Learning Analytics Support in Higher-Education: Towards a
Multi-Level Shared Learning Analytics Framework
Michael Vierhauser
1 a
, Iris Groher
2 b
, Clemens Sauerwein
1 c
, Tobias Antensteiner
1 d
Sebastian Hatmanstorfer
University of Innsbruck, Department of Computer Science, Innsbruck, Austria
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute of Business Informatics, Software Engineering, Linz, Austria
Assurance of Learning, Learning Analytics, Learning Objectives, Competency-Based Education.
Assurance of Learning and Competency-Based Education are increasingly important in higher education, not
only for accreditation or transfer of credit points. Learning Analytics is crucial for making educational goals
measurable and actionable, which is beneficial for program managers, course instructors, and students. While
universities typically have an established tool landscape where relevant data is managed, information is typ-
ically scattered across various systems with different responsibilities and often only limited capabilities for
sharing data. This diversity, however, significantly hampers the ability to analyze data, both on the course
and curriculum level. To address these shortcomings and to provide program managers, course instructions,
and students with valuable insights, we devised an initial concept for a Multi-Level Shared Learning Analytics
Framework to provide consistent definition and measurement of learning objectives, as well as tailored infor-
mation, visualization, and analysis for different stakeholders. In this paper, we present the results of initial
interviews with stakeholders, devising core features. In addition, we assess potential risks and concerns that
may arise from the implementation of such a framework and data analytics system. As a result, we identified
six essential features and six main risks to guide further requirements elicitation and development of our pro-
posed framework.
In higher education, particularly at the university
level, assessment of students’ performance, system-
atic analysis of learning outcomes, and quality assur-
ance of teaching and learning material have become
widely adopted practices. Such activities even be-
come mandatory when study programs apply for ac-
creditation (e.g., AACSB
for business and account-
ing programs), which typically requires a set of well-
established Learning Objectives on program-level
and a course syllabus with an Assurance of Learning
(AoL) system in place (Stewart, 2021). These objec-
tives describe the competencies in terms of skills and
knowledge (Kumar et al., 2023), learners (i.e., stu-
dents) should have acquired after successfully com-
pleting the course (Vasquez et al., 2021).
In addition to meeting accreditation requirements,
AoL serves as an effective quality assurance pro-
cess for assessing the effectiveness of individual stu-
dents, specific courses, and entire programs. To fa-
cilitate accurate evaluation, proper and well-defined
measurements, as well as respective guidelines for
improvements, need to be established. This requires
support for the structured capturing and definition
of metrics and evaluation data at both the program
and the individual course level. Moreover, this con-
tributes to the principle of constructive alignment,
which emphasizes the alignment of Learning Objec-
tives and teaching methods with the corresponding
assessment (Mimirinis, 2007). Following this princi-
ple, for example, Learning Objectives need to be de-
fined and subsequently linked on the program level
as well as course level. Consequently, assessments
need to be performed in a way so that student per-
formance with respect to the defined Learning Ob-
Vierhauser, M., Groher, I., Sauerwein, C., Antensteiner, T. and Hatmanstorfer, S.
Learning Analytics Support in Higher-Education: Towards a Multi-Level Shared Learning Analytics Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0012744400003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 635-644
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
jectives can be adequately measured, typically re-
quiring the aggregation and analysis of data from var-
ious systems. Furthermore, course enrollment data
and student information may reside in a dedicated
university-wide, centrally managed information sys-
tem, whereas course data might be managed by differ-
ent departments in dedicated Learning Management
Systems (LMS), making it hard to create meaningful
analysis, particularly on the program level.
Furthermore, to exacerbate the situation, Learn-
ing Objectives are often defined by different stake-
holders for different goals and purposes. Program-
level objectives are typically managed by program
managers, while course-level objectives are defined
by lecturers responsible for the individual courses.
Knowledge about if and how course-level objectives
do in fact contribute to program-level objectives is
often overlooked and thus not captured (Lakhal and
evigny, 2015). To draw meaningful conclusions,
collected data needs to be analyzed to identify the
skills and knowledge gained in the course and poten-
tial improvement areas, for example with respect to
the didactic principles used or the course material pro-
vided (Bakharia et al., 2016): Program managers, on
the other hand, might be particularly interested in his-
torical enrollment data and cohort analysis to identify
trends and plan courses accordingly, while instructors
may seek to uncover knowledge gaps to improve their
course setup, the material provided, or time spent on
certain topics (Divjak et al., 2023). This calls for dedi-
cated and customized views and visualizations of col-
lected data, while precautionary measures need to be
taken so that only eligible stakeholders have access to
certain information (Pardo and Siemens, 2014).
As part of our ongoing work in the area of Learn-
ing Analytics (Clow, 2013; Khalil et al., 2022), we
have created tools, scripts, and applications, for in-
dividual courses for basic analysis (e.g., analysis of
students’ competencies in programming classes), and
therefore gained additional information beyond sim-
ple statistics provided by most LMS. However, keep-
ing all of these up-to-date with ever-changing settings
and exercise formats has quickly turned into a cum-
bersome and time-consuming experience, reinventing
the wheel each semester for every new course analysis
we introduced. To address these issues, we have de-
veloped an initial conceptualization of a Multi-Level
Shared Learning Analytics Framework in order to
build a comprehensive framework that provides ex-
tended analysis capabilities that provide information
for students, course instructors, and program man-
Following a proper Software Engineering pro-
cess (Kotonya and Sommerville, 1998) for integrating
the framework in the existing landscape of university-
specific tools, workflows, and processes, in a first
step we conducted a series of scoping interviews to
(1) identify key stakeholders, and gain insights into
current pain points and needs of students, course in-
structors, and program managers. As part of these
interviews, we, furthermore, (2) collected high-level
requirements and features users would expect to be
provided by such a framework. Finally, we (3) col-
lected potential risks or negative side effects, and
what factors need to be considered when designing
such a framework that might threaten its acceptance
or readiness. Based on the results of the interviews,
we have identified six feature categories and six risk
groups that merit consideration in the development of
our envisioned framework. Accordingly, we further
discuss the findings and implications and lay out a
roadmap for further development and evaluation in a
university-wide process.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. In Section 2, we first present a motivating ex-
ample from two universities facing similar challenges
that led to the idea of creating a Multi-Level Shared
Learning Analytics Framework. We continue by de-
scribing the interview study we conducted with key
stakeholders in Section 3, followed by a discussion of
the results and insights in Section 4. Based on our
findings, we outline an initial roadmap for building
our framework in Section 5.
In this section, we first provide a motivating example
(cf. Section 2.1) and discuss related work in the area
of Learning Analytics and CBE (cf. Section 2.2).
2.1 Motivation for a Learning Analytics
In recent years, Competency-Based Education (CBE)
has gained significant traction at universities (Pluff
and Weiss, 2022; Long et al., 2020). CBE is an ed-
ucational model in which students pass courses that
are part of their selected programs by demonstrating
knowledge and skills (Vasquez et al., 2021). In these
courses, students are typically assessed based on their
ability to demonstrate specific competencies and, ide-
ally, receive a more personalized learning experience
tailored to their individual needs, preferences, and
abilities. In order to transition to CBE and effec-
tively implement CBE across all programs, it is cru-
EKM 2024 - 7th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
cial to systematically define learning objectives for
both study programs and individual courses.
Learning Objectives are specific and measurable
goals that describe what students should know, or
be able to do by the end of a course or educational
program (Teixeira and Shin, 2020; Barthakur et al.,
2022). Learning Analytics, in this context, has been
established as a major factor that provides deep in-
sights and analysis (Atif et al., 2013; Klein et al.,
2019; Viberg et al., 2018). A key factor for success-
fully introducing competencies and CBE is the abil-
ity to measure learning outcomes, analyze data, and
draw conclusions to improve both students’ results
and curriculums. As part of our own work in this area,
we have been directly engaged in the accreditation of
course programs in business informatics and business
administration, and have further introduced compe-
tencies and dedicated LOs in our undergraduate basic
programming courses.
However, as part of this effort, we have faced mul-
tiple challenges and pain points with regard to defin-
ing competencies across several courses of a study
program, and more importantly, creating meaningful
analyses that go beyond “simple” course-level anal-
ysis. In accrediting business informatics and admin-
istration programs, we introduced competencies and
dedicated LOs, and faced significant challenges in
defining consistent cross-course competencies. Par-
ticularly, we experienced difficulties with data inter-
connectivity across university systems, complicating
course analysis, planning, and budgeting. One of the
first issues we encountered was a lack of intercon-
nectability and the ability to exchange and aggregate
data between various university systems. For exam-
ple, in order to create meaningful gender analysis of
course and exam results we had to manually export
student data from the university management system
and exam data from our LMS and merge everything in
an Excel spreadsheet, which we, at some point, auto-
mated using various self-written Python scripts. Sim-
ilar problems arose when trying to collect informa-
tion about students progressing over several semesters
to get insights on how to plan our upcoming courses
(particularly with regard to slots we need to offer and
course instructors we need to budget). During discus-
sions with colleagues from other departments and uni-
versities, we found that many have encountered com-
parable hurdles when attempting to implement Learn-
ing Analytics that go beyond the limited functions
provided by current tools. Even though the specific
tools (e.g., LMS and university information systems)
are different, challenges remain largely the same.
2.2 Related Work
Learning Analytics is driven by the ever-growing
availability of data and the rise of online learning and
corresponding learning platforms, that allow track-
ing students and collecting vast amounts of learning-
related information (Ferguson, 2014). In recent work,
Tsai et al. (Tsai et al., 2020) have identified trends and
barriers in applying Learning Analytics in higher ed-
ucation. Similar to our intentions, “improving student
learning performance” and “improving teaching ex-
cellence” rank among the most important driving fac-
tors. With regards to skill descriptions part of LA ac-
tivities, Kitto et al. (Kitto et al., 2020) have explored
the use of skills taxonomies establishing mappings
between different subject descriptions using natural
language processing. This aspect is also highly rele-
vant in the context of our framework, helping to not
only standardize the curricula formats, but also auto-
mate the mapping. Focusing on curriculum analytics,
Hilliger et al. (Hilliger et al., 2020) have create an “In-
tegrative Learning Design Framework” and accompa-
nying tool support. Their work focuses on instruc-
tors and curriculum managers as primary stakeholders
and supports program-level decision-making. Their
insights on these two levels, e.g., the need for “au-
tomated reports of competency attainment” are also
useful input for further requirements for our frame-
c et al. (Ga
c et al., 2016) conducted a
large-scale study on LMS usage and student perfor-
mance. One of their main findings was that too gen-
eralized models for academic success used in Learn-
ing Analytics may not improve the quality of teach-
ing, and that more course-specific models could be
beneficial. Moreover, Ifenthaler and Yau (Ifenthaler
and Yau, 2020) have conducted a systematic litera-
ture review, including 46 publications on Learning
Analytics support in higher education. Similar to
our anecdotal evidence, they concluded that standard-
ized measures, and visualizations are needed, that can
be integrated into existing digital learning environ-
ments. Kumar et al. (Kumar et al., 2023) suggest a
model for computer science curricula that integrates
knowledge and competency models synergistically.
Their work focuses on both ends of the learning spec-
trum, facilitating on the one hand teaching and on the
other hand assessment. Consequently, Kumar et al.s
model offers both “an epistemological and a teleolog-
ical perspective” on the subject of computer science,
thereby guiding ongoing specification and refinement
of our proposed Multi-Level Shared Learning Analyt-
ics Framework.
Learning Analytics Support in Higher-Education: Towards a Multi-Level Shared Learning Analytics Framework
Program Manager
Course Instructor
Ext. Data
- Aggregated
Course Results
- Cohort Analysis
- Track Overall
- Track Individual
- Validate Course
- Monitor
- Validate Course
- Monitor
System (LMS)
Figure 1: Our envisioned framework with 3 levels (i.e., student, course instructor, program manager) with customized visual-
ization and analysis capabilities.
As a first step towards collecting core requirements
and identifying additional key stakeholders, we con-
ducted a series of initial semi-structured interviews
with participants from two different universities in
Austria. The goal was to gain insights and a deeper
understanding of the current situation, pain points,
and high-level requirements and features of such a
framework. Moreover, we sought to identify poten-
tial risks when introducing such advanced analytics
capabilities that process potentially sensitive data.
In the following, we provide details about our
proposed framework (cf. Section 3.1), the interview
setup (cf. Section 3.2) and results (cf. Section 3.3).
3.1 Conceptual Framework
Based on the identified shortcomings and issues we
have observed, we developed an initial concept of
a Multi-Level Shared Learning Analytics Framework
that aims to assist both program managers and course
instructors. In addition, our proposed framework
should provide students with information about their
study and learning progress. Fig. 1 provides an
overview of our envisioned framework, depicting its
three main levels: At the bottom level, individual stu-
dents should be supported (Rainwater, 2016), for ex-
ample, throughout the course of a semester to keep
track of their learning progress, whereas at the course
level course instructors should be able to keep track
of their class and identify potential shortcomings or
weak points early on. At the top level, a program
manager in charge of one or more programs needs a
comprehensive, literally high-level view of multiple
courses, with aggregated metrics and LOs.
The Student-Level. Learning Analytics not only
provides benefits to teachers and instructors, but can
also provide valuable information to students. Simi-
lar to an LMS where students have access to course
materials, students can explore the competencies of
each individual course in which they are enrolled in.
Moreover, they receive immediate feedback about the
competencies they already gained, and successfully
completed assessments, assessments they have suc-
cessfully completed, assessment results, and upcom-
ing tasks.
The Course-Level. Course instructors use the
framework to define and manage course objectives
and link them to assignments and related teaching and
learning materials. This allows for a more detailed ex-
amination of the extent to which students are achiev-
ing each course competency. In addition, validation of
the coverage of all competencies in a particular given
course is provided. Furthermore, to support a top-
down analysis, instructors link their individual course
objectives to the overall program-level objectives.
The Program-Level. At the highest level, program
managers use the framework to define and manage
program objectives which, in turn, are linked to the
individual course objectives. They are provided with
a view that shows how each course in the program
contributes to these objectives. In addition, high-level
views and analysis of course results support identify-
EKM 2024 - 7th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
ing in which order students complete the courses and
what difficulties they face.
Integration of External Data Sources. To provide
the above-mentioned analysis capabilities, different
external data sources need to be integrated, including
LMS as well as university management, course en-
rollment, and examination management systems. In
this way, LOs can be linked to teaching and learn-
ing material, homework assignments, or assessments.
Moreover, detailed access statistics can be presented
to course instructors.
3.2 Methodology
The objective of the preliminary scoping interviews
was to gather the prerequisites for our proposed
framework while obtaining explicit comprehension
of the needs and requisites of stakeholders at differ-
ent levels. Therefore, we specifically selected par-
ticipants representing stakeholders at three different
levels, i.e., students, course instructors, and program
managers (cf. Fig. 1).
One researcher created an initial set of questions,
which was then discussed among the authors, and the
final questionnaire was divided into three parts, with
a total of 14 open-ended questions. In the first part,
we asked participants about their current practices and
tasks they conduct specific to their respective roles
and if any tool support exists. After this, we briefly
introduced the concept of our Multi-Level Shared
Learning Analytics Framework (cf. Section 2.1 and
Fig. 1). We intentionally refrained from introducing
the framework before part one to avoid any bias when
discussing the current state.
The second part focused on the framework re-
quirements and features, as well as potential issues or
risks that may arise when introducing such a frame-
work. Finally, the third part was dedicated to the indi-
vidual stakeholder’s level and what – as well as how
they would use the proposed framework in their daily
professional life.
In total, we conducted interviews with twelve par-
ticipants, i.e., four per level, with two at each of the
two universities. For the student level, we covered
a broad spectrum of both bachelor and master stu-
dents of Business Informatics as well as Computer
Science. For the course level, we interviewed three
senior lecturers with several years of teaching expe-
rience, and one Assistant Professor. Finally, for the
program level, we interviewed three professors, who
also serve (or have served) as program managers for
various programs ranging from bachelor to PhD pro-
grams, and a program/accreditation manager. Each
interview was conducted by at least one researcher in
person or via Zoom, lasting approximately 45 minutes
to one hour. After asking for consent, we recorded all
interviews and subsequently transcribed them using
OpenAIs Whisper speech-to-text service (OpenAI,
2023). All interviews were conducted and recorded
in German and later partially translated during coding
(see below).
After the transcription of the interviews, we used
open coding to analyze them for relevant information
about (1) features, (2) stakeholders, or (3) potential
risks and challenges (Seaman, 1999). For this qualita-
tive analysis of the interviews, we used QCAmap (T.
Fenzl and P. Mayring, P., 2023), an open-source tool
for systematic text analysis. Relevant statements were
then translated into English, and two researchers sub-
sequently created an initial grouping of the codes. In
the second step, two additional researchers reviewed
the initial grouping, conflicts were resolved, and the
final grouping was established. All researchers are
co-authors of this paper with experience in teaching,
Learning Analytics, and interview studies.
3.3 Interview Results
After multiple iterations of discussion among the re-
searchers a final set of feature and risk categories
emerged. In total, we identified twelve categories. Six
categories pertaining to potential features and frame-
work requirements (cf. F01 to F06, and another six
(cf. R01 to R06 in Table 1) concerning potential risks
and challenges. An overview of the final set of cat-
egories and number of constituent codes is provided
in Table 1.
Statements covering features are split fairly evenly
across five categories, with only the sixth group re-
lated to “Course Harmonization” was only mentioned
four times. For the stated risks, two categories stand
out. First, (general) “Platform Usage and Operation”
was mentioned 21 times, and second, privacy and data
protection issues were addressed a total of 16 times.
In total, we included 238 coded statements, which
are distributed across the twelve groups F01 to F06
and R01 to R06. As 22 statements were not explic-
itly assignable to one group, but fit into two groups,
we assigned them to both. In addition, for each code,
we also attached the relevant levels to identify cross-
cutting features and risks.
In the following, we discuss each of the feature
and risk categories in more detail.
Learning Analytics Support in Higher-Education: Towards a Multi-Level Shared Learning Analytics Framework
In the following section, we provide an overview of
the results from our interviews, first discussing the re-
sulting feature categories (cf. Section 4.1) and second
the risks we have identified (cf. Section 4.2) .
4.1 Feature Categories
Based on our analysis and coding, we uncovered six
main categories of features that were mentioned dur-
ing the interviews. The five features Curriculum Man-
agement Support, Quality Assurance, Study Planning,
Study Statistics, and Course Harmonization cover
specific framework functionalities, whereas System
Integration, collects functionality not directly pro-
vided by our envisaged framework, yet vital for its
intended application.
Curriculum Management Support. One major
group of requirements revolves around the curriculum
and curriculum-related activities that are necessary to
manage and maintain a study program. While such
activities fall within the responsibilities of program
managers, interviewees have mentioned several as-
pects where our proposed framework could also sup-
port course instructors as well as students as a posi-
tive side effect. For example, tracing and refining ex-
isting program-level Learning Objectives could help
them to better plan their individual courses, or a single
view on university processes can alleviate the (admin-
istrative) burden of credit transfers, for both students
and course instructors alike (e.g., Learning Objective-
related recognition rules responsibilities). This con-
firmed our assumption that dependencies across dif-
ferent levels of our framework are of particular impor-
tance, and that functionality on one level could also be
beneficial for other stakeholders not directly involved
in a particular task.
Quality Assurance. Several requirements cover
topics related to quality assurance, such as support
for accreditation of study programs, and consolidated
information necessary for this process. Furthermore,
participants mentioned the importance of perform-
ing cross-course analysis, as well as cohort and en-
rollment number analysis. The framework should
thus provide different metrics from dropout rates in
courses, to a detailed display of already completed
introductory courses. It should also make Learning
Objectives “quantifiable”, facilitating measurability,
and identifying problematic Learning Objectives. An
identification of lower-performing students would al-
low for early intervention strategies. Moreover, in-
terviewees mentioned that (the framework) can re-
ally make Learning Objectives measurable and oper-
ationalized, so that they are not only just defined.
Study Planning. Another group of requirements
is related to the organization and planning of courses
for study programs. Scheduling courses and exams
typically falls within the responsibility of program
managers, and the framework could help them opti-
mize resource utilization by suggesting the optimal
size and timing for specific classes. Participants men-
tioned that dependencies between courses and their
objectives can be visualized, which might help them
to schedule courses in a sequence that maximizes
learning outcomes while minimizing schedule con-
flicts. This can also foster exchange or coordina-
tion between teaching staff regarding the contents
to be taught, or material to be provided in courses.
The study planning feature is also relevant to stu-
dents. The students interviewed indicated creating
a customized study schedule based on their enrolled
classes, taking into account due dates for assignments
and exams would be very helpful. In addition, stu-
dents stated that they might also like to monitor their
own study progress by visualizing course dependen-
cies or prerequisites to make more informed decisions
about which courses to take in future semesters.
Study Statistics. Particularly, the group of course
instructors suggested that the use of statistical anal-
ysis can provide sophisticated information about stu-
dents and their learning progress. For example, key
performance indicators (KPIs) to measure homework
assignments, and aggregated course and grade statis-
tics for students might be beneficial. Moreover,
potential features of the framework highlighted by
instructors’ respondents include linking competen-
cies to homework or exam questions and comparing
homework or learning objectives. Similarly, students
mentioned that measuring or checking their learning
progress, statistically analyzing their learning goals,
and gaining insight into their learning progress would
be valuable in assessing their current learning perfor-
Course Harmonization. Program managers, in-
structors, and students unanimously identified trans-
parency as a crucial feature of the envisioned frame-
work, highlighting the potential of our framework to
enhance course evaluation and establish uniform as-
sessment criteria and standards across classes. For
example, one participant mentioned that it would be
good to have [...] uniform and somewhat compara-
ble grading criteria for different classes”.
System Integration. Due to the multitude of tools
and heterogeneous platforms used at the program,
course, and student level, it became evident that sys-
tem integration was the most frequently cited fea-
ture. This requires interface functionalities to other
EKM 2024 - 7th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
systems (e.g., LMS, and university information sys-
tems) or the ability to (automatically) import/export
data relevant for analysis. On the other hand, cor-
responding communication functionalities have also
been demanded to enable uniform communication be-
tween lecturers and students, or vice versa.
Concerning the three levels of our proposed
framework (cf. Fig. 1) we were able to identify spe-
cific activities and hence requirements for each of the
anticipated user groups. For the program level, cur-
riculum management, and study planning-related ac-
tivities were mentioned most frequently (cf. Curricu-
lum Management Support and Study Planning fea-
tures). While currently tools exist that support (parts)
of their work in this area, spreadsheets, and manual
work still appear to be prevalent. For the group of
course instructors and students, we could identify a
broad level of planning and analysis activities. The
unified view on several courses was deemed helpful
by both groups and could help either group to gain
additional insights into their teaching and study activ-
4.2 Identified Risks
Besides the desired features, the second aspect of
the interviews was concerned with identifying poten-
tial risks and negative implications such a framework
could exhibit.
As the envisioned framework potentially com-
bines and manages electronic data about students and
their study progress, data protection, and privacy were
consistently cited as one of the main risks by all three
groups. Depending on the level of the respondent, dif-
ferent aspects of data protection were considered im-
portant. For example, there should only be role-based
access to data, even though the data is scattered in
Table 1: Resulting Feature and Risk categories.
ID Category Description Count
F01 Curriculum Management 51
F02 Quality Assurance 49
F03 Study Planning 56
F04 Study Statistics 44
F05 Course Harmonization 4
F06 System Integration 56
R01 Preconditions not met 8
R02 Negative side-effects 4
R03 Interpretation of Data 4
R04 Privacy 16
R05 Platform Development 6
R06 Platform Usage & Operation 21
different systems and needs to be shared accordingly.
This might pose a major challenge, as it would mean
standardizing access controls, role management, and
even establishing a decentralized security infrastruc-
Furthermore, participants identified data misinter-
pretation as another major risk. Learning Analytics
platforms collect and analyze large amounts of data
to provide insights into student performance, com-
mitment, and Learning Objectives. However, the in-
terpretation of this data can be challenging. Over-
simplification of data visualizations, and unsuitable
metrics may inadvertently introduce biases, leading to
unfair or inaccurate assessments of student capabili-
ties. Also, looking at certain KPIs in isolation may
not capture the full context of a student’s learning
journey, potentially resulting in misleading conclu-
sions. Excessive dependency or focus upon KPIs was
stated as one specific risk: result in [...] focusing too
much on KPIs, which are continuously checked, with
the purpose to have students pass a class, and push
them through - but they might lose interest in study-
ing/learning something new. Without a profound un-
derstanding of the educational context, stakeholders
may make ill-informed decisions based on the pre-
sented data.
Another risk is related to how to use the avail-
able data, for example, the aggregated course infor-
mation or student performance. While such data can
improve quality and learning outcomes (cf. Quality
Assurance), over-reliance on statistical data and KPI-
related metrics without critical reflection could hinder
creativity and individual teaching approaches. Fur-
thermore, specifically by the lecturers, the fear was
expressed that aggregated information can serve as
a monitoring tool for lecturers, and thus it has to be
clearly defined which information can be viewed by
which stakeholders.
Concerning the framework’s utilization and func-
tionality, risks arise from potentially low acceptance
among stakeholders. Consequently, additional com-
mitment is warranted to overcome the complexity and
possible ambiguity of the framework. Furthermore,
it may not be perceived as having significant advan-
tages, as it simply presents already available infor-
mation more streamlined”.
4.3 Threats to Validity
As with any study, our work is subject to a number of
threats to validity.
The number of study participants was limited,
which constitutes a threat to external validity. In total,
we interviewed twelve participants four from each
Learning Analytics Support in Higher-Education: Towards a Multi-Level Shared Learning Analytics Framework
level of the envisioned framework. However, all par-
ticipants had several years of experience within their
area of expertise, and we included participants from
two different universities.
To gain a broader understanding of detailed re-
quirements and needs in such a framework, further in-
terviews are required. Nevertheless, we are confident
that our initial interview study has captured a num-
ber of highly relevant features and requirements for
further discussion and refinement. While we have fo-
cused on the educational and learning needs of Com-
puter Science and Business Informatics, we believe
that our framework can be applied in a broader con-
text. To further confirm the generalizability of the fea-
tures, additional evaluation is needed, for example in
the form of a dedicated utility study of individual fea-
Concerning internal validity and analysis and in-
terpretation of results, several researchers were in-
volved in the process. The extracted interview data
was extensively discussed among all researchers and
groupings, features, and respective risks were dis-
cussed until consensus was achieved.
Our interviews have confirmed a pressing need for
additional support and tools to facilitate AoL at the
course and curriculum level. Furthermore, as we ex-
pected, privacy and (mis-)use of data were mentioned
as one of the primary concerns, alongside the accep-
tance and adoption of yet another tool in practice.
One surprising takeaway from the interviews was
that certain features, we assumed would be bene-
ficial for a particular group of stakeholders, (e.g.,
course instructors) would be equally valuable, for ex-
ample, for students when presented (i.e., visualized)
in a slightly different way. Another important as-
pect is the incorporation of existing university pro-
cesses where the framework needs to be embedded.
While individual Learning Analytics solutions require
less “global” (i.e., university-wide) effort, connecting
and analyzing data across courses, or even study pro-
grams, needs to take into account existing roles and
their respective responsibilities (e.g., dean of study
who is in charge of overseeing several programs).
Based on our findings and observations from the in-
terviews, we have compiled three main tasks as part
of our next steps that will provide (1) a data protec-
tion concept and transparency guidelines, (2) an in-
formation model for relevant data and roles, and (3) a
reference architecture and implementation.
Interfaces & Data. Visualizing and analyzing data
was deemed as one of the key aspects, requiring the
integration of various interfaces and external data.
Initial steps include a detailed analysis to identify
key systems, the information they offer, and the
derivation of a relevant information model. The
ability to visualize and analyze data, was deemed as
one of the key aspects. This in turn requires diverse
interfaces and external data to be integrated. One
of the first activities will be an in-depth analysis,
identifying key systems and what kind of information
these can provide and deriving an information model
of relevant data.
Data Protection and & Privacy Concept. As in-
terview participants have indicated clear concerns re-
garding data protection and the threat of data being
available to a (too) broad range of users, a key activity
interconnected with the information model is the
creation of a role and access concept guided by exist-
ing university processes and access rights. This will
allow us to specify what data is required and who will
be eligible to view certain information or statistical
analysis. In addition, to mitigate the fear of misuse,
transparency is a second key factor. We will work on
creating clear guidelines on what information is pro-
vided, how it is used, and how it can be used (e.g.,
only in anonymized and aggregated form).
Learning Objective Definition & Management.
The effective management of learning objectives,
both on curriculum and on course level, is a central
part of our proposed framework. Learning Objec-
tives will be systematically defined using a standard-
ized taxonomy, such as Bloom’s Taxonomy (Thomp-
son et al., 2008; McNeil, 2011), to ensure clarity and
measurability. They will then be mapped to specific
learning activities and assessments, facilitating track-
ing and analytics.
As part of these activities, we are planning on con-
ducting focused workshops with stakeholders to per-
form a more in-depth requirement elicitation. Based
on an initial proof-of-concept prototype, we are cur-
rently building based on the collected features, we
will follow a participatory design approach (Trischler
et al., 2018) to actively engage users from all three
levels, in all phases of the design. One concrete out-
come from this second analysis is a reference archi-
tecture of our framework that will serve as a blueprint
for implementing interfaces and a concrete frame-
work instance.
EKM 2024 - 7th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
In this paper, we have presented findings from a se-
ries of preliminary interviews, with the main aim of
collecting requirements for a Shared Learning Ana-
lytics Framework. In summary, our investigation has
revealed essential insights into the characteristics and
potential hazards associated with such a framework.
We identified six fundamental features, related to cur-
riculum management, study planning and statistics,
quality assurance, course harmonization, and integra-
tion of other systems. Moreover, stakeholders high-
lighted six critical risks that could impede the adop-
tion of such a framework, ranging from privacy con-
cerns to development and maintenance challenges,
along with potential negative side effects. Building
upon these initial findings, our next steps involve con-
ducting focused stakeholder workshops to further re-
fine and extend our requirements and subsequently
derive a comprehensive design and reference archi-
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