Enhancing Hydroponic Farming Productivity Through IoT-Based
Multi-Sensor Monitoring System
Khadijah Febriana R.
, Rahul Thakur
and Sudip Roy
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
Hydroponic, IoT, Automation, LoRaWAN, Sensors.
Hydroponic farming has gained prominence in modern agriculture owing to its inherent advantages in resource
efficiency and crop yield. This research explores the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies
to further optimize hydroponic systems by monitoring and controlling crucial solution and environmental
parameters. A novel IoT-based hydroponic monitoring system has been developed, featuring a comprehensive
array of sensors including solution’s temperature, acidity (pH), total dissolved solids (TDS) and electrical
conductivity (EC), ambient temperature and humidity, and light intensity. This system leverages both WiFi
and LoRaWAN technologies to enhance connectivity, ensuring reliable communication over extended ranges.
This integration of communication protocols facilitates seamless data transmission and real-time control of
hydroponic conditions. The proposed IoT-based system aims to provide growers with a comprehensive and
user-friendly platform to monitor and adjust key parameters critical for plant growth, thereby maximizing the
productivity and yield in hydroponic farming. The results of this study contribute valuable insights into the
potential of IoT technologies to revolutionize precision agriculture and sustainable food production.
The agricultural sector plays a crucial role in nu-
merous global economies, with traditional land-based
farming remaining the primary source of food produc-
tion. However, traditional agriculture confronts vari-
ous challenges, including climate change, cultivation
difficulties, and rising transportation costs. Essential
elements like fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation sys-
tems are pivotal for enhancing the quality of agricul-
tural products. Yet their prices continue to escalate
alongside operational expenses such as irrigation and
machinery. Moreover, challenges persist due to exten-
sive distances between markets and agricultural sites,
inadequate transportation infrastructure, and volatile
fuel prices. These hurdles serve as catalysts for in-
novation and creativity to address present agricultural
dilemmas, particularly impacting small-scale farmers
with limited financial means and capabilities. Escalat-
ing cultivation and transportation expenses threaten to
erode profits and to burden farmers with debt, poten-
tially discouraging them from continuing their farm-
ing practices. To optimize resource utilization and to
mitigate the environmental impacts, soil-less farming
techniques like hydroponics have gained considerable
Hydroponic systems offer several advantages over
the conventional farming methods, including resource
efficiency, controlled environmental conditions, and
reduced ecological footprint. By cultivating plants in
nutrient-rich water solutions, hydroponics eliminates
the need for soil, promoting faster growth with in-
creased yields. Furthermore, technological advance-
ments, such as LoRaWAN (long range wide area net-
work) technology, facilitate remote monitoring for en-
hanced efficiency and effectiveness. LoRaWAN, rec-
ognized for its reliability and energy efficiency in
long-distance wireless communication, enables real-
time monitoring of various agricultural parameters
like temperature, humidity, soil pH, and nutrient lev-
els. This can empower farmers to make informed de-
cisions promptly, adapting to evolving environmental
conditions with greater precision and efficacy.
Recent years have witnessed a significant integra-
tion of sensors and actuators into hydroponic farm-
ing systems, enabling precise control and measure-
ment of crucial environmental parameters for optimal
plant growth. This integration has been emphasized
R., K., Thakur, R. and Roy, S.
Enhancing Hydroponic Farming Productivity Through IoT-Based Multi-Sensor Monitoring System.
DOI: 10.5220/0012741300003705
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2024), pages 351-357
ISBN: 978-989-758-699-6; ISSN: 2184-4976
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
by Niu et al. (Niu and Masabni, 2022), highlighting
the importance of proper nutrition, conducive tem-
peratures, and appropriate growing solutions for suc-
cessful hydroponic farming. Several studies have fo-
cused on the synergy between IoT technology and hy-
droponic agriculture. For example, Fang et al. (Fang
et al., 2014) developed a comprehensive system com-
bining IoT technology with other monitoring tools
to track environmental changes, whereas Bakhtar et
al. (Bakhtar et al., 2018) engineered a hydroponic
setup with sensors and remote control mechanisms to
optimize spinach cultivation by monitoring humidity,
temperature, and water levels. Their systems conduct
real-time data analysis, triggering notifications for de-
viations from predefined parameters. Additionally,
they explored IoT challenges and opportunities within
hydroponic contexts, including sensor accuracy, data
security, and operational costs.
Other researchers, such as Dutta et al. (Dutta et al.,
2021) and Nguyen et al. (Nguyen et al., 2022), have
investigated leveraging IoT for indoor plant cultiva-
tion and automated monitoring of lettuce plants, re-
spectively. Furthermore, studies like those by Chang-
mai et al. (Changmai et al., 2018) have applied IoT
for efficient watering of lettuce plants while monitor-
ing vital parameters. The technological advancements
have reshaped agriculture significantly with data ex-
change playing a pivotal role in enabling IoT func-
tionalities. Various communication technologies in-
cluding Bluetooth, ZigBee, WiFi, GPRS, and LoRa
have facilitated the establishment of robust sensor net-
works. Researchers like Muangprathub et al. (Muang-
prathub et al., 2019) and Deokar et al. (Deokar et al.,
2021) have demonstrated the collection and transmis-
sion of crop and water data via wireless sensor net-
works, enabling comprehensive monitoring of crops
through smartphones or web applications. More-
over, other studies, such as those by Benyezza et
al. (Benyezza et al., 2021) and Dasgupta et al. (Das-
gupta et al., 2020), have explored IoT applications
in optimizing water and energy consumption in ir-
rigation and predicting plant growth using AI, re-
spectively. Additionally, researchers like Rajkumar
et al. (Rajkumar et al., 2018) and Komal et al. (Ko-
mal and Bhardwaj, 2014) have developed IoT sys-
tems for enhancing energy efficiency and introduc-
ing robotic applications in agriculture. Similarly,
Mishra et al. (Mishra and Jain, 2015) and Codeluppi
et al. (Codeluppi et al., 2020) have utilized IoT tech-
nologies for automating nutrient delivery to plants
and managing livestock efficiently. Furthermore,
Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2021) have expedited re-
cycling processes in factories using LoRaWAN tech-
The objective of this research paper is to present a
novel IoT-based hydroponic monitoring system. This
system is equipped with an extensive array of sen-
sors, including those for solution temperature, acidity
(pH), ambient temperature, humidity, Total Dissolved
Solids (TDS), Electrical Conductivity (EC), and light
intensity. Leveraging both WiFi and LoRaWAN tech-
nologies, it aims to enhance connectivity, ensuring re-
liable communication over extended ranges. Through
seamless integration of communication protocols, the
system enables real-time data transmission and fa-
cilitates immediate adjustments to hydroponic condi-
tions. The primary goal of this IoT-driven solution is
to provide growers with a user-friendly platform for
monitoring and adjusting key parameters critical for
plant growth, ultimately maximizing productivity and
yield in hydroponic farming operations.
1.1 Measured Parameters and Related
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). TDS level in a hy-
droponic solution serves as a crucial indicator of
nutrient concentration. TDS represents the total
quantity of dissolved minerals, salts, and nutrients
in the water. A higher TDS generally corresponds
to a greater nutrient concentration in the solu-
tion. Monitoring TDS is essential for ensuring
that plants receive an adequate and balanced sup-
ply of nutrients, promoting healthy growth. De-
viations from the optimal TDS range can lead to
nutrient imbalances, affecting plant development.
Consequently, maintaining the right TDS level is
integral to achieving precise control over nutrient
concentrations in hydroponic systems, fostering
optimal conditions for plant nutrient uptake and
overall growth.
Solution Acidity (pH). The pH level in hydro-
ponic nutrient solutions profoundly shapes plant
growth by influencing nutrient availability and up-
take. Maintaining the optimal pH range of 5.5
to 6.5 is crucial, ensuring nutrients are in a sol-
uble form accessible to plants. Deviations lead
to issues like deficiencies, toxicities, and compro-
mised enzyme activity. pH impacts microbial ac-
tivity, influencing nutrient cycling, and directly
affects root health. Efficient nutrient uptake, en-
zyme functionality, and microbial support are all
contingent on maintaining the right pH. Regular
monitoring and adjustment of pH levels are im-
perative, fostering an environment conducive to
balanced nutrient availability, optimal uptake ef-
ficiency, and overall robust plant development in
hydroponic systems.
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Electrical Conductivity (EC). EC level in hy-
droponic solutions plays a pivotal role in influ-
encing plant growth by serving as a reliable in-
dicator of nutrient concentration. An optimal EC
range is vital for ensuring plants receive an ap-
propriate nutrient supply, fostering robust growth.
Inadequate EC levels may lead to nutrient de-
ficiencies, while excessively high levels can re-
sult in nutrient toxicity, both adversely affecting
plant development. Maintaining a balanced EC
is crucial to achieving optimal nutrient uptake
and preventing nutrient imbalances. Addition-
ally, there exists a dynamic relationship between
EC and pH levels. Alterations in one parame-
ter can impact the other, underscoring the impor-
tance of coordinated adjustments. Properly syn-
chronized EC and pH levels are essential for cre-
ating a harmonious nutrient environment, promot-
ing healthy plant growth, and mitigating poten-
tial nutrient-related challenges within hydroponic
systems. Regular monitoring and precise manage-
ment of both factors contribute to achieving opti-
mal plant performance in hydroponic cultivation.
Solution Temperature. The temperature of a hy-
droponic solution is pivotal for plant growth and
performance. Optimal water temperature ensures
efficient nutrient uptake, metabolic processes, and
enzymatic activity. Maintaining the right temper-
ature is particularly crucial to prevent issues such
as oxygen depletion, root rot, and moss accumula-
tion. Cold water may impede nutrient absorption
and encourage moss growth, while excessively
warm water can lead to reduced oxygen levels,
promoting conditions conducive to root rot. Care-
ful temperature regulation is essential for prevent-
ing these challenges, ensuring a well-balanced hy-
droponic environment that fosters nutrient absorp-
tion and discourages detrimental factors like root
rot and moss accumulation, ultimately promoting
robust plant growth.
Environment Temperature and Humidity. The
meticulous control of air temperature and humid-
ity in hydroponic farms is indispensable for creat-
ing optimal growing conditions, particularly in the
context of nutrient absorption and disease preven-
tion. Precise humidity regulation holds immense
significance, as it directly influences transpiration
rates—the pivotal process through which plants
absorb nutrients. Fluctuations in humidity levels
can lead to irregular water uptake, potentially re-
sulting in nutrient imbalances and hindered plant
growth. Furthermore, the control of air temper-
ature and humidity plays a vital role in disease
prevention. Elevated humidity levels provide an
ideal breeding ground for pathogens, increasing
the susceptibility of plants to fungal diseases and
other ailments. By diligently managing these en-
vironmental factors, hydroponic farmers can not
only mitigate the risk of diseases but also opti-
mize nutrient absorption. This strategic control
contributes to the creation of an ideal environment
that fosters vigorous plant growth, ensuring the
maximization of crop yields in hydroponic culti-
Light Intensity. Control over environmental
light, or luminosity, is paramount in hydroponic
farms to ensure optimal growing conditions for
plants. Light is a primary factor driving photo-
synthesis, the process through which plants con-
vert light energy into chemical energy, crucial
for growth and development. Precise control of
light intensity, duration, and spectrum enables
growers to tailor conditions to the specific needs
of different crops. Inconsistent or inadequate
light can result in uneven growth, reduced yield,
and poor quality crops. By carefully manag-
ing light levels, hydroponic farmers can optimize
plant metabolism, nutrient absorption, and over-
all energy conversion. Additionally, controlling
light exposure is essential for preventing issues
like photo-inhibition, where excess light can harm
plant tissues and hinder growth. Moreover, main-
taining a consistent light schedule is crucial for
regulating plant circadian rhythms, influencing
processes such as flowering and fruiting. By fine-
tuning luminosity, hydroponic growers can cre-
ate an ideal environment that fosters robust plant
growth, maximizes yield, and enhances the over-
all quality of crops in hydroponic systems.
In order to measure the above mentioned param-
eters, we have explored sensors from different man-
ufacturers based on their cost, reliability, availability,
and measurement range. Table 1 shows the list of the
sensors used to developed our proposed monitoring
2.1 Sensors
The sensors used for our proposed system can be dig-
ital or analog. These simple sensors are connected
to digital/analog pins of microcontoller to send and
Enhancing Hydroponic Farming Productivity Through IoT-Based Multi-Sensor Monitoring System
Table 1: Detailed Specifications of Sensors.
No. Name of Sensor Type Input Manufacturer Parameter Range Cost
1 DS18B20 Probe Analog 3 5.5V Dallas Semiconductor Solution Temperature 55
C 125
C USD 0.8
2 pH Sensor Analog 3.3 5.5V DFRobot Acidity or Alkalinity 5.5 7.5 USD 40
3 TDS Sensor Analog 3.3 5V SeeedStudio Dissolved Solids/Nutrient 0 1000 ppm USD 14
4 BH1750 Sensor Digital 2.4 3.6V ROHM Semiconductors Light Intensity 0 65K lux USD 2
AHT10 Sensor
Analog 3.3 5V Bosch
Temperature Temp: 40
and Humidity Humidity: 0 99%
6 EC Sensor Analog 3 5V DFRobot Solution’s Electrical Conductivity 0.07 50,000 µS/cm USD 70
receive data. In order to facilitate connection of com-
plex sensors, various hardware communication pro-
tocols (or Interfaces) can be used. For example, we
have used AHT10 (high precision digital tempera-
ture and humidity) and BH1750 (light luminosity)
sensors, which use I2C communication protocol for
sending the data to the microcontoller. I2C stands
for Inter-Integrated Circuit (I
C), is the most versa-
tile communication standard for connecting hundreds
for sensors using a shared bus. There are other com-
munication interfaces such as Serial Peripheral In-
terface (SPI) or Universal Asynchronous Receiver-
Transmitter (UART), which can be used to connect
the sensors. However, I2C provide clear advantage
over other two considering the following:
I2C does not require analog-to-digital conversion
(ADC) to interface with the digital world. This
digital communication simplifies the wiring and
reduces the susceptibility to noise and interfer-
ence, resulting in more accurate and reliable data
I2C sensors use a simplified two-wire interface
(SDA - Serial Data Line, and SCL - Serial Clock
Line) for communication. I2C allows multiple
sensors to be connected to the same bus, which
means you can interface with several sensors us-
ing just a few pins of the microcontroller. Each
sensor has a unique address, allowing the micro-
controller to address and communicate with spe-
cific devices individually.
I2C is a widely adopted standardized communi-
cation protocol with defined specifications, mak-
ing it easier to integrate I2C sensors from various
manufacturers into your projects without worry-
ing about compatibility issues.
Even though I2C protocol emerges as the optimal
choice for sensor connectivity, it’s worth noting that
the market offers a limited number of sensors with
native I2C support. To overcome this limitation, we
have developed an innovative I2C adapter prototype
capable of converting any digital or analog sensor into
Figure 1: Microcontroller and Expansion Board.
an I2C enabled sensor, broadening the range of sen-
sors that can utilize I2C protocol for communication.
Readers can find more details about the prototype in
the Section 5. In this work, we focus our attention on
connecting the sensors using traditional digital/analog
pins only. The integration of I2C adapter for each sen-
sor will be explored in our future work.
2.2 Microcontroller and Expansion
In response to the limited availability of LoRaWAN
microcontrollers in our region, we innovatively en-
gineered a bespoke ESP32 + LoRaWAN-based mi-
crocontroller board. This board features additional
5V and ground pins, enabling seamless connection
of multiple sensors simultaneously. Moreover, to
streamline experimentation and mitigate the risk of
loose connections, we devised an expansion board
equipped with standard Grove connectors. Notably,
this expansion board is designed with future-proofing
in mind, capable of accommodating additional sen-
sors through its expandable Grove connectors. Fur-
thermore, for scenarios requiring enhanced power
supply to the sensors, the expansion board includes
12V barrel connectors. Figure 1 illustrates both
the developed microcontroller and expansion boards,
showcasing their integrated design and versatility.
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 2: Peripheral Connection Diagram of an End-node.
2.3 Peripheral Connection Diagram
Figure 2 illustrates the comprehensive sensor-to-
microcontroller board connections facilitated by the
expansion board. Once the firmware is uploaded to
the microcontroller board, the USB connection is dis-
connected, and power is subsequently provided via a
12V-5V DC power supply.
The custom-designed microcontroller board incorpo-
rates ESP32-WROOM-32 (Espressif, 2024) and RA-
01H (Ai-Thinker, 2024) SoCs, capable of support-
ing WiFi, Bluetooth, and LoRaWAN wireless tech-
nologies. Our project focuses on WiFi 802.11 (2.4
GHz Band) and LoRaWAN (868 MHz Band) in line
with regional specifications. WiFi serves as a lo-
cal area networking technology, enabling high-speed
data transfer over short distances (approximately 100
meters). Conversely, LoRaWAN emerges as a long-
range, low-power wireless solution tailored to meet
the demands of IoT sensors and systems (Jouhari
et al., 2023). With LoRaWAN capable of support-
ing thousands of end-nodes per gateway and offering
coverage of up to 20 kilometers, it becomes an ideal
choice for rural or remote agricultural IoT deploy-
ments where cellular or satellite connectivity may be
impractical or unavailable.
Our system capitalizes on both WiFi and Lo-
RaWAN technologies, enhancing reliability by en-
abling data transmission through either medium. Fig-
ure 3 illustrates the connectivity and data flow from
end-nodes to the cloud server via WiFi access points
and/or LoRaWAN gateways. In cases where end-
nodes, such as End-Node 1 and 2, encounter limita-
tions in data transmission via WiFi due to coverage
issues, they seamlessly transition to LoRaWAN for
Figure 3: Network Connection for the IoT Setup.
dependable data transfer (Jouhari et al., 2023).
For cloud services, we selected ThingSpeak as the
provider due to its cost-effectiveness and provision of
an integrated dashboard for real-time data collection
and analytics (thingSpeak, 2024). This dashboard is
accessible to end-users via a web browser or mobile
application, facilitating remote monitoring and man-
agement from anywhere in the world.
In this hydroponic system there are many nodes and
these nodes can be equipped with LoRa transceivers.
The node includes sensors to measure pH, tempera-
ture, humidity, light intensity, and gas concentration
levels. Each node can also have a microcontroller
to process data collected by sensors and then send
it for wireless communication. In mesh communi-
cation, each node can be a sender and receiver of
data. Each node is interconnected and forms its rout-
ing, where data can be delivered through intermedi-
ate nodes in the network.Figure 2 shows that in the
hydroponic system that we built, with mesh commu-
nication, nodes can send their sensor data to the net-
work server and send data to their neighboring nodes.
These adjacent nodes, in turn, will convey further data
until it reaches a node connected directly to gateways.
With this relay mechanism, even nodes far from the
gateway can communicate effectively. In addition,
with mesh communication, if a node experiences an
interruption, the network can reroute the data to an al-
ternative path so that the information reaches the des-
In this hydroponic system, data will be collected
by sensors, packaged into LoRa packets, and sent to
the LoRa gateway to be forwarded to The Things Net-
work (TTN). TTN is a cloud-based LoRaWAN plat-
form that manages and collects sensor data, ensuring
its integrity and authenticity. TTN also offers an API
Enhancing Hydroponic Farming Productivity Through IoT-Based Multi-Sensor Monitoring System
to access stored data for further analysis. In this hy-
droponic system, sensor data sent via LoRa is dis-
played on the Node-RED dashboard. The dashboard
connects to the TTN API to capture real-time sensor
data and present it via graphs, charts, or visual repre-
sentations so users can access this information on the
web and mobile devices.
One of the big challenges in a hydroponic system
is nutrient balance, therefore it is necessary to under-
stand nutrient mixing. According to (Son et al., 2020)
mixing nutrients can be done periodically as shown in
Eqn. 1:
= C
+ bUU =
for EC calculating by Eqn. 2:
1 + αC(t 22)
where C
is the maximum capacity that can be
achieved by the solution in the tank, EC
is the target
electrical conductivity value dSm
to be achieved,
and EC
are the current volume of nutrient-rich
solution from the nutrient tank, U are the nutrients ab-
sorbed by the plant in the tank. b are empirical coeffi-
cients for EC conversion and salt concentration. Ac-
cording to (Jung et al., 2019), the b coefficient value
that is suitable for hydroponics is b = 9.819, while the
value that is considered suitable is in the range of
0.8 4.0 dSm
In order for the hydroponic system to operate ef-
ficiently some of the sensors we use in this system
need to be calibrated beforehand in order to obtain
accurate and reliable measurements, maintain sensor
performance and to ensure the quality of the results.
For the TDS grove sensor used in this system, we first
convert the analog reading into voltage using Eqn 3:
Voltage = sensorValue ×
where Voltage is a variable that will store the volt-
age value calculated from sensor readings and sensor-
Value is a variable that stores the analog reading ob-
tained from the Grove TDS sensor. For TDS sensor,
we need to calibrate first using Eqn. 4.
tdsValue =(133.42/Voltage
255.86 ×Voltage
+ 857.39 ×Voltage) ×0.5
and for pH, we need to calculate using Eqn. 5.
ph act = 5.70 ×volt + calibration value (5)
Figure 4: I2C Adapter.
To expedite programming and simplify sensor re-
placements, we embarked on developing an I2C
adapter board facilitating communication between
any digital/analog sensor and the primary microcon-
troller via the I2C protocol. For N sensors, N I2C
adapters are employed, each endowed with a unique,
programmable I2C address for communication. Es-
sentially, the I2C adapter board operates as a low-
power microcontroller, gathering digital/analog data
from a sensor and transmitting it to the primary mi-
crocontroller via the I2C protocol. Figure 4 show-
cases the prototype of our I2C adapter board, employ-
ing an inexpensive ($1) ATTINY85 microcontroller.
In future iterations, our goal is to minimize the size
and power consumption of this adapter board to seam-
lessly integrate it with hydroponic sensors.
Apart from developing I2C adapter, we plan to uti-
lize the Bluetooth connectivity option available in the
ESP32 SoC to create a multi-hop mesh network. This
will allow end-nodes which are not in range of both
WiFi router and LoRaWAN gateway to relay data via
neighboring end-nodes. This will further increase the
coverage range for the end-nodes.
The surge in interest towards hydroponics and aero-
ponics, driven by limited fertile soil availability, un-
derscores the need for precise monitoring of envi-
ronmental conditions. To address this, we introduce
an IoT-based multi-sensor monitoring system tailored
for hydroponic agriculture. Distinguished from ex-
isting solutions, our system boasts a broader parame-
ter measurement range and combines LoRaWAN and
WiFi technologies for extended data transmission in
WiFi/cellular challenged areas. Additionally, our in-
novative I2C sensor adapter simplifies sensor commu-
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
nication and replacement, enhancing system flexibil-
ity. Future developments will focus on refining the
I2C sensor adapter design and integrating Bluetooth
mesh networking for further system optimization.
This work was partially supported by the Doctoral fel-
lowship in India (DIA) programme of the Ministry of
Education, Government of India.
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Enhancing Hydroponic Farming Productivity Through IoT-Based Multi-Sensor Monitoring System