A Multi-Feature Semantic Fusion and Bipartite Graph-Based Risk
Identification Approach for Project Participation
Yue Wang
, Yujie Hu
, Wenjing Chang
and Jianjun Yu
Computer Network Information Center, CAS, CAS Informatization Plaza No.2 Dong Sheng Nan Lu,
Haidian District, Beijing 100083, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.19A Yuquan Road, Shijingshan District, Beijing 100049, China
Keywords: Risk Identification, Graph Neural Networks, Bipartite Graphs, Multi-Semantic Feature Fusion.
Abstract: In the complex landscape of project management, ensuring the authenticity of participant involvement is
paramount to achieving fairness, enforceability, and desired outcomes. Addressing the challenges posed by
the heterogeneous nature of graphs, the underutilization of rich attribute information, and the scarcity of
anomaly labels, we propose a Project Participation Authenticity Risk Identification Graph Neural Network
(PARI-GNN), a novel architecture leveraging graph-based anomaly detection techniques to assess
authenticity risks in project participation. PARI-GNN include a novel framework for risk identification using
heterogeneous graphs. This method transforms heterogeneous graphs into bipartite graphs and combines
multi-feature semantic fusion techniques with bipartite graph structures, providing a robust solution for
identifying inauthentic participation. We evaluate our proposed model using real-world data. The
experimental outcomes affirm the superior performance of PARI-GNN in accurately discerning authenticity
risks, demonstrating the efficacy and competitive advantage of the proposed framework over a variety of
state-of-the-art methodologies.
The current landscape of project management
involves a multitude of participants, each with
varying degrees of involvement and contribution.
Ensuring the authenticity of participant engagement
is crucial for the fairness of the project application,
the enforceability of the project and the achievement
of desired outcomes. Unfortunately, similar to
financial fraud, projects also face fraudulent practices
such as false participation, exaggerated participation
levels, or falsified contributions. These deceptive acts
can lead to misallocation of resources, project delays,
or even failures, thereby inflicting significant costs on
organizations and stakeholders involved.
The challenge lies in the accurate identification
and assessment of these contributions, a task that is
increasingly difficult with the growing scale and
complexity of projects. To combat these challenges,
it is essential to get robust methods for identifying and
assessing the risks of inauthentic participation in
projects. But traditional methods of verification,
Corresponding author
relying on surface-level indicators or simple data
statistics, are often manual, time-consuming, and
prone to human error, which may not effectively
detect or adapt to sophisticated or novel schemes.
Hence, there is a growing need for advanced
techniques that can learn from complex patterns and
interactions inherent in project data.
Graph-based anomaly detection presents a
promising solution to address these issues. Graphs
naturally encapsulate the relational information
among participants and project elements, providing a
rich framework for identifying irregularities in
participant behaviors and interactions.
However, several obstacles need addressing.
Firstly, heterogeneous graphs, comprising diverse
node and edge types, pose a challenge due to their
complexity, demanding sophisticated mechanisms
for effective risk identification. Secondly, traditional
graph learning methods often overlook rich attribute
information within nodes or edges, requiring
advanced representation learning techniques to
integrate this valuable context. Lastly, the scarcity of
Wang, Y., Hu, Y., Chang, W. and Yu, J.
A Multi-Feature Semantic Fusion and Bipartite Graph-Based Risk Identification Approach for Project Participation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012742500003690
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 907-914
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Copyright © 2024 by Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
anomaly labels in graph data complicates the training
of supervised models, necessitating alternative
approaches for effective anomaly detection.
In response to these challenges, we propose a
novel architecture that leverages graph-based
anomaly detection techniques to assess authenticity
risks in project participation. Our model, which we
refer to as the Project participation Authenticity Risk
Identification Graph Neural Network (PARI-GNN),
is designed to integrate multi-feature data and
heterogeneous graph structures, effectively bridge the
gap in anomaly label scarcity, and provide
interpretable results for decision-makers.
The main contributions of this paper are as follow:
We present a novel framework for risk
identification that employs heterogeneous
graphs, seamlessly integrating knowledge
graph construction with subgraph extraction
and transformation techniques. Subsequently,
it transforms these heterogeneous graphs into
bipartite graphs, leveraging bipartite graph-
based methodologies to efficiently identify
We propose a multi-feature semantic fusion
bipartite graph risk identification model.
Leveraging multi-feature semantic fusion
techniques, it integrates multi-feature data by
encoding bipartite graphs containing rich node
and edge features. It conducts structural and
feature decoding independently, applying
reconstruction loss and scoring functions to
identify risks.
We evaluate our proposed model using real-
world data. The experimental results
demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
framework and its superiority compared to a
variety of state-of-the-art methods.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 formally introduces the problem
definition. Section 3 reviews related work in the field.
In Section 4, we detail the proposed model for
identifying the authenticity risks associated with
personnel involvement in projects. Experimental
evaluation on real-world datasets is presented in
Section 5. The paper is concluded in Section 6 with a
summary of our findings.
Graph Anomaly Detection. Risk identification is
fundamentally a form of anomaly detection. As
networks increasingly model various complex
systems, research on graph-based anomaly detection
has garnered widespread attention. Classical graph
anomaly detection models are constrained by their
shallow learning mechanisms, which limit their
capacity to discern complex interaction patterns
within graphs (Li et al., 2017; Ding et al., 2019).
Models for graph anomaly detection based on deep
neural network architectures have seen rapid
development due to their exceptional performance.
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) (Kipf et al.,
2016) provide a scalable semi-supervised learning
method for graph-structured data, while GraphSAGE
(Hamilton et al., 2017) extends the GCN architecture
to efficiently generate node embeddings using node
feature information, such as textual attributes. Graph
Attention Networks (GATs) (Veličković et al., 2017)
address the shortcomings of previous methods based
on graph convolution or its approximations using
masked self-attention layers. DOMINANT (Ding et
al., 2019) offers an architecture akin to autoencoders
for graph anomaly detection, and AnomalyDAE (Fan
et al., 2020) expands this architecture using dual
autoencoders. GAD-NR (Roy et al., 2023) is a novel
variant of GAE (M. Tang et al., 2022), integrating
neighborhood reconstruction for graph anomaly
detection. AdONE (Bandyopadhyay et al., 2020)
learns by differentiating between network's structural
and attribute-based embeddings, minimizing the
impact of outliers in a coupled manner. FIW-GNN
(Yan et al., 2023) proposes a feature-importance
weighted graph neural network as a solution for credit
card fraud detection. However, most of these models
are tailored for anomaly detection in homogenous
graphs, what we need to deal with is risk
identification for heterogeneous graphs.
Heterogeneous Graph Anomaly Detection. Paper
(Wang et al., 2022) provides a comprehensive review
of the latest developments in heterogeneous graph
embedding methods and techniques, demonstrating
the success of heterogeneous graph embedding
technologies in addressing real-world application
issues with broader impacts. Paper (Bing et al., 2023)
systematically summarizes and analyzes the existing
Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks (HGNNs),
categorizing them based on their neural network
architectures. GEM (Liu et al., 2018) introduces a
heterogeneous graph neural network approach for
detecting malicious accounts, proposing an attention
mechanism to learn the significance of different types
of nodes and employing a sum operator to model the
aggregation patterns for each node type. HAN (Wang
et al., 2019) presents a novel heterogeneous graph
neural network based on hierarchical attention,
capable of capturing the complex structures and rich
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
semantics underlying heterogeneous graphs. Paper
(Zhang et al., 2019) exploits the attribute
heterogeneous information network to identify key
players in underground forums. However, most of
these models are tailored for anomaly detection in
nodes, with relatively limited research on
heterogeneous graph edge anomaly detection (Ma et
al., 2021).
In this work, we address the challenge of assessing
authenticity risks in project participation using graph-
based anomaly detection technology. Our objective is
to leverage the structure of bipartite graphs to
represent complex relationships and interactions
within projects, facilitating the identification of
anomalies that signify such risks.
Definition 1: Personnel-Project Bipartite Graph.
We define B to represent the participation
relationships between personnel and projects and A
represent the adjacency matrix of B.
Where U denotes the set of personnel nodes and V
represents the set of project nodes, U and V are
disjoint sets of nodes such that each edge e
connects a node from set U to a node from set V, and
denotes the specific amount of person-years input
by individual u
to project v
Definition 2: Project Participation Risk
Identification Task. Building upon the definition of B,
the task of project participation risk identification can
be further specified as identifying anomalous patterns
or structures within the graph. These anomalies may
indicate authenticity risks associated with individual
participation in projects.
The spectrum of authenticity risks in project
participation is diverse, encompassing scenarios such
as an individual's engagement in an inordinately large
number of projects simultaneously, typified by
exceeding the threshold of ten projects. A substantial
variance in the content and disciplinary trajectories of
the projects that an individual contributes to may also
signal potential risks. Equally problematic are
situations where individuals are recorded as active
participants despite having departed from the team. In
addition, atypical patterns in the interrelations among
project collaboration team members could be
symptomatic of deeper issues. These factors
collectively contribute to the complexity of assessing
authenticity risks. Therefore, we have defined these
risk rules using Equations 2.1 to 2.4.
Personnel Participation Function.
(𝑢) = |𝐸(𝑢)|
Where E(u) is the set of edges associated with
individual u
U, indicating the number of projects a
person participates in.
Project Diversity Metric.
𝐷(𝑢) =  𝑑(𝑝
∈ (),
Where d(p
, p
) is the dissimilarity function
between projects p
and p
, which can be defined
based on project content or disciplinary direction.
Departure Indicator Function.
1, 𝑖𝑓𝑢ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑑
0 , 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒
Where u is a personnel node.
Cooperation Anomaly Metric.
Where u is a personnel node.
Following, we will introduce our proposed risk
identification framework, which extracts subgraphs
from knowledge graphs and transforms them into
bipartite graphs, synthesizing structural complexity
and multidimensional feature representations to
assess the authenticity risk in project participation.
In this section, we present the proposed framework of
PARI-GNN in detail, which is designed to identify
authenticity risks in project participation. Our
approach is grounded in the construction and analysis
of a bipartite graph, derived from the intricate
relationships between individuals and projects. This
bipartite graph serves as the foundation for applying
our advanced deep learning framework, which
seamlessly integrates multi-feature semantic fusion
and graph-based analysis to uncover and quantify
potential risks. The architecture of the deep model is
illustrated in Figure 1.
4.1 Generating Bipartite Graphs
A knowledge graph can illustrate a panoramic view
of complex relationships among entities such as
researchers, institutions, funding sources, and
research fields. It holds high value for analysing and
potential project risks. The construction
A Multi-Feature Semantic Fusion and Bipartite Graph-Based Risk Identification Approach for Project Participation
Figure 1: The overall framework of our proposed PARI-GNN which is designed to identify authenticity risks in project
participation. It encompasses the process of constructing a knowledge graph from real-world project data, extracting
heterogeneous subgraphs, and transforming them into bipartite graphs. Subsequently, employing multi-feature semantic
fusion techniques facilitates semantic enhancement of attributes. Further, based on the bipartite graph, an encoder-decoder
framework is constructed, utilizing reconstruction error and scoring functions to output a list of project participation risk
of the project knowledge graph in this paper aims to
integrate scattered and disparate project data. We first
identify project-related entities from unstructured
project abstracts and task documents, integrate
entities and relationships from structured and
unstructured project datasets to construct triples, and
obtain an ontology model pre-built for the project
dataset. Entity linking based on triple knowledge is
then performed to complete the construction of the
project knowledge graph.
Subsequently, we extract heterogeneous
subgraphs from the constructed knowledge graph.
These subgraphs preserve the complex relationships
and attributes from the original knowledge graph and
focused on the task of identifying authenticity risks in
project participation. The extraction process utilizes
algorithms to traverse the knowledge graph,
collecting nodes and edges that meet our criteria.
The next step is to transform the heterogeneous
subgraphs into bipartite graphs. The edges in this
bipartite graph only connect nodes from these two
different sets, representing personnel participation in
projects. To accomplish this transformation, we
employ a mapping strategy, where the associations of
other entities in the subgraph with individuals or
projects are respectively transformed into attributes
of individual or project entities and allocated to
attribute sets.
Our method simplifies project participation into a
bipartite graph, enabling deep learning and graph-
based anomaly detection to effectively identify
authenticity risks by analysing interactions and
detecting risky patterns. This approach utilizes
knowledge graphs to extract heterogeneous
subgraphs, offering a clear framework for detailed
risk analysis in project participation networks.
4.2 Multi-Feature Semantic Fusion
The multi-feature semantic fusion method employed
in this study aims to enhance the semantic
understanding of node and edge attributes in the
model. Through this method, the model integrates
text, discrete, and continuous type attribute data into
a unified semantic space, thereby enhancing the
model's understanding and predictive performance.
We utilize BERT to embed text data and extract
textual embeddings. Then, we employ BiGRU
networks to capture bidirectional information in the
text data, enhancing semantic understanding and
generating deep semantic features, denoted as F
Discrete attributes are encoded using one-hot
encoding and transformed into low-dimensional
dense vectors, producing categorical features
represented as F
. Continuous attributes undergo
standardization to ensure consistency, resulting in
numerical features denoted as F
The obtained feature vectors are concatenated and
then fed into three fully connected layers for feature
fusion and dimensionality reduction, resulting in the
fused feature vector F
The formula for this feature fusion process is as
For the bipartite graph consisting of personnel and
project nodes along with their edges, after undergoing
multi-feature semantic fusion operations, feature
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
vectors X
, X
, and X
are respectively generated for
nodes and edges.
4.3 Network Encoder
In the model architecture proposed for evaluating the
authenticity risk of project participation, the network
encoder plays a crucial role. This component is
designed to handle the intricate interactions between
personnel and project represented by a bipartite graph,
capturing the structural and relational information
embedded in the graph through convolutional
operations on the graph structure.
The encoder takes the node and edge attribute
graphs of personnel participating in projects as input,
generating latent representations of nodes and edges.
The latent representations of nodes in the network
require encoding of features from all neighboring
(including themselves) nodes, node structures, and
edge features connecting to K-hop nodes. The
encoder consists of m layers of convolutional layers,
and the encoding process is as follows:
Initial embedding: The input of the first
layer is initialized with the original input
features of nodes and edges.
Neighborhood aggregation: For each node,
the encoder aggregates features from its
direct neighbors, with subsequent layers
taking the output of the previous layer as
input. This step is crucial for capturing the
dynamic relationships between individuals
and projects.
Feature transformation: The aggregated
features are transformed through neural
network layers to enable the model to learn
complex patterns and relationships in the
Latent representation output: The output of
the encoder is the latent representation of
each node and edge, encapsulating its
attributes and its relationship context
within the project participation network.
Where m denotes the number of convolutional
4.4 Structure Reconstruction Decoder
The input to the structural reconstruction decoder
comprises Z
and Z
, which are the latent
representations of personnel nodes and project nodes,
generated by the network encoder from the bipartite
graph of personnel participating in projects.
Subsequently, separate multilayer perceptrons MLP
and MLP
are designed for Z
and Z
, respectively.
They are employed to process the latent features,
capture the nonlinear relationships between features,
and transform them into a space suitable for
reconstructing the adjacency matrix.
The outputs of MLP
and MLP
are combined in
pairs to form a matrix, representing the logical
potential edges between the two sets of nodes. The
element values of the matrix are compressed into the
range of (0, 1) by the sigmoid function, generating the
reconstructed adjacency matrix.
) 𝑢𝜖𝑈,𝑣𝜖𝑉
4.5 Feature Reconstruction Decoder
The Feature Reconstruction Decoder receives the
latent representations of nodes and edges as input,
denoted as Z
, Z
, and Z
, which are generated by the
network encoder. The objective of the Feature
Reconstruction Decoder is to reconstruct the features
of nodes and edges from these latent representations.
The latent feature matrices undergo convolutional
operations to capture the local connectivity patterns
among the features.
The output of the convolution is a set of feature
maps, which are subsequently passed through the
nonlinear activation function ReLU. This transforms
the feature maps into activated features, namely Ĥ
, which encapsulate both the original latent
features and the local structures learned through the
convolutional filters.
Finally, these activated features are mapped back
to the reconstructed feature space, thereby completing
the feature decoding process.
∈ 𝐸
A Multi-Feature Semantic Fusion and Bipartite Graph-Based Risk Identification Approach for Project Participation
4.6 Reconstruction Loss and Risk
In our proposed framework designed to predict
authenticity risks in project participation, we have
integrated a reconstruction loss function with a
scoring function. The reconstruction loss function
measures the accuracy of the graph's overall
reconstruction, with a focus on the edges that
represent project participation. The scoring function
derives anomaly scores from the magnitude of
reconstruction loss for each edge, identifying
anomalous participation patterns that may harbor
authenticity risks.
+𝛼 𝐵𝐶𝐸
where α is a controlling parameter.
The construction of the reconstruction loss
function 𝐿
aims to evaluate the quality of the
reconstructed graph by assessing the fidelity of the
reconstructed features 𝑋
and adjacency matrix 𝐴
against their original counterparts 𝑋
and 𝐴. This
function employs a weighted combination of mean
squared error and binary cross-entropy loss. The
mean squared error assesses the average squared
difference between the estimated and actual values
for continuous data, while the binary cross-entropy
loss quantifies the distance between probability
distributions for binary classification tasks.
+𝛼 𝐵𝐶𝐸𝑒
The anomaly scoring function 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑒
assigns a numerical value to each edge within the
graph, reflecting the level of anomaly based on the
reconstruction loss. It uses the same loss components
to quantify the degree of deviation of each edge's
reconstructed features 𝑥
and presence 𝑒
their expected patterns. High scores indicate
significant anomalies and potential authenticity risks
within the context of project participation.
To evaluate our approach, we applied PARI-GNN to
perform authenticity risk identification of personnel
participation in projects using data from a large-scale
project management system sourced from the real
5.1 Datasets
In our study, we initially utilized knowledge graph
technology to construct a comprehensive knowledge
graph with 57,162 nodes and 1,220,522 edges,
featuring entities like organizations, personnel,
projects, disciplines, and sources of tasks. This graph
was refined into a bipartite graph focusing on
personnel and projects, where other entities were
redefined as node attributes. To address the lack of
real-world risk data, we enriched the dataset by
injecting anomalies into the bipartite graph using
techniques from the literature, notably referencing
GraphBEAN (Fathony et al., 2023) for injecting a
mix of structural and feature anomalies. Following
the methodology for anomaly injection from Paper (J.
Tang, et al., 2022), we assigned degrees of anomaly
and labeled all affected edges and nodes as
anomalous. The resulting dataset for our experiments
contains 1,003 personnel nodes, 2,304 project nodes,
and 14,819 edges, with details on feature
dimensionality, number, and fraction of anomalous
nodes outlined in Table 1.
Table 1: Details of the dataset with injected anomalies.
es numbe
feat anomalies fraction
ersonnel 1003 14 47 4.69%
roject 2304 843 89 3.86%
edge 14819 4 1076 7.26%
5.2 Experimental Settings
In this section, we present detailed experimental
settings, including baseline methods for comparison,
evaluation metrics and parameter setup.
Comparison Methods. We compare the proposed
PARI-GNN with the following popular anomaly
detection methods: AnomalyDAE (Fan et al., 2020),
DOMINANT (Ding et al., 2019), Adone
(Bandyopadhyay et al., 2020).
Evaluation Metrics. In the experiments, two
evaluation metrics are employed to measure the
performance of different models:
ROC-AUC (Davis & Goadrich, 2006). Receiver
Operating Characteristic (ROC) is a widely used
evaluation metric in anomaly detection methods
(Peng et al., 2018). The closer the value is to 1, the
higher the quality of the method.
PR-AUC (Davis & Goadrich, 2006). We also
utilize the area under the Precision-Recall (PR) curve
as an evaluation metric. Compared to the ROC curve,
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
it provides richer information about algorithm
performance in the case of imbalanced datasets.
Parameter Setup. In the implementation of our
PARI-GNN model, we meticulously configured the
architecture and training parameters to optimize
performance for the task of personnel involvement
authenticity verification. Some key experimental
parameter settings are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Parameter setup of PARI-GNN.
Parameter Value
Epochs 100
Learning Rate 0.001
Hidden Channels 32
Edge Prediction Latent 32
5.3 Experimental Results
In this study, we present a comprehensive evaluation
of PARI-GNN against three baseline models, namely
AnomalyDAE, DOMINANT, and Adone, using
ROC-AUC and PR-AUC as performance metrics. We
present the experimental results in Table 3.
Table 3: Performance of different methods w.r.t. PR AUC
and ROC AUC.
Adone 0.4847 0.8506
DOMINANT 0.7746 0.9249
AnomalyDAE 0.8648 0.9511
PARI-GNN 0.9400 0.9777
The analysis of ROC curve outcomes reveals that
our model, PARI-GNN, surpasses baseline models
with an AUC of 0.9777, highlighting its exceptional
proficiency in differentiating between positive and
negative classes at various thresholds. This
performance indicates a remarkable equilibrium
between True Positive Rate (TPR) and False Positive
Rate (FPR), underscoring PARI-GNN's effectiveness
in minimizing false positives while maximizing true
positives, as illustrated in Figure 2. Furthermore,
PARI-GNN's performance on the PR curve, with an
AUC of 0.9400 as depicted in Figure 3, confirms its
capability to maintain high precision across diverse
recall levels, which is crucial in contexts where
avoiding false positives is paramount.
Figure 2: The ROC curve of the proposed model compared
to the baseline models.
Figure 3: The PR curve of the proposed model compared to
the baseline models.
In our comparative analysis, the AnomalyDAE
model ranked second with a PR AUC of 0.8648 and
a ROC AUC of 0.9511, showing strong
discriminative capability but falling short of PARI-
GNN, particularly due to a higher false positive rate
affecting precision at elevated recall levels.
The DOMINANT model, achieving a PR AUC of
0.7746 and a ROC AUC of 0.9249, demonstrated
moderate efficacy. Its performance is hampered by a
drop in precision at higher recall levels, suggesting
challenges in maintaining prediction confidence
amidst class overlap or noise.
The Adone model records the lowest AUC scores
of 0.4847 for PR and 0.8506 for ROC, reflecting
substantial room for improvement. The marked drop
in precision after a modest recall level in the PR curve
indicates a tendency to misclassify negative samples
as positive, which can be detrimental in precision-
critical tasks.
A Multi-Feature Semantic Fusion and Bipartite Graph-Based Risk Identification Approach for Project Participation
This study has presented PARI-GNN, an innovative
model designed to tackle the challenges of identifying
authenticity risks in project participation. Through a
comprehensive evaluation against baseline models
AnomalyDAE, DOMINANT, and Adone, PARI-
GNN demonstrated superior performance, particu-
larly in distinguishing between positive and negative
classes with high accuracy and precision. The model's
success, as evidenced by its outstanding AUC scores
on both ROC and PR curves, confirms the
effectiveness of employing a graph-based anomaly
detection approach integrated with multi-feature
semantic fusion techniques. PARI-GNN not only
advances the state of the art in anomaly detection
within project management contexts but also provides
a scalable and interpretable framework for decision-
makers to assess and mitigate risks of inauthentic
participation. Future work will focus on further
refining the model's capabilities, exploring additional
data sources, and extending its applicability to other
domains requiring robust authenticity verification.
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems