through the graph and the training process involving
a substantial number of extracted paths. In contrast,
the GNN approach achieves comparable categoriza-
tion accuracy with approximately ten times faster pro-
cessing times, making it a more practical and efficient
solution for real-world applications.
Tthe present study has demonstrates the effective-
ness of a novel GNN based approach for categoriz-
ing physical system models, particularly focusing on
automotive powertrain systems. Through rigorous ex-
perimentation and analysis, several key findings have
emerged, highlighting the significant advancements
achieved by the proposed methodology.
Firstly, the GNN approach shows superior perfor-
mance compared to traditional CNN methods, par-
ticularly in handling complex graph structures with
branched pathways. While the CNN approach strug-
gles with categorizing models that span multiple
branches, the GNN approach, leveraging message
passing, exhibits remarkable adaptability and robust-
ness in capturing the intricate interconnections within
the graph.
Furthermore, the GNN approach indicates an in-
creased capacity for handling a wider range of cat-
egories, including those with higher complexity and
variance. By extending the limitations imposed by
previous CNN-based methods, the novel approach en-
ables more refined categorization of physical system
models, thereby enhancing the depth of analysis and
insights derived from the categorization process.
Moreover, the potential for node-level analysis
presents exciting opportunities for further refinement
and optimization of the GNN approach. By examin-
ing embeddings at the node-level it can provide valu-
able insights into its effectiveness in capturing infor-
mation at a granular level.
Finally, the improved time efficiency of the GNN
approach gives a significant practical advantage over
traditional CNN methods. With processing times
approximately ten times faster than CNN-based ap-
proaches, the GNN approach offers a more efficient
and scalable solution for real-world applications.
In summary, the findings from this study under-
score the promising potential of GNN-based method-
ologies for advancing the field of system model cat-
egorization. As we continue to refine and optimize
these approaches, we can expect further advance-
ments in our ability to analyze and understand com-
plex physical systems, ultimately driving innovation
and progress in engineering and simulation research.
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DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications