This study has presented PARI-GNN, an innovative
model designed to tackle the challenges of identifying
authenticity risks in project participation. Through a
comprehensive evaluation against baseline models
AnomalyDAE, DOMINANT, and Adone, PARI-
GNN demonstrated superior performance, particu-
larly in distinguishing between positive and negative
classes with high accuracy and precision. The model's
success, as evidenced by its outstanding AUC scores
on both ROC and PR curves, confirms the
effectiveness of employing a graph-based anomaly
detection approach integrated with multi-feature
semantic fusion techniques. PARI-GNN not only
advances the state of the art in anomaly detection
within project management contexts but also provides
a scalable and interpretable framework for decision-
makers to assess and mitigate risks of inauthentic
participation. Future work will focus on further
refining the model's capabilities, exploring additional
data sources, and extending its applicability to other
domains requiring robust authenticity verification.
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