the playlists used. Additionally, we addressed ethi-
cal concerns that users must consider while using this
tool, including potential license issues.
For future work, we plan to enhance the tool in
various ways. For example, we aim to incorporate an
automatic license detection feature that informs the
user about the license used for each video, thereby
helping to avoid legal issues. The segmentation of
chapters can also be significantly improved. Specif-
ically, we can integrate a topic detection layer, en-
abling the tool to identify changes in topics and seg-
ment the transcripts accordingly (Vayansky and Ku-
mar, 2020). Additionally, we intend to enhance text
preprocessing and provide users with more options in
choosing how the text should be preprocessed to align
with their specific needs.
This work has received a French government support
granted to the Labex Cominlabs excellence laboratory
and managed by the National Research Agency in the
“Investing for the Future” program under reference
We extend our sincere appreciation to Omonliwi
Graciela Thoo for her contribution in implementing a
first version of the code.
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6.1 Dataset Attributes
Tables 2, 3, and 4 present the attributes of the created
ConstrucTED: Constructing Tailored Educational Datasets from Online Courses