A Framework for Federated Analysis of Health Data Using
Multiparty Homomorphic Encryption
Miroslav Puskaric
High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), University of Stuttgart, Nobelstraße 19, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Keywords: Federated Data Analysis, Homomorphic Encryption Application, Multi-Party Computing.
Abstract: Although federated data analysis represents a significant contribution toward ensuring data privacy, the risk
of information leakage from the intermediate results exchanged during the analysis process still exists. These
risks become even more emphasised when analysing sensitive data such as health records. One of the
approaches to mitigate these issues is homomorphic encryption, a novel encryption algorithm which allows
for performing computations over encrypted data. This article presents a federated data analysis framework
where intermediate analysis results are exchanged and processed as ciphertexts and where data sources are
connected in a decentralised manner by forming multiple clusters, with each cluster having a central node.
Besides processing encrypted information, another advantage of the homomorphic encryption algorithms is
the support for a multiparty encryption scheme. A workflow for creating a shared public and evaluation key
is presented, where central nodes are part of the workflow and data sources only receive the shared keys.
Furthermore, as data analysis examples, workflows for Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and distributed mean
value are presented, whose results do match those obtained through centralized analysis. As a last step of the
federated data analysis, multiparty decryption of the final result occurs.
In health data analysis, where datasets consist of
patients’ health records, numerous security and
privacy requirements need to be met before sharing
data for analysis purposes. Since health data is
considered sensitive and is subject to strict data
protection legislation, a secure and reliable
framework that prevents data leakage and protects
patient information is a prerequisite. In a European
context, All EU member states have been introduced
to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
act on data protection and privacy, which defines,
among others, the use of health data for patient
treatment and research purposes. Still, these countries
have additional data protection acts for the use of
health data put into force (Hansen et al., 2021), which
can hinder data sharing and make the legal framework
challenging to interpret, especially in the case of
cross-border data sharing. Federated data analysis is
one of the approaches that can address the before-
mentioned challenges. The federated approach allows
data analysis algorithms to be applied to remotely
located datasets without sharing data directly with the
data analyst. Instead, intermediate analysis results are
exchanged and combined with results from other data
sources. However, it has been proven that
intermediate results can be exploited to retrieve
information on background data (Zhu et al., 2019;
Yang et al., 2023). One approach towards mitigating
these issues would be to exchange all information in
an encrypted format by encoding data into
ciphertexts. This would prevent access to plaintext
information without the corresponding decryption
key, while still allowing data computation.
The above-mentioned approach can be addressed
by using homomorphic encryption (HE) (Naehrig et
al., 2011), which is an encryption algorithm capable
of performing arithmetic operations over encrypted
data. The results remain encrypted with decryption
being the last step of the computing process. The data
can be therefore computed or analysed safely without
the possibility of unauthorized access to data or the
intermediate results. This makes it especially suitable
for the analysis of sensitive information, such as
patient health records. Besides healthcare, areas of
Puskaric, M.
A Framework for Federated Analysis of Health Data Using Multiparty Homomorphic Encryption.
DOI: 10.5220/0012753900003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 661-667
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
application include cloud computing, finance, the
Internet of Things (IoT), and more. Arithmetic
operations supported are addition and multiplication,
from which other operations, i.e. subtraction and
division can be derived. Secure computation and
exchange of information within the federated analysis
framework is enabled through multi-party computing
algorithms, where parties have to collectively
compute the critical security functions such as shared
encryption key generation or the distributed result
decryption. Some of the challenges with applying HE
include the computational overhead in data
processing and the complexity of the data analysis
algorithms that need to be rewritten for the efficient
use of HE.
HE applications and privacy-preserving federated
data analysis are central points of this research. An
overview of the related work is given in section 2,
followed by a description of the proposed federated
analysis framework and HE algorithms used. Finally,
data analysis examples with implementation and
workflow descriptions are presented and peer-
reviewed research studies, primarily conducted using
the centralized analysis approach, were successfully
reproduced. The presented federated data analysis
framework is derived from the use cases from the EU
project ORCHESTRA (ORCHESTRA Cohort, n.d.)
whose plan is to create a Pan-European cohort for the
conduct of prospective and retrospective studies to
improve the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
Most federated data analysis frameworks are
designed to operate in a star topology where all data
sources share intermediate results with the central
server. There are, however, reports on decentralised
layouts, which are developed or proposed to address
various issues during analysis, not necessarily related
to data privacy or security. (Wainakh et al., 2020)
investigates potential benefits of hierarchical
federated learning, such as no direct access from the
central server to the data providers. (Hosseinalipour
et al., 2020) describes the term fog computing, an
approach for performing a computation in a
heterogeneous network environment to prevent
network overload, where devices don’t have to be
connected to the central server and can provide
computational resources. Moreover, parameter
aggregation can be done on a middle layer before
sending results to the central node in the case of
federated learning. (Hosseinalipour et al., 2022)
presents another example of a distributed machine
learning model to connect a large number of devices
with various properties, such as limited uplink
transmission and communication protocol. With the
advent of HE, it became possible to perform basic
arithmetic operations (e.g. addition, subtraction,
multiplication) over the encrypted data. (Froelicher et
al., 2021) reports using secure multi-party
computation for conducting biomedical studies. The
developed system requires all parties to be
interconnected and is capable of exchanging and
processing only encrypted information. A single party
cannot decrypt the study’s results at any point. In
addition, the model has a collective key switching
feature implemented, which allows results to be
decrypted only by a querier’s secret key. (Sav et al.,
2021) is another example of the secure multi-party
computation suitable for neural network training,
which is network topology agnostic in the context that
parties can be arranged into any network topology.
Furthermore, all parties are foreseen as data owners
whose intermediate updates exchanged during the
training process remain encrypted. Because of the
HE, the last two examples add computational
overhead to the process, and adding a new server to
the model requires adjustments for all parties. (Blatt
et al., 2020) reports the application of HE on genome-
wide association studies. R DataSHIELD (Marcon et
al., 2021) is a tool for privacy-preserving distributed
data analysis, well known in the area of clinical data
analysis. Statistical operations are performed at the
data source, where a person or a group performing the
analysis receives only summary parameters or a final
result. From the network topology point of view, R
DataSHIELD is designed to work in a star topology.
The proposed federated data analysis framework and
the communication flow are depicted in Figure 1. The
data sources are depicted as hospitals that
communicate only with their central nodes, sharing
only encrypted information with intermediate results.
Furthermore, hospitals are isolated from the
researcher as well as other central nodes and
underlying hospitals. Thus, the researcher does not
contact the hospitals directly. The framework reflects
the data infrastructure from the ORCHESTRA
project, where three national hubs (central nodes)
provide access to data delivered by the underlying
data sources. The number of data sources assigned to
each national hub varies which has also been
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 1: Federated data analysis framework with the communication workflow for computing the mean value.
considered in the presented framework. The
advantage of applying HE algorithms is that the data
sources only need to provide a connection to the
central node (national hub) for handling encrypted
data analysis requests without outsourcing their data
and exposing the intermediate results that might cause
sensitive information breaches.
The information between the clusters, as well as
between the clusters and the data sources, is
exchanged in an encrypted way using HE algorithms.
Besides encrypted data processing, the latter allows
multi-party computing where all involved parties
collaborate in cryptographic processes, such as
generating shared public keys and distributed
decryption of a ciphertext. In this framework, central
nodes collaborate to create the shared public keys
using their respective secret key shares. Central nodes
share public keys with their data sources for
application to their data. The data never leaves the
data source during the analysis. At the end of the
analysis workflow, central nodes collaborate to
decrypt the ciphertext containing the result.
Compared to the frameworks presented in
(Froelicher et al., 2021) and (Sav et al., 2021), this
framework differs in that data sources remain hidden
behind their central nodes, with no direct interaction
across clusters. Furthermore, adding or removing a
data source to the framework affects only the
involved central node and introduces no overhead
associated with generating new shared homomorphic
keys. Adding or removing a central node would affect
the whole framework, which includes recreating the
shared keys.
3.1 Homomorphic Encryption
The term crypto-context is used throughout the
article, which denotes the selected encryption scheme
and configured encryption parameters. The HE keys
can be grouped into two categories: secret keys which
are never shared with other nodes, and public keys
which are shared with other nodes in the framework.
The latter comprises a public key for encrypting the
vector containing data, an evaluation rotation key for
accessing the values at the specific index of the
encrypted vector, and an evaluation multiplication
key for reducing the amount of noise in the ciphertext
caused by homomorphic multiplication operations.
The data analysis and the crypto-context
generation are initiated from one place, e.g. by the
researcher. A newly created crypto-context is sent to
one of the central nodes, which acts as a first contact
point and is also in charge of forwarding the crypto-
context to the rest of the central nodes. This is
followed by the message exchange between three
central nodes with respective secret key shares
, 𝑠𝑘
and 𝑠𝑘
, who collaborate to create a public
key 𝑝𝑘 , evaluation multiplication key 𝑚𝑘 and
evaluation rotation key 𝑟𝑘. These keys can be shared
with data sources. Secret key shares on the other hand
remain stored on corresponding central nodes.
The number of communication rounds for
creating the shared public keys depends on the
number of involved parties, i.e. central nodes. For the
presented framework, up to 7 communication rounds
per shared key are necessary. In particular, 𝑝𝑘, 𝑟𝑘
and 𝑚𝑘 require 𝑛-1, 𝑛-1 and 2𝑛-1 communication
A Framework for Federated Analysis of Health Data Using Multiparty Homomorphic Encryption
rounds, respectively, where 𝑛 is the number of
involved parties. The data sources can now request
shared keys from their central nodes. Distributed
decryption requires all central nodes to collaborate
and use their secret key shares 𝑠𝑘
, 𝑠𝑘
and 𝑠𝑘
compute the partial decryptions which are then joined
into a final decryption, which is equivalent to the
plaintext of an analysis result.
HE algorithms allow basic arithmetic operations,
namely addition and multiplication. Subtraction can
be derived from addition without applying a special
algorithm. The division can be derived from
multiplication by applying a special approximation
algorithm. In the case of the presented framework, the
Goldschmidt iterative division algorithm
(Goldschmidt, 1964) as an approximation method is
used, represented by the equation (1), where 𝑥 is the
number for which the reciprocal is computed:
and where crypto-context parameters implicitly
determine 𝑑 through a maximum number of
multiplication operations allowed.
The CKKS homomorphic encryption scheme for
approximate arithmetic (Cheon et al., 2017) is chosen
because it can be applied to real numbers and it
supports multi-party computing. All HE operations
used in the federated analysis workflows, including
multi-party algorithms, are supported by the CKKS
scheme and are implemented in the programming
library used for the framework development (Section
4). The crypto-context parameters (ciphertext
dimension and modulus in particular) are selected to
achieve the 128-bit level of security. The distributed
decryption is part of the multi-party algorithms
supported by the programming library. It is performed
only by central nodes as a last step of the data analysis,
where each node after computing partial decryption
using their respective secret key shares, performs a
fusion of the partial decryptions into a readable result
ready to be shared with the data analyst.
Each data source 𝑑𝑠
provides a harmonised
dataset in a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format.
Before starting an analysis, 𝑑𝑠
has to request shared
keys 𝑝𝑘 and 𝑚𝑘 from the associated central node.
3.2 Data Analysis Workflows
3.2.1 Distributed Mean Value
Following is the workflow for finding the mean value
of the analysed dataset:
1. Data source 𝑑𝑠
reads the CSV file with the
individual patient information in a harmonised
format, for which the mean value is computed.
2. Data source 𝑑𝑠
computes the local sum and
encrypts the vector array of the result and the
number of individuals with the 𝑝𝑘. The created
ciphertext 𝑐𝑡
is then sent to the corresponding
central node.
3. Central nodes receive 𝑐𝑡
from the underlying
data sources, after which a local sum 𝑐𝑡
a local number of individuals 𝑐𝑡
are computed
by adding 𝑐𝑡
, followed by the addition between
central nodes to find the overall sum 𝑐𝑡
the overall number of individuals 𝑐𝑡
. This step
is done entirely using HE algorithms.
4. Since the average value is computed by
multiplying the 𝑐𝑡
with the reciprocal value
of 𝑐𝑡
, the Goldschmidt division (1) is used,
together with shared keys 𝑟𝑘 and 𝑚𝑘. The 𝑐𝑡
first scaled to a range of [0,2]. The maximum
number of individuals must be set in advance to
find the scaling factor. The Goldschmidt
algorithm runs in seven iterations due to
predefined parameters of the crypto context.
Furthermore, seven iterations have proven to be
sufficient for the accurate result. The result is
then rescaled back.
5. The reciprocal value is multiplied by the sum to
get the ciphertext 𝑐𝑡
with the mean value.
6. Distributed decryption of 𝑐𝑡
between central
nodes takes place.
3.2.2 Survival Analysis
The survival analysis, in this case, is computed using
the Kaplan-Meier estimator, which is presented by
the equation (2):
(1 −
where 𝑡
is a time when at least one event happened,
is the number of events that occurred at time 𝑡
and 𝑛
is the number of individuals known to have
survived up to time 𝑡
Given that all data sources have a harmonised
dataset in a CSV format where each patient is
described with the following values: patient ID, time
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
and survival event, the workflow for the survival
analysis is conducted as follows:
1. Data source 𝑑𝑠
reads the CSV file with the
individual patient information used for the
survival analysis.
2. Data source 𝑑𝑠
computes the new vector with
time point, number of negative outcomes and
number of censored events (for each time point).
In addition, the vector also contains the number
of patients present in the CSV file. The resulting
vector is encrypted using 𝑝𝑘 . The created
ciphertext 𝑐𝑡
is then sent to the central node.
3. Central nodes receive 𝑐𝑡
from the underlying
data sources, after which they are added into one
ciphertext 𝑐𝑡
4. Distributed decryption of 𝑐𝑡
between central
nodes takes place.
5. This step is performed by the data analyst: values
from the decrypted vector are used to compute
the number of patients per time point and finally,
the survival rate using the Kaplan-Meier
estimator presented by (2). At this point, the
result can be visualised.
The workflow for the survival analysis is similar
to those described in (Froelicher et al., 2021).
The HE part of the federated analysis framework is
built using OpenFHE (Al Badawi et al., 2022), a C++
library that provides implementations of fully
homomorphic encryption schemes. The rest of the
framework is developed in C++ and with the ZeroMQ
library (Hintjens, 2013) for message exchange
between the nodes. The structure of the network
messages that are sent between the parties comprises
a header section for sorting the messages, and a body
section containing the data to be sent. Furthermore,
the experiments were conducted using the ‘tc’ tool in
Linux to simulate a network latency of 20 ms and a
bandwidth of 1 Gbit/s. The framework prototype was
compiled and tested on a single machine with a Linux
operating system and the following hardware: 2x
AMD EPYC 7261 8 core processor, 125 GiB of
working memory, and 128 GB of SSD storage. All
parties in the analysis framework communicate using
TCP/IP sockets. It is important to point out that
OpenFHE already provides various approximation
algorithms based on Chebyshev polynomials, such as
a reciprocal or a sigmoid function. This paper
however reports the implementation of the previously
mentioned Goldschmidt algorithm for finding the
reciprocal value of a given number. The data used for
the analysis are coming from the study reported in
(Samstein et al., 2019).
Central node and data source have server and
client components. Before starting the shared keys
generation or data analysis, server components should
be up and running and listening to incoming
connections. Client components initiate the outgoing
connection based on the input received by the server
component. The researcher is provided with an
associated client component to establish a connection
with one of the central nodes that serves as a main
contact point, which in this case is a central node 𝑐𝑛
Before execution of the analysis or HE keys
generation, the availability of all the central nodes is
Compared with the centralised and non-encryption
analysis methods, the following processes need to be
taken into concern: crypto-context distribution, HE
keys generation, data encryption, distributed
decryption, message exchange and homomorphic
arithmetic operations. These require additional
computation and storage resources, thus representing
a time overhead. For example, better performance can
be achieved by manually reducing noise in the
ciphertext generated by multiplication operations.
Both data analysis examples show that analysis data
does not have to leave the data source, and all
intermediate results are shared only as ciphertexts.
Furthermore, communication with data sources is
done only through central nodes, which makes them
hidden from other parties in the framework. By using
data from the study presented in (Samstein et al.,
2019), the obtained results are identical to those
obtained through a centralized analysis approach.
Key generation operation includes serialising keys
and saving them into separate files for later use.
Subsequent data analysis operations therefore do not
require key generation. The data analysis workflows
were tested on 9 data sources unevenly distributed
among 3 central nodes, as displayed in Figure 1. Each
data source had access to a different number of data
items, where the total number was 1662.
The workflow for computing the distributed mean
value of the TMB (Tumor Mutational Burden)
variable was tested first. Figure 2 shows the share of
key generation, data analysis and distributed
decryption per central node in the overall wall time.
The analysis time overhead is mainly caused by the
Goldschmidt algorithm and its loop composed of
multiple homomorphic multiplication operations.
A Framework for Federated Analysis of Health Data Using Multiparty Homomorphic Encryption
The algorithm is iterated seven times inside the loop.
The obtained result is 11.9692 and it does match the
one obtained through the centralized analysis
Figure 2: Wall time for the federated encrypted mean value
The same setup was used for testing the survival
analysis workflow, the total number of data items or
patient records was again 1662. The analysis was
conducted on the same subset of data as in the original
study. Figure 3 shows the comparison of the results
between centralized and federated encrypted analysis,
which do match. The share of key generation, data
analysis and distributed decryption per central node
in the overall wall time is presented in Figure 4. The
measured wall time covers steps 1 to 4 from the
survival analysis workflow. The wall time for step 5
was not measured, as it was not done by the data
analyst after the distributed decryption.
The wall time for the distributed key generation is
longer for the distributed mean value analysis due to
the higher multiplicative depth setting in the crypto-
context configuration necessary to perform multiple
instances of the homomorphic multiplication
operation in the division algorithm. Survival analysis,
on the other hand, does not require homomorphic
multiplication operations.
Figure 3: Wall time for the federated encrypted survival
This work presents a framework suitable for the
federated analysis of sensitive health data.
Decentralised network topology allows for creating
trust domains composed of a central node and
multiple data sources. Presented workflows for
computing mean value and survival analysis using the
Kaplan-Meier estimator demonstrate that
intermediate results do not have to be shared with
other parties in plaintext format. Instead, they are
encrypted and further computed using HE algorithms.
The decryption process is done at the very end of the
analysis process in a distributed way, requiring all
central nodes to collaborate. Finally, the obtained
centralized and federated encrypted analysis results
are identical.
Figure 4: Survival analysis results comparison between centralized (left) and federated encrypted (right) approach.
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
A preliminary step towards future work will be further
optimisation of the HE crypto-context parameters that
would reduce the analysis time overhead. Afterwards,
alternatives to distributed decryption will be explored,
such as key switching, where the result ciphertext gets
re-encrypted so that it only can be decrypted with a
secret key owned by the researcher. The final objective
in the presented future work plan is the implementation
of regression analysis workflow to support machine
learning algorithms that are running in multiple epochs
and iterations. This increases noise in the ciphertext
due to HE multiplication, requiring ciphertext
refreshing or bootstrapping (Micciancio & Polyakov,
2021) to reduce the amount of noise in the ciphertext
and allow subsequent operations and decryption. In a
multi-party setting, this activity has to be done
collaboratively by all central nodes, which presents an
additional step in the analysis workflow.
This work was supported by the ORCHESTRA
project, which has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under grant agreement No
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A Framework for Federated Analysis of Health Data Using Multiparty Homomorphic Encryption