Automatic Generation of Problem-Solving Assessment Items
Through Domain Model Variations
Inga M. Saatz
Fachbereich Informatik, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, Emil-Figge Strasse 42, Dortmund, Germany
Keywords: Item Generation, Problem-Solving, Domain Model, Assessment.
Abstract: In computer science education, variations in the application contexts in modelling and programming tasks
enhance the development of problem-solving skills. This results in a demand for a vast training and testing
corpus of open questions with varying domain models usable in online and offline assessments. This paper
proposes a two-step workflow for the automatic generation of items with varied domain models. First,
experiences are provided about using the generated test corpora in formative assessments in computer science
courses in higher education, especially for problem-based questions.
In an online assessment, an interaction between
learners during the examinations could not be
sufficiently excluded, mainly if web-based test tools
by a learning management system are used or
programming tasks should be done within the
examination. One solution is the provision of
individual assessment tasks for each student of
similar difficulty levels. This individualised approach
requires the development and quality assurance of a
vast pool of test items before the examination.
In computer science education, however, students
learn problem-solving skills, such as analysing and
modelling real-life scenarios, implementing the
models in computer programs, and testing the
implemented programs. Subsequently, students show
their ability to understand and apply their knowledge
in the context of practical problems by using different
domains (Ferreira et al., 2018).
This leads to the research question of how to
develop items for measuring problem-solving skills
in computer science education using models for
multiple domains, which would effectively prevent
students from cheating in online examinations.
However, support for varying domain models in
automatic item generation is missing, especially for
items addressing problem-solving skills.
This paper proposes a two-step workflow for the
automatic generation of items with varied domain
models applicable to higher education in computer
This paper is structured as follows: The second
paragraph outlines the related work, whereas the
following paragraph presents the proposed two-step
workflow. The fourth paragraph discusses the first
experiences using the proposed item generation
workflow, followed by a discussion section. The
paper concludes with a summary and an outlook.
Closed question types are most frequently used in
automatic item generation, such as single- and
multiple-choice, free-text, and fill-in-the-blank
questions. In contrast, open-ended questions are less
used in educational assessments (Circi, Hicks, Sikali,
2023). All these question types consist of a reading
passage with a context description followed by the
question to be answered. Furthermore, closed
question types contain items, distractors, and the
correct answers (Gierl et al. 2021). In mathematical
and engineering education, various numerical values
might be sufficient to create different items. In
computer science, however, the automatic generation
of variations in the task’s domain model description
Saatz, I.
Automatic Generation of Problem-Solving Assessment Items Through Domain Model Variations.
DOI: 10.5220/0012753100003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 830-835
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Automatic item generation workflow.
is necessary for programming and modelling tasks,
especially to address problem-solving skills.
Foulonneau and Ras (Foulonneau and Ras, 2013)
generated test questions from Semantic resources in
the Semantic Web for educational purposes. This
approach could generate tasks for testing factual and
contextual knowledge using the content data
described by the corresponding Resource Description
Framework (RDF). This leads to question types with
content variations, for example, in questions for
naming the capitals of different countries. However,
typical computer science modelling and
programming tasks focus on describing structures and
metadata of the content data and not the content itself.
The corresponding domain model contains entity and
condition descriptions, such as ‘A [country] must
have one [capital]’. Therefore, modelling and
programming tasks are more related to the higher skill
levels of application and analysis in Bloom’s revised
taxonomy (Anderson, Krathwohl, 2001).
Furthermore, modifications of the domain model
affect the task description text. Xiao et al. (Xiao et al.,
2018), for example, reported on automatically
generated multiple-choice tasks for language learning
by selecting appropriate prepositions in the stem and
distractors generation. They created a feature list and
syntax tree for the example sentences to identify the
blank’s position and to classify the task’s difficulty.
However, a domain model modification affects the
whole task description text. For example, when
replacing the words in brackets in the condition
example above with the words ‘woman’ and ‘child’,
the obligation (‘must’) does not fit. It should be
changed to an optional condition to fit better into real-
world scenarios. Furthermore, the change of verbs
and nouns in a sentence may imply changes to the
word forms, too, especially in languages relying on
grammatical cases, such as German. Thus, a
particular language model is needed to provide
correct grammar and sentence structure.
In a literature review, Setianwan, Hidayah, and
Kusumawardami found three kinds of evaluation
methods (expert-based, student-based, and
mathematical model-based evaluation) for automatic
item datasets (Setianwan, Hidayah, and
Kusumawardami, 2022). In expert-based evaluation,
the item datasets are evaluated, for example,
regarding objectivity, answerability, and correctness.
3.1 Workflow for the Automatic Item
The proposed approach separates content, domain,
and layout information to generate multiple question
types based on various domain models. This resulted
in a two-step item generation workflow depicted in
Figure 1.
In the first step of the workflow, question
templates are rendered with domain parameters by a
template engine. Question templates comprise all
content data needed for creating a question-type item.
This includes, for example, the reading passages,
context description, question text, selection items,
solution texts, and links to figures to be embedded in
questions or solutions. Furthermore, language
declination parameters for the domain models could
be provided. In this example, the language parameters
could be used to adapt the indefinite articles
according to the starting character of the domain
parameter. A rule-based extension of the templating
engine is used to declinate articles, nouns, and
adjectives in German text passages. Through this
templating approach, long and complex sentences
could be used in the item texts. The output of the first
step of the generation workflow is a JSON file with
item parameters, one for each domain model.
Automatic Generation of Problem-Solving Assessment Items Through Domain Model Variations
In the workflow’s second step, the item template is
rendered with the item and examination parameters.
The examination parameters comprise the assessment-
specific data, such as date, course, duration, and
participant data (if necessary). The created output
depends on the used item template and the purpose of
the items. For an online assessment, for example, the
QTI (Question and Test Interoperability specification)
item template creates an import file for the learning
management system. Text item templates are used to
generate LaTex files for a paper-based assessment.
Furthermore, separate solution resources could be
generated to support the faculty staff in evaluating the
student solutions to the individualised assessment
tasks. Generated solution hints could consist of lists of
keywords. These lists are used to check student
problem-based solutions automatically.
3.2 Example 1: Modelling Item
One area of problem-based assessment tasks in
computer science education is modelling tasks
according to described scenarios. As an example, the
question text of a task regarding formulating a
database query looks like as follows:
Consider the entities [Word1] and [Word2]
and the condition
‘A [Word1] [Obligation] have
[Cardinality] [Word2]’.
Implement corresponding relational model
in SQL with appropriate attributes and
In this case, the domain parameter file contains a set
of domain parameters for each domain model, as
shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Examples of domain parameters.
word1 word2 o
ation cardinalit
ital must one
The first item in Table 1 calls for creating one
relational table with a constraint, which checks the
presence of a capital name. The second item in Table
1 is modelled by creating two relational tables, one of
which references the other. The resulting (simplified)
keyword lists are depicted in Table 2.
Table 2: Example of solution hints.
Word2 Modelling Keyword lists
capital one table CREATE TABLE country
capital NOT NULL
child two tables CREATE TABLE mother
Through this two-step rendering process,
structurally identical items are generated. The
difficulty level of each item is similar, depending on
the domain parameters used. Structural variations
between the items could be achieved by varying the
corresponding question templates.
3.3 Example 2: Programming Item
In computer science education, programming tasks
are used to test problem-solving skills. Fill-in-the-
blank question types could be used to test knowledge
about the programming syntax while providing parts
of the problem solution, as shown in the following
item template example.
Given are the relational tables
[mother](id, name) and
Fill in the gap in the SQL Statement to
select the [name]s of the [child]ren
and the corresponding [mother].
SELECT [child]name, [mother] FROM
[child] WHERE _______;
Asking to formulate an SQL Statement would address
a higher level of problem-solving skills in this
example. Therefore, an open (free-text) question type
is more appropriate for testing programming
problem-solving and programming skills. However,
the description of scenarios with domain parameters
increases the complexity of the question templates to
ensure the readability of the resulting item templates.
For instance, the domain parameter [child] occurs in
singular, plural, and a combined variation.
Furthermore, conditions such as ‘name starts with the
letter L’ must apply to all domain models.
The generation of solution hints has to consider
different problem-solution approaches. Student
solutions to this example question may contain
aliases, permutated attribute lists, or alternative
condition formulation, such as:
SELECT c.childname,
FROM child c NATURAL JOIN mother m
SELECT childname, mother
FROM child
WHERE mother IN (SELECT id FROM mother)
However, using keyword lists was insufficient for a
fully automated evaluation of student solutions. For
this example, a parser for SQL could be used to
automatically evaluate the correctness of student
solutions, as the author proposed (Saatz 2017).
AIG 2024 - Special Session on Automatic Item Generation
3.4 Example 3: Programming Item
Item generation for imperative or object-oriented
programming tasks is even more challenging as the
solution requires a sequence of decisions. The
following generated item, taken from an examination,
measures the skills in programming in imperative
(PL/SQL) programming languages.
Consider the following relation:
[enrolment] ([modulid],
[studentnumber], [status],
It should be ensured that a [enrolment]
to a [module] can only be [deleted] if
the [status] is "[enrolled]" and the
[deletion] is done within [14 days]
after the [enrolment date].
Implement this rule in Oracle and
provide test cases to validate it. Pay
attention to structured programming. In
case of failure, meaningful error
messages should be displayed.
In contrast to the second example task, this example
question describes a real-world scenario calling for
implementing a rule in an imperative database
program. However, the question does not state what
kind of database program (stored function, stored
procedure or trigger) has to be implemented or how
the implemented program has to be tested. To test the
database program, the students must formulate data
manipulation statements. Further constraints, for
example, structured programming and meaningful
error messages, are added to the question text to
ensure similar difficulty levels for evaluation
purposes. Although solution hints for such
programming tasks could be created according to the
domain model, the generated solutions do not cover
all possible structural solution variations.
Since 2021, the author has used the two-step
workflow for the automatic generation of items with
varying domain models. The generated items have
been used in formative assessments of a database
course since 2021 at the author's university. In each
year, 148+/-6 students participate in the formal
assessment. In the first examination in 2021, question
templates were used, each covering sequenced tasks
in declarative (SQL) and imperative (PL/SQL)
programming languages. In 2021, 5 question
templates covering a whole examination were used
together with 18 domain models. Thus, 90 assessment
items were assigned individually to the participants in
an open-book examination. Each question template
contained problem-solving tasks, such as
implementing a database scheme, queries, and views
and implementing and testing a database program.
However, solutions to generated items according to at
least two question models seemed to have been
exchanged between the participants during the
examination due to similarities in the student
Therefore, since 2022, the learning management
system has been used to assign randomly generated
test items from 13 item pools to the students. In this
examination, modelling items comprise the creation
of installation scripts with more constraints for up to
three relations, structurally comparable to example 1.
The items testing the skills in declarative
programming have had a higher difficulty level than
provided by example 2 due to more complex
solutions containing join and set operations, nested
queries, or the definition of views. The imperative
programming items are comparable to the given
example 3 above. Due to the limitations of the
Learning Management System, assigning each
student individual tasks as intended was impossible.
Therefore, 18 domain models were combined with six
up to nine question templates for each task assigned
randomly to the examinees. Thus, each participant got
items according to varying domain models in this
examination. The assessments comprised up to 35%
of closed questions (single- and multiple-choice) and
open free-text questions problem-based questions.
However, using generated assignment tasks with
individual assigned domain models does not prevent
students from exchanging solutions during the online
examination. Two malpractice cases occurred where
students submitted the exact solution to open
questions corresponding to another domain model or
template. Typical student errors could explain some
other instances of similarities between solutions.
Differences in the difficulty level did not appear,
apart from two cases of readability issues due to
grammatical flaws in the reading text.
The assurance of the item template’s quality is
essential for successfully generating items using the
proposed two-step workflow. Overall, reviewing the
question templates is more demanding than reading
plain text, as descriptions in question templates are
more abstract. Therefore, an expert-based evaluation
has been carried out on the test corpora instead of a
student-based or model-based evaluation. The model-
based and the student-based evaluation methods are
not applicable due to the absence of a mathematical
model when varying the domain context. In this
Automatic Generation of Problem-Solving Assessment Items Through Domain Model Variations
expert-based evaluation, the templates and the
generated documents must be read carefully to spot
any semantic, syntax, or language errors. After that,
the expert must decide whether to change one of the
parameter lists (semantic), the templates (semantic,
syntax, language), or the corresponding word
conjugation list (language).
Overall, the detection rate seems lower than in online-
supervised examinations performed simultaneously
at the author's faculty. Therefore, randomly assigning
automatically generated items with varying domain
models indicates a way of keeping students from
exchanging solutions in online assessment.
The usage of automatic item generation in
educational assessments promises reduced cost, time
and effort in creating items for large item pools (Circi,
Hicks, Sikali, 2023). This central promise of rapid
item development for large item pools could be
proven by applying the proposed two-step workflow
for the automatic generation of items. Four challenges
according to automatic item generation have been
identified (Setianwan, Hidayah, and
Kusumawardami, 2022):
- Generate various types of question types.
- Handle long and complex sentences.
- Dataset availability for non-English languages.
- Capability to control question difficulty.
The proposed two-step workflow contributes to all
these challenges. Item templates were developed for
single- and multiple-choice, fill-in-the-gaps, and free-
text questions with or without integrated images.
Extending to further question types or changing the
learning management system is possible by
developing new item templates. An item template is
developed by parametrising a corresponding QTI file.
The development of further domain models
requires the addition of domain parameters and their
corresponding German language parameters. The
language parameters are used to generate long and
complex sentences to describe question scenarios and
contexts based on different domain models.
Through artificial intelligence-powered tools,
evaluating the generated test corpora regarding
syntactical and language errors and even translating
them to other languages might be possible. However,
reviewing templates, domain-related parameters, and
semantic correctness might remain expert-based, as
understanding the structures, learning goals, and real-
world contexts is necessary to check the correctness
and readability.
The advantage of using question templates
combined with various domain models is that it eases
the effort of creating examinations of similar
difficulty levels. Therefore, the question template
determines the item’s difficulty level. However, the
used domain model might also influence the item’s
difficulty level. Chen et al. examined the effect of
randomly chosen numerical parameters on the
difficulty of generated questions (Chen et al., 2019).
Their findings indicate only a limited impact of the
parameters on the difficulty level in 5% of the
examined AIGs. However, parameters defining
domain models might have a more significant effect,
as the students might be more accustomed to one
domain model than another, which influences the
readability of the task descriptions. Therefore, the
influences of the parameter choices on the difficulty
level of the generated tasks have to be examined
further. However, constructing a similarity measure
for automatically generated problem-solving tasks
with different domain models is an area of interest in
further research. Providing all structural solutions of
open problem-solving tasks, such as programming
tasks, for an automatically generated question item is
even more challenging.
A two-step workflow for automatic item generation
can provide items with domain model variations for
problem-solving exercises in computer science
assessments. The generated corpora are useable in
formative assessments in computer science
education, providing individual assignment tasks to
the students. To maintain and extend the corpora,
additional templates and domain models should be
developed for each examination period in the future.
One drawback of the proposed two-step workflow
is that the information used to generate an item is
scattered throughout various resources. Therefore, a
database application should be used to maintain
items, templates, and parameters more efficiently.
Furthermore, the influence of domain models on the
item’s difficulty level has to be explored in more
detail. Even more challenging is generating feedback
for problem-based items, such as programming tasks,
with various correct solutions. One possible solution
might be integrating an artificial intelligence-
powered tool in the proposed workflow to ensure the
generated items' readability and to generate more
specific feedback according to typical student errors.
AIG 2024 - Special Session on Automatic Item Generation
The author thanks Melanie Beutel for assistance with
developing item templates for the learning
management system ILIAS.
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Automatic Generation of Problem-Solving Assessment Items Through Domain Model Variations