This paper presents a preliminary study on β values of
AC distributions for cropping detection. A classifier
was developed to detect the resolution of images be-
tween some classes. After the application of a central
cropping, we tested how classifier can accurately de-
tect the image’s native resolution. Finally, through a
proper strategy for crop detection, we demonstrated
how the classifier could be employed for cropping
detection, confirming the information contained in β
values of AC distributions. The proposed method
is limited by its categorization into only five reso-
lution classes within the SVM framework. Future
work could involve refining the SVM by searching
for more optimal hyperparameters. Continual tuning
of these parameters could yield a model that performs
with even greater precision. To improve the robust-
ness and versatility of the classifier, we plan to train it
on a more comprehensive dataset that encompasses a
wider range of image resolutions, adding more reso-
lution classes to the model. Deep learning approaches
were not incorporated at this stage due to the require-
ment for a more extensive and heterogeneous dataset
beyond what is available in RAISE. The use Convo-
lutional Neural Network (CNN) may provide better
performances in this tasks due to their hierarchical
feature extraction capabilities, permitting us to inves-
tigate challenging scenarios such as lower resolutions,
non-aligned crops or compressed images.
The work of Claudio Vittorio Ragaglia has been sup-
ported by the Spoke 1 ”Future HPC & BigData” of the
Italian Research Center on High-Performance Com-
puting, Big Data and Quantum Computing (ICSC)
funded by MUR Missione 4 Componente 2 Inves-
timento 1.4: Potenziamento strutture di ricerca e
creazione di ”campioni nazionali di R&S (M4C2-
19)” - Next Generation EU (NGEU). The work of
Francesco Guarnera has been supported by MUR in
the framework of PNRR PE0000013, under project
“Future Artificial Intelligence Research – FAIR”.
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IMPROVE 2024 - 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering