman, 2023)
- AI can automate aspects such as text analysis,
fact checking, and even news production.
- Algorithms or models may be biased.
- Ethical considerations and human oversight
when using these technologies.
Algorithmic Journalism—Current Applications
and Future Perspectives (Kotenidis and Veglis, 2021)
- Crucial limitation of AI is relience on structured data.
- AI lacks analytical thinking, flexibility and creativity.
- Some results can be insignificant or erroneous.
Automated journalism: The effects of AI authorship
and evaluative information on the perception of a
science journalism article
(Lermann Henestrosa et al., 2023)
- Readers tend to attribute similar credibility or trust to
AI generated news contents as to human written news.
At the crossroads of logics: Automating
newswork with artificial intelligence—(Re)defining
journalistic logics from the perspective
of technologists
en-Heikel et al., 2023)
- Integration of AI technologies into news organizations
impacts how work is organized and reshapes journalism.
- Participants in a study, representing different
backgrounds, share a presupposition that technologists
and journalists occupy separate fields of logic.
- AI technologies in news organizations require interaction
between the logics of journalism and technologists,
leading to competition and assimilation of logics.
- Identifies a shared theory of rationalization, a frame of
optimization, and a narrative of misinterpretation among
the companies involved in developing AI solutions
for journalism.
Audience Perception of AI-Generated Texts:
Studies on the perception of AI-generated texts indi-
cate that the presentation of information is crucial for
credibility, regardless of whether it is produced by hu-
mans or algorithms. Although participants recognize
AI-generated writing as less ”human”, this does not
affect their evaluation of the message.
Impact of AI on News Organizations: The incor-
poration of AI technologies into news organizations
influences the way work is organized and transforms
journalism. The interaction between the logics of
journalism and technology generates competition and
assimilation of logics.
Potential Use of AI in Journalism: AI is seen
as a partner in the journalistic process, capable of
optimizing tasks and freeing journalists to focus on
more complex aspects of the job. Applications of
AI include content recommendation, automatic sum-
maries, data analysis and assistance with technically
challenging stories.
Overall, AI is perceived as a promising tool for
simplifying journalistic processes, but there is an em-
phasis on the need for ethical considerations and hu-
man supervision when using these technologies.
Figure 2: General architecture of the proposed project.
In this article we have reviewed the state of art re-
lated to AI-based tools for helping journalists in their
daily work. A lack of tools for helping journalists
creativity, especially creating news contents, has been
identified. Also, it is necessary to solve a number of
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
existing problems in order to help journalists or even
an entire newsroom. However, there have been some
difficulties because, in general terms, artificial intel-
ligence / large language models are a recent subject,
which is why there are not many articles available on
the subject. In other words, the field of journalism
with artificial intelligence continues and will continue
to be intensively explored.
This work has also set the basis for creating an
AI-based news generating platform, which would be-
come a tool for journalists, aiding in detecting news
trends and compiling texts from reliable sources that
would be delivered to the journalist for review and fi-
nalization before sending it to a news editorial office
or a news portal. Figure 2 shows the proposed high-
level architecture. As future work, we intend to con-
tinue this project, now moving on to the engineering
and development of the platform itself.
This contribution has been developed in the context
of Project “TEXP@CT Pacto de Inovac¸
ao para
a Digitalizac¸
ao do T
extil e Vestu
ario”, funded by
PRR through measure 02/C05-i01/2022 of IAPMEI
- Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation. For
improving the manuscript’s text, some AI-based tools
have been used, such as Google Translator and Write-
Broussard, M. (2014). How artificial intelligence helped me
investigate textbook shortages. American Journalism
ChatGPT. ChatGPT. Avaible at
Cruz, E. F. and Rosado da Cruz, A. M. (2020). Design
science research for IS/IT projects: Focus on digital
transformation. In 15th Iberian Conference On Infor-
mation Systems And Technologies (CISTI 2020).
Dhiman, B. (March 24, 2023). Does artificial intelligence
help journalists: A boon or bane? SSRN Electronic
DocumentCloud. DocumentCloud. Avaible at
Franks, S., Wells, R., Maiden, N., and Zachos, K. (2022).
Using computational tools to support journalists’ cre-
ativity. Journalism, 23(9):1881–1899.
Google (2024). Search engine optimization (seo) starter
guide. Available at
Kotenidis, E. and Veglis, A. (2021). Algorithmic jour-
nalism—current applications and future perspectives.
Journalism And Media, 2:244–257.
Lermann Henestrosa, A., Greving, H., and Kimmerle, J.
(2023). Automated journalism: The effects of ai au-
thorship and evaluative information on the perception
of a science journalism article. Computers in Human
Behavior, 138:107445.
Nelson, J. L. (Jan. 2017). Is ‘fake news’ a fake prob-
lem? - columbia journalism review. Available at
NewsBlur. NewsBlur. Avaible at
en-Heikel, S., Kjellman, M., and Lind
en, C.-G. (2023).
At the crossroads of logics: Automating newswork
with artificial intelligence—(re)defining journalistic
logics from the perspective of technologists. Jour-
nal Of The Association For Information Science And
Technology, Special Issue:Artificial Intelligence and
Work, 74(3):345–366.
Generation of Breaking News Contents Using Large Language Models and Search Engine Optimization