Accurate Recommendation of EV Charging Stations Driven by
Availability Status Prediction
Meriem Manai
1 a
, Bassem Sellami
2 b
and Sadok Ben Yahia
3 c
LIPAH-LR11ES14, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, University of Tunis, El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia
Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg, Denmark
Electric Vehicles, Charging Stations, Machine Learning, Prediction, Real-Time Availability.
The electric vehicle (EV) market is experiencing substantial growth, and it is anticipated to play a major role as
a replacement for fossil fuel-powered vehicles in transportation automation systems. Nevertheless, as a rule of
thumb, EVs depend on electric charges, where appropriate usage, charging, and energy management are vital
requirements. Examining the work that was done before gave us a reason and a basis for making a system
that forecasts the real-time availability of electric vehicle charging stations that uses a scalable prediction
engine built into a server-side software application that can be used by many people. The implementation
process involved scraping data from various sources, creating datasets, and applying feature engineering to
the data model. We then applied fundamental models of machine learning to the pre-processed dataset, and
subsequently, we proceeded to construct and train an artificial neural network model as the prediction engine.
Notably, the results of our research demonstrate that, in terms of precision, recall, and F1-scores, our approach
surpasses existing solutions in the literature. These findings underscore the significance of our approach in
enhancing the efficiency and usability of EVs, thereby significantly contributing to the acceleration of their
adoption in the transportation sector.
Amidst growing concerns regarding environmental is-
sues and the detrimental impacts of fossil fuels, the
global adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is witness-
ing a significant surge (El Halim, A. et al., 2022). De-
spite challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic,
the EV industry has demonstrated remarkable re-
silience, with global sales exceeding 10 million units
in 2022 (Intekin, 2022). China leads this trend, hold-
ing over 50% of the global EV market share and
showcasing a strong commitment to sustainable mo-
bility (International Energy Agency, 2023). However,
the widespread adoption of EVs heavily relies on a
robust and accessible charging infrastructure (Tam-
bunan et al., 2023). Research indicates that the avail-
ability and quality of charging stations significantly
influence EV adoption rates, with inadequate infras-
tructure posing a barrier even in countries with high
home charging prevalence (El-Fedany et al., 2023;
Karike et al., 2023; Schulz and Rode, 2022; Gian-
soldati et al., 2020; Engel et al., 2018). There is a link
between the number of public charging points and the
number of EVs that are bought, especially in cities
(Hennlock and WP4 Shift, 2020). This shows how
important it is to have a widespread and standardized
charging infrastructure to help EVs grow and become
more popular (George et al., 2022; Balakrishnan and
Pillai, 2023).
Applying machine learning and deep learning
techniques has become increasingly prevalent in opti-
mizing various aspects of electric vehicle (EV) charg-
ing infrastructure. Soldan et al. (Soldan, 2021) em-
ployed data stream analysis and logistic regression
to predict short-term EV charging station occupancy,
utilizing both batch and real-time data. Sao et al.(Sao
et al., 2021) introduced the Deep Fusion of Dynamic
and Static Information Models (DFDS), integrating
static and dynamic data patterns to enhance the accu-
racy of charging station occupancy forecasting. Hecht
et al. (Hecht et al., 2021) explored ensemble machine
learning methods, specifically Gradient Boosting De-
Manai, M., Sellami, B. and Ben Yahia, S.
Accurate Recommendation of EV Charging Stations Driven by Availability Status Prediction.
DOI: 10.5220/0012752600003753
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2024), pages 351-358
ISBN: 978-989-758-706-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
cision Trees (GBDTs) and Random Forest Classifiers,
to predict EV charging station accessibility. Mean-
while, Ma and Faye (Ma and Faye, 2022) utilized
LSTM neural networks for intraday predictions of
public charging station occupancy, incorporating di-
verse data sources to improve accuracy. These studies
demonstrate the potential of advanced algorithms in
optimizing EV charging infrastructure and predicting
station availability, while also highlighting the need
for further research to address real-world complexi-
ties and diverse charging scenarios.
In comparing these studies, Soldan et al.s (Sol-
dan, 2021) data streaming approach offers real-time
updates, which could be advantageous for dynamic
charging environments. Still, their model’s perfor-
mance might differ with varying data quality and size.
Sao et al.s (Sao et al., 2021) DFDS model demon-
strated the potential of combining static and dynamic
information, but its application in diverse geographi-
cal regions remains to be tested. Hecht et al.s (Hecht
et al., 2021) ensemble approach showcased promis-
ing accuracy, but the effectiveness might vary with
different datasets and charging station types. Finally,
the LSTM model proposed by Ma et al. (Ma and
Faye, 2022) showed promise in intraday forecasts,
but its generalizability to more extensive and diverse
datasets warrants further investigation. These studies
provide valuable insights into EV charging station oc-
cupancy forecasting, but additional research is neces-
sary to validate and refine their methodologies under
various real-world scenarios.
Beyond predicting EV charging station availabil-
ity, research has also focused on understanding charg-
ing behaviors and forecasting future charging demand
using machine learning and deep learning methodolo-
gies. Qiao and Lin (Qiao and Lin, 2021) developed
predictive models to anticipate upcoming charging
demand, capturing the behavior patterns of both long-
term and short-term users. Their study employed
XGBoost, SVR, and GBDT algorithms on real-world
charging data, with XGBoost demonstrating superior
performance. Shahriar et al. (Shahriar et al., 2021)
investigated EV charging behavior, session duration,
and energy consumption, addressing concerns about
power grid strain from high-power charging. Their re-
search utilized various machine learning algorithms,
including DANN, Random Forest, and XGBoost, on
the ACN dataset (Lee et al., 2019). These studies pro-
vide valuable insights into EV charging behavior and
demand patterns, contributing to developing efficient
charging strategies and infrastructure planning.
Research on EV charging behavior and demand
forecasting by Qiao and Lin (Qiao and Lin, 2021) and
Shahriar et al. (Shahriar et al., 2021) reveals valu-
able insights into user patterns and potential grid im-
pacts. While XGBoost proves to be a robust predic-
tion tool in both studies, further research is needed to
develop comprehensive models that consider diverse
user behaviors, charging patterns, and regional varia-
tions, ensuring applicability across different contexts
and addressing potential power grid challenges.
The studies conducted by Almaghrebi et al. (Al-
maghrebi et al., 2020), Kim et al. (Kim and Kim,
2021), Zhao et al. (Zhao et al., 2021), and Zhu et al.
(Zhu et al., 2019b; Zhu et al., 2019a) contributed to
the research on EV charging demand forecasting.
Almaghrebi et al. constructed a model to fore-
cast the charging demand using various machine-
learning methods and evaluated its performance on
a real-world dataset (Almaghrebi et al., 2020). In
their study, Kim et al. compared different modeling
approaches to predict charging demand, using both
historical data and outside factors (Kim and Kim,
2021). Zhao et al. proposed a data-driven frame-
work addressing overfitting issues with limited data
in complex environments. The model was evalu-
ated using real-world EV data and compared to high-
performance models (Zhao et al., 2021). Zhu et al.
developed an EV charging demand prediction algo-
rithm using deep learning techniques and found that
LSTM outperformed traditional time-series forecast-
ers (Zhu et al., 2019b; Zhu et al., 2019a).
The research by Zhao et al. (Zhao et al., 2021),
Almaghrebi et al. (Almaghrebi et al., 2020), Kim et
al. (Kim and Kim, 2021), and Zhu et al. (Zhu et al.,
2019b; Zhu et al., 2019a) helps us predict how much
EV charging will be needed, but there are some prob-
lems with the models they use, how easy they are to
understand, how stable they are, and how they can
be used for long-term planning. Further research is
necessary to refine these approaches and ensure their
effectiveness across diverse scenarios.
In conclusion, the studies collectively contribute
to advancing EV charging demand prediction. But
making models easier to understand, testing how well
they work in different environments, and thinking
about both short-term and long-term prediction hori-
zons would make these approaches more useful and
effective(Intekin, 2022).
Despite the availability of various machine learn-
ing and deep learning models for analyzing EV charg-
ing infrastructure, a research gap exists in accurately
predicting real-time charging station availability. This
gap, coupled with challenges related to model accu-
racy and scalability, hinders effective charging plan-
ning for EV drivers. As the number of EVs and
charging stations increases, accurate forecasting be-
comes increasingly crucial to ensure drivers can con-
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
veniently locate available stations that meet their im-
mediate charging needs.
Forecasting electric vehicle charging stations is
crucial for planning power systems and transportation
networks. Existing research has made progress in sus-
tainable transportation infrastructure using statistical
models (Gruosso et al., 2020; Kim and Kim, 2021)
and machine learning algorithms (Hecht et al., 2022;
Yi et al., 2022; Koohfar et al., 2023) to predict de-
mand and optimal station placement. However, a re-
search gap still needs to be filled in forecasting station
availability, facing challenges of accuracy and scala-
bility due to limited data and complex user behavior
and charging patterns.
As a result, this paper tackles the challenge of
accurately predicting EV charging station availabil-
ity by developing a system that utilizes web scraping,
machine learning, and deep learning models. The re-
sulting prediction system, integrated into a distributed
software system, provides real-time availability infor-
mation to EV drivers, addressing the limitations of
existing research and enhancing the overall charging
experience. These activities are carried out among
those of the Horizon Europe ENERGETIC project, where
we design a three-layer resilient framework for BMS
advanced analytics. The prediction service for EV
charging station availability is among the ones de-
ployed in the fog layer.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Sec-
tion 2 presents our proposed methodology. The out-
comes of our experimental evaluation are discussed
in Section 3. Finally, Section 4 summarizes our take-
away messages and alludes to future issues.
In this section, we introduce our methodology for
predicting the status of electric vehicle (EV) charg-
ing stations using an artificial neural network (ANN)
model. The model uses Python code with the Keras
deep learning library, employing a sequential archi-
tecture. The rationale behind using an ANN lies in its
ability to effectively capture complex non-linear rela-
tionships between input features and charging station
status categories. The ANN’s versatility as a universal
function approximator allows it to handle diverse and
intricate patterns in the charging station data, mak-
ing it well-suited for the multiclass classification task.
The dataset used for training and evaluation is sourced
from a CSV file containing comprehensive informa-
tion about various charging stations that was provided
in (Intekin, 2022). The model’s performance is as-
sessed using several evaluation metrics, including F1-
score, precision, and recall. Additionally, visualiza-
tion functions are employed to depict the prediction
results in an interpretable manner.
This research aims to develop a robust system for
predicting EV charging station availability by utiliz-
ing web scraping, machine learning, and deep learn-
ing techniques. By analyzing historical data and iden-
tifying patterns, the system accurately forecasts the
availability of charging spots, providing EV drivers
with real-time information through a user-friendly in-
terface. This approach empowers drivers and en-
hances their overall charging experience.
In the following, we will provide a detailed ac-
count of each step mentioned above, including data
scraping, dataset generation, ML/DL models for pre-
diction, and EV charging spot availability prediction.
Figure 1 illustrates the key stages of the pro-
posed EV charging station forecasting model. To
extract meaningful information for precise predic-
tions, the process starts with data scraping from var-
ious sources. Machine learning algorithms, includ-
ing KNN, logistic regression, random forest, and sup-
port vector machines, are then employed to train ro-
bust predictive models. This iterative training process
enables the model to identify patterns and relation-
ships within the data, ultimately leading to reliable
real-time predictions of charging station availability.
This model highlights the intricate interplay between
data scraping, feature engineering, and model train-
ing and underscores their collective contribution to
the ultimate goal of providing reliable predictions for
EV charging station accessibility. To put the issue in
Figure 1: The overall architecture of the proposed approach.
simpler terms, Figure 2 illustrates how the model is
designed to forecast the availability rate for charging
stations along the driver’s route and present this infor-
mation to the driver. Notably, the third station stands
Accurate Recommendation of EV Charging Stations Driven by Availability Status Prediction
out with the highest availability rate, making it the top
recommendation for the driver.
Figure 2: Model simplification.
Data on EV charging stations was collected
through web scraping from two sources: OpenData
Paris ”Belib” (bel, a), providing information on 1, 822
stations in Paris, France, and Enefit Volt, covering
over 185 stations across Estonia. Belib’s public API
(bel, b) facilitated real-time data retrieval, while Ene-
fit Volt required a different approach due to the lack of
a public API. The collected data, stored in CSV files,
included station status, location, timestamps, and ad-
ditional attributes. This comprehensive dataset served
as the foundation for model development and training
(scr, ).
The second data source examined in this study
pertains to a privately owned Estonian company
known as Enefit Volt. The company asserts that it
operates the largest network of EV charging stations
in Estonia, with over 185 stations spread throughout
the country. The company offers an array of chargers
tailored to various requirements and is continuously
expanding its network (ene, ). Nonetheless, as Enefit
Volt does not provide a public API, scraping this data
source involved a somewhat distinct approach com-
pared to the previous source. As with the script used
for the first data source, the response from Enefit Volt
contains details of multiple charging sites, which are
then processed one by one to retrieve comprehensive
data for each particular charging station. The col-
lected data for each charging station is then stored in
a CSV file, resulting in over 370, 000 rows of data,
each representing a single EV charging point with the
charging points information (Intekin, 2022).
The data collection timestamp is also recorded us-
ing for each entry. Once the data is
scraped from both sources, the rows are added to a
CSV file to create the final dataset for constructing
the model.
To apply the generated datasets in machine learn-
-temps/api/?disjunctive.statut\ pdc\&disjunctive.arrondis
ing algorithms, it is crucial to perform both feature
engineering and pre-processing on the datasets. Fea-
ture engineering encompasses transforming raw data
into useful features for the model, including select-
ing the most pertinent predictor variables. The model
comprises both outcome and predictor variables (Fea,
). Due to two distinct datasets with various data types
and columns, two separate preprocessors were devel-
oped for each of them. Our second step is preprocess-
ing the obtained data to prepare it for ANN model
training. The charging station information is sourced
from the CSV file, and relevant data manipulations
are performed using the Pandas library. The charging
station status labels are encoded into numerical val-
ues, ensuring compatibility with the ANN’s numer-
ical computations. Subsequently, the encoded out-
put variable is one-hot encoded, transforming it into a
categorical form suitable for multiclass classification
tasks. Feature extraction is accomplished by separat-
ing the “Status” column from the dataset. Lastly, the
dataset is divided into training and testing sets using
the train test split function, ensuring proper separa-
tion for model evaluation.
The core of our methodology lies in designing the
model architecture to effectively capture the intricate
relationships between the input features and the out-
put charging station status. The sequential model ar-
chitecture offered by Keras is adopted to design the
ANN. The model comprises two essential layers: a
dense hidden layer with 256 neurons and a dense out-
put layer with eight neurons. The hidden layer em-
ploys the Rectified Linear Activation (ReLU) func-
tion, enabling the model to extract meaningful fea-
tures from the input data. The ReLU activation in-
troduces non-linearity, allowing the ANN to handle
complex patterns that may exist in the charging sta-
tion data. The output layer utilizes the softmax acti-
vation function, providing class probabilities for each
charging station status category. The softmax activa-
tion is particularly advantageous for multiclass clas-
sification, as it allows the model to express its confi-
dence in predicting different status labels.
Once the model architecture is established, the
next step is to train the model on the prepared train-
ing dataset. The training is performed over 20 epochs
with a batch size of 10 to optimize model parameters
and ensure convergence. The choice of 20 epochs
for training provides ample iterations for the model
to learn from the data and adjust its internal weights.
The Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer
achieves efficient optimization during training with a
learning rate of 0.3. We finally reached the predic-
tion needed to obtain predicted values for the test-
ing dataset, enabling further analysis and comparison
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
with actual charging station statuses.
In conclusion, the methodology revolves around
using an Artificial Neural Network model to predict
the status of electric vehicle charging stations. The
ANN’s capability to capture non-linear patterns and
its adaptability as a universal function approximator
make it suitable for the multiclass classification task.
This section presents the results of evaluating the per-
formance of multi-class classification machine learn-
ing and deep learning models. The performance of
these models is assessed using precision, recall, and
F1 score metrics to measure and compare their ef-
fectiveness in predicting charging station availability.
Table 1 displays the outcomes obtained through the
machine learning/deep learning (ML/DL) methodol-
ogy applied to the Paris dataset. The results demon-
strate that among the ML baseline models, Random
Forest (RF) achieved the highest performance across
all metrics, with an accuracy rate exceeding 95%. K-
Nearest Neighbors (KNN) followed closely with a
rate of 94% in all metrics. Regarding the F1 Score,
the Support Vector Machine (SVM) yielded the low-
est rate at 59.54%, with Logistic Regression closely
behind at 60.73%.
However, the artificial neural network (ANN) model,
despite slightly trailing behind the K-nearest neigh-
bors (KNN) and random forest (RF) models in per-
formance scores, managed to attain a precision of
89.46%, a recall of 87.94%, and an F1 score of
Based on the results presented in Table 1 and Fig-
ure 3, the Random Forest and K-Nearest Neighbors
models are the top performers on this dataset, as they
consistently achieve high precision, recall, and F1
scores. The Logistic Regression and Support Vector
Machine models show weaker performance. At the
same time, the Artificial Neural Network model also
performs well, falling in between the top-performing
models and the weaker ones. While it’s noteworthy
that ANN forecasts rates for all potential outcomes
and offers real-time predictions, the instance-based
learning of KNN constrains its ability to provide real-
time predictions. Additionally, RF doesn’t furnish
rates for output classes, presenting results solely.
Figure 4 illustrates the initial ve prediction out-
comes produced by the artificial neural network
(ANN) prediction engine using the Paris dataset. The
values displayed in the figure indicate the propor-
tions of status outputs, with each percentage corre-
sponding to a particular interpretation. This inter-
Table 1: Performance results (%) per model for the Belib
K-NEAREST NEIGHBOURS 94.13 94.10 94.11
LOGISTIC REGRESSION 72.16 66.65 60.44
RANDOM FOREST 95.56 95.54 95.41
SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE 71.90 66.41 59.54
Figure 3: Performance results (%) per model for the Belib
pretation is further demonstrated in Figure 4, which
showcases the prediction outcomes of the model uti-
lizing ANN for the Belib dataset. In Figure 4a, the
charging spot is predicted to be 93.89% Available
(”Disponible”). In Figure 4b, the charging spot is
predicted to be 95.26% in maintenance (”En main-
tenance”) and 0.326% Available (”Disponible”). In
Figure 4c, the charging spot is predicted to be 79.79%
Available (”Disponible”) and 0.842% in the process
of commissioning (”En cours de mise en service”).
In Figure 4d, the charging spot is predicted to be
64.62% Available (”Disponible”) and 16.53% Busy
(”En charge”). In Figure 4e, the charging spot is pre-
dicted to be 99.92% Available (”Disponible”).
The findings from the application of machine
learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) approaches to
Estonian data are presented in Table 2. The K-Nearest
Neighbours model performs consistently across all
metrics. It achieves high precision, recall, and F1-
score, indicating its strong ability to classify instances
of different classes correctly. The Logistic Regression
model shows competitive performance. It achieves
high recall, indicating its effectiveness in identifying
positive cases, and maintains a balanced F1 score.
The Random Forest model demonstrates solid perfor-
mance across all metrics. It achieves high recall and
precision, resulting in a strong F1 score. The Support
Vector Machine (SVM) model performs well, with
high precision and recall values. The F1 score also
reflects a good balance between the two metrics. The
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model achieves im-
pressive results, particularly in precision. Its recall
and F1-score are also high, indicating its effectiveness
in classification tasks on this dataset.
Based on the results presented in Table 2 and Fig-
Accurate Recommendation of EV Charging Stations Driven by Availability Status Prediction
(a) First prediction outcome (b) Second prediction outcome (c) Third prediction outcome
(d) Fourth prediction outcome (e) Fifth prediction outcome
Figure 4: Results from the prediction model using ANN for the Belib database.
ure 5, all models exhibit strong performance on the
”Enefit Volt Dataset”. The ANN, Logistic Regres-
sion, and SVM models consistently achieve high pre-
cision, recall, and F1 scores. The K-Nearest Neigh-
bours and Random Forest models also perform well
but have slightly lower F1 scores than the others.
Overall, these models appear to be well-suited for
classifying instances in the ”Enefit Volt Dataset”.
Table 2: Enefit Volt Dataset Performance Results (%) by
K-NEAREST NEIGHBOURS 94.19 94.11 94.21
LOGISTIC REGRESSION 96.63 94.35 94.81
RANDOM FOREST 96.02 94.78 95.17
SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE 96.32 95.15 95.75
Figure 5: Enefit Volt Dataset Performance Results (%) by
In Figure 6, there is a presentation of the initial
five prediction outcomes derived from applying the
artificial neural network (ANN) prediction engine to
the dataset from Estonia. The figures represented in
the visualization denote the percentages linked to dif-
ferent status outputs, as illustrated in Figure 6. This
figure illustrates the prediction outcomes of the model
utilizing ANN for the Enefit Volt dataset. In Figure
6a, the charging spot is 99.69% available and free to
use. In Figure 6b, the charging spot is 70.46% in a
charging session and 29.46% available. In figure 6c,
the charging spot is 47.43% available; it is 35.7% in
a charging session and 16.83% occupied by someone
else. In Figure 6d, the charging spot is 99.56% avail-
able and free to use. In Figure 6e, the charging spot is
99.89% available and free to use.
The results of this paper demonstrate that the pre-
cision, recall, and F1 scores for all evaluation met-
rics surpass those of existing works in the literature
review. These findings are particularly noteworthy
given the differences in dataset features, which ac-
count for the varying evaluation scores of the models
for the Paris and Estonia datasets. The performance
results from both the ”Belib Dataset” and the ”Enefit
Volt Dataset” demonstrate the effectiveness of vari-
ous machine learning models in tackling classification
tasks. Notably, the Estonia dataset is deemed more
robust due to its inclusion of additional features such
as price per kWh and outlet types, contributing to its
higher overall scores than the Paris dataset.
Although the evaluation metrics for the Paris
dataset show that ANN has slightly lower scores than
RF and KNN, it should be emphasized that ANN
can provide real-time predictions, unlike KNN’s lazy-
learning approach. Overall, the models’ perfor-
mances indicate their capability to classify instances
accurately on both datasets. The choice of the best-
performing model would depend on the specific pri-
orities of the task at hand. Furthermore, the artifi-
cial neural network (ANN) showcases outcomes in
the form of a percentage for each distinct category,
constituting a feature that is greatly favored. Fur-
thermore, given the potential for including more com-
plex features or a greater volume of records in future
datasets, the ANN model is likely to perform even
better with further improvements.
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
(a) First prediction outcome (b) Second prediction outcome (c) Third prediction outcome
(d) Fourth prediction outcome (e) Fifth prediction outcome
Figure 6: Results from the prediction model using ANN for Enefit Volt dataset.
This paper’s initial focus was conducting a thorough
literature review and analyzing state-of-the-art re-
search on EV charging station availability prediction,
including its strengths, weaknesses, models, methods,
and datasets. By conducting a comprehensive review
of existing literature, a foundation and rationale have
been established to construct a scalable prediction en-
gine for real-time availability forecasting in electric
vehicle charging stations. The implementation pro-
cess involved scraping data from various sources, cre-
ating datasets, and applying feature engineering to the
data model. The paper then delved into using base-
line machine learning models on the pre-processed
dataset and subsequently building and training an arti-
ficial neural network model, which served as the pre-
diction engine. In conclusion, the paper showcased
the results visually, and the performance of different
models was evaluated using standard metrics. The
intended outcome was realized through the develop-
ment of a prediction engine utilizing artificial neural
networks. This engine furnishes probabilities of elec-
tric vehicle charging station availability, showcasing
impressive evaluation scores that surpass the bench-
marks set by existing literature. There are several po-
tential avenues for future work to enhance the work
presented in this paper while also addressing the chal-
lenges posed by controlling the uncertainty of the dy-
namic arrival of EV charging requests.
The manual nature of the data scraping and
feature engineering components suggests that
automation could yield further improvements.
Specifically, it may be possible to automatically
identify which features are most important and
which are less critical and to log differences that
arise when a particular feature is excluded. En-
gaging in this process additionally improves the
quality, precision, and dependability of the model.
This study will also be extended to a larger scope,
which is a better understanding of capacity fade,
i.e., the battery’s ability to hold a charge dimin-
ishes over time. Beyond intrinsic features like
electrode degradation and solid-electrolyte inter-
face growth, we would also be eager to explore
the driving quality impact further.
Last but not least, while the prediction engine is
currently limited to Paris and Estonia, it could be
readily adapted to other cities or countries.
This work was partially funded by the HE project EN-
under the reference number 101103667.
Belib home. Available at:
City of Paris, Belib API. publicly Available.
data scraping.
Enefit VOLT.
Feature Engineering.
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