Teachers’ Perception of AI and Their Attitudes Towards AI
Mario Konecki
, Tanja Baksa
and Mladen Konecki
Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University Zagreb, Pavlinska 2, Varaždin, Croatia
Media and Communication Department, University North, Trg Žarka Dolinara 1, Koprivnica, Croatia
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, High School Teachers, Attitudes and Perception of AI, AI in Education.
Abstract: Even though artificial intelligence has been around for a while, ChatGPT is largely the reason why more
educators are now discussing it. A lot of educators are worried about artificial intelligence in schools. While
some educators believe it ought to be outlawed and prohibited from use, others find advantages. The research
presented in this paper aims to comprehend the attitudes and perception of high school educators regarding
artificial intelligence (AI), its applications in everyday life and the classroom, and the possible effects AI may
have on educator careers and the educational system. Research results show that teachers learn about AI
mostly on their own, and that their attitudes towards AI is generally positive, which suggests that additional
efforts put into organized teacher training would be beneficial.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a part of
everyday life. Today AI has many applications in
several fields, such as health care, education, speech
recognition, image processing, natural language
processing, smart robotics, autonomous cars, energy
systems, and many more (Jiang et al., 2022). Since
1956, when the term was coined by McCarthy,
development of AI had its ups and downs
(Negnevitsky, 2005). Today a renaissance of AI
development can be identified and observed.
AI in education or AIEDU is nothing new. Woolf
discussed since 1991 about AI in education, and
almost 30 years later many AI systems are used in
education in the form of tutoring systems, adaptive e-
learning, chatbots, assessments, visualization and
virtual learning environments etc. (Schmid et al.,
2021; Holmes et al., 2019; Zhang & Aslan, 2021;
Chen et al., 2020). The COVID 19 pandemic forced
educators and students to learn via computers and
Internet, thus many ICT tools were used to continue
with the teaching and learning process (Baksa & Luić,
But beside ICT tools, there are also many AI tools
that are used in teaching and learning process
(Holmes et al., 2019). However, there are also many
obstacles that impact the adoption of AI systems like
expenses and scalability (adaptability), ethics and
privacy, lack of awareness of AI among educators,
and a lack of useful advice for educators (Zhang &
Aslan, 2021). As for the use of AI systems in
education, Goksel and Bozkurt's (2019) review of the
literature on AI and education today and in the future
indicates that most research has been done on
adaptive learning, personalization and learning styles,
expert and intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), and AI
as future components of educational processes.
Humble and Mozelius (2022) discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of artificial
intelligence in the classroom. They arrive to the
conclusion that while AI can help teachers and
students with language acquisition and STEM
education, it is limited by poor tutoring systems and
biased development.
Many concerns arise while discussing AI in
education, like the role of the teacher, how to
determine which AI system is effective and which
isn't, how to safeguard the data of instructors and
students, etc. Following the launch of ChatGPT 3.5 in
November 2022, a few of these questions resurfaced.
For this reason, a large number of researchers and
educators have experimented with ChatGPT's
applications and studied the benefits and drawbacks
of employing it in the classroom (Tan, 2023). As
students are already utilizing this new technology to
write essays and other academic assignments,
teachers should learn how to integrate it into teaching
and learning, according to Xin's evaluation of the
literature. In the long run, this might improve
Konecki, M., Baksa, T. and Konecki, M.
Teachers’ Perception of AI and Their Attitudes Towards AI.
DOI: 10.5220/0012739300003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 564-568
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
educational quality. But on the other hand, teachers
should also talk with students about the shortcomings
of this kind of programs (Xin, 2023).
1.1 Teachers’ Attitudes Toward AI
Many students are already using different AI tools,
and in comparison to older individuals, younger
people are more accepting of AI (Zhang & Dafoe,
2019; Shepman & Rodway, 2022). It is therefore the
teachers' responsibility to employ AI tools or at the
very least to be aware of their existence and
capabilities in order to keep up with the students.
Thus, teachers’ attitudes toward AI are very
important when talking about implementation of it in
the teaching and learning process, and education in
general. There aren’t many studies on the topic. In the
so far conducted studies among teachers or pre-
teachers, there are optimistic prediction, but also
concerns regarding AIEDU.
Kim et al. (2019) for instance, stated that Korean
educators thought AI could revolutionize both society
and education. The majority of educators would be
open to implementing an AI-based platform for
instruction, which may result in personalized lessons
for each student, less work for educators in terms of
administration, support for kids who are having
difficulties, and better communication with parents.
Nazaretsky et al. (2021) stated that confirmation
bias is present in teachers' attitudes regarding AI-
based technology as seen by their reluctance to accept
recommendations from the technology when they
conflict with what they already know about their
students. When it comes to evaluation, teachers
demand AI to be 100% accurate when grading open-
ended questions. Personalized instruction is
something that teachers feel AI-based technologies
can help with, but they are unsure of their capacity to
use these tools effectively because they will need to
make significant adjustments to their current teaching
methods (Nazaretsky et al. 2021). Many educators
think that integrating AI will significantly change
both society and education.
Artificial intelligence (AI) education has to
permeate both teaching and learning in order to
increase students' preparedness for future roles in
society. Additionally, a lot of educators are amenable
to using AI-powered teaching and learning platforms
because they see the potential benefits, which include
improved parent-teacher communication, more
tailored education, less administrative work, and
support for children in need (Lee et al., 2024).
The aim of the research presented in this paper is to
get an insight how high school teachers feel about
artificial intelligence and its implementation. A
questionnaire from this study as well as some
questions based on relevant research on knowledge
and attitudes toward AI (KAAI) (Kim & Lee, 2020),
studies by Došenović et al. (2022), and Chao et al.
(2020), were used in the research, which was carried
out using a quantitative method that includes the
original metrics for measuring teachers’ attitudes
toward AI in education, Teachers' Attitudes Toward
AI in Education scale (TATAIE) according to
Fatalaki et al. (2024). The teachers were informed
that their participation is voluntary and anonymous.
In accordance with the aims of the research, the
following research questions were specified:
1. How do high school teachers feel about AI
and its use in general?
2. How do high school teachers feel about AI
and its use in education?
3. What concerns high school teachers have
when it comes to AI?
According to the research questions following
hypothesis were formed:
H1: High school teachers are generally positive
about AI development.
H2: High school teachers that use ICT and AI
tools in everyday life are more open to implement AI
tools into their teaching methods.
H3: Most high school teachers believe that
teachers cannot be replaced by AI.
3.1 Demographics
The research sample consisted of 95 high school
instructors (N = 85 female and N = 10 male) who
instruct students in grades 9 through 12 at high
schools, grammar schools, and vocational schools.
Thirty of them work in grammar and vocational
schools, while forty of them work in vocation
schools. Two in art school and eighteen in grammar
school. The duration of the teachers' job experience
varies as well, five years old or younger to thirty-five
years old or older. Just one person works more than
35 years while still attending school; the majority of
Teachers’ Perception of AI and Their Attitudes Towards AI
participants (73,68%) work between the 11 and 35
years (Table 1).
Table 1: Demographics.
Male 10 10.53
Female 85 89.47
Work ex
0-5 7 7.367
6-10 17 17.89
11-20 32 33.68
21-35 38 40.00
>35 1 1.05
Work place
Grammar school 18 18.95
Vocational school 45 47.37
Combined vocational
and grammar school
30 31.58
Art school 2 2.11
3.2 Knowledge and Source of
Information About AI
Presented research aimed to determine the teachers’
level of familiarity with AI technologies and tools, as
well as where they obtain knowledge on the subject.
The teachers should self-estimate how good they are
in knowing the AI technologies and tools. When it
comes to the source of information about AI, teachers
could select the top three sources from which they
learn the most about AI. They could choose between
teacher training, textbooks, Internet (various portals
and websites), social networks (Facebook, Instagram,
TikTok), YouTube, television, radio, printed
newspapers, literature review, family members, work
colleagues or something else.
The most named sources are different websites
and portals on the Internet (80%), social networks like
Facebook, Instagram or TikTok (53%), and the third
one is teacher training (35,8%). Work colleagues are
on the fourth place with 27,4%, followed by YouTube
with 20%. The least information about AI teacher get
from radio (6,3%), papers (3,2%) and textbooks
(3,2%). 14,7% of teachers get the most information
about AI on television, 13,7% from literature review,
and 12,6% from their family members. Two
educators also mentioned their students as a source of
information about AI.
Although the teachers don't know much about
various AI technologies and tools (1.253), they
believe they know enough about AI in general (mean
3.126), as can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2: Self-estimated AI knowledge and familiarity with
AI tools.
AI knowled
Familiar with
AI tools
Mean 3.126 1.253
Std. dev. 1.170 0.757
1.000 1.000
5.000 5.000
3.3 Attitudes Towards AI
In items regarding attitudes toward AI, teachers could
choose between Strongly disagree, Disagree,
Undecided, Agree, and Fully agree. Teachers know
what artificial intelligence (AI) can and cannot do. In
general, they have more moderate and positive views
about AI than negative ones. While many educators
think AI might benefit people in their daily lives, they
are also worried that AI can rule the world and cause
job losses (Table 3). Given that the median value is
primarily positive and moderate, it can be said that
teachers have a positive view of AI, supporting H1.
Table 3: Teachers’ perception and attitudes regarding AI.
AI can / does
Median Mean Std. dev.
recognize speech 4.000 4.158 0.971
react to a person 4.000 3.758 1.028
recognize a person's
5.000 4.442 0.859
look like a human 2.000 2.221 1.204
move like a human 2.000 1.958 1.091
speak like a human 3.000 2.958 1.157
will rule the worl
2.000 2.337 1.217
can solve
roblems 3.000 3.284 0.907
monitor and control
3.000 2.916 1.117
store bi
data 5.000 4.516 0.742
make the quality of
life bette
3.000 3.400 0.994
help people in
everyday life
4.000 3.695 0.935
I am curious about AI
4.000 3.747 1.157
AI makes people
3.000 3.253 1.304
I trust full
in AI 2.000 2.368 0.957
AI is smarter than
2.000 2.221 1.002
not make mistakes 1.000 1.632 0.876
is unreliable 3.000 2.937 0.848
affects the loss of
obs 3.000 3.200 1.234
AI-development –
ood or bad
3.000 3.442 0.695
er, or benefit 3.000 2.484 1.061
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.4 Teachers’ Attitudes Towards AI in
Teachers have also positive attitudes toward AI in
education. They see AI as a good helping tool for
learning, but also for teacher preparing for the class,
and choosing teaching methods. On the other hand,
teachers are more moderate when it comes to
readiness to implement and use AI tools in teaching,
and that it brings benefits to education. Teachers also
think AI cannot replace them, and they also think AI
should not be banned from school. When it comes to
legal regulations, they are also moderate about it
(Table 4). Research results show that teacher are
curious about AI development and are positive
towards AI in education. Teachers that use AI in
everyday life are also more open to use AI tools in
teaching. Thus, H2 is confirmed.
Finally, most teachers don’t believe they could be
replaced by AI. Thus, H3 is confirmed.
Table 4: Teachers’ attitudes toward AI in education.
Median Mean Std. dev.
can replace teachers in
1.000 1.411 0.805
is good as a learning
aid, not substitute for
5.000 4.632 0.730
helps me already in
3.000 3.200 1.145
can make class
reparation easie
4.000 3.674 0.972
will change the teaching
4.000 3.642 0.922
can help in choosing
4.000 3.684 0.937
should be banned from
schools and education
2.000 1.979 1.082
education without AI is
no longer imaginable
3.000 3.189 1.223
brings only benefits to
3.000 2.653 0.987
we are already late in
using AI in teaching and
3.000 3.000 1.280
should be an integral
part of the educational
3.000 3.137 1.182
readiness for AI
implementation in
3.000 2.926 0.866
should be regulated by
Previous studies have demonstrated that educators are
worried about artificial intelligence (AI) and how it
may affect their work (Nazaretsky et al., 2021,
Shepman & Rodway, 2022). According to the
research results, educators are aware of the benefits
and drawbacks of artificial intelligence (AI) in
general as well as of its application possibilities in the
teaching and learning process. Research results show
that the teacher informing about the AI in most cases
comes from their own online activities. This kind of
results suggest that teachers would benefit from
additional curriculums that would enable them to
learn more about the AI, and that more aiding tools
that can help teachers to use AI easier would be
Research results show that teachers have
generally positive attitudes toward artificial
intelligence, and this does highlight the need for more
investment in teacher education and their
understanding of AI tools so that they can inform their
students about the advantages and disadvantages of
using AI.
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