Expanding Code Assessment: A Qualitative Feedback System for
Beginning Students
Raimundo Meliana de Carvalho Filho, Carlos de Salles Soares Neto and Davi Viana dos Santos
Departamento de Informática, Universidade Federal do Maranhão, Brazil
Keywords: Qualitative Feedback, Code Quality, Programming Education.
Abstract: Although online judge systems are effective in verifying code correctness, they tend to provide only binary
answers related to code functionality, limiting students’ understanding of errors and opportunities for
improvement. The development of qualitative feedback system that provides students with more
comprehensive recommendations and guidance is promising as it fills this gap. That said, this study
investigates the extent to which novice programming students consider and incorporate feedback suggestions
into their coding practices, with the aim of evaluating the ability of a feedback system to influence and
improve the quality of programming learners’ code. To achieve this goal, we examined the correlation
between certain aspects of code quality raised by the system and the frequency of resubmissions. The results
revealed a correlation between resubmissions to the system and the presence of code smells related to the
naming of variables in the students’ codes (r = -0.4718, p < 0.05). These findings reinforce the importance of
code quality feedback and highlight the need for code quality features in online judging environments.
In the context of programming education, Online
Judge systems represent and play an important role in
student assessment and feedback (Zhou et al., 2018).
These systems provide a virtual environment in which
students can submit their code and obtain automatic
results based on test cases (Wasik et al., 2018).
Although Online Judges are effective in verifying
the correctness of code, their quantitative approach
generally does not provide detailed information about
the qualitative aspects of code (Complexity, Variable
naming, Refactoring) produced by students.
Assessment solely focused on binary answers (yes or
no) can limit studentsunderstanding of mistakes made
and opportunities for improvement in their programs.
In view of the above, motivation arises for the
development of qualitative feedback to student
learners. The idea is to provide recommendations and
guidance that go beyond simple verification of
correctness, presenting subjective and qualitative
aspects of programming.
The research question guiding this work is: To
what extent do novice student programmers
incorporate and apply feedback suggestions into their
coding practices? The research aims to evaluate the
ability of a qualitative feedback system to influence
and improve code quality in this group.
For the study, a qualitative feedback system
focused on three aspects of code quality that we
consider relevant for beginner students was
developed: Variable names, code complexity and
refactoring. Feedback related to variable names is the
main differentiator of this system, since there are few
approaches in this regard.
A correlation analysis between the types of code
smells (complexity, variable names, refactoring) and
student resubmissions revealed a significant
correlation between variable names and the number
of resubmissions. This suggests that the quality of
variable naming improves with qualitative feedback
and code refactoring. These results indicate that the
qualitative feedback system can improve the quality
of beginning students’ code, especially regarding
variable names.
Section 2 presents related work, contextualizing
the novel aspects and advantages of the present work.
In Section 3, we detail the tool developed, its purpose
and its main functionalities and characteristics. Then,
in Section 4, we present the evaluation of the tool
regarding the research objectives, including the
description of the participants, data collection and
Filho, R., Neto, C. and Santos, D.
Expanding Code Assessment: A Qualitative Feedback System for Beginning Students.
DOI: 10.5220/0012741600003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 578-584
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
methods for data analysis. In Sections 5 and 6, we
present the results and conclusions of the work.
Online Judge have become increasingly prevalent,
both in programming competitions and in the
academic and educational setting. In the educational
context, these systems play the role of tutors,
providing a quick assessment of the accuracy of
submitted codes. However, the assessment conducted
by these environments often do not fully capture the
complexities present in assessment made by teachers
(Zhou et al., 2018).
Code assessment by a teacher goes beyond merely
checking correctness, covering qualitative aspects
and specific nuances. However, few comprehensive
studies have been conducted related to qualitative
aspects and feedback in Online Judge environments
(Liu & Woo, 2020).
The challenge lies in the need to develop and
improve these systems to incorporate a more
comprehensive assessment, which goes beyond error
detection and considers the intrinsic quality of the
code. Research in this field is crucial to ensuring that
Online Judges can offer support and assessment as
thorough as that provided by experienced teachers,
thus promoting a richer and more effective
educational environment.
With this in mind, Araujo et al. (2016) propose a
set of measures to capture code quality and generate
useful feedback for novice programmers. The
proposed measures are based on traditional software
quality metrics and can be obtained automatically, as
long as there is a reference solution. The research
discusses the qualitative aspects of code that
instructors typically evaluate in programming
assignments. The set of proposed measures is
evaluated through a case study and an experiment.
The results show that the use of software metrics can
improve the feedback provided to students and
In the work presented by Urell and Wallace
(2019), the authors show WebTA, a feedback system
focused on programming style anti-patterns in the
early stages and with different forms of identification
and automatic treatment of these anti-patterns.
WebTA takes the promising parts of student
submissions and suggests more meaningful fixes than
typical compiler error messages. The study highlights
the importance of providing tailored automated
feedback to novice programmers, addressing
programming anti-patterns at early stages.
Keuning et al. (2020) present a tutoring system for
programming that focuses on teaching students how
to refactor functionally correct code, with an
emphasis on method-level refactorings, control flow
expressions, and language structures. The system
provides automated feedback and layered tips to
support students in their learning process. The study
of 133 students using the system provides insights
into how students approach exercises and how they
use feedback and tips to refactor code.
Orr’s (2020) work presents a rule-based system
aimed at evaluating student programs for design
quality and providing personalized, accurate
feedback to assist in their improvement. By
implementing this online system, students were
empowered to receive quick feedback and make
necessary refinements before submitting their
assignments. The study’s findings revealed a
significant reduction in design quality flaws across
multiple assignments, highlighting the system’s
positive impact on improving the overall quality of
student submissions.
In the work of Jiang et al. (2020), the authors
present CompareCFG, a system that provides
automated visual feedback on code quality through
control flow graphs (CFGs). CompareCFG generates
visualizations of students’ submissions and allows
them to compare their own code with less complex
submissions. The system also provides actionable
feedback by identifying specific issues that can
reduce code complexity. The tool was used by 5
software engineering students to evaluate its usability
and the impact generated by the feedback on the
students. Statistical analyzes from the pilot study
show that CompareCFG provides useful feedback
and helps students improve code quality and
Birillo et al. (2022) present Hyperstyle, a code
analysis tool that evaluates the quality of
programming solutions in the educational context.
Hyperstyle focused on various categories of code
quality, as it aggregated several professional tools.
The study compares Hyperstyle with another
educational code analysis tool (Tutor) in terms of
number of errors before and after using the tools,
showing that Hyperstyle results in an improvement in
the quality of the code submitted by students. The tool
also proves to be useful an impactful in the
educational context, offering support for several
programming languages.
In a study by Liu and Woo (2020), an Online
Judge system was developed that evaluates not only
the correctness, but also the quality of the code
submitted by students. The quality detection module
Expanding Code Assessment: A Qualitative Feedback System for Beginning Students
was developed using SonarQube
functionalities and
tested on a set of 2.000 python codes from
undergraduate students to verify its practical
usefulness. As a result, the study presents the most
frequent errors, commonly made by beginners,
obtained using the tool.
Research stands out for presenting a qualitative
feedback system, focused on offering suggestions
related to practices for choosing variable names and
managing code complexity and refactoring. Unlike
conventional approaches, which often focus only on
detecting errors, our system seeks to increase the
intrinsic quality of the code, promoting good
programming practices. Although other works address
aspects such as correctness, general design, readability,
maintainability and efficiency of the code, the present
work differentiates itself by bringing suggestions
related to the choice of variable names, a challenge
faced and emphasized by other works (Chren et al.,
2022; Orr, 2020). In general, the focus is on identifying
code smells associated with the need for refactoring,
improved suggestions for more descriptive variable
names, and strategies for managing complexity,
considering nuances that often escape automatic
detection. Code smells refer to symptoms or
indications that the source code may be poorly
structured or in need of refactoring Fowler (1999).
This differentiated approach reinforces the
importance of a comprehensive assessment that goes
beyond traditional parameters, thus contributing to
the training of more skilled programmers who are
aware of the quality of their codes.
Cosmo is an internal educational and multitasking
platform from Universidade Federal do Maranhão,
developed and maintained by the Telemidia
laboratory, dedicated to programming exercises for
an introduction to Algorithms course. Its
characteristics for solving programming activities are
similar to traditional Online Judges. For a given
activity, a user submits an algorithm as a solution and
receives an answer about the functional correctness of
that submission based on a battery of test case.
To complement the approach already offered by
the Cosmo environment with qualitative feedback
suggestions related to the students’ codes,
CosmoMentor was developed, which was developed
in Python language as a Web Service and integrated
into Cosmo environment.
CosmoMentor is a tool for code quality analysis
and feedback. It provides suggestions related to code
quality aspects and is specifically designed to capture
code quality issues from beginner programming
Within its functionalities, CosmoMentor enables
the detection of code smells related to variable
naming, complexity and refactoring and, thus,
suggesting refactoring alternatives to the student in
the form of suggestions. Its approach involves both
static code analysis and natural language processing.
3.1 Static Analysis
For the static analysis, some of the functionalities
present in the pylint, radon and mccabe libraries were
used. The pylint library was used to detect deviations
from python coding standards. Pylint was used to
detect functional but unusual code snippets that often
have a more common and accepted alternative in the
context of python. Among these deviations, chaining
comparison, variable swap, use of enumerate, number
of Boolean expressions on the same line and line
The radon and mccabe libraries were used to
measure the number of lines, Halstead metrics and
cyclomatic complexity, respectively in both the
students’ codes and in a reference code for each
question. A reference code is provided so that it is
possible to compare the student code metrics with the
reference ones and then generate suggestions for the
students, similar to the approach found in the work of
Araujo et al. (2016).
3.2 Variable Analysis
To improve the generation of automated feedback on
variable naming, employ natural language processing
techniques. The objective of this approach is to
evaluate the relevance of variable names in the
student’s code, highlighting inappropriate names and
proposing more appropriate alternatives. This is done
by involving both an analysis of the variables present
in the student’s code in relation to a reference set,
formed by the combination of both variables
extracted from the question statement and a set of pre-
defined reference variables.
Initially, a set of variables is extracted with natural
language processing from the question statement text.
Next, variables are extracted from the reference code
for the question. These two sets are then combined to
form a more robust reference set, as it captures the
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
context of the question along with the tutor’s
expertise in naming variables.
A similar approach is taken with the student code
to identify and normalize its variables, which makes
it possible to compare them with those in the
reference set.
Student variables that do not match the reference
set are cataloged as inappropriate. These variables are
also subjected to a more trivial analysis to check
conformities and conventions of the python language,
being classified as inadequate if they diverge from
these standards.
Then, for each inappropriate variable, a syntactic
and semantic similarity analysis carried out in relation
to the variables in the reference set, generating a list
of variables with their respective similarity scores.
The selection of substitute variables is defined
based on the configuration of a pre-defined threshold;
candidate variables that meet or exceed this threshold
are chosen as appropriate surrogates. If no candidate
variable meets the threshold criteria for a given
unsuitable variable, all reference variables are
considered as replacement options. As result, each
unsuitable variable will have a set of substitute
3.3 Feedback
Once the inappropriate variables in the student’s code
and the candidates for replacements have been
identified, suggestions regarding the code are then
generated, which are then forwarded to Cosmo to be
presented to the students. The student may or may not
consider them when refactoring their solution. Figure
1 and 2 shows some messages and how they are
arranged for the student.
The messages can be presented in two ways,
which refer to the location where the messages will
be displayed. These forms are related to the scope of
respective code smell. Code smells that refer to a
specific construction or declaration on a line are
marked with icons indicating their severity and
importance. These include code smells related to
variable names, code structure, language best
practices, and are mapped directly onto the code
itself. The other form has broader scope and
coverage, relating to code complexity, whether it’s
cyclomatic complexity, number of lines, or Halstead
metrics, compared to reference code, and they are
displayed just below, outside the coding area.
The code smells mentioned related to the line
scope receive symbols and colors referring to their
severity and importance and can be of three types:
Red Indicates problems related to language
standards/conventions, especially in relation to
variable names (snake_case, camelCase, upper and
lower case). These problems are strongly
recommended for refactoring.
Yellow Represents warnings related to community
standards regarding the use of code constructs and
language design It is also associated with suggesting
more descriptive and representative variable names.
These are problems that require attention, and
refactoring is advisable.
Blue Provides information related to additional tips
and guidance. It works mainly to reinforce the use of
general and recurring good coding practices.
To investigate student behavior in relation to
feedback generated by CosmoMentor, we adopted a
predominantly quantitative approach, centered on the
analysis of objective data. To do this, we collected
467 log data from 36 students while the tool for 4
weeks and performed statistical analyzes and graphs
to verify the relationships between the variables
4.1 Participants
The research involved 36 students enrolled in the
Algorithms I discipline in a Computer Science course
during the second semester of 2023.
Regarding the academic profile, the sample
includes first-year students. Most participants had
little to no experience in programming and
algorithmic logic. This intentional characteristic of
the sample sought to capture the usage pattern of the
tool by beginner students.
Data collection took place through a voluntary
approach, where students were invited to participate
in the research during regular classes in an Algorithm
discipline. This recruitment method sought to
guarantee a representative sample of the specific
academic context, minimizing possible selection
4.2 Dataset
The data was collected by recording students’
interactions with the feedback tool as they submitted
their solutions to questions in the Cosmo environment
Expanding Code Assessment: A Qualitative Feedback System for Beginning Students
Figure 1: Cosmo code editor integrated with messages generated by CosmoMentor for salary bonus calculation code.
Figure 2: Messages for line nine regarding the description and representation of the “sal” variable, in addition to suggestions
related to the construction of the comparison structure between operations.
over 4 weeks. Each interaction was captured,
including the set of feedback messages provided for
each feedback class and the students’ solutions.
The analysis was carried out on this subset
because the research intention was to evaluate
whether students take into consideration the
qualitative feedback suggestions provided by
CosmoMentor in solving the activities, even after
achieving functionally correct solutions, improving
their code beyond the functional aspect.
4.3 Data Analysis Methods
In order to achieve the research objectives, we
conduct statistical analyzes that include both
correlation tests between variables and their
visualization for a more in-depth understanding of the
Before conducting the mentioned procedures, we
initially performed a visualization of the number of
student resubmissions, and subsequently identified
the associated outliers and removed them from the
correlation analysis. Figures 3 and 4, respectively,
show these visualizations.
To investigate the relationship between variables in
our study, we chose to use Spearman correlation
instead of other correlation measures such as Pearson
correlation. This decision was based on specific
considerations related to the nature of the data.
Spearman’s correlation is a non-parametric measure
of association between two variables that does not
require the assumption of normal data distribution,
which is exactly what we have in figure 3.
Therefore, we performed Spearman correlation
tests between the key variables that define the classes
of code smells and the number of student
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
resubmissions. Additionally, we assessed the
statistical significance of this correlation using the
associated hypothesis test, with a significance level
set at α = 0.05.
Figure 3: Number of resubmissions.
Figure 4: Outliers for the number of resubmissions.
The results of the correlation analysis between the
types of code smells (complexity, variable names,
refactoring) and the number of student resubmissions
revealed significant insights into the relationship
between code characteristics and the resubmission
5.1 Participants’ Behavior
Our research aimed to investigate whether students
take into account the qualitative feedback suggestions
given by CosmoMentor when solving activities.
Therefore, correlation analysis allowed us to explore
these relationships and contribute to the
understanding of the factors that impact the use of the
tool and the quality of the code. Table 1 shows the
correlation coefficients between these variables.
The correlation analysis revealed a significant
correlation between the code smells variables related
to variable name and number of resubmissions (r = -
0.4718, p < 0.05), indicating a negative relationship
between these variables.
This suggests that the quality of variables naming
tends to improve as the student receives qualitative
feedback and refactors their code. Figure 5 helps us
see this behavior.
It is possible to observe that as students resubmit
their codes, problems related to variable naming tend
to decrease. This shows that, at least for codes smells
related to variable names, CosmoMentor is capable of
influencing and improving the quality of beginner
students’ code.
However, some correlation tests did not show
significant relationships. For example, no significant
relationship were found between code smells related
to complexity and the number of resubmissions, nor
were they found for code smells related to refactoring
and the number of resubmissions.
Table 1: Correlations between the types of code smells and
the variables analyzed.
Correlation coefficient (r)
Variable Name
Figure 5: Percentage of code smells for variables by
resubmission number.
Expanding Code Assessment: A Qualitative Feedback System for Beginning Students
These non-significant correlations suggest that
others unexplored variables may be playing an
important role in these relationships. Possible
limitations, such as sample size or lack of control for
confounding variables, may influence the strength of
the observed associations.
One hypothesis for this lack of correlation is the
possibility that problems related to complexity and
refactoring are too complex for beginner students to
solve on their own, or even that the suggestions
presented for these code smells are not enough for
students to be able to refactor their codes.
In this study, we developed a qualitative feedback
system and investigated its ability to influence and
improve the quality of beginning students’ code,
analyzing the correlation between resubmissions to
the system and some classes of code smells. Our
results provide positive insights into the use of the
system to improve the quality of student codes,
showing great promise in the task of refactoring
variable names.
During the study, we observed a significant
correlation between the number of resubmissions to
the system and the number of code smells related to
the nomenclature of variable names in the students’
Despite the promising results obtained in this
study, it is important to recognize some limitations
that may influence our conclusions. Firstly, the
sample used in this study was restricted to a single
class of algorithms, which may limit the
generalization of the results to other populations.
Furthermore, due to the nature of longitudinal design
adopted, we can only capture participant behavior
during this specific period, without the ability to
observe long-term changes or usage patterns. This
may limit our understanding of tool usage trends over
time and its long-term sustainability. Finally, it is
important to note that external factors, such as
changes in participants’ individual circumstances or
unforeseen events, may have influenced the use of the
tool throughout the study period.
Ultimately, our study highlights the importance of
automated qualitative feedback related to code
quality in online judge environments as a practical
intervention to promote evaluation of novice
students’ codes beyond the functional. We hope that
this study inspires other researchers to contribute
even more to this still little explored field.
We would like to acknowledge CAPES for the
financial support.
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CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education