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Tags Considered in the Training Process
lines, language, dw_tag_subprogram,
dw_tag_typedef, dw_tag_member, dw_tag_label,
dw_tag_gnu_call_site, dw_at_gnu_all_call_sites,
dw_tag_inlined_subroutine, dw_at_external,
dw_at_call_file, int_type, uint_type, string_type,
fp_type, bool_type, dw_tag_enumerator,
dw_tag_variable_int, dw_tag_variable_uint,
dw_tag_variable_string, dw_tag_variable_fp,
dw_tag_variable_bool, dw_tag_variable,
The Use of the DWARF Debugging Format for the Identification of Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUAs) in WebAssembly Binaries