ConstrucTED: Constructing Tailored Educational Datasets from Online
Aymen A. Bazouzi
1 a
, Zoltan Miklos
1 b
, Micka
el Foursov
1 c
and Ho
el Le Capitaine
2 d
Univ. Rennes CNRS IRISA, France
Nantes Universit
e, LS2N, UMR 6004, F-44000 Nantes, France
Educational Resources, Datasets.
Researchers are actively involved in developing various systems to support education, including recommender
systems. However, to create and evaluate such systems, they require rich and versatile datasets about educa-
tional content. At times, the available data proves insufficient, leading researchers to invest significant time in
crafting personalized web scrapers for additional data retrieval. The generated datasets are often task-specific
and may be time-consuming to adapt to future tasks. Additionally, researchers may encounter licensing is-
sues when using courses from different providers. Furthermore, researchers prefer evaluating their methods
through diverse tests, involving datasets with varying characteristics. However, this diversity is not commonly
found in most available datasets, at least not explicitly so. To address these challenges, we introduce Con-
strucTED, a tool built on top of Google APIs, enabling the efficient creation of custom educational datasets
from YouTube playlists. This allows datasets to be tailored to specific characteristics such as a predetermined
number of courses, coverage of specific topics, or courses from a particular university. ConstrucTED creates
datasets from video course transcripts, providing a ready-to-use solution that significantly shortens the time
required to create such datasets. The resulting datasets are versatile and suitable for tasks like classification
and learning path creation.
Educational data has been the fuel for many break-
throughs in the domain of education (Romero and
Ventura, 2013). There are different types of edu-
cational data available. We can find data about the
content, the students’ answers, students’ behavior, etc
(Ferreira-Mello et al., 2019). However, in this arti-
cle we are interested in educational datasets about the
content. Datasets about content regroup educational
materials such as articles, books, videos, blogs, or
any other medium that can be used to convey edu-
cational knowledge. More specifically, we are inter-
ested in content that is textual or from which text can
be extracted. Using this type of educational content,
we can learn new things about the content itself or
even about the learners who consume it and their be-
havior. We can make the learning process more effi-
cient by creating support systems for learners such as
recommender systems (Urdaneta-Ponte et al., 2021)
and personalize their learning paths (Nabizadeh et al.,
2020). It can also help the educators create better
courses more efficiently by giving them access to use-
ful resources online and providing them with the nec-
essary tools to query them efficiently. To tackle these
interesting challenges, researchers need good quality
datasets to develop their support systems and analyze
the educational content.
Textual education datasets can be extracted from
different sources. For example, online learning plat-
forms are widely used as a data source. Their web-
sites can be scrapped in order to gather data. Uni-
versity libraries and online courses are also another
popular data source. However, these data sources can
be hard to exploit sometimes. For instance, we might
need different web scrappers for different platforms.
Furthermore, not all platforms allow the exploitation
of their resources which can lead to copyright issues.
Another problem researchers face is the heterogeneity
of datasets. This can pose challenges for researchers
who wish to test their methods on diverse datasets or
Bazouzi, A., Miklos, Z., Foursov, M. and Le Capitaine, H.
ConstrucTED: Constructing Tailored Educational Datasets from Online Courses.
DOI: 10.5220/0012745000003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 645-652
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
combine multiple datasets to create a larger dataset
better suited to their needs. YouTube can be viewed
as an alternative for these learning platforms as a lot
of educational videos can be found on it. Neverthe-
less, it requires investing a lot of time to manipulate
the different APIs to get the data needed from it.
In this article, we present a tool that can be used to
create textual education datasets for research purposes
from YouTube videos called ConstrucTED. The use
of this tool exempts users wanting to create datasets
from coding or explicitly manipulating APIs. Our
contribution is two-fold :
The tool itself which takes a list of YouTube
playlists, extracts the transcripts from the videos
then constructs a dataset from these transcripts as
well as other meta-information. The constructed
datasets are structured in a manner that allows it
to be used for different tasks such as classification
and learning path creation.
Three datasets that were created using this tool
using educational content from Stanford, MIT
OpenCourseWare, and Khan Academy.
In Section 2 we present the tool and its different com-
ponents. Next, in Section 3 we present three sample
datasets created using this tool. Then, in Section 4 we
discuss the use cases in which datasets constructed us-
ing this tool can be used. In Section 5, we discuss the
tool’s limitations as well as the ethical concerns and
potential risks. We conclude in Section 6 by recapitu-
lating the work and discussing different possible ways
to improve this tool.
ConstrucTED constructs educational datasets from
playlists found on YouTube. Figure 1 illustrates
the process of constructing the dataset. It starts
by extracting and structuring the information of the
YouTube videos found in the playlists using the
Google API Client
. Then, for every video it extracts
the transcripts using the YouTube Transcript API
. In
the rest of this section, we will present this tool in de-
2.1 Input Format
To create a dataset, an input file must be provided.
This file must be a csv file containing three columns
(Figure 2). The first column should be the playlist
ID, the second being the Channel name, and the third
one is the category. For the playlist ID, it is only the
ID and not the entire URL. this avoids the redundancy
and thus reduces the size of the input file. The channel
name, despite the possibility to automatically extract
it from the link provided, we gave the users the liberty
to name it as there are playlists that contain videos
from different channels. This second column is not
necessarily a channel name, it can be used to distin-
guish the sources of the different playlists. Finally,
the category is used to give the topic of the playlists.
This can be helpful to separate the dataset following
the topics covered by each playlist which can be help-
ful to construct a dataset that will be used in a topic
classification task.
2.2 Transcript Preprocessing
After extracting the video links from the playlist, tran-
scripts are extracted from every video using YouTube
Transcript API. However, there is some preprocess-
ing that can be done. For example, we can remove
unnecessary words that can be found in some video
transcripts such as the presence of onomatopoeic
words, words that inform us about the person cur-
rently talking, or special characters such as the end
of line (EOL) symbol. Examples of these words
are : ”[PROFESSOR], [Voiceover], [AUDIENCE],
ING], [RUSTLING], [CLICKING], \n, . . . ”. The list
of unwanted words can be updated by the user, she
can add, remove, or even choose not to do any pre-
2.3 Hierarchy Levels
To create datasets that can be used in diverse tasks, we
provide the users with a three-level hierarchical struc-
ture as a foundational framework. As the input file
consists of a list of playlists, a two-level hierarchical
structure emerges naturally. The first one being that of
playlists and the second one is that of videos. How-
ever, users might wish to further subdivide videos
into segments based on chapter markers present in
YouTube videos or to address lengthy videos exceed-
ing the scope of their intended task. This flexibility
is offered through the three-level hierarchy, allowing
users to organize their datasets according to their spe-
cific needs.
Figure 3 illustrates an example of how different el-
ements are mapped to three hierarchical levels to cre-
ate a dataset:
The first level, called series, represents playlists:
Every playlist used to create the dataset is mapped
EKM 2024 - 7th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
Figure 1: Constructing datasets from YouTube playlists using ConstrucTED.
Figure 2: Input example used by ConstrucTED.
to a series.
The second level, called episodes, represents
videos: Each video within a playlist is considered
an episode.
The last level, called chapters, represents video
segments: If users choose not to segment the
videos, the number of episodes and chapters in
the dataset will be equal. Otherwise, the number
of chapters will be equal to the total number of
segments in all the videos combined.
For now, only video segmentation by length is
available. The user can specify the max length of a
YouTube video and in case a video surpasses it, it gets
divide into segments of a length chosen by the user
himself. In Figure 3, we can see an example of this
segmentation as the video already contains predefined
2.4 Meta-Information
While constructing educational datasets, including
meta-information about different courses can be valu-
able. In our tool, we extract certain meta-information,
such as the professor who conducted the course. Typ-
ically, the name of the professor is included in the
video description. We have implemented a function-
ality based on regular expressions to extract the pro-
fessor’s name from the description. Despite its util-
ity, this feature has limitations; the professor’s name
might not be mentioned, and even when it is, extract-
ing it can be challenging due to variations in formula-
In addition to the professor’s name, we also ex-
tract timestamps for the beginning and ending of each
chapter. This allows us to easily navigate back to spe-
cific points in the video, facilitating the review of vi-
sual content such as figures.
2.5 Results
The tool generates three separate csv files, each corre-
sponding to one of the previously described hierarchy
level. These files contain various attributes further ex-
plained in the appendix.
ConstrucTED: Constructing Tailored Educational Datasets from Online Courses
Figure 3: Hierarchy levels example.
We plan to make the tool available as a python
package if the paper is accepted. Currently, only the
code is available
2.6 Tailored Datasets
One of the main advantages of ConstrucTED is its
ability to empower users in creating tailored datasets.
If users wish to test their methods, they can generate
diverse datasets, manipulating characteristics like the
number of courses, the academic level, the covered
topics, and the course provider.
For instance, if a user aims to build a dataset on
K-12 courses from Khan Academy, they can either
utilize existing playlists available on their YouTube
channel that align with the specified criteria or curate
new playlists containing hand-picked video courses.
These playlists can then be provided as input to
ConstrucTED. Another illustration involves crafting
a dataset encompassing Master’s level courses in
Computer Science, a task easily achieved by utiliz-
ing available Stanford Computer Science YouTube
playlists, for example.
In the following section, we will showcase sample
datasets crafted using ConstrucTED. These datasets
exhibit diverse characteristics, including variations in
course length, covered topics, and course providers.
Naturally, the datasets constructed are dependant on
the user’s needs. However, we present in this sec-
tion three sample datasets that were created using this
tool. These three datasets have been constructed from
YouTube playlists from Khan Academy
, Stanford
and MIT OpenCourseWare
. A snippet of the input
file for the Khan Academy is illustrated in Figure 2 in
which we can see the three columns and the first few
lines of its content. The characteristics of the created
datasets can be found in Table 1. These datasets are
available for download in the code repository found
at the end of Section 2.5.
Table 1: Characteristics of the created datasets.
Stat Khan Stanford MIT
Series 15 11 42
Episodes 1039 442 1030
Chapters 1039 1010 2277
Avg episodes
per series
69.26 40.18 24.52
Avg chapters
per episode
1.0 2.28 2.21
Avg words
per chapter
1692.97 2383.95 3064.52
of cate-
10 1 10
From Table 1, it is evident that the datasets ex-
hibit distinct characteristics. For instance, in the
Khan dataset, the number of chapters is the same as
the number of episodes because the videos used are
short and have not been segmented. In contrast, the
other two datasets employ university courses, featur-
EKM 2024 - 7th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
Figure 4: Combined number of courses per topic.
ing longer lecture videos. Furthermore, Stanford is
a Computer Science dataset, while Khan and MIT
cover different topics. Figure 4 displays the distribu-
tion of chapters per topic for the three datasets com-
bined. These highlighted differences (size and num-
ber of topics) between the datasets make them valu-
able for researchers who want to test and analyze their
The time needed to construct various datasets us-
ing this tool cannot be estimated beforehand due to
various variables that impact it. For example, these
datasets are extracted from the internet, so internet
speed influences the required time. Furthermore, the
number of playlists and the size of the videos also
play a role in determining the time needed. Among
the three datasets created, the MIT dataset was the
largest, requiring 15 minutes and 14 seconds for its
The datasets created using ConstrucTED are struc-
tured in a format that enables them to be utilized for
various tasks. They contain important qualities such
as sequentiality and the presence of topics. Some of
the use cases for these datasets are :
Precedence Identification. Given the sequential
nature of the playlists from which the dataset has been
constructed, we can deduce a precedence order be-
tween the educational resources that constitute the
dataset. Therefore, the datasets constructed can be
used as a benchmark for precedence prediction be-
tween resources by exploiting the raw text and the
ground truth given by the order (Connes et al., 2021).
Learning Path Creation. Following the reasoning
from the previous potential use case, we can use the
order found in the dataset as a ground truth of po-
tential learning paths (Nabizadeh et al., 2020). This
makes the datasets constructed useful in a learning
path creation scenario with an implicit hypothesis that
states that playlists used contain coherent learning
Recommender Systems. Another similar use case
are recommender systems. Recommender systems
suggest content to users that is potentially interesting
and/or useful. In education, there are multiple recom-
mender systems that have been presented (Urdaneta-
Ponte et al., 2021). The first taxonomy about recom-
mender systems contains three main system classes
(Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005). Some are based
based on recommending the same content for similar
users. Others recommend content that is similar to
the content previously consumed by the user. We can
also find systems that combine both of the previous
approaches. The datasets constructed using this tool
can be used in the second type which is more formally
known as content-based recommender systems.
Topic Classification. In the input file, we can spec-
ify the category to which playlists belong. This can
be used to group the educational texts by categories,
which can be topics or domains, then, perform a cat-
egory classification task by training a model on this
data for example (Li and Jain, 1998), (Bazouzi et al.,
2023). Additionally, there is the possibility of manu-
ally annotating the dataset to perform other classifica-
tion tasks.
Text Representation. LLMs have gained a lot of
popularity recently. A lot of these models are trained
in a non-supervised manner. Therefore, the educa-
tional text found on the constructed datasets can be
used to train an LLM if the size of the dataset is large
enough. We can even fine tune a pre-trained LLM
such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), (Sun et al., 2019).
Concept Graph Learning. Using Wikification
(Hoffart et al., 2011) or other techniques, we can ex-
tract concepts for every educational text in the dataset.
This can allow us to create a fourth file that contains
a list of concepts and the chapters to which they be-
long. These concepts can be used to construct concept
ConstrucTED: Constructing Tailored Educational Datasets from Online Courses
graphs (Yang et al., 2015). The goal of concept graphs
is to create a directed graph that indicates the prereq-
uisite order between different concepts. One simple
way to do this with such datasets is to use the hypoth-
esis that states that if a resource A precedes another
resource B, it is more likely for concepts related to
resource A to be prerequisites of concepts related to
resource B (Liang et al., 2015).
The tool that we constructed can be used in different
scenarios as explained in the previous section. How-
ever, it has some limitations and some constraints that
the user must keep in mind while using it.
5.1 Limitations
The first limitation that a user can face is related to
the transcripts for the video. Although a lot of chan-
nels provide official transcripts for their videos, there
are others that do not. Fortunately, YouTube has an
automatic transcript generation feature. This feature
is useful for videos for which no transcripts have been
provided but since the transcripts are not official, there
is a risk of the transcripts being incorrect.
One more limitation is the nature of the course.
Since these texts are constructed from videos, we
might find portions of the videos that are non-related
to the course such as an out-of-topic discussion pro-
fessors can have with their students. Although this
phenomenon is not common but it remains important
to keep in mind.
One last limitation is the quality of the playlists
used. The quality of the constructed dataset depends
on the quality of the playlists used. If the chosen
playlists are not coherent or if the playlists contain
intruder videos, this can deteriorate the quality of the
generated dataset. To solve this limitation we suggest
the creation of personalized playlists on the user’s
YouTube account then using these created playlists to
create the dataset. This process certainly takes more
time but it allows for the quality of the dataset to be
improved and adapted to the user’s needs.
One more thing worth mentioning, despite not be-
ing a limitation, is the possibility of using this tool
to construct non-educational datasets. Although this
tool can construct non-educational datasets, we are
unsure of the results produced. It is clear that the tool
will be able to extract transcripts and organize them,
but we have not tested it on playlists that do not cover
educational content.
5.2 Ethical Concerns
The videos on YouTube have by default a YouTube
standard license. However, content posted on
YouTube can be marked with a Creative Commons li-
. This makes it legal for other users to use this
type of content. More about copyrights and licenses
can be found on YouTube’s terms of service
After UNSECO’s recommendation about Open
Educational Resources (OERs)
, a lot of universities
have joined this initiative that consists of releasing
learning, teaching and research materials under an
open license. This makes most of the content pro-
duced by these universities safe to use.
5.3 Potential Risks
As our tool leverages YouTube Data API and Google
API Client, which require authentication, users need
to obtain a personal API key to extract data. However,
it is crucial to emphasize that this key is confidential
and tied to the user’s account. We strongly advise
users to exercise caution and avoid sharing their key,
even within collaborative environments. For optimal
security, store your key locally. More details about
this will be released in the official documentation of
the tool.
In this article, we introduced ConstrucTED, a ready-
to-use tool for constructing educational datasets from
YouTube playlists built on top of Google APIs. The
tool’s primary objective is to minimize the time re-
quired for researchers to create datasets by omitting
any coding or explicit API manipulation. Addition-
ally, it provides researchers with the flexibility to tai-
lor their datasets to meet specific requirements, such
as covering particular topics, being sourced from spe-
cific universities, or having a predefined number of
lectures. The structured format of the created datasets
allows for their versatile application across various
scenarios and facilitates the accomplishment of di-
verse tasks.
We discussed the limitations of the tool, such as
the datasets’ quality, which depends on the quality of
l=en&ref topic=6151248&sjid=6402530853925201312-E
EKM 2024 - 7th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
the playlists used. Additionally, we addressed ethi-
cal concerns that users must consider while using this
tool, including potential license issues.
For future work, we plan to enhance the tool in
various ways. For example, we aim to incorporate an
automatic license detection feature that informs the
user about the license used for each video, thereby
helping to avoid legal issues. The segmentation of
chapters can also be significantly improved. Specif-
ically, we can integrate a topic detection layer, en-
abling the tool to identify changes in topics and seg-
ment the transcripts accordingly (Vayansky and Ku-
mar, 2020). Additionally, we intend to enhance text
preprocessing and provide users with more options in
choosing how the text should be preprocessed to align
with their specific needs.
This work has received a French government support
granted to the Labex Cominlabs excellence laboratory
and managed by the National Research Agency in the
“Investing for the Future” program under reference
We extend our sincere appreciation to Omonliwi
Graciela Thoo for her contribution in implementing a
first version of the code.
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6.1 Dataset Attributes
Tables 2, 3, and 4 present the attributes of the created
ConstrucTED: Constructing Tailored Educational Datasets from Online Courses
Table 2: Main attributes of the series output file.
Attribute Description
Sid Series unique ID in the
Category The category (topic, domain,
...) specified by the user in
the input file
Course Playlist ID in YouTube
Title Title of the playlist in
Created at Date of the last update of the
YouTube playlist
Corpus Name of the channel speci-
fied by the use in the input file
Professor Name of the professor ex-
tracted from the description
Description The description section ex-
tracted from the YouTube
Table 3: Main attributes of the episodes output file.
Attribute Description
Eid Episode unique ID in the
Sid Series to which the episode
Order Order of the episode in the
Title The video title in YouTube
Created at Publication date of the video
Description The description section ex-
tracted from the YouTube
Course Video ID in YouTube
Table 4: Main attributes of the chapters output file.
Attribute Description
Cid Chapter unique ID in the
Eid Episode to which the chapter
Title Title of the video + the of
the part if the video was seg-
Text Text extracted from the video
Begin Beginning timestamp of the
segment on the video
End Ending timestamp of the seg-
ment on the video
EKM 2024 - 7th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management