Overcoming Student Passivity with Automatic Item Generation
Sebastian Kucharski
1 a
, Florian Stahr
, Iris Braun
and Gregor Damnik
2 b
Chair of Distributed and Networked Systems, TUD Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany
Chair of Didactics of Computer Science, TUD Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany
{sebastian.kucharski, florian.stahr, iris.braun, gregor.damnik}@tu-dresden.de
Automatic Item Generation, AIG, Assessment, Cognitive Model, Item Model.
Studying at German universities is often associated with a passive mode of learning. Using learning tasks
and (self-)test items is an effective way to address this issue. However, due to the high cost of creation, these
materials are rarely provided to learners. The approach of Automatic Item Generation (AIG) allows for the
resource-efficient generation of learning tasks and (self-)test items. This paper demonstrates, after present-
ing general ideas of AIG, how tasks or items can be automatically generated using the AIG Model Editor
designed at TUD Dresden University of Technology. Subsequently, items generated using the AIG approach
are compared with items created in a traditional manner. The results show that automatically generated items
have comparable properties to traditionally created items, but their generation requires much less effort than
the traditional creation, thus making AIG appear as a promising alternative for supporting active learning at
Studying at German universities is often character-
ized by attending lectures, reading and processing
book chapters and journal articles, or watching in-
structional videos. However, listening, reading, and
watching is associated with a mainly passive mode
of learning, which can lead to insufficiently intercon-
nected or sustainable knowledge (Chi and Boucher,
2023; Chi and Wylie, 2014).
One effective way to address this problem is the
use of learning tasks and (self-)test items. Tasks and
items consist of at least a) a question that prompts
learners to reflect on the content, b) a response area
that allows learners to represent the results of their
thinking processes, and c) a responding component
that depends on the type of the task or item (K
et al., 2004). If the goal, on the one hand, is to en-
courage learners to engage in deeper processing of
the subject matter and, for example, to make com-
parisons between different content areas or to sum-
marize various aspects of the content, learning tasks
are used, which often include elaborated feedback. If
the goal, on the other hand, is to enable learners to
evaluate their learning process or to encourage them
to reflect on the quality of their own learning meth-
ods, (self-)test items are used. These typically contain
only brief informational feedback such as correct or
incorrect. Regardless of whether it is a learning task
or a (self-)test item, it can help to overcome a passive
mode of learning and encourage learners to actively
process a subject area (K
orndle et al., 2004; Kapp et
al., 2015).
1.1 Reasons for the Infrequent Use of
Tasks and Items at Universities
Despite the described benefits, learners are hardly of-
fered learning tasks or (self-)test items to support an
active mode of learning because of two reasons. First,
creating a necessary task or item pool is costly (Ker-
res, 2002). It is estimated that creating a single writ-
ten task or item costs several hundred euros (Gierl and
Lai, 2013b). Second, tasks or items would need to be
created by university instructors who are content ex-
perts but often lack the know-how for traditional task
or item creation (Li et al., 2021). Therefore, a task
or item pool for learning purposes seems to be unre-
alistic at the moment (Damnik et al., 2018). How-
ever, the digitization or widespread use of computers
in higher education has changed this assessment in
recent years. It is now possible to generate tasks or
items easily and inexpensively using software.
This paper demonstrates in Section 2 how the Au-
Kucharski, S., Stahr, F., Braun, I. and Damnik, G.
Overcoming Student Passivity with Automatic Item Generation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012747500003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 789-798
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tomatic Item Generation (AIG) approach (Embretson,
2002; Embretson and Yang, 2007; Gierl et al., 2012;
Gierl and Lai, 2013b; Damnik et al., 2018; Kosh et
al., 2019) can be used to efficiently generate learning
tasks and (self-)test items. Subsequently, it will be
explained in Section 3 how the AIG approach can be
applied using an editor designed at the TUD Dresden
University of Technology
, which has been evaluated
multiple times with the help of instructors and revised
in several iterations (Baum et al., 2021; Braun et al.,
2022; Kucharski et al., 2023). Finally, an experiment
is discussed in Section 4 in which learners were asked
to compare and evaluate traditionally created and au-
tomatically generated items, aiming to assess the dif-
ferences between items generated using the AIG ap-
proach and those created in a traditional manner.
Automatic Item Generation (AIG) describes a tech-
nology, methodology, or process by which learn-
ing tasks or (self-)test items are generated automati-
cally (Embretson, 2002; Embretson and Yang, 2007;
Gierl et al., 2012; Gierl and Lai, 2013b; Damnik et
al., 2018; Kosh et al., 2019). AIG does not require
experts anymore that individually write, review, and
revise tasks or items, but rather operates with system-
atic representations of the subject matter (i.e., cogni-
tive models), systematic representations that describe
the type and form of the intended tasks or items (i.e.,
item models), and software that automatically gener-
ates a task or item pool from these models (i.e., item
generator). The overall process of AIG is divided into
the following four broad stages (Gierl and Lai, 2016;
Damnik et al., 2018; Kosh et al., 2019).
1. The development of a cognitive model
2. The development of an item model
3. The generation of a task or item pool
4. The evaluation of the tasks or items and models
These four stages, in turn, encompass ten specific
steps, as illustrated in Figure 2. The stages and steps
are explained in detail below.
2.1 Development of a Cognitive Model
A cognitive model contains the information that an
expert in a particular content area needs to an-
swer a question, the information that helps to make
https://tu-dresden.de, accessed February 13, 2024
Figure 1: Example of a cognitive model of the AIG Model
Editor related to different types of quadrilaterals and their
proper decisions, or the information that best fits a
given problem among various options (Gierl and Lai,
2013a). Therefore, the development of the cognitive
model begins with the search for a source of expert
knowledge in a content area. The input to this pro-
cess is typically the knowledge of a subject matter ex-
pert. However, the use of textbooks, videos, or other
learning materials is also possible. The source is then
initially examined in terms of the recurring issues or
problems described within it (referred to as the prob-
lem). This is the core of the cognitive model. Subse-
quently, scenarios (i.e., examples with different char-
acteristics) are identified using the source, which are
linked to the problem. In the third step of the AIG pro-
cess, based on these scenarios, sources of information
from the text, video, or other learning materials are
extracted that can define the scenarios with their char-
AIG 2024 - Special Session on Automatic Item Generation
Figure 2: The stages of the traditional AIG process based on (Kosh et al., 2019) and (Gierl and Lai, 2016).
acteristics. A distinction is made between general and
specific occurrences (i.e., features) of these sources of
information. General occurrences of sources of infor-
mation relate to all or at least a majority of the scenar-
ios (i.e., generic features). Specific occurrences (i.e.,
case-specific features), on the other hand, are only re-
lated to particular scenarios, which must also be spec-
ified as a prerequisite in the cognitive model.
The following example related to different types
of quadrilaterals (i.e., scenarios such as squares, rect-
angles, trapezoids, etc.) and their differentiation il-
lustrates this idea in Figure 1. Initially, various math-
ematical textbook chapters were examined to identify
sources of information typically related to these types
of shapes, such as length of sides, perimeter and area,
angles within the quadrilateral, and the parallelism of
sides. Some of these sources of information are more
restrictive than others. For example, the perimeter of a
quadrilateral does not provide any information about
its type. In contrast, having equal or unequal lengths
of sides is one of several specific prerequisites for dis-
tinguishing between a square and a rectangle. How-
ever, the topic of determining the types of quadrilat-
erals is only an illustrative example here. Our re-
search group has generated multiple cognitive mod-
els on topics such as biology, psychology, medicine,
computer science, and mathematics, illustrating that
AIG can handle a wide range of content areas.
2.2 Development of an Item Model
The item model serves as the link between the infor-
mation from the cognitive model and the context in
Figure 3: Example of an item model of the AIG Model Ed-
itor related to different types of quadrilaterals and their dif-
which the tasks or items are intended to be used. This
means that in addition to the information in item stem
and question, the item model also includes the item
format, response options, item materials, feedback on
solutions, and other components or information that
are relevant or necessary to the context in which the
tasks or items will be used (Gierl et al., 2012).
The main step of developing the item model is for-
mulating the item stem, which is summarized in the
fourth AIG step. For this purpose, a so-called mother
item (i.e., a manually created task or item) can be
used. If such a mother item does not exist, or if the ex-
isting tasks or items do not consider enough sources
of information, a formulation must be found that in-
cludes all the necessary sources of information from
the cognitive model and the corresponding question.
Subsequently, the general or specific occurrences
of the sources of information in the item stem are re-
Overcoming Student Passivity with Automatic Item Generation
placed with placeholders that the item generator soft-
ware will fill in order to generate the pool of tasks or
items. Then, the task or item format is determined,
and the feedback and the materials are included if
needed. An example of an item model that was cre-
ated with the AIG Model Editor from the TUD Dres-
den University of Technology (see Section 3) is il-
lustrated in Figure 3. It shows the information from
the cognitive model as placeholders (represented as
< ... >), the item stem (the description of the con-
text as text), the question (How...?), and the distrac-
tors (also represented as < ... > in our editor).
When examining the item model, some sentences
in the item stem may seem quite cryptic. To prevent
learners from identifying the correct solution based
on unusual or grammatically incorrect sentence con-
structions, it is possible to define word endings, punc-
tuation marks, or even entire subordinate clauses as
placeholder content. The development of the item
model should be understood as an iterative process,
characterized by multiple evaluation (see also stage 4
of AIG: Evaluation of tasks or items and models) and
revision steps.
2.3 Generation of a Task or Item Pool
The task or item pool is generated by the item
generator (in our case, the AIG Model Edi-
tor (AME) (Kucharski et al., 2023) developed at TUD
Dresden University of Technology, see Section 3)
through the alternation of all combinations of generic
and case-specific features that do not violate any con-
ditions defined in the cognitive model and that have a
distinct solution.
In the above-mentioned example of quadrilaterals,
out of 1728 theoretically possible combinations, only
81 combinations can result in items that have a dis-
tinct solution and do not violate any of the defined
conditions. In Figure 4, a randomly selected item is
illustrated. As can be seen, the AIG Model Editor has
combined generic features (e.g., area, color, or sum
of interior angles) that are irrelevant to the solution as
well as case-specific features (e.g., side length, paral-
lelism of sides, or type of diagonals) that are crucial
for the solution.
Finally, to use the generated tasks or items for a
specific use case, a selection must be made. If the
goal is to use the tasks or items to support learning,
then a selection would include tasks in the pool that
cover as much of the knowledge about the subject as
possible, even if only a few tasks are answered by a
user (i.e., the tasks should be substantially different).
If the goal is to use the tasks or items within a test sce-
nario, the selection should contain as many items as
Figure 4: Example of one of the items generated by the AIG
Model Editor from the above item model related to different
types of quadrilaterals and their differentiation.
possible that are visually distinct from each other, but
are comparable in terms of of difficulty. This ensures
that each item must be answered individually, that
students will require comparable knowledge to solve
the test items, and that solutions cannot be copied or
discussed among students. This selection of tasks or
items can also be made automatically by entering spe-
cific parameters such as the number of tasks or items
and their similarity. How this is done by the AIG
Model Editor is described in Section 3.
2.4 Evaluation of the Tasks or Items
and Models
In particular, if the provision of learning tasks or
(self-)test items, the assessment, and the provision of
feedback can be carried out in a computer-assisted
AIG 2024 - Special Session on Automatic Item Generation
manner (in terms of fully computer-based testing or
assessment; see e.g., (Drasgow, 2016)), then it is ad-
visable to also collect and analyze psychometric mea-
sures of the tasks or items (e.g., (Kosh et al., 2019))
automatically. This means that after the usage, char-
acteristics such as the difficulty or the discrimina-
tion between tasks or items should be analyzed and
compared with the predicted properties (Lienert and
Raatz, 1998). For example, if it is observed that tasks
or items derived from an item model are not approx-
imately equally difficult (i.e., pseudo-parallel or even
parallel items), or if tasks or items derived from a cog-
nitive model do not discriminate between more and
less successful learners (i.e., items with low discrimi-
nation), then the corresponding models from the AIG
process should be revised.
It should be noted that these steps are optional and
their requirements depend on the context in which the
AIG tasks or items are used. For example, this ap-
proach is more necessary when building a test item
pool for performance diagnostics than when tasks for
supporting knowledge acquisition are to be offered to
learners. It should also be noted that these steps do
not only relate to AIG tasks or items. Even for man-
ually created tasks or items, psychometric properties
should be assessed when the context of task or item
use requires it. These properties should then be used
to guide the revision process.
2.5 Relation Between AIG and
Adaptive Learning Approaches
Beyond the use of learning tasks and (self-)test items
to encourage learners to actively process a subject
area, student engagement and motivation is a focus
of research related to Intelligent Tutoring Systems
(ITS) as a means to provide customized tutoring (Al-
rakhawi et al., 2023) and research related to personal-
ized learning in general (Ochukut et al., 2023).
With a history of more than 50 years, ITS aim
to optimize the learning process in terms of vari-
ous metrics by providing personalized instruction us-
ing intelligent functionalities and methods (Kurni et
al., 2023). Over the years, a number of such in-
telligent functionalities and methods have been con-
ceptualized, implemented, and evaluated (Mousav-
inasab et al., 2021). Some of these approaches also
work with learning tasks or (self-)test items, such
as (Pardos et al., 2023), which automatically gener-
ates problem steps for the learner to answer based
on user-defined templates through variabilization, or
(Yilmaz et al., 2022), which uses a variable number
of items in Adaptive Mastery Tests (AMT) to test the
learner’s mastery of a particular subject and adjust
the proposed learning path accordingly. In addition,
research aimed at personalizing learning in general
also uses test items, such as (Arsovic and Stefanovic,
2020), which uses pre-tests with relevant items prior
to course study to identify prior knowledge and adapt
course content and learning paths.
These few examples suggest that AIG, as a mech-
anism with the primary goal of generating materials
to improve the learning process, and research related
to ITS or personalized learning in general, with the
primary goal of influencing the learning process itself
to make it more effective, can not only be used side
by side to achieve their respective goals more quickly,
but can also benefit from each other conceptually by
combining certain parts of both approaches.
The AIG Model Editor (AME)
, developed at TUD
Dresden University of Technology, is the result of a
collaboration between the departments of Computer
Science and Psychology. Its origins can be traced
back to a student project jointly supervised by these
departments (Baum et al., 2021; Braun et al., 2022).
After initial test runs, it was fundamentally revised
and then continuously evaluated and optimized in
multiple iteration loops. The current state of develop-
ment is described in detail in (Kucharski et al., 2023)
and can be explored at https://ame.aig4all.org.
3.1 General Structure
The latest version of the editor is illustrated in Fig-
ure 5, it consists of different visually separated areas.
On the upper left side, there is a graphical representa-
tion of the cognitive model. In the center, the prob-
lem and its associated scenarios are visually high-
lighted in a box with a green border (i.e., quadri-
laterals with square, rectangle, trapezoid, etc.). All
case-specific features of the sources of information
are linked to the scenarios in terms of their prerequi-
sites. On the lower left side, all sources of information
are defined with their generic and case-specific fea-
tures (e.g., the source of information symmetry with
axis symmetry, point symmetry, and axis and point
symmetry). The clear structure and several easy-to-
use modeling functionalities, such as the ability to
drag and drop sources of information into the cogni-
tive model, support the users during the first stage of
the AIG process (see Section 2.1). The second stage
(see Section 2.2) is supported on the right. There
https://ame.aig4all.org, accessed February 13, 2024
Overcoming Student Passivity with Automatic Item Generation
Figure 5: The latest version of the AIG Model Editor.
different item models can be defined with their item
stems, questions, formats, and distractors. Pressing
the Play button triggers the generation included in the
third stage (see Section 2.3). After completion, an
additional window opens showing all generated tasks
or items with their distinct solutions for the corre-
sponding cognitive model. From there, they can be
exported to different output formats for import into
learning platforms such as Moodle
or Audience Re-
sponse Systems (ARS) such as AMCS
(Braun et al.,
3.2 Features
The AIG Model Editor has two unique features com-
pared to the small number of other editors that have
been developed for the implementation of the AIG ap-
proach. First, a cognitive model created in this editor
can contain multiple layers. Second, the editor pro-
vides the ability to perform a rule-based selection of
AIG tasks or items to assist the user in the seventh
step in the third stage (see Section 2.3).
Figure 1 shows the so-called base layer of an
example of a cognitive model about the above-
mentioned different types of quadrilaterals and their
differentiation. The base layer of a cognitive model
contains the simple relationships between features
and scenarios that do not require loops or if-then
propositions. However, to represent certain subject
https://moodle.com, accessed February 13, 2024
https://amcs.website, accessed February 13, 2024
matters, such more complex conditional constructs
are required to represent the necessary relationships.
For this purpose, the AIG Model Editor provides the
ability to define condition layers. These layers allow
to elaborate conditions and conclusions between dif-
ferent sources of information and their features. In
summary, the AIG Model Editor allows the gener-
ation of more complex learning tasks and (self-)test
items than other editors.
To choose a subset of generated tasks and items,
the AIG Model Editor provides the ability to automat-
ically determine a random or rule-based selection. By
having selected Selections and using the nearby but-
ton with the plus sign (see Figure 5), a dialogue win-
dow opens where various features of the selection can
be adjusted. For example, tasks or items can be se-
lected that differ from each other either extensively or
only superficially. This option reduces the number of
steps required after the generation and also allows to
make a large set of generated items manageable again.
3.3 Evaluation Results
As previously mentioned, the AIG Model Editor was
evaluated and revised multiple times. For the evalua-
tion of the latest version of the editor, 12 participants
were asked to create a textually described model in
the editor, generate some items, and then share their
experiences using a questionnaire. In order to ensure
that persons with a background and without a back-
ground in computer science participated in that exper-
AIG 2024 - Special Session on Automatic Item Generation
iment, persons from different subject domains were
asked to join. Furthermore, also some people were
included who had never created learning tasks or test
items before. All participants were able to success-
fully complete the assigned task, and the overall feed-
back was consistently positive.
To quantitatively determine the user-friendliness
of the developed editor, the System Usability Scale -
SUS (Brooke, 1996) was used as a reference. Par-
ticipants were asked to agree or disagree with a se-
ries of predefined negative and positive statements re-
garding the usability of the developed editor using a
5-point Likert scale. On average, the SUS score was
81. While the threshold for a user-friendly system is
68, the evaluation thus indicated that the average of
the surveyed participants found the editor to be well
usable. Moreover, as indicated by their statements,
participants also understood the AIG use case.
In order to assess the quality of items generated auto-
matically using the AIG Model Editor, students were
given such items alongside manually created items.
In addition, they received an evaluation questionnaire
containing eight statements. Five of the eight state-
ments (e.g., “In order to solve the item, knowledge
in the area of ’... have to be applied. or “The cor-
rect option cannot be identified through grammatical
peculiarities or unfamiliar phrasing.”) were based
on the evaluation questionnaire by (Gierl and Lai,
2013a), which the authors also used to evaluate AIG
items and manually created items. In contrast, three
of the eight statements (e.g., “The item is formu-
lated simply and clearly.”) were based on the Ham-
burger Verst
andlichkeitsmodell (Langer, von Thun
and Tausch, 2019) to compare the tasks and items
based on general criteria of clarity. All statements had
a six-point rating scale ranging from strongly disagree
to strongly agree.
The questionnaire has been used in two rounds
of evaluation. However, between these two rounds,
the content of the items, the students who evaluated
them, and the people who generated and created the
items differed. This approach was chosen in order
to ensure that the results could be interpreted inde-
pendently from the specific content or the individuals
4.1 Evaluation One
The first evaluation took place in February 2023.
Twenty-four students attending a lecture in the field of
computer science were presented with a total of eight
items on the topic of Service and Cloud Computing.
Five out of the eight items were generated using AIG,
and three out of the eight items were manually created
by experts in the field. The students were unaware of
which items were automatically generated and which
were manually created and were given the aforemen-
tioned evaluation questionnaire. For each item, they
rated the eight statements. The evaluation results
were then aggregated per item and method (i.e., au-
tomatically generated or manually created). Table 1
shows the results of the first evaluation.
Table 1: Results of the first evaluation.
Item AIG Manual MV SD
1 x 4.60 0.55
2 x 4.59 0.59
3 x 4.98 0.72
4 x 4.96 0.64
5 x 4.96 0.65
6 x 4.79 0.46
7 x 5.07 0.71
8 x 4.75 0.58
Total 4.85 4.81
Firstly, the results indicate that both methods have
led to good items, as the students fairly agreed with
all quality criteria for each individual item (approxi-
mately 4.8 out of a maximum of 6 points, or in other
words, they selected the response agree with the crite-
rion most frequently). Furthermore, it becomes clear
that AIG items hardly differ in their quality from man-
ually created items, or that the students could not de-
tect any quality differences between the items. An
analysis using a t-test also did not find any differences
between the results of the automatic item generation
and the manual item creation.
4.2 Evaluation Two
The second evaluation took place in July 2023. This
time, a total of eight items on the topic of Computer
Networks were presented to 90 students in a computer
science lecture. For this evaluation, four items were
generated using AIG and four items were created
manually. The students were given the same evalua-
tion questionnaire described above. Once again, they
could not distinguish which items were automatically
generated and which were manually created. Table 2
shows the results of the second evaluation.
Overcoming Student Passivity with Automatic Item Generation
Table 2: Results of the second evaluation.
Item AIG Manual MV SD
1 x 5.09 0.67
2 x 4.96 0.71
3 x 4.70 0.89
4 x 5.15 0.66
5 x 4.98 0.69
6 x 4.86 0.77
7 x 4.94 0.63
8 x 4.99 0.72
Total 4.91 5.01
The results are almost identical to the first evalu-
ation, although the content of the items, the students
asked to evaluate the items, and the people who gen-
erated or created the items were different from the
first evaluation. Once again, the students positively
assessed each individual item, regardless of whether
it was generated using AIG or created in a traditional
manner. Again, an analysis using a t-test did not find
any differences between the results of the automatic
item generation and the manual item creation.
The results of the evaluations can be discussed on
different levels, such as the quality of the items, the
quantity of the items, or the simplicity of the process
to the final items (see also the review on AIG items
in the field of medicine by (Falc
ao et al., 2022)). In
terms of clarity, these discussion points are addressed
separately below, although some aspects may overlap.
We hypothesize that the evaluation results also apply
to learning tasks and plan to test this hypothesis in the
5.1 Quality of the Items
Both evaluations have shown that items generated
through AIG are of high quality and comparable to
manually created items. However, when considering
that the AIG process can be significantly more time
and resource efficient than manual item creation, the
value of AIG becomes clear. This is especially true
when items are needed regularly or in large quanti-
ties. This significant advantage of AIG is in line with
the findings of other research groups. Until above
mentioned evaluations, our own research group has
reported this result anecdotally. The results presented
in this paper now empirically confirm this view.
5.2 Quantity of the Items
It should be noted that once concepts are incorpo-
rated into a cognitive model, they can be used repeat-
edly for new tasks and items. This aspect further in-
creases the difference between the number of tasks
and items generated by the AIG approach and those
created manually. Thus, while the evaluations com-
pared, for example, four AIG items against four man-
ually created items, in reality, the four AIG items were
just a random selection from several hundred items
that could have been generated based on the prede-
fined cognitive model, as shown in the following Ta-
ble 3.
Table 3: Number of items per subject matter.
# Evaluation/# Item/Subject Matter # Items
1 / 1 / Web Services Extensions 620
1 / 3 / Vertical Web Service Scaling 5
1 / 4 / Security goals and encryption
1 / 4 / Application encryption meth-
1 / 8 / Web Service Scaling 1064
2 / 2 / Network Technologies 350
2 / 3 / Behavior of Data Transfer Pro-
2 / 5 / Addressing in Computer Net-
2 / 8 / TCP/IP Properties 24
Total 2646
5.3 Ease of Providing Learners with
Another advantage of the AIG approach and the de-
veloped editor is that even participants with little ex-
perience in creating learning tasks or test items can
easily create them for a specific subject area. In con-
trast to manual item creation, where lack of knowl-
edge or skills is a major hindrance to task or item cre-
ation (Li et al., 2021), AIG requires minimal knowl-
edge of the task or item creation process since this
process is guided continuously by the sequence of
steps predetermined by AIG (Gierl and Lai, 2016;
Damnik et al., 2018; Kosh et al., 2019) and the ed-
itor (Kucharski et al., 2023). The editor supports
not only the generation of a large number of tasks or
items in a short time compared to manual creation but
also the structuring of learning content and the related
knowledge, which is a prerequisite for both manual
item creation and automatic item generation. The fact
that 66.7% of the participants fully agree and 33.3%
AIG 2024 - Special Session on Automatic Item Generation
agree with the statement “I understand the concept
of AIG and know what corresponding software can
be used for.”, indicates that this understanding of the
AIG process was also conveyed to the participants
through their work with the editor.
Currently, the AIG Model Editor only generates tasks
and items through the alternation of all valid combi-
nations of generic and case-specific features (see Sec-
tion 2.3). Others proposed to use large language
models (Sayin and Gierl, 2024; Kıyak, 2023). This
approach allows to generate tasks and items whose
wording and content is not explicitly given as gener-
ation input. But like the AIG Model Editor, it still
requires describing the topic and the form of target
tasks and items, and evaluating the generation result.
In further development of the AIG Model Editor,
large language models could be used for the genera-
tion, similar to the other works. Besides, it is believed
that the integration of artificial intelligence into the
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rently examined in which steps and how users could
best be supported by this new technology. At the mo-
ment, analyzing the subject area, creating the cogni-
tive model, and formulating item stems seem to be
possible candidates.
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AIG 2024 - Special Session on Automatic Item Generation