Navigating the Landscape of Digital Competence Frameworks: A
Systematic Analysis of AI Coverage and Adaptability
Barbara Wimmer
, Irene Mayr
and Thorsten H
Ferdinand Porsche Mobile University of Applied Sciences (FERNFH), Austria
Competence Framework, Digital Competences, Systematic Mapping Study, Artificial Intelligence (AI),
Generative AI, Adaptability, Framework Comparison.
The rapidly evolving capabilities of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in understanding and generating
texts and images challenge the role of human competences in existing and redesigned processes and infras-
tructures in many domains. In addition to aspects such as automating complex tasks and decision-making
processes, the question arises as to which human competences are required to deal efficiently and confidently
with these newly emerging AI-driven opportunities, manifesting in form of new tools, methods, processes and
infrastructures, including the design and use of hybrid human-AI ecosystems. A variety of digital competence
frameworks (DCFWs) is available to support practitioners from didactic and business contexts in specifying
and measuring such competences. In this paper, we systematically analyze established DCFWs and compare
the provided means to cope with the challenges from rapidly evolving generative AI. For this purpose, we
present the results of a systematic mapping study (SMS) based on 25 identified international DCFWs, focus-
ing on the degree of AI coverage and adaptability. The resulting structural overview and comparative analysis
provides orientation and aims to empower both individual practitioners and organizations to evaluate, select,
combine, contextualize, adapt and apply existing frameworks based on their individual application purposes.
OpenAI’s launch of ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2022) at the
end of 2022 has brought attention (Johnson, 2022) to
large language models (LLM) and generative AI in
general. It also raised awareness to questioning AI’s
impact on human competences (Shiohira, 2021). A
rapidly transforming AI landscape continuously im-
pacts and challenges society, economy and educa-
tion. As new tools and applications are emerging,
they not only represent technological advances, but
also raise critical questions about how these changes
will transform processes, infrastructures, and the role
of humans (Llaneras et al., 2023; Nature Machine
Intelligence, 2023). For instance, questions arise
such as to what extent practitioners and organizations
are prepared for the effects of massive technologi-
cal shifts on labour (Zarifhonarvar, 2023) and edu-
cation (Chiu et al., 2023), and how they can be sup-
ported by research to adapt accordingly. To address
this issue, analyzing established Digital Competence
Frameworks (DCFW) could provide insights by elab-
orating their flexibility to adapt to new contexts in
general as well as their integration of AI. Therefore
this paper presents a comparative analysis of estab-
lished DCFWs, aiming to provide orientation in an
ever evolving field, trying to keep up with the pace of
technological development. In this endeavour, a sys-
tematic mapping study (SMS) was conducted to ex-
amine, compare and map a selection of 25 DCFWs in
an iterative process. Based on a structural overview of
DCFW characteristics, we further investigated criteria
for categorizing the DCFWs in terms of adaptability
for specifying competences and coverage of AI com-
petences. In particular, this paper provides the follow-
ing contributions:
1. We present a systematic overview and compari-
son of established digital competence frameworks
2. In addition, we report on the results of a compara-
tive analysis of the extent to which DCFWs (a) ad-
dress AI competences and (b) provide adaptability
for competence specification.
Wimmer, B., Mayr, I. and Händler, T.
Navigating the Landscape of Digital Competence Frameworks: A Systematic Analysis of AI Coverage and Adaptability.
DOI: 10.5220/0012752900003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 653-667
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The resulting structural overview with emphasis
on the level of adaptability for competence specifica-
tion by users as well as the coverage of AI compe-
tences, provides orientation and guidance for both in-
dividual practitioners and organizations. For instance,
it supports experts in didactic or business contexts
seeking to leverage such frameworks for specifying
AI-related competences, such as for defining learning
objectives, assessing actual competences, or specify-
ing requirements for project staffing.
Paper Structure. The remainder of this paper is
structured as follows: Section 2 provides background
and related work on digital competences and frame-
works. The applied approach and research methodol-
ogy are outlined in Section 3. In Section 4, we present
the findings of our systematic mapping study (SMS)
in terms of the analysis and comparison of frame-
works. Section 5 discusses limitations and challenges.
Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper.
In this section, we discuss definitions and relevant
concepts of digital competences (Section 2.1), outline
structural components of digital competence frame-
works (DCFWs; Section 2.2), and give an overview
of how these frameworks have been investigated in
previous research (Section 2.3).
2.1 Digital Competences
Exploring the terminology around digital compe-
tences (DC) in scientific literature as well as in the
analyzed DCFWs, it becomes manifest that on the one
hand the term digital competence’ lacks a clear def-
inition. On the other hand, there are multiple terms
that are used synonymously or similarly next to each
other, such as ’competence’, ’literacy’ and skill’; also
see (Ferrari et al., 2012; Mart
ınez et al., 2021; Mat-
tar et al., 2022; S
anchez-Canut et al., 2023). Under-
standing DC as a boundary concept, (Ilom
aki et al.,
2016) emphasizes that, considering the pace of tech-
nological development, a definition for the concept
of DC should be wide enough to accommodate these
circumstance and therefore not to strongly be driven
by a technology perspective, which is supported by
ınez et al., 2021) concluding that it ”consoli-
dates the techno-social perspective for empowerment
and technological appropriation, which exceeds the
operational use of tools”. For this paper, we refrain
from including a category for these definitions, be-
cause it would go beyond the intended scope and does
not quite touch on our research questions. Also pre-
vious work on comparing DCFWs has already dealt
with this topic thoroughly. Confronted with 16 differ-
ent concepts, we pragmatically decided to adopt the
term ’competence’, as used by the majority of the re-
viewed DCFWs.
2.2 Digital Competence Frameworks
In the following, we outline the purpose and struc-
tural components of digital competence frameworks
(DCFWs). In general, frameworks, taxonomies and
models play a crucial role in structuring and sys-
tematizing competences. They provide a general
orientation to help organizations remain competitive
and meet current (digital) standards. There are al-
ready well established generic models and frame-
works in the education sector, such as Bloom’s Tax-
onomy of Learning Objectives (Krathwohl, 2002)
or the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowl-
edge (TPACK) framework, which ”attempts to cap-
ture some of the essential qualities of teacher knowl-
edge required for technology integration in teaching”
(Mishra and Koehler, 2006). In addition, also frame-
works for specific application domains such as soft-
ware refactoring are in usage (Haendler and Neu-
mann, 2019). Such structures are essential to provide
clear and consistent benchmarks for the development
of competencies. Digital Competence Frameworks
are supposed to provide a comprehensive tool to en-
sure a common understanding of what constitutes DC
by fostering standardization and consistency. They
give guidance for digital skill development as well as
assistance to make informed design choices, therefore
allowing continuous relevance of curricula and train-
ing programs regarding emergent technologies (UN-
ESCO, 2023). Generally, a DCFW consists at least
of the defined competence areas or dimensions, often
sub-divided in further competences, and proficiency
levels specific to each DCFW (UNESCO, 2023).
Current research attempts to span the bridge from
digital to AI competences. By exploring the concepts
of AI literacy, (Ng et al., 2021) derives general rec-
ommendations for AI literacy in education. From an
HCI perspective, (Long et al., 2022) extracts ”a set of
AI literacy competences and design considerations”,
while (Ng et al., 2023) identifies challenges teach-
ers may be facing when including AI tools into their
teaching practice (e.g., ethical concerns). (Santana
and D
andez, 2023) examines competences
for AI from an HRM viewpoint presenting a ”sys-
tematization and representation of the relationship be-
tween employee competences and AI”. The Canadian
AI competency Framework (Dawson College, 2021)
EKM 2024 - 7th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
defines three competence domains in context with AI,
encompassing competences focusing on project de-
velopment (technical), on project planning and scal-
ing (business) and on implementation and utilization
(human) while integrating ethical competences into
all domains. (Sattelmaier and Pawlowski, 2023) pro-
pose a framework for K-12 education, introducing ’AI
competencies’ (technical focus) and ’emerging com-
petencies’ (AI competences with a focus on genera-
tive AI), including ethical, social, and privacy impli-
cations on both levels.
2.3 Digital Competence Frameworks in
Most previous research on comparing and analyzing
DCFWs has narrowed down their sample by aiming
explicitly at teachers (Cabero-Almenara et al., 2020;
Yang et al., 2021; Tomczyk and Fedeli, 2021; Be-
nali and Mak, 2022) or education in general (Mattar
et al., 2022), although with different focus and meth-
ods. (S
anchez-Canut et al., 2023) specifically ana-
lyzes ”the existing definitions of professional DC, the
frameworks used to develop it at the workplace, and
the gender differences observed”. (Ferrari, 2012) de-
cided on a broader scope, aiming for a ”fair distri-
bution of target groups that the frameworks are ad-
dressed to”. One approach that all the work just
mentioned has in common is aligning and compar-
ing DCFWs by competence area/dimension and pro-
ficiency levels (if given), examining them thoroughly
and sufficiently, which is why we refrain from an in-
depth analysis providing a quantitative overview in-
stead. We observed that the need to differentiate be-
tween target group and target audience is certainly
recognized (Rosado and Belisle, 2006; Mattar et al.,
2022), however there is little consistency to be found
when introducing these categories to clearly make
this distinction. Facing a similar challenge, we will
discuss our approach in Section 3.3. The category
self-assessment is systematically defined by (Rosado
and Belisle, 2006; Ferrari, 2012) and included by
(Tomczyk and Fedeli, 2021; Yang et al., 2021), rais-
ing further questions concerning the validity of self-
assessment tools and thus opens up a research direc-
tion which is beyond the scope of this work. Another
interesting focus is presented by (Cabero-Almenara
et al., 2020; Mattar et al., 2022) validating The Digi-
tal Competence Framework for Citizens (DIGCOMP)
and European Framework for the Digital Compe-
tence of Educators (Benali and Mak, 2022), both
DCFWs providing the basis for a new DCFW ecosys-
tem. Comparing DIGCOMPs competences and com-
petence areas with national digital competence curric-
ula for schools, was chosen by (Siddiq, 2018) (Nor-
way and Sweden) and (Hazar, 2019) (Turkey). Fi-
nally, most literature agrees that the characteristics of
DCFWs are depending on context and cultural factors
aki et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2021) and objec-
tive and purpose and therefore are fluent. Although
there has been research about the concepts aiming to
define DC, the structure and dimensions of compe-
tence areas and proficiency levels in detail, little re-
gard has been given to analysing DCFWs in view of
adaptability and AI, except (Mattar et al., 2022) point-
ing out the few FWs already updated according to
the impact of emerging tech, concluding that ”digi-
tal competence frameworks need constant updates as
technologies continuously evolve”. This paper there-
fore aims to investigate this gap, by identifying cate-
gories to structure information about DCFWs, analyz-
ing how much thought has been given to adaptability
and exploring if and how (generative) AI was consid-
ered to be integrated.
This section outlines the applied research methodol-
ogy. In order to develop an overview of established
digital competence frameworks (DCFWs), our ap-
proach is following the process of a systematic map-
ping study (SMS), which represents a kind of system-
atic literature review, but with an emphasis on elab-
orating a structural overview over a certain research
domain by identifying appropriate means for quanti-
fying and classifying the field (Kitchenham and Char-
ters, 2007; Petersen et al., 2008; Ralph, P. et al.,
2021). Proceeding from usage in medicine research,
SMS nowadays represent a popular methodology in
technical fields such as software engineering or infor-
mation systems, see, e.g., (Zhao et al., 2021; Wolny
et al., 2017). Fig. 1 illustrates the applied research
process in terms of an activity diagram of the Uni-
fied Modeling Language (UML2) (Object Manage-
ment Group, 2017). Departing from defining the re-
view scope and corresponding research questions (see
1 in Fig. 1), we performed a combined structured
search for DCFWs (see 2
). We then filtered the
identified DCFWs by removing duplicates as well as
by applying inclusion and exclusion criteria (see 3
and Tab. 1). Based on a first coarse structural analy-
sis of the resulting DCFWs, we derived a classifica-
tion scheme suitable to categorize the DCFWs, and
extracted the corresponding data (see 4 ). The fol-
lowing Sections 3.1 to 3.3 provide details on these
Navigating the Landscape of Digital Competence Frameworks: A Systematic Analysis of AI Coverage and Adaptability
Figure 1: Applied research process to analyze established
DCFWs in terms of a systematic mapping study.
The resulting findings in terms of structural char-
acteristics of DCFWs and the derived systematic
maps (see 5 ) are reported in Section 4.
3.1 Review Scope & Research Questions
In order to address the question on the extent to which
established DCFWs are suitable for specifying com-
petences for generative AI, we defined the following
research questions (RQ1–3) as starting point for our
systematic mapping study (see 1 in Fig. 1).
RQ1. Which criteria are suitable to categorize
and compare digital competence frameworks
RQ2. How do DCFWs provide adaptability for users
to specify competences?
RQ3. How do DCFWs address competences for ar-
tificial intelligence (AI), especially generative
3.2 Search & Selection of Frameworks
To identify established DCFWs, we conducted a
structured search combining the use of a search
engine and snowballing (Wohlin, 2014); for details,
see below. Since most DCFWs are not published in
terms of scientific literature, we combined Google
Scholar and Google as search engines, ensuring
not to oversee results. We defined and applied the
following search string:
(digital OR IT) AND (framework* OR reference* OR model*
OR taxonomy*) AND (competenc* OR literac* OR skill*) AND
Additionally, we restricted the search to PDF files
published in English after 2017 (i.e., filetype:pdf, af-
ter:2017, and lang:en; also see Tab. 1). During liter-
ature search, a reference point we continuously stum-
bled upon was the UNESCO-UNEVOC database
providing a current overview of established DCFWs
for teachers, learners and citizens. The referenced
DCFWs can be searched by criteria relevant to the
design, content, and use of digital skills. In addi-
tion to the search engine (see 2 in Fig. 1), we used
this database to track the referenced DCFWs; also see
backward snowballing (Wohlin, 2014). In particular,
the UNESCO database has a total of 35 entries, struc-
tured into 27 DCFWs, five programs, two standards
and one tool. For the purpose of our study, we only re-
flected DCFWs in the database explicitly categorized
as a framework.
Table 1: Applied inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Inclusion Exclusion
categorized as framework,
applicable on at least local
not available in English,
published before 2017
After removing duplicates, we then filtered the
remaining DCFWs according to the defined inclu-
sion and exclusion criteria (see 3 in Fig. 1). In
particular, we decided to exclude DCFWs not avail-
able in English, in order to focus on internationally
accessible DCWFs–with the exception of DigComp
AT 2.3 (#06). In order to reflect the state-of-the-
art of DCFWs, we excluded DCFWs published be-
fore 2017. Also, for comparability reasons, DCFWs
which are not intended to be applicable on an at least
regional level, such as frameworks published by uni-
versities, were excluded. The application of these in-
clusion and exclusion criteria results in 25 DCFWs
Available at
EKM 2024 - 7th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
forming the basis for the further analysis (see 3 in
Fig. 1). The selected DCFWs were then systemat-
ically organized by structural basic categories (i.e.,
title, description, origin, target group(s), publisher,
year, geographical coverage). Information about the
DCFWs was extracted and analyzed by two authors
independently by examining the documents and web-
sites provided by the DCFWs. The results then
have been discussed and merged together in an iter-
ative process in order to identify and synthesize suit-
able categories for a classification scheme, accord-
ing to the guidelines for conducting systematic map-
ping studies in software engineering (Kitchenham and
Charters, 2007). This collection of structural charac-
teristics sets the foundation to answer RQ1 (see 4
in Fig. 1). For RQ2 and RQ3, we performed a sim-
ilar process, consisting of the following three steps:
(a) screening the DCFWs for relevant terms and cri-
teria, (b) defining hierarchical levels (extent to which
AI competences addressed and adaptability for users),
and, finally, (c) assessing which levels are met by the
DCFWs (see 5 in Fig. 1).
3.3 Classification Scheme
Here, we introduce the applied classification scheme
(see Tab. 2). The scheme is structured into dif-
ferent categories, each characterized by properties,
variations or levels, assigned to certain groups ad-
dressing the research questions (RQ1–3). The first
set of categories (basic) was derived from the UN-
ESCO database and validated through examining the
DCFWs’ documentations (i.e., regional scope, year
of publication and how each DCFW defines the tar-
get group it is supposed to serve). This data has
been amended by an identifier and code (i.e., DCFWs’
abbreviations as given). To collect data on how
the DCFWs are similar and where they differ (see
RQ1/focus in Tab. 2), we took a closer look on how
and to what extent (quantity) competence areas and
proficiency levels are defined by the DCFWs. There
are different approaches in related comparative work
to introduce the category target group, as discussed
in Section 2.3. Considering there are subtle differ-
ences when looking more closely at how DCFWs de-
fine whom they are aiming at, we sorted them accord-
ingly to the intended purpose for each target group,
finding four different aspects. First, there is an au-
dience, which can be understood as the end users,
such as students, learners or more broadly citizens,
which are not supposed to educate themselves along
any chosen DCFW. Then, there is the group of educa-
tors, who are able to contextualize a DCFW transfer-
ring it into their teaching practice as well as use self-
assessment tools as foundation to develop their own
DC. In terms of application, some DCFWs are sup-
posed to be used as a starting point to develop policies
or training programs, therefore aiming at stakeholders
like labour market (social) partners, or non govern-
mental organizations (NGOs). Another perspective,
is whose purpose it is to adapt a DCFW by either
updating or further developing it, which are funda-
mentally represented by public or private stakehold-
ers, like curriculum developers or policy makers. In
sum, target group is a complex category, strongly de-
pending on purpose and context. For this reason, we
introduced the category sector. Moreover, to address-
ing RQ1/supplement, we collected data about licence
information, forming the basis for adaptability. An-
other important category related to adaptability is the
extent to which support for practical application is
given. These categories are extended by measuring
tools and recommendations for self-assessment. In
Section 4.1, we will explore the RQ groups basics, fo-
cus, and supplement in detail. To distinguish between
the extent to which each DCFW provides adaptability
for competence specification (RQ2), as well as if and
how competences for (generative) AI are addressed
(RQ3), we propose hierarchical levels (0–3), which
we will presented in Sections 4.2 and 4.3.
In this section, we present the results of our sys-
tematic mapping. In Section 4.1, we provide an
overview of the structural characteristics (such as re-
gional and sector-specific scopes) of DCFWs. Sec-
tion 4.2 then provides details on how the frameworks
support adaptability for users to specify competences.
Section 4.3 reports on how AI competences are ad-
dressed by DCFWs. Finally, Section 4.4 discusses the
results of mapping of adaptability and AI coverage.
4.1 Characteristics of Digital
Competence Frameworks
In order to address RQ1 (which criteria are suitable
to categorize and compare DCFWs?), we collected
the structural characteristics of 25 DCFWs (according
to the category groups basic, focus, and supplement
in Tab. 2). These structural characteristics are
presented in two parts. Tab. 3 provides basics such
as the framework title, regional scope and the year of
publication. In turn, Tab. 4 provides data on the other
groups (i.e., focus, supplement, levels of adaptability
and (gen)AI coverage). As two key criteria to dis-
tinguish the DCFWs, Fig. 2 illustrates the DCFWs’
Navigating the Landscape of Digital Competence Frameworks: A Systematic Analysis of AI Coverage and Adaptability
Table 2: Applied classification scheme to analyze digital competence frameworks (DCFWs).
Category Characteristics RQ Category Group
id (#) assigned identifier
RQ1 basic
code assigned abbreviation (code) for clarity
framework title full publication title
region local, national, international, global
year year of publication (latest version)
targeted sector sector aimed at
RQ1 focusproficiency quantity of proficiency levels
competence areas quantity of competence areas
licence information given licence information
RQ1 supplementline application guidance [y/n] support with utilization and implementation
self-assessment [y/n] tools or recommendations for self-assessment
level of adaptability
0 - none
RQ2 adaptability
1 - some context, templates
2 - application scenarios, guidelines
3 - specifically designed dimension for adaptability
level of AI coverage
0 - none
RQ3 (generative) AI
1 - as an example for technology
2 - ethics, privacy; included into indicators
3 - application scenarios
McKinsey (1),
Profuturo (1),
SFIA Foundation (1),
Association of International Certified Professional
Accountants (1),
European Commission (3),
European Training Foundation (1),
GSMA Global Organisation (1),
UNESCO and Broadband Commission (1),
UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central
Asia (1)
Australia (2),
Austria (1),
Canada (1),
England, UK (1),
Norway (1),
Singapore (1),
South Africa (1),
Spain (1),
USA (1),
Wales, UK (1)
Quebec, Canada (1)
TVET, VET, further
IT professionals
accountancy and
financial services
IT, mobile tech
public sector
global 20%
international 32%
national 44%
local 4%
Figure 2: Regional (a) and sector-specific characteristics (b) of analyzed digital competence frameworks (DCFWs).
operational bounds (Rosado and Belisle, 2006) in
terms of the distribution of addressed regions and
sectors (Fig. 2 (a) and (b), respectively).
Regional Scope. In particular, 44% (11) DCFWs are
intended to be applied at a national and 32% (8) at an
international level, 20% (5) are aiming at a global au-
dience, just one DCFW operates within a local scope
(4%); also see Fig. 2 (a). Among the DCFWs labeled
national, five are European (AT #06, UK #08 and
#12, NO #20, ES #03), two from Australia (#02, #11),
two from North America (CS #25, US #24), one from
Africa (ZA #19) and one from South-East Asia (SG
#23). The label international includes the follow-
ing organizations; European Commission (#09, #07,
#04), European Training Foundation (#14), UNESCO
and Broadband Commission (#30), GSMA Global Or-
ganization (#31), Association of International Cer-
tified Professional Accountants (#32), UNICEF Re-
gional Office for Europe and Central Asia (#33). Pub-
lishers for a global audience are; UNESCO (#10,
#17), Profuturo (#15), the SFIA Foundation (#22) and
McKinsey (#18).
Targeted Sector. Moreover, as shown in detail in
Fig. 2 (b), 48% of the DCFWs are aiming at the edu-
cational sector (#03, #04, #06, #07, #08, #09, #10,
#13, #14, #15, #21, #25), 16% at teacher educa-
tion/training (#17, #19, #20, #24), 16% at vocational
EKM 2024 - 7th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
Table 3: Structural characteristics of analyzed digital competence frameworks (part 1).
# Code Reference Framework Region Year
(Balbo Di Vinadio
et al., 2022)
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation Competen-
cies for Civil Servants
International 2022
(Gekara, V, Snell, D,
Skilling the Australian Workforce for the Digital Economy -
The Australian Workforce Digital Skills Framework
National 2019
#03 CDCFT (INTEF, 2017)
Common Digital Competence Framework for Teachers (CD-
National 2017
#04 CFRIDiL (Adami et al., 2019)
Common Framework of Reference for Intercultural Digital Lit-
eracies (CFRIDiL)
International 2019
#05 CGMA
(Association of
International Cer-
tified Professional
Accountants, 2019)
Competency Framework. Digital Skills (CGMA) International 2019
#06 DCAT (N
arosy et al., 2022) DigComp 2.3. AT National 2022
#07 DCEDU (Redecker, 2017)
European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators
International 2017
(Education Wales,
UK, 2022)
Digital Competence Framework National 2022
(Vuorikari et al.,
The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp
International 2022
#10 DLGF (Law et al., 2018)
Digital Literacy Global Framework - A Global Framework of
Reference on Digital Literacy Skills for Indicator 4.4.2
Global 2018
#11 DLSF
(Department of Ed-
ucation, Skills and
Employment., 2020)
Digital Literacy Skills Framework (DLSF) National 2021
#12 DTPF
(Education and
Training Foundation,
Digital Teaching Professional Framework National 2019
#13 EDCF (Siina et al., 2022) Educators’ Digital Competency Framework International 2022
#14 ETFM
(European Training
Foundation, 2022)
ETF READY Model (Reference model for Educators’ Activi-
ties and Development in the 21st-centurY)
International 2022
(Trujillo S
aez et al.,
The Global Framework for Educational Competence in the Dig-
ital Age
Global 2020
#16 GSMA (Jacobs et al., 2021)
Developing mobile digital skills in low- and middle-income
International 2021
#17 ICTCFT (Butcher, 2018)
UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT
CFT) Version 3
Global 2018
#18 MKIN (Dondi et al., 2019)
Defining the skills citizens will need in the future world of work
Global 2019
(Department of Edu-
cation. SA, 2019)
Professional Development Framework for Digital Learning National 2019
#20 PFDK
c et al.,
Professional Digital Competence Framework for Teachers National 2017
ere de
Education et de
erieur, 2019)
Quebec Digital Competency Framework Local 2019
#22 SFIA
(SFIA Foundation,
Skills Framework for International Age (SFIA - 8) Global 2021
(Government of Sin-
gapore, 2022)
SkillsFuture - Skills Framework for Infocomm Technology National 2022
#24 TETC (Foulger et al., 2017) Teacher Educator Technology Competencies National 2017
#25 UUEMLF (Mediasmarts, 2022)
USE, UNDERSTAND & ENGAGE: A Digital Media Literacy
Framework for Canadian Schools
National 2022
education and training (#02, #11, #12), 8% at IT pro-
fessionals (#22, #23) while 4% each are directed at
accountancy and financial services (#05), IT - mobile
technology (#16), and public sector (#01).
Competence Areas and Proficiency Levels. In ad-
dition to these criteria, the DCFWs differ widely re-
garding competence areas ranging from 2 to 20 and
proficiency levels from 0 to 9.
Navigating the Landscape of Digital Competence Frameworks: A Systematic Analysis of AI Coverage and Adaptability
Table 4: Structural characteristics of analyzed digital competence frameworks (part 2).
# Code Sector
#01 AIDTC public sector 3 3 CC-BY-SA 3.0 IGO y y 2 3
vocational education
and training (VET)
5 4 CC BY 3.0 AU y y 1 1
#03 CDCFT education 6 5 CC BY SA n n 1 1
#04 CFRIDiL education 3 3+1 n/a y y 3 0
#05 CGMA
accountancy and fi-
nancial services
4 6 n/a n n 0 0
#06 DCAT education 8 6
y y 1 2
#07 DCEDU education 6 6
Reuse authorized,
provided source is
y y 1 0
#08 DCFWA education 5 4/12 n/a y n 1 0
#09 DCOMP education 4 5 CC BY 4.0 y y 2 3
#10 DLGF education - 7 CC-BY-SA 3.0 IGO y n 2 0
#11 DLSF
vocational education
and training (VET)
5 2 CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 y y 1 0
#12 DTPF
technical vocational
education and training
3 7 n/a y n 2 2
#13 EDCF education - 20
n/a but funded by
the EU
y y 1 0
#14 ETFM education - 6+1 CC BY 4.0 y y 3 0
#15 GFEDC education 3 3 n/a y n 1 0
#16 GSMA IT, mobile technology 3 6 n/a y y 2 0
#17 ICTCFT teacher-training 3 6 CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO y y 2 3
#18 MKIN future world of work - 13 n/a n n 0 0
#19 PDFDL teacher-training - 13 n/a n y 2 0
#20 PFDK teacher education 3 7 CC BY-SA 3.0 NO n y 1 0
#21 QCDCF education - 12 n/a y n 2 2
#22 SFIA IT professionals 7 6
free for personal
use, commercial
y y 2 0
#23 SKILL IT professionals - 8 n/a y y 2 1
#24 TETC teacher education - 12 n/a y n 2 0
#25 UUEMLF education - 9 n/a y y 1 0
Supplemental Materials. 13 out of 25 DCFWs pro-
vide licence information, nine of which are licensed
as a derivative of CC BY, encouraging adaptations, ex-
cept #06 surprisingly using CC-BY-NC-ND, whereby
ND stands for No derivatives or adaptations of the
work are permitted. While #22 is offering a com-
mercial license but is free for personal use, #14 is
the only DCFW providing a policy for its adaptation
and translation. At least rudimentary supporting con-
tent or material (e.g., well-worded descriptors) to put
a DCFW into action is provided by 20 DCFWs. Tools
for the self-assessment of DC are either provided or
recommended by 17 DCFWs. Most DCFWs claim
to be easily adaptable, some of them –especially with
teacher focus– can be used as a template for contextu-
alization, but do actually not promote adaptability. 20
out of 25 DCFWs offer resources in terms of guidance
on how to apply the framework, by either providing
a dedicated chapter or section in the main document
(#02, #09, #10, #14, #17, #19), online platforms (#06,
#08, #16, #22. #23, #24, #25), examples for differ-
ent types of content, either through descriptors (#04,
#13, #15), sample activities (#07,#11, #21), attitudes
(#01), or using a model (#12).
EKM 2024 - 7th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
Table 5: Applied levels of adaptability for specifying com-
petences by DCFW users.
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
not men-
plates for
and sce-
narios for
Table 6: Applied levels of AI coverage.
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
not men-
4.2 Adaptability
This section addresses RQ2 (how do DCFWs pro-
vide adaptability for users to specify competences?).
Drawing from criteria for the four hierarchical levels
of adaptability (Tab. 5), we discuss details concern-
ing the DCFWs’ adaptability for competence speci-
fication. In psychology, adaptability can be defined
as ”the capacity to make appropriate responses to
changed or changing situations” (VandenBos, 2007).
This definition corresponds with our research focus,
investigating to what capacity DCFWs are prepared
for technological (AI) shifts. To provide a system-
atic categorization of how a DCFW is supposed to be
used, contextualized, applied or adapted for specify-
ing competences, we mapped them to one of four hi-
erarchical levels, which are defined in the following.
Adaptability Levels.
In particular, Level 0 is encompassing DCFWs
delivering no results for searching the documents
for the terms adapt*, flex*, and change* or from
data collected while scanning the DCFWs.
Those DCFWs mapped to Level 1 aren’t explic-
itly providing adaptability but can be understood
as tangible templates for stakeholders with the ex-
pertise to use and foremost contextualize them.
At Level 2, DCFWs are characterized by provid-
ing supplemental material, supporting contextual-
ization, implementation or adaptation.
DCFWs at Level 3 are anticipating technological
change by adding specific dimensions for adapta-
tion to new contexts. The DCFW characteristics
regarding adaptability are described below.
Adaptability Mapping of DCFWs.
Level 0. Two DCFWs are mapped to this level, #05
(Association of International Certified Professional
Accountants, 2019) specifically aims at accountants
not necessarily requiring adaptability. While #18
(Dondi et al., 2019) presents 13 skill groups derived
from their research, we understand it as a report giv-
ing recommendations.
Level 1. Aiming at vocational education/training, #02
is demonstrating ”how [it] can be applied in digi-
tal skills gap analysis” (Gekara, V, Snell, D, 2019).
Targeting the same sector, #11 depicts a subtle gran-
ulated structure with well documented components,
supported by exemplary activities (Department of Ed-
ucation, Skills and Employment., 2020). #06 and #03
are both adaptions from #09 into a national context,
the former (an already updated version) highlighting
low-threshold on using digital devices for a broader
audience (N
arosy et al., 2022). The latter aims to
be a reference for evaluating and developing teach-
ers DCs (INTEF, 2017), supplemented by an online
Digital Competence Portfolio for Teachers, has also
drawn from #07, itself a model to assess and de-
velop pedagogical DC by enabling utilization through
well defined sets of competences complemented by a
list of typical activities and a progression model (Re-
decker, 2017). Aiming to describe teachers’ DCs, #13
outlines 20 competences structured along four areas
of knowledge, offering a ”common frame of refer-
ence” to enable ”inclusive teaching and learning” (Si-
ina et al., 2022). Some DCFWs on this level are simi-
lar in presenting a number of competence areas struc-
tured along progression levels to enable contextual-
ization. We will briefly outline the key differences.
Part of a mandatory cross curricular skills framework,
#08 applies descriptors based on predefined Princi-
ples of Progression (DCF, ), supported by learning
pathways (Education Wales, UK, 2022). #20 is aim-
ing at professional development and ”the actual prac-
tice of the profession” (Kelentri
c et al., 2017) by de-
livering a straightforward template. While #25 does
not promote adaptability, it provides meaningful de-
scriptors and examples (Mediasmarts, 2022). #15 de-
fines identities (i.e., teacher, citizen, connector) (Tru-
jillo S
aez et al., 2020) and can be contextualized but
is giving no indication on how to do so.
Level 2. Emphasizing adaptability as an presumed
attitude for civil servants, #01 is ”meant to present
governments with a usable set of AI and digital trans-
formation competencies” (Balbo Di Vinadio et al.,
2022). To support contextualization and adaptation
to different contexts, #09 provides reports and guide-
lines for implementation (Vuorikari et al., 2022). #10
is presenting a methodical model for Sustainable De-
velopment Goal (SDG) thematic Indicator 4.4.2 sup-
ported by pathways for tailoring competence grids to
specific needs (Law et al., 2018). #12, supports ap-
Navigating the Landscape of Digital Competence Frameworks: A Systematic Analysis of AI Coverage and Adaptability
plication by illustrating ”how the framework could be
used by practitioners ”using the SAMR model” (Ed-
ucation and Training Foundation, 2019) and a ref-
erence guide. In sum, three DCFWs target teacher
education and support implementation with extensive
supplementary resources; #19 by providing examples
of teaching and learning activities (Department of Ed-
ucation. SA, 2019), #17 –updated to version 3– en-
couraging adaptation and including implementation
examples (Butcher, 2018), while #24 delivers online
courses –by this, the only DCFW monetising their
supplemental material (Foulger et al., 2017). #21
highlights the need for an adaptive concept of DC
to not become ”invalidated by technological innova-
tions”, concluding that its implementation therefore
must be an iterative process (Minist
ere de l’
et de l’Enseignement sup
erieur, 2019), supported by
examples from different contexts. Targeting IT pro-
fessionals, #22 provides a platform with ’Help and
Online resources’ (accessible after registration), in-
cluding, e.g., skills profiles for industries and jobs
(SFIA Foundation, 2021). #23 contains detailed job
role descriptions, offering an online portal with tai-
lored training programs (Government of Singapore,
2022). #16 offers ”resources that stakeholders can
adapt and scale to support their training efforts” (Ja-
cobs et al., 2021), including information on deploy-
ment and impact of already realized implementations.
Level 3. Two DCFWs explicitly provide a so-
called flexible dimension–even though with distinct
approaches. Introducing context free descriptors,
#04 integrates a ’+1’ dimension for transversal skills
”rarely taught, let alone assessed in formal education
contexts” (Adami et al., 2019). While claiming ”the
placeholder for the 7th context-specific” domain em-
phasizes that READY has been designed with adapt-
ability and flexibility in mind”, #14 doesn’t elaborate
much further on how to do so (European Training
Foundation, 2022).
4.3 Coverage of AI Competences
In order to address RQ3 (how do DCFWs address
competences for artificial intelligence (AI), especially
generative AI?), we introduce criteria to evaluate
DCFWs by four hierarchical levels of AI coverage
(Tab. 6). We then provide further details on the
specifics concerning AI coverage for each DCFW.
AI-Coverage Levels.
DCFWs at AI Level 0, do not mention AI at all,
manifested by providing no search result, either
for searching the documents for terms like ar-
tific*, generat* and AI nor from the data collected
while scanning the documents.
DCWFs mapped to Level 1 use these terms to il-
lustrate examples of emerging technologies (such
as augmented or virtual reality (AR/VR) but do
not put them in context with the DCFW itself.
At Level 2, AI is used in a certain context within
the DCFW, e.g., in terms of competence de-
scriptors for machine learning or AI ethics, even
though application scenarios are not included.
DCFWs at Level 3 dedicate a full chapter or sec-
tion to AI as well as approach this topic in a mul-
tidimensional manner.
AI-Coverage Mapping of DCFWs.
Level 0. 52% of DCFWs (#04, #05, #07, #08, #10,
#11, #13, #14, #15, #16, #18, #19, #20, #22, #24,
#25) do not mention the term AI at all.
Level 1. #02 combines AI with augmented and vir-
tual reality (AR/VR) within a tech indicator system,
but does not provide a specific context for the prac-
tical application (Gekara, V, Snell, D, 2019). Rais-
ing awareness to potential AI applications in educa-
tion, #03 incorporates AI in context of ”digital content
creation and programming” (INTEF, 2017). #23 pro-
vides job role descriptions for the IT sector, includ-
ing specific AI-related skills, highlighting the practi-
cal applications in specific careers rather than being
integrated into a curriculum (Government of Singa-
pore, 2022).
Level 2. The only DCFW using the term genera-
tive AI, #12 is situating AI under the competence area
”Subject and Industry Specific Teaching”, focusing
on professional development. While AI is mentioned
in various activities, the descriptions remain general,
such as ”using AI (AR, VR)” (Education and Train-
ing Foundation, 2019). Strongly based on #09, #06
does not yet fully integrate all of the original models
latest update (introducing AI competences) but added
a low-threshold online module on the basic impacts
of AI. #21 categorizes AI under ”developing and mo-
bilizing technological skills”, highlighting the impor-
tance of a general understanding of AI, also in con-
text of ”developing critical thinking about the use of
digital technologies” (Minist
ere de l’
Education et de
l’Enseignement sup
erieur, 2019).
Level 3. #01 focuses on ”the major AI and digi-
tal transformation competencies needed in the pub-
lic sector” (Balbo Di Vinadio et al., 2022) –the only
DCFW we could identify to do so. With Version
2.2. #09 introduced a section addressing AI, focus-
ing on citizens interacting with AI systems, ”rather
than focusing on the knowledge about Artificial Intel-
ligence per se” (Vuorikari et al., 2022), demonstrating
its commitment to human-centered considerations in-
cluding AI-assisted and AI-automated decision mak-
ing (Eigner and H
andler, 2024), as well as addressing
EKM 2024 - 7th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
ethical impacts. #17 dedicates a chapter exploring AI
and its role in assistive technologies, highlighting the
impact on accessibility ”made possible by advances
in ’machine learning’ and deep learning’ algorithms”
(Butcher, 2018), raising awareness on how AI can be
used to support students with disabilities. with state-
ments like ”AI facilitates|can assist|enables . . . ”, it
exemplifies activities for the competence area ’Appli-
cation of Digital Skills’.
4.4 Mapping of Adaptability and AI
Fig. 3 summarizes the key findings from the system-
atic mapping study driven by the question to which
extent established DCFWs are suitable for specifying
competences for generative AI. In particular, it illus-
trates a two-dimensional matrix correlating the levels
of AI competence coverage (y-axis) and the levels of
adaptability (x-axis). The resulting grid is divided into
four quadrants (Q1–4), in which the analyzed DCFWs
are located in terms of bubbles indicating their quan-
tified distribution.
DCFWs clustered in quadrant Q1 provide some
adaptability but do not address AI at all or only
marginally. Aiming mostly at teachers and train-
ers, focusing more on contextualization and prac-
tice transfer than on adaptability, they may equip
teachers with the DC to adapt to some extent
to new technology when given the necessary re-
sources to do so.
DCFWs located in Q2 show strong adaptability
but still refer to AI on a basic level. They address
different target groups and cover every sector ex-
cept accountancy and financial services.
Only one DCFW is situated in Q3 by providing
the same basic adaptability, but fulfilling the cri-
teria for AI level 1.
Q4 unites the star pupils with strong adaptabil-
ity by either providing tangible material for prac-
tical application and adaptability to new contexts
or having a specifically designed dimension to
accommodate new competence fields emerging
from technological shifts. Nevertheless, out of 25
analyzed DCFWs, there is just a single one using
the term ’generative AI’ in a few of their compe-
tence descriptors (Education and Training Foun-
dation, 2019).
In this section, we reflect on limitations of the applied
approach (Section 5.1), discuss observed challenges
(Section 5.2), and illustrate the utility of our findings
by example (Section 5.3).
5.1 Limitations
As illustrated in Section 3, our analysis follows a sys-
tematic mapping approach driven by the stated re-
search questions. However, throughout our analy-
sis, we have identified several aspects worthy of fur-
ther elaboration. For instance, other DCFWs (cross-
)referenced by the selected DCFWs could by inves-
tigated in detail, especially the ones deriving from
#09, of which a number of adaptations are already
documented (Vuorikari et al., 2022). Due to the pur-
pose of this study, DCFWs published by individual
organizations (e.g., universities) were deliberately not
considered, whereby this could be a promising re-
search avenue. In addition, most DCFWs analyzed
originate from developed countries, which leaves a
significant gap especially concerning Asia and Latin-
America, further aggravated by limited accessibility
through language. Due to the high diversity of target
groups and aims, e.g., encompassing K-12, the vo-
cational sector, higher education as well as individ-
ual citizens, the mapping required the application of
coarse and generalizing categories. A detailed inves-
tigation of domain-specific circumstances would be
useful for future work.
5.2 Challenges
Driven by the question how far the characteristics
of DCFWs can be broken down to simple variables
while still giving valuable information, we we have
observed several challenges in the course of analyzing
the DCFWs. As outlined in Section 3, one challenge
was to actually identify established DCFWs. Since
DigComp (#09) was some kind of anchor while still
planning this research, we were lucky finding it ac-
companied with a multitude of literature preceding
and ultimately substantiating the DCFWs, and point-
ing us to the UNESCO-UNEVOC database serving as
source for backward snowballing. Based on analy-
ses of the corresponding DCFWs as well as further
literature (see Section 2), it becomes manifest that
there is no terminological consistency concerning the
terms digital literacy and digital competence, as was
already observed by (Mattar et al., 2022) and (Ferrari
et al., 2012). Also, related research is pointing out that
defining DC is depending on multiple aspects such as
Navigating the Landscape of Digital Competence Frameworks: A Systematic Analysis of AI Coverage and Adaptability
-1 0 1 2 3 4
Figure 3: Matrix classifying digital competence frameworks (DCFWs) according to their levels (0–3) of AI coverage (vertical)
and adaptability (horizontal) into four quadrants (Q1–4).
context, purpose and aim, and therefore to be under-
stood as fluent concept. There are obviously more as-
pects which still need to be explored more thoroughly.
Furthermore during data collection, we gathered more
structural data than we could address in this paper,
like a comparison of terminological consistency, its
purpose in context with its aims or details on the pro-
vided means of (self-)assessment, which will be ad-
dressed in future research.
5.3 Practical Utility
This paper’s purpose was to systematically analyze
and categorize established DCFWs, with emphasis on
AI coverage and adaptability for competence specifi-
cation. The resulting overview condensed in the ma-
trix in Fig. 3, can be utilized by practitioners to select,
evaluate, and apply DCFWs, which is illustrated by
the following exemplary application scenarios.
First, consider teaching staff at a university aim-
ing to choose a DCFW suitable for defining AI-
related learning objectives for a course and subse-
quently assessing students’ performances against
these objectives. In this case, DCFWs #09 and
#17 would be suitable candidates.
Then, imagine an HR expert in a company aiming
to determine the AI-related competences required
for project staffing. Focusing on vocational edu-
cation and training and assigned to AI level 2, e.g.,
#12 could provide the necessary means for orien-
tation, while other DCFWs with the same target
sector do not include AI competences.
EKM 2024 - 7th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
This paper presents the results of a systematic anal-
ysis of established digital competence frameworks
(DCFWs) with focus on how the DCFWs address
AI competences and provide adaptability for compe-
tence specification due to challenges of rapid tech-
nological development. A key contribution of this
paper is the development and application of crite-
ria for classifying DCFWs into hierarchical levels
regarding adaptability and coverage of AI compe-
tences. Resulting from applying these criteria, we
present a matrix (Fig. 3) illustrating the DCFWs dis-
tribution according to their mapped levels for both
aspects, aiming to support stakeholders in choosing
the most suitable DCFW for their specific application
purposes. This matrix can be utilized by a broad au-
dience, including educators, VET and labour market
experts, HR and IT professionals, management per-
sonnel, or researchers. The most significant findings
from analyzing DCFWs’ adaptability are that only
few DCFWs can be mapped to level 2 or 3, highlight-
ing the need for a clearer distinction between contex-
tualization and adaptability. Concerning AI cover-
age, most surprising was that just one DCFW actu-
ally uses the term generative AI in its competence de-
scriptors, while 52% of the analyzed DCFWs do not
mention AI at all. Furthermore AI is often placed in
the field of informatics and programming, but rarely
regarded multi-dimensional. Following up on if and
how these DCFWS will respond to the challenges in-
herent to generative AI and large language models
(LLMs) and its impact on education, labour and so-
ciety in general, could represent interesting research
directions. Our work can be seen as a first exploration
of DCFWs regarding this rapidly evolving field of
generative AI. The resulting overview provides a first
practical orientation and forms the basis for further
research in terms of in-depth analyses, e.g., taking a
closer look at how AI competences are addressed by
DCFWs located in Q4, or conceptual work, e.g., de-
veloping a DCFW tailored to the challenges posed by
generative AI.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from
the ”Gesellschaft f
ur Forschungsf
orderung (GFF)”,
as this research was conducted at Ferdinand Porsche
Mobile University of Applied Sciences (FERNFH)
as part of the ”Digital Transformation Hub” project
funded by the GFF with means of the Province of
Lower Austria.
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