Unlocking Adaptive User Experience with Generative AI
Yutan Huang
, Tanjila Kanij
, Anuradha Madugalla
, Shruti Mahajan, Chetan Arora
and John Grundy
Department of Software Systems and Cybersecurity, Monash University, Clayton, Melbourne, Australia
Adaptive UI/UX, User-Centered Designs, Generative AI, ChatGPT, Persona.
Developing user-centred applications that address diverse user needs requires rigorous user research. This is
time, effort and cost-consuming. With the recent rise of generative AI techniques based on Large Language
Models (LLMs), there is a possibility that these powerful tools can be used to develop adaptive interfaces.
This paper presents a novel approach to develop user personas and adaptive interface candidates for a specific
domain using ChatGPT. We develop user personas and adaptive interfaces using both ChatGPT and a tradi-
tional manual process and compare these outcomes. To obtain data for the personas we collected data from
37 survey participants and 4 interviews in collaboration with a not-for-profit organisation. The comparison of
ChatGPT generated content and manual content indicates promising results that encourage using LLMs in the
adaptive interfaces design process.
Designing and developing user-friendly web inter-
faces is both an art and science. User Interface (UI)
and User Experience (UX) design requires striking a
balance between aesthetic appeal and meeting func-
tional and non-functional requirements. The require-
ments will be based on a deep understanding of user
behaviour, expectations and special ‘human-centric’
needs. These needs are often diverse and individu-
alised (Benyon, 2019). The traditional design pro-
cesses, while structured and methodical, are charac-
terised by their resource-intensive nature. They often
require input from multidisciplinary teams (domain
experts, software engineers and UI/UX designers) and
provides solutions that may not effectively address the
individual requirements of diverse users (Lewis and
Sauro, 2021). In addition, there is a growing need for
swift time-to-market of web applications (web apps),
which has led to a pressing demand for innovative,
efficient and more adaptable UI/UX design method-
ologies in the industry (Main and Grierson, 2020).
The recent advancements in artificial intelligence
(AI) techniques, particularly generative AI and large
language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, mark the be-
ginning of potential new innovations in several areas,
including UI/UX designs. These technologies offer a
promising shift toward more personalised and adapt-
able design processes, paving the way for innovative
solutions to longstanding issues. (Wang et al., 2023;
Nguyen-Duc et al., 2023).
In this new ideas paper we introduce a new ap-
proach to develop user personas and UI/UX for web
applications by leveraging the generative capabilities
of ChatGPT. We explore generating an adaptive UI
with LLMs by providing user personas as an input to
the design process. We then compare these results
with another set of adaptive UIs that were manually
developed based on rigorous user research. We com-
pare ChatGPT-generated outcomes with those crafted
through conventional user research and design prac-
tices. We show that the trialled approach offers a pos-
sibility of a ‘true’ human-centred design of web apps
that could streamline design processes and tailor user
experiences more closely to individual needs. The re-
sults reflects an anticipating stance, inviting further
research and discussion from the community and aims
to set stage for future empirical research to extend and
validate our preliminary findings. This paper is organ-
ised as follows: Section 2 reviews existing literature,
Section 3 outlines our research design and methodol-
Huang, Y., Kanij, T., Madugalla, A., Mahajan, S., Arora, C. and Grundy, J.
Unlocking Adaptive User Experience with Generative AI.
DOI: 10.5220/0012741000003687
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2024), pages 760-768
ISBN: 978-989-758-696-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ogy, Section 4 describes our preliminary results and
presents a comparative analysis of the results. Sec-
tion 5 presents a SWOT analysis, reflecting on the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of
using LLMs in the design process based on our out-
comes. Section 7 presents our conclusions and fu-
ture research direction ideas for using generative AI
in adaptive UI/UX design.
2.1 Generative AI
ChatGPT. Generative Pre-trained Transformer
(GPT) is an autoregressive large language model
that produces human-like text through deep learning
(Atlas, 2023). The latest version released in 2023,
GPT 3.5 has been shown to achieve a significant
improvement compared to its previous GPT models
(Talebi et al., 2023). ChatGPT platform developed by
OpenAI uses GPT 3.5 and is considered one of the
best LLMs (Magar and Schwartz, 2022). As such we
selected ChatGPT 3.5 as the LLM for this study.
Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT. Prompt engi-
neering refers to the set of instructions provided to
LLMs to receive responses and serves as an essential
process in leveraging ChatGPT to generate meaning-
ful and contextually relevant outputs for UI/UX de-
sign and other SE activities (Liu et al., 2023). The
OpenAI Playground, a popular tool for experiment-
ing with prompts and examples, provides significant
value to users. However, there is currently little guid-
ance on systematically crafting prompts in a rigorous
manner (Arora et al., 2023). Consequently, we have
incorporated prompting techniques based on rigorous
evaluation by the researchers, our methodology in-
volved a deliberate and iterative approach to crafting
prompts that would lead to the persona generation and
web page designs that aligns closely with user needs.
For prompt engineering with ChatGPT, we used the
output customisation and error identification category
from the catalogue suggested by White et al. (White
et al., 2023a). The crafting of prompts for Chat-
GPT ensures creating personas and web pages that
are comparable, if not superior, to those developed
through traditional methods.
2.2 Persona
A persona is a fictional character that reflects the char-
acteristics of clusters of real end users, they are of-
ten utilised for analysing end-user requirements and
ensuring that the proposed software products ulti-
mately meet these standards (Karolita et al., 2023).
There are no universally accepted methods for cre-
ating personas, and researchers have proposed vari-
ous approaches to develop personas for user groups.
These approaches fall into three categories: qualita-
tive, quantitative, and mixed (Tu et al., 2010). Qual-
itative methods for persona creation depend on ex-
ploratory research with a medium-sized sample of
users. This method involves users at all stages of de-
sign, focuses on understanding and analysing user be-
havior, and iterates the creation of personas (Hosono
et al., 2009). On the other hand, quantitative methods
aim to leverage user data from diverse sources to con-
struct personas, thereby improving understanding of
users. Mixed methods combine elements from both
quantitative and qualitative approaches, often target-
ing specific user demographics, such as groups de-
fined by age (Cooper et al., 2007).
2.3 Nielsen’s Persona Method
We employ a generalised mixed method for creat-
ing personas, with Nielsen’s ten-step approach as
our manual method (Nielsen, 2004). We selected
Nielsen’s approach as our information does not align
perfectly with either the qualitative or quantitative ap-
proaches. By following Nielsen’s structured process,
we ensure that our personas are well-founded, accu-
rately reflecting the complex needs, attitudes, and be-
haviors of our target user groups.
Nielsen’s ten-step approach to creating personas
encompasses three crucial domains: data collection,
engagement with persona descriptions, and organi-
sational buy-in. Initially, it involves gathering data
from various sources to understand target users, in-
cluding the methods for data collection and storage.
After collecting data, an initial hypothesis about the
users is formed to guide the persona creation pro-
cess. This hypothesis is then tested by verifying the
data. As patterns within user groups emerge, these
groups are categorised, leading to the construction
of personas equipped with detailed backgrounds and
personal traits. It’s essential to place these personas
in specific scenarios and validate them with real-life
users to start creating scenarios that are relevant to the
personas. Once validated, these personas are shared
with organisations to assist developers. The final step
involves crafting a narrative for the persona, detailing
scenarios that highlight the persona’s goals.
Unlocking Adaptive User Experience with Generative AI
3.1 Methodology Overview
We want to answer the following key research ques-
tions (RQs):
1. RQ1 - How do personas developed by LLMs per-
form against the manually created personas?
2. RQ2 - What is the quality of web pages developed
with the use of LLMs?
3. RQ3 - What is the effectiveness of the customized
UI/UX in web pages developed by LLMs based
on specific personas?
To address these RQs, we adopted a mixed-
method research design, integrating quantitative data
from surveys with qualitative insights from inter-
views. This blended approach facilitated a compre-
hensive comparison between the innovative use of
ChatGPT in generating personas and web pages, and
the traditional manual methodologies employed in
UI/UX design. The research was designed in a phased
approach, with distinct stages aimed at directly ad-
dressing each research question: Persona develop-
ment phase - This examines the depth, accuracy and
applicability of ChatGPT-generated personas in com-
parison to those crafted manually, which addresses
RQ1. Webpage design phase -This addresses RQ2
by evaluating the quality of ChatGPT-developed web
pages with user representatives, focusing on their de-
sign principles, aesthetic appeal, as well as user en-
gagement metrics. UI/UX customization phase -
This addresses RQ3 by exploring the effectiveness
of ChatGPT in tailoring web pages to specific user
personas, assessing ChatGPT’s adaptability and pre-
cision in meeting user-specific design requirements.
3.2 Survey and Interview
We partnered with an NFP organisation and con-
ducted a survey (with 37 participants) and interviews
(with four participants) to obtain the user preferences
and needs for their website. The NFP is a commu-
nity support organisation providing health and well-
ness support to users, including organising events and
workshops that they advertise through the website (in
question) and wanted people to register through the
website as well. Participants were recruited by con-
venience sampling with the help of the partnered or-
ganisation. The survey setup with Google Forms, col-
lected data on demographic information, the daily us-
age of websites and web applications, and their feed-
back on the website of the partner organisation. In-
terviews were conducted through the Zoom platform
where participants were asked to explore the organi-
sation’s website and provide suggestions to improve
the website design. They were then instructed to
write the features and information they desired on
empty stickers on the Miro board, an online collab-
orative whiteboard platform. The insights gathered
inform the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of
ChatGPT-generated outputs against manual efforts,
they were instrumental in guiding the development of
user personas, ensuring the outputs of our study to be
grounded in real-world environments.
4.1 RQ1 Results
4.1.1 Persona Development with ChatGPT
For persona development, we implemented a compre-
hensive prompt engineering strategy that involved the
integration of user scenarios and characteristics de-
rived from preliminary user research (Zhang et al.,
2023). Our design process recognises the importance
of specificity in prompts to obtain high-quality out-
puts; we utilised the “output customisation and er-
ror identification” pattern as suggested by White et
al. (White et al., 2023a) to refine our prompts based
on initial feedback loops with our model. An ex-
ample prompt for persona creation was structured as
follows: Given a not-for-profit organisation aiming
to increase engagement among its diverse user base,
create a persona representing a typical user. Con-
sider age, interests, digital literacy, and potential en-
gagement barriers. The persona should reflect the or-
ganisation’s focus on health and wellness support, in-
cluding attending workshops and events. This prompt
was designed to encapsulate the diverse user base and
the organisation’s mission, ensuring the personas gen-
erated were diverse and represented real-world users.
We then used iterative refinement to adjust the level of
detail and scope of the personas, ensuring they served
as foundations for further design decisions. A persona
generated by ChatGPT using our prompt is given on
the left-hand side in Figure 1.
4.1.2 Persona Development from Survey
We applied Nielsen’s approach for persona develop-
ment from the survey data (Nielsen, 2004). Follow-
ing the approach, we found three main clusters of user
facets from the survey results. Cluster 1: Consists of
end-users from the age group 56-65, who are mostly
retired individuals with various cultural backgrounds.
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 1: Persona examples (left) generated by ChatGPT and (right) by following Nielsen’s approach manually.
They experience difficulties navigating websites and
prefer bigger texts and simple layouts; they browse
websites for news media and register for community
activities on the organisation’s website. Cluster 2:
Comprises users aged 26-35; most come from Chi-
nese cultural backgrounds and various occupations.
They experience little difficulty navigating websites
and, like content-rich websites with a range of vi-
brant colours, they often register for workshops and
social activities on the organisation’s website. Clus-
ter 3: Consists of end-users from the age group of
18-26, who are primarily students from Asian cul-
tural backgrounds. They browse websites with no
difficulties and prefer a monochromatic colour for
websites; they register and attend stress management
workshops specifically on the organisation’s website.
Three personas were developed from each cluster;
named Jack, Linda and James. Linda persona is pre-
sented on the right-hand side in Figure 1.
4.1.3 Comparative Analysis
We summarise our comparison of manually devel-
oped personas vs ChatGPT generated personas in Ta-
ble 1. The demographics displayed significant simi-
larities, albeit with variations in titles. The manually-
created personas included visual avatars and notes on
cultural distinctions, enhancing their relatability. In
contrast, the ChatGPT personas offered an in-depth
exploration of the goals and needs specific to each
persona, attached with a dedicated section titles ’How
Organisation X’s Website Helps, which mapped the
website’s functions to the persona’s daily life.
The manual approach reflected a broad classifica-
Table 1: Persona features developed manually and with
ChatGPT (*MP - Manual Persona, *CP- ChatGPT Per-
Category Feature MP* CP*
Cultural Affiliation
User Needs and
Website preferences
Colour preferences
User Environment
Organisation X’s role
tion suitable for larger user groups and the ChatGPT
personas suggested a more personalised UI/UX de-
sign approach. This suggests that generative AI can
complement user research methods by providing a
deeper, data-driven understanding of user segments
with highlighted unique user preferences and engage-
ment barriers. It also highlights the need for a com-
bination of AI efficiency with human-centric insights.
We aim to explore this new research area more in our
future studies.
4.2 RQ2 Results
4.2.1 Webpage Development with ChatGPT
To develop webpages for our partner NFP organisa-
tion, we followed a two-step prompt engineering pro-
cess. In the first step, we furnished ChatGPT with
Unlocking Adaptive User Experience with Generative AI
Figure 2: Webpage created by ChatGPT.
essential background information regarding the or-
ganisation, website structure, and details about each
webpage. For example, we provided the details of
the purpose and functionality of the NFP organisa-
tion’s website, how many web pages they have, and
the description and purpose of each web page, struc-
turing prompts that described the desired features and
content of each page clearly. In the second step, we
provided a clear and specific prompt for the desired
output, i.e., the generation of HTML scripts and CSS
features for the website designs. In these prompts
we provided the following information to ChatGPT.
Background Information -“Create a website for a
not-for-profit organisation that provides workshops
and events to enrich community health and wellness.
The website aims to provide support and care for
the community along with in-person services. Web-
site Information - “The website should have six web
pages: A home page, an About page, a Courses page,
a Services page, a Resources page, and a Donate page
with a consistent colour scheme.Home Page - “For
the home page: A “Menu” option should be available
on either the top or the side of the page; a consistent
color scheme should be chosen for the website; a hero
feature, which is a unique feature to the home page,
should be included.
We provided detailed specifications in addition to
the prompt template to complete the webpage gener-
ation process. We were able to guide ChatGPT to-
wards generating webpage designs that were not only
appealing but also functional and aligned with the or-
ganisation’s goals by iterating on the prompts based
on initial outputs. A snapshot of the homepage gener-
ated by ChatGPT is presented in Figure 2.
4.2.2 Website Development from Interviews
Participants were requested to visit organisation’s
website to make the interview questions consistent
with the prompt engineering for ChatGPT. The in-
terview questions were crafted based on the analy-
sis of survey responses. The participants were in-
quired about their preferences regarding the website’s
landing page, its level of dynamism, customisability,
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
and how information is represented. Based on their
preference, the review of the website’s content and
UI/UX, they were asked to share their design insights
on Miroboard. One example design created on the
MiroBoard is given in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Miroboard webpage design.
4.2.3 Comparative Analysis
We compared key differences and similarities be-
tween web pages manually designed by our intervie-
wees, visualised through Miroboard, and those Chat-
GPT generated. One significant observation is Chat-
GPT’s consistent inclusion of explicit title specifica-
tions, a detail frequently overlooked by out intervie-
wees. This aspect highlights ChatGPT’s capability to
maintain essential web design elements from prompts
even when they are not directly mentioned, which ad-
heres to structured content creation.
Our analysis revealed limitations in ChatGPT’s
ability to meet specific user expectations, notably the
absence of anticipated elements e.g a video on ‘about
page’ and contact details on the ‘donation page’. This
show a challenge in incorporating implicit user pref-
erences. Additionally, aligning ChatGPT’s designs
with detailed user requirements, like clear naviga-
tion labels, reduced scrolling, and informational pop-
ups, proved difficult. However, ChatGPT’s designs
demonstrated greater structure and consistency, bene-
fiting from user-centered design principles. Features
like interactive buttons that change color upon hover-
ing enhanced the user experience.
4.3 RQ3 Results
In addressing RQ3, we provided ChatGPT with the
three personas we developed manually based on our
survey. This step aimed to understand how well Chat-
GPT can customise the UI/UX based on the user
groups described by real-life personas. We provided
one persona at a time and found ChatGPT developed
web pages with the same content but differing colour
themes and styles. Figure 4 presents a snapshot of
three web pages ChatGPT developed for Jack, Linda
and James, respectively. Web pages for Linda and
James used colour themes consistent with their colour
preferences. However, Jack’s persona had hyperlinks
instead of interactive buttons with no colour theme.
This can be because Jack belongs to an elderly adult
group, and web pages a few decades ago were mainly
designed with hyperlinks.
Furthermore, we gathered all manually developed
personas and asked ChatGPT to develop a webpage
for them as a whole. This resulted in ChatGPT keep-
ing the structural design features like interactive but-
tons and menu options shown in Figure 4. However, it
integrated the colour preferences of all personas and
developed a light green-yellow colour for interactive
buttons and menu options, with the text colour chang-
ing to blue when hovering.
These results indicate that ChatGPT is capable of
cuztomizing web pages to to reflect distinct user pro-
files, adapting to design elements like color themes
and navigation features, which highlights the signif-
icance of LLMs in enabling user-sentric design ap-
LLM based Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, of-
fer features that can be used in many development
tasks, such as developing adaptive UI/UX. However,
these opportunities are yet to be explored in detail.
Bartao and Joo found that UI/UX developers do not
widely use AI tools (Bert
ao and Joo, 2021). The re-
cent research which incorporated ChatGPT in proto-
type designing found some benefits of the approach;
but received mixed responses from developers (Ek-
vall and Winnberg, 2023). Another research with an
older version of GPT found that incorporating LLMs
in earlier prototyping stages can save effort and cost
(Bilgram and Laarmann, 2023). However, none of
the research systematically compared ChatGPT’s out-
come at each step based on specific prompt engi-
neering with a traditional manual process. Our pre-
liminary attempt to do a comparative analysis shows
several promising opportunities. The persona devel-
oped by ChatGPT based on domain specification (in
this case - the NFP organisation) was detailed enough
and even contained a section exploring websites in-
tegration to Persona user’s life, which the manually
developed persona didn’t have. The differences in
cultural background and other preferences presented
with three manually developed personas were absent
in one persona developed by ChatGPT. We think this
Unlocking Adaptive User Experience with Generative AI
Table 2: Features Comparison.
Categories Website Features Website developed
by ChatGPT
Miroboard Design 1 Miroboard Design 2 Miroboard Design 3
Home Page
Menu options
Content Highlights
Courses & Events description
Simple Words for navigation
About Page
Courses Page
Courses & Events details
Less Screen Scrolling
Sub menu for course separations
Resources Page
Resource categorization
Details of resources
Services Page
Pop-ups for expert information
More appealing titles
Service categorization
Details of services
Donate Page
Contact details
Donation Methods
Figure 4: Webpages developed by ChatGPT with Personas.
can be alleviated with specific instructions to develop
more than one persona.
Regarding the webpages, ChatGPT developed
consistent designs with different colour themes for
different personas. The style was also adapted to
classical style for the elderly persona. These find-
ings indicate the opportunities ChatGPT presents to
customize UI/UX based on specific user needs and
preferences. Prompts can be specifically tailored to
achieve these outcomes. However, tailoring prompts
can be challenging and the heavy dependence of the
outcome on prompt engineering poses a threat to the
Our initial findings indicate promising results for
using ChatGPT to develop user persona and UI/UX
customized towards the persona. This can help avoid
extensive user research to understand user needs and
preferences and to develop UI/UX customized for the
users. Based on the findings, we developed a SWOT
matrix for developing UI/UX based on customized
user needs and preferences with the help of ChatGPT,
shown in Figure 5.
Prompt engineering is critical for ChatGPT, as the
quality of prompts directly affects the relevance and
quality of responses generated by ChatGPT (Yu et al.,
2023). This is particularly evident in the persona de-
velopment process, where we found that minor de-
viations in prompt choices can lead to substantial
deviations in persona contexts (White et al., 2023b;
Ubani et al., 2023). We also learned that prompts
need to be provided within specific structural frames
to achieve desired responses, without which ChatGPT
would only produce the simplest forms of responses.
Therefore, rigorous prompts are necessary for devel-
oping personas and web pages using ChatGPT.
A potential threat to our findings are in the evalua-
tion method as there may be a possibility of subjec-
tive bias in qualitative assessments within our study.
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 5: SWOT analysis of ChatGPT.
To mitigate this threat, we plan to refine our evalu-
ation process by involving domain experts and user
representatives. Additionally, we will employ a blind
review process among the evaluators to ensure they
are unaware of whether the webpages and personas
were generated by ChatGPT or developed manually.
Another threat is that our results may be limited by
the specific context of our study—a health and well-
ness NFP organization. It is necessary for us to con-
duct further research across diverse domains to vali-
date the broad applicability of our findings.
We investigated whether ChatGPT can develop adap-
tive UI/UX. From our experiments, persona and web-
site development with LLMs can be more efficient
with tailored prompts being used. LLMs can gener-
ate desired outputs for developers in a short time, also
providing more details and insights for outputs. The
traditional approach of using quantitative and qualita-
tive user study is time consuming, but effective for de-
veloping lightweight personas and websites. We plan
to broaden our research to encompass additional as-
pects of generative AI in UI/UX design. We will work
towards creating a robust framework to automate per-
sona and website development, aiming to capture crit-
ical user-centric content that aids designers. Such a
framework will not only streamline the design pro-
cess but also serve to fine-tine and personalise many
interactivity elements in UI/UX designs.
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ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering