will be a real-time application. For that, we are
studying the possibilities of integrating explain-
able AI methods like LIME or SHAP. As a matter
of fact, we are interested in helping our lecturer
colleagues interpret the model predictions.
3. Evaluation Metric: we acknowledge the value of
using Cohen’s Kappa for evaluating classifiers on
imbalanced datasets. Thus, we decided to incor-
porate Cohen’s Kappa as an additional evaluation
metric, alongside the confusion matrix. Indeed,
by using both evaluation approaches, we aim to
provide a more robust and comprehensive assess-
ment of the classifier’s performance in predicting
Overall, our research lays a foundation for ad-
vancing students’ performance prediction, benefiting
CADT and French partner universities and potentially
impacting the wider educational community. The
positive results suggest broader implications, influ-
encing global educational practices and fostering a
more data-informed and supportive learning environ-
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DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications