How Do VR Applications Address the Challenges of Conveying the
Tactile Feedback Crucial to Traditional Calligraphy Practice
Nan Ma
and Dongxing Yu
2,* a
School of Art Design and Media, Sanda University, Shanghai, China
School of Education, Sanda University, Shanghai, China
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Tactile Feedback, Calligraphy, Haptic Technology, Educational Technology.
Abstract: This study examines the integration of Virtual Reality (VR) technology in the teaching and practice of
calligraphy, with a focus on enhancing tactile sensations crucial for mastering this traditional art form.
Addressing the gap in current VR applications' ability to convey the nuanced tactile feedback inherent to
calligraphy, such as brush strokes, ink flow, and paper texture, the research explores advancements in haptic
gloves and force feedback devices. Despite significant technological strides, challenges remain in accurately
simulating the tactile experience of calligraphy, underlining the need for continued innovation in haptic
feedback technology. By proposing future directions, including more sophisticated haptic systems and AI
integration for personalized learning experiences, the study highlights VR's potential to revolutionize
calligraphy education, making it more accessible and engaging for a global audience, and contributes to the
preservation of this art form for future generations.
* Contact Author
1.1 Feasibility of VR for Learning
Chinese Calligraphy
Virtual Reality (VR) technology presents a
transformative approach for simulating the essence
of calligraphy, which has the potential to
revolutionize its learning and global appreciation.
Tactile feedback in calligraphy is vital for
mastering precise hand movements and
understanding the interaction between the brush and
paper. Studies in related areas, like tactile feedback
in prosthetics, highlight its importance in enhancing
motor control and grip force (Clemente et al., 2019).
Such research underlines the role of tactile feedback
in calligraphy, where nuances like stroke variation
and ink flow depend heavily on tactile sensation.
1.2 Research Gap and the Need for
This Study
Simulating realistic tactile sensations in VR poses
considerable challenges, requiring not just
technological innovation but also a deep
understanding of human perception. The crucial
integration of tactile feedback with visual and
auditory cues is an area that needs further refinement
to achieve a heightened sense of realism
Additionally, the development of comfortable,
unobtrusive haptic devices underscores the
complexities in the tactile hardware design.
Despite extensive research on VR's use in various
domains, its application in simulating tactile
feedback for calligraphy training is less explored.
This study seeks to bridge this gap by examining the
feasibility and effectiveness of VR technologies in
mimicking the tactile experience of calligraphy. By
focusing on both technological advancements and
pedagogical strategies, our research aims to deepen
the understanding of how traditional art forms can
be integrated with modern educational technologies.
This endeavor opens up new opportunities for
innovative teaching and learning methods,
contributing significantly to the field of virtual
calligraphy training.
Ma, N. and Yu, D.
How Do VR Applications Address the Challenges of Conveying the Tactile Feedback Crucial to Traditional Calligraphy Practice.
DOI: 10.5220/0012753600003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 744-750
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2.1 Overview of Tactile Feedback
Recent advancements in VR have led to significant
improvements in tactile feedback technologies.
Innovations such as haptic gloves and force feedback
devices have enhanced the ability to simulate touch
sensations in a virtual environment. The development
of these technologies is crucial for applications like
VR calligraphy, where the sensation of touch plays a
vital role in the learning process.
2.2 Haptic Gloves and Their Role in
Simulating Calligraphy
One of the most notable developments in tactile
feedback for VR is the advent of haptic gloves.
These gloves, equipped with sensors and actuators,
simulate the sensation of touch by applying forces,
vibrations, or motions to the user's hands. For
instance, in a study by (Li, F et al. 2023), a haptic
glove was used to replicate the feeling of holding a
calligraphy brush, significantly enhancing the
learning experience for beginners.
2.3 Force Feedback Devices and Their
Force feedback devices are another important
category in tactile feedback technologies. These
devices, such as robotic arms or wearable
exoskeletons, provide resistance and force
sensations that mimic real-world interactions. A
recent study by (Wang et al. 2022) demonstrated
how a VR system with a force feedback device can
accurately simulate the pressure and movement
required in traditional calligraphy, offering a
promising solution for remote learning scenarios.
2.4 Challenges and Limitations in
Current Technologies
Despite these advancements, there are still
challenges and limitations. Current haptic devices
often struggle with replicating the nuanced
sensations of calligraphy, such as the texture of the
paper or the varying resistance of brush strokes.
Additionally, the bulkiness and cost of high-quality
haptic devices limit their accessibility for general
users, presenting a barrier to widespread adoption.
2.5 Future Directions in Tactile
Feedback Technology
The future of tactile feedback in VR looks promising,
with ongoing research focused on enhancing the
realism and accessibility of these technologies.
Emerging trends include the development of
lightweight, cost-effective haptic devices, and the
integration of machine learning algorithms to better
simulate complex tactile sensations. These
advancements could revolutionize how tactile
feedback is implemented in VR, making it more
realistic and widely accessible, particularly for
applications like VR calligraphy.
3.1 Brush Dynamics Simulation
3.1.1 Simulating Brush Pressure and Angle
While directly simulating calligraphy brush
dynamics in VR lacks recent research, valuable
insights exist. Aong with research in VR haptics for
surgery and interactive simulations, suggests
potential for modeling complex brush interactions
and precise tactile feedback. The adaptability of VR
for skill development seen in fire safety training
(Mystakidis et al., 2022) and engineering education
provides a framework for building realistic VR
calligraphy experiences.
3.1.2 Feedback Mechanisms for Stroke
Width and Ink Flow
Recent research hasn't directly explored simulating
brushstroke width and ink flow in VR calligraphy,
but there's promise. Multimodal gloves with heat
and vibration could mimic brush feel. Studies
suggest positive feedback improves VR performance,
and including touch in VR training is beneficial.
Portable VR with mirror feedback (Rey et al., 2022)
might be adapted to show brushstrokes and ink flow.
By combining these advancements with good
feedback design, we can create realistic VR
simulations of the tactile experience of calligraphy.
3.2 Surface Texture Replication
3.2.1 Simulating Paper Textures
Some research suggests high-fidelity textures improve
How Do VR Applications Address the Challenges of Conveying the Tactile Feedback Crucial to Traditional Calligraphy Practice
spatial tasks (Lucaci et al., 2022). This means realistic
paper textures could enhance the feeling of writing in
VR. Techniques like texture mapping and physics
simulations could be used to create realistic paper
textures and simulate brush-paper interactions,
improving the overall experience of VR calligraphy.
3.2.2 Interaction Feedback for Different
Some research shows that combining haptic, visual,
and auditory cues (multimodal feedback) creates a
more realistic experience (Zheng et al., 2023).
Haptic feedback, even if not perfect for performance
improvement, helps simulate material properties and
create a more embodied learning experience.
Wearable haptic systems can further enhance realism
by adding sensations of touch and collision. These
advancements suggest a promising future for
realistic interactions with virtual materials in VR.
3.3 Mathematical Modeling of
Calligraphy Styles
To construct a comprehensive mathematical model
considering calligraphy techniques, paper quality,
and pen characteristics, we need to abstract each
factor into quantifiable parameters and design a
function to simulate the generation of calligraphy
works. Here is a simplified model for generating
works similar to Chinese calligraphy:
3.3.1 Calligraphy Technique Parameters
The "eight principles of yong()" character offer a
foundation for creating a detailed and measurable
system in VR calligraphy. Each principle, like "cè
(dot)" or "lè (horizontal)," translates to specific
aspects of a stroke, such as roundness or stability.
This framework allows us to define parameters that
capture the nuances of calligraphy techniques,
paving the way for simulating and potentially even
analyzing calligraphy skills in VR.
3.3.2 Paper Parameters
VR calligraphy can elevate realism by incorporating
paper properties. Paper type, like raw or cooked rice
paper, affects ink absorbency and stroke thickness.
Additionally, the texture's distribution and color
depth influence how ink interacts with the surface.
Considering these paper characteristics allows VR
simulations to create a more nuanced and true-to-life
calligraphy experience.
3.3.3 Pen Parameters
Simulating realistic calligraphy in VR can be
achieved by considering various factors. Pen
properties like material (wolf hair, sheep hair) and
size (large, medium, small) affect the writing
experience. Similarly, calligraphy styles (regular,
running, etc.) and paper texture can be incorporated.
By combining these elements with formulas, we can
simulate the creation of calligraphy works in VR,
accounting for the unique aspects of each style. This
approach can enhance the realism and educational
value of VR calligraphy experiences.
3.3.4 Mathematical Models
Let F be the final calligraphy stroke image, which is
jointly determined by stroke characteristics p, paper
texture parameters t, and calligraphy technique
parameters c:
𝐹 = 𝐺(𝑝, 𝑡, 𝑐) (1)
Where G is a composition function that combines
stroke characteristics p, paper texture t, and
calligraphy technique c.
Stroke characteristics p can include stroke width
w, color col, transparencyɑ, and the shape of the
starting and ending points shape:
𝑝 = (𝑤,𝑐𝑜𝑙,𝛼,𝑠𝑎𝑝𝑒) (2)
Paper texture parameters t can include texture
frequency f, amplitude a, and possible random
seed s:
𝑡 = (𝑓, 𝑎, 𝑠) (3)
Calligraphy technique parameters c can include
stroke acceleration a, velocity v, pressure p, and
style-specific parameters styleParams, such as the
angle and length of the wave (official script), the
degree of connecting strokes (running script), the
roundness of curves (seal script), and the continuity
of strokes (cursive script) etc.:
𝑐 = (𝑎,𝑣,𝑝,𝑠𝑡𝑦𝑙𝑒𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑠) (4)
The stroke characteristics function P can be
represented as:
⋅ 𝑓𝑐𝑜𝑙
𝑓𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑒(𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑒) (5)
The paper texture function T can be represented as:
𝑇(𝑡) = 𝑁𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑒(𝑓, 𝑠) ⋅ 𝑎 (6)
The calligraphy technique function C can be
represented as:
𝑓𝑠𝑡𝑦𝑙𝑒𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑠(𝑠𝑡𝑦𝑙𝑒𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑠) (7)
ERSeGEL 2024 - Workshop on Extended Reality and Serious Games for Education and Learning
3.3.5 Combining VR Tactile Devices with
Calligraphy Stroke Models
Simulating realistic calligraphy in VR combines VR
device data (position, speed, pressure) with a
mathematical model of calligraphy techniques. VR
devices provide force feedback to mimic the brush
on paper. The process involves capturing real-time
VR data, feeding it into a calligraphy model that
generates stroke paths based on the data, and
translating that information back to the VR device to
adjust the haptic feedback in real-time. This creates
a feedback loop where user actions with the VR
device influence the feel of the brush, enhancing the
realism of the VR calligraphy experience.
𝑝, 𝑡, ¨𝑏, 𝑐𝑉𝑅𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎
𝐺(𝑃(𝑝), 𝑇(𝑡), 𝐵(𝑏), 𝐶(𝑐), 𝑉𝑅𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎) (7)
4.1 A Set of Visual Design Concept
Figure 1: Comparing haptic feedback technology with real
calligraphy tools.
The chart compares various haptic feedback devices
for simulating the pressure and textures experienced
in calligraphy. Markers show the device's target
audience (education, gaming etc.) and size reflects
its cost. The shaded area represents the ideal range
of real calligraphy tools, allowing viewers to see
how each device compares in simulating this tactile
Figure 2: Comparing VR calligraphy studios.
This VR calligraphy chart showcases studios
specializing in different writing systems. Mandarin
Ink (Chinese) reigns supreme with extensive
historical detail and popularity, followed by Zen
Script (Japanese) offering similar depth and acclaim.
Hieroglyph Haven (Egyptian) provides moderate
detail and popularity, while Gothic Quill (English
Gothic) offers basic detail and is less popular.
Connecting lines suggest a trend - studios with
deeper historical focus and more immersive
experiences tend to be more popular.
Figure 3: Conceptual Table Structure for Cultural Settings
This Python-generated mind map visually
organizes the origins and significance of various
cultural settings in calligraphy, making it a valuable
tool for learning, presentations, or delving deeper
into the historical and artistic context of calligraphy.
Figure 4: Flowchart Strokes to Compositions (Chinese
CalligraphyRegular Script).
How Do VR Applications Address the Challenges of Conveying the Tactile Feedback Crucial to Traditional Calligraphy Practice
A VR calligraphy radar chart compares Chinese,
Egyptian, Japanese, and English. Complex scripts
(Chinese, Japanese) demand strong touch feedback
but are harder to learn, while simpler ones (English,
Egyptian) are easier but require less touch. This
helps VR developers tailor experiences to each
script's needs.
4.2 User Experience and Learning
4.2.1 VR Calligraphy Paradise: Background
and Operation
"VR Calligraphy Paradise," spearheaded by Dr.
Dongxing Yu at Sanda University, combines
cutting-edge technology with traditional calligraphy
in a VR setting. Collaborating with experts and
renowned calligraphers, including Dr. Nan Ma, the
project employs VR headsets and haptic gloves to
simulate calligraphy with customizable tools. This
system offers realistic tactile feedback, allowing
users to experience the feel of paper and brush
strokes. Early trials with novices indicate substantial
skill improvements, highlighting its potential in
educating and preserving calligraphy.
4.2.2 Effectiveness in Skill Acquisition
The 2024 study by Yu and Ma demonstrated that
metaverse education technology significantly
improves Chinese character writing and calligraphy
skills through a virtual environment simulating
traditional tools and providing instant feedback. The
research showed that age, experience, and practice
time affect learning outcomes, consistent with motor
learning theories—experienced learners worked
faster, while older or more practiced individuals
showed improvement despite initial slower speeds,
highlighting the impact of age and practice on skill
development. However, the technology's limitations
in capturing the full nuances of calligraphy
movements suggest the need for further refinement
to unlock its full educational potential.
4.2.3 Immersion and Realism
The study also found that learning calligraphy in the
metaverse was highly engaging due to its immersive
and interactive nature. VR/AR technology created a
strong sense of presence, leading to higher
motivation compared to traditional methods. This is
supported by both quantitative and qualitative data,
though technical limitations like latency need to be
addressed for a more seamless experience.
5.1 A. Limitations of the Current Study
Our research, while comprehensive in exploring the
application of VR in calligraphy with a focus on
tactile feedback, has its limitations. Primarily, our
study is constrained by the availability and maturity
of current VR and haptic technologies. As these
technologies are still evolving, our findings might
not fully encapsulate the future potential and
improvements in this field. Additionally, the scope
of our research is limited to the context of Chinese
calligraphy, which might not directly translate to
other forms of calligraphy or art practices.
5.2 Integration of Research Gaps from
Previous Studies
Building on the foundation laid in the introduction,
it's apparent that previous studies have largely
focused on the visual and auditory aspects of VR,
with less attention given to the tactile component
essential for activities like calligraphy. Our study
attempts to fill this gap by concentrating on tactile
feedback, but it also uncovers further areas for
exploration, such as the need for more nuanced and
detailed simulations of tactile interactions in VR
5.3 Challenges in Tactile Feedback
The challenges in simulating tactile feedback in VR,
as highlighted by our study, include accurately
replicating the diverse textures and resistances
encountered in traditional calligraphy. According to
the studies utilized texture mapping technology to
create realistic VR urban scenes (Zhao et al., 2020),
the same principles could apply to paper textures by
mapping high-resolution paper images onto VR
surfaces, allowing users to experience diverse paper
textures.Moreover, the integration of tactile feedback
with visual and auditory cues in VR remains a
complex task, requiring further research and
development to achieve a truly immersive and
holistic experience.
5.4 Potential Directions for Future
Our study opens up several avenues for future
research. One key area is the development of more
sophisticated haptic feedback systems that can more
ERSeGEL 2024 - Workshop on Extended Reality and Serious Games for Education and Learning
accurately and realistically simulate the feel of
different calligraphy tools and paper textures.
Another important direction is the exploration of
how these tactile experiences in VR can be
personalized to cater to individual learning styles
and preferences, potentially employing AI and
machine learning techniques.
6.1 Emerging Technologies and
Recent tactile technology advances are transforming
human-machine interactions and sensory
experiences, spanning neuroscience to engineering.
Innovations include material recognition via transfer
learning, precise robotics sensors, advanced haptic
actuators, brain-computer interfaces for prosthetics,
and injury prevention feedback systems. These aim
to enhance application realism and utility but face
challenges in biocompatibility, reliability, and energy
efficiency that need addressing.
6.2 Potential Improvements for VR
Calligraphy Training
6.2.1 Enhanced Haptic Gloves and
Emerging haptic glove technologies are
transforming VR calligraphy training by providing
realistic sensory feedback and enhanced control.
These technologies, including soft robotics for
precise finger movement tracking, vibrotactile
feedback for stroke technique, and exoskeletons for
authentic touch experiences, facilitate detailed brush
and paper interaction simulations. Overcoming
issues related to cost, comfort, realism, and learning
effectiveness is essential. Such technological
integration promises to globalize the appeal and
accessibility of the traditional art of calligraphy.
6.2.2 Integration of AI for Adaptive
Imagine VR calligraphy lessons that adapt to you!
AI analyzes your strokes, pressure, and even brain
activity (like in VR motor rehab) to adjust exercises,
difficulty, and pace in real-time. It personalizes your
learning path based on strengths and weaknesses
(like in VR sports training), offering targeted
feedback and exercises for faster improvement. By
analyzing your body's signals, AI can even adjust
brush dynamics and visuals to enhance hand-eye
coordination crucial for calligraphy. This
personalized VR calligraphy experience, powered by
AI, could unlock a world of artistic skill
development for anyone.
7.1 Summary of VR's Role in Tactile
Feedback for Calligraphy
Our study emphasizes the transformative potential of
Virtual Reality (VR) in mimicking tactile feedback
essential for calligraphy. It examines the current VR
efforts to replicate calligraphy's detailed aspects like
brush strokes, ink flow, and paper texture. However,
there's still a gap in accurately rendering the subtle
tactile experiences of traditional calligraphy,
highlighting the need for ongoing innovation in
haptic feedback technology.
7.2 Future of Calligraphy Education
with VR
The integration of VR in calligraphy education
represents a significant leap forward. Platforms like
VR Calligraphy Paradise illustrate the possibilities:
they offer immersive environments, customizable
tools, and immediate feedback, making calligraphy
more accessible and engaging for learners across
different skill levels. As VR technology evolves, we
anticipate enhancements in haptic feedback,
potentially enabling VR-based calligraphy training
to become a preferred method for learners globally.
Looking ahead, the ongoing advancements in
haptic technology promise more sophisticated tactile
simulations. The potential integration of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) for personalized learning
experiences and adaptive feedback mechanisms
could further revolutionize calligraphy education.
Such innovations not only facilitate skill acquisition
but also ensure the relevance and accessibility of this
traditional art form to future generations.
7.3 Final Reflections
In conclusion, while VR applications currently face
challenges in perfectly mimicking the tactile
nuances of traditional calligraphy, they open up new
horizons for art education and cultural preservation.
Our study contributes to understanding these
challenges and the potential solutions, paving the
How Do VR Applications Address the Challenges of Conveying the Tactile Feedback Crucial to Traditional Calligraphy Practice
way for future research and development in this
exciting intersection of technology and art.
This work was supported by the 2023 General
Project of Shanghai Educational Science Research
C2023262 Theoretical Construction and Exploratory
Application Research of Educational Metauniverse.
This study is a part of the 2023 Shanghai Key
Curriculum Construction project on “Chinese
Calligraphy Art.”
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ERSeGEL 2024 - Workshop on Extended Reality and Serious Games for Education and Learning