of protecting and enhancing resilience of critical as-
sets. They contains the understanding of the complex
infrastructure dependencies sedimented by the experi-
ence of infrastructure operators, stakeholders and the
scientific community than, since at least two decades,
have addressed the problem of technogical system’s
There has been a great deal of effort to identify depen-
dency mechanisms among infrastructure, leading to
perturbation flows from one infrastructure to the oth-
ers, which trigger the onset of the so called ”cascading
failures”. Dependency links represent the functional
interaction among infrastructure whose services (or
products) supply other infrastructure providing them
some necessary input (energy, water, personnel, data
etc.) for the infrastructure functioning. The loss
of those inputs reduces (or completely inhibits) their
functioning. However there is a graduality in the in-
frastructure dependencies. Some inputs are more rel-
evant than others. In some cases, for instance, prod-
ucts to be received could be appropriately stored and
used when missing (like e.g. energy buffer or wa-
ter reservoirs). Other inputs, when missing, start pro-
ducing an impact only after a certain time; others can
be rapidly supplied if appropriate redundancy strate-
gies have been prepared. Some of these dependen-
cies can also be bi-directional: the fading of one in-
frastructure’s functioning can provide a negative feed-
back to some feeding infrastructure, which will then
further reduce its capability of producing the needed
input to the former, thus producing a self-consistent,
multi-infrastructure negative feedback and an increas-
ing large functional crisis (inter-dependency effects).
This is to say that dependency dynamics is quite com-
plex and establishes along different time and geo-
graphical scales.
Related work in this field touches both engineer-
ing perspectives for smart city development, network
dynamics as well as information modeling. From the
engineering perspective, multiple publications delve
on the subject of dependencies inside cities. Au-
thors in ((R., 2019) elaborate on dependencies of crit-
ical infrastructures by highlighting the ”double di-
mension” of efficiency and susceptibility of elements
against disruptions due to their dependencies. A re-
cent work introduces measures to identify critical net-
work components influencing the resilience of inter-
dependent infrastructure networks and their recovery
(Almoghathawi, 2019).
From a network dynamics perspective, authors
utilize models to analyze the interrelations between
infrastructures. From the early work of (Kotzaniko-
laou, 2013) on n-order cascading effects analysis that
laid the foundations on modeling cascading effect
Risk, to (Stergiopoulos, 2015) that extended previ-
ous work to incorporate time dimensions and cen-
trality metrics, to today’s publications, this work em-
phasizes the need for modeling of information to un-
derstand cascading effects. Other authors (such as
(Abdelgawad, 2019)) used MATLAB code to iden-
tify and quantify the amplification of cascading ef-
fects due to interdependencies among CIs, aiming to
pinpointing weak points for better preparedness and
mitigation. In (Mbanaso, 2021), authors analyze the
Nth-order dependency effects between critical infras-
tructures using Neural Networks and create a model to
analyze the criticality and dependency of CI elements,
emphasizing on cascading effects. Similarly, authors
in (Zhou and Bashan, 2020) explore targeted attack
strategies based on dependencies within interdepen-
dent networks, finding that dependency-last attacks
are more effective than dependency-first or random
attacks in triggering cascading failures, while (Aida
and Katsikas, 2021) analyze dependencies in large-
scale critical infrastructures, offering quantitative as-
sessment parameters for multi-order dependencies be-
tween cyber-physical systems.
Major breakthroughs in this domain have been
provided by a number of works (like e.g. (Franchina
et al., 2011) and (Laug
e et al., 2015)) which, by us-
ing different approaches, have attempted to produce
a qualitative, and in some cases quantitative, estimate
of sectorial dependencies, their relevance and the tim-
ing during which dependency effects take place.
The net result of these works has been the iden-
tification of a fault tree indicating, starting from the
failure of an infrastructure belonging to a specific Sec-
tor, which other infrastructure of other Sectors would
be compromised (after which amount of time) and
for each new perturbed infrastructure, the number of
other infrastructure attained. Such ”dependency” ex-
ercise has been realized up to a small number of steps
in the hierarchical dependency tree and/or up to a cer-
tain time after the occurrence of the main fault event
in the cascade-initiating Sector.
After the identification of the dependency tree for
each infrastructure Sector, it is possible to build up the
inter-sectorial network in a specific area, by appro-
priately linking elements of different Sectors among
them, by using the hierarchical dependency tree as a
guide to connect different nodes. Each link connect-
Modeling Networks of Interdependent Infrastructure in Complex Urban Environments Using Open-Data