Modeling Networks of Interdependent Infrastructure in Complex Urban
Environments Using Open-Data
Antonio Di Pietro
1 a
, Francesco Cavedon
, Vittorio Rosato
3 b
and George Stergiopoulos
4 c
Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources, ENEA, Via Anguillarese 301, Rome, Italy
University of Verona, Department of Computer Science, Strada le Grazie 15 - 37134 Verona, Italy
Department of Engineering, University Campus Bio-Medico of Roma, Via Alvaro del Portillo, 21 - 00128 Roma, Italy
Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, University of Aegean, Greece
Cascading Failure, Open-Data, Graph Critical Infrastructure, Risk Analysis.
Dependency effects between Critical Infrastructure (CI) elements represent key information needed to predict
and analyze the impact of natural (or man-made) disturbances. The dependency links among CI elements and
their associated weight are data whose availability is often complex to determine and are usually not available.
Leveraging on several data supporting US and EU Directives for the Resilience and the Protection of CIs, the
objective of the present work is to define a dependency network of elements of critical sectors extracted from
available open-data. The resulting network is then studied in terms of its basic topological properties. The
analysis of the network provides interesting clues about the properties and locations of critical points that can
cause cascading failures. In addition, this information can form the basis for planning actions that mitigate the
risk of cascading effects.
Resilience is a key, systemic, property which is of pri-
mary relevance in Smart Cities which are complex
environments characterized by the superposition of
infrastructure, structural assets, citizens, and host all
primary services which citizen must have constantly
available. All these components, however, are fully
dependent on each other, leading their management
and protection a complex task. Whereas repositories
of system dependencies already exist, mapping urban
dependencies is a challenge hindered by several fac-
tors including lack of integration of knowledge held
by different critical infrastructure (CI) operators and
privacy restrictions. Furthermore, data are constantly
changing and are difficult to collect because they are
kept by different stakeholders.
One way to analyze CI dependencies is to con-
sider Dependency Risk Graphs (DRGs) (Stergiopou-
los et al., 2015) whose nodes represent CI compo-
nents and directed edges represent the potential risk
that the destination node may suffer due to its de-
pendency on the source node in the event of a source
node failure. Throughout this work, we will use the
acronym POI (Point of Interest) to identify a whatso-
ever element or installation of a specific technological
system belonging to a given network which is ”ex-
pression” of a specific Sector. Sectors, in turn, are
functional domains which produce goods and/or ser-
vices to citizens. Sectors are Government functions,
Energy production, Water distribution, Finance activ-
ities etc. Resulting DRG can be considered for the
analysis of possible cascading failures due to infras-
tructure dependency chains at an urban scale.
The MARIS (Modeling infrAstructuRe dependen-
cIes at an urban Scale) methodology (Di Pietro et al.,
2023), previously used for the prediction of depen-
dency cascading outages in CI, can also be imple-
mented by producing DRGs by using open-data (in
terms of POI) collected at an urban scale. This paper
extends the methodology by considering a broader set
of POI types and dependencies. It further propose a
strategy to unveal unknown dependencies in order to
produce DRGs that can be analyzed to identify possi-
ble mitigation actions to cascading failures. This can
be achieved by using the results under the form of at-
tachments of new Directives which are proposed, at
national or multi-national level, to deal with the task
Di Pietro, A., Cavedon, F., Rosato, V. and Stergiopoulos, G.
Modeling Networks of Interdependent Infrastructure in Complex Urban Environments Using Open-Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0012743800003708
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2024), pages 62-73
ISBN: 978-989-758-698-9; ISSN: 2184-5034
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
of protecting and enhancing resilience of critical as-
sets. They contains the understanding of the complex
infrastructure dependencies sedimented by the experi-
ence of infrastructure operators, stakeholders and the
scientific community than, since at least two decades,
have addressed the problem of technogical system’s
There has been a great deal of effort to identify depen-
dency mechanisms among infrastructure, leading to
perturbation flows from one infrastructure to the oth-
ers, which trigger the onset of the so called ”cascading
failures”. Dependency links represent the functional
interaction among infrastructure whose services (or
products) supply other infrastructure providing them
some necessary input (energy, water, personnel, data
etc.) for the infrastructure functioning. The loss
of those inputs reduces (or completely inhibits) their
functioning. However there is a graduality in the in-
frastructure dependencies. Some inputs are more rel-
evant than others. In some cases, for instance, prod-
ucts to be received could be appropriately stored and
used when missing (like e.g. energy buffer or wa-
ter reservoirs). Other inputs, when missing, start pro-
ducing an impact only after a certain time; others can
be rapidly supplied if appropriate redundancy strate-
gies have been prepared. Some of these dependen-
cies can also be bi-directional: the fading of one in-
frastructure’s functioning can provide a negative feed-
back to some feeding infrastructure, which will then
further reduce its capability of producing the needed
input to the former, thus producing a self-consistent,
multi-infrastructure negative feedback and an increas-
ing large functional crisis (inter-dependency effects).
This is to say that dependency dynamics is quite com-
plex and establishes along different time and geo-
graphical scales.
Related work in this field touches both engineer-
ing perspectives for smart city development, network
dynamics as well as information modeling. From the
engineering perspective, multiple publications delve
on the subject of dependencies inside cities. Au-
thors in ((R., 2019) elaborate on dependencies of crit-
ical infrastructures by highlighting the ”double di-
mension” of efficiency and susceptibility of elements
against disruptions due to their dependencies. A re-
cent work introduces measures to identify critical net-
work components influencing the resilience of inter-
dependent infrastructure networks and their recovery
(Almoghathawi, 2019).
From a network dynamics perspective, authors
utilize models to analyze the interrelations between
infrastructures. From the early work of (Kotzaniko-
laou, 2013) on n-order cascading effects analysis that
laid the foundations on modeling cascading effect
Risk, to (Stergiopoulos, 2015) that extended previ-
ous work to incorporate time dimensions and cen-
trality metrics, to today’s publications, this work em-
phasizes the need for modeling of information to un-
derstand cascading effects. Other authors (such as
(Abdelgawad, 2019)) used MATLAB code to iden-
tify and quantify the amplification of cascading ef-
fects due to interdependencies among CIs, aiming to
pinpointing weak points for better preparedness and
mitigation. In (Mbanaso, 2021), authors analyze the
Nth-order dependency effects between critical infras-
tructures using Neural Networks and create a model to
analyze the criticality and dependency of CI elements,
emphasizing on cascading effects. Similarly, authors
in (Zhou and Bashan, 2020) explore targeted attack
strategies based on dependencies within interdepen-
dent networks, finding that dependency-last attacks
are more effective than dependency-first or random
attacks in triggering cascading failures, while (Aida
and Katsikas, 2021) analyze dependencies in large-
scale critical infrastructures, offering quantitative as-
sessment parameters for multi-order dependencies be-
tween cyber-physical systems.
Major breakthroughs in this domain have been
provided by a number of works (like e.g. (Franchina
et al., 2011) and (Laug
e et al., 2015)) which, by us-
ing different approaches, have attempted to produce
a qualitative, and in some cases quantitative, estimate
of sectorial dependencies, their relevance and the tim-
ing during which dependency effects take place.
The net result of these works has been the iden-
tification of a fault tree indicating, starting from the
failure of an infrastructure belonging to a specific Sec-
tor, which other infrastructure of other Sectors would
be compromised (after which amount of time) and
for each new perturbed infrastructure, the number of
other infrastructure attained. Such ”dependency” ex-
ercise has been realized up to a small number of steps
in the hierarchical dependency tree and/or up to a cer-
tain time after the occurrence of the main fault event
in the cascade-initiating Sector.
After the identification of the dependency tree for
each infrastructure Sector, it is possible to build up the
inter-sectorial network in a specific area, by appro-
priately linking elements of different Sectors among
them, by using the hierarchical dependency tree as a
guide to connect different nodes. Each link connect-
Modeling Networks of Interdependent Infrastructure in Complex Urban Environments Using Open-Data
ing different nodes is oriented: it goes from the feed-
ing node to the fed one. Links, in principle, should
also be weighted in order to identify, in a ”static” per-
spective, the relevance of a specific dependence for
the fate of the fed node; higher the weight, higher the
impact of the loss of the feeding node for the func-
tionalities of the fed one . Lightness, in a ”dynami-
cal” viewpoint, would correspond to a higher latency
(i.e. a longer time) for the functional impact of the hit
node to the others.
With weighted links, it is possible to ”simulate”
dynamic events in cascading failures, as a network
model of such type would allow to emulate the be-
havior of the propagation failure from one node to
the others. This is essentially the objectives of the
MARIS methodology. An example of such methodol-
ogy on a synthetic scenario has been given in (Rosato
et al., 2021a).
The main objective of the present work is to
propose the application of this methodology which,
starting from Public Open Data and the availability
of appropriate hierarchical dependency trees, is able
to construct realistic infrastructure networks which
could be useful for further analysis on both their
”static” (i.e. topological, functional) and ”dynamical”
(reproduction of fault scenarios) behavior.
The MARIS methodology leverages on three
building blocks: (i) the mapping of POI data into the
CI sectors (to attribute the dependency of POI to the
geographically proximal CI element); (ii) the map-
ping of CI sector dependencies into POI dependen-
cies (to establish the way in which perturbations flow
from one CI to another, thus ultimately affection POI
functionality); and (iii) the creation of DRGs of POI
A significant contribution of MARIS methodol-
ogy resides on the model’s ability to easily incor-
porate Open Data sources, enhancing scalability and
adaptability to different urban contexts.
2.1 POI Facilities Classification
In order to classify data, the first problem is to allot
the different elements (POI) to a specific functional
class (Sectors). POIs will thus become nodes of a
network, where links will represent the unknown de-
pendency of the services exchanged by two different
POI classification can be dealt with using ”legal”
definition of Sectors, by using appropriate national
definition of elements belonging to different societal,
industrial and economic activities. Links will be then
deduced by ”dependency maps” which have been pro-
duced for the production of Directive to manage the
complex domain of Critical Infrastructure.
2.1.1 The CER and CISR Directives
A clue for identifying the Sectors in which specific
POI can be classified is provided by laws (or Direc-
tive) issued ad national or federal scale.
The Critical Entities Resilience (CER) Directive
(Council of European Union, 2022) 2557/2022 has
identified a resilience strategy for the EU Member
States (MS) with the aim of realizing a common and
homogeneous security space of all CI with respect to
natural and anthropic hazards. Such a strategy con-
sists of a number of prescriptions to MS which will
be called to set in place specific measures to ensure
the resilience of essential services in case of critical
situation (essential services, economic and industrial
activities). CER Directive follows a similar initiative
established in US, the Critical Infrastructure Security
and Resilience (CISR) Directive (Presidential Policy
Directive, 2013) which manages all Federal Depart-
ments and Agencies to identify, prioritize and provide
a plan to protect their physical and cyber critical in-
frastructure. Both Directives provide a list of essential
services (and their related ”entities”, such as both in-
frastructure and their managing organizations): they
consist in 11 (for EU) and 16 (for US) sectors, as
shown in Table 1.
The CISR Directive inspired the further delivery
of 16 Sector-Specific Plan (SSP) documents (within
the framework of the National Infrastructure Protec-
tion Plan (NIPP)) that provide a detailed description
of all CI sectors identified in the CISR directive as
well as of their dependencies (NIPP, 2013). Consid-
ering the high level of detail of all CI sectors and sub-
sectors and the dependency analysis of all CI sectors,
SSP documents were used as input to associate: (i)
CISR sectors to POI types and (ii) CISR sector de-
pendencies into POI dependencies.
2.1.2 POI Type Acquisition
The POI data used in this study were acquired from
OpenStreetMap (OSM) which is one of the most
widely used map services in the world, providing free
geospatial information of real world features, with
more than 10 million users. Based on the initial 29
primary types or features of POI provided by OSM,
the data used in the analysis were simplified to 20 dif-
ferent features to address a subset of the CISR sec-
tors and subsectors (Figure 1). Each POI data con-
tains attribute information including geographical en-
tity name, address, affiliation type, longitude, and lat-
itude, administrative region and were stored locally
into a geospatial database.
COMPLEXIS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Table 1: Classification of the type of Points of Interests ac-
quired for each CISR sector.
Sector (CISR) Sector (CER) POI types
Energy x 1
Transport x 4
Finance x 3
Healthcare x 9
Water x 7
Information Technology x -
Communications x 2
Government x 15
Defense Industrial x -
Food and Agriculture x 27
Nuclear - -
Commercial facilities - 42
Critical Manufacturing - -
Dams - -
Emergency services - 6
Chemical - -
Table 3 lists a detailed description of each POI
considered in the analysis.
post oce,
public building,
townhall, prison,
diplomatic, courthouse,
community centre,
nursing home,
social facility, university
school, kindergarten
hospital, clinic, doctors,
veterinary, laboratory,
police, fire station,
phone, siren,
ambulance station,
Emergency services
communications tower,
connection point,
Drinking water (water
tap, fountain,
fire hydrant,
water tower, water well,
water works),
Waste water
Retail (florist, mall,
department store,
general, clothes,
fashion accessories,
shoes, bicycle rental),
Sports (sports centre,
pitch, swimming pool,
Accommodation (
hotel, motel,
guest house, hostel
apartment, chalet,
caravan site),
nightclub, park,
Public assembly
(playground, arts
centre, cinema,
refugee site, museum,
library, shelter,
stadium, theatre),
Outdoor events
(water park, running
Real Estate (property
apartments, detached
house, residential,
place of worship,
semidetached house)
Gaming (casino,
Commercial facilities
(restaurant, fast food,
cafe, pub, bar,
food court,
supermarket, bakery,
kiosk, greengrocer,
Storage (barn, silo),
Packaging and
Production (
cowshed, distillery,
brewery, winery,
Supply (windmill,
greenhouse, farm,
oil mill, allotments,
farmyard, farmland)
Food and Agriculture
stop position, port,
motorway, airport,
payment terminal,
bank, atm
Financial services
Figure 1: List of POI grouped by CISR sector.
2.2 POI Dependency Setup
Based on the sector dependencies defined in the SSP
documents (where the type of dependency is ex-
pressed as physical, logical or cyber (Marashi et al.,
2021), a mapping of the CISR sector dependencies in
terms of POIs was implemented. The resulting POI
dependency mapping is shown in Figure 2 in terms of
consumer POIs i.e. elements that are dependent on
other elements to work and producer POIs i.e. ele-
ments that provide resources or services to other ele-
2.2.1 Assumptions
In order to focus the analysis on cascading failures
i.e., disruptions occurring in one CI which causes
the failure of a component in one or more CIs (CI-
Pedia(c), (n.d.)., 2024), intra-dependencies, i.e. the
relations among subsystems of the same sector, were
not considered. For example, considering the Trans-
port sector, the dependencies existing among the POI
facilities airport and motorway were not considered
although an airport may require a motorway to be
connected with the nearby territory and to be fed by
the needed resources (personnel, supply of different
goods etc.).
Regarding the number of dependencies selected
for the POIs of each sector, where possible, the same
dependencies for multiple POIs were grouped to-
gether. In addition, considering that the ultimate goal
of this approach is to create an urban level of de-
pendencies, only direct (i.e. first-order) dependencies
were considered.
In the following, we analyse the dependency con-
nections which are established among different ele-
ments of different sectors which represent the territo-
rial dependency map of CIs. In particular, considering
that most POIs depend on the supply of energy, water,
communications, transportation, emergency, health-
care and financial services (Figure 2), only dependen-
cies not included in those mentioned above will be
The proposed method makes use of a multi-step
approach for data verification and transposition.
1. Initially, a data quality assessment evaluates the
accuracy, timeliness, and relevance of data col-
lected from various open sources using a 70-30
sampling approach per type of POI, including ge-
ographical information systems (GIS) and real-
time infrastructure performance metrics.
2. We then apply data cleaning and preprocessing
techniques to mitigate the impact of incomplete
or erroneous data entries.
Since the use of data is not driven by any classifier
but rather as input for modeling a wider urban area
and the reliability analysis of dependencies that arise
in the infrastructure, the notion of a biased dataset is
not as relevant. We bridged data gaps by determining
the type of data missing and reconstructing the en-
tries from other, identical POIs that include any miss-
ing data. This way the methodology ensures a high
level of consistency and robustness in modeling the
surrounding areas and allowing for optimal analysis
of cascading effects.
Modeling Networks of Interdependent Infrastructure in Complex Urban Environments Using Open-Data
2.2.2 Energy POIs
A Substation represents the main facility of a High
or Medium Voltage electrical network that provides
electricity to an urban environment. It depends on
communication tower and connection point since
these components provide telecommunications ser-
vices required by SCADA and telecontrol operations.
2.2.3 Transportation POIs
A Stop position represents a public transport stop. It
receives energy from a substation to support critical
facility functions, such as lighting and it also relies on
a communication tower, to enable Internet connec-
tion to customers.
A Motorway is a main road that requires energy
from a substation to ensure lighting. Both Motor-
way, Port and airport facilities also rely on ambu-
lance station, police, phone, fire station, hospital
and communication tower to ensure emergency re-
2.2.4 Financial Service POIs
A Payment terminal and atm are associated to
bank facilities that require the supply of energy,
telecommunication, medical assistance, transporta-
tion, wastewater and emergency services to enable or-
dinary and emergency operations.
2.2.5 Healthcare POIs
Hospital and clinic facilites require the supply of en-
ergy, telecommunication, water and wastewater to op-
erate. In addition, the dependency on the Transporta-
tion sector ensures the efficient shipment of supplies,
without which the sector cannot provide healthcare
services. The availability of telecommunication is vi-
tal to enable routine operations, maintain situational
awareness and coordinate healthcare activities during
steady state and emergency response. Besides, the de-
pendency on Emergency Services provide life safety
and security.
2.2.6 Water POIs
A fire hydrant represents an active fire protection
measure and a source of water provided whereas a
water well is a structural facility to access ground
water, created by digging or drilling. Both depend on
electricity for the functioning of pumps, wells and for
treatment operations and on Medical and firefighting
responders in emergency scenarios.
A water works represents a facility where wa-
ter is treated to make it suitable for human consump-
tion and whereas a wastewater indicates a clarifier or
settling basin of a wastewater treatment plant. Both
depend on electicity and Emergency services to res-
cue people and coordinate with public health agen-
cies during emergency and other water quality-related
2.2.7 Communications POIs
A communications tower is a structure in which a
Base Transceiver Station (BTS) and other devices are
mounted that enable mobile and Internet connectiv-
ity. Communication devices rely on energy to power
its backup generators and the Transportation Sector to
deliver those fuels. Water sources are also necessary
for cooling and other processes.
2.2.8 Government POIs
Government POIs include offices and building com-
plexes (post offices, public buildings), correctional
facilities (prison), embassies, courthouses, education
facilities (university, school, kindergarten, college).
2.2.9 Food and Agriculture POIs
Food and Agriculture POIs complex production, pro-
cessing, and delivery systems and has the capacity to
feed people and animals. Such facilities are almost
entirely under private ownership and operate in highly
competitive global markets.
2.2.10 Commercial Facility POIs
Commercial facilities include an extremely diverse
range of sites and assets where large numbers of peo-
ple congregate daily to conduct business, purchase re-
tail products, and enjoy recreational events and ac-
2.2.11 Emergency Services POIs
Emergency Services facilities include human (fire,
police and ambulance stations) and equipment for
daily operations (phones, sirens).
2.3 Creating Dependency Risk Graphs
As above stated, whereas for CI it is possible to get
an accurate dependency map (pointing functional de-
pendency and dependency links), other POI data are
not accurately specified in terms of their functional
dependencies and dependency links. For instance, it
might be undefined the dependency of a POI (i.e. an
COMPLEXIS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
public building,
townhall, prison, social
facility, community
(POI consumer)
substation, water tower, wastewater, police,
fire station, connection point, stop position,
clinic, atm, general, motorway
Other sectors
(POI producer)
post oce,
substation, water tower, wastewater, police,
connection point, stop position, hospital,
atm, bank, general,
grave yard,
substation, water tower, wastewater, stop
position, florist
school, kindergarten,
college, university,
substation, water tower, wastewater, fire
station, connection point, stop position,
hospital, atm, library
nursing home,
substation, water tower, wastewater,
ambulance station, fire station,
connection point, stop position, clinic, atm,
telephone, connection point, substation
diplomatic, courthouse,
substation, water tower, wastewater, police,
connection point, stop position, bank,
general, airport
doctors, dentist,
veterinary, laboratory,
(POI consumer)
substation, stop position, water tower,
wastewater, fire station, connection point,
motor way,
Other sectors
(POI producer)
hospital, clinic
substation, stop position, motorway, water
tower, wastewater, ambulance station, fire
station, police, communication tower,
connection point,
police, fire station,
ambulance station,
Emergency services
(POI consumer)
substation, stop position, motorway,
connection point, water tower, wastewater,
Other sectors
(POI producer)
siren substation, communication tower,
communication tower,
(POI consumer)
substation, stop position, motorway, water
Other sectors
(POI producer)
connection point, substation, stop position, water tower,
water tap, fountain
(POI consumer)
substation, ambulance station,
Other sectors
(POI producer)
fire hydrant, water well,
substation, ambulance station, fire station,
connection point, bank, laboratory,
retail*, accommodation*,
sports*, public
assembly*, gaming*,
Commercial facilities
(POI consumer)
substation, water tower, wastewater, fire
station, police, connection point, stop
position, motorway, hospital, bank, atm
Other sectors
(POI producer)
playground, park,
substation, water tower, wastewater, fire
station, police, stop position, motorway,
processing &
packaging &
Food and Agriculture
(POI consumer)
substation, water tower, wastewater, fire
station, police, connection point, stop
position, motorway, hospital, bank, atm
Other sectors
(POI producer)
barn, silo,
substation, water tower,
substation, water tower, wastewater,
motorway, airport
(POI consumer)
connection point, communication tower,
Other sectors
(POI producer)
port, airport,
(POI consumer)
substation, water tower, wastewater, police,
fire station, connection point, hospital,
bank, atm,
Other sectors
(POI producer)
stop position,
substation, communication tower,
substation, wastewater, fire station,
connection point, police, hospital,
communication tower, ambulance station,
payment terminal,
bank, atm,
Financial services
(POI consumer)
substation, wastewater, connection point,
police, hospital, communication tower,
Other sectors
(POI producer)
Figure 2: POI dependencies grouped by CISR Sector.
hospital) with telecommunication and electrical net-
works elements. Thus, we should reconstruct the de-
pendency map by using other criteria (for instance, a
proximity criteria, that is we decide that the functional
elements of other CI which are responsible to provide
specific functionality to the Hospital are the geogra-
phycally clostest ones). This section will deal with
the identification of the different strategies adopted
to identify dependencies whereas not explicitly pro-
vided. The created DRG can be used as a basis for
the use of risk analysis models that allow assessing
the criticality of specific dependency chains that can
exacerbate the occurrence of cascade effects ((Rosato
et al., 2021b)).
As a case study, we created a DRG by using open-
data of a specific area of interest and applying the
methodology described in the previous paragraphs. In
particular, we considered the Marche Region, located
in central Italy, with near 1.5 million inhabitants in
an area of 9.350 km
. The resulting regional scenario
contains N = 27.324 nodes belonging to 10 CISR sec-
tors (as shown in Table 2) where the dependencies
among nodes were established by using a proximity
strategy. The resulting network of total set of N nodes
contains M = 279.663 oriented links. In particular, a
generic nodes will result to have incoming links (com-
ing from producer nodes) and outgoing links (going
to consumer nodes). At this stage of elaboration, the
Modeling Networks of Interdependent Infrastructure in Complex Urban Environments Using Open-Data
Table 2: Major topological properties of POIs for the differ-
ent CISR sectors: d
is the node degree of incoming links
(constant), d
is the maximum degree of outgoing
Sector POI instances d
out MAX
Energy 281 2 1506
Transp. 426 5,4 1.748
Finance 461 6 2.033
Health. 599 6,8 3.640
Water 493 4,2 3.130
Commun. 9 3,1 12.895
Governm. 840 - -
Food&A. 5.497 - -
Commerc. 18.594 0,04 118
Emergen. 201 7 4.642
weight of each link is unitary everywhere. However,
this value could be modulated based on the relevance
of the connection, or even the latency of its depen-
dency. In fact, a specific link may represent a func-
tional dependency that occurs instantaneously, or that
requires a longer latency.
A first analysis can be provided by studying the
basic properties of the network: the degree distribu-
tion of the nodes and the main centrality properties of
the nodes. Table 3 shows that, on average, the number
of incoming links is smaller than the number of out-
going ones. In other words, a node, on average, is the
provider of a large number of nodes in other sectors
that need to be powered by its service. Note that the
nodes in the Government and Food and Agriculture
sectors are only consumer nodes, since they have no
outgoing connections.
Outgoing links count the number of elements of
other sectors which are supplied by a specific node, in
order to have an appropriate functionality. As stated
previously, this counting could be done more appro-
priately by weighting each link with a specific weight
that takes into account the relevance of that specific
link to ensure the functionality of the provisioned
node. Although this may favor a more accurate evalu-
ation of the dependency mechanisms, a simple count-
ing with unit weight of each link (as in our case) al-
ready provides a clear identification of the nodes that
are critical in guaranteeing the functionality of all the
Figure 3 shows the distribution of outgoing links
for the nodes belonging to 4 of the most important
sectors. Energy nodes consist of electric substations
and exhibit a large spread of outgoing degree. Similar
results concern the Emergency, Finance and Transport
sectors where fire stations, atm and public transport
stops respectively are source nodes for many sectors,
especially in urban areas. In particular, the POI in-
stances that exhibit the higher outbound degree are:
a connection point, a hospital, a water tower, a mo-
torway junction, a department store, a fire station, an
ATM and an electric substation.
According to Table 3, there are sector nodes that
are providers of a large number of other nodes; some
of them are terminal nodes while others are, in turn,
providers of other nodes in other sectors. There-
fore, nodes with large outbound link degrees concern
highly relevant nodes that have strategic relevance,
since they are central to a large number of subnet-
works. A number of highly strategic nodes i.e. nodes
with high inbound degree centrality in a DRG, are nat-
ural “sinkhole” points of incoming dependency risk.
Such nodes appear to be suitable nodes to consider
when prioritizing mitigation controls so that multi-
ple cumulative dependency risk chains can be reduced
simultaneously. In Figure 5 we represent the net-
work resulting from the connection, according to the
adopted methodology, of all POIs of all sectors in Re-
gione Marche. Nodes with different colors represent
POI instances of different sectors; their sizes, further-
more, are proportional to their total degree (sum of
incoming and outgoing links).
The US CISR and the EU CER Directives have iden-
tified a large number of ”critical entities” grouped in
different sectors. As a further relevant information,
the CISR Directive has also inspired the further de-
livery of 16 Sector-Specific Plan (SSP) documents
that identify a dependency map enabling to link ele-
ments of the different different sectors on the bases
of their mutual functionalities as producer or con-
sumer nodes. The combination of open-data consist-
ing of the Points of Interest (POI) and the dependency
map proposed by the SSP documents has allowed
us to build a large regional network connecting ele-
ments of different sectors with oriented links, describ-
ing the functional dependencies among the different
nodes. With the described prescriptions, we have
analysed real data with infrastructure elements of Re-
gione Marche taken from publicly available reposito-
ries based on OpenStreetMap.
In a first order analysis, the method allows the
identification of topological properties of the net-
work and the localization of elements which, accord-
ing to their degree (outgoing and incoming degree),
should be considered as strategic. Aside to that, the
MARIS methodology, if implemented with the use of
weighted links among the nodes, opens up the pos-
sibility of performing network partitioning by recog-
nizing subnetworks slightly coupled with the rest of
the networks (i.e. whose all boundary links, if any,
COMPLEXIS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Figure 3: Distribution of the outgoing node’s degrees in several sectors (abscissa, in log scale, represents the node degree; in
the ordinate the number of nodes with the given outgoing degree. Up-left: nodes of the Energy sector. Up-right: node of the
Emergency sector. Bottom-left: nodes of the Financial sector. Bottom-right: nodes of the Transportation sector. Lines are
drawn as a guide for the eye.
Figure 4: A GIS map of the area under analysis (Regione Marche, Italy) with the different sectors nodes highlighted in
different colors, according to the CISR sector to which they belong.
Modeling Networks of Interdependent Infrastructure in Complex Urban Environments Using Open-Data
Figure 5: A representation of the graph of the network under analysis (Marche region) where node’s size is proportional to
the out-degree value.
are weak) and by performing, on those networks, dy-
namical fault simulations ((Rosato et al., 2021a)) in
order to reproduce the cascading failures which issue
upon the fault of one (or more) nodes of the networks.
This approach, if appropriately exploited by us-
ing the largest and most realistic network of local
or regional elements, can be of invaluable support in
approaching the realization of ”educated” emergency
plans aiming at reducing the consequences od cascad-
ing failures.
This research has been partly supported by project
DRIVERS (”Combined data-driven and experience-
driven approach in the analysis of the systemic risk”)
funded by INAIL for a Contract provided to one of us
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Modeling Networks of Interdependent Infrastructure in Complex Urban Environments Using Open-Data
Table 3: POI description. Source: (OpenStreetMap, 2024).
Sector POI type Description
Post office Post office building with postal services.
Public building An office of a (supra)national, regional or local government entity.
Townhall Building where the administration of a village, town or city.
Prison A prison or jail where people are incarcerated.
Diplomatic An embassy, diplomatic mission, consulate or liaison office.
Courthouse A building home to a court of law, where justice is dispensed.
Telephone Public telephone.
Community centre A place mostly used for local events, festivities and group activities.
Nursing home A structure for disabled or elderly persons who need permanent care.
Social facility A facility that provides social services e.g. homeless shelters, etc.
Grave yard A (smaller) place of burial, often you’ll find a church nearby.
University An university campus: an institute of higher education.
School An university campus: an institute of higher education.
Nursery school School and grounds - primary, middle and seconday schools.
College Campus or buildings of an institute of Further Education.
Hospital A hospital providing in-patient medical treatment
Clinic A medium-sized medical facility or health centre.
Doctors A doctor’s practice / surgery.
Dentist A dentist practice / surgery.
Physiotherapist Someone who practices physical therapy but is not a Physician.
Psychotherapist Someone who practices psychotherapy but is not a Physician.
Veterinary office A place where a veterinary surgeon practices.
Medical laboratory Is a place that analyses body fluids such as blood, urine, faeces etc.
Pharmacy A shop where a pharmacist sells medications.
Emergency Services
Police A police station where police officers patrol from.
Fire station A station of a fire brigade.
Phone Emergency telephone.
Siren A loud noise maker, such as an air raid siren or a tornado siren.
Ambulance station Structure set aside for storage of ambulance vehicles, equipment, etc.
Comm. tower A huge tower for transmitting radio applications.
Internet conn. point Last point of telecom local loops allowing connections to households
Water tap Publicly usable water tap.
Fountain A fountain for cultural / decorational / recreational purposes.
Fire hydrant An active fire protection measure.
Water tower Structure with a water tank at a high altitude to increase pressure.
Water well A structural facility to access ground water.
Water works A facility where water is treated to make it suitable for human use.
Wastewater plant A wastewater plant is a facility used to treat wastewater.
Mall A shopping mall – multiple stores under one roof.
Department store A store – often multiple storeys high – selling a large variety of goods.
Generic items shop A store that carries a general line of merchandise.
Clothes shop Shop focused on selling clothes and/or underwear.
Fashion accessories Shop focused on selling fashion accessories.
Shoes shop Shop focused on selling shoes
Bicycle rental Shop where to rent a bicycle
Florist Shop focused on selling bouquets of flowers
Sports centre A building that was built as a sports centre.
Pitch An area designed for practising a particular sport.
Swimming pool A swimming pool.
Tennis A tennis court.
Hotel A building with separate rooms available for overnight accommodation.
Motel Short term accommodation, particularly for people travelling by car.
Guest house Accommodation smaller than a hotel and typically owner-operated.
Hostel Cheap accommodation with shared bedrooms.
Bed and breakfast A flat with cooking and bathroom facilities that can be rented.
Chalet A holiday cottage with self-contained cooking and bathroom facilities.
Continued on next page
COMPLEXIS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Table 3: continued from previous page.
Sector POI type Description
Caravan site A place where you can stay in a caravan overnight or for longer periods.
Nightclub A place to drink and dance (nightclub).
Park A park, usually in an urban setting, created for recreation and relaxation.
Playground An area designed for children to play.
Arts centre A venue where a variety of arts are performed or conducted
Cinema A place where films are shown
Refugee site A human settlement sheltering refugees or internally displaced persons
Museum A building which was designed as a museum.
Library A public library to borrow books from.
Shelter A small shelter against bad weather conditions.
Stadium A building constructed to be a stadium building.
Theatre A place where live performances occur, (e.g., musicals, concerts).
Water park An amusement park with features like water slides.
Fairground A site where a fair takes place.
Running area An area for running (jogging) routes.
Property manag. Office of a property rental company for commercial or residential use.
Apartment A building arranged into individual dwellings, often on separate floors.
Detached house A free-standing residential building usually housing a single family.
House A dwelling unit inhabited by a single household.
Residential building A general tag for a building used primarily for residential purposes.
Place of worship A church, mosque, or temple, etc.
Semidetached house A residential house that shares a common wall with another on one side.
Casino A gambling venue with at least one table game that takes bets
Gambling A place for gambling.
Food and
Restaurant A normal restaurant that sells full sit-down meals.
Fast food A place for very fast counter-only service and take-away food.
Cafe An informal place that offers casual meals and beverages (coffee or tea).
Pub A place selling beer and other alcoholic drinks
Bar A place that sells alcoholic drinks to be consumed on the premises.
Biergarten An open-air area where alcoholic beverages along with food is served.
Food court An area with several restaurant food counters and a shared eating area.
Supermarket a large store with groceries and other items.
Bakery Shop focused on selling bread.
Kiosk A small shop sells magazines, tobacco, newspapers, etc.
Greengrocer Shop focused on selling vegetables and fruits.
Agrarian Shop that sells agrarian products, e.g. seeds, agricultural machinery.
Barn An agricultural building that can be used for storage.
Silo A storage container for bulk material, often grains e.g. corn, wheat.
Cowshed A cow barn is a building for housing cows, usually found on farms.
Distillery An establishment for distilling, especially alcoholic liquors.
Brewery A dedicated building for the making of beer.
Winery A place where wine is produced.
Stable for horses A building constructed as a stable for horses.
Windmill A traditional windmill, historically used to mill grain with wind power.
Greenhouse A greenhouse is a glass or plastic covered building used to grow plants.
Farm A residential building on a farm (farmhouse).
Oil mill A mill to crush or bruise oil-bearing seeds, e.g. linseed or peanuts.
Allotments A piece of land given for growing vegetables and flowers.
Farmyard An area of land with farm buildings e.g. farmhouse, dwellings.
Farmland An area used for tillage (cereals, vegetables, oil plants, flowers).
Energy Substation A power facility with transformers, switchgear or compensators.
Public transport stop The position on the street or rails where a public transport vehicle stops.
Port Acoastal industrial area where commercial traffic is handled.
Motorway junction A type of road junction linking highway facility to another.
Aerodrome An aerodrome, airport or airfield.
Financial Services
Payment terminal Self-service payment kiosk/terminal.
o Bank A financial establishment to make finanxial operations.
ATM Cash point
Modeling Networks of Interdependent Infrastructure in Complex Urban Environments Using Open-Data