of code, models, and data.
However, the adoption of MLOps principles
within the industry is not yet widespread, and the
management of large, complex real-world ML ap-
plications lags in terms of scientific investigation.
Indeed, while our focus group discussions provide
some valuable insights into benefits and limitations
of MLOps principles for supervised online ML appli-
cations, the findings reflect the experiences of the par-
ticipants, and other types of empirical studies should
be conducted to further assess the effects of applying
MLOps principles in different contexts.
The authors would like to thank the participants of
the focus group sessions, the Brazilian Council for
Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq,
grant #312275/2023-4), and the Brazilian Higher
Education Improvement Coordination (CAPES, fi-
nance code 001). The research was also co-
funded by projects DARE (code: PNC0000002, CUP:
B53C22006420001), SERICS (code: PE0000014,
CUP: H93C22000620001), and QualAI (PRIN2022
grant n.2022B3BP5S, CUP: H53D23003510006).
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems