question for future work is how to model a large set of
physical adversarial capabilities, including code cor-
ruption of a device in a way that is realistically aligned
with what can be done in terms of software vulnera-
The authors acknowledge the financial support
from the Luxembourg National Research Fund
(FNR) on the Secure and Verifiable Electronic
Testing and Assessment Systems –SEVERITAS
(INTER/ANR/20/14926102 ANR-20-CE39-
009-03). Marjan
Skrobot received support
from the FNR under the CORE Junior project
(C21/IS/16236053/FuturePass). Peter Y.A. Ryan
received support from FNR under the CORE project
(C21/IS/16221219/ ImPAKT). The authors also
acknowledge Prof. Dr. J. Lagerwall and the ESMP
group for providing the CSR images.
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SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography