Insights from Co-Design of Underwater Telepresence and Extended
Reality Technologies with Digitally Excluded Older Adults
Oksana Hagen
, Marius Varga
, Rory Baxter
, Ray Jones
, Amir Aly
, Dena Bazazian
Swen Gaudl
and Alejandro Veliz Reyes
University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, U.K.
The University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
Digital Inclusion, Older Adults, Co-Design, Co-Creation, Participatory Design, Intergenerational.
The Intergenerational Co-design of Novel Technologies In Coastal Communities (ICONIC) project is running
co-design workshops with older (50+) and younger people (16-30) to design technologies suitable for older
people’s wellbeing. We aim to design four novel technologies in extended reality (XR), underwater telepres-
ence (UT), social games and voice interaction. This late breaking report focuses on workshop results for the
first two technologies. Ten workshops were held (August 23 - February 24) involving 24 older people and
12 younger people. Our co-design methods were demonstrably feasible although recruiting younger people is
difficult. Nevertheless, the thematic and content analysis showed the importance of intergenerational collabo-
ration for the participants, a consistent desire for social interaction aspect in technology design, the existence
of a duality between the desire for immersion and connection to physical reality, as well as special attention to
cost and accessibility. As an outcome of the co-design process, we are developing prototype systems stream-
ing live video from an underwater 360° camera underwater in the sea and XR presence in a historical building.
We discuss some of the crucial considerations of the technology co-design process such as balancing the in-
troduction of existing technology to raise awareness versus idea generation. Insights obtained from ICONIC’s
co-design workshops are relevant to researchers designing information and communication technologies for
older people.
Modern technology often neglects older users (Brad-
well et al., 2019; Frennert and
Ostlund, 2014),
despite its potential to improve various aspects of
healthy ageing, such as building connections to the
local environment and community and simply pro-
viding entertainment. Designing technologies that
promote digital equality becomes imperative, par-
ticularly as older individuals face barriers to digital
inclusion, and a growing ageing population. Ad-
dressing these challenges, the Intergenerational Co-
design of Novel Technologies In Coastal Communi-
ties (ICONIC) project employs intergenerational co-
creation for designing technologies such as extended
reality, underwater telepresence, social games, and in-
teractive voice interfaces. This approach recognises
that merely relying on empathy within a design think-
ing paradigm excludes end users from the conver-
sation, and can lead to solutions that overlook their
needs and preferences (Bradwell et al., 2019). By in-
volving both older and younger generations in the de-
sign process, the ICONIC project aims to create tech-
nology that is inclusive, empathetic, and truly respon-
sive to the diverse needs of local communities.
This paper presents a work-in-progress report,
comprising a set of preliminary insights from the un-
derwater telepresence and extended reality co-design
workshops, that demonstrate the feasibility of the ap-
proach and proposes a set of considerations for em-
ploying technology co-design.
Our approach mirrors Participatory Inquiry methods,
integrating research and action through iterative de-
velopment. We employ Research through Design
(Andersen and Wakkary, 2019), extending Participa-
tory Inquiry, ensuring stakeholder involvement from
problem-framing to interaction design (Vasconcelos
et al., 2023). The overall steps of the co-design
Hagen, O., Varga, M., Baxter, R., Jones, R., Aly, A., Bazazian, D., Gaudl, S. and Reyes, A.
Insights from Co-Design of Underwater Telepresence and Extended Reality Technologies with Digitally Excluded Older Adults.
DOI: 10.5220/0012741900003699
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2024), pages 298-303
ISBN: 978-989-758-700-9; ISSN: 2184-4984
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Visual description of the co-design process that includes 3 distinct stages: Preliminary stage focused on preparatory
activities - this stage is run before the workshops start, Iterative Co-design workshops focused on hands-on design approaches
and the Wrap-up phase - focused on validation and data dissemination leading to the establishment of at least a social enter-
process are shown in the Figure 1. The process is
divided into three distinct stages. The first stage,
preliminary steps, aims at establishing a connection
with the partners, recruitment of participants, cross-
disciplinary planning, literature and technology re-
view and mock workshop to test co-design method-
ology and logistics. Second stage, co-design work-
shops, is performed as an iterative process exploring
a set of problems and challenges solved by the co-
design team in an iterative manner. The main steps
are: preparation, workshop activity and data collec-
tion, data analysis and knowledge generation and,
finally, technology/design approach implementation.
The last stage of the overall co-design process, the
wrap-up stage, is used for technology validation and
refining the approach and the technology through co-
design workshops. At this stage, we intend to release
the findings as academic contributions and we cre-
ate an open-source framework with the potential to be
used by social enterprises to establish a new business
venture with a social aspect.
2.1 Workshop Planning
The co-design workshops were held monthly, to make
sure sufficient time is given for data analysis and tech-
nology development, with each technology undergo-
ing 7 to 10 workshops. The long-term engagement
of the participants ensured consistency in the design
direction throughout. This structure facilitates plan-
ning, development, workshop delivery, and knowl-
edge generation. From the development point of view,
this design is reminiscent of agile methodology, with
iterative product development and evaluation cycles
(Cockton et al., 2016).
2.2 Recruitment
We collaborated with 35 local organizations to re-
cruit older (50+) and younger individuals (16-30).
Ethical clearance was obtained from University of
Plymouth Arts, Humanities, and Business Research
Ethics and Integrity Committee (09/05/23; project ID
3941). Recruitment was primarily driven by part-
ner organizations sharing project adverts with poten-
tial participants. Participants receive vouchers as re-
imbursement, with additional vouchers available to
cover transport costs. Prior to joining workshops,
participants were interviewed to identify their pre-
workshop levels of digital engagement, revealing var-
ied levels of digital exclusion, with common barriers
being skills, cost, and infrastructure limitations asso-
ciated with coastal and rural regions (Van Dijk, 2020;
Helsper, 2021; Network, 2003).
2.3 Data Collection and Analysis
Data was collected during workshops in form of voice
recordings, videos, feedback forms, questionnaires,
facilitator notes, as well as hard copy materials from
prototyping activities. The data was then analysed us-
ing a mixture of thematic coding and content analy-
sis to extract user preferences and priorities, akin to
”user stories” to facilitate the development of the pro-
totypes. The identity of the participants was protected
by anonymisation throughout the process.
Despite the common core idea of increasing digital
inclusion and well being, the two technologies we are
Insights from Co-Design of Underwater Telepresence and Extended Reality Technologies with Digitally Excluded Older Adults
developing are engaging with different themes: UT
aims to create a deeper connection with the natural
environment, while XR is aiming to build immersive
interactions with local heritage. The design process
for each technology has produced specific insights;
however, we have also uncovered certain themes that
span across both technologies.
3.1 Underwater Telepresence
Informed by the positive impact of blue spaces on
wellbeing (Grellier et al., 2017) and the project fo-
cus on coastal communities, our aim is to recreate an
underwater experience for people while they are on-
shore, offering them the opportunity to explore oth-
erwise inaccessible marine environments. The gen-
eral theme of the workshops was to build an optimal
interaction with the marine space that could lead to
the ”feeling of being underwater”, while also meeting
some of the practical challenges of such a design.
Initial co-design workshops highlighted various
barriers to engaging with the underwater world, in-
cluding financial constraints, time limitations, physi-
cal limitations, and discomfort in cold water. While
the team was considering to build a remotely oper-
ated vehicle for the experience, a scoping review led
us to explore alternative technological approaches to
underwater telepresence, each with its own considera-
tions regarding accessibility, interactivity, installation
complexity, and maintenance requirements.
3.1.1 Co-Design Process
From September 2023 to February 2024, in collabora-
tion with the National Marine Aquarium (Plymouth,
UK), we conducted five workshops involving 12 older
and 6 younger people - the first set of workshops
planned for UT development within ICONIC.
Through focus groups, problem-framing exer-
cises, design thinking workshops, physical prototyp-
ing, and demonstrations of related technology (such
as, simulated underwater experience using a VR
headset ”Ocean Rift”, a number of 360° underwater
videos, demonstration of large language models), a
consensus emerged for an immersive, real-time expe-
rience of the local underwater environment with inter-
active access to information about marine life. These
preferences informed the development of a concep-
tual prototype featuring live video streaming from a
stationary 360° camera, complemented by a back-end
marine life classification engine and a user-friendly
interface accessible via a head-mounted display and
interactive controllers.
For the second set of the sessions (starting in June,
2024), we are planning to bring the underwater telep-
resence experience outdoors, to find out how the find-
ings obtained from the aquarium interactions can be
adapted to a wider context.
3.1.2 Design Insights
Throughout the workshops, we found that the partic-
ipants were equally drawn to two opposite modes of
interaction: stimulation and relaxation. The stimu-
lating mode was characterised by dynamic and en-
gaging experiences through gamification and interac-
tive features, such as engaging with educational in-
formation about marine life. By contrast, the relaxing
mode aimed to provide a tranquil and soothing envi-
ronment, to focus on the wellbeing benefits associated
with blue spaces (Grellier et al., 2017).
Learning about marine fauna and flora was a big
and consistent focus in all the workshops. We have
addressed this need by integrating elements of ma-
chine learning and interfacing the prototype with a
remote large language model API for generations of
explanations about marine life.
The role of live streaming as an element of build-
ing a long-term engagement was suggested in the
workshops through the interaction with the publicly
available live underwater camera stream. The partic-
ipants highlighted that the content must be different
and varied to be engaging long-term, also mention-
ing the special allure of ”observing it, as it happens”.
This long-term engagement contrasts the short-term
interactions usually designed for such applications.
3.2 Extended Reality
Enabling individuals with mobility impairments to
access culturally and historically significant sites,
our project addresses the limitations of commercially
available VR systems while fostering connections
with specific places and communities, and support-
ing user wellbeing (Alliance, 2020; Pennington and
Corcoran, 2019; Ateca-Amestoy et al., 2021). Build-
ing upon prior efforts in the field of XR system de-
velopment for digital heritage sites, which focused on
comparable sites including Powderham Castle and the
Higher Uppacott medieval site in Dartmoor National
Park (Reyes et al., 2023), our focus is Cotehele, man-
aged by the National Trust, a group of medieval build-
ings and historic gardens in Cornwall with strong con-
nections to the local community. Despite local efforts
to enhance accessibility, the site presents challenges
such as narrow corridors, steep steps, and limited pub-
lic transport.
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
3.2.1 Co-Design Process
From August to December 2023, we conducted five
workshops involving 12 older and 6 younger people.
Utilising the Meta Quest 2 headset, participants expe-
rienced immersive VR encounters, engaging in vari-
ous activities to document, experience, and speculate
on historical sites and their potential to promote well-
being principles such as social cohesion and intergen-
erational interactions. These activities encompassed
360° video demonstrations, persona-based experience
design sessions, and ergonomic testing of XR hard-
ware for older users, resulting in tailored control and
handling functionalities for the Quest 2 headset. Ad-
ditionally, we collaborated with the Cotehele team to
3D scan and document artefacts that will be imple-
mented at a later date in the project as part of a local
narrative. XR workshop activities will resume in June
2024, focusing on integrating locomotion and interac-
tion design elements, as well as incorporating narra-
tive and storytelling strategies into the final XR expe-
rience co-design.
Figure 2: Screenshot from an early digital version of Cote-
hele, Inside the Great Hall. The participants explored the
interaction and the environment to get a sense of space and
explore various types of locomotion suitable for that space.
3.2.2 Design Insights
An XR experience implies metaphorically transport-
ing the user to a digitally constructed reality, away
from where the user currently resides. Typically that
requires going beyond the sense of depth provided
by a stereoscopic view of a head-mounted display.
The more the user’s sensory stimulation is triggered
with inputs from the digital environment the more im-
mersed they become, leading to a sense of place illu-
sion or presence (Slater, 2018).
This aspect was very clear from the first VR ex-
perience the intergenerational group of co-designers
took part in. The session focused on exploring the
sense of scale and space from a participant’s egocen-
tric point of view using 360° videos captured at vari-
ous locations inside the Cotehele Heritage site (Figure
2). The dominant feedback feature was a lack of inter-
action and frustration with the inability to move inside
the virtual space. Users’ senses were triggered solely
by the visual stimulus while the rest of the senses
were rooted in reality therefore breaking the illusion.
Upon the introduction of interactivity and naviga-
tion, the immersion levels increased but two main bar-
riers arose. The lack of familiarity with the VR con-
trollers led some participants to lean towards more
intuitive modes of interaction such as hand tracking
which comes at the cost of losing haptic feedback.
The second stumbling block is more physical in na-
ture, presented by limited thumb dexterity or inability
to close the hand around the controller displayed by
some of the older participants. This presented a chal-
lenge with even simple tasks such as squeezing the
side button on the controllers or moving the thumb-
stick at the top of the controller.
As a result, for the remaining sessions for XR, we
are planning to introduce a series of workshops that
focus on the co-design and integration of a custom
controller (unique mapping of a controller or perhaps
a specially built controller) that satisfies the range of
mobility presented by the participants and maintain
the immersive element of the experience.
3.3 Cross-Track Themes
Through both technology tracks, the intergenerational
aspect was evident from the behaviour of the par-
ticipants in the workshops and in their self-reported
experience. Participants highlighted the importance
of diverse perspectives for ensuring the inclusivity of
the technology design process. The intergenerational
dynamics were particularly evident in the hands-on
activities such as physical prototyping, where the
younger participants took initiative in making the pro-
totype, while the older adults provided guidance dur-
ing the process.
The participants in both workshop tracks were
mindful of the cost considerations and accessibility
of the final design. For example, in XR workshops,
as the creation of an additional haptic sensor was dis-
cussed, participants expressed a worry that it will in-
crease the overall cost of the design.
While in both technologies, the allure of the im-
mersive spaces was evident from the participants’
feedback, there is a consistent conflict between the
desire to be immersed in the virtual space and the dis-
comfort of feeling disconnected from the real world.
This was addressed in UT track by giving a chance
Insights from Co-Design of Underwater Telepresence and Extended Reality Technologies with Digitally Excluded Older Adults
to participants to interact with the 360° immersive
portable dome (Figure 3) for comparison with the use
of a headset.
Similarly, participants in both tracks consistently
expressed a desire for a social interaction aspect in
the technology design. To further address this pref-
erence, in the second part of the project, a dedicated
workshop will focus on the development of a social
interaction metaphor for the participants. For the XR
track, through a co-design approach, the participants
will use technology such as Quest Pro (Meta, 2024),
that facilitates social interaction. The head mounted
display social features, such as eye tracking and fa-
cial expression recognition, will provide the partici-
pants with the tools to create a social experience and
increase collaboration in the virtual world. In the UT
track, we will further engage with participants’ ini-
tial suggestions by implementing a social interaction
aspect through a gamified activity focused on recog-
nizing marine species.
Figure 3: The participants of the UT workshop evaluate the
interaction experience with underwater footage via a semi-
portable immersive dome by
In the overall co-design of technology we have en-
countered a number of trade-offs that require careful
balancing for a successful co-design process.
4.1 Building Technology Awareness
It is important to build awareness of the possibili-
ties of technology among our participants to empower
them to generate ideas in a grounded way. In gen-
eral, with every workshop, the participants gained
more knowledge and confidence, which enabled them
to focus more deeply on co-creation with subsequent
workshops requiring fewer technical explanations and
The balance between the educational aspect of the
workshops and co-creation was important. For ex-
ample, participants needed to be comfortable in using
VR head mounted displays to be able to indicate their
preferred elements of interaction. As many people in
our workshops had never engaged with the VR head-
sets, we set up additional one-on-one VR training ses-
There is a certain risk, however, of imposing spe-
cific technological solutions early on that might limit
exploration and creativity. Being mindful of this ef-
fect, in UT track, the very first session was solely ded-
icated to the participants’ prior interactions with the
marine environment and National Marine Aquarium
tour, without any technology engagement.
4.2 Balancing the Practical Limitations
While it is best for the co-design process if partici-
pants bring forth imaginative ideas during the ideation
stage of the development, practical constraints in-
evitably surface in the design process. In our case,
the main constraint is development time, as only one
researcher was developing each of the technologies.
We found that participants were receptive to the con-
versation about the limitations of the project, and the
outlined scope of the initial prototype development,
while still staying creative and imaginative.
Moreover, in many cases, it is possible to identify
the deeper motivation behind suggested features and
consider the possibilities of alternative implementa-
tions. For instance, during one of the UT workshops
participants came up with an idea of social interaction
in marine space via avatars. While we are unable to
implement this directly, it signals a desire for a social
interaction aspect of the design.
4.3 Representation and Recruitment
Representation of our target population of older dig-
itally excluded people is limited as our sample is to
some extent self-selected, where participants volun-
teer to take part in the workshops. While this ap-
proach offers insights from the individuals actively
engaged and interested in the project, it may not fully
capture the perspectives of those less inclined to par-
ticipate. We are planning to address this limitation
by holding additional sessions to evaluate whether the
design was truly representative of the preferences of a
wider audience.
Despite targeted outreach efforts, we have en-
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
countered difficulties in engaging certain demograph-
ics, particularly younger individuals with limited
availability due to work or education commitments.
We are addressing this by further contacting more
local educational organizations and holding separate
sessions for younger individuals so trialing an asyn-
chronous intergenerational co-design.
Co-design holds significant promise for technology
development. By addressing key limitations and
trade-offs in the co-design process, such as ensur-
ing participants understand the potential and practi-
cal constraints of technological solutions, we can ef-
fectively engage the general public, particularly older
adults, in creating digital technologies.
Within ICONIC, we plan to conduct four addi-
tional co-design sprints’, each spanning six months
and focusing on one of the four technologies (Under-
water Telepresence, Extended Reality, Voice AI Inter-
face, and Social Games). These sprints will be com-
plemented by one-off sessions for evaluation and ad-
ditional feedback, as well as dedicated workshops for
younger participants.
This paper is presented on behalf of the Intergener-
ational Co-design of Novel Technologies In Coastal
Communities (ICONIC) project. The ICONIC
project was awarded funding (March 2022) from
UKRI/EPSRC grant reference EP/W024357/1. The
researchers comprised (i) a core team of Ray Jones,
Amir Aly, Alejandro Veliz Reyes, Dena Bazazian,
Swen Gaudl (University of Gothenburg), (ii) Re-
search Fellows Rory Baxter, Oksana Hagen, Mar-
ius Varga (iii) Chunxu Li (Ho Hai University),
Katharine Willis, Daniel Maudlin, Sheena Asthana,
Kerry Howell, Emmanuel Ifeachor, Shangming Zhou,
Arunangsu Chatterjee (Leeds University), Hannah
Bradwell. All listed are University of Plymouth ex-
cept some who have since moved (new affiliations
shown). The academic team worked closely with
many partner organisations as listed on the ICONIC
website. We thank our partners and participants.
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Insights from Co-Design of Underwater Telepresence and Extended Reality Technologies with Digitally Excluded Older Adults