The current research acknowledges two
limitations. Firstly, the sample size was relatively
small. To address this, we plan to compare our
findings with a larger dataset of traces of VLE
activity. This will also mitigate the second limitation
concerning the self-reported nature of questionnaire
This research explores the digital maturity of
teachers, a multidimensional concept encompassing
teachers' knowledge, skills, attitudes, and practices
towards technology. By identifying distinct teacher
profiles based on their perception of technology and
their usage patterns, we have gained new insights into
the importance of considering the immediate context
of teachers, as interaction with students and self-
training are driving forces in their use of technology.
Additionally, teachers' confidence in their digital
skills and their positive perception of technology
significantly influence the integration of technology
in the classroom.
Our results suggest that initial and continuous
training programs should focus on the use of
specialized tools and the strengthening of assessment
practices, while fostering a positive attitude towards
This work was done in collaboration with the
company EDIFICE and financed within the
framework of the CoAI-DataStim project (Academy
of Paris).
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