Assessing the Suitability of Architectural Models for Generating Smart
Grid Co-Simulations
Markus Peter
, Dominik Vereno
, Jounes-Alexander Gross
and Christian Neureiter
Josef Ressel Centre for Dependable System-of-Systems Engineering,
Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Urstein S
ud 1, 5412 Puch/Salzurg, Austria
Model Based Systems Engineering, SGAM, Cyber-Physical Energy System.
Ensuring the reliability of critical infrastructure, such as a smart grid, is of utmost importance. The verification
of this reliability needs to occur early in the systems engineering process. An effective method to accomplish
this verification is to simulate a model of a smart grid. Given the complexity of such a system with diverse
subsystems, co-simulation has emerged as a leading approach due to its capability to engage various inde-
pendently developed simulators. This paper explores the interoperability between architectural models and
co-simulation. The evaluation relies on a case study implemented both as a simulation and an architectural
model, with the goal of identifying similarities and differences. The conclusion drawn is that the two tools do
not achieve full interoperability to generate a comprehensive simulation out of an architectural model. This
limitation stems from co-simulations requiring precise information at an entity level, which type-based ar-
chitectural models cannot provide. However, a proposal is put forth to use architectural models as a starting
point for generating co-simulation code skeletons. The research provides an analysis of the interoperability
challenges and suggests a practical combination of the two concepts.
Current power grids face significant problems and
limitations, prompting the development of intelligent
grids known as smart grids. These smart grids offer
a transformative approach to power distribution, re-
sponding to the complexities posed by factors such
as decentralized energy generation and the increasing
diversity of energy sources (Strasser et al., 2020).
The intricate nature of smart grids necessitates
system-level validation throughout the entire engi-
neering process (Steinbrink et al., 2017). By simu-
lating different generation and demand patterns, in-
corporating renewable energy sources, and explor-
ing grid expansion scenarios, decision-makers can as-
sess the feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and reliability
of various options. These simulations play a cru-
cial role in optimizing the design and dimensioning
of smart grid components, leading to more efficient
and resilient systems. Simulation serves as a power-
ful tool to unravel the complex behaviors and interac-
tions within these systems, offering valuable insights
to stakeholders, researchers, and engineers. How-
ever, a smart grid, functioning as a system of systems
erez et al., 2013), is composed of diverse subsys-
tems. Unlike traditional systems, the components of
a smart grid are not centrally developed; instead, they
evolve in a decentralized manner with contributions
from various entities. This decentralized development
introduces complexities when attempting to construct
a comprehensive monolithic simulation, as it requires
collaboration among different organisations to create
a unified model. Co-simulation addresses this chal-
lenge by integrating simulation models of different
subsystems, allowing them to be described and solved
within their respective native environments (Palensky
et al., 2017). Importantly, this approach allows or-
ganisations to provide their simulators independently,
eliminating the need for extensive collaboration.
Despite the advantages of co-simulation, a notable
challenge arises in maintaining an overview of the in-
terconnections between different simulators. The in-
tricate nature of the smart grid and the diversity of its
components make it challenging to track how various
simulators are interconnected.
In response to this challenge, architectural mod-
Peter, M., Vereno, D., Gross, J. and Neureiter, C.
Assessing the Suitability of Architectural Models for Generating Smart Grid Co-Simulations.
DOI: 10.5220/0012739800003714
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2024), pages 38-45
ISBN: 978-989-758-702-3; ISSN: 2184-4968
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
els could emerge as a bridge, providing a comprehen-
sive and holistic view of the smart grid ecosystem. By
abstracting the complexities into well-defined views,
architectural models offer an avenue to encapsulate
the diverse perspectives and concerns of stakeholders.
This approach has the potential to unify the heteroge-
neous simulation models provided by various stake-
holders, enhancing the overall understanding of the
system’s behavior.
The potential of this approach extends even fur-
ther when aligned with the European Guide for Power
System Testing (Strasser et al., 2020). This guide
systematically divides the engineering and validation
process of cyber-physical systems like the smart grid
into four distinct yet interconnected phases. In the de-
sign phase typically system-level requirements, appli-
cation use cases and high-level architecture specifica-
tion is defined. The implementation phase translates
these abstract concepts into tangible prototypes, like
hardware-in-the-loop configurations or software sim-
ulations. In the validation phase the developed pro-
totypes are subject to diverse testing. And lastly the
deployment phase marks the realization of the final
product or application, encompassing its integration
into the operational environment and subsequent roll-
Architectural models, with their capacity to pro-
vide a comprehensive and abstracted view of the
smart grid system, are well-suited for the Design
phase. In contrast, the implementation and valida-
tion phase can be effectively executed through co-
simulation, harnessing the collective capabilities of
diverse simulators to conduct thorough and compre-
hensive testing. It is also worth noting that the au-
thors underscore the current absence of an integrated
approach for engineering and validating smart grids
(Strasser et al., 2020, p. 4). Therefore, this research
aims to bridge this gap by investigating the feasibil-
ity of utilizing architectural models as a link to co-
simulation within the smart grid domain, contribut-
ing to the field by exploring the extent to which ar-
chitectural models can support the generation of co-
simulations in the smart grid context.
This approach not only improves simulation capa-
bilities within the smart grid domain but also holds
potential for broader applications in the development
and validation of cyber-physical systems across vari-
ous domains. The insights gained could potentially be
adapted and utilized across different domains, thereby
expanding the research’s impact beyond its initial fo-
This chapter aims to provide a brief introduction
to the concepts of architectural models and co-
simulation to establish a shared understanding of
these crucial concepts for the research. It aims to en-
sure a common understanding of terminologies.
2.1 Architectural Models
Conceptual integrity is the most important consid-
eration in system design (Brooks, 1974). One ap-
proach to maintaining this integrity is by utilizing ar-
chitectural models with their holistic perspective and
the usage of various viewpoints on the system. Ar-
chitectural models commonly adhere to the ISO4210
concept (ISO, 2022), outlining requirements for sys-
tem, software, and enterprise architecture descrip-
tions. The standard defines how system concerns
are addressed by different viewpoints independently
of technical concepts, modeling languages or tools.
In the context of the smart grid domain, the Smart
Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) (Smart Grid Co-
ordination Group, 2012) is frequently employed in
systems engineering such as in (Uslar et al., 2019)
or (Neureiter et al., 2016a). Established through the
European Commission’s Standardization Mandate it
provides a holistic perspective on overall architecture.
This model encapsulates methodologies and view-
points concerning smart grid development, offering a
standardized breakdown of a smart grid system with
a specific emphasis on interoperability (Bruinenberg
et al., 2012). Initially designed to pinpoint gaps in
smart grid standardization (Uslar et al., 2019), SGAM
has found utility in the broader context of systems en-
2.2 Co-Simulation
A general definition of simulation is provided by
Loper, who characterizes it as ”the execution of a
model over time”(Loper, 2015). However, according
to Gomez et al., a model is not inherently readily exe-
cutable; rather, it requires a runtime environment and
specific input trajectories (Gomes et al., 2017).
Co-simulation, as defined by (Steinbrink et al.,
2017), involves the coordinated execution of two or
more models that differ not only in their represen-
tation but also in their runtime environment. In this
context, a runtime environment is a software system
facilitating model execution or solving model equa-
tions. For this paper a single pairing of a model with
its runtime environment is termed a simulation unit.
The essence of co-simulation lies in multiple sim-
Assessing the Suitability of Architectural Models for Generating Smart Grid Co-Simulations
ulation units coupled together by a software interface
(Vogt et al., 2018). This characteristic enables co-
simulation to address various aspects of complex sys-
tems, making it particularly well-suited for simulat-
ing system-of-systems scenarios, such as those found
in the smart grid (Vereno et al., 2023).
2.2.1 Co-Simulation Frameworks
The main components required for a co-simulation
framework are the Scenario, the Orchestrator, the
Simulator and the Model Instance (Barbierato et al.,
2022). In Figure 1 the structure of a general co-
simulation framework and the co-simulation frame-
work mosaik (Steinbrink et al., 2019a) which will be
used in this paper, can be seen.
has has
Co-simulation Framework
Model Instance
Python Scenario
Figure 1: Co-simulation frameworks structure based on
(Barbierato et al., 2022).
With Model Instances beeing representations of
multiple homogeneous physicial entities, encompass-
ing a physical model that could belong to different
mathematical types, finite element methods or be-
havioural models. Simulators act as Solver, contain-
ing a specific Model Instance class. They take on
the role of communication adapters with the Orches-
trator by instantiating their Models multiple times
and overseeing the resulting collection. In practical
terms, Simulators transmit inputs received from their
counterparts via the Orchestrator and execute Orches-
trator commands on their Model Instance collection.
In reciprocation, Simulators receive outputs from the
Model Instances, sending them back to the Orchestra-
tor for further coordination. The Orchestrator over-
sees the exchange of data among the Simulators and
manages their time regulation and synchronization.
And lastly the Scenario serves as a representation of
the simulated environment and encapsulates the for-
mal knowledge of the entire cyber-physical system.
It embodies the configuration provided by the co-
simulation framework, that manages the startup of the
Orchestrator, the initialization of the Simulators, and
specifying the relationships among Model Instances
(Barbierato et al., 2022).
2.3 Current State of Architecture-Based
Co-Simulation Generation
The idea of creating simulations based on architec-
tural models is not a new concept. In the automotive
field, Binder et al. proposed an approach to explore
Industry 4.0 scenarios by implementing them as ar-
chitectural models and simulating them (Binder et al.,
2021). Similar concepts can be found in the smart
grid domain, where efforts were made to generate a
certain part of a co-simulation out of an architectural
model (Binder et al., 2020).
Another study (Binder et al., 2019) focused on de-
veloping a prototype interface within a modeling tool
to customize simulation settings. However, achieving
this required an expansion of the domain-specific lan-
guage (DSL) used for modeling the architecture. The
interface additionally facilitated the mapping of spe-
cific activity diagrams to co-simulation models.
Despite the value in exploring this topic, the cur-
rent state of the art reveals that none of the papers
demonstrated complete interoperability between co-
simulations and architectural models. The second ap-
proach even necessitated adjustments to the DSL it-
self, underscoring the need for a comprehensive un-
derstanding of the interoperability between architec-
tural models and co-simulation. Which further em-
phasizes the importance of conducting a comprehen-
sive evaluation of the interoperability between archi-
tectural models and co-simulation.
To adress this research question, general insights can
be gained through the developement of a practical
artifact connecting these concepts. For this reason
the Design-Science Research Methodology (DSRM)
(Peffers et al., 2007) was used, since it places strong
emphasis on developing a practical artifact as a cen-
tral component of the research process. DSRM is
characterized by iteration cycles, where each itera-
tion contributes to the refinement of our practical ar-
tifact. With this paper being at the end of one itera-
tion. Each iteration cycle unfolds through six iterative
steps, (Vom Brocke et al., 2020) which can be mapped
to different paragraphs of this paper:
Problem Identification and Motivation: In this
phase, the research problem is identified, and the
value of a solution is justified, corresponding to
the introduction of this paper.
Defintion of the Objectives for a Solution: The
objectives for a solution will be a concept to auto-
SMARTGREENS 2024 - 13th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
matically generate co-simulations out of architec-
tural models.
Design and Developement: In this phase the key
artifact of the study is developed, which will be
documented in section 4 and 5.
Demonstration: This activity intends to demon-
strate the use of the artifact to solve one or more
instances of the project. In this case it can be
a prototype which generates a co-simulation or
parts of it from architectural models.
Evaluation: In this phase, the effectiveness of the
artifact in solving the problem is assessed, as out-
lined in Section 5.
Communication: Finally, during this phase, all
aspects of the problem and the designed artifact
are communicated to the relevant stakeholders
through the content of this paper.
Now for the developement of such an artifact it is nec-
essary to know which information a co-simulations
requires and what information architectural models
can provide. To gather this information a case study
of a simple smart grid can be conducted and real-
ized both as an architectural model as well as a co-
simulation. By comparing the requirements and con-
siderations for both approaches, valuable insights can
be obtained concerning the generation of simulations
from architectural models.
To develop a simple case study of a smart grid,
it is essential to establish a clear definition of what
constitutes a smart grid. While different definitions
exist, this work follows the definitions provided by
(Falk and Fries, 2012) and (SmartGrids, 2006) essen-
tially defining a smart grid as an energy network com-
bined with the bidirectional delivery of energy infor-
mation to enable a more controllable energy delivery
and transmission. Concluding this definition a most
basic case study can be divided into the components
of an electric grid one or more components using that
grid and an component responsible for managing a
bidirectional flow of data. One such case study could
be the charging behaviour of an electric vehicle in
combination with the energy generation of a wind tur-
bine Where a Smart Meter connects these components
in a partly bidirectional manner. The scenario entails
the charging station purchasing energy from the wind
turbine with lower cost than it obtains from the energy
market. The basic structure of such can be seen in the
Figure 2.
To realize the case study and develop the artifact,
two key tools will be utilized. First, for the creation of
Energy information
Wind Turbine
Energy price
Smart Meter
Added Charge
Charging Station
Energy price
Energy Market
Added Charge
Consumed energy
Power Grid
Supplied energy
Figure 2: Co-simulaton information flow.
architectural models, the SGAM Toolbox (Neureiter
et al., 2016b) will be employed. This modeling tool
is grounded in the concept of Model-Based Systems
Engineering and closely aligns with the Smart Grid
Architecture Model (SGAM), a standardized archi-
tecture model for the smart grid domain. The SGAM
Toolbox offers a robust foundation for creating archi-
tectural models tailored to the specific needs of this
research. Secondly, for co-simulation, the study has
selected the mosaik co-simulation framework (Stein-
brink et al., 2019b). Mosaik is purpose-built for
smart grid research and stands out due to its open-
source availability and an accessible application pro-
gramming interface (API). These attributes make it an
ideal choice for integrating diverse simulation models
within a unified co-simulation environment.
In this chapter the realisation of the case study as ar-
chitectural model in the SGAM Toolbox as well as a
mosaik co-simulation will be done.
4.1 Realisation as Architectural Model
The modeling process within the SGAM Toolbox,
closely aligned with SGAM, employs various mod-
els to establish well-defined views across distinct ab-
straction levels. These viewpoints are designed to
encapsulate concerns of different stakeholders. This
concept correlates with the SGAM cube, where indi-
vidual layers can be seen as fundamental viewpoints
addressing aspects such as business, functional, infor-
mational, communication, and physical facets. Each
viewpoint accommodates a grid structure, allowing
systematic element placement. Domains along the x-
axis represent the electric conversion chain, while the
y-axis presents a hierarchical perspective of informa-
tion management. This can be seen in Figure 3.
The modeling of each layer is done with a domain-
specific language relying on UML profiles imple-
Assessing the Suitability of Architectural Models for Generating Smart Grid Co-Simulations
Figure 3: SGAM Framework (Bruinenberg et al., 2012,
p. 30).
mented by the toolbox. With UML being a visual
modeling language for the architecture, design and
implementation of complex software systems. And
the DSL being specifically implemented to deliver a
basis for domain-related considerations and to cre-
ate a common basis for all stakeholders (Neureiter,
The implementation of the layers can be con-
ceptually divided into two main phases: a system
analysis phase and a system architecture phase. In
the analysis phase, the goal is to provide a com-
prehensive description of the system’s external per-
spective, encompassing the Business and Function
layers. The Business Layer aims to identify all in-
volved business actors along with their specific busi-
ness goals, while the Function Layer represents func-
tions and the interrelationships between them. The
system architecture phase involves the Information-
, Communication- and Component layers. The In-
formation Layer is designed to facilitate information
exchange, the Communication Layer specifically ad-
dresses the definition of communication protocols,
and the Component Layer provides a description of
the ICT networks employed for communication. In
Figure 4, the SGAM Information Layer is depicted,
utilizing SGAM-specific components to illustrate the
exchange of information among the components in
the case study.
4.2 Realisation as Co-Simulation
Implementing a co-simulation within the mosaik
framework, as illustrated in Figure 1, involves defin-
ing simulation units, each comprising a simulator
and a model. Additionally, it is necessary to outline
the Scenario, encompassing both the instantiation of
simulators and the specification of interconnections
among specific model instances. Furthermore the pre-
existing simulator PyPower (Scherfke, 2022) is used
to implement the structure and characteristics of a
power grid. The orchestration of the co-simulation
is achieved through the co-simulation framework. In
summary, the implementation of the case study, as
outlined in Section 3, within the mosaik framework
necessitates the development of the following com-
A scenario file
A simulator and a model respectively for the fol-
lowing components
1. Electric Vehicle
2. Charging station
3. Smart meter
4. Wind turbine
The components are developed using the API offered
by mosaik. This API is employed by overriding in-
herited methods from mosaik’s simulator, model, and
scenario classes. Exemplatory, in listing 1 the over-
written step method for the class ElectricVehicle is
illustrated. Within the step method, the process of
one model instance’s step is defined. In this example
of the electric vehicle model, the model determines
whether it can accept the provided charge based on its
capacity and current charge level.
def step(self, loading_factor):
if self.is_full():
self.added_charge = 0
self.added_charge = self.max_power *
self.current_charge = min(self.
capacity, self.current_charge +
def is_full(self):
return self.current_charge >= self.
Listing 1: Step method of the electric vehicle class.
4.3 Simulation Integration
Based on the implementation of the case study a
differentiation between fixed syntactic and semantic
parts and necessary information to implement differ-
ent simulations can be made. A listing of the neces-
sary information needed can be seen in table 1.
The information modeled in the SGAM Toolbox
can be extracted using the add-in functionality pro-
vided by Enterprise Architect (SparxSystems, 2019).
Each element modeled in the toolbox is assigned a
specific stereotype for identification, allowing its at-
tributes and connections to be saved for further use.
The integration of architectural model information
into the mosaik simulation follows the approach pro-
posed by Binder et al. (Binder et al., 2019), which
SMARTGREENS 2024 - 13th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Generation Transformation Distribution DER Customer Premise
Starter Use Case
Model::Wind turbine
Starter Use Case Model:
:Smart grid infrastructure
Starter Use Case Model::
Smart meter
Starter Use Case Model:
:Charging station
Starter Use Case
Energy price
(from SGAM Business Layer)
Added Charge
Produced Wind
Information Object Flow
«Information Object Flow»
Information Object Flow
Information Object Flow
Figure 4: SGAM Information Layer.
Table 1: Necessary information needed for a mosaik co-
Mosaik component Necessary information
Time behavior
Amount of instances
Power Grid topology
Voltage and cable information
Simulation runtime
Initial values
Model Model behavior
involves using templates. However, in this iteration,
only a code sceleton was generated. This decision
was influenced by the limitation of the integrated so-
lution for depicting model behavior, which relied on
activity diagrams. These diagrams were considered
unsuitable, as explained in more detail in the Evalua-
tion section.
As we proceeded through the necessary steps for gen-
erating co-simulations from smart grid architecture
models, we encountered two main challenges.
1. The first challenge revolves around the mod-
eling of specific behaviors within the architectural
framework. While certain approaches tailored to
modeling tools, such as using activity diagrams, may
suffice for simpler examples, it’s evident that this
method isn’t universally applicable for all behaviors.
Additionally, different simulated entities are often
modeled using a variety of tools. For instance, while
automotive-specific modeling tools are most effec-
tive for modeling charging behavior, they may fall
short in adequately capturing wind generation behav-
ior. This needed diversity in modeling tools becomes
more complex when considering various stakehold-
ers, each potentially using different tools for their
specialized functionality. Addressing this challenge
could involve implementing simulators in a standard-
ized format. One such example is the Functional
Mockup Interface (Blochwitz et al., 2011), supported
by a plethora of tools. This standardization could
facilitate seamless integration of diverse simulators,
aligning with the overarching goal of uniting inde-
pendently developed simulators within a single sim-
ulation framework.
2. The second challenge lies in reconciling the
differing perspectives between architectural models
and co-simulations. Architectural models provide a
holistic view of a system through type-based models.
In contrast, co-simulations necessitate detailed spec-
ification of each specific instances of the type based
models and their interconnections within given sce-
narios. However, such specific instance information
is frequently absent within architectural models.
While there may be targeted solutions to augment
specific tools used for modeling architectural mod-
els, such as incorporating an additional instance view-
point, the ultimate goal is not a one-size-fits-all tool
solution. Instead, the emphasis is on leveraging archi-
tectural models as a means to integrate independently
Assessing the Suitability of Architectural Models for Generating Smart Grid Co-Simulations
developed simulators into a broader context. Remark-
ably, tools like Powerworld (PowerWorld, 2024), em-
ployed for power system simulations, possess the ca-
pability to export network topology data in auxiliary
file formats. Therefore, akin to the aforementioned
challenge, a potential solution could involve import-
ing the missing information to bridge the interoper-
ability gap.
Overall after taking a closer look at the interop-
erability between the architectural models and co-
simulation has been taken, the conclusion can be
drawn that a full interoperability and thus a complete
simulation generation from architectural models as
proposed by Binder et al. (Binder et al., 2019) is not
deemed to be useful. Architectural models provide a
holistic view on the general function of a smart grid in
different layers and for different stakeholders. While
co-simulations wants to simulate specific use cases
of a smart grid and therefore needs specific informa-
tion about the entity relation of the smart grid compo-
nents. Therefore instead of forcing an interoperability
of concepts with different purposes a combination of
both strengths is proposed. Architectural models with
their general view on a smart grid can offer a starting
point from which simulations of different scenarios
could be started. The idea is to generate skeleton co-
simulation projects out of architectural models. By
utilizing FMU’s and integrating them in the models
the skeleton code can provide anything but intercon-
nections between the simulation units. The structure
of such an approach can be seen in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Proposed artifact.
In conclusion, this paper has looked into the potential
of architectural models as a foundation for generating
co-simulations within the Smart Grid domain. To as-
sess this interoperability, a case study was designed
and implemented as both an architectural model and
a co-simulation. Additionally, an artifact connecting
these two concepts by generating co-simulation code
skeletons from architectural models was developed.
However, this research revealed two notable chal-
lenges hindering the seamless generation of co-
simulations from architectural models. Firstly, the
lack of tool connection, necessitating the specification
of various model behaviors in different tools. Sec-
ondly, the issue of entity-level modeling, where the
necessary instance view for a simulation is not inher-
ently present in the more abstract architectural model.
Despite these challenges, our research under-
scores the importance of addressing these obstacles
to unlock the full potential of architectural models
in co-simulation generation. One promising avenue
for resolution lies in the utilization of Functional
Mockup Units to abstract model behaviors, offering a
promising pathway for further exploration and eval-
uation. Additionally, ongoing efforts, such as the
model taxonomy proposed by (Vereno et al., 2024),
distinguishing between type and instance-type mod-
els, hold promise in tackling the intricacies of entity
modeling within architectural frameworks.
In summary, the study highlights the potential
of using architectural models for generating co-
simulations in the Smart Grid domain. However,
it also emphasizes the urgent requirement for ongo-
ing research and innovation to address the challenges
we’ve identified. By overcoming these hurdles, we
can fully unlock the power of architectural models as
powerful tool for comprehending, analyzing, and en-
hancing complex systems not only within the Smart
Grid but also across various other domains.
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Assessing the Suitability of Architectural Models for Generating Smart Grid Co-Simulations