& Janssen, 2018) or may be hidden (Beaven, 2018),
meaning that teachers find resources online, receive
them from colleagues or already have resources in
their personal collections without being aware of
OERs (Admiraal, 2022). On the one hand, teachers
face many challenges when they want to use OERs,
and on the other hand, not enough attention has been
paid so far to their improvement and promotion
(Chen, 2020). In fact, according to Tang, Lin, & Qian
(2021), the levels of acceptance of OERs remain low
especially in primary and secondary education (K-12
education). Other reasons why teachers' adoption of
OERs is limited are their low quality (Huang, Tlili, et
al., 2020), their insufficient pedagogical value
(Abramovich & McBride, 2018) and the difficulty of
finding resources that are up-to-date and thematically
relevant to the subject they teach (Admiraal, 2022).
In order to overcome the above limitations, this
paper introduces a social digital repository for
promoting OERs in primary education. A digital
repository refers to an online storage system or
database designed to collect, manage, preserve, and
provide access to digital content and assets. Digital
repositories can host and provide access to OERs,
serving as platforms where educators and institutions
share educational materials openly. The developed
platform aims to motivate and facilitates teachers to
be actively engaged in using, creating and sharing
OERs. As such, this social digital repository provides
a user-friendly interface to search, develop and rate
content, as well as its social networking functionality
enables the communication and collaboration among
the repository community. For assessing its
effectiveness, a fuzzy-based evaluation process was
conducted. The fuzzy evaluation method is used in
order to deal the subjective and imprecise information
and better interpret the results of the survey.
The developed social digital repository belongs to the
category of Thematic Repositories, and specifically to
the subcategory of independent repositories, as it
hosts content related to a specific topic and is initiated
by the authors of this paper. It is aimed at primary
education teachers, hosting OERs that can be used to
prepare, improve or supplement their teaching
The repository’s OERs are characterized by
heterogeneity in terms of their educational and
technological characteristics on the basis of which
they are organized into categories. In particular, the
repository includes interactive exercises, quizzes,
crosswords, presentations, videos, images,
assessment tests, worksheets, etc. To facilitate
searching and selecting them, OERs have been
organized into six main categories according to the
grade of primary education to which they are
addressed and into subcategories based on the subject
in which they fall. In addition, for the categorization
of OERs, one or more tags, i.e., keywords or phrases,
have been added to them, which act as descriptive
elements (Troussas, Krouska, & Sgouropoulou,
2021). The open licenses that have been chosen to
accompany OERs are Creative Commons (CC)
licenses and, in particular, three types of licenses have
been utilized: Attribution – Non-Commercial – Share
Alike (CC BY-NC-SA), Attribution – Non-
Commercial – Share Alike 3.0 Greece (CC BY–NC–
SA 3.0 GR), and Public Domain Dedication (CC0).
Each OER is associated with metadata, i.e., a set
of data that identifies it. The metadata schema of the
repository is based on the Dublin Core metadata
schema, which is the responsibility of the Dublin
Core Metadata Initiative IEEE Learning Technology
Standards Committee. In particular, each resource is
accompanied by its title and a representative image
(thumbnail), as well as metadata that constitute either
general data or data related to its classification. The
general elements include a brief description of the
content, keywords, the date of creation, the author,
the source and the licence under which the OER is
distributed. The classification elements include the
subject area in which the resource belongs, the
class(es) to which it is addressed and the type of
resource. Each AEP can be rated by the repository
members by clicking on one of the five stars to
indicate its quality or can be commented.
The social networking feature of the repository
enables the members to the following actions. They
can exchange public/private messages with each
other, make friends, create groups and become
members of them. Furthermore, they can make status
updates (posts), publish and share OERs they have
developed or customized and receive feedback on
them. Finally, they can identify, rate, comment and
share opinions on OERs and share them on their
personal profiles. The members of the repository can
create and/or join groups based on their interests.
Groups are aggregations of members, posts and any
other user-generated content. The activity stream
records all kinds of activity, such as blog posts, new
friendships and blog comments. A central aspect of
the user experience is receiving notifications.