Towards Task-Oriented ICALL: A Criterion-Referenced Learner
Dashboard Organising Digital Practice
Leona Colling
, Ines Pieronczyk
, Cora Parrisius
, Heiko Holz
, Stephen Bodnar
Florian Nuxoll
and Detmar Meurers
Department of Linguistics, University of Tübingen, Germany
Hector Research Institute of Educational Sciences and Psychology, University of Tübingen, Germany
Karlsruhe University of Education, Germany
Ludwigsburg University of Education, Germany
Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien (IWM), Germany
LEAD Graduate School & Research Network, Germany
Tübingen Center for Digital Education, Germany
Keywords: Second Language Acquisition, Task-Supported Language Teaching, Intelligent Computer Assisted Language
Learning, Learner Dashboard, Criterion-Referenced Feedback.
Abstract: Practice is an essential part of learning. Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning (ICALL) systems
can provide practice opportunities and give insights into the learner’s learning state and progress. Open learner
models have been designed to provide learners with information on the overall learning domain. However,
current approaches to foreign language teaching typically motivate practice as preparation for a communica-
tive or functional task. This raises the question of how this motivating functional task context and progress
towards mastering the task-essential language can be made explicit in an ICALL system. We present an ap-
proach to ICALL practice that is orchestrated in a dashboard that provides information on the learner’s com-
petence-oriented learning progress towards the overall task goals. The dashboard allows students to choose
what to practice next based on this information, which provides a transparent, motivating link to the purpose
of practicing. Organising digital practice based on a task- and competence-oriented curriculum also facilitates
the acceptance of ICALL in the formal school setting. The dashboard introduced in this article extends the
intelligent tutoring system FeedBook for English in German secondary schools. The article provides the the-
oretical background for the dashboard’s structure, motivates the design process, and describes the resulting
While practice has long been an integral part of for-
eign language learning, Skill Acquisition Theory
(DeKeyser, 2020) has scientifically motivated the
role and importance of practice in Second Language
Acquisition (SLA) research. Systematic practice ena-
bles learners to proceduralise and partially automatise
language production (DeKeyser, 2010). In this con-
text, new technologies such as Intelligent Computer-
Assisted Language Learning (ICALL) systems offer
a great opportunity to enhance the learning experi-
ence and examine practice behaviour in authentic
school contexts (Meurers et al., 2019; Ruiz et al.,
2023). ICALL systems can provide exercises for
practice with adaptive feedback, track the learner in-
teraction with the system, and display insights on the
language learning progress (Rudzewitz, 2021), paral-
lel to what has been established for other learning do-
mains, such as arithmetic (Molenaar & Knoop-Van
Campen, 2016). Based on interaction data, the sys-
tems can build an internal representation of the
learner’s knowledge and misconceptions across the
subject domain, the learner model. When it is also
made accessible to the user, it is often referred to as
an Open Learner Model (OLM, Bull, 2004). Bodily
et al. (2018) emphasise the beneficial effects of the
use of data gathered and visualized in an ICALL sys-
tem on the learner’s reflection and self-regulation, re-
lating it to the field of data-driven learning analytics
as well as a pedagogical point of view.
At the same time, the implementation of ICALL
in authentic school contexts is very slow (Schmidt &
Colling, L., Pieronczyk, I., Parrisius, C., Holz, H., Bodnar, S., Nuxoll, F. and Meurers, D.
Towards Task-Oriented ICALL: A Criterion-Referenced Learner Dashboard Organising Digital Practice.
DOI: 10.5220/0012753000003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 668-679
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Strasser, 2022). One aspect holding back its imple-
mentation is that exercises generally need to be em-
bedded into a pedagogical sequence of introduction,
systematisation, and practice of the language means
toward functional language use (Brauner & Prediger,
2018). Indeed, successful participation in an authen-
tic, often communicative task at the end of a learning
unit forms the central goal of task-oriented teaching
approaches, such as task-supported language teaching
(TSLT; Müller-Hartmann & Schocker von Ditfurth,
2011) and task-based language teaching (TBLT; El-
lis, 2003; Robinson, 2011; Willis & Willis, 2007). It
has become standard in German school curricula for
foreign language learning to centre language instruc-
tions around such tasks.
Pre-task activities offering practice opportunities
can build up towards the task goal (Vogt & Schmidt,
2021). These systematic activities allow learners to
practice task-essential language aspects as part of
homework or during individual learning times. They
provide a natural way of integrating ICALL practice
into current task-oriented foreign language class-
rooms. Technology-mediated TBLT, where technol-
ogy is used to aid TBLT, has been qualitatively ex-
amined (see Chong & Reinders, 2020) and research-
ers even identified design patterns for task-based
technology-enhanced language learning (Canals &
Mor, 2020). However, in contrast to ‘strong’ TBLT,
where focus on forms is incidental, the school reality
in Germany is more in line with TSLT, where linguis-
tic forms are taught explicitly prior to carrying out a
meaningful, contextualised, and interactive task
(Kolb & Raith, 2018; Kos 2023). To the best of our
knowledge, we here present the first ICALL approach
for large-scale use in K-12 classrooms explicitly de-
signed to facilitate the TSLT pre-task practice phase.
This paper discusses how an ICALL system can
be extended with a learner dashboard to motivate and
embed the practice activities as part of a task-sup-
ported curriculum. First, we will introduce OLMs and
TSLT as the foundations for our learner dashboard
design. Second, we will describe our concrete realisa-
tion of a task-based learner dashboard in an ICALL
system for English learners in secondary schools.
Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) has a
long history dating back to the 1960s (Davies et al.,
2013). While interest in CALL rose in the 1990s
(Chen et al., 2020), Intelligent CALL (ICALL) is a
more recent research strand employing methods from
natural language processing and artificial intelligence
(Schulze & Heift, 2013). Complementing these meth-
ods to analyse language and provide feedback,
ICALL approaches realising Intelligent Language
Tutoring Systems (ILTS) also maintain learner mod-
els to monitor progress and adapt system interaction
(Heift & Schulze, 2003). Sometimes this information
is also made openly available to the learner (see e.g.,
Bull & Pain, 1995). After providing some back-
ground, we raise the question of how we can organise
such information about the learner and the learning
process to facilitate interaction in relation to an over-
arching didactic approach, such as task-supported for-
eign language teaching as a prominent paradigm.
2.1 Open Learner Models (OLMs)
Bull and Wasson (2016) characterize OLMs as visu-
alizations that are accessible for the learner and are
“based on an underlying inferred model of the
learner’s current competences or understanding, ra-
ther than behaviour or performance data logged” (p.
151). This is rooted in a long tradition of learner mod-
els as a representation of the learners’ knowledge of
a subject domain as a whole (Bull & Kay, 2010). Such
learner models are a core component of adaptive dig-
ital learning environments (Brusilovsky & Millán,
2007) to let the system act on the basis of the inferred
student learning status, competencies, or misconcep-
tions (Bull, 2004). Making use of the same type of
information, OLMs provide the learners with infor-
mation about their learning to help them monitor and
regulate it (Bodily et al., 2018; Bull & Kay, 2010).
In the SLA context, OLMs have been imple-
mented in some systems, primarily in the higher edu-
cation context (e.g., Bull et al., 2016; Bull & Wasson,
2016; Tsourounis & Demmans Epp, 2016; Xu & Bull,
2010). To depict the current inferred learning state to
the learner, skill meters, gauges, stars, or radar plots
have become established visualisations. Learners in-
dependently explore these visualisations of their per-
sonal learner model representing their knowledge of
the overall curriculum. This is complex and may be
the reason why there is substantially less work on
OLMs with younger learners though Y. Long &
Aleven (2017) is of relevance here, and in Rudzewitz
et al. (2020) we presented an OLM for the secondary
school English context.
While OLMs provide a wealth of information on
competency states and misconceptions on each of the
many different subdimensions of the subject domain,
Towards Task-Oriented ICALL: A Criterion-Referenced Learner Dashboard Organising Digital Practice
it is often not transparent for the learner how complet-
ing an exercise contributes to the system’s record of
the overall learning state. The complexity of the cur-
riculum and how different types of exercises instanti-
ate the relevant language competencies contrasts with
the learners’ need for easily accessible information.
Hard to understand visualisations will fail to impact
learning behaviour (Bull, 2004; Ring et al., 2019).
Going beyond the need to present the relevant infor-
mation transparently, OLMs exclusively reporting the
students’ learning status for the subject domain are
missing an organisational and actionable link to the
learning goal and context. They lack a connection to
an overall pedagogical plan that outlines what needs
to be learned and motivates its relevance.
2.2 Task-Supported Language
Teaching (TSLT)
The emphasis on functional learning goals is part of
the foreign language didactic approach of task orien-
tation, TSLT or TBLT (Ellis, 2003). While TBLT fo-
cusses on authentic language use from the beginning
and incorporate explicit grammatical practice only in-
cidentally, TSLT includes explicit grammar practice
prior to meaning-oriented language use and is closer
to school reality in Germany. Task-orientation is
firmly established in the German curricula for English
as a foreign language (Müller-Hartmann & Schocker
von Ditfurth, 2011).
Communicative tasks, usually performed in class,
form the centre of learning, instruction, and assess-
ment (Spada, 2021). Ellis (2003) compiled a list of
definitions for “task” in the foreign language context,
which stress the task as an activity designed to func-
tionally reach an objective. Since functionally suc-
cessful language use is generally seen as the ultimate
goal of foreign language learning, tasks sometimes
are also referred to as “target tasks” that students
should be able to perform (Long, 1985).
To be able to solve the target tasks, a “pre-task”
phase can help students practice the task-essential
language, i.e., the relevant language means (e.g., con-
ditional clauses), while remaining meaning-focused
(Ellis, 2003). In TSLT, this phase prior to the target
tasks includes explicit form-focused exercises.
2.3 Learner Models and Task
Orientation in Learner Dashboard
Building on the increasing attention to the interplay
of technology, learners, and pedagogy (Lai & Li,
2011), it would be beneficial to incorporate more
learner-centred design for learning principles into
CALL research and practice, also adapting to the de-
mands of classroom settings that are ecologically
valid (Sun, 2017). OLMs provide such learner-ori-
ented means of supporting learners to actively shape
their own learning and pursue functional goals. Yet,
OLMs aimed at infering the students knowledge
about the subject domain from the interaction data
generally do not split the gathered information into
subsets that are relevant for particular communicative
functional language use.
For example, a student answer to an exercise that
is part of the pre-task phase of a certain task may con-
tain errors regarding multiple concepts (e.g., irregu-
lar past tense verb form and conditional clauses type
2). Some of these may be the pedagogical focus in a
different target task, but information about the student
performance on these concepts is updated in the
learner model independently of the target task. The
performance scores of concepts that are not the cur-
rent focus of instruction thus may change in ways not
transparent to the learner (Mabbott & Bull, 2004).
While OLMs provide relevant information for the
learner, they were not designed to relate the learner’s
state and development of knowledge to a pedagogical
learning goal. So, they do not indicate progress to-
wards target tasks as part of a foreign language school
curriculum as envisaged under a TSLT approach. Es-
tablishing this link also facilitates the effective imple-
mentation of ICALL systems in real-life school con-
texts since it then transparently supports TSLT as the
established didactic approach. We therefore propose
to combine OLM with the TSLT perspective by de-
veloping a transparently structured learner dashboard
that provide insights on a student’s learning status and
progress towards goals related to target tasks.
To design a learner dashboard that combines
OLM functionality with the TSLT perspective, we
need to spell out the components of such a student,
learner, or learning dashboard. For Schwendimann et
al. (2017), “a learning dashboard is a single display
that aggregates different indicators about learner(s),
learning process(es), and/or learning context(s) into
one or multiple visualisations” (p. 37). The relevant
information can be derived from click-stream behav-
ioural data, meta-information of the learning material,
learner models, or a combination of these sources.
According to Verbert et al. (2013), student dash-
boards should (1) make learners aware of their current
learning status, (2) raise questions concerning the rel-
evance of the displayed information for one’s own
learning, (3) provoke new insights, and (4) impact the
learners’ following learning behaviour. These stages
take effect if the single display of a learner dashboard
EKM 2024 - 7th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
includes an explicit learning goal and valid, aggre-
gated information on students’ progress towards this
learning goal or target task. We will argue that this
can be achieved if the learner dashboard contains cri-
terion-referenced feedback (Brown & Hudson, 2002).
What is criterion-referenced feedback? A target
task or learning goal requires certain linguistic or
communicative competencies, basically pre-estab-
lished criteria, to be fulfilled by the learners
(Mirmakhmudova, 2021). Although the term “crite-
rion-referenced” appears more frequently with “as-
sessment” or “testing,” where performance is defined
by achieving pre-defined criteria and not in relation
to other students’ performances (Lynch & Davidson,
1994), we here emphasise the value of this criterion-
referenced measurement in a practice context. Setting
acquisition criteria is a common approach in SLA:
Learning a language is often regarded as a gradual de-
velopment, which means that certain linguistic struc-
tures need to be emerged before others can be ac-
quired (Pallotti, 2007). Criterion-referenced feedback
considers learners’ individual performance to these
criteria (González-Marcos et al., 2019). For example,
to write a report, learners need to be able to use the
simple past and build regular and irregular verb
forms. This is in accordance with TSLT’s emphasis
on the complex target tasks’ communicative de-
mands, which form the centre of this task-oriented
teaching and learning (Robinson, 2011). Criterion-
referenced feedback enables learners to obtain relia-
ble information on their progress towards pre-defined
goals and, thus, their ability to solve the target tasks
(Mirmakhmudova, 2021). The success of including
criterion-referenced feedback in students’ learning
has already been shown in analogue learning environ-
ments: Criterion-referenced feedback was revealed to
be more effective on students’ task performance than
individual- or social-referenced feedback (Wilbert et
al., 2010; Wollenschläger et al., 2011). However, re-
search on criterion-referenced feedback and learner
dashboards has so far been mainly conducted in
higher education contexts (Schwendimann et al.,
In the following, we will present a concrete ap-
proach to include criterion-referenced feedback in the
context of task-supported learning in secondary
school classrooms. For this, we enriched a practice-
oriented ICALL system for English as a foreign lan-
guage with a learner dashboard depicting students’
progress towards pre-defined criteria and target tasks.
We, a team of system developers, educational re-
searchers, and SLA experts supported by English
teachers, developed a so-called criterion-referenced
learner dashboard that serves multiple functionalities
to support students’ language learning and metacog-
nitive learning to learn (European Schoolnet, 2014;
Fredriksson & Hoskins, 2008). On the one hand, the
dashboard serves as a performance and progress view
that gives students insights into their current learning
status with respect to the criteria for the target task.
On the other hand, it offers the navigation and selec-
tion of exercises, including additional practice oppor-
tunities to further progress towards the mastery of the
language means needed for the target task. The dash-
board’s clear connection to the communicative target
task is realised by listing the required grammatical
and lexical criteria to fulfil the functional communi-
cative goal stated in the header. This strengthens the
link between the function and the form-focused prac-
Tailored to support the German school reality, the
system is designed for TSLT classrooms, and best in-
tegrated into the pre-task practice phase, where lan-
guage means are taught explicitly, while maintaining
the functional goal in mind. In TBLT classrooms, our
system best fits into the post-task phase where re-
maining knowledge gaps are being explicitly ad-
dressed with additional practice.
The dashboard is embedded in the existing ILTS
FeedBook (Meurers et al., 2019), which provides im-
mediate, scaffolded feedback on learners’ responses.
Scaffolded feedback provides incremental hints to en-
able the students to get from an initially incorrect an-
swer to the correct one (Finn & Metcalfe, 2010). Each
exercise in the FeedBook consists of multiple items
to be solved, for instance, each gap in a gap-filling
exercise represents one item. The FeedBook provides
scaffolded feedback on the students’ response per
item (Rudzewitz et al., 2018; Ziai et al., 2019). It has
been shown to positively impact students’ language
proficiency (Meurers et al., 2019).
3.1 Task-Related Structure of
Learning Content
In TSLT, the goal is to be successful in the functional
target task. To prepare for a target task, students prac-
tice the linguistic components needed with a given set
of exercises that, together with the target task, form a
Towards Task-Oriented ICALL: A Criterion-Referenced Learner Dashboard Organising Digital Practice
task cycle
. Our goal was to integrate this approach
into the digital tool. Therefore, didactic experts de-
signed a variety of exercises for the FeedBook to ex-
plicitly foster students’ acquisition of linguistic com-
petencies required for the target task (Schmidt &
Strasser, 2022). The digital exercises are thus in-
tended to augment, not replace the classroom-based
instruction. The content of the task cycles and thus the
practice in the FeedBook is aligned with the German
seventh-grade curriculum for English as a foreign lan-
guage in academic-track schools.
For the development of our dashboard, we com-
pleted a few structural steps concerning the learning
material. Following the TSLT approach, we defined
criteria (i.e., grammatical and lexical language means
that students must master to solve or successfully par-
ticipate in the cycles’ specific target task), which cor-
respond to entities in the systems inherent learner
model, and structured the exercises accordingly. Each
language mean can be practiced in several exercises.
To associate an exercise with a language mean, the
main pedagogical objective of the exercise has been
annotated manually by the didactic experts. In conclu-
sion, the visual layout of the exercise structure is
aligned with the internal learner model and thus the dis-
connect between practice and learner model decreases.
Based on this idea of embedded practice in task cy-
cles, we developed the dashboard so that each cycle has
its own corresponding dashboard view. The dashboard
header (see Figure 1) provides the task orientation de-
scription by stating the target task title and the commu-
nicative goal. This header ensures that the task and,
thus, the functional connection of the exercises, is al-
ways present and visible to the user. The dashboard can
thus help to remind the students what they practice for
during individual working times, such as homework
when no one else is there to motivate them.
Figure 1: Task-oriented header for cycle 1, including the
goal of the communicative target task, the different topics
(called “sections”).
Since each target task requires mastery of certain lan-
guage means, these means are listed in the dashboard,
and their associated exercises can be accessed via a
An example of a target task for which the system pro-
vides digital practice exercises can be found in Pili-
Moss et al. (2024).
click on the button labelled “practice” (see Figure 3).
Students can work on these exercises in any order.
Fine-grained language means (e.g., “gerunds after
prepositions,” “gerunds as subjects,” or “gerunds as
objects”) are clustered into more coarse-grained
grammatical topics (e.g., “grammar gerund”) and
lexical topics (e.g., “words and phrases”). All topics
of a cycle are accessible via the header (see Figure 1
and 3 as an example for Cycle 1). Only the language
means of one topic are displayed at a time. This user-
friendly structuring helps to reduce overloading the
screen and therefore reduces scrolling down a list of
20 language means on one page, which can become
tedious on small screen devices such as smartphones
(Trewin, 2006).
3.2 Criterion-Referenced Performance
Besides the task-oriented header and the listing of rel-
evant language means, each topic’s dashboard view
contains multiple components that together compose
the learner dashboard.
The criterion-referenced performance feedback
bar provides criterion-referenced information on stu-
dents’ performance and operates on the exercise level
(see Figure 2 and 3). Performance bars are a typical
game design element having the potential to satisfy
learners’ need for competence and to communicate
the meaningfulness of the exercise (Sailer et al.,
2017). Performance feedback on the exercise level is
represented in an easily understandable horizontal
stacked bar chart consisting of three parts (see Figure
2), each stating the absolute number of exercise items
that fall into the category:
Correct at first try (dark turquoise): If the
student’s initial response for an item
matches the target answer (or one of multi-
ple target answers).
Correct after feedback (light turquoise): If
the initial response for an item was incorrect
but the student managed to get to the correct
answer with the help of the scaffolded feed-
back provided via the system, regardless of
the number of attempts.
Incorrect or missing (grey): If the student
submits an incorrect response or leaves an
item unanswered.
EKM 2024 - 7th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
The number of hints received per individual item is
not considered for the three categories, as taking feed-
back hints should not be seen as a punishment. The
performance category description is available via the
legend panel in the header (see Figure 3). Such per-
formance bars provide a summary of the student’s in-
teraction with the exercise and count towards the ac-
quisition of the respective language mean and the
latter is the ultimate criterion to be mastered for a suc-
cessful participation in the target task. This holistic
performance measurement on the exercise level is the
foundation for the aggregated view in the criterion-
referenced dashboard.
Figure 2: Exercise level performance stacked bar chart,
consisting of three parts. One bar is mapped to one exercise;
the different performance categories are colour coded. Dark
turquoise for “correct at first try,” light turquoise for “cor-
rect after feedback,” and light grey for “incorrect or miss-
ing.” The numbers in the circles represent the absolute num-
ber of items from the exercise falling into the respective
performance category.
This aggregated dashboard view in Figure 3 visual-
ises the learners’ criterion-referenced performance on
the language mean level, namely the completion ac-
curacy. Per language mean, the exercises are ordered
in the dashboard by increasing difficulty, from the
least to the most complex. The difficulty level inher-
ent to the exercise has been defined on a global level
for all students by the didactic creators of the activity.
Within this aggregated view, the individual perfor-
mance bars are all scaled to the same size to be easily
Figure 3: Criterion-referenced dashboard view for Cycle 1
grammar topic “simple past,” including the following
components: (1) header, (2) expanded legend, (3) language
means, (4) criterion-referenced performances, and (5)
“more practice” functionality.
3.2.1 Design Procedure of the
Criterion-Referenced Performance
The development and design of the criterion-refer-
enced visualisation and the final dashboard was an it-
erative process.
The idea of the stacked bar charts was based on
existing dashboards, OLM visualisations, as well as
learning games. However, none of the existing visu-
alisations fit our purpose entirely, namely being suit-
able for seventh graders, complying with the exercise
types and feedback format in the FeedBook, and ena-
bling task orientation. The dashboard design process
contained the involvement of the target group and the
implementation of current scientific design principles
(e.g., Bennett & Folley, 2019; Bodily et al., 2018;
Bodily & Verbert, 2017; Sedrakyan et al., 2020).
To ensure comprehensibility for the users, we
conducted two empirical studies. First, we ran an ex-
plorative user study. In this study, we interviewed six
seventh-grade students using a “think-aloud” method
and a guided interview to obtain qualitative insights
into their understanding of the planned components.
During the think-aloud part, students watched a
screencast showing a fictional student using the Feed-
Book and the current dashboard. They needed to de-
scribe what was happening and interpret what they
could see. During the subsequent interview, we
showed them certain features again and asked them
explicitly to explain their meaning. We presented the
stacked bar chart accompanied by stars. These stars
tried to map the criterion-referenced performance,
split in its three categories, onto one combined score.
We also presented them, as a variation to the stacked
bar chart, two distinct metrics. One represented the
count of correct responses at submission time as ab-
solute numbers and one represented the percentage of
successfully used hints (i.e., hints that resulted in up-
take, and thus, correct solution). These separate met-
rics were less understandable and thus, we opted for
the combined criterion-referenced performance bar.
Second, 36 sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade students
participated in an online survey with which we eval-
uated their understanding, preference, and the com-
ponents’ adequacy. According to the results, the cri-
terion-referenced bar chart as a performance metric
was easy to understand for the target group. We did
not add stars to the bar chart for the final implemen-
tation, because we could not see a surplus value. The
mapping was not trivial in terms of weighting the dif-
ferent criterion-referenced categories regarding the
combined score, which was also reflected in the stu-
dents’ ratings, where they were required to assign a
Towards Task-Oriented ICALL: A Criterion-Referenced Learner Dashboard Organising Digital Practice
star score to a particular bar chart. The star scores
(one to three stars, allowing for half stars) that the stu-
dents set differed hugely between students and from
the automatically calculated system score. Moreover,
the system lacks a functionality that enables students
to utilise collected stars as a form of currency for
making purchases, which consequently may cause
frustration. By implementing these decisions, the
dashboard’s complexity is reduced as it only needs to
display a single combined metric instead of two.
For the bar chart itself, we decided against signal
colours such as red to avoid evoking strong negative
emotions. In addition, to accommodate for colour
blindness, we decided against a distinct colour per cri-
terion-referenced category, and instead opted for the
bar chart ranging from a dark turquoise to a light grey,
with the most intensive, brightest colour representing
the target category “correct at first try.” The bar
makes the distinction between “correct at first try”
and “correct after feedback” salient to the learner. It
could technically be generalised over all exercise
types the system provides (e.g., gap filling, multiple
choice, jumbled sentence) and is thus a consistent
3.3 “More Practice” Opportunities –
Distinction in Core and Parallel
In addition to the difficulty level, each exercise is
manually annotated as either core exercise or parallel
exercise. Core exercises are mandatory exercises.
Each parallel exercise, in the interface labelled as
more practice, is similar to its corresponding core ex-
ercise in terms of targeted competence, exercise type,
and exercise difficulty but may differ in terms of vo-
cabulary and syntax. Parallel exercises were designed
to create enough practice opportunities to be able to
reach the competence level needed to fulfil the goal
and master the target task. These exercises thus ena-
ble students to improve their performance for a lan-
guage mean at a particular difficulty level. Students
can develop from system supported, scaffolded suc-
cess (i.e., “correct after feedback”) to independent
success (i.e., “correct at first try”). Core exercises are
directly accessible via the dashboard, and parallel ex-
ercises are accessible via the “more practice” button
after their respective core exercise has been com-
pleted. Usually, the system offers multiple parallel
exercises per core exercise (i.e., there are several core
exercises per language mean, and one core exercise
per difficulty level). The aggregated dashboard view
(see Figure 3) displays one criterion-referenced per-
formance per difficulty level per language mean. If a
student has worked on multiple parallel exercises,
only the best submission for this difficulty level is dis-
played. Depicting only their best submissions per dif-
ficulty level in the standard view might help students
to focus on their progress and successes. By being
able to hide less successful attempts, they might be
more confident to show their dashboard view to oth-
ers, including their parents or teachers. Moreover,
learners can unfold the aggregated view by clicking
the yellow exercise button to display all submissions
for the language mean difficulty level (see Figure 4).
Through this unfolding of the submission history,
learners can see the submission of the core and paral-
lel exercises ordered by submission date. The submis-
sion history can therefore be seen as an option to gain
insight into the temporal progress with respect to the
specific criterion (i.e., the language mean).
If students click on an exercise button in this his-
tory, they can decide to either look at their exercise
submission again or re-open the exercise in practice
mode (without their previous answers).
Figure 4: Language means exercise difficulty progression
history unfolded for exercise 1A. The trophy on the top left
indicates mastery of the language mean “regular verbs.”
3.4 Language Mean Mastery –
Proceeding to the Target Task
We have taken an additional step by incorporating a
mastery measurement called “ready-to-go-ness.” It is
visualised as a small trophy icon and shows the stu-
dents whether their performance on a language mean
reached a certain level indicating if they are ready to
proceed to the target task (see Figure 4). The idea to
use a trophy, a badge, is derived from the gamifica-
tion literature: Badges, similar to performance bars,
have the potential to foster motivation and engage-
ment by emphasising learners’ competence (Hamari,
2017; Sailer et al., 2017). Gamified elements have
also been the subject of research in CALL systems
and have been reported to positively impact learners’
learning experiences and outcomes (Dehghanzadeh et
al., 2021). Goal setting can increase students engage-
ment and motivation (He & Loewen, 2022), which in
turn can enhance the pedagogical effectiveness of
digital learning environments (Bodnar et al., 2016).
EKM 2024 - 7th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
The learner's intention to earn a badge (i.e., mastery
trophy) can be regarded as such a goal. To prevent
negative effects of badges, they are only visible to the
students themselves, not peers (see Kyewski &
Krämer, 2018).
What is required of students to earn a trophy? Ac-
curacy of a language mean alone might not be a suf-
ficient indicator of mastery (Pallotti, 2007). There-
fore, we decided that ready-to-go-ness for a language
mean comprises two components: accuracy and ef-
fort. To address the effort component of ready-to-go-
ness, students must work on and submit all exercise
difficulty levels in the language means cluster. Thus,
exercises which have only been opened and submitted
without student answers do not count towards meet-
ing the effort requirement.
To address accuracy, students must reach a per-
formance threshold at the diagnostic exercise of the
language mean. The diagnostic exercise is the exer-
cise with the difficulty level that is required to solve
the respective target task. In our dashboard, it is al-
ways the bottom exercise of each language mean. Stu-
dents earn a trophy, and thus, are “ready to go,” if they
solve at least 60% of the items “correct at first try” on
the diagnostic core exercise or one of its parallel ex-
ercises. We defined mastery exclusively as “correct at
first try” because this resembles an exam or test situ-
ation. Our decision to settle on this fixed threshold
has multiple reasons. For this first version of ready-
to-go-ness, we focused on introducing a measurement
that is consistent throughout the whole system, works
on all exercise types, and, thus, is transparent to the
students and teachers. In a later stage, one could im-
agine setting a data-driven threshold per exercise or
empirically refining the hardcoded threshold. How-
ever, submission data on the exercises is a prerequi-
site for both solutions. The definition of mastery can
also be accessed by the users via the legend in the
header. The earlier mentioned parallel exercises ena-
ble learners to improve and reach the required thresh-
olds for a ready-to-go-ness trophy. The mastery crite-
rion ready-to-go-ness is applied to each language
Additionally, if students have achieved 100%
“correct at first try” on a difficulty level (e.g., exercise
1C in Figure 4, the student has seven out of seven
items “correct at first try”), the phrasing on the button
changes from “more practice” to “challenge me.” The
different wording indicates to high-performing stu-
dents that they have achieved an adequate level of
proficiency in this language mean. However, it also
provides additional opportunities for practice to fur-
ther improve or showcase their skills.
The criterion-referenced performance bars, the
mastery criterion visualised as trophy, and the “chal-
lenge me” phrasing can help students identify their
strengths and weaknesses in relation to the target task.
Thus, the dashboard presumably fosters students’
metacognitive learning to learn.
Implementing a learner dashboard including crite-
rion-referenced feedback in an ILTS showed that
practice-oriented ICALL and task orientation can be
combined in a formal educational framework. Exer-
cises to practice specific language means can be pre-
sented meaningfully, highlighting their connection to
the target tasks and, thus, communicative learning
goals. Our approach can be adapted to a variety of
systems dealing with language learning, as language
means could, for example, also correspond to “Can-
Do-Statements” of the Common European Frame-
work of Reference for Languages (CEFR) standard
(Council of Europe, 2022).
A close collaboration between system developers,
educational researchers, SLA experts, English didac-
tics and practitioners was necessary so that, finally,
the learner dashboard could meet the high standards
of SLA in formal secondary education. The embed-
ding of exercises in a meaningful context (here by
structuring the ILTS based on task cycles) and other
feedback features (such as the criterion-referenced
stacked bar chart or trophy) described in this article,
can also be adapted to learner dashboards within
ILTS for other school subjects such as math.
Keeping the complexity of a learner dashboard at
a minimal level while considering didactic prerequi-
sites and user experience has been one of the major
challenges for our endeavour. We aimed to find a bal-
ance between showing learners all insights they need
to improve, and not overloading them with infor-
mation. A limitation of the learner dashboard is the
rather complicated definition of ready-to-go-ness.
Students might struggle, for example, to understand
how to earn a trophy and what it means to earn a tro-
phy in relation to the target task. Another limitation
might be that the aggregated dashboard view only de-
picts the best-performed exercise per language mean
and difficulty, which does not necessarily reveal stu-
dents’ actual development. A future version of the
dashboard could entail a single, but more elaborate,
combined criterion-referenced performance score
that considers all recent core and parallel exercise
submissions. A “forgetting mechanism” considering
only most recent submissions should be included in
Towards Task-Oriented ICALL: A Criterion-Referenced Learner Dashboard Organising Digital Practice
such a performance score. Such a mechanism would
require many parallel exercises but allow students to
“polish” their dashboard through more practice. We
introduced a dual-purpose dashboard that combines
exercise navigation and selection with an expandable
task-oriented progress and performance view. In the
dashboard, we visualised the pre-task activities, or-
ganised by task requirements (the language means),
as stepping stones towards successfully fulfilling the
target task. Therefore, we introduced three new con-
An easy-to-understand criterion-referenced
exercise performance feedback (including
“correct at first try”)
Parallel exercises for further practice
Operationalisation of acquisition criteria via
mastery criterion (ready-to-go-ness)
Realising this prototype of a criterion-referenced
learner dashboard is only the start for further research
on combining task orientation and ICALL. The avail-
ability of a task-supported learning ILTS for seventh-
grade English learners evokes the question of how its
actual field use impacts students’ learning and in-
class participation: Does the additional, intensive pre-
task phase when students practice with the FeedBook
help students to solve the in-class target task more
successfully? Does the criterion-referenced feedback
influence students’ motivation or perceived compe-
tence? And ultimately, is the criterion-referenced
dashboard beneficial for students’ language acquisi-
tion and proficiency?
To answer these questions, the FeedBook, includ-
ing the criterion-referenced learner dashboard, was
used in a multi-site cluster-randomised controlled
field trial in the context of the Interact4School project
(see Parrisius et al., 2022). Among other variations,
classes participating in the study received either ac-
cess to the entire criterion-referenced learner dash-
board or a control version without the performance
bar when working with the FeedBook. The use of the
ILTS and dashboard throughout the whole school
year was accompanied by several data collections fo-
cusing on assessing students current language com-
petencies and motivation. First investigations showed
that students performed better in task cycle-specific
performance tests if they had access to the learner
dashboard compared with students who had no access
(Parrisius, Wendebourg, Rieger, et al., 2024). Further,
if students reported high initial motivation for Eng-
lish, they experienced positive effects of the learner
dashboard on their subsequent motivation (Parrisius,
Wendebourg, Pieronczyk, et al., 2024).
Other follow-up projects will focus on mainly two
further aspects. First, to address heterogeneity, the
task-oriented dashboard will be extended and adapted
for adaptive exercise sequencing. Second, so far,
teachers have limited access to the performance-
based information the students receive through the
dashboard. In a next step, we will examine how to
best aggregate the learners’ information on a class
level in the form of a teacher dashboard and how such
a dashboard impacts teaching decisions.
We thank Kristina Dawidowsky from the University
of Tübingen for her expertise and contribution in the
field of user interface design and user experience. We
also thank Carolyn Blume from the TU Dortmund,
Diana Pili-Moss, and Torben Schmidt from the
Leuphana University Lüneburg for their project co-
operation and creation of exercises for the FeedBook.
This research is based on work carried out in the pro-
ject Interact4School which is funded by the German
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF
01JD1905A & 01JD1905B). The authors are respon-
sible for the content of this publicatio
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