VR Public Speaking Simulations Can Make Voices Stronger and
More Effortful
Ïo Valls-Ratés
1,3 a
, Oliver Niebuhr
1 b
and Pilar Prieto
2,3 c
University of Southern Denmark, Alsion, 2, Sønderborg, Denmark
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Roc Boronat, 138, Barcelona, Spain
Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA), Passeig de Lluís Companys, 23, Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Public Speaking, Prosody, Voice.
Abstract: In the field of public speaking, studies have mainly centered on the effects of virtual reality (VR) environments
in reducing public speaking anxiety (PSA). However, prior research on the effect of VR simulations on high-
school students' performance in terms of the prosody of their speech and number of gestures while being
immersed in a VR scenario is limited to just one study. The present paper examines the effects of practicing
speeches with a VR-simulated audience on self-perceived PSA, and speaking performance qualified on the
basis of the prosodic characteristics of the presenter’s voice and the rate of gestures they use while presenting.
Forty-seven high school students participated in either a VR group that practiced a two-minute speech in front
of a virtual audience, or a Non-VR group that delivered the same oral presentation alone in a room. Crucially,
these were compared with a baseline initial oral task where students presented in front of a live audience.
Practicing with VR resulted in significant differences across the groups pointing to VR-trained voices
becoming stronger, more effortful and louder. Simulated audience seems to help speakers develop more
audience-oriented prosody. This is particularly useful for rehearsing public speaking skills in the context of
secondary school education to improve students' oral competence.
Practicing public speaking in classrooms is crucial for
students' confidence and social development (King,
2002; Iberri-Shea, 2009). It enhances skills such as
decision-making, critical thinking, and empathy
(Schneider et al., 2017). This skillset is vital for future
professional success (Nguyen, 2015) and can
alleviate public speaking anxiety (Liao, 2014).
Educational institutions should recognize its
importance in fostering self-confidence and self-
directed learning (Munby, 2011), while instructors
play a key role in motivating student engagement
(Kaufmann & Tatum, 2017).
Against this background, the aim of this study was to
investigate the effects of VR on adolescents' voice
and gesture, and their self-perceived anxiety while
being immersed in a VR setting performing a speech.
Public-speaking training is rarely offered in
educational settings. This is unfortunate, given that,
according to Ford and Wolvin (1993), once public
speaking is trained in the classroom, students
perceive that their communication becomes more
effective and they feel more self-confident, more
confident that they are well-regarded by others, more
able to reason with other people and more skillful at
using language appropriately. The ability to
communicate effectively and appropriately is learned
and, therefore, must be taught (Morreale et al., 2000).
In short, teaching public speaking skills needs to be
directly integrated into the classroom.
Mastering public speaking shares notable parallels
with the process of acquiring a new language. Research
suggests a critical time window exists for language
acquisition, as demonstrated by studies (e.g.,
Valls-Ratés, Ï., Niebuhr, O. and Prieto, P.
VR Public Speaking Simulations Can Make Voices Stronger and More Effortful.
DOI: 10.5220/0012748900003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 685-693
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Hartshorne et al., 2018). This critical period, shown to
extend to aspects such as prosodythe rhythmic,
intonational, and stress patterns defining a language
(Huang & Jun, 2011)underscores the importance of
timely exposure and practice in developing linguistic
fluency. Just as proficiency in a new language benefits
from early immersion, effective public speaking skills
thrive with deliberate training and experience,
emphasizing the need for strategic interventions to
optimize learning outcomes, especially in the
A technology that can help engaging students in
the learning process is virtual-reality (henceforth
VR). VR technology displays three-dimensional
computer-generated scenes which create the illusion
for the viewer that he or she is physically located
within that simulated space and interacting with it, in
other words, a sensation of physical presence
(Radianti et al., 2020). VR has been used in a wide
variety of fields to treat phobias and post traumatic
disorder (Baños et al., 2011), in the entertainment
industry (Bianchi-Berthouze, 2013) and for medical
rehabilitation purposes (Bourdin et al., 2019). Several
studies have also assessed VR as a tool to be included
in speech communication courses to enhance
students’ performance and make learning more
meaningful, and to reduce public-speaking anxiety
(henceforth PSA). For instance, in a meta-analysis
exploring PSA and VR, Hui Lim et al. (2022)
identified a total of 92 studies and they concluded that
since the results of using VR were similar to those
obtained by other modes of therapy, it can be
considered an effective tool to treat clinical PSA (see
also Daniels et al., 2020) and appropriate as a
complementary method to other therapies such as
cognitive behavior therapy. Indeed, other studies
have shown how combining VR with other modalities
of therapy results in successful outcomes (e.g.,
Anderson et al., 2005; Wallach et al., 2009).
Very few studies have investigated the effects of
VR on high school students' public speaking
performance and anxiety (Kahlon et al., 2019; Valls-
Ratés et al., 2022; Valls-Ratés et al., 2023); and to our
knowledge only one has explored adolescents' vocal
and gestural patterns/behavior while being immersed
in a VR scenario (see Valls-Ratés et al., 2021).
The aim of the present study was to evaluate
adolescents' vocal and gestural patterns in virtual
scenarios. Studies that have analyzed the effects of
VR on prosody have been conducted in higher-
education (e.g., Niebuhr & Michalsky, 2018; Notaro
et al., 2021) and results show that VR can be an
effective tool to develop more audience-oriented
voices while performing a speech, pointing to a
potential effect of VR-assisted public-speaking
practice on not only the self-assessed anxiety of the
participants but also their delivery style in terms of
prosody and gesture use while practicing their
speeches. To this end, in a mixed-model experimental
design, high school students were asked to practice
their speeches either in front of a VR audience
(experimental condition) or alone in a classroom
(control condition). The two conditions served as our
between-subjects independent variable. Importantly,
in order to have reference values in the three domains
of interest, namely anxiety, prosody and gesture use,
before rehearsing in one of the two conditions each
speaker performed a short oral speech in front of a
real audience of three people. The real vs. VR
audience was a further within-subjects independent
variable in our experiment.
We hypothesized that practicing speeches within
VR settings would be conducive to (1) self-reports of
higher levels of self-perceived anxiety in comparison
to practicing alone without VR and (2) a more
audience-oriented nonverbal communication style in
terms of prosodies and gestures. In order to address
the second part of the hypothesis, a comprehensive
analysis of the 21 prosodic characteristics of the
target speeches including pitch (i.e., f0), tempo and
voice quality. Additionally, speakers’ gesture rate
during their public-speaking performance was
3.1 Participants, Experimental Design,
Materials and Procedure
A total of 47 secondary school students from Barcelona
participated in the study. The mean age of participants
(67.18% female; 32.82% male) was 16.45 years (SD =
0.36). The experiment consisted of a mixed-model
experimental design whose main factor was a between-
subjects variable with the two conditions VR and Non-
VR, see Figure 1. First, all the participants took part in
a one-hour initial information session. Second, they
performed two public speaking tasks, namely (a) a
baseline two-minute public speaking task in front of a
live audience and (b) a two-minute public speaking
task, performed under one of two conditions, either in
front of a VR-simulated audience (VR PRACTICE), or
speaking alone (NON-VR PRACTICE). Following the
information session, the experimenter randomly
divided participants into two groups, the VR group (n
= 27) and the Non-VR group (n = 20).
ERSeGEL 2024 - Workshop on Extended Reality and Serious Games for Education and Learning
Figure 1: Experimental design.
3.1.1 Life Audience Speech (Baseline)
One week after the information session, participants
were given written instructions on how to prepare
what they planned to say, starting from the topic
“Adolescents need to spend more time in nature”
and a list of five arguments that they could use and
elaborate on in their speech. They were allotted two
minutes for preparation and were then proceeded to
the adjacent room where their audience was waiting.
They were allowed a maximum of two minutes to
deliver their speech.
3.1.2 VR and Non-VR Practice Sessions
The practice session took place one week after
participants spoke to the live audience. The procedure
for the practice was the same as for the speech to the
live audience except that in this case the topic was
“The house of my dreams" and they were offered a
set of five questions instead of arguments to help
them prepare the presentation. Again, after two
minutes of preparation, they were accompanied to an
adjacent classroom. At this point, however, the
procedure followed diverged, depending on the group
to which participants had been allocated, VR or Non-
VR. Participants in the VR practice group were fitted
with a Clip Sonic
VR headset, to which a
smartphone was attached. A VR interface application
installed on the smartphone called BeyondVR
simulated a stage and gave the headset wearer the
illusion that they were standing in front of an
audience, see Figure 2. This virtual audience made
small realistic movements while seated, and it
conveyed an attentive attitude by making eye contact
with the speaker and, more generally, signaling their
interest in what the speaker was saying. These
realistic features were intended to make the audience
seem believably real and enhance the headset
wearer’s sense of presence (Slater et al., 1999). VR
group participants were able to monitor their speaking
time by referring to a timer displayed in their field of
vision by the headset. For Non-VR group
participants, the procedure was the identical, except
that they gave their speech alone in the classroom
without any VR equipment. However, they had
access to their speaking time on a computer screen
placed close to them. The performance of all
participants was video-recorded.
Figure 2: Screenshot of the VR scenario generated by
BeyondVR that was seen by VR group participants.
3.1.3 Self-Assessed Anxiety
Just prior to performing the two public speaking
tasks, each participant completed the Subjective Units
of Distress Scale (SUDS) (Wolpe, 1969) form to
indicate their level of anxiety. This instrument (a
long-standing and validated questionnaire (see Thoen
et al., 2023) yields a score from 0 (total relief) to 100
(the highest fear ever experienced). The participant
was told "Please rate your level of distress from 0 to
100" and asked to read the descriptors for each 0-100
value in order to quantify their overall distress.
3.2 Data Analysis
Because each of the 47 participants delivered two
speeches, one to the live audience and one in the
practice session, a total of 94 recordings were
obtained for analysis.
3.2.1 Prosodic Measures
Acoustic-prosodic analysis of the audio tracks of all
94 speeches was performed automatically by means
of the ProsodyPro script by Xu (2013) and the
supplementary analysis script by De Jong and Wempe
(2009), both using the (gender-specific) default
PRAAT settings (Boersma & Weenink, 2007). The
analysis included a total of 21 different prosodic
parameters, namely five f0 parameters, seven
duration parameters and nine voice quality
parameters. For a detailed explanation of the
measured parameters see Liu & Xu, 2014.
3.2.2 Manual Gesture Rate
All manual communicative gestures present in the
speakers’ speeches (to the live audience speech and in
the practice speeches in the two conditions) were
VR Public Speaking Simulations Can Make Voices Stronger and More Effortful
annotated. Following the M3D approach (see Rohrer et
al., 2021 for more details on the procedure), we
considered each manual stroke (the most effortful part
of the gesture that usually constitutes its semantic unit;
Kendon, 2004; McNeill, 1992) as corresponding to a
manual gesture. Non-communicative gestures such as
self-adaptors (e.g., scratching, touching hair; Ekman &
Friesen, 1969) were disregarded. For every speech, the
overall gesture rate was calculated as the total number
of manual gestures produced relative to the phonation
time in minutes (gestures/phonation time).
3.3 Statistical Analyses
Statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS
Statistics version 19. A total of 23 of GLMMs were
run for each of the following dependent variables:
self-perceived anxiety (SUDS), a set of 21 values for
all the prosodic parameters (five for f0, seven for
duration and nine for voice quality), and the gesture
rate. All the GLMM models included Condition (two
levels: VR vs. Non-VR, between-subjects factor) and
Time (two levels: Live Audience Speech; Practice
Session) and their interactions as fixed factors.
Subject was included as a random factor. Pairwise
comparisons and post-hoc tests were carried out for
the significant main effects and interactions.
4.1 Self-Assessed Anxiety
Figure 3: Mean SUDS values prior to the live audience
speech and practice session for both VR and Non-VR
The GLMM analysis for SUDS showed a main effect
of Condition (F(1,88) = 13.513, p < .001) that
indicated that the participants of the VR group
displayed significantly higher values than the Non-
VR group, and not only for the practice speech but
also when both groups were compared, respectively,
to their live audience speeches (β = 13.942, SE =
3.793, p < .001). The analysis also showed a main
effect of Time (F(1,88) = 38.796, p < .001), meaning
that the SUDS anxiety values obtained prior to the
live audience speech (LAS) were significantly higher
than those obtained prior to the practice session (PS)
(β = 20.712, SE = 3.325, p < .001). Figure 3 shows
mean SUDS scores separated by Condition (VR;
Non-VR) and Time (Live Audience Speech = LAS;
Practice Session = PS).
4.2 Prosodic Parameters
4.2.1 F0 Domain
Regarding the f0 domain, five GLMMs were applied
to our target variables, namely minimum and
maximum f0, f0 variability (in terms of the standard
deviation), mean f0 and f0 range. Table 1 shows a
summary of those GLMM analyses in terms of main
effects (Time and Condition), as well as interactions
between Time and Condition of the most relevant
variables. Summarizing, a main effect of Time was
obtained for f0 min, f0 variability and mean f0,
showing that at Live Audience Speech values were
higher for f0 min and mean f0, but significant lower for
f0 variability. A main effect of Condition was obtained
for f0 min, f0 max and mean f0, showing higher f0
values in the VR condition for the three variables.
However, no significant interactions were obtained.
Table 1: Summary of the GLMM analyses for the f0
variables in terms of main effects and interactions (ø means
no significant effect, whereas all non-ø table cells refer to
significant differences between the paired conditions at
p<0.05. Live Audience Speech = LAS; Practice Session =
Main effect of
Main effect of
f0 min
f0 max
mean f0
4.2.2 Tempo Domain
With regard to the tempo domain, seven GLMMs
were applied to each of the target dependent
variables, namely total number of syllables, total
number of silent pauses, total time of the presentation,
total speaking time, the speech rate, the net syllable
rate and ASD. Table 2 shows a summary of these
GLMM analyses in terms of main effects (Time and
ERSeGEL 2024 - Workshop on Extended Reality and Serious Games for Education and Learning
Condition), as well as interactions between Time and
Condition of the most relevant variables.
Summarizing, no main effects of Time were obtained.
A main effect of Condition was obtained for three
variables: speech rate, net syllable rate and ASD,
meaning that the participants in the VR group had
significantly higher values for speech rate and net
syllable rate values, and lower ASD values than the
Non-VR group. However, no significant interactions
were obtained.
Table 2: Summary of the GLMM analyses for the seven
duration variables, in terms of main effects and interactions.
4.2.3 Voice Quality Domain
Table 3: Summary of the GLMM analyses for the nine
voice variables in terms of main effects and interactions.
Main effect
of Time
Main effect
of Condition
dispersion 1-3
In the domain of voice quality measurements, nine
GLMMs were applied to the nine target variables,
namely h1*-h2*, h1-A3, CPP, Harmonicity, CoG,
formant dispersion 1-3, shimmer, jitter, and
Hammarberg index. Table 3 shows a summary of
those GLMM analyses in terms of main effects (Time
and Condition), as well as interactions between Time
and Condition of the most relevant variables.
Summarizing, a main effect of Time was obtained
for two variables, namely CoG and Hammarberg
index, meaning that at baseline (Live Audience
Speech) values were lower for CoG and higher for
Hammarberg index. A main effect of Condition was
Figure 4: Mean voice quality values (namely h1*-h2*, h1-
A3, Hammarberg index, jitter and shimmer) in the Live
Audience Speech and the Practice Session for the variables
that obtained a significant interaction Time * Condition, for
both VR and Non-VR conditions.
obtained for seven variables, namely h1*-h2*, h1-A3,
CoG, formant dispersion 1-3, shimmer, jitter and
Hammarberg index, meaning that the participants in
the VR group obtained higher values compared to the
Non-VR group, in both the Live Audience Speech
and the Practice Session, except for formant
Main effect of
Number of
silent pauses
Speech rate
VR Public Speaking Simulations Can Make Voices Stronger and More Effortful
dispersion 1-3. Significant interactions were obtained
for h1*-h2*, h1-A3, shimmer, jitter and Hammarberg
index, showing higher values for the VR condition for
all the variables. The graphs in Figure 4 show the
mean voice quality values that obtained a significant
interaction Time * Condition, for both VR and Non-
VR conditions.
4.2.4 Manual Gesture Rate
A GLMM was applied for manual gesture rate. A
main effect of Time was obtained (F(1,84) = 40.601,
p < .001), showing that Live Audience Speech scores
were higher across groups (β = 16.410, SE = 2.575, p
< .001). However, no interaction was obtained
between Time and Condition. The graph in Figure 5
shows the mean gesture rate values for both VR and
Non-VR conditions.
Figure 5: Mean gesture rate values for the Live Audience
Speech and Practice Session for both VR and Non-VR
The present study was designed to determine the
effects of practicing a short oral presentation to an
artificial VR-generated audience as compared to
practicing alone in a classroom on self-perceived
anxiety and a comprehensive set of prosodic features,
together with gesture rate measures. Forty-seven
high-school students participated in this mixed-model
experiment. In order to obtain a baseline measure, all
participants were asked to perform a speech in front
of a live audience before performing the actual
experimental task.
With respect to the first research question, it was
found that the self-reported anxiety levels decreased
significantly for both groups from the live audience
speech to the practice session. No significant
interactions were found, meaning that the two
conditions were not different with respect to the
baseline. The lack of effect on self-reported anxiety
measures could be explained by two reasons. First,
SUDS self-reports were the only measure of
participants' distress arousal prior to the performance
of public speaking. Adding other questionnaires and
combining them with physiological measures would
have allowed us to obtain a more fine-grained picture
of the distress and anxiety levels as the speakers faced
and talked to live and virtual audiences. Also, it is
conceivable that higher stress levels would be
reported after participants had put on the headset and
were facing the virtual audience than those reported
before the headset was put on.
Turning to the prosodic analysis of the
participants’ speeches, and to the tempo domain at
first, no significant interactions were obtained for any
of the parameters (total number of syllables, total
number of silent pauses, total time of the presentation,
total speaking time, speech rate, net syllable rate and
ASD), meaning that both VR and Non-VR groups
showed a similar (change in) behavior when their
practice speeches are compared to their live audience
speeches. In the f0 domain, a main effect of time was
obtained for f0 min, f0 variability, mean f0 and range,
and a main effect of condition for f0 min, f0 max, and
mean f0. The main effect of Condition revealed that
f0 min, f0 max and mean f0 were higher for the VR
condition than for the Non-VR condition. These
results are in line with those reported by Niebuhr and
Michalsky (2018), Notaro et al. (2021) and Remacle
et al. (2020), who found higher f0 levels and higher-
level melodic variation when participants were
immersed in artificial VR environments. In Niebuhr
and Michalsky, however, there is no comparison to a
speech performed in front of a live audience, unlike
in the other two studies (Notaro et al., 2021 and
Remacle et al., 2020) as well as the present
study. However, we see that all f0 parameters
maintain the same high levels in the live audience
speech as in the practice session. Thus, no significant
interaction was found here between time and
condition, meaning that there was no significant
difference between the f0 characteristics of speech in
the VR and the Non-VR conditions relative to the f0
features of the baseline speech condition in front of
an audience.
Importantly, the main difference between this
study and previous ones is the fact that our study did
not include any form of feedback during or after the
VR practice. Providing feedback on nonverbal
aspects of a speaker’s performance seems to be
fundamental to achieving improvement, as VR per se
does not include this feature in an automatic way
(e.g., Niebuhr & Michalsky, 2018). Importantly, our
ERSeGEL 2024 - Workshop on Extended Reality and Serious Games for Education and Learning
study did not find a significant difference between the
VR and non-VR conditions in the self-assessment
measure of anxiety, as well as in the duration and f0
measures of practice speeches. However, even though
this result distinguishes our study from some previous
findings, it needs to be related to the fact that we have
taken into account baseline measures. We believe that
a between-subjects factor involving VR-assisted and
non-VR-assisted conditions must be checked against
such within-subjects baseline condition where
participants perform a speech before a live audience
in order to assess potential individual differences.
Crucially, in the voice quality domain (h1*-h2*,
h1-A3, CPP, Harmonicity, CoG, formant dispersion
1-3, shimmer, jitter, and Hammarberg index),
significant interactions were obtained between time
and condition. Specifically, VR-assisted speakers
tended to use a louder and more powerful voice than
Non-VR-assisted speakers relative to when they were
addressing a live audience speech. These results are
consistent with Niebuhr & Michalsky (2018) and
Remacle et al. (2020). Practicing with VR also was
reflected in a higher Hammarberg index and h1-A3,
which suggests a more effortful and aroused voice
quality (Niebuhr & Taghva, 2022; Tamarit et al.,
2008). VR speeches showed a significant decrease for
shimmer, that is, less shaky, nervous, stressful voice,
whereas the opposite was found for the Non-VR
speeches. By contrast, Non-VR participants
significantly increased in jitter during their practice
session speeches, showing a less harmonic, tenser or
creaky voice.
Regarding the effects of manual gesture rate,
when comparing the amount of gesture produced in
front of the live audience compared to the practice
session, there was a significant reduction in the
gesture rate for both groups. That is, VR and Non-VR
participants both produced gestures less often in the
practice sessions. This decrease was greater in the
Non-VR condition, albeit not significantly so. These
results are in line with Notaro et al. (2021). Following
their reasoning, a possible explanation for this might
be that participants who are immersed in VR and
wearing a headset cannot see their own hands. For
Non-VR group participants, the reason was probably
different; here, the decrease may be due to an absence
of motivation and engagement because they are alone
in a classroom, giving a speech to no one. Taking
these results into account, we cannot confirm the
hypothesis that predicted an increase in gesture rate
in the VR condition, as the tendency was very similar
across the two groups.
In summary, participants that practiced their short
speeches within an unsupervised VR environment in
front of a virtual audience had in effect a more
realistic experience (in line with Selck et al., 2022).
As a result, regarding prosodic parameters, we see an
increase in vocal effort and loudness, with voices that
are stronger (hence also less shaky and stressed) and
aroused, which reflects a more audience-oriented
manner of speaking. The presence of the virtual
audience made participants more engaged and
encouraged them to use their voices similarly to how
they would have done in front of a live audience.
Some limitations of the study must be noted. First,
the study is based on a relatively small sample size
(for having a between-subjects factor involved). So,
results cannot be generalized to other age groups or
clinical populations. Second, assessing gesture rate
might not be enough to differentiate between the
gestural behavior of participants in both conditions.
Adding a more complete assessment of overall
multimodal behavior including body movement,
facial expressions, eye contact, types of hand gesture,
and so on could expand our knowledge about the
participants’ body engagement during VR
experiences. Finally, the addition of feedback about
speaker performance during or after public speaking
performances could have also favored the public
speaking VR experience of these young students, as
feedback has been shown to be valuable for learning
and skills improvement (Van Ginkel et al., 2019;
King et al., 2000).
There is abundant room for further progress in
determining the effects of VR immersion in students'
overall performances not just in one practice session,
but in several, to explore the differences between the
first VR immersion and the subsequent ones. Also,
not only comparting VR environments to being alone
in a classroom, but also comparing it to other ways of
rehearsing a speech. Longer VR sessions as well as
longer time to prepare the speeches could be also
further explored.
All in all, the present study highlights the value of
using VR for public speaking practice in secondary
school settings. If the current trend is for educational
policies to promote the learning of public speaking
skills, then opportunities should be provided for
students to rehearse their presentations and speeches
using virtual environments. In our view, combining
VR immersion with other sorts of training in the
classroom to develop related skills such as quality
conversation, active listening and critical thinking can
be key to broadening students' competence in both
their daily and future professional lives, in a more
engaging and fun way.
Future research should focus on analyzing the
long-term effects of virtual simulations on real
VR Public Speaking Simulations Can Make Voices Stronger and More Effortful
environments. Longitudinal studies could assess
students' perceptions of enjoyment and usefulness
with VR to determine if their high regard for it
persists beyond novelty. Additionally, extending
training sessions, duration, and incorporating
feedback strategies are essential future aims in both
research and practice.
Communicating effectively is an ability that needs
to be developed and mastered through the years. The
earlier we start teaching these skills, the easier it will
be to apply them properly in any communicative
situation. By nurturing these skills early on, educators
and parents empower young learners to communicate
effectively, collaborate productively, and navigate
the world with confidence and competence.
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VR Public Speaking Simulations Can Make Voices Stronger and More Effortful