A Method for Generating Testlets
Mark J. Gierl
and Tahereh Firoozi
Measurement, Evaluation, and Data Science, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
School of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Keywords: Automatic Item Generation, Testlet Generation, Item Modelling.
Abstract: A testlet is a set of two or more items based on the same scenario. A testlet can be used to measure complex
problem-solving skills that require a series or sequence of steps. A testlet is challenging to write because it
requires one unique scenario and two or more items. Despite this challenge, large numbers of testlets are often
required to support formative and summative computerized testing. The purpose of our study is to address the
testlet item writing challenge by describing and demonstrating a systematic method that can be used to create
large numbers of testlets. Our method is grounded in the three-step process associated with template-based
automatic item generation. To begin, we describe a testlet-based item model. The model contains global and
local variables. Global variables are unique to testlet generation because they can be used throughout the
testlet, meaning that these variables can be used to place content anywhere in the testlet. Local variables, on
the other hand, are specific to each item model in the testlet and can only be used in the same item model.
Next, we present four cases that demonstrate how global and local variables can be combined to generate
testlets. Each case provides a practical example of how the testlet item model can be used to structure global
and local variables in order to generate diverse sets of test items. We conclude by highlighting the benefits of
testlet-based automatic item generation for computerized testing.
As the importance of technology in society continues
to increase, countries require skilled workers who
can produce new ideas, make new products, and
provide new services. The ability to create these
ideas, products, and services will be determined, in
part, by the effectiveness of our educational
programs. Students must think, reason, and solve
complex problems in a world that is shaped by
knowledge, information, and communication
technologies (Auld & Morris, 2019; Chu et al.,
2017). Educational testing has an important role to
play in helping students acquire these skills.
Educational tests, once developed to satisfy demands
for accountability and outcomes-based summative
testing, are now expected to provide teachers and
students with timely, detailed, formative feedback to
support teaching and learning. Formative principles
can guide testing practices to help us meet these
teaching and learning outcomes. Formative
principles can include any assessment-related
activities that yield constant and specific feedback to
modify teaching and improve learning, including
administering tests and providing students with their
scores more frequently (Black & Wiliam, 1998,
2010). But when testing and score reporting occur
more frequently, more tests are required. These tests
must be created efficiently, they must be
economical, and they must adhere to a high standard
of item development quality.
Fortunately, this requirement for frequent and
timely educational testing coincides with the
changes occurring in computer technology.
Developers of educational tests are now
implementing computerized tests at an extraordinary
rate. For example, the world’s most popular
achievement test—the Programme for International
Student Assessment (PISA) conducted by the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD)—is now computerized.
While the first five cycles of the test administered
were paper-based, 58 of the 72 participating
Gierl, M. and Firoozi, T.
A Method for Generating Testlets.
DOI: 10.5220/0012749500003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 799-806
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
countries in PISA 2015 took the computer-based
version. Here is another milestone: 2016 marked the
first academic year that US states administered more
computer than paper-based tests (He & Lao, 2018).
Provincial agencies in Canada, to cite another
example, are also moving to computerized testing.
Alberta Education introduced computerized tests in
2010 but limited use to the Grades 6 and 9
achievement testing programs. Computerized testing
has now expanded to include all provincial tests
including the achievement tests as well as the Grade
12 diploma examinations. These examples
demonstrate that computerized testing has become
the hallmark of 21st century assessment.
Computerized testing offers important benefits to
support teaching and promote learning. Computers
permit testing on-demand thereby ensuring students
can write exams whenever they or their teachers
believe feedback is required. Items on computerized
tests are scored immediately thereby providing
students with prompt feedback. Computerized tests
are scored automatically thus reducing the time
teachers would typically spend on grading. In short,
computerized testing can help educators infuse
formative principles into their testing practices.
Despite these important benefits, the advent of
computerized testing has also raised noteworthy
challenges, particularly in the area of test item
development. Educators must have access to large
numbers of diverse, high-quality test items to
implement computerized testing because items are
continuously administered. Hence, thousands of
items are needed to develop the banks necessary for
computerized testing. These banks must also be
replenished to ensure that students receive a
continuous new supply of content. Unfortunately,
educational test items, as they are currently created,
are time-consuming and expensive to develop
because each individual item must be written by a
content specialist and, when necessary, each
individual item must reviewed and revised. Hence,
item development is one of the most important
problems that must be solved before we can migrate
to a broad computerized testing system that can
guide formative and summative assessment because
large numbers of high-quality, content-specific
items are required (Andrade et al., 2019; Gierl et al.,
2018; Leo et al., 2019; Karthikeyan et al., 2019;
Morisson & Embretson, 2018).
One method that can help address this item
development challenge is automatic item generation
(AIG) (Gierl & Haladyna, 2013; Gierl, Lai, &
Tanygin, 2021; Irvine & Kyllonen, 2002). AIG is a
rapidly evolving research area where cognitive and
psychometric modelling practices are used to create
items with the aid of computer technology. It can be
used to address the challenging task of quickly and
economically producing large numbers of high-
quality, content-specific items.
Gierl and Lai (2016a, 2016b, 2017) described a
three-step process for generating items. In step 1, a
content specialist creates a cognitive model. A
cognitive model is a representation that highlights
the content required to generate new test items. In
step 2, an item model is created. An item model is a
template that specifies the variables in a test item that
can be manipulated to produce new items. Item
models provide the foundation for the AIG method
described in our study. Hence, it is often referred to
as template-based AIG (Gierl, Lai, & Tanygin,
2021). In step 3, algorithms are used to place the
cognitive content into the item model. Taken
together, this process can be used to generate
hundreds of items from a single item model.
2.1 Multiple-Choice Item Model
The selected-response item format, generally, and the
single-answer, multiple-choice item, specifically, is
the most common format used in educational testing
(Clauser et al., 2006; Daniel et al., 2019; Rencic et al.,
2016). Students write thousands of multiple-choice
items over the course of their academic lives. A
multiple-choice item contains a stem and options and,
at times, auxiliary information. The stem contains
context, content and/or the question the student is
required to answer. The options include a set of
alternative answers with one correct and two or more
incorrect options or distractors. Auxiliary information
includes any additional context, either in the stem or
options, required to answer the item, including
images, tables, graphs, diagrams, audio, or video. The
popularity of this item format can be attributed to its
many well-documented strengths. The single-answer,
multiple-choice item is easy to score. The ease of
scoring means that it yields highly reliable test score
results. It can be used to measure a broad range of
content. It can be used to measure a range of different
knowledge and skills. It can be administered and
scored electronically. The single-answer, multiple-
AIG 2024 - Special Session on Automatic Item Generation
choice item also has two important weaknesses. The
student must spend a substantial amount of time and
effort to read and integrate the content in the stem to
answer a single item. In addition, a single-answer,
multiple-choice item cannot measure either the series
or the sequence of steps required to solve a complex
problem because it is limited to a single item.
To address these limitations, alternative item
formats can be used. One format that has the strengths
of a single-answer, multiple-choice item and that also
overcomes its weaknesses is called a testlet. A
testlet—also referred to as a context-dependent item
set, item bundle, or case-based item set—is a set of
two or more items based on the same scenario,
prompt, or vignette (Wainer & Kiely, 1987). Because
a testlet contains a scenario with two or more items,
it can be used to measure more complex problem-
solving skills that require, for example, a series or
sequence of steps (Bradlow et al., 1999). The testlet
is administered as a unit where students must answer
the items in the set using the same scenario. This item
format has many benefits for assessing complex
reasoning and problem-solving skills. For example,
the testlet is effective for assessing a student’s ability
to synthesize and sort multiple sources of relevant and
irrelevant data. It is easy to score. It yields highly
reliable test score results. It can be used to measure a
broad range of content and context-specific
information. It can be administered and scored
electronically. It reduces testing time because one
scenario is associated with two or more items rather
than a single item (Bradlow et al., 1999; Min & He,
2014; Wainer & Kiely, 1987). But the most important
benefit of a testlet is that it can be used to measure a
broad range of knowledge and skills as well as
complex knowledge and skills compared to the
single-answer, multiple-choice item because the
content in the scenario is linked to more than one
item. As a result, the item set can be used to measure
both the outcomes and the sequence or steps required
for complex problem-solving tasks. The scenarios are
also content specific. Hence, many diverse scenarios
can be assessed using a different item set with
different contexts. In short, a testlet has all of the
benefits of single-answer, multiple-choice items with
the added benefit of allowing examiners to assess
complex critical reasoning skills within a context-
dependent scenario.
Despite these important benefits, the testlet has
one important disadvantage. It is very time
consuming to create. Each testlet requires one unique
scenario and two or more items. The content
specialists must be familiar with both the context and
the reasoning process in order to create the scenario
in the stem and the associated items in the set. While
a considerable literature exists on writing single-
answer, multiple-choice items, there is virtually no
literature on how to write a testlet (Lane et al., 2016).
Hence, the complexity of the item writing task is
compounded by the lack of guidance on how to
execute the task. Finally, large numbers of testlets are
required to support formative and summative
assessments. A formative assessment designed to
measure complex reasoning must focus on each step
in the task in order to provide students with feedback
in the form of a scored outcome. To ensure that the
skills are generalizable, the formative assessment
must also measure reasoning across a broad range of
scenarios. A testlet can help students develop strong
reasoning skills by providing opportunities for ample
practice and feedback. This practice and feedback
should be conducted using many different contexts.
These requirements demonstrate that to implement a
formative assessment focused on reasoning skills,
large numbers of context-specific testlets are needed,
where students received their score on each item.
Large numbers of testlets are also required for
summative assessments. The purpose of
administering a summative assessment is to measure
complex reasoning and to ensure that students can
demonstrate they are competent in implementing this
important skill. Because the testlet provides an
effective method for measuring complex reasoning,
some high-stakes summative assessments only use
this item format. For example, the Australian Dental
Council—which is the accreditation authority for all
Australian dental professions—administers its
written summative exam to dentists as a computer-
delivered multiple-choice test that only contains
testlets. Examinees must complete 56 clinical
scenarios, each with five related items, for a total of
280 items. Each item has one correct answer as it
relates to the information in the clinical scenario. This
example demonstrates that implementing a complex
reasoning summative assessment requires large
numbers of context-specific testlets.
In short, the most important challenge that must
be addressed when creating and implementing testlet-
based assessments resides with the item development
process. Examiners must have access to large
numbers of diverse, context-specific testlets that
contain high-quality test items. Hundreds of testlets
with, potentially, thousands of items are needed to
implement formative and summative assessments.
Unfortunately, testlets are time consuming and
expensive to develop because each individual
scenario and its associated items must be written and
reviewed by a content specialist. The task of writing
A Method for Generating Testlets
thousands of items that can measure the knowledge
and skills presented in hundreds of scenarios—
without well-established item development
guidelines—is a formidable task.
2.2 Testlet Item Model
A testlet can be created as part of the three-step AIG
process described by Gierl and Lai. A testlet can be
formatted as a type of template. Therefore, testlets
can be generated by expanding the item model in Step
2. We begin by describing important concepts
required to generate testlets within a template-based
AIG structure. Then, we illustrate how these concepts
can be used to generate a scenario with three
associated items thereby creating a bank that contains
many three-item testlets. We use a very simple and
intuitive example to demonstrate our testlet
generation method. A testlet is composed of one
overarching scenario and two or more items that are
linked to the content in the scenario. Separate item
models are positioned after the scenario and these
item models are used to generate each item in the
testlet. We use three different item models in our
example to generate three unique items per testlet.
Hence, we need to create one scenario and three item
models for our testlet example.
The foundational concept that guides testlet-based
AIG is the implementation and differentiation of
global and local variables. Variables in AIG contain
values. Values contain the content that will be varied
to create new test items. Global variables are typically
introduced in the scenario. Global variables can be
used throughout the testlet, meaning that these
variables can be used anywhere in the testlet to vary
the content (i.e., in the scenario as well as in one or
more of the item models). Global variables are very
flexible. They can be related to other global variables
as well as to all of the local variables. The relations
between global to global variables are maintained
throughout the testlet. The relations between the
global to local variables are only maintained for one
specific item model. Global variables, therefore,
permit the content specialist to link the scenario to an
item model as well as to link one item model to
another item model. Global variables are denoted
with the letter G. The values associated with the
global variable are denoted by numbers in brackets
that range from 1 to the total number of values, n.
Local variables are specific to one item model.
Local variables can be related to other local variables
in the same item model. However, local variables
cannot be related to global variables or to local
variables in other item models. In other words, a local
variable functions in the same way as a variable
functions when creating a single-answer, multiple-
choice item model (see Gierl, Lai, & Tanygin, 2021,
Chapter 2). Or said differently, a single-answer,
multiple-choice item model only contains local
variables. Local variables permit the content
specialists to add unique content into each item model
so that each model is unique and independent from
the other models in the testlet. Local variables are
denoted with the letter L. The values associated with
the local variable are denoted by numbers in brackets
that range from 1 to the total number of values, n.
Next, we present four different testlet-based AIG
cases. Each case serves as a demonstration of how
global and local variables can be used to generate
testlets, where each testlet contains a unique three-
item set.
2.2.1 Case 1: Scenario, Global Variable
Case 1 is shown in Figure 1. It contains the scenario.
The scenario includes the context used to structure the
testlet. All items in the testlet are based on this
scenario. The scenario can only include global
variables. Our example includes one global variable.
The global variable is denoted as G1 in this example.
The global variable CITY (G1) contains three values
(1-3): London [G1(1)], Paris [G1(2)], and Melbourne
[G1(3)]. CITY is a global variable that appears in
three of the four cases.
Gregory is traveling to G1:CITY. He is a 30-
year-old male from Canada. Gregory is
travelling alone.
G1(1) London
G1(2) Paris
G1(3) Melbourne
Figure 1: Case 1: Scenario with 1 global variable.
2.2.2 Case 2: Item Model 1, Local Variable
Case 2 is shown in Figure 2. It contains the first item
model and one local variable. The local variable,
TIME (L1), is specific to this model, meaning that
TIME is used in item model 1 but in no other item
models in this testlet. TIME contains three values: in
the morning [L1(1)], early in the afternoon [L1(2)],
and in the evening [L1(3)]. Each item model also
contains a list of the correct and the incorrect options.
In our example, item model 1 includes nine correct
options. It also contains nine incorrect options an
AIG 2024 - Special Session on Automatic Item Generation
He arrived L1:TIME and is really hungry.
What should he have to eat?
L1(1) in the morning
L1(2) early in the afternoon
L1(3) in the evening
Full english breakfast [G1(1), L1(1)]
High tea [G1(1), L1(2)]
Bangers and mash [G1(1), L1(3)]
Croque madame [G2(1), L1(1)]
Crepes [G2(2), L1(2)]
Cassoulet [G2(3), L1(3)]
Vegemite on toast [G3(1), L1(1)]
Lamingtons [G3(2), L1(2)]
Barbecued snags [G3(3), L1(3)]
Full english breakfast
High tea
Bangers and mash
Croque madame
Vegemite on toast
Barbecued snags
Figure 2: Case 2: Item model 1 with 1 local variable.
because the same list is used, meaning that when
option in the list is not correct, then that option can be
used as a distractor. This strategy for selecting
incorrect options is common in template-based AIG
(Gierl et al., 2012). Notice that each correct option is
constrained by the local variable in the item model.
For example, when the CITY is London [G1(1)] and
the TIME is in the morning [L1(1)] the correct option
is Full english breakfast [G1(1), L1(1)].
2.2.3 Case 3: Item Model 2, Global Variable
Case 3 is shown in Figure 3. It includes the second
item model in our example. Like Case 2, Case 3 only
contains a single variable. However, unlike Case 2,
the variable in Case 3 is our global variable, CITY.
Recall that global variables can be used anywhere in
the testlet. Item model 2 includes three correct
options. The three correct options along with five
additional incorrect options are used to create the
incorrect option list. Each correct option is
constrained by the global variable in the item model.
For example, when the CITY is London [G1(1)] the
correct option is Pound [G1(1)].
2.2.4 Case 4: Item Model 3, Global and
Local Variable
Case 4 is presented in Figure 4. It contains the third
item model. Case 4 is the most complex model in our
example because it contains both a global and a local
variable. In total, our global variable CITY is used
three times (Cases 1, 3, and 4). This model also
contains a local variable NEW LOCATION (L3) that
is unique to item model 3. The NEW LOCATION
local variable is not used in any other model in our
example. Case 4 includes one global variable with
three values [G1(1-3)] and one local variable with
three values [L3(1-3)]. It also includes two correct
options. Each correct option is constrained by both
the global and local variables. For example, train as a
correct option can be used to travel from London to
Berlin [G1(1), L3(1)], from Paris to Berlin [G1(2),
L3(1)] or from Sydney to Melbourne [G1(3), L3(3)].
The incorrect options list contains four—admittedly
weak—implausible answers in our example.
After a few days, Gregory needs more
currency. He is at the currency exchange
booth. Which currency should he get for use
in G1: CITY?
London G1(1)
Paris G1(2)
Melbourne G1(3)
Pound [G1(1)]
Euro [G1(2)]
Dollar [G1(3)]
Figure 3: Case 3: Item model 2 with 1 global variable.
A Method for Generating Testlets
After a couple of weeks, Gregory gets tired
of G1: CITY and decides to travel to L2:
NEW LOCATION. How should he get
London G1(1)
Paris G1(2)
Melbourne G1(3)
Berlin (can start from London or Paris) L3(1)
Sydney (can only start from Melbourne) L3(2)
Los Angeles (can start from any city) L3(3)
By train [G1(1), L3(1); G1(2), L3(1); G1(3),
By air [G1(1), L3(3); G1(2), L3(3); G1(3),
By foot
By horse
By scooter
By boat
Figure 4: Case 4: Item model 3 with 1 global and 1 local
2.3 Importance of Global Variables in
Testlet-Based AIG
Four cases were presented to demonstrate the
important role that global variables play in testlet-
based AIG. Local variables are familiar to AIG
researchers and practitioners. Local variables are used
to generate single-answer, multiple-choice items. In
this context, they are simply called variables. The
creation and implementation of local variables are
well documented in the AIG literature (Gierl, Lai, &
Tangin, 2021, Chapter 3). Global variables, on the
other hand, serve as a new modelling concept that is
unique to testlet-based AIG. Global variables are
typically introduced with the scenario. This strategic
decision means that these variables can be used in any
item model thereby allowing the content specialists to
link the scenario to the item models. CITY was a
global variable used frequently in our examples. This
global variable appeared in Cases 1, 3, and 4. Global
variables are very flexible. They can be used in the
scenario (Case 1), they can be used as stand alone
variables in an item model (Case 3), and they can used
with local variables in an item model (Case 4). The
main function of a global variable is that it can link
the scenario to the item models and it can also link the
item models with one another. In short, global
variables play a very important role in testlet-based
AIG because they provide the content specialist with
both the flexibility and freedom to create
dependencies throughout the testlet. An example of
one testlet generated using the content from the
models in Figures 1 to 4 is shown in Figure 5.
Gregory is traveling to Paris. He is a 30-year-
old male from Canada. Gregory is travelling
He arrived in the evening and was really
hungry. What should he have to eat?
a. Full english breakfast
b. Cassoulet
c. Croque madame
d. Lamingtons
After a few days, Gregory needs more
currency. He is at the currency exchange
booth. Which currency should he get for use
in Paris?
a. Euro
b. Dollar
c. Pound
d. Pesos
After a couple weeks, Gregory gets tired of
Paris and decides to travel to Berlin. How
should he get there?
a. By foot
b. By car
c. By horse
d. By scooter
Figure 5: A sample testlet containing one scenario and three
AIG is an item development method where cognitive
and psychometric models are used to produce test
items with the support of computer technology. AIG
can be used to create large numbers of items. Large
numbers of items are often required to measure the
thinking and reasoning skills that students need to
implement when solving complex, real-world
problems. Items that measure complex problem-
AIG 2024 - Special Session on Automatic Item Generation
solving skills can be used to guide our practice and
feedback strategies when implementing formative
assessments and to evaluate competency and
proficiency when implementing summative
assessments. Traditional single-answer, multiple-
choice items—while common in educational
testing—cannot be used to measure the steps required
to solve complex, often context-dependent, problems
because this item format is limited to a single item.
Testlets can be used to overcome this limitation.
A testlet is a set of two or more items based on the
same scenario. Testlets are effective at measuring
complex problem-solving skills because they include
a set of items related to a common scenario thereby
ensuring that different aspects or components of the
problem—as it relates to the scenario—can be
evaluated. Unfortunately, testlets are challenging to
write. And large numbers of testlets are required for
both formative and summative assessments.
To address this item development problem,
testlets can be integrated into the three-step AIG
process by creating a testlet item model. A testlet item
model is unique because it contains two types of
variables. Global variables can be used throughout
the testlet to vary the content of the generated items.
Global variables are typically introduced in the
scenario so they can be used to link the content in the
item model to the content in the scenario. Global
variables can also be used to link content across two
or more item models. Local variables are also used in
testlet-based AIG. A local variable is specific to each
item model and therefore cannot be used throughout
the testlet. A local variable is used to help ensure the
content in each item model in the testlet is unique. We
provided four illustrative cases to demonstrate how
global and local variables can be used independently
or combined with one another to generate items.
To conclude, testlet-based AIG is a new method
for scaling the item development process. It allows
content specialists to create sets of items linked to a
common scenario. The context for the scenario is
limitless meaning the scenario can be short or long, it
can contain a small or a large amount of content, it
can contain a small or a large number of global
variables, and it can be in any content area. In other
words, the scenario in a testlet can be created to
accommodate any problem-solving situation. Testlet-
based AIG can also be used to measure a range of
knowledge and skills because the length of the item
set is flexible. A testlet can contain a small (e.g., 2) or
a large number of items (e.g., >5) thereby allowing
the content specialist to measure many different types
of knowledge and skills as they relate to the content
in the scenario. Finally, testlet-based AIG is
embedded within a well-established item
development framework associated with AIG (Gierl
& Lai, 2016b). This framework is structured using a
three-step process, where the testlet item model is
created in step 2. The framework also includes a
method for validating the content thereby ensuring
the generated items in the testlet accurately measure
the intended curricular and cognitive outcomes on the
computerized test of interest.
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AIG 2024 - Special Session on Automatic Item Generation