Troubadour: Inverse Dictation Games for Ear Training
, Matija Podbreznik
Ziga Klun
, Peter
2 a
Matija Marolt
1 b
and Matev
z Pesek
1 c
Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Conservatory of Music and Ballet Ljubljana, Slovenia
Music Theory, E-Learning, Gamification, Sight-Singing, Ear-Training.
This study evaluates the integration of inverse melodic and rhythmic dictation exercises into the gamified e-
learning Troubadour platform. The platform offers gamified and personalised applications for different types
of ear and music theory training. The platform was developed as a complementary tool to support music
theory classes with automated ear-training exercises with automatic generation and evaluation. To further
extend its usability, we present two ear-training apps, which invert the standard ear-training techniques of
listening and writing down the solution. The inverse melodic and rhythmic dictation exercises now offer voice
or instrument user input as a user response to the written melodic or rhythmic prompt. In this paper, we
gathered user feedback using UEQ and Meega+ questionnaires, which showed positive results, particularly in
terms of novelty, perspicuity, and efficiency. Notably, gamification elements such as achievement badges and
leaderboards have been integrated in line with other exercises on the platform and contributed to a dynamic
and engaging learning experience. These results highlight the potential of inversion games in music education
and emphasise the importance of gamified platforms in enhancing the overall learning experience.
In the constantly evolving field of education, techno-
logical progress is playing an increasingly important
role and is leading to innovative educational tools.
The integration of e-learning approaches into curric-
ula already demonstrated positive effects in various
areas of education. In addition, researchers suggested
that incorporating gamified elements into e-learning
processes can benefit students by making tasks more
engaging and motivating (Saleem et al., 2022).
Within the domain of music education, there are
several aspects that need to be considered by de-
velopers of teaching methods. While e-learning of
music theory through written user input has been in
use for some time, the important aspect of music is
also its auditory nature. The task of training the ear
for rhythm and melody can be accomplished in two
ways—through auditory recognition and by perform-
ing given exercises. While neither is trivial, the lat-
ter presents developers with additional challenges in
terms of recognizing the auditory input.
In response to these challenges, we propose
an extension to our existing e-learning platform
Troubadour, tailored for music theory exercises. This
extension introduces inversion games, i.e. inverse
rhythmic and melodic dictation training that seam-
lessly integrates with Troubadour’s existing exercises
and gamification elements. To evaluate the effective-
ness and user experience of the proposed exercises,
we conducted user studies. The positive feedback
from participants in terms of engagement, usability,
and overall experience speaks to the effectiveness of
the proposed work. Therefore, this research con-
tributes to the advancement of music education tech-
nology and emphasises the importance of consider-
ing the auditory dimensions of music learning through
gamified e-learning platforms.
The following section reviews related work and
describes the Troubadour platform. Details of the
proposed extension, the challenges encountered and
the experimental setup are presented in Section 3.
Section 4 presents comprehensive evaluation results
that shed light on the potential impact on music
education. Conclusions and future work are presented
in Section 5.
c, K., Podbreznik, M., Klun, Ž., Šavli, P., Marolt, M. and Pesek, M.
Troubadour: Inverse Dictation Games for Ear Training.
DOI: 10.5220/0012747200003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 606-613
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2.1 E-Learning and Gamification
Within the ever-evolving educational landscape, the
merging of technology and pedagogy has led to in-
novative paradigms, particularly in the areas of e-
learning and gamification. As educational environ-
ments increasingly shift to virtual platforms, research
into effective learning methods and the incorpora-
tion of game elements, known as gamification, has
proven to be a compelling strategy to engage and mo-
tivate learners in digital spaces. The majority of re-
search and evaluations have focused predominantly
on higher levels of education (Woody, 2021; Urh
et al., 2015; De Sousa Borges et al., 2014; Kyewski
and Kr
amer, 2018), and covered different areas such
as music (Biasutti et al., 2023; Woody, 2021; Wagner,
2017), medicine (Morton et al., 2016), database man-
agement (Hassan et al., 2019), or a range of subjects
(Aparicio et al., 2019; Kyewski and Kr
amer, 2018).
Most studies report on the positive aspects of using
modern technologies, such as flexibility, accessibil-
ity, self-paced learning, personalization and instant
feedback. In addition, some studies focused on the
challenges that arise when introducing e-learning (Bi-
asutti et al., 2023; Martinez-Garcia et al., 2023). Bia-
sutti et al. showed that the transition to distance learn-
ing in Italian primary school during the COVID-19
pandemic encountered obstacles due to the sudden-
ness of pedagogical changes and teachers’ insufficient
technological skills. Teachers also expressed con-
cerns about the detrimental effects of distance learn-
ing on many students, especially younger students.
However, positive outcomes were reported in terms of
familiarisation with information and communication
technologies (ICT), and it was suggested that more
deliberate and supported implementation could allow
for a smoother and better transition. Furthermore,
Martinez-Garcia et al. present both the opportunities
and challenges associated with the integration of arti-
ficial intelligence into e-learning.
Gamification is defined as the use of game ele-
ments and mechanics in non-game contexts (Deter-
ding et al., 2011), however the line between games
and gamified applications is often blurred. In their
literature review on gamification, Behl et al. (2022)
identified four main themes—personalization, learn-
ing styles, learner engagement and game elements.
The most commonly used game elements, as de-
scribed by Antonaci et al. (2019), are badges, leader-
boards, points, feedback, challenges, likes/social fea-
tures, communication channels, narratives, levels,
progress bars, teams, agents, medals, avatar, tro-
phies, time limit, task, virtual currency, personal-
ization features, mission, replayability, goal indica-
tors, competition, win status. In a survey of pri-
mary school children survey and a literature review
by Nand et al. (2019), graphics, feedback and chal-
lenge were identified as the most attractive features of
computer games. While Kyewski and Kr
amer (2018)
could not prove any significant improvement through
the use of gamification and grades or quiz results
were not influenced by badges, such game elements
do not hinder the increase in learning outcomes, fos-
tering activity, and motivation. Furthermore, De Fre-
itas (2018) shows that games are an effective learn-
ing tool and widespread adoption is only a matter
of time. It is therefore becoming increasingly im-
portant to harmonise the different disciplinary per-
spectives, address methodological challenges and
develop a common terminology. In research on mas-
sive open online courses (MOOCs), gamification has
been found to play a central role in success, as it posi-
tively influences several aspects of the courses (usage,
individual impact and organisational impact) (Apari-
cio et al., 2019). An advanced approach to gamifica-
tion is the personalization of the learning application.
Hassan et al. developed a system that provides stu-
dents with different gamification elements depending
on their learning type. The results showed that adap-
tive gamification elements and activities selected ac-
cording to learners’ learning dimensions significantly
increased factors such as motivation, course comple-
tion, interest, and user interaction in the e-learning
course (Hassan et al., 2019).
2.2 Sight Reading and Sight Singing
In the area of music education, Sch
uler (2021) ad-
dresses the challenges faced by instrumentalists and
vocalists by highlighting their respective weaknesses
in singing-related exercises and ear training tasks.
To counteract student “un-motivation, Sch
uler ad-
vocates integrating technological tools like online
karaoke and platforms such as SmartMusic, which
lead to higher student motivation, better performance
in less time, improved audiation skills, and improved
solfege skills compared to traditional singing exer-
cises. The concept of audiation, which is crucial to
improving sight-singing skills, is at the heart of these
efforts. Research shows that incorporating famil-
iar music choices and feedback mechanisms through
platforms like SmartMusic, which provide visual and
audio feedback, significantly increases student moti-
vation and performance. In addition, Sch
uler high-
lights the effectiveness of various software tools such
as EarMaster Pro, MacGamut, Practica Musica, Au-
Troubadour: Inverse Dictation Games for Ear Training
ralia, and EarTrainer, the latter of which
allows teachers to create and assess melodic, rhyth-
mic and harmonic dictations.
In recent years, numerous applications have
been developed to improve sight-singing and sight-
learning. Ella
, a sight-singing ear-training app,
stands out by offering engaging exercises that include
gamified elements such as leaderboards and scores,
paired with pitch evaluation and detailed analysis and
feedback on the user’s performance. ABRSM (Asso-
ciated Board of the royal Schools of Music)
various music trainer apps with gamified elements,
covering piano and violin scales, sight-reading, mu-
sic theory, and aural training, the latter being used to
improve sight-singing. Many exercises are automat-
ically marked, and there are also tools for reviewing
and evaluating performance. Perfect Ear
offers vari-
ous exercises for ear training, rhythm and melody dic-
tation, sight-reading, absolute pitch, and note singing,
which are suitable for self-learning as they do not al-
low monitoring by a teacher. MyEarTraining
proven to be helpful in increasing success in the
“Western Music Theory and Ear Training” course
(Sezer and Temiz, 2023). It offers singing exercises,
progress tracking, cross-device synchronization, and
customizable exercise generation. Sight Reading Fac-
c (2018) supports the user with cus-
tomizable sight-reading exercises for instruments and
vocals. The program is particularly useful for schools
as it provides sight-reading exercises for full ensem-
ble, but it lacks the function of automatic feedback for
the user. Feedback can only be given by the teacher
via the assignment function. The improvement of
sight-reading skills is also addressed in ToneGym
iClef (different clef positions on the staff) (Barat
et al., 2023), and Adventure in Music Land (for chil-
dren aged 9-13). The apps are mostly available as web
apps or in the iOS and Google Play stores.
2.3 Troubadour
In recent years, Pesek et al. have been developing
Troubadour, a gamified e-learning platform tailored
for ear training (Pesek et al., 2020a,b, 2022). This
web-based open-source
application is specifically
geared towards learning music theory and aims to en-
7 backend
8 flutter
gage students in a dynamic and personalized learn-
ing experience through a series of exercises. The ex-
ercises on the platform cover various aspects includ-
ing melodic and interval dictation, rhythmic dictation,
and harmony exercises. Troubadour was developed
in collaboration with a music conservatory and suc-
cessfully meets the needs of both teachers and stu-
dents. It addresses teachers’ concerns about techni-
cal skills by providing a non-complex user interface
while meeting students’ needs for motivation through
gamification elements. The platform offers features
such as user administration and tracking, automatic
exercise generation, and difficulty levels aligned with
the conservatory curriculum. Troubadour has been
integrated into music theory courses and has received
positive feedback from students for its user-friendly
interface and positive impact on students’ exam re-
sults. Troubadour stands out as an easily expand-
able tool that is accessible across all major platforms.
Most notably, the application utilizes gamification el-
ements such as user profiles, avatar creation, achieve-
ment badges, progression levels, and leaderboards to
provide an engaging and rewarding learning environ-
Troubadour was published as a mobile application
for both Android
and iOS
platforms, along with the
recently re-designed user interface (Fig. 1). The plat-
form offers a mobile-first user experience for existing
rhythmic, interval and harmony games available both
as mobile app and web interface
As an extension of the existing Troubadour app, we
propose the integration of inversion games to help im-
prove students’ sight-singing skills. The introduction
of new features, in particular inverse rhythmic and
melodic dictation training, fits seamlessly into the ex-
isting exercises and gamification elements of the app.
While the existing regular rhythmic and melodic dic-
tation tasks ask users to transcribe the audio exam-
ples, the proposed inverse dictations involve perform-
ing a written rhythmic or melodic pattern. During
the development process, however, challenges arose
in the processing of the auditory input.
In the inverse rhythmic dictation exercises, users
are given a written example of a rhythmic pattern and
are required to record the rhythm by singing it into the
Available at:
CSME 2024 - 5th International Special Session on Computer Supported Music Education
(a) Games view. (b) In-game progress view.
Figure 1: Troubadour mobile interface.
device’s microphone. Once they have confirmed their
recording, they automatically receive feedback. The
app processes the provided audio signal with a binary
representation for each detected note and compares
it with the binary reference representation calculated
based on the original pattern. Tolerances are set for
the synchronization and comparison of the two binary
patterns, including the start time tolerance (which al-
lows shifts in the start index of the dictated note) and
the duration tolerance (which allows the duration of
the dictated note to be extended or shortened by a
maximum of 25% compared to the length of the cor-
responding note in the generated signal).
Similarly, in inverse melodic and harmonic dicta-
tion exercises, the user is provided with melodic pat-
tern or arpeggiated chords. Based on the given refer-
ence note, the user records the pattern and submits the
recording for evaluation. Flutter audio capture library
was used during the recording process due to its capa-
bility for real-time audio capturing. The information
about the frequencies is obtained by pitch detection li-
braries, based on the Yin algorithmm (De Cheveigne
and Kawahara, 2002), and each note is represented as
a list of values that takes into account the recognized
frequencies in the human voice. The predominant fre-
quency is converted into a musical notation and com-
pared with the notation of the reference pattern. Ini-
tially, the recording was depicted using musical notes
to represent both the user input and the reference pat-
tern. Subsequently, we decided to enhance the visu-
alization by incorporating a piano roll alongside the
existing musical note representation with clear differ-
entiation between correct and incorrect notes. Fur-
thermore, users were provided with the flexibility to
adjust the octave of the pattern to better align with
their vocal range.
During the last six years of the Troubadour plat-
form development, the gamified e-learning platform
has continued to uphold its commitment to provid-
ing a dynamic and engaging learning experience. No-
tably, the gamification elements, including achieve-
ment badges, progress levels, and performance ratings
on leaderboards, are also included in the newly devel-
oped exercises. The incorporation of these elements
not only motivates students but also adds an element
of healthy competition, enhancing the overall educa-
tional experience within the Troubadour ecosystem.
Figure 2: Three versions of the inverse interval dictation
game. The final version contains the piano roll as a real-
time visual aid, showing the sang pitch in a form of a blue
box (left part of the screen).
3.1 Experimental Design
To collect feedback and assess the overall user expe-
rience, we conducted a two-part survey, one for each
tool. First, participants were asked to complete a de-
mographic questionnaire, in which they provided in-
formation about their gender, age, the instrument they
play, years of formal instruction, and years of music
school attendance.
3.1.1 User Experience Questionnaire
The user experience with the newly introduced tools
was evaluated using the User Experience Question-
naire (UEQ). This questionnaire covers aspects of
both pragmatic (goal-oriented) and hedonic (non-
goal-oriented) quality and consists of 26 items cat-
egorized into six scales: Attractiveness, Perspicuity,
Efficiency, Dependability, Stimulation, and Novelty
(Laugwitz et al., 2008). Each scale item consists of
Troubadour: Inverse Dictation Games for Ear Training
two terms with opposite meanings, with half of the
items on a scale beginning with the positive term and
the other half of the items beginning with the negative
term. The provided analysis tools are tailored to ac-
commodate this term order. Participants ranked each
item on a 7-point Likert scale (Schrepp, 2015). Users
were provided with the official Slovenian translation
of the UEQ to ensure accurate responses.
Table 1: 26 items of the 6 scales of the UEQ as they were
presented to the users(Schrepp et al., 2014).
Scales Pairs of items
Attractiveness annoying enjoyable
(pure valence) good bad
unlikable pleasing
unpleasant pleasant
attractive unattractive
friendly unfriendly
Perspicuity not understandable understandable
(pragmatic) easy to learn difficult to learn
complicated easy
clear confusing
Efficiency fast slow
(pragmatic) inefficient efficient
impractical practical
organized cluttered
Dependability unpredictable predictable
(pragmatic) obstructive supportive
secure not secure
meets expectations does not meet expectations
Stimulation valuable inferior
(hedonic) boring exiting
not interesting interesting
motivating demotivating
Novelty creative dull
(hedonic) inventive conventional
usual leading edge
conservative innovative
The UEQ handbook (Schrepp, 2015) provides the
following interpretation of the results:
Bad: In the range of the 25% worst results.
Below Average: 50% of the results in the bench-
mark are better than the result for the evaluated
product, 25% of the results are worse.
Above Average: 25% of the results in the bench-
mark are better than the result for the evaluated
product, 50% of the results are worse.
Good: 10% of the results in the benchmark data
set are better and 75% of the results are worse.
Excellent: In the range of the 10% best results.
3.1.2 Meega+ Questionnaire
The inverse melodic and harmonic dictation tool was
further evaluated using an adapted Meega+ (Model
for the Evaluation of Educational Games) question-
naire, which was developed for the systematic assess-
ment of the quality of educational games in computer
education from a student’s standpoint (Petri et al.,
2018). This model comprises two primary quality
factors—game experience and usability—and their
respective dimensions. To streamline the evaluation
and avoid redundancy with UEQ metrics, we selected
seven specific metrics:
I had fun with the game.
This game is appropriately challenging for me.
The game contributed to my learning in this
The game design is attractive (interface, graphics,
cards, boards, etc.).
I would recommend this game to my colleagues.
The game rules are clear and easy to understand.
When I make a mistake, it is easy to recover from
it quickly.
The answers were recorded on a 5-point Likert
scale, with 1 being ”strongly disagree” and 5 being
”strongly agree” In addition, open-ended questions
were used to get feedback on what users liked, sug-
gestions for improvement, and additional comments.
The first experimental group focused on the new in-
verse rhythmic dictation tool and consisted of 15 par-
ticipants. The majority of the participants were male
and accounted for 73.3% of the participants, while
the proportion of female participants was 26.7%. The
age distribution showed that the vast majority, 66.7%,
were up to 25 years old. 20% fell into the age group
of 26 to 40 years and 13.3% into the age group of
41 to 60 years. No participant was over 61 years
old. The group consisted predominantly of musi-
cians (86.7%), while the proportion of music teach-
ers was lower (13.3%). A significant proportion of
participants demonstrated proficiency in playing mul-
tiple instruments: 33.3% playing two instruments and
26.7% playing three instruments. In terms of musical
instrument proficiency, the majority of participants
demonstrated proficiency in playing the piano, con-
stituting 46.7%, followed by guitar and singing, both
at 33.3%. Other instruments included drums, accor-
dion, trumpet, euphonium, double bass, French horn,
and tuba. The duration of formal learning varied, with
1 participant having no formal learning, 1 participant
with 1 year, 6 participants with 6 to 9 years, and 7
participants with 10 or more years.
The second experimental group, focusing on the
inverse melodic and harmonic dictation, was more
complex. The experiment lasted for two weeks and
CSME 2024 - 5th International Special Session on Computer Supported Music Education
included 7 participants in the first week and 8 in the
second week, with 5 participants taking part in both
weeks. After the first week of evaluation, the tool was
improved based on user feedback. All participants
were first-year students at the Ljubljana Conservatory
of Music and Ballet. The majority of the participants
were male and made up 86.7% of the total. The av-
erage age of the participants was 17.47 years, with an
average of 7.8 years of playing an instrument and 6.3
years attending music school. The most common in-
strument among the participants was the saxophone,
which was played by four people. Mobile phone plat-
forms were varied, with 8 participants using Android
and 7 using iOS.
The results of the UEQ questionnaires show pre-
dominantly positive feedback from the participants
involved in the research. The creators of the question-
naire’s highlight that, given the calculation of means
across different people with different opinions and re-
sponse tendencies, values above +2 or below -2 are
extremely unlikely to occur (Schrepp, 2015). As ex-
pected, the initial assessment of the inverse melodic
dictation resulted in lower scores in the first week,
which improved in the subsequent assessment.
Figure 3: UEQ results of both groups in Week 2 of melodic
tool analysis and rhythmic tool evaluation group.
Figure 4: Comparison of UEQ results between both groups
in Week 2 of melodic tool analysis.
In the first group, participants rated each scale
higher in the second evaluation, with the exception
of Stimulation. Conversely, the second group, being
Figure 5: UEQ results of rhythmic tool analysis.
Figure 6: Results of Meega+ questionaire.
unfamiliar with the previous version, rated each scale
higher than the first group, with the exception of De-
pendability. A visual representation of this compari-
son can be found in Figure 4. Compared to the eval-
uation of the inverse rhythm dictation tool evaluation,
the only higher scores were recorded on the Efficiency
scale. The lowest overall score received the Novelty
scale in the first week of the evaluation. In addition,
pragmatic quality scales received higher scores than
hedonic quality scales, as depicted in Figure 3.
In line with the benchmarks for interpreting the
UEQ results (Schrepp, 2015), the rating ”Excellent”
was awarded for Novelty and Perspicuity in Group 2,
and Efficiency in Group R. Attractiveness was rated
”Good”, while Dependability and Stimulation were
classified as ”Above Average” in Group 2 (also in
Group R).
The results of a part of the Meega+ questionnaire
(see figure 6) were also positive, with all average
scores above the mean of the 1-5 scale. It is worth
noting that the only category that did not achieve an
average score above 4 is related to error management
and the ability to correct errors. These results con-
tribute to an overall positive assessment of the user
experience, as they indicate a high level of satisfac-
tion with various aspects.
4.1 Suggestions for Improvement
Suggested improvements include increasing the sen-
sitivity of the application, implementing more precise
audio recognition to increase the accuracy of the ex-
Troubadour: Inverse Dictation Games for Ear Training
ercises, more customization options in terms of ad-
justing the level of difficulty and tolerance for de-
viations from the ideal rhythm, the ability to dis-
able the visual metronome, integrating an audible
metronome, emphasizing the importance of correct
rhythm notation, recognizing clapping, and adding
polyrhythm exercises. Other suggested improvements
include smoother operation, correction of errors in ex-
ercise generation, and implementation of the natural
) sign.
4.2 Educators’ Opinion
The evaluation of the inverse rhythm dictation by two
music teachers provides valuable information on its
practical implementation in music lessons. The first
teacher emphasizes the importance of cultivating a
natural sense of rhythm and an emotional connection
to music and points out that the application may not
be suitable for younger students as it is geared to-
wards self-directed learning. In contrast, the second
educator sees significant potential in the application,
especially if it includes more complex rhythms and
features. This educator can envision the functionality
benefiting musicians of all levels, provided it meets
accurate notation standards.
The results of the study show overall positive feed-
back from participants who used the newly developed
inverse rhythmic and melodic dictation tools.
Regarding the inverse melodic dictation, the initial
lower scores in the first week improved in the subse-
quent evaluation, which was in line with expectations.
The second group, who were unfamiliar with the pre-
vious version, generally rated each scale higher than
the first group, indicating positive acceptance. The
Meega+ questionnaire further underpinned the posi-
tive results. However, it is worth noting that the cat-
egory relating to error management and the ability to
correct errors received a score of slightly less than 4,
suggesting that there is still room for improvement in
this particular aspect. More specifically, the user ex-
perience could be further improved by taking into ac-
count the specific suggestions of students and teach-
Overall, the positive feedback and constructive
suggestions indicate that the tools can effectively sup-
port music education and self-study. The inclusion of
gamification elements, as seen in the Troubadour plat-
form, adds an engaging and motivating layer to the
learning experience.
Inverse melodic dictation exercises have already
been integrated into the production app and are be-
coming increasingly popular with students and teach-
ers. In the upcoming update of the Troubadour plat-
form, we plan to introduce inverse rhythm dictation
exercises, which were evaluated in the present study.
This research was conducted as part of the basic re-
search project Music for the young people since 1945
and Jeunesses Musicales in Slovenia [project number
J6-3135], funded by the Slovenian Research and In-
novation Agency from the state budget.
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