These non-significant correlations suggest that
others unexplored variables may be playing an
important role in these relationships. Possible
limitations, such as sample size or lack of control for
confounding variables, may influence the strength of
the observed associations.
One hypothesis for this lack of correlation is the
possibility that problems related to complexity and
refactoring are too complex for beginner students to
solve on their own, or even that the suggestions
presented for these code smells are not enough for
students to be able to refactor their codes.
In this study, we developed a qualitative feedback
system and investigated its ability to influence and
improve the quality of beginning students’ code,
analyzing the correlation between resubmissions to
the system and some classes of code smells. Our
results provide positive insights into the use of the
system to improve the quality of student codes,
showing great promise in the task of refactoring
variable names.
During the study, we observed a significant
correlation between the number of resubmissions to
the system and the number of code smells related to
the nomenclature of variable names in the students’
Despite the promising results obtained in this
study, it is important to recognize some limitations
that may influence our conclusions. Firstly, the
sample used in this study was restricted to a single
class of algorithms, which may limit the
generalization of the results to other populations.
Furthermore, due to the nature of longitudinal design
adopted, we can only capture participant behavior
during this specific period, without the ability to
observe long-term changes or usage patterns. This
may limit our understanding of tool usage trends over
time and its long-term sustainability. Finally, it is
important to note that external factors, such as
changes in participants’ individual circumstances or
unforeseen events, may have influenced the use of the
tool throughout the study period.
Ultimately, our study highlights the importance of
automated qualitative feedback related to code
quality in online judge environments as a practical
intervention to promote evaluation of novice
students’ codes beyond the functional. We hope that
this study inspires other researchers to contribute
even more to this still little explored field.
We would like to acknowledge CAPES for the
financial support.
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CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education