Exploring Social Sustainability Alignment in Software Development
Ana Carolina Moises de Souza
, Kaban Koochakpour
, Sofia Papavlasopoulou
and Letizia Jaccheri
Department of Computer Science, Norwegian University of Technology and Science, Trondheim, Norway
Software Sustainability, Sustainable Development Goals, Software Development, Sustainable Software
Engineering, Software Social Impacts.
Socially sustainable software, developed with an emphasis on individual well-being, social justice, and social
development, can positively impact society. In order to develop real-world software projects, a software en-
gineering course was established to connect students and companies. This course allows students to address
sustainability issues by creating solutions for problems proposed by companies, who are treated as customers.
This study explores the alignment of students and customers about social sustainability. An analysis of twelve
project proposals and twelve final reports from 67 students revealed that seven customers explicitly mentioned
social sustainability. Surprisingly, only three student groups incorporated it into their projects. Two groups ad-
dressed the concerns raised by customers, and one proactively tackled social sustainability despite no explicit
demand. This study presents a novel approach that integrates social sustainability into software engineering,
evaluating alignment between customer demands and student responses. Discussions cover potential chal-
lenges and improvements in the software development process, proposing initial steps toward a foundational
guideline for active engagement in social sustainability by both students and companies.
Academic courses are designed to match industry and
academy needs in terms of educating and preparing
new professionals to work with customers by hav-
ing real experience on software development projects
(Andersen et al., 1994) (Paasivaara et al., 2019). Each
party recognizes the benefits of this, including the op-
portunity for students to apply their learning and for
customers to obtain a minimum viable product, proof
of concept, feasibility study, and functional software.
Initial investigations about software and sustain-
ability have happened in academic courses (Peters
et al., 2023). For instance the Sustainability Aware-
ness Framework was first assessed in the academic
settings (Duboc et al., 2019). Another example is a
previous study by Cico et al., focused on identify-
ing sustainability issues in companies or customers
proposals by mapping them to the Sustainable Devel-
opment Goals (SDGs) (Nations, 2015). The results
revealed a positive alignment between 10 out of 17
SDGs covered by the customers proposals indicating
a promising implicit intention to address sustainabil-
ity, especially social sustainability. However, a rec-
ognized gap is how the students incorporated sustain-
ability in their reports with respect to what was ini-
tially proposed by the customers from a societal per-
spective(Cico et al., 2021). This highlights the need
for further research to determine the extent of sustain-
ability integration in software development. There-
fore, while researchers are proposing methods, frame-
works, practices, and guidance on addressing sustain-
ability in software, there is still an opportunity to vali-
date these approaches between industry and academic
practitioners (Cico et al., 2021) (Oyedeji et al., 2021).
Our study aims to explore how social sustainabil-
ity concerns are aligned between customers and stu-
dents in software development projects of a software
engineering course. The main goal of this course is to
develop a working software product for a company,
which we call customer, based on their project pro-
posal. The participants of this course were 67 stu-
dents and 12 customers from different sectors. Since
Moises de Souza, A., Koochakpour, K., Papavlasopoulou, S. and Jaccheri, L.
Exploring Social Sustainability Alignment in Software Development Projects.
DOI: 10.5220/0012739600003687
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2024), pages 250-261
ISBN: 978-989-758-696-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
we did not establish any predefined research ques-
tions or hypothesis we chose the grounded theory
method (Glaser, 1978) (Strauss and Corbin, 1998)
(Charmaz, 2006) to analyze customer proposals and
students’ reports through the lens of the social sus-
tainability dimension (Brundtland, 1987). Moreover,
since we were comparing the customers’ proposals
against students’ reports, we analyzed the documents
using a two-case model analysis in the tool called
. As part of the grounded theory method,
the theoretical coding helped to reveal the relationship
between social sustainability concerns, SDGs, and so-
cially sustainable software practices.
Based on our document analysis, we have identi-
fied that the customer proposes projects that address
social sustainability concerning well-being and good
health, social justice, participatory society, and com-
munity development. The data suggests that both cus-
tomer requirements and software requirements play a
crucial role in determining which sustainability con-
cerns the software will aim to tackle. As a result,
customers who explicitly incorporated social sustain-
ability concerns into their proposals had their solu-
tions developed by the students with those concerns in
mind. Another finding was the student’s potential to
reflect on social sustainability beyond what was ini-
tially stated by the customer in their proposals. De-
spite these promising results, 2 out of 12 customers
did not mention in their proposal how the project
would target sustainability issues, while the other 3
out of 12 customers addressed the environmental di-
mension. Further research to investigate the reasons
behind these results is necessary to fully understand
the challenges in addressing social sustainability con-
cerns from both sides. Finally, our study shed light on
the importance of aligning social sustainability con-
cerns in a software development project which can be
extended to real projects as well.
This paper consists of eight sections. Section 2
reviews related work on software courses and social
sustainability. Section 3 outlines the course settings.
The research method is detailed in section 4, while
section 5 presents the findings. Discussions are pro-
vided in section 6, followed by limitations and future
work in section 7. Section 8 concludes the paper.
Social sustainability in software development is an
interdisciplinary field, which urges empirical valida-
tion of its implications in the practice (McGuire et al.,
2023),(Swacha, 2022). Social sustainability refers to
social equity between generations, aiming to extend
all opportunities for fulfilling aspirations for a better
life, health, and well-being, recognized as essential
for all human beings (Brundtland, 1987). Betz et al.
states “Social Sustainability debt is the hidden effect
of decisions about software that negatively affect so-
cial justice, equity, and fairness, or which lead to an
erosion of trust in society” (Betz et al., 2015). Soft-
ware promotes direct support to social communities in
various domains and includes activities or processes
that indirectly contribute to the well-being of these
communities (Lago et al., 2015). Social sustainabil-
ity can be influenced by software, particularly when
it introduces social threats, raises concerns in society,
and impacts individual trust (de Souza et al., 2023).
Therefore, designing socially sustainable software re-
quires a systemic view of societal issues, threats, so-
cial aspects, and human factors.
The relation between Social Sustainability and the
Sustainable Development Goals in Software Engi-
neering is mapped in the study proposed by (Calero
et al., 2022). In this study SDGs can be targeted not
only during the process of developing a software but
also as the product contributing to target the goal it-
self. Moreover (Seyff et al., 2022) proposed a pilot
mapping study to demonstrate the feasibility of tar-
geting the SDGs with the application of Sustainability
Awareness Framework questions (Duboc et al., 2019)
(Duboc et al., 2020). As the authors mentioned, this
mapping will help the industry “partner in better un-
derstanding whether their proposed changes will sup-
port or violate specific SDGs.
Peters et al. investigated the landscape of sus-
tainability integration in computing education (Pe-
ters et al., 2023). The findings indicate that while
there is evidence that sustainability education is val-
ued by students, there is a need for a transformative
approach in computing education that challenges ex-
isting norms and values, contributing to democratic
change. The study emphasizes the importance of
incorporating sustainability not as an isolated topic
but as an integral part of evolving educational prac-
tices and processes. While Peters et al.s study con-
tributed to the broad definition of sustainability in
educational settings, the conceptualization of “incre-
mental changes” in a course to integrate sustainability
aligns with the study we are presenting here. Another
finding related to our research is about the relevant
studies that recognizes “the value of Computer Sci-
ence (CS) or (Information Technology) IT as an en-
abler to address many of the society-wide sustainabil-
ity issues.
Exploring Social Sustainability Alignment in Software Development Projects
In 2018, a study investigated the role of Informa-
tion and Communication Technologies (ICT) tools in
facilitating social innovation within a course (Pappas
et al., 2018). The course focuses on teaching stu-
dents cooperation skills through a project by practic-
ing an experiential learning cycle where students col-
laborated to generate innovative ideas for SDGs. The
initial phase of the social innovation process involved
identifying societal issues, and students reported that
the use of ICT tools assisted them in developing ideas
to address these concerns.
In 2019, another study delved into the participa-
tion of female students in software engineering tasks
and team dynamics (Nguyen-Duc et al., 2019). The
analysis of student reports from 2015 to 2017 revealed
that female students were more engaged in project
management and requirement engineering. However,
they remained underrepresented in specialized activi-
ties, indicating a gender gap of 66.6 percent between
male and female students.
In 2021, researchers conducted a deductive the-
matic analysis of project proposals for software de-
velopment from 45 companies spanning from 2018
to 2020 to map the SDGs (Cico et al., 2021). The
proposals addressed societal issues related to the en-
vironment, social constraints, and economic dimen-
sions, classifying them into the 10 SDGs
. In (Cico
et al., 2021) study, the companies did not explicitly
mention sustainability issues in their proposals.
The studies mentioned above are indeed related to
sustainability and provide insights into how sustain-
ability concerns have been addressed in these courses.
They contribute to various sustainability aspects, such
as using ICT tools for social innovation, the partic-
ipation of female students in software engineering
tasks, and mapping SDGs in companies’ proposals.
In our study, our primary focus is to identify the so-
cial sustainability concerns that customers and stu-
dents have addressed in the solutions developed dur-
ing the course. This study takes place in the aspects
of a software engineering course that aims to expose
students to unknown problems while delivering a soft-
ware solution to a specific customer. The course has
been adapted to deal with social innovation address-
ing social changes from generation to generation.
SDG 2: Zero Hunger, SDG 3: Good Health and Well-
being, SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 7: Affordable and
Clean Energy, SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth,
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, SDG 12:
Responsible Consumption and Production, SDG 13: Cli-
mate Action, SDG 14: Life Below Water, SDG 16: Peace,
Justice, and Strong Institutions
The Customer-Driven Project course is a Master de-
gree course (Cico et al., 2021). Its iteration offi-
cially started with a first meeting with all actors of the
course (i.e. students, customers, teachers, and teach-
ing assistants) in August 2022. During the meeting,
the students, after they have been assigned to groups,
met with their customer (each group has one cus-
tomer). Proposals from 12 customers have been se-
lected and formed into 12 student groups, intending to
balance the gender, country of origin (National or In-
ternational) and technical knowledge of the students.
The customers’ proposals were presented during the
first meeting. The students also received an introduc-
tion to the report structure and what was required for
the semester. A compendium with all the important
topics to cover in a project was shared, as well as the
previous year’s students’ reports. The students were
free to choose their project roles based on their expe-
riences or willingness.
The final proposals and the customers were se-
lected in a group meeting with ve teaching assistants
and two professors. The selection criteria relied on
the solution description, project goal, and customer
profile. Sustainability was not one of the requirements
for the selection of customers’ proposals. However, as
a first step to address sustainability in the course, the
question How does the project target sustainability
issues? was added to the customer proposal form.
After that, we communicated accepted and rejected
proposals to the respective Customers.
The students worked to develop the solutions for
their customers throughout the semester, and each
pair (group and company) agreed upon the final de-
liverable. In this case, for the validation of the solu-
tion and proposal, the group delivered a report that in-
cluded the following: the background of the customer,
problem, potential solution, software requirements,
architectural diagrams, user cases, user story spec-
ification, tools, project management details, coding
techniques, testing techniques and evidence, sprint re-
ports, group dynamics, self-reflection about the re-
sults, course, and other items.
For this study, we used the inductive approach of
Grounded Theory (GT), which aims to propose the-
ories from an examination of data rather than being
deductively derived (Glaser, 1978). The practice of
grounded theory concerns the construction of codes
and analytical categories from data, avoiding pre-
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
conceived and logically deduced hypotheses (Char-
maz, 2006). Therefore, according to the author’s
perspective, the theory emerges through constant and
comparative methods applied to each collected data
point (Bandeira-De-Mello and Cunha, 2003). The
goal is to gradually develop a more comprehensive
theory by refining and expanding the codes until
reaching the central category. While the primary ob-
jective of the grounded theory method is to construct
substantive theories, its application can extend be-
yond obtaining a substantive theory alone. According
to (Strauss and Corbin, 1998), researchers can choose
to employ specific elements of the grounded theory
process to achieve their study goals. Thus, whether
Glaserian or Straussian, it is important to explicitly
state which method was used.
In our study, we chose to adhere to Glaser’s
method, as we aimed to approach the field without
predetermined research questions. Our focus was on
having a general interest in the topic and allowing
the concepts and categories to emerge from the data
in a more flexible manner, departing from the more
prescribed approach of the Straussian method. The
Glaserian method emphasizes the constant compari-
son of data and codes throughout the analysis process.
This involves continually comparing new data with
previously analyzed data to identify similarities, dif-
ferences, and patterns, which helps refine the emerg-
ing theory. In this study, the new data stopped ap-
pearing when we reached out 24 documents analyzed.
While grounded theory is still a flexible and recom-
mended method for constant comparative analysis,
our work relied on limited sources such as documents.
Further research aiming to identify the challenges and
motivators to addressing social sustainability such as
interviews with students and customers could be ben-
eficial to contribute to an in-depth definition of so-
cially sustainable software.
Therefore, the steps from the grounded theory that
was performed in this research are: a) data collec-
tion in which students’ reports and customer propos-
als were collected; b) open coding in the documents
using MAXQDA software for data qualitative anal-
ysis; c) selective coding to identify relationships be-
tween codes that might explain the in-vivo codes from
the previous steps; d) theoretical coding, where the
codes from selective coding explain the central cate-
gory until no more new findings emerge from the doc-
uments selected. In the next subsections, we explain
the method and procedure in detail.
4.1 Data Collection
Data collection was conducted in two stages:
a) Customer proposal submission: During this
stage, a customer form was created, which included
sustainability question. Before the course began, the
customers filled out the form. Once the selection pro-
cess was completed, the proposals were shared with
the students as an initial description for their project.
b) Student group reports delivery: The second
stage took place during the semester. Students worked
on developing their solutions while considering sus-
tainability issues. Subsequently, the students deliv-
ered their reports following the course guidelines and
evaluation criteria. Later, the reports were evaluated
and graded at the end of the semester.
Following the completion of the course, we initi-
ated the analysis of the documents and uploaded them
to the MAXQDA tool for further examination. We
organized the documents into two different groups:
Customer Proposals and Student Reports. In the fol-
lowing sections, we explain how the data was ana-
4.2 Open Coding
After uploading the documents to MAXQDA, the
reading part started. The first round of open cod-
ing was conducted on the customers’ proposals. In
MAXQDA, the “in-vivo” functionality facilitates the
open coding process, which allows the researcher to
select the exact text informed by the data. In-vivo
coding helps the researcher explicitly find evidence
confirming or placing a code. For example, we ex-
tracted code as “decision about where to live and
what to prioritize” that contributes to sustainability
goal number “SDG11-Sustainable Cities and Com-
munities”. Constant comparison between codes and
documents helped to identify more occurrences of the
same information.
This step was carried out for all other documents.
Once the open coding of the Customers’ proposals
was completed, we continued to perform the same
process on the student reports. The challenge was
explicitly to identify a mention and reflection about
social sustainability in the students’ reports.
4.3 Selective Coding
The idea behind selective coding is to assign mean-
ing to the chosen open codes, group them together,
and discover the connections between the findings.
The process of selective coding was conducted in two
In the first round, we focused on identifying gen-
eral concepts related to sustainability. For instance,
we recognized the social aspect concept of “Suitable
Exploring Social Sustainability Alignment in Software Development Projects
place to live”, which pertains to appropriate commu-
nity and city facilities for citizens, fostering social
development. Therefore, this concept provided an
explanation for the coded statement “decision about
where to live and what to prioritize.
In the second round, we aimed to identify the
SDGs explicitly mentioned in the customer proposals
and student reports. Through this analysis, the cate-
gories of SDGs began to emerge from the data. This
allowed us to proceed to the fourth step, theoretical
coding, in which we refined the codes and relation-
4.4 Theoretical Coding and Two-Case
Model Analysis
Theoretical coding involved a continuous comparison
of student reports, customer proposals and codes un-
til we could identify the central category that encap-
sulated all the findings. To establish the relationships
between each code, we assigned names to these rela-
tionships. We discovered eight types of relationships
by using two-case model analysis in MAXQDA: en-
ables, promotes, targets, positively impacts, is part
of, is directly or indirectly presented in, implements
a, proposes a.
The relationships can be explained as follows:
The in-vivo code report the social sustainability con-
cerns that will enable the concepts of social aspects to
be targeted. For instance, these concerns are solved
by identifying software requirements that promote
the social aspects associated with social sustainabil-
ity. These concepts of social aspects target the SDGs,
which positively impacts the social dimension that is
part of sustainability. The students and/or the cus-
tomers explicitly or implicitly presented a reflection
on sustainability in their report or proposal. Finally,
based on two-case model analysis, we could identify
that a student group implements a socially sustainable
software product when a customer proposes a socially
sustainable software product (refer to Figure 1. We
describe in detail the findings of this analysis in the
next section.
Aiming to explore the alignment of how social sus-
tainability concerns were addressed by both parties,
we explain the findings based on the Customers’ and
Students’ reflections on the same issues, different is-
sues, or did not reflect. Moreover, we will discuss
the reflections made only by Customers. Table 3
presents a summary of the alignments.
5.1 Customers and Students Reflecting
on the Same Social Sustainability
In this section we present the findings pairing the
respective customer with the student group. The
two-case analysis model enabled us to consistently
compare codes identified in students’ and customers’
documents. The concepts in Table 1 contribute to
achieving the SDGs and Social Sustainability Dimen-
sion. The in-vivo statements from the documents pro-
vide further information about the social sustainabil-
ity concerns, and we explain how the students imple-
mented them in the software.
Table 1: Customers and Students reflected on the same sus-
tainability issues.
IDs Concepts SDGs
C02/SG02 Suitable place to live SDG11
C12/SG12 Good health, Well-being SDG03
The C02 proposal was to develop a software
aimed to provide information about community facil-
ities based on user preferences, facilitating informed
decisions about neighborhood and housing selection.
The concept of a “Suitable place to live” was derived
from the Customer’s proposal and rephrased by the
authors. Their report included the following state-
ment:“decision about where to live and what to pri-
oritize [C02]. The customer explicitly linked it with
SDG11-Sustainable Cities and Communities, which
falls under the Social dimension of sustainability.
From the student’s report, the user story was targeting
this social sustainability issue: “find a suitable area
for me to live [SG02]. Consequently, the students
translated this sustainability issue into a software re-
quirement for their proposed solution. Based on this
analysis, we can infer that the students addressed sus-
tainability in their project by implementing functional
requirements that contribute to achieving SDG11 (see
Figure 1). By translating the social sustainability con-
cerns into software requirements and implementing
the features we can infer that Socially Sustainable
Software was created to assist individuals in locating
a residence that aligns with their needs.
The Customer C12 proposed a software product
which the goal was to encourage people to improve
their health by exercising. One code identified in
C12 was about “encouraging healthier lifestyles can
prevent illnesses [C12]”. This finding was summa-
rized with the “Good Health” concept and linked
to SDG03-Good Health and Well-Being, categorized
under the Social dimension of sustainability. Al-
though company C12 does not explicitly mention
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 1: Two-Case Model Analysis Company 02 x Stu-
dents Group 02.
SDG03, it provides detailed information on how the
software product contributes to social healthcare. For
instance, they stated “using technology and encour-
aging healthier lifestyles can prevent illnesses and ab-
sence from work”. In contrast, the student group ex-
plicitly stated how the software product aligns with
SDG03 in their report. An example of their state-
ment is “project focuses on improving individual
quality of sleep [SG12]” and categorized into “Well-
being”. Furthermore, they highlight the software
product’s role in making sleep healthcare more acces-
sible. Thus, creating a Socially Sustainable Software
Product involves making wellness and social health-
care accessible to society.
A socially sustainable software addresses social
concerns related to housing, community, and indi-
vidual well-being, helping to target SDGs 11 and
5.2 Customers and Students Reflecting
on Different Social Sustainability
It is noticed from the analysis of the documents that
some of the respective Customer and Student groups
did not reflect on the same sustainability issues and
SDGs based on this analysis. In the customer C03
proposal, the goal of the software was to make eye
examinations accessible on a small device. While
Customer C03 reflected on “sensitive data protec-
tion”, Student Group SG03 reflected on “access to
equal rights”, “good health”, “well-being”, and a “fair
workload”. The students added an “Inclusion and
Sustainability” section to the compendium and dis-
cussed each of the identified SDGs of the project.
Customer C09 propose a virtual reality solu-
tion which aims to experience art from anywhere
by pointing to QR codes. The customer implic-
itly focused on SDG11-Sustainable Cities and Com-
munities, specifically emphasizing the environmen-
tal dimension, highlighting the concept of “raising
awareness about the environmental impact”. In con-
trast, Student Group SG09 included sustainability-
related statements in their report but were not ex-
plicitly linked to the SDGs. The evidence found
in their report was part of functional requirements
list were: Allow cultural diversity” and “Compati-
ble assistive technologies” aligned with the objectives
of SDG10-Reduced Inequalities, while “Enable par-
ticipatory processes” was implicitly associated with
SDG16-Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. In this
case, inclusion and diversity are the social concerns
addressed in this software. Thus, to be able to de-
velop a socially sustainable those concerns must be
For SDG10-Reduced Inequalities, the in-vivo
codes such as “display different languages depend-
ing [SG09]” and “compatible with assistive technolo-
gies i.e., screen readers [SG09]” were extracted from
the Student Group’s report. Additionally, codes like
“user should be able to rate/give feedback [SG09]”
and “app is usable with my abilities and limitations
[SG09]” were classified under SDG16-Peace, Justice
and Strong Institutions. These codes highlight the
importance of institutions leading participatory pro-
cesses that involve and consider individuals in soft-
ware development. Customer C09 primarily con-
centrated on proposing environmental contributions
within their solutions, while Student Group SG09 ad-
dressed concerns related to social sustainability.
Exploring Social Sustainability Alignment in Software Development Projects
A socially sustainable software addresses social
concerns related to access to healthcare, data pri-
vacy, diversity and community involvement, help-
ing to target SDGs 03, 10 and 16.
5.3 Only Customers Reflecting on
Social Sustainability Concerns
The findings presented in this section emphasize the
contrast between the customers who incorporated sus-
tainability aspects in their proposals and their cor-
responding student groups that did not. In Table 2,
we summarize the concepts exclusively present in the
customer’s proposals but absent in the student group
Customer C01 explicitly engaged with the Sus-
tainable Development Goals ”3-Good Health and
Well-being”. They elaborated on how their software
product could contribute to this goal. For instance,
the in-vivo code “good for mental health by reducing
depression [C01]” underscored the software’s objec-
tive of recognizing various knitting patterns, which
are known to have positive effects on mental well-
The SDG17-Partnerships for the Goals is explic-
itly mentioned in Customer C02’s proposal, reflect-
ing the possibility of sharing the resulting solution
with other municipalities by stating “spread the tech-
nology to other municipalities [C02]”. This would
enable technology sharing by allowing other parties
to use the software developed by the students. By
addressing this issue in the software, the students
have created socially sustainable software that en-
ables partners to reuse the same technology and pro-
vide similar public services in their own contexts.
Table 2: Only Customers reflected on sustainability issues.
IDs Concepts SDGs
C01 Good Health SDG03
C02 Technology sharing SDG17
Enable participatory processes SDG16
More implicitly, Customer C08 addressed
SDG16-Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions by
enabling participatory processes through real user
testing. The corresponding in-vivo code extracted
was “tested with real users [C08]*. Utilizing
user-centric approaches in software development
has been recognized as both economically and
socially beneficial for involved stakeholders (Kopec
et al., 2018). This finding emphasizes that Socially
Sustainable Software Products engage and involve
affected individuals in their development.
Another implicit code emerged in C11, concern-
ing “ensure that we build a functioning technology
for people [C11]*” related to social sustainability
and the goal SDG16-Peace, Justice, and Strong In-
stitutions, which emphasizes “Enable participatory
processes. From this customer’s viewpoint, a So-
cially Sustainable Software Product promotes local
economic growth, enabling locals to explore city ac-
tivities and develop software that facilitates people’s
In summary, while certain customers actively inte-
grated sustainability considerations into their propos-
als, their corresponding student groups surprisingly
did not reflect the same level of attention to sustain-
ability. None of the student’s reports SG01, SG08,
SG11 appeared to mention sustainability issues raised
by the respective customers. With the exception of
SG02, that addressed SDG11 and not SDG17.
A socially sustainable software addresses social
concerns related to community involvement, part-
nerships, and mental health, helping to target SDGs
03, 16 and 17.
5.4 Customers and Students not
Reflecting on Social Sustainability
In this section, we explain the remaining customers
who did not address social sustainability concerns
in their projects. After reviewing Customer C04’s
proposal, it was confirmed that social sustainability
concerns were not addressed. The question related
to sustainability remained unanswered in the docu-
ment. However, upon examining the report of Stu-
dent Group SG04, a dedicated section on sustain-
ability was discovered. Their focus was directed to-
wards economic and environmental sustainability di-
mensions. Furthermore, the report did not mention
Customers C05 and C06 reflected on environ-
mental sustainability, but not specifically mention the
SDGs. Even though SG05 added a section about sus-
tainability in their report, it reflected on the same con-
cerns related to sustainability as Customer C05. How-
ever, SG06 did not mention sustainability in their re-
port. The reasons why this might have happened are
argued in the discussion.
Regarding C07’s proposal, the question about how
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
sustainability issues were addressed was left unan-
swered. In contrast, Student Group SG07 reflected
on four SDGs related to environmental goals: num-
bers 11, 12, 14, and 15. Most of them are related to
preserving marine life, which is a goal of the solution.
Our analysis of Customer C10 and Student Group
SG10 revealed that neither the company nor the stu-
dents deliberated on sustainability within their respec-
tive documents. Despite the project’s health-related
domain, the customer explicitly expressed that sus-
tainability considerations were not a focal point of the
project. Within SG10’s report, the students mentioned
a requirement for sustainable architecture; however,
they did not establish a clear and explicit connection
to sustainability.
Our study showed documentary evidence that align-
ing software development endeavors with social sus-
tainability demonstrate a potential and tangible con-
tribution to the society. The data highlights a sym-
biotic relationship between customer-driven sustain-
ability priorities and the subsequent development of
software solutions tailored to address social sustain-
ability concerns. It means that, when customers pri-
oritize sustainability, it influences the development of
software solutions that align with and address social
sustainability concerns. In this section, we will dis-
cuss the integration of social sustainability into soft-
ware engineering. We also discuss the potential chal-
lenges and improvements in the software develop-
ment process, and provide a steps on how to perform
this integration within the course.
6.1 Integrating Sustainability in
Software Engineering Course
Integrating the sustainability topic into a software en-
gineering course has been the primary goal of univer-
sities striving for a sustainable world. In the review of
(Peters et al., 2023), the efforts made by researchers
to teach software engineering students systems think-
ing, a sustainable mindset, and awareness of the sus-
tainability impacts of their software are more evi-
dent. Our study investigated how both customers and
students were addressing social sustainability during
the process of software product development.. The
question (“How does the project target sustainability
issues?”) introduced in the customer proposal pre-
sented an initial step towards the university goal of
teaching and forming students with a sustainability
As Peter et al. argue, introducing sustainability
as a topic may not be enough to cover the broader
facets of sustainability in software. However, since
2018, this course has been exploring the following
sustainability topics in an incremental approach, such
as: a) developing software targeting one of the SDGs
(Pappas et al., 2018), b) analyzing the gender repre-
sentation in software engineering tasks, in alignment
with the SDG5-Gender Equality (Nguyen-Duc et al.,
2019), and c) identifying the relation between cus-
tomer proposals and SDGs (Cico et al., 2021). There-
fore, in this course, incremental changes to approach
sustainability have been made, including the intro-
duction of that question. This study opened up the
opportunity to further explore what improvements re-
garding sustainability integration are required in the
course. Based on the results of our analysis, we iden-
tified a recommended list of steps to integrate sus-
tainability into a software engineering course with
project-based learning involving companies:
Organize a software sustainability workshop for
customers before submitting proposals - this will
help them to reflect on this aspect even if they
have not thought about it and integrate sustainabil-
ity criteria linked to the Sustainable Development
Update the course compendium to cover software
sustainability topics before the start of the course.
Give lectures on software sustainability to stu-
dents during the course.
Evaluate sustainability criteria related to the
SDGs by receiving reports from students.
Collect feedback from students and customers on
how sustainability was addressed after completing
the course.
Our analysis reveals the maturity of students in
targeting topics not covered in the software engi-
neering curriculum, demonstrating their ability to in-
tegrate sustainability considerations into their soft-
ware products. This ability is particularly evident in
their identification and translation of social sustain-
ability concerns into explicit requirements, emphasiz-
ing their alignment with customer demands.
Unlike previous studies, exemplified by (Cico
et al., 2021), which focused on identifying SDGs
within customer proposals, our study took a different
approach. We investigated how social sustainability
concerns were addressed in the solutions delivered by
students, aligning them with the customer proposals.
Surprisingly, our findings revealed that certain stu-
dents groups unintentionally incorporated SDGs into
their reports, even when these goals were not explic-
itly outlined in the initial customer proposals.
Exploring Social Sustainability Alignment in Software Development Projects
Table 3: Summary of SDGs Alignment.
SGDs Social Sus-
C vs SG
Comments Customer Quotes Students Quotes
C01 Private Knitting in-
SG01 - 6 SDG03 × Not
Students did not address
SDG03 in their report.
”Knitting is good for mental health
by reducing depression and anxiety
which targets Goal 03”
C02 Public Cities SG02 - 6 SDG11,
Aligned C02 proposed SDG17 ex-
plicitly but the students re-
flected on SDG11 only.
”Goal 11 sustainable cities and
communities as it enables newcom-
ers to the city to make a well-
informed decision about where to
live and what to prioritize” and
”Goal 17 Partnerships for the goals
as it will spread the technology to
other municipalities”
13 user stories are addressing SDG11. For
instance, ”As a user, I want to personalize
the search to find an area that suits my wishes
and needs.
C03 Private Health SG03 - 5 SDG03,
× Not
Students reflected on SDG
03 and SDG10 explicitly
in their report. Cus-
tomer implicitly reflected
on SDG16
”Sensitive patient data requires
compliance with national privacy
”Goal 3 Good Health and Well-being... dis-
tribute workload over health care workers,
causing less work and stress” and ”Goal 10
Reduced Inequalities allowing the patients to
get their eyes scanned closer to their resi-
C08 Private Content
SG08 - 5 SDG16 × Not
Students did not address
SDG16 in their report.
”When it is ready for integration it
will be published to our test servers
and be tested with real users”
C09 Private Entertainment SG09 - 5 SDG10,
× Not
Students reflected implic-
itly on SDG16 and SDG10
while the customer was re-
flecting on SDG11 related
to the environment.
”The experience also clearly may
present the object’s environmental
Four Functional Requirements related to
SDG10. For instance: ”Compatible with as-
sistive technologies like screen readers and
C11 Private Eco-tourism SG11 - 6 SDG16 × Not
Students did not address
SDG16 in their report.
”A user-centric and participatory
process, to ensure that we build a
functioning technology that people
C12 Private Health SG12 - 5 SDG03 Aligned Student group explicitly
stated how the software
product aligns with
”Thus, using technology and en-
couraging healthier lifestyles can
prevent illnesses and absence from
work and thereby facilitates sus-
tainability of the health care sys-
”Improving individual quality of sleep,
which is a personal health issue and fits goal
3: Good Health and Well Being”
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Our findings echo the study by Oyedeji et al.
(2021) (Oyedeji et al., 2021), which sought to under-
stand academic and industry perceptions of software
sustainability. Their research emphasizes the need
for common standards in software engineering curric-
ula to include software sustainability and highlights
the importance of cross-disciplinary collaboration be-
tween academia and industry in addressing sustain-
ability dimensions. This collaboration is evident in
our study through the customer proposals and the po-
tential for software products to address sustainability
goals developed by the students, who are future soft-
ware engineers mindful of sustainability concerns.
6.2 Potential Challenges
Heldal et al. conducted interviews with 28 organiza-
tions in nine different countries to explore their per-
spectives on sustainability (Heldal et al., 2023). The
results revealed a significant demand from companies
for skills and knowledge in sustainability. To address
this gap, many companies have implemented internal
sustainability training programs. The discussion in-
cludes insights into current practices within compa-
nies aimed at mitigating the sustainability skill gap.
While our study focused on document analysis, it
highlights the same challenges as (Heldal et al., 2023)
related to the sustainability knowledge domain among
customers and students. The potential challenges in
the alignment of social sustainability in software de-
velopment identified during this study are revealed:
Deficiency in Formal Sustainability Knowledge.
The study identified a significant challenge in the
form of a lack of formal knowledge and skills in sus-
tainability among both customers and students. This
deficiency hampers their ability to specify detailed
requirements that address sustainability concerns in
software development projects.
Insufficient Intuitive Understanding of Sustain-
ability. The study also revealed a lack of basic aware-
ness or intuitive understanding of sustainability prin-
ciples. This gap in knowledge impedes the ability of
customers and students to incorporate sustainability
considerations into their projects effectively.
Neglect of Sustainability Reflection. The study
found that some students failed to reflect on sustain-
ability issues, even when these were explicitly men-
tioned in the project proposals provided by customers.
This finding suggests a disconnect between project re-
quirements and the awareness or priorities of students.
Discrepancy Between Customer and Developer
Priorities. The study observed instances where there
was a mismatch between the sustainability concerns
of customers and those of the students. This discrep-
ancy can result in projects that fail to adequately ad-
dress sustainability concerns.
Inconsistency in Sustainability Focus. The study
noted that different pairs of customers and student
groups targeted different sustainability issues and
Sustainable Development Goals. This finding indi-
cates a lack of consistency or alignment in sustain-
ability goals across different projects.
Ineffectiveness of Sustainability Integration. The
study identified a lack of a common goal for integrat-
ing sustainability. The primary focus is on delivering
a functional product, followed by customer satisfac-
tion, with sustainability often being a tertiary concern.
The absence of a shared goal poses a risk of failing to
measure and achieve sustainability objectives.
6.3 Improvements in the Software
Development Process
In general, each of the mentioned challenges presents
an opportunity for improvement in the alignment of
social sustainability in software development. By ad-
dressing these issues, we can enhance the integration
of sustainability principles into software development
practices. More specifically we discuss some of these
potential improvements here.
Defining a software sustainability goal might im-
prove the software development process while ad-
dressing sustainability (Heldal et al., 2023)(Noman
et al., 2024). In this study, particularly in two student
groups, we noticed that when the customer clearly de-
fined a software sustainability goal, the students were
able to translate sustainability issues into user stories
or functional requirements that targeted at SDG03-
Good Health and Well-being and SDG11-Sustainable
Cities and Communities, thereby contributing to the
social dimension of sustainability.
As a well-know topics in software requirement,
the customer expectation, communication alignment
and satisfaction towards the final product is highly
discussed in this research field (Huijgens et al.,
2017). It is in the software requirement phase of
software development process that sustainability con-
cerns emerged (Bambazek et al., 2023) (Condori-
Fernandez and Lago, 2018) (Duboc et al., 2019).
From this perspective, we realize that to create a so-
cially sustainable software product within the course,
it is essential to have proposals that address sustain-
ability concerns. Customers should consider time and
effort on putting the details on how their solution tar-
gets sustainability when they are proposing projects
for students’ development.
Bambazek et al. (2022) conducted a systematic
mapping and identified seven of 55 published papers
Exploring Social Sustainability Alignment in Software Development Projects
that proposed tools to integrate sustainability during
the software requirements. The authors also empha-
size the need for the availability of software tools
that practitioners can use to accelerate the adoption
of proposed approaches in practice (Bambazek et al.,
2023). On one hand, students must design solutions
that effectively address these issues. On the other
hand, the design of sustainability-oriented solutions
still requires supporting tools, approaches and prac-
tices to guide students in developing socially sustain-
able software products. A list of existing recom-
mended tools to address social sustainability is re-
ported in this study (de Souza et al., 2023).
Even though our study is identifying some actions
and connections that could explain a socially sustain-
able software product, there is still a need to further
investigate the effectiveness of those actions. There-
fore, incorporating indicators and metrics to evaluate
the social aspects of software can be a driver for im-
proving software development process in the adoption
of social sustainability actions (Venters et al., 2018)
(Al Hinai and Chitchyan, 2014).
The absence of a preliminary assessment of prior
knowledge about software sustainability and the long-
term impact of implementing any of these sustainabil-
ity goals are recognized vulnerability in the validity of
this study. This gap hampers the ability to deduce the
correlation between sustainability concerns and sus-
tainable development goal, as the degree of under-
standing remains unclear. This recognition highlights
the study’s self-awareness of its potential limitations.
Adopting selective and theoretical coding analy-
sis is one strategy to mitigate qualitative analysis bi-
ases. The involvement of two researchers in collab-
orative discussions to establish shared interpretations
of grounded theory data highlights the effort to mini-
mize bias and increase the reliability of results. This
highlights the study’s dedication to methodological
rigor and reliability.
Including sustainability in student projects can
prepare them for future careers and serve as a moti-
vational factor to contribute to social well-being, al-
though this aspect is not the focus of this study. Fu-
ture research opportunities lie in empirical investiga-
tion into motivational factors and the empirical val-
idation of sustainability integration in academic and
industrial settings.
As part of an engaged society that strives to achieve
the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, devel-
oping socially sustainable software can contribute to
addressing these goals and positively impacting our
society. Traditionally, software engineering courses
have predominantly focused on technical aspects.
However, history has taught us that human values,
principles, and behaviors are interconnected with the
technical aspects of software development and its uti-
lization. Therefore, it is essential to recognize that
sustainability, as another interdisciplinary field, de-
serves attention.
In this context, social sustainability concepts be-
come practical tools for designing and developing
software to tackle social issues and threats. Our study
has revealed that introducing sustainability-related
questions can raise awareness, prompt discussions
about sustainability issues, and facilitate the creation
of socially sustainable software products.
Furthermore, we explored how aligning with so-
cial sustainability is a fundamental step to integrate
concerns into a project-based learning course. We
discussed the practical implications in terms of im-
provements in the software development process to
address social sustainability concerns within software
products. Students with a background in software en-
gineering can reflect on these issues and relate them
to sustainable development goals, thus making sus-
tainability more tangible within the realm of software
In light of this agenda, there are still ample oppor-
tunities for enhancing and transforming our software
engineering curriculum to better prepare future gen-
erations by integrating sustainability topics.
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Exploring Social Sustainability Alignment in Software Development Projects