Overcoming the Complexity of Quality Assurance for Big Data
Systems: An Examination of Testing Methods
Christian Daase
, Daniel Staegemann
and Klaus Turowski
Institute of Technical and Business Information Systems, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
Keywords: Big Data Analytics, Software Testing, Quality Assurance, Systematic Literature Review.
Abstract: As the complexity and diversity of big data systems reaches a new level, testing the solutions developed is
becoming increasingly difficult. In this study, a systematic literature review is conducted on the role of testing
and related quality assurance techniques in current big data systems in terms of applied strategies and design
guidelines. After briefly introducing the necessary knowledge about big data in general, the methodology is
explained in a detailed and reproducible manner, including the reasoned division of the main question into
two concise research questions. The results show that methods such as individual experiments, standardized
benchmarking, case studies and preparatory surveys are among the preferred approaches, but also have some
drawbacks that need to be considered. In conclusion, testing alone may not guarantee a perfectly operating
system, but can serve to minimize malfunctions to a limited number of special cases by revealing its principal
The technological advancements of our increasingly
digitized world do not only influence our daily lives,
but also pose new challenges to those who contribute
to this rapid development. In contrast to former times,
when data were usually gathered in small quantities
within an experimental context, today’s data
acquisition is characterized by high volumes,
velocities, and varieties (Dremel et al. 2020). Reasons
for this development are new possibilities to analyze
documents, images, geospatial and three-dimensional
data (Lonetti and Marchetti 2018; Saheb and Izadi
2019), both structured and unstructured (Abidin et al.
2016). These can be collected first-hand with modern
technologies such as sensors and camera systems
(Hamilton and Sodeman 2020), by taking advantage
of data people voluntarily share via social media sites
(Abidin et al. 2016), or through their buying behavior
in e-commerce systems (Mithas et al. 2013).
Regarding the characteristics, these masses of data
are generally referred to as big data, or big data
analytics (BDA) if the processing is meant. The
arguments found in the literature for calling BDA a
“game changer” (Wamba et al. 2017), “driving force
for innovation” (Chen et al. 2018), or “next big thing
for innovation” (Côrte-Real et al. 2017) are manifold
and to a certain degree interconnected. Along with the
goal of allowing for predictive analytics (Hamilton
and Sodeman 2020), companies try to use BDA to
uncover hidden patterns or interrelationships to
support their decision making (Abidin et al. 2016) and
the optimization of their organizational activities
(Staegemann et al. 2020). However, the actual value
of BDA systems may depend on the industry in which
they operate. In a study by Müller et al. (2018), the
authors found that although the productivity of a
company can increase by an average of 4 percent, this
only holds true for IT-intensive or highly competitive
industries. BDA may also be employed to answer
research questions in the fields of medicine and
healthcare (Hamilton and Sodeman 2020; Mithas et
al. 2013; Saheb and Izadi 2019), crime data analysis
(Jain and Bhatnagar 2016), human resources
management (Hamilton and Sodeman 2020) and
supply chain or delivery route optimization (Côrte-
Real et al. 2019). However, to benefit from BDA, it
must be considered which requirements the
Daase, C., Staegemann, D. and Turowski, K.
Overcoming the Complexity of Quality Assurance for Big Data Systems: An Examination of Testing Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0012742100003705
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2024), pages 358-369
ISBN: 978-989-758-699-6; ISSN: 2184-4976
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
respective scenario places upon the system. Operating
environments can vary in terms of data sources and
structures, velocity of data acquisition, and speed of
their obsolescence due to changing external
influences (Staegemann et al. 2020). Software
engineers must therefore consider necessary
adjustments in the development and life cycle of their
solutions. As usual in software engineering, a
developed solution only delivers its maximum value
if it works as intended. Since BDA is no exception to
this statement, its utilization can also lead to severe
failures and malicious effects if the system was not
sufficiently tested (Abidin et al. 2016). While
debugging is generally a huge unknown in terms of
development time, as it adds about 100 to 200 percent
of the amount of productive coding time to the total
development time (Martin 2007), BDA additionally
poses new challenges depending on the specific
requirements, from processing capacities to adapted
visualization techniques, and privacy issues due to
legal restrictions (Jain and Bhatnagar 2016). The
significance of these issues becomes even more
apparent when considering that more than half of the
BDA initiatives developed fail to achieve their
strategic goal (Côrte-Real et al. 2019), either because
of the underestimated complexity and diversity of the
technologies involved (Lonetti and Marchetti 2018;
Ordonez and Bellatreche 2020) or the
unpredictability of the outcomes (Mithas et al. 2013).
A major shortcoming in the testing of BDA solutions
is that realistic, high-volume data sets are difficult to
simulate with the same velocity as they would occur
in a real-world scenario (Lonetti and Marchetti 2018).
To bridge the research gap on how BDA solutions
can be tested to avoid the mentioned pitfalls, this
paper conducts a systematic literature review (SLR),
in which theoretical contributions as well as practical
developments are examined. The focus can be
consolidated into the following central question:
What is the role of testing in current BDA
developments in terms of quality assurance (QA) of
the results and sophistication of test strategies?
Necessary background knowledge on big data and
software testing is given in the subsequent section.
The research questions are formalized in section 3.1,
in which the central question is divided into two
questions. Furthermore, a detailed research
justification is given. The results of the SLR are
presented and discussed in the fourth section with
separate subsections for the quantitative and
qualitative results. Finally, in the fifth section a
conclusion on the role of testing in BDA systems and
a short outlook on possible future research are given.
In this section, necessary prior knowledge on the two
areas of big data and software testing in general is
2.1 Big Data
In general, big data is a rapidly evolving topic whose
definition changes frequently, and so do the
requirements regarding the areas of application.
While a few years ago mainly the plain volume of
data was of importance for practitioners and
academics (Staegemann et al. 2020), today’s
perception of big data is much broader in scope.
Although its characteristics nowadays seem to be
inconsistent, recurring terms can be observed in
current literature, referred to as the five Vs, meaning
volume, velocity, variety, veracity and value (Jain and
Bhatnagar 2016; Wamba et al. 2017). Most of the
found literature adopts a subset of these terms in order
to describe the meaning of big data. While the volume
is undeniably an integral component for the
understanding of big data, it could be found that for
example the veracity is sometimes neglected (Lonetti
and Marchetti 2018). Other publications refrain from
considering the value as an autonomous characteristic
of big data (Abidin et al. 2016; Ordonez and
Bellatreche 2020). With these considerations taken
into account, the publication at hand incorporates the
definition of big data with only the first four Vs (i.e.,
without value) in the following investigation.
In a broader sense, BDA can be considered as a
socio-technical phenomenon (Dremel et al. 2020)
not only consisting of the technological aspects, but
also the intentions of the analysis themselves and the
expectations and efforts towards further data-driven
developments. Therefore, it is no surprise that
researchers try to connect other recent topics of
interest with the BDA domain, for example advanced
technologies of artificial intelligence (Saheb and
Izadi 2019), cloud computing (Daase et al. 2023;
Ordonez and Bellatreche 2020) or the internet of
things (Lonetti and Marchetti 2018). The synthesis of
the understanding for the already high complexity of
these domains with the assumption that BDA is only
supported by an organization if its value can be
clearly demonstrated (Mithas et al. 2013) reveals the
necessity of finding ways to ease the testing and with
it the presentation of the value of the BDA solution.
Overcoming the Complexity of Quality Assurance for Big Data Systems: An Examination of Testing Methods
2.2 Software Testing
The fundamental role of testing in a software
development cycle and its impact on the quality of the
outcome of a project are well known among software
engineers, but the majority of developers either
refrain from writing an adequate amount of tests or
overestimate their efforts in terms of reliability and
code coverage (Palomba et al. 2016). Furthermore,
apart from human error in testing, also the
technological aspects pose problems regarding the
test quality. There is a trend towards automating the
process of generating and processing test data sets
(Palomba et al. 2016), leading to new paradigms of
how a development cycle might be designed, notably
test-driven development (TDD). The expectation is
that the permanent execution of tests that are usually
written before the actual program code, can
significantly reduce the effort for debugging, since
each newly occurring error must have just been added
(Bissi et al. 2016; Martin 2007). A study conducted
by Bissi et al. (2016) found that this focus on testing
through TDD improved the internal software quality
in about 76 percent and the external software quality
in about 88 percent of the publications examined.
However, about 44 percent reported a decrease in
Both topics individually show an increasing interest
in the literature, as a quick screening in the scientific
database Scopus, which claims to be the largest
abstract and citation database (Kitchenham and
Charters 2007), indicates. A search carried out in
February 2024 for the term “big data” in article titles
yielded only 6 publications in 2010 with a steadily
growing number rising to 6602 articles found for
2021 and a slight decrease afterwards. A search for
testing, this time restricted to the subject of computer
science, also resulted in 1819 articles for 2010 and a
peak of 2706 for 2023. Since it could be argued that
this is due to an increasing number of scientific
publications in general, a more reliable indicator of
the growing interest in both topics in combination
could be the percentage of articles on big data
solutions that take testing into account. Therefore,
two other queries in Scopus were used for searching
the abstracts of all publications:
(A): “big data analytic*” OR “big data solution*”
OR “big data system*”
(B): (A) in brackets and in addition AND test*
As further explained in the review protocol in section
3.2, this query also corresponds to the search phrase
of the later review part carried out in Scopus. The
asterisks were added to include the plural forms and
slight variations. Figure 1 and Figure 2 depict the
relationship between articles about BDA and articles
with an additional mention of testing. How and to
what extent testing is ultimately handled by these
articles is the subject of the following main sections.
On the left-hand side, the absolute numbers of
publications on BDA and similar (i.e., query A) and
with the additional requirement of mentioning test
strategies (i.e., query B) are juxtaposed. In 2020, the
events of the COVID-19 pandemic led to the
cancellation or postponement of several conferences
(Agarwal and Sunitha 2020), which is one reason for
the sudden decrease in newly published articles. In
Figure 2, the percentage share of B in A is graphically
displayed, indicating that testing is an emerging issue
within BDA, with a quota of more than 12 percent in
2023 at the time of this study. A search for "big data"
AND test* AND "literature review" in the titles of all
articles yielded no results, suggesting that no
thorough systematic literature review on the role of
testing in BDA has been conducted as of today.
However, due to the rapid developments in
information science, searches in digital libraries are
difficult to replicate after a short period of time
(Kitchenham and Charters 2007).
Figure 1: Publications on BDA with (A) and without (B)
testing considered.
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 2: Percentage of B in A.
3.1 Research Questions
The specification of the RQs clarifies the perspective
with which the publications were evaluated and the
context in which the results are synthesized
(Kitchenham and Charters 2007). In addition, this
contributes to concluding the purpose of the literature
review in concise sentences (Okoli 2015). Moreover,
the RQs as a whole determine the composition of the
query that is sent to the database to be searched.
Kitchenham and Charters (2007) suggest that in
essence the query should be composed of three
elements: firstly, the population, which in this case
refers to the application areas of big data, secondly,
the intervention, which is testing among different
variations of this term and thirdly, outcomes. The
search term used in this paper does not contain a
segment for outcomes because the role of testing
itself is to be explored. Possible influences on
productivity, reliability or software quality are not
analyzed in isolation, rather the occurrence of such
terms themselves is investigated. In order to keep the
RQs summarized in Table 1 short and concise, all
questions refer to the examined publications found
with query B from the previous section.
Table 1: Research questions focused during the literature
ID Question
RQ1 Which quality assurance methods are primarily
used before and during the development time
and as how reliable can their respective results
be classified?
RQ2 How should tests be designed according to
guidelines and what issues could arise?
3.2 Review Protocol
In order to provide a sufficient publication basis for
this literature review, Scopus is chosen. In contrast to
a full-text database, Scopus offers only abstracts and
bibliographic data of the articles presented, but in
return combines results from different actual full-text
databases such as IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library
and ScienceDirect (Staegemann et al. 2020).
The search query used is identical to the one used
in section 3 for the derivation of the research interest
between the topics of big data systems and testing.
Since this query is the result of multiple test searches
in order to provide an appropriate foundation of
relevant publications, this paragraph serves the
purpose to formalize the search phrase in accordance
with the guidelines of Kitchenham and Charters
(2007). As stated in the previous subsection, the
search query consists of the population (i.e., different
terms related to BDA) and the intervention (i.e.,
testing and related terms). The elements of each
segment are combined with an OR while the segments
themselves are combined with the AND operator.
Table 2 lists the different terms used for this query. In
the literature, system, solution, or analytics in general
have been proved to be frequent synonyms for this
topic. Moreover, with the asterisks phrases like
analytical or systematic are included. Test* on the
other hand includes terms such as testing, tested or
test-driven. The query is searched for in the abstracts
and titles of the articles. The keywords are not
considered because Scopus does not distinguish
between author keywords and indexed keywords in
the fields to be searched. Test searches have shown
that these automatically added indexed keywords do
not always correspond exactly to the topic of the
paper. Furthermore, it is assumed that important
keywords are also present in the abstract.
Table 2: Composition of the search query.
Population Intervention
Big data analytic* Test*
data s
data solution*
After defining the query, the search must be refined
by applying certain inclusion and exclusion criteria as
an integral part of any systematic review process
(Kitchenham and Charters 2007). Furthermore, these
criteria are necessary to increase the density of
relevant articles in the final publication base and to
reduce the large number of articles to a practically
manageable collection (Okoli 2015). Since the
application of some criteria requires different levels
Overcoming the Complexity of Quality Assurance for Big Data Systems: An Examination of Testing Methods
of insight, Table 3 lists the SLR stages used in this
Table 3: SLR stages and related RQs.
Stage ID Description
0 Before the SLR
1 Readin
title an
2 Reading introduction an
3 Reading the full text in-depth
For the definition of the inclusion and exclusion
criteria, the recommendations of Okoli (2015) are
considered. Table 4 shows the criteria and the
corresponding SLR stages in which they are applied.
For example, the publication language, year, and
source type are already considered using the built-in
mechanics of Scopus. Contrary to section 3, where a
marginal number of articles before 2012 could be
found in Scopus for BDA related terms alone, the
addition of the intervention segment caused that no
articles could be found for this period. The lack of
publications for the time before the early 2010s is
consistent with the findings of other researchers that
the general term big data did not become a buzzword
before the year 2012 (Che et al. 2013; Ghandour
2015; Hong et al. 2020). The selection process in
section 4 starts with the number of publications found
after adapting the criteria indicated with (0), which
can be automatically applied through the built-in
mechanisms the database.
Table 4: Inclusion/exclusion criteria and corresponding
SLR stages.
Inclusion Exclusion
(0) Written in English (1) Duplicates/proceedings
(0) Published between
2012 an
(1) Only review/no own
(0) Source type is
ournal or conference
(1) Testing in non-BDA
context/of no concrete solution
(0) Finalized
(2) No conclusion on influence
of testin
(1) Big data related
main sub
(3) No explanation of testing
(2) Thoughtful
considerations for
(3) No careful test execution
(projects only)
The search carried out in Scopus led to the search
process illustrated in Figure 3. With an initial number
of 870 articles, the publication base decreased
significantly, as different topics used the term test in
other contexts than a technical big data solution. In
the health sector in particular, research focused on
patient and drug testing drove up the number of
articles that apparently use and evaluate BDA.
Furthermore, about 10 percent of the articles found
were introductions to proceedings or workshops,
duplicates or had abstracts indicating that the article
does not contain a sufficient contribution to the topic
covered in this study.
Figure 3: Conducted search workflow.
In the following, the research questions established in
section 3.1 are answered as far as the material
fulfilling the corresponding review stages allows.
4.1 Quantitative Results
The found articles can be divided into seven
categories. Benchmarking refers to techniques that
compare a solution’s performance against some
predefined metric. Experiments are individual testing
procedures in which a BDA solution’s outcome is
compared against an expected result. Case studies are
comprehensive sets of activities in a realistic
environment. Surveys mean that a BDA solution is
instantiated and afterwards stakeholders are
questioned about their experience regarding the
results. Discussions, in turn, are partially opinion
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
papers in which the topic of testing in BDA is
considered from different angles. Guidelines mean
sets of recommendations from experienced BDA
developers based on profound prior knowledge.
Finally, papers on challenges comprise lists of
potential issues that need to be addressed when
developing, deploying, and testing BDA systems.
Table 5 summarizes the findings.
Table 5: Categorization of the found publications.
Benchmarking (Chen et al. 2018; Demirbaga et al.
2022; Ghazal et al. 2013; Hart et
al. 2023; Skracic and Bodrusic
2017; Xia et al. 2019; X. Zhang et
al. 2023; Zhen
et al. 2017
Experiment (Covioli et al. 2023; Draughon et
al. 2023; Fahrudin et al. 2022;
Gulzar et al. 2018; Peng et al.
2020; Peng Zhang et al. 2018)
Case study (Barba-González et al. 2019;
Caputo et al. 2023; Eugeni et al.
2022; Prom-on et al. 2014; Sariyer
et al. 2022)
Survey (Côrte-Real et al. 2017; Shahbaz et
al. 2019; C. Zhang et al. 2019)
et al. 2017
Guidelines (Shapira and Chen 2016;
Staegemann et al. 2019; Tao and
Gao 2016
Challenges (Alexandrov et al. 2013; Gulzar et
al. 2019; Janković et al. 2018;
Rabl et al. 2015)
4.2 Qualitative Results
The RQs on the primarily applied quality assurance
methods and on how tests should be designed derive
their answers from different subsets of the
publications listed in Table 5. In the following, the
methods of software testing (e.g., experiments,
benchmarking, and case studies) and the more
subjective conduct of surveys are explained based on
the findings of this literature review. After that, the
guidelines and extracted challenges are consulted to
give an answer to the question how to organize test
scenarios, and which issues could arise.
4.2.1 Surveys
The quality factors of big data applications are well
known and partly similar to traditional software
systems, including performance, reliability,
correctness, security and the more application-
specific scalability (Pengcheng Zhang et al. 2017).
However, chronologically QA does not begin with
the testing of a final system, but with pre-analyses on
the issues of which purpose the developed solution
should fulfill and how the acceptance by the intended
user can be ensured. Although surveys in terms of
asking participants for their opinion might lack
objectivity (Bertrand and Mullainathan 2001),
especially when determining the correctness of
functional aspects, the subjective acceptance factors
can still be investigated. Precautionary as well as
during runtime, surveys can help in accumulating
knowledge on user experience and satisfaction and
are therefore considered as an adequate method of
QA in the context of this paper. Shahbaz et al. (2019),
for example, found that security and trust on
information are important concerns of users by
surveying 400 BDA end users in Pakistani hospitals,
resulting in 224 valid responses. The authors
concluded that the absence of sufficient trust leads to
a higher resistance against a proposed BDA system
which in turn negatively affects the overall
usefulness. The survey of C. Zhang et al. (2019), also
conducted in healthcare, observed similar issues that
have to be considered before an actual
implementation. Moreover, this research team
suggests that the usefulness of a BDA system can
depend on the knowledge of a user in the application
field, meaning that knowing what and how data is
stored and utilized within electronic health records
(EHR) can have a significant influence. While the
issue of storing data is linked to the software
architecture and can therefore be viewed in
connection with typical technical quality factors of
BDA systems (Tao and Gao 2016), the knowledge
about the EHRs is solely dependent on the training of
the user. Although C. Zhang et al. (2019) pointed out
that the lack of domain specific knowledge might
have serious downturns on a systems performance,
Shahbaz et al. (2020) found that the usefulness (i.e.,
the scope of the system) is more important than the
perceived ease of use. Therefore, the potential for
improvement of a BDA system can be higher in
ensuring a better training for the employees than in
the attempt of optimizing the user experience with the
possible risk of removing parts of the functionality.
Another dimension of suitability can be referred to as
technology-task fit (TTF) (Shahbaz et al. 2019) which
can be used as a term describing to what extend the
features of the system match the intended task of a
user. Organizations that heavily rely on economic
success need to consider the aforementioned issues as
well, as the study by Côrte-Real et al. (2017) shows.
By surveying 500 European firms with 175 valid
responses, the researchers found that organizational
agility in particular is vital in competitive markets.
Overcoming the Complexity of Quality Assurance for Big Data Systems: An Examination of Testing Methods
Beyond that, external knowledge was found to be
more important than internal knowledge, which is
why the call for an increase of the TTF has to be
regarded in terms of adjustments on data sources and
the corresponding analysis processes to make a BDA
system more advantageous in a business context.
Apart from these findings, the first part of an answer
to RQ1 has to take the reliability of surveys into
account. Although the complexity and the effort can
be significantly lower than with other QA methods,
results of surveys tend to be viewed as less reliable
because the data mainly consists of the participants
subjective opinions (Bertrand and Mullainathan
2001). Nonetheless, the easily obtained data can serve
as a sufficient basis for important insights before an
actual development or during runtime to identify
necessary adjustments.
4.2.2 Experiments, Benchmarks, Case
One technique for QA of big data applications is
testing during development time (Pengcheng Zhang
et al. 2017). The order of the remarks is based on the
complexity and scope of the proposed methods,
starting with individual experiments, through
benchmarks to case studies. However, these methods
might overlap regarding goals and work steps.
Examining the literature reveals that studies
conducting experiments and benchmarks often
primarily concentrate on the performance of a system
(e.g., transactions per minute, processing time)
(Caputo et al. 2023; Draughon et al. 2023; Ghazal et
al. 2013; Peng et al. 2020; Skracic and Bodrusic 2017;
Xia et al. 2019; Peng Zhang et al. 2018). Zheng et al.
(2017) criticize this focus, noting that also the
reliability of a system has to be considered more
intensive. Along with concerns about security, Peng
et al. (2020) also recognize risks to overall
performance if insufficient attention is paid to these
two issues. In order to evaluate whether a tradeoff
between security and performance is inevitable, the
research team around Peng in this study conducted an
experiment comparing two algorithms of access
control in a BDA environment. The authors found
that their newly developed algorithm enables a
reliable security while affecting the performance less
than the older solution. It can be concluded that these
two dimensions of quality are not exclusive and can
have a negligible tradeoff if carefully considered.
Another issue for the reliability of tests in BDA can
be associated with abstractions of data and
workloads. A major difference between big data
systems and traditional software resides in the
considerably higher hardware requirements (Shapira
and Chen 2016; Staegemann et al. 2019). Data
scientists usually test their solutions with small
samples of data on local workstations and hope that
they will work equally well later when implemented
in an expensive production cloud (Gulzar et al. 2018).
While a cloud based testing environment might be
thinkable depending on the resources of the
respective organization, modern BDA systems also
strive to take advantage of other current architectural
ideas like edge computing and similar technologies
(Xia et al. 2019). Those aspirations can even exceed
the possibilities of a well-equipped company as such
networks of devices can be of highly variable extend.
Thus, certain risks when transferring a sufficiently
locally tested solution into a real-world scenario can
remain. Further studies detect dangers of abstraction
due to a shortage of realistic test datasets and a
resulting insufficient coverage of system behavior
regarding the intended use case (Alexandrov et al.
2013; Rabl et al. 2015). In an attempt to address this
issue, Gulzar et al. (2019) developed BigTest, a
systematic input generation tool, and BigSift, an
automated debugging toolkit (Gulzar et al. 2018),
with a note in 2018 that the evolution of debugging in
BDA is still in its early days. In the same year, Peng
Zhang et al. (2018) followed a different approach in
the application area of high-frequency trading by
suggesting that transaction speed has already reached
peak because of the current hardware capabilities.
Therefore, the authors believe that more complex data
analysis models are a key concept of further
advancing traders performance. However, the study is
limited to an approach to improve the performance of
such complex models by adopting a parallel
processing architecture which was then evaluated
against competing approaches.
The incorporation of benchmarks into the testing
strategy can constitute an advanced addition to single
experiments with synthetic datasets. Alongside the
usual functional performance measurements,
benchmarks can enable more precise predictions
regarding the price performance of a big data system
as well, responding to the rising pressure to evaluate
this quality factor (Ghazal et al. 2013). Beyond that,
the scope of benchmarks can also include the
verification of the correctness and the opportunity to
compare different BDA systems (Chen et al. 2018).
However, benchmarks must be standardized to gain
meaningful comparisons of multiple solutions. In the
late 1980s, this requirement led to the formation of
benchmark consortia such as the Transaction
Processing Performance Council (TPC) and the
Standard Performance Corporation (SPEC) (Ghazal
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
et al. 2013). While at that time the need for
benchmarks for data warehouses was a crucial aspect,
current software trends draw attention to benchmarks
in the area of big data. Ghazal et al. (2013) responded
to the call for more standardization by developing
BigBench which was accepted by the TPC as a
benchmark since its finalization. Apart from the
notable interest in benchmarks in the literature,
indications can be found that this technique may
require a considerably higher effort than single
experiments. Chen et al. (2018) present six phases of
testing BDA systems by benchmarking, including a
requirement analysis, preparing the test environment,
preparing test datasets and workloads, loading the
data, executing the tests and analyzing the results.
While these phases may overlap with those of an
experiment, they are not optional in the case of
benchmarks and may exceed the requirements of
small experiments, since they cover all system
properties at once. The issue of generating realistic
test data intensifies as the scenario has to be designed
in a way that the special characteristics of big data
(i.e., the Vs) are considered (Chen et al. 2018; Covioli
et al. 2023; Pengcheng Zhang et al. 2017). Xia et al.
(2019), for example, complement their benchmarking
efforts with an evaluation in a real testbed. Thus, the
problem of insufficient realistic test datasets can
partly be tackled. Despite the popularity of
experiments and benchmarks both can show a
decisive pitfall when not adequately standardized.
Organizations may tend to use self-defined and thus
biased scenarios to make performance claims, a
practice that Ghazal et al. (2013) refer to as
benchmarketing. Unintentionally, such unrealistic
claims can also occur when the benchmark is
designed without sufficient consideration of real-life
requirements (Shapira and Chen 2016). The
reliability of both explained methods is therefore
highly dependent on their degree of standardization.
The most time-consuming approach to testing a
BDA system found in the literature are case studies in
the real world, which is why only two publications of
satisfactory depth were identified. Prom-on et al.
(2014) conducted two different case studies, one to
categorize social media posts into positive and
negative opinions, and one for the prediction of traffic
problems in Bangkok. Since the reliability heavily
relies on the quality of the applied testing
methodology, the time required already increases
during the planning phase. Furthermore, in this case
it is not possible to automate the test routine because
only a properly functioning system could determine
the correctness of the categorization, which in turn
would be the system under test itself. The other
publication utilizing case studies, written by Barba-
González et al. (2019), introduces a framework to
enhance analytical processes with semantic
annotations. Their case studies were also conducted
in the traffic sector and on a classification task, but in
a comparative context. The reliability of the results is
therefore less of a concern since the relative
comparison is more comprehensible in terms of
evaluating one solution over another than verifying
the absolute results of a single system. The findings
of the authors mirror the ones of Shahbaz et al. (2019)
who found that more precise knowledge of the
semantics of a system is beneficial for increasing the
TTF and therefore the value of the software solution.
The previously explained findings from the
literature are summarized in Table 6 listing the
advantages and disadvantages of the QA techniques
of conducting surveys, experiments, benchmarks and
case studies. The table does not claim completeness
as many more aspects of QA may have to be
considered in any respective scenario.
Table 6: QA techniques and reliability in BDA.
es Disadvanta
Easy to
Provides prior
knowledge for
acceptance and
reliability and
objectivity of
on local
transferred to
real world
scenario due to
lack of realistic
test datasets
Comparison of
suitable for
Risk of
Case study
4.2.3 Test Design and Possible Issues
As mentioned, Pengcheng Zhang et al. (2017)
identified testing as an integral part of QA, but their
study does not contain sufficient guidelines on how to
design appropriate test scenarios. The most detailed
and matured publication found on this subject is the
/ Reliabilit
Overcoming the Complexity of Quality Assurance for Big Data Systems: An Examination of Testing Methods
industry experience paper by Shapira and Chen
(2016). Besides conditions that have to be taken into
account while testing, especially in terms of
benchmarking, the paper also examines attributes of
well-performed tests and reasons for their thoughtful
execution. Among others, the authors demand the
regard for realistic hardware and workload choices as
well as the consideration of the systems properties
such as the size of data and the number of nodes and
tasks. A certain knowledge of the application domain
is therefore a beneficial requirement for the testers or
users, as other researchers have also noted (Shahbaz
et al. 2019; C. Zhang et al. 2019). Especially
emphasized by Shapira and Chen (2016) are the
components of a proper documentation of the testing
process. All necessary information to guarantee the
reproducibility of the tests must be carefully
recorded, including the configuration, hardware and
workloads. The authors also make clear that the
results must be unambiguous and that in tests that
investigate the influence of a single parameter, it is
essential to ensure that exclusively this parameter has
been changed. Furthermore, according to the paper,
outcomes are only reasonable if a model of the
expected system behavior exists. Due to the
explorative nature of BDA applications, this could be
a difficulty since the desired output is not always
known in a defined form (Staegemann et al. 2019). A
possible solution for this test oracle problem can be
metamorphic testing (MT). Tao and Gao (2016)
explain, that a set of expected properties, known as
metamorphic relation, specifies how the output would
change following a particular change of the input.
Another approach mentioned by the authors,
assuming a sufficient number of known combinations
of valid inputs and outputs, can be a trained classifier.
Thus, the testing could be automated and newly
produced outputs can be checked for their
correctness. In all cases, the reusability and
reproducibility of the tests should be considered, as
this is generally viewed as an advantage (Shapira and
Chen 2016; Staegemann et al. 2019). A possible
dilemma for this demand are privacy issues if
problematic system behavior occurs outside of
internal tests and the users inputs, consisting of
private data, would be mandatory for reproducibility
(Alexandrov et al. 2013; Rabl et al. 2015; X. Zhang
et al. 2023). Based on this, a further attribute of
comprehensive testing is the coverage of every
involved system component and status. Not only a
shortage of realistic test data can lead to
complications, but also the unpredictable behavior of
external users. Although a randomly based input
strategy could give a chance of covering neglected
scenarios, it is unlikely to reveal every weak point,
which is why a systematic testing strategy is generally
more sensible (Gulzar et al. 2019). Nonetheless, the
challenge of varying data origins and structures
remains as it is a permanent requirement for BDA
applications to integrate new sources (Janković et al.
2018). Hence, the security of the system might be
endangered if those new sources are not under direct
control of the user (Staegemann et al. 2019).
Summarizing the findings to answer RQ2, the
design of a BDA test strategy might orientate on the
following key concept. First, realistic datasets should
be used whenever possible, otherwise a data model
should first be created to generate synthetic datasets
and workloads. Second, any procedure and
configuration should be strictly documented to enable
the reusability and reproducibility of the performed
tests. Third, appropriate strategies which cover
ideally every scenario and special case should be
evaluated beforehand, especially if exact outcomes
are unknown. Fourth, the security of the BDA system
should always be considered for the case of
integrating new data sources, structures and other
risky adjustments.
This work presents a comprehensive literature review
in the abstract and citation database Scopus to
examine the role and adopted strategies of testing in
current BDA approaches in the context of QA.
Although Scopus provides the essential information
to get hands on publications from different full-test
databases like IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library
and ScienceDirect (Staegemann et al. 2020) it does
not cover the full range of every relevant database
such as, for example, Springer Link. One
improvement for this work might be the integration
of the full-text databases themselves as
considerations of the main topic could be hidden
inside the text body and neglected in the title or
abstract of an article. Moreover, a few terms that were
found to occur frequently (e.g. big data application,
validation, evaluation) could be a sensible addition
for the search string.
Nonetheless, the main approaches on how to
ensure the quality of a BDA project could be
identified and thoroughly investigated. The most
popular strategies here are standardized benchmarks,
as provided by the TPC, because of their
comparability, surveys in advance and at runtime
because of their simplicity and case studies because
of their elaborate results. However, every approach
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
suffers possible downsides such as the lack of realism
when benchmarking with synthetic data, the
uncertainty of reliability of participants answers in
surveys, and the necessary effort for real-world case
studies. Aside discussions on those techniques, this
work covers quality factors on how they should be
applied according to various scholars. In this regard,
the reproducibility and realism of test data turned out
to be decisive attributes of well-conducted testing
routines. Concluding it can be stated that despite all
efforts and especially because of the existing lack of
realistic test data, BDA applications will remain
complex systems with a wide range of issues and long
patch histories at runtime (Huang et al. 2015). In
response to the initial question about the role of
testing in current BDA developments, the systematic
literature research carried out here supports the
answer that testing is currently not meant to provide
a perfectly running system, but rather to limit
malfunctions to special cases that cannot be detected
even by extensive testing or preliminary analysis.
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