A preliminary step towards future work will be further
optimisation of the HE crypto-context parameters that
would reduce the analysis time overhead. Afterwards,
alternatives to distributed decryption will be explored,
such as key switching, where the result ciphertext gets
re-encrypted so that it only can be decrypted with a
secret key owned by the researcher. The final objective
in the presented future work plan is the implementation
of regression analysis workflow to support machine
learning algorithms that are running in multiple epochs
and iterations. This increases noise in the ciphertext
due to HE multiplication, requiring ciphertext
refreshing or bootstrapping (Micciancio & Polyakov,
2021) to reduce the amount of noise in the ciphertext
and allow subsequent operations and decryption. In a
multi-party setting, this activity has to be done
collaboratively by all central nodes, which presents an
additional step in the analysis workflow.
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project, which has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under grant agreement No
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