On the Exploitation of DCT Statistics for Cropping Detectors
Claudio Vittorio Ragaglia
, Francesco Guarnera
and Sebastiano Battiato
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria 6, Catania, 95125, Italy
Discrete Cosine Transform, Laplace Distribution, Cropping Detection.
The study of frequency components derived from Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) has been widely used
in image analysis. In recent years it has been observed that significant information can be extrapolated from
them about the lifecycle of the image, but no study has focused on the analysis between them and the source
resolution of the image. In this work, we investigated a novel image resolution classifier that employs DCT
statistics with the goal to detect the original resolution of images; in particular the insight was exploited to
address the challenge of identifying cropped images. Training a Machine Learning (ML) classifier on entire
images (not cropped), the generated model can leverage this information to detect cropping. The results
demonstrate the classifier’s reliability in distinguishing between cropped and not cropped images, providing
a dependable estimation of their original resolution. This advancement has significant implications for image
processing applications, including digital security, authenticity verification, and visual quality analysis, by
offering a new tool for detecting image manipulations and enhancing qualitative image assessment. This work
opens new perspectives in the field, with potential to transform image analysis and usage across multiple
In today’s digital age, images serve as a critical
medium for communication, documentation and ev-
idence in areas ranging from journalism and social
media to security and legal proceedings. The authen-
ticity and integrity of visual content have never been
more important, given the ease with which digital im-
ages can be manipulated using sophisticated editing
tools. Among myriad possible alterations, cropping
and resolution manipulation pose significant chal-
lenges to maintaining trust in digital images. Deter-
mining whether an image has been cropped or identi-
fying its original resolution is critical to verifying the
authenticity of digital content and protecting against
misinformation. The state of the art has already show-
cased that the pivotal essence of a digital image re-
sides within the domain of Discrete Cosine Transform
(DCT). This information needs proper exploration to
unlock its potential for image processing; such appli-
cations encompass but are not limited to object recog-
nition, scene recognition, and image forensic analy-
sis (Battiato et al., 2001; Rav
ı et al., 2016).The au-
thors of (Lam and Goodman, 2000) proved that al-
though different model could be suitable to describe
images, the Laplacian distribution remains a choice
balancing simplicity of the model and fidelity to the
empirical data, especially considering it can be de-
scribed by only the β value, a scale parameter crucial
for determining the distribution’s spread, as will be
described in more detail in next sections. This paper
introduces a new way to detect previous crop using
a classifier designed to identify the source resolution,
and trained with the aforementioned features. The un-
derlying idea of this classifier is rooted in the obser-
vation that while an image’s physical dimensions can
be altered, the intrinsic properties encoded in its fre-
quency domain remain indicative of its original res-
olution. By leveraging these properties, our classi-
fier aims to discern the original resolution category
of an image, providing a valuable tool for detecting
image manipulations such as cropping. In summary,
our framework seeks to exploit the distinctive patterns
encapsulated in the β values for resolution classifica-
tion, offering a novel tool for the detection of crop-
ping. The present document details the initial findings
of our investigation and it is intended as a preliminary
work, which will be deeply investigated in future. At
the best of our knowledge, the methodology proposed
in this paper represents a novel approach, with no sim-
Ragaglia, C., Guarnera, F. and Battiato, S.
On the Exploitation of DCT Statistics for Cropping Detectors.
DOI: 10.5220/0012740900003720
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering (IMPROVE 2024), pages 107-114
ISBN: 978-989-758-693-4; ISSN: 2795-4943
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ilar methods currently existing.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents a brief overview of state of
the art related to the use of same features in forensics
field, Section 3 describes our idea for cropping detec-
tion, in Section 4 the results of our tests are reported
and finally Section 5 concludes the paper.
The history reconstruction of digital images has al-
ways been a topic of interest in image forensics. As
described in (Piva, 2013), the advent of accessible
imaging technology coupled with sophisticated im-
age editing software has increased the potential for
tampering of visual content. Historically, visual data
was regarded as a reliable testament to truthfulness,
however the digital era has introduced scenarios that
challenge this trust. In this context, digital images can
be manipulated to change visual content, able to blur
the line between authentic and manipulated images.
The authors of (Piva, 2013; Battiato and Messina,
2009; Farid, 2009) delineate the evolution of image
forensics, a field dedicated to verifying the history and
credibility of digital images to assess their authentic-
ity and obtain information for forensic purposes.
This field has witnessed rapid growth, spurred by
the urgent need for tools capable of exposing the ma-
nipulations an image may have undergone throughout
its lifecycle. The increasing sophistication of process-
ing tools only underscores the importance of advanc-
ing forensic methodologies capable of keeping pace
with evolving technologies. The detection of digital
forgeries stands as a cornerstone in the field of digital
forensic science, confronting the challenge of identi-
fying unauthorized manipulations within multimedia
content. This area encompasses a wide array of tech-
niques and methodologies, each designed to unveil
specific types of alterations, from simple image mod-
ifications to the creation of entirely synthetic content,
such as deepfakes (Giudice et al., 2021). At the heart
of these investigations lies the imperative to preserve
the visual material’s integrity and authenticity, which
are pivotal in legal, and security contexts.
The social media explosion in conjunction with
the use of JPEG compression move the forensic re-
searcher to focus on this specific scenario; for this rea-
son during image forensic analysis one of the first task
faced is the detection of double quantization (DQD), a
phenomenon that occurs when a JPEG image is com-
pressed two times, leaving traces in the frequency do-
main. These traces have been analyzed through statis-
tical methods (Barni et al., 2017; Hou et al., 2013) and
Figure 1: Pipeline for Images Dataset and SVM Classifier
through machine learning ones (Uricchio et al., 2017;
Giudice et al., 2019) to determine if an image has un-
dergone post-acquisition manipulations, providing in-
vestigators with a powerful tool to identify forgeries.
First Quantization Estimation (FQE) plays a key
role, allowing the deduction of the quantization ma-
trix employed during the first quantization giving the
possibility to do hypothesis about the camera model
of the acquired image. This technique leverages
knowledge of JPEG compression characteristics, in-
cluding quantization factors, to estimate the image’s
original conditions. Accurately estimating these pa-
rameters (Galvan et al., 2014; Tondi et al., 2021; Bat-
tiato et al., 2022) is crucial for identifying modified
images, as it provides a benchmark against which the
residual traces of the second compression can be com-
Our study focuses on refining and applying studies
exploiting DCT features not only related to JPEG sce-
narios. By analyzing DCT coefficients and explor-
ing new classification methods based on its distribu-
tions, we aim to develop a robust framework for pre-
cise image manipulation identification. The signifi-
cance of this work lies not only in its practical appli-
cation for image security and authentication but also
in its contribution to the theoretical understanding of
the limits and potentials of the use of DCT distribu-
tions in digital forensic scenarios. The flowchart in
Figure 1 shows the overall pipeline used for creating
the dataset and building the SVM classifier.
IMPROVE 2024 - 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
3.1 Discrete Cosine Transform
W.r.t. Fourier Transform, which converts signals from
spatial domain to the frequency ones using a combi-
nation of sine and cosine functions, DCT exclusively
uses cosine functions. This distinction is particu-
larly advantageous for image processing applications,
where the signal (image) is real-valued. The Fourier
Transform of a discrete signal f (x, y) is defined as:
F(k, l) =
f (x, y)e
Here, F(k, l) represents the complex frequency
spectrum of the image, with k and l indicating the
frequency components in the horizontal and vertical
dimensions, respectively. The exponential term in-
cludes both sine and cosine components, reflecting
the signal’s frequency content. The DCT, however,
focuses on the cosine terms, which are more efficient
for images due to the following reasons. The first
is Energy Compaction: for many real-world images,
the DCT exhibits superior energy compaction prop-
erties, meaning that a significant portion of the im-
age’s visual information tends to be concentrated in
a few low-frequency components of the DCT. This
characteristic is highly beneficial for image compres-
sion. The second is Real-valued Output: Unlike the
Fourier Transform, which produces complex num-
bers, the DCT yields real numbers. This simplicity
is advantageous for the storage, processing, and inter-
pretation of the results.
In digital image processing, the Discrete Cosine
Transform (DCT) is a critical technique for convert-
ing images from the spatial domain to the frequency
ones. This conversion is essential for a wide range
of applications, including compression, enhancement,
and detailed analysis of images. DCT operates by de-
composing an image into a sum of cosine functions
of varying frequencies, each one representing a dis-
tinct component of the frequency spectrum. The one-
dimensional Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is de-
fined by Equation 2. C(u) is the DCT value at index
u, defined by the equation:
C(u) = α(u)
f (x)cos
π(2x + 1)u
where f (x) is the value of the input signal at position
x, N is the total number of samples in the signal or
the length of the input signal, x is the index of the
current sample within the input signal, and α(u) is a
normalization factor.
To note that for 2-dimensional input as images the
DCT is applied for both the axis; given the image I as
a matrix, the output is defined as follow:
(I) = DCT (DCT (I
) (3)
where the pedix T indicates the transpose. The
DCT’s zero-frequency component, or the DC (Direct
Current) component, reflects the average brightness
across the entire image, serving as a reference for
the higher-frequency AC (Alternating Current) com-
ponents. These AC components encode the variations
in pixel intensities, capturing the detailed textures and
contours of the image. The magnitude of each AC co-
efficient reveals the strength of a specific frequency
pattern within the image, while its phase angle indi-
cates the pattern’s spatial orientation. Utilizing DCT
in image compression, such as in the JPEG standard,
involves prioritizing the lower frequency components,
which are more significant to human perception, and
reducing the higher frequency components that con-
tribute less to the overall visual quality. This method
effectively reduces data redundancy without substan-
tially degrading image quality. Moreover, transition-
ing images into the frequency domain using DCT re-
veals underlying patterns and relationships that are
not visible in the spatial domain. This characteristic
is invaluable for enhancing the efficacy of algorithms
designed for tasks like image resolution classification.
The mathematical formulation of DCT offers a solid
theoretical foundation for understanding its applica-
tion in digital image processing, underscoring its ver-
satility and efficiency in encoding and analyzing vi-
sual information.
A foundational piece in understanding the utility
of DCT in applications of Image Processing is the
work conducted by (Lam and Goodman, 2000). For
the first time, Lam proposed that the AC coefficients
of an image follow a distribution that can be described
as Laplacian distributions (Figure 2, characterized by
two parameters: µ and β. The first parameter (µ) indi-
cates the peak and the second (β) is the spread of the
distribution, offering profound insights into the nature
of image data in the frequency domain. Lam’s anal-
ysis revealed that these Laplacian distributions (Fig-
ure 2), with their distinct parameters, could effec-
tively model the behavior of AC coefficients, provid-
ing a mathematical framework that has since been in-
strumental in various image processing applications,
from compression to authentication and beyond. The
implications of (Lam and Goodman, 2000) are far-
reaching, enabling a deeper understanding of image
characteristics in the frequency domain and facilitat-
ing the development of more sophisticated algorithms
for image analysis, including the resolution classifica-
tion approach that forms the core of our study.
On the Exploitation of DCT Statistics for Cropping Detectors
Figure 2: Example of probability distribution of DCT coef-
ficients, fitting a Laplacian distribution.
3.2 Dataset
Our study started from RAISE (Dang-Nguyen et al.,
2015), a comprehensive collection of 8156 high-
resolution, unaltered photographic images designed
for digital image forensics. The dataset is notable for
its diversity, including thousands of images spanning
a wide range of scenes and subjects, making it an ideal
candidate for studies in image processing and manip-
ulation detection. The dataset was processed in order
to adapt it to our studies on image resolution classifi-
cation. Therefore, we employed a specific processing
pipeline to prepare the images for analysis, as follows:
Central Cropping. In the preprocessing phase, a
central cropping was applied to each image to convert
them into square dimensions. This was achieved by
selecting the smaller value between height and width
to define the new dimension for all sides of the im-
ages. This simplification was adopted for the prelim-
inary study detailed in this paper.
Resizing. The cropped images were then resized to
create five distinct datasets at resolutions of 2048 ×
2048, 1024 × 1024, 512 × 512, 256 × 256, and 128 ×
128 pixels. This resizing was achieved through bicu-
bic interpolation, a method known for its effective-
ness in preserving image quality during downsizing
by utilizing cubic polynomials to interpolate the pixel
Color Space Transformation. In this step, images
were converted to the YCbCr color space, retaining
only the luminance channel (Y). The transition to
the luminance channel is a common practice in DCT
analysis because the human eye is more sensitive to
variations in brightness than color. Focusing on the
luminance channel allows for a more efficient and rel-
evant analysis of image details and textures in the fre-
quency domain.
Feature Extraction. The luminance matrix was di-
vided in 8 × 8 blocks. We utilize 8x8 grids for fea-
ture extraction based on established findings that this
size yields better results for calculating features, a
phenomenon well-documented in the study of JPEG
compression algorithms. For each block the DCT
was carried out obtaining 64 values and then scrolling
through the blocks of the mentioned values the distri-
bution was generated. It is easy to understand that the
size of the distribution is related to the starting size
of the image, but fitting every distribution to a Lapla-
cian ones every distribution will be reconducted to a
single value β, making the feature independent by the
starting image resolution.
As a result of this comprehensive pipeline, we
constructed a DataFrame encapsulating the β values
of the AC distributions across all images at various
resolutions. This dataset forms the basis for our anal-
ysis, enabling us to develop a classifier that can dis-
cern image resolution and detect cropping.
In summary, the pipeline applied to a single image
from the RAISE dataset for our study involved these
steps: central cropping to square dimensions, resiz-
ing to multiple resolutions via bicubic interpolation,
transforming to the YCbCr color space and retaining
only the luminance channel, followed by dividing the
luminance matrix into 8x8 blocks to perform DCT,
from which the distribution of coefficients was fitted
to a Laplacian distribution to derive a singular β value
as the feature for resolution classification and crop-
ping detection.
3.3 Classifier
The primary target of our research is to develop a
model capable of accurately classifying the resolu-
tion of an image based on the β coefficients of its AC
distributions. Our approach focuses on a classifica-
tion system that distinguishes among 5 specific reso-
lution classes: 2048 × 2048, 1024 × 1024, 512 × 512,
256 × 256, and 128 × 128 pixels. These resolutions
were selected to cover a broad spectrum of common
image sizes, from high-resolution to smaller.
The underlying hypothesis of our study is rooted
in the observation that while the physical dimensions
of an image can be altered through cropping, the in-
trinsic properties described by the β coefficients of
AC distributions remain consistent with the original
resolution. These coefficients encapsulate critical in-
IMPROVE 2024 - 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
Figure 3: Variation of β coefficients values (axis Y) of a
single image across multiple resolutions (axis X).
formation about the frequency content and texture
details of the image, which are not significantly af-
fected by not too big cropping operations. Therefore,
by analyzing these β coefficients, our model aims to
identify the original resolution, independently of any
cropping or resizing it may have undergone. The
graph in Figure 3 depicts the trend of β coefficient val-
ues across the same image at different resolutions, il-
lustrating the distinct range of frequency components.
By determining the likelihood that an image has been
cropped without relying on metadata (which can be
easily altered or removed), our model provides a com-
putationally efficient and reliable method for detect-
ing image manipulations. Such a tool would be in-
valuable in contexts where verifying the authenticity
and integrity of digital images is crucial, in particular
in digital forensics. Furthermore, our approach high-
lights the efficiency of using frequency domain fea-
tures for image classification tasks. By relying on the
β values, the model leverages a compact yet informa-
tive representation of the image, facilitating rapid and
resource-efficient processing. This aspect is partic-
ularly relevant in scenarios where computational re-
sources are limited or when processing a large volume
of images quickly is necessary.
The ML based classifiers play an important role
in making sense of complex data, enabling computers
to categorize or predict the group to which a new ob-
servation belongs based on a training dataset. A clas-
sifier algorithm sifts through data with known labels
and learns from this data to predict the classification
of unlabeled data. The performance and suitability of
a classifier depend on the nature of the data and the
specific task.
Among the most famous ML methods, many are
used across a variety of applications: K-Nearest
Neighbors (KNN), Decision Trees (in particular
as Random Forests), Gradient Boosting Machines
(GBM), and Support Vector Machines (SVM). All of
those methods are able to give good results in gen-
eral scenarios with some that work better in specific
ones. In order to understand what was the better clas-
sifier fitting our input data all 4 the mentioned clas-
sifiers were tested with better results reached by the
SVM. It was able to reach a general accuracy of 76%
(the specific discussion of the results is described in
Section 4), by achieving approximately 10% more
than Random forest and almost 20% w.r.t. the oth-
ers. SVM works by finding the hyperplane that best
separates different classes in the feature space. The
strength of SVMs lies in their use of kernels, which
allow them to operate in a high-dimensional space,
making them highly effective for non-linear data. The
choice of the kernel function is critical, with the Ra-
dial Basis Function (RBF) kernel being particularly
popular for its ability to handle non-linear relation-
ships. The C parameter trades off correct classifica-
tion of training examples against maximization of the
decision function’s margin. The value chosen for our
model is 100: a high value of C tells the model to
give a higher priority to classifying all training exam-
ples correctly. Gamma hyper-parameter determines
the influence of individual training examples. The low
value used (0.1) suggests that each point has a moder-
ate influence on the model’s decision boundary. The
choice of RBF kernel and the optimal values for C and
gamma were determined through Grid Search algo-
rithm (using the python library scikit-learn), a method
that performs exhaustive search over specified param-
eter values for an estimator. Grid Search evaluates
and compares the performance of all possible combi-
nations of parameter values, facilitating the selection
of the best model. By leveraging the power of SVMs
with carefully tuned hyperparameters, we aim to de-
velop a highly accurate and reliable classifier capable
of discerning the resolution of images, thereby con-
tributing valuable insights to the field of digital image
The trained SVM model was tested with the 20% of
the dataset (about 7200 non-cropped images) to deter-
mine its ability to correctly classify the input images.
The model achieved an overall accuracy of 76.55%,
indicating an important level of precision for the task
of resolution classification; in addition, the confusion
matrix shown in Table 1, describes the classification
performance for each resolution. In future studies, we
plan to investigate the anomaly observed in the accu-
racy growth for classifying 128 × 128 images, aim-
ing to understand and optimize the underlying factors
contributing to this trend.
On the Exploitation of DCT Statistics for Cropping Detectors
Table 1: Confusion Matrix of the SVM Classifier.
2048 × 2048 1024 × 1024 512 × 512 256 × 256 128 × 128
2048 × 2048 98.43% 1.02% 0.14% 0.00% 0.41%
1024 × 1024 1.49% 87.79% 6.72% 1.76% 2.24%
512 × 512 1.02% 13.09% 64.76% 17.86% 3.27%
256 × 256 0.43% 6.77% 27.93% 53.64% 11.23%
128 × 128 0.35% 4.01% 3.18% 15.57% 76.9%
4.1 Cropping Detection Results
As explained in the previous sections our idea is to
use the model (trained for resolution classification)
to potentially detect cropping in an image. We start
creating from RAISE 200 images (not used during
SVM training) of resolution 2048 × 2048 following
the pipeline described in Section 3.2, then, on each
image 4 different central cropping were carried out
(128 × 128, 256 × 256, 512 × 512 and 1024 × 1024),
generating 800 cropped images. To test the crop-
ping detection of a dataset with starting resolution
2048 × 2048 the following strategy was employed:
given a cropped image C, if the classifier predicts a
resolution higher than actually size of C a cropping
was detected, otherwise no crop were detected. It is
important to note that the test was performed in a so-
called aligned scenario, i.e. when applying the crop,
it was done respecting the 8 × 8 grid used to extract
the DCT blocks; specifically, considering the image
matrix during the crop, the number of rows deleted
at the top and the number of columns deleted at the
left is a multiple of 8. The accuracy of the model
improved substantially with the increase in resolution
of the cropped images. This improvement can be at-
tributed to the retention of more image features that
are representative of the original resolution, which en-
hances the classifier’s ability to make correct predic-
tions. The test carried out on the 800 cropped images,
in terms of resolution classification give us the fol-
lowing accuracies:
128 × 128 cropped images: Accuracy = 76.0%
256 × 256 cropped images: Accuracy = 82.5%
512 × 512 cropped images: Accuracy = 89.5%
1024 × 1024 cropped images: Accuracy = 99.0%
where the 76% shown for the images 128× 128 means
the percentage of time where the images were clas-
sified as 2048 × 2048. Employing the same results,
to calculate the cropping detection using the strategy
described above we obtained the results described in
Table 2; specifically, all the results are related to the
resolution classification, only the last column is re-
ferred to the crop detection.
4.2 Generalization
In addition to the primary experiments, additional
tests were performed to evaluate the model with im-
ages cropped at different sizes w.r.t. the classes used
to train the classifier. Then, using the same crop-
ping pipeline described in Section 4.1, another 600
cropped images were generated. Specifically 3 crop-
ping sizes (1536 × 1536, 750 × 750, 350 × 350) were
used, representing an intermediate value between the
resolutions employed in the training phase. The re-
sults in Table 3 demonstrate how our pipeline to de-
tect the crop, is not dependent w.r.t. the cropping size;
moreover, the detection accuracy in Table 3 fits per-
fectly the trend of the previous one (Table 2). The
trend of all discussed results shows how they are
strictly dependent on the resolutions of the images;
this turns out to be easy to understand because the
more information and its variability, the easier it is to
perform detection and recognition tasks. To complete
our study, the same test performed in Section 4.1 was
carried out starting from images with 1024 × 1024
resolution. Table 4 shows the classifier results, also
in terms of cropping detection, confirming what was
discussed before; nevertheless, the accuracies related
to the cropping detection demonstrate the usefulness
of the features on this task and that future research in
this direction will definitely lead to important results.
IMPROVE 2024 - 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
Table 2: Crop detection accuracy and classification results of images cropped from 2048 × 2048 resolution with cropping
sizes equal to classification categories.
Cropping size
2048 × 2048 1024 × 1024 512 × 512 256 × 256 128 × 128 % crop detection
1024 × 1024 99% 1% 0% 0% 0% 99%
512 × 512 89.5% 4% 1% 0.5% 5% 93.5%
256 × 256 82.5% 4.5% 2% 0.5% 10.5% 89%
128 × 128 76% 3% 1.5% 3% 16.5% 83.5%
Table 3: Crop detection accuracy and classification results of images cropped from 2048 × 2048 resolution with cropping
sizes different w.r.t classification categories.
Cropping size
2048 × 2048 1024 × 1024 512 × 512 256 × 256 128 × 128 % crop detection
1536 × 1536 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100%
750 × 750 96% 2% 0% 0% 2% 98%
350 × 350 85.5% 4.5% 1.5% 1% 7.5% 91.5%
Table 4: Crop detection accuracy and classification results of images cropped from 1024 × 1024 resolution with cropping
sizes different w.r.t classification categories.
Cropping size
2048 × 2048 1024 × 1024 512 × 512 256 × 256 128 × 128 % crop detection
512 × 512 3.5% 76.5% 13% 1.5% 5.5% 80%
256 × 256 3.5% 63.5% 13.5% 8% 11.5% 80.5%
128 × 128 4% 47% 6% 11% 32% 68%
On the Exploitation of DCT Statistics for Cropping Detectors
This paper presents a preliminary study on β values of
AC distributions for cropping detection. A classifier
was developed to detect the resolution of images be-
tween some classes. After the application of a central
cropping, we tested how classifier can accurately de-
tect the image’s native resolution. Finally, through a
proper strategy for crop detection, we demonstrated
how the classifier could be employed for cropping
detection, confirming the information contained in β
values of AC distributions. The proposed method
is limited by its categorization into only ve reso-
lution classes within the SVM framework. Future
work could involve refining the SVM by searching
for more optimal hyperparameters. Continual tuning
of these parameters could yield a model that performs
with even greater precision. To improve the robust-
ness and versatility of the classifier, we plan to train it
on a more comprehensive dataset that encompasses a
wider range of image resolutions, adding more reso-
lution classes to the model. Deep learning approaches
were not incorporated at this stage due to the require-
ment for a more extensive and heterogeneous dataset
beyond what is available in RAISE. The use Convo-
lutional Neural Network (CNN) may provide better
performances in this tasks due to their hierarchical
feature extraction capabilities, permitting us to inves-
tigate challenging scenarios such as lower resolutions,
non-aligned crops or compressed images.
The work of Claudio Vittorio Ragaglia has been sup-
ported by the Spoke 1 ”Future HPC & BigData” of the
Italian Research Center on High-Performance Com-
puting, Big Data and Quantum Computing (ICSC)
funded by MUR Missione 4 Componente 2 Inves-
timento 1.4: Potenziamento strutture di ricerca e
creazione di ”campioni nazionali di R&S (M4C2-
19)” - Next Generation EU (NGEU). The work of
Francesco Guarnera has been supported by MUR in
the framework of PNRR PE0000013, under project
“Future Artificial Intelligence Research – FAIR”.
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IMPROVE 2024 - 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering