countered difficulties in engaging certain demograph-
ics, particularly younger individuals with limited
availability due to work or education commitments.
We are addressing this by further contacting more
local educational organizations and holding separate
sessions for younger individuals so trialing an asyn-
chronous intergenerational co-design.
Co-design holds significant promise for technology
development. By addressing key limitations and
trade-offs in the co-design process, such as ensur-
ing participants understand the potential and practi-
cal constraints of technological solutions, we can ef-
fectively engage the general public, particularly older
adults, in creating digital technologies.
Within ICONIC, we plan to conduct four addi-
tional co-design ’sprints’, each spanning six months
and focusing on one of the four technologies (Under-
water Telepresence, Extended Reality, Voice AI Inter-
face, and Social Games). These sprints will be com-
plemented by one-off sessions for evaluation and ad-
ditional feedback, as well as dedicated workshops for
younger participants.
This paper is presented on behalf of the Intergener-
ational Co-design of Novel Technologies In Coastal
Communities (ICONIC) project. The ICONIC
project was awarded funding (March 2022) from
UKRI/EPSRC grant reference EP/W024357/1. The
researchers comprised (i) a core team of Ray Jones,
Amir Aly, Alejandro Veliz Reyes, Dena Bazazian,
Swen Gaudl (University of Gothenburg), (ii) Re-
search Fellows Rory Baxter, Oksana Hagen, Mar-
ius Varga (iii) Chunxu Li (Ho Hai University),
Katharine Willis, Daniel Maudlin, Sheena Asthana,
Kerry Howell, Emmanuel Ifeachor, Shangming Zhou,
Arunangsu Chatterjee (Leeds University), Hannah
Bradwell. All listed are University of Plymouth ex-
cept some who have since moved (new affiliations
shown). The academic team worked closely with
many partner organisations as listed on the ICONIC
website. We thank our partners and participants.
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Insights from Co-Design of Underwater Telepresence and Extended Reality Technologies with Digitally Excluded Older Adults