Professional Insights into Benefits and Limitations of Implementing
MLOps Principles
Gabriel Araujo
1 a
, Marcos Kalinowski
1 b
, Markus Endler
1 c
and Fabio Calefato
2 d
Departamento de Inform
atica, Pontif
ıcia Universidade Cat
olica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil
Dipartimento di Informatica, Universit
a degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro (Uniba), Italy
Machine Learning, Operations, Focus Group.
Context: Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) has emerged as a set of practices that combines develop-
ment, testing, and operations to deploy and maintain machine learning applications. Objective: In this paper,
we assess the benefits and limitations of using the MLOps principles in online supervised learning. Method:
We conducted two focus group sessions on the benefits and limitations of applying MLOps principles for
online machine learning applications with six experienced machine learning developers. Results: The focus
group revealed that machine learning developers see many benefits of using MLOps principles but also that
these do not apply to all the projects they worked on. According to experts, this investment tends to pay off for
larger applications with continuous deployment that require well-prepared automated processes. However, for
initial versions of machine learning applications, the effort taken to implement the principles could enlarge the
project’s scope and increase the time needed to deploy a first version to production. The discussion brought up
that most of the benefits are related to avoiding error-prone manual steps, enabling to restore the application
to a previous state, and having a robust continuous automated deployment pipeline. Conclusions: It is impor-
tant to balance the trade-offs of investing time and effort in implementing the MLOps principles considering
the scope and needs of the project, favoring such investments for larger applications with continuous model
deployment requirements.
Machine Learning (ML) is a discipline that allows
machines to automatically learn from data and past
processing experiences to identify data patterns, clas-
sify data, and predict results with minimal human in-
tervention (Jordan and Mitchell, 2015). Supervised
ML is a sub-branch of ML (Shetty et al., 2022) that
depends on a human domain expert who ‘teaches’
the learning scheme with the required supervision,
typically by annotation/labeling data mapping inputs
to selected outputs. Supervised ML problems are
grouped into classification and regression. In classifi-
cation problems, the prediction results correspond to
discrete values. In regression, on the other hand, the
results correspond to continuous values. A review of
ML algorithms can be found in (Ray, 2019).
Online ML refers to applications of ML where
data becomes available in sequential order and is used
to update the best predictor for future data at each
step, as opposed to batch learning techniques which
generate the best predictor by learning on the entire
training data set at once. The goal of online learning
is to make a sequence of accurate predictions given
the knowledge of the correct answer to previous pre-
diction tasks and possibly additional available infor-
mation (Shalev-Shwartz, 2012). It is commonly used
in situations where it is necessary for the algorithm to
adapt to new patterns in the data dynamically or when
the data itself is generated as a function of time, for
example, stock price prediction.
Unfortunately, the success of many real-world
ML applications falls short of expectations (Kocielnik
et al., 2019). Many ML projects fail and never reach
production (van der Meulen and McCall, 2018). From
a research perspective, this does not come as a sur-
prise, as the ML community has focused extensively
on the building of ML models but not on (a) building
production-ready ML products and (b) providing the
Araujo, G., Kalinowski, M., Endler, M. and Calefato, F.
Professional Insights into Benefits and Limitations of Implementing MLOps Principles.
DOI: 10.5220/0012741100003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 305-312
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
necessary coordination of the resulting, often com-
plex, ML system components and infrastructure, in-
cluding the roles required to automate and operate an
ML system in a real-world setting (Posoldova, 2020).
For example, in many industrial applications, data sci-
entists still manually manage ML workflows to a great
extent, resulting in many problems during the opera-
tions of the respective ML solution (Lwakatare et al.,
2020). This is a particular problem in online learning,
where data arrives in sequential order, and the model
is expected to learn and update the best predictor for
future data at every step.
To help solve problems such as building
production-ready applications for complex systems,
the technical community has started to adopt contin-
uous software engineering practices such as Devel-
opment and Operations (DevOps). DevOps can be
defined as the development method emphasizing soft-
ware delivery, automated deployment, continuous in-
tegration, and quality assurance (Jabbari et al., 2016).
The practice of continuous delivery of ML solutions is
called Machine Learning Operations (MLOps), which
mimics DevOps practices but introduces additional
actions specific to ML (M
akinen et al., 2021).
MLOps is a paradigm including best practices
and sets of concepts and a development culture re-
garding the end-to-end conceptualization, implemen-
tation, monitoring, deployment, and scalability of ML
products (Kreuzberger et al., 2023). MLOps aims to
bridge the gap between development and operations
for ML-enabled systems and represents the alignment
between the building of ML models, software devel-
opment, and operation (Kalinowski et al., 2023).
Academic research has focused intensively on the
building and benchmarking of ML models but lit-
tle on the operation of complex ML systems in real-
world scenarios. In the real world, adopting soft-
ware engineering best practices in MLOps is still lim-
ited (Kreuzberger et al., 2023).
The goal of this paper is to gather practitioner in-
sight into the benefits and limitations of using MLOps
principles in the context of online supervised learn-
ing. To this end, we conducted two focus group ses-
sions with six experienced ML developers. The fo-
cus group revealed key benefits (e.g., reducing man-
ual errors, facilitating rollback, establishing an au-
tomated model deployment pipeline) but also found
that investing effort in its principles tends to be more
rewarding for larger, continuously deployed applica-
tions needing automated processes. For initial ML ap-
plication versions, implementing MLOps principles
can expand the project scope and delay production de-
2 MLOps
Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) is a core
function of ML engineering, focused on streamlin-
ing the process of deploying ML models to produc-
tion and then maintaining, scaling, and monitoring
them. MLOps is a collaborative endeavor that often
involves data scientists, DevOps engineers, and IT.
An optimal MLOps experience is one in which ML
assets are treated consistently with all other software
assets within a CI/CD environment (Kalinowski et al.,
2023). I.e., ML models can be deployed alongside
the services that wrap them and the services that con-
sume them as part of a unified release process (Visen-
geriyeva et al., 2023).
As ML is increasingly pervasive in software prod-
ucts, we need to establish best practices and tools to
test, deploy, manage, and monitor ML models in real-
world production. In short, with MLOps, we strive
to avoid ‘technical debt’ in ML applications. Here-
after, we briefly describe the MLOps principles that
provide the background for this paper: Automation,
Monitoring, Versioning, Reproducibility, Testing, and
Deployment (Visengeriyeva et al., 2023).
Automation: The objective of an MLOps team is
to automate the deployment of ML models in the
core software system or as a service component.
This means automating the end-to-end ML workflow
pipeline without any manual intervention.
Monitoring: After the ML model has been de-
ployed, the model monitoring step aims to monitor
it to ensure that the ML model performs as expected.
Monitoring an ML application is important to under-
stand problems with the data, model, and application.
Versioning: The MLOps versioning principle con-
sists of organizing and versioning code, datasets, and
models. In an ML project, data scientists continu-
ously work on developing new models. This process
relies on trying different combinations of data, param-
eters, and algorithms.
Reproducibility: The reproducibility principle is
described as the process of repeatedly running an ML
application on certain datasets and obtaining the same
or similar results. The reproducibility principle en-
sures that researchers can reproduce the accuracy of
reported results and detect biases in the models.
Testing: Testing and monitoring are important
strategies for improving reliability, reducing technical
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
debt, and reducing long-term maintenance costs. The
MLOps testing principle introduces tests for features
and data, model development, and ML infrastructure
as part of ensuring data and model quality.
Deployment: The deployment of ML models or
pipelines is the process of making models available
in production environments so that applications and
APIs can consume the trained model. The MLOps de-
ployment principle consists of containerizing the ML
stack and providing access to the deployed model.
To assess the MLOps principles from the practition-
ers’ point of view, we designed a focus group to pro-
mote in-depth expert discussions about the benefits
and limitations of applying these principles within
ML projects. Focus group is a qualitative research
method based on collecting data through group ses-
sions, which allow the extraction of experiences from
participants (Kontio et al., 2008). A focus group ses-
sion is planned to address in-depth discussions about
a particular topic during a controlled time slot. Fo-
cus group studies have been conducted in software
engineering to reveal consolidated expert insights
and feedback (e.g. (Martakis and Daneva, 2013),
(Almeida et al., 2023)). We decided to use a focus
group as a suitable option to understand practitioners’
perceptions of the benefits of MLOps for supervised
online ML applications.
We conducted two focus group sessions with six
expert ML developers (three in each session) who
have experience creating large-scale ML applications
and have had contact with both MLOps- and non-
MLOps-based ML application development.
3.1 Context and Participant
We selected participants from three different organi-
zations to gain insight from various perspectives. The
characterization of the participants is shown in Ta-
ble 1. We observe that all the participants have a
high level of knowledge and at least 3 years of experi-
ence developing machine-learning applications. De-
spite their expertise and having worked on MLOps-
based projects, participants did not consider them-
selves highly knowledgeable about MLOps. This
could be because many companies seem to be still
maturing their MLOps approaches, with data scien-
tists still manually managing ML workflows to a great
extent (Kreuzberger et al., 2023).
Figure 1: Focus Group Overview.
3.2 Focus Group Planning and Design
We carefully designed our focus group following the
guidelines proposed by (Kontio et al., 2008). The goal
of our focus group can be described following the
Goal-Question-Metric goal definition template (Basili
and Rombach, 1988), as follows: Analyze the MLOps
principles with the purpose of characterizing with re-
spect to the benefits and limitations of the MLOps
principles from the point of view of ML experts in the
context of supervised online ML applications.
Figure 1 shows the steps adopted throughout the
focus group. We organized these steps into three ma-
jor phases: (1) Preparing the focus group session; (2)
Conducting the focus group sessions; and (3) Analyz-
ing the data and reporting the results. In the following,
we describe each phase and step.
Phase 1: Preparation for the Focus Group Ses-
sion. This phase consists of collecting preliminary
resources to support the execution of the focus group
session. For this purpose, we follow two steps.
Step 1: Recruit developers consisted of recruit-
ing developers with experience in ML and MLOps to
participate in discussions. We contacted developers
from three different organizations and industries to
participate in our study. We obtained the acceptance
of six experts using a consent form in which we ex-
plained our research goals and that the information
provided by each participant would be treated confi-
Professional Insights into Benefits and Limitations of Implementing MLOps Principles
Table 1: Focus group 1 (P1, P2, and P3) and focus group 2 (P4, P5, and P6) participants information.
ID Graduation Level Years of
Experience with
Classification of
knowledge in ML
Classification of
knowledge in
Job Title Industry Company Size
P1 Bachelor degree 3 High Medium ML Engineer Retail and
P2 Masters Degree 4 High Medium Data Scientist Oil & gas 40,000+
P3 Masters degree 5 High Medium Data Scientist Oil & gas 40,000+
P4 Masters degree 3 High Medium ML Engineer Oil & gas 40,000+
P5 Masters degree 4 High Medium ML Engineer Oil & gas 40,000+
P6 Bachelor degree 5 Very High High DS Specialist Finance 3,000+
dentially and used for study purposes only.
Next, Step 2: Characterize participants aimed
to collect basic information to characterize partici-
pants via the Participant Characterization Form. Our
main goal was to profile each participant so that we
could better interpret our study results. The form
asked participants about their academic degree, the
number of years working in the field of ML, and a
rating of their knowledge of ML and MLOps, which
could be evaluated in the following possibilities: very
low, low, medium, high, very high (cf. Table 1).
Phase 2: Conducting the Focus Group Sessions.
This phase consists of collecting data on the partic-
ipants’ perception of the benefits and limitations of
using the MLOps principles for supervised online ML
applications. To discuss the benefits and limitations of
MLOps, we derived statements from commonly used
ML-based software delivery metrics (deployment fre-
quency, lead-time for change, and mean time to re-
store) (Visengeriyeva et al., 2023), and asked par-
ticipants to discuss the effects of using MLOps on
these metrics. As these metrics mainly concern au-
tomation (including deployment, reproducibility, and
testing aspects), we added two additional statements
to allow discussion regarding the monitoring and ver-
sioning principles. Finally, we added a generic state-
ment on the use of MLOps principles to gather any
additional insights that experts would like to provide.
We used an online environment to promote discus-
sions on the benefits and limitations of MLOps prin-
ciples for ML applications. We designed a template
using the MIRO online collaborative platform (Miro,
2023). In practice, using this tool, we were able to
build an interactive mural to facilitate the conduction
of the focus group sessions.
Our template is divided into 5 columns that seek
to understand whether, for each line containing a
statement, the participants, through virtual post-its:
strongly agree, partially agree, partially disagree,
strongly disagree, or have no opinion. Each statement
is discussed in isolation, and we defined the dynamics
of the focus group session in three steps as follows.
Step 1: Introduce the statement aimed to
present each statement. For this purpose, the mod-
erator of the session read this information out loud.
Next, in Step 2: Add comments, we asked each par-
ticipant to add one or more post-its for each com-
ment they had on the statement, placing them in the
appropriate columns reflecting their agreement. Fi-
nally, in Step 3: Discuss comments, we asked par-
ticipants to explain their comments (and why they
agreed or disagreed with the statement) and discussed
them within the group. Each comment should be doc-
umented on the post-it, as shown in Figure 2. The
comment was just a brief summary of the reason they
selected a column, and we constantly asked partic-
ipants to share the knowledge and experiences sur-
rounding the statement to enrich the discussions and
understanding. Additionally, whenever the moderator
felt that a comment was poorly written, he asked the
participants to provide further considerations.
Phase 3: Analyzing the Data and Reporting the
Results. The focus group sessions were conducted
online via Zoom. Additionally, we kept video and
audio records of the sessions to support the data anal-
ysis. Both sessions were held in August 2023. We
analyzed the comments for each statement, referring
to the transcribed audio discussion records to better
understand what the developers meant with each note.
The audio records of the Zoom recording were tran-
scribed using a popular speech-to-text transcription
model (Grosman, 2021). We report the results of the
discussions for each statement in the following sec-
We asked participants to choose and justify whether
they agreed or disagreed with the statements reported
in the context of the benefits and limitations of us-
ing the MLOps principles for supervised online ML
applications. We have collected these comments
through post-it notes added by participants in the ses-
sion’s MIRO board (as illustrated in Figure 2). Each
participant had a specific color of post-it and could
add more than one comment.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Focus Group Template Steps.
In order to analyze these comments, we first
watched the video and automatically transcribed its
audio into plain text. Then, we analyzed all post-
it comments written by the participants and associ-
ated transcription quotes. In the following subsec-
tions, we summarize the agreement for each state-
ment, also qualitatively providing relevant comments
that emerged during the discussions. A full qualitative
analysis of the discussion with all the details of the
sentences uttered during the discussions can be found
in our online repository (Araujo et al., 2023). Com-
plete recordings and transcriptions were not made
available to preserve anonymity.
Statement 1 - Deployment Frequency: Using
MLOps Principles Helps Me to Have More Fre-
quent Deployments and, Consequently, More Con-
stant Value Deliveries. Figure 3 summarizes the
agreement positioning of the comments by the partici-
pants for this statement. Due to space constraints and
for the sake of readability, the detailed post-it com-
ments (represented by an ‘X’ in Figure 3) are pro-
vided in our online repository, while herein we sum-
marize the main insights taken from the discussions.
Figure 3: Statement 1 focus group opinion.
We observe that four participants provided com-
ments strongly agreeing; one participant reported a
comment related to strong agreement and another
comment related to partial agreement; and one par-
ticipant reported a comment regarding partial agree-
ment. Therefore, in terms of deployment frequency,
participants mainly agree that the MLOps principles
help generate more frequent deployments and value
deliveries. During the discussion, participant P3 men-
tioned difficulties related to pipeline automation If a
pipeline is robust with good practices, the value ends
up being very high, but getting there is complicated.
In light of such difficulties, participants also men-
tioned that if a product doesn’t require a high deploy-
ment frequency, it might not be worth the effort to pre-
pare a well-structured pipeline following the MLOps
principles, which requires development and prepara-
tion time, instead of using that effort on other fronts.
For example, P6 argued that If you have a far away
deadline and a well-defined delivery roadmap, the im-
pact of MLOps ends up being huge. However, if the
first version of the product delivers what you need in
practice, MLOps ends up having a low impact.
Statement 2 - Lead Time for Changes: Using
MLOps Principles Helps Me Reduce the Time for
Delivery and Deployment, Counting from the Mo-
ment the Code Is Merged. This statement was in-
tended to collect the experts’ experiences on how
the automation principle can affect the lead time for
changes. i.e., do the MLOps principles help the de-
velopers to have code merged faster into a produc-
tion? As shown in Figure 4, four participants reported
strongly agreeing comments, another participant re-
ported one strongly agreeing and one partially agree-
ing comment, and one reported a partially agreeing
Figure 4: Statement 2 focus group opinion.
Hence, for lead time to production, it is also pos-
sible to observe an overall agreement on the reduc-
tion of the time for delivery and deployment. Partic-
Professional Insights into Benefits and Limitations of Implementing MLOps Principles
ipant P6 emphasized that practices such as version-
ing and automation help corrections as a matter of
urgency. When you incorporate these practices, you
reduce manual steps and human errors, standardizing
changes and speeding up delivery. However, a sim-
ilar counterpoint seen in the previous statement was
raised by participant P1, who mentioned that achiev-
ing pipeline maturity is time-consuming and, conse-
quently, requires effort and time.
Statement 3 - Mean Time to Restore: from the Mo-
ment an Incident Occurs and There Is a Need for
Rollback, I Can Easily Go Back to My Model in
the Previous Version, Without Using Continuous
Deployment Practices. This statement was set to
understand how the MLOps principles might influ-
ence moments of urgency, such as a bug in a pro-
duction environment. It addresses the mean time to
restore metric, i.e., the time it takes an application
to recover, usually through a rollback, to a functional
state from a non-functional state. This process tends
to be done at moments of tension and stress, as a prob-
lem in production can cause damage to the applica-
tion model, ruining data, as well as possible financial
damage to the company, depending on what the appli-
cation is used for. Note that the statement intention-
ally aimed to evaluate the agreement on the feasibility
of restoring without continuous deployment practices.
Our goal was to understand whether, in the experi-
ence of our participants, this process done manually
and without reproducibility principles and continuous
deployment practices is considered feasible.
Figure 5: Statement 3 focus group opinion.
As shown in Figure 5, three participants reported
partially disagreeing, and three reported strongly dis-
agreeing. Therefore, based on participants’ experi-
ence, an ML application with a structured pipeline
that follows the principles of automation and version-
ing tends to make the reproducibility and rollback
process easier and more successful, avoiding error-
prone manual steps. Participant P4 raised an interest-
ing point of view: the human side of having a problem
in production. According to the participant, “There is
an impact on people under pressure during a crisis,
such as a bug in production, increasing the probabil-
ity of human error. Therefore, an automated continu-
ous deployment process is one of the main benefits of
following the MLOps principles.
Statement 4 - Monitoring: Setting up Alarms and
Monitoring Can Be Easily Done Without the Use
of MLOps. This statement’s goal is to evaluate the
use of MLOps to ensure monitoring by reflecting on
whether, based on experts’ experience, it was possi-
ble to achieve monitoring and alarm quality in their
projects without relying on the MLOps principles.
As can be seen in Figure 6, one participant reported
partially agreeing, two partially disagreeing, and one
strongly disagreeing.
Figure 6: Statement 4 focus group opinion.
Although the participants’ opinions about the
statement were diverse, a common aspect was that
monitoring is usually left behind from the application
scope in the early stages. P6 noted that in their expe-
rience in different projects and companies, the mon-
itoring part took a back seat during the prioritization
of the project tasks. He mentioned that commonly,
the implementation of monitoring and alarms arise
when the first pain of not having monitoring occurs.
In these cases, the negative experience generated by
the lack of monitoring creates an urgency to develop
it and, consequently, in the need to have something
implemented quickly, the practices presented in the
MLOps principle were left behind. In line with this,
participant P5 mentioned that even in projects I’ve
worked on that didn’t use MLOps, we already had
some alarms that worked well.
Participant P3 emphasized that although it is pos-
sible to set up monitoring and alarms without MLOps,
it improves speed, agility, automation, and integration
for more effective and consistent monitoring prac-
tices. Creating alarms and monitoring without us-
ing MLOps is like having a hammer and missing the
other tools needed to build a house. The discussion
allowed us to conclude that it is possible to build
monitoring without following the MLOps principles;
however, implementing the MLOps principles will fa-
cilitate and come into great hands when developing
alarms and monitors.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Statement 5 - Versioning: in My Projects that
Did not Use the MLOps Principles, I Was Able
to Migrate Between the Deployments Made from
My Service. Through this statement, our goal is
to understand from the opinions of experts whether
they consider it feasible to carry out common actions
such as rollback and model version exchange (repro-
ducibility) in projects that did not use the MLOps
principles. As shown in Figure 7, two partici-
pants reported partially disagreeing, and four reported
strongly disagreeing with the statement.
Figure 7: Statement 5 focus group opinion.
We observe an overall disagreement on the feasi-
bility of developing a complex production-ready ML
application without effective versioning. A common
point in the comments is that the versioning princi-
ple is essential for achieving quality. Versioning is
important in making reproducibility possible by en-
abling previous datasets and models to be identified
and facilitating the application to roll back to previ-
ously trained models and labeled datasets. Partici-
pant P2 stated, the effort spent in the short term is
rewarded exponentially over a short period of time
through the common need to migrate between ver-
sioning code, data, and models. You gain little by not
having, and you lose a lot by not having.
Statement 6 - General MLOps Principles: I Un-
derstand that the MLOps Principles Help Me
Deliver Faster and, More Concisely, Generate
Greater Value for My Application. This statement
was added to gather additional information that ex-
perts would like to provide on the use of the MLOps
principles. Therefore, the discussion of this last topic
was almost a summary of all the points covered in the
previous statements. As can be seen in Figure 8, we
had ve participants who reported strongly agreeing
and one who reported partially disagreeing.
Although there is mainly agreement, we observe
that the use of MLOps principles is closely related
to the need and capacity to implement them. Partic-
ipant P1 mentioned: You need to know your reality
and your problem in order to know how to act on it.
MLOps is not a job, it’s a culture, and if you want to
use MLOps you have to face it as a culture and bring
Figure 8: Statement 6 focus groups opinion.
people into your team who follow and believe in that
culture to get there. Despite the surprising opposite
positioning of participant P4, the explanation of why
the participant chose to disagree was considered fair
and reasonable by the other participants. In addition
to mentioning culture, he pointed out that the prob-
lem is not the characteristics of MLOps but rather
the academic and industry environments, which do
not have MLOps as part of their culture. As few
companies use these principles today, their benefits
are not seen competitively. [...] Implementing the
MLOps principles could imply changing and delay-
ing the planned roadmap, which is usually focused on
delivering usable results.
This paper assessed the benefits of MLOps for super-
vised online ML applications. We conducted two fo-
cus group sessions with six experienced ML develop-
ers. The focus group findings indicate that while ML
developers recognize multiple advantages of applying
MLOps principles, they also acknowledge that these
principles are not universally applicable. MLOps im-
plementation is seen as beneficial primarily for larger
projects that involve continuous deployment and need
robust automated processes. However, for smaller
or initial versions of ML applications, the effort re-
quired to adhere to MLOps principles can unneces-
sarily expand the project’s scope and delay the pro-
duction deployment of the first version. Developers
must weigh the time and effort required to implement
MLOps against the specific needs and scale of their
According to the discussions, the main benefits
of adhering to the MLOps principles include enhanc-
ing the deployment frequency capacity and shorten-
ing the time required to implement changes. It also
reduces the risk associated with manual interventions
by allowing applications to revert to their previous
states and establishing a solid, automated deployment
pipeline. Furthermore, implementing MLOps princi-
ples can streamline the creation of alarms and moni-
toring systems and enable systematic version control
Professional Insights into Benefits and Limitations of Implementing MLOps Principles
of code, models, and data.
However, the adoption of MLOps principles
within the industry is not yet widespread, and the
management of large, complex real-world ML ap-
plications lags in terms of scientific investigation.
Indeed, while our focus group discussions provide
some valuable insights into benefits and limitations
of MLOps principles for supervised online ML appli-
cations, the findings reflect the experiences of the par-
ticipants, and other types of empirical studies should
be conducted to further assess the effects of applying
MLOps principles in different contexts.
The authors would like to thank the participants of
the focus group sessions, the Brazilian Council for
Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq,
grant #312275/2023-4), and the Brazilian Higher
Education Improvement Coordination (CAPES, fi-
nance code 001). The research was also co-
funded by projects DARE (code: PNC0000002, CUP:
B53C22006420001), SERICS (code: PE0000014,
CUP: H93C22000620001), and QualAI (PRIN2022
grant n.2022B3BP5S, CUP: H53D23003510006).
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