express concerns about communication errors and
disruptions caused by its use.
In conclusion, school administrators' perceptions
of social media usage indicate that these platforms are
effective communication tools and can offer various
opportunities in school management processes.
However, some challenges are associated with social
media usage, particularly concerning security,
privacy, and time management, which can raise
significant concerns. How does integrating social
media networks and tools into school management
processes affect the decision-making processes of
school administrators? Integrating social media
networks and tools into school management
processes can positively influence the decision-
making processes of school administrators. This
integration can enhance decision-making by enabling
faster communication, information sharing, and
participant interaction. However, it should be noted
that this integration may also face specific challenges,
especially regarding data security, ethics, and
accuracy. Future studies should further investigate the
impacts of social media on school administrators, its
role in education, and best practices.
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