Table 5: Satisfaction results for the scenario example.
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et al., 2023) have exponential complexity since they
build a set of combinations based on a given set of
features (e.g. SAT solvers, MCS computing); such
problems are known to be NP-complete.
In this paper, we presented a new approach to re-
solve conflicts in the context of collaborative config-
uration of product lines. Its process allows stake-
holders to freely configure the product line model
and takes into account their preferences to resolve
conflicts expressed through an importance degree as-
signed to each explicit configuration choice. To reach
its aim, IRatePL2C proceeds in steps; in each step,
conflicts are detected, resolved and the intermediate
configuration is updated accordingly before starting
the following step. This allows to reduce the num-
ber of conflicts and reach easier to a valid solution.
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dissatisfied stakeholder (i.e. all his/her configuration
choices are not included in the final configuration), as
the solution depends on the choices of all stakehold-
ers regarding the features to include exclude and the
importance degrees they assign. Further empirical in-
vestigation is needed to reveal some “tips” to avoid
such situations. This is the subject of our future work.
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IRatePL2C: Importance Rating-Based Approach for Product Lines Collaborative Configuration