Investigating Female Sexual Presence Through Triangulation of
Behavioral and Physiological Measures in Virtual Reality: Towards
Therapeutic Applications for Sexual Disorders
Sara Saint-Pierre Côté
, Mathieu Brideau-Duquette
, David Lafortune
, James G. Pfaus
Patrice Renaud
Department of Software and Information Technology Engineering, École de Technologie Supérieure,
1100 Notre-Dame St. W., Montréal, Canada
Laboratoire d’immersion Forensique, Institut National de Psychiatrie Légale Philippe-Pinel, Montréal, Canada
Département de Psychoéducation et Psychologie, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Gatineau, Canada
Département de Sexologie, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada
Department of Psychology and Life Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czechia
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Sexual Presence, Affordances, Learning, Quantitative Electroencephalography (qEEG),
Vaginal Photoplethysmography, Gaze Behaviour.
Abstract: Exposure to sexual contexts by means of immersive, extended reality technologies, offer an opportunity to
both: better understand sexual responding, and in turn, offers insights as to how the same technology could
help in treating sexual disorders. The present papers reports on the ability of behavioural (i.e., oculometry)
and physiological (i.e., electroencephalography and vaginal plethysmography) to conjointly predict subjective
sexual feelings (i.e., subjective sexual presence), this, using a sample of 12 heterosexual cisgendered women.
Measurements pertained to the participants living a sexual immersion (via a virtual reality headset) with an
opposite sex virtual character engaging in sexually suggestive behaviour. Results suggest that all the tested
behavioural and physiological measurements could play a role in the shaping of sexual presence. Results are
discussed with therapeutic learning processes considerations in mind.
Sexual difficulties (e.g., arousal, desire, or orgasmic
disorders) are prevalent, affecting up to a third of
people (Lewis et al., 2010) and impairing their sex
lives and intimate relationships (Brotto et al., 2016;
Caglar et al., 2020; Nappi et al., 2016; Mitchell et al.,
2013). Virtual reality (VR) provides promising new
treatment options for managing these difficulties, and
could assist exposure-based therapy, mindfulness
strategies, and cognitive restructuring (Dubé et al.,
2022; Lafortune, Renaud & Dion, 2020; Lafortune et.
al, 2023a). VR provides a safe, standardized, and
ecologically valid way to elicit emotional, cognitive,
and behavioural responses comparable to those
elicited in real-life situations (Bell et al., 2020). This
could offer patients a new way to safely experience
typically feared or avoided sexual situations, and for
clinicians, a new tool to recreate, closely monitor, and
provide symptom-adjusted exposure to different
levels of sexual explicitness, to decrease the sexual
stimuli’s tendency to trigger the conditioned aversive
response (e.g., performance concerns, pain
catastrophizing), through habituation and extinction
processes. The fictional aspect, controllability, and
versatility of VR, can also facilitate safer exposure in
an environment free from real-world hazards (e.g.,
sexual assault, pressure, or rejection) compared to in
vivo therapy (Lafortune et al., 2023).
VR has shown promise in treating erectile
disorder, premature ejaculation, and female orgasmic
disorder (Optale et al., 1997, 1998, 2003; Vila et al.,
2023), and ongoing studies are currently examining
clinical effects of VR exposure therapy for vaginismus
and sexual aversion disorders (Brown & Brotto, 2023;
Lafortune et al., 2023). Alongside, accumulating data
suggest VR potential to more effectively explore and
assess sexual preference-based response patterns
(Fromberger et al., 2018; Marschall-vesque et al.,
2018; Renaud et al., 2013; Trottier et al., 2015).
However, there has been very little research
concerning female sexual response and VR
technologies, as well as the mechanisms that could
Côté, S., Brideau-Duquette, M., Lafortune, D., Pfaus, J. and Renaud, P.
Investigating Female Sexual Presence Through Triangulation of Behavioral and Physiological Measures in Virtual Reality: Towards Therapeutic Applications for Sexual Disorders.
DOI: 10.5220/0012754700003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 694-700
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
foster or explain therapeutic changes in VR sex
2.1 Sexual Presence: Enacting
Affordances in Virtual Intimate
The concept of sexual telepresence or sexual presence
(SP) refers to a psychophysiological technologically
induced state of sexual arousal that includes a
subjective erotic perception (Saint-Pierre Côté et al.,
2024; Brideau-Duquette & Renaud, 2023; Milani et
al., 2022). This perception is shaped by the interplay
of individual psychobiological predispositions,
idiosyncratic past experiences, and the sexual
affordances offered by a mediating technology.
Sexual affordance in turn refers to the possibilities
for action that are offered by an environment or
object, which resonate with sexual behaviours and
arousal (Renaud et al., 2013; Renaud et al., 2010).
This concept is grounded in the Gibsonian ecological
approach and the 4E cognition perspective (Gibson,
2014; Newen et al., 2018), suggesting that sexual
behaviours and arousal are influenced by the
affordances perceived in the environment. The
interconnection between sexual presence and sexual
affordance is thus understood in terms of how
environments, objects, or technologies may offer cues
or opportunities that resonate with and potentially
elicit sexual behaviours and responses.
The concept of sexual affordance thus refers to
the qualities or properties of a virtual environment
that suggest possible sexual actions to a person. These
affordances are perceived opportunities for sexual
behaviour that the environment offers, and they are
dependent on the individual's ability to recognize and
enact them.
Enaction is the very process by which an
individual actualizes or carries out these affordances
(Bruineberg & Rietveld, 2014, 2019; Friston, 2022).
When an individual recognizes a sexual affordance in
a virtual environment, she may become sexually
aroused or engaged, leading to a sense of sexual
presence. Sexual presence, again, is the state of being
psychologically and physiologically immersed in a
sexual experience, which is facilitated by the enaction
of sexual affordances.
Integrating this understanding of enaction with
sexual affordance, we can say that the enaction of
simulated affordances contributes to the sense of
sexual presence by allowing individuals to engage
with the virtual environment in a manner that is
meaningful to their sexual behaviours and responses.
This engagement through enaction is what makes the
sexual affordances in virtual environments
compelling and effective for the individual
experiencing them.
The perceptuomotor dynamic coupling between
an individual and the virtual environment's simulated
sexual properties thus leads to the emergence of
specific affordances. The state of sexual arousal
interacts intricately with attentional processes,
allowing for the extraction of critical invariances that
direct sexual behaviour. It is through this enmeshing
of arousal and focused attention that one engages with
the virtual environment, culminating in the
experience of sexual presence. This phenomenon
illustrates not just the recognition of sexual
affordances but their embodiment through enaction,
which in turn reinforces the sense of presence. It is
furthermore a crucial aspect to consider in the
therapeutic learning objectives for treating female
sexual dysfunctions, as it can inform how virtual
environments might be designed to facilitate specific
therapeutic outcomes.
2.2 Neurodynamics of Sexual Presence
At the level of neurodynamics, the understanding of
the enaction of affordances that leads to sexual
presence takes a significant turn by focusing on how
neural circuits synchronize to extract guiding features
from the environment and contexts during attraction,
courtship, and sexual interaction (Saint-Pierre Côté et
al., 2024; Brideau-Duquette et al., 2024; Bruineberg
& Rietveld, 2014, 2019; Pfaus et al., 2023). The
understanding of how neural activation underlies the
recognition and enactment of sexual affordances is
critical. It bridges the gap between the abstract
concept of potential actions within an environment
and the concrete physiological and psychological
experiences of an individual engaging in those
actions. This link is particularly relevant for
addressing sexual dysfunctions, as it provides a
framework for developing therapeutic interventions
that are attuned to the individual's interaction with
their environment, mediated by their neurodynamics.
In this respect, frontal EEG activity, specifically
frontal alpha asymmetry (FAA), is posited as an
indicator of approach or avoidance motivation and
motor inhibition success (e.g., Prause et al., 2014). The
simultaneous considering, in virtual immersion
contexts, of EEG patterns, oculomotor signals, and
measures of physiological sexual arousal highlight
Investigating Female Sexual Presence Through Triangulation of Behavioral and Physiological Measures in Virtual Reality: Towards
Therapeutic Applications for Sexual Disorders
complex interrelations (Saint-Pierre Côté et al., 2024;
Brideau-Duquette et al., 2024; Côté et al., 2021;
Renaud et al., 2019). This interplay is particularly
significant as it is encompassed within the broader
subjective phenomenon of sexual presence, suggesting
that the subjective experience of sexual presence is
intricately linked with, and potentially discernible
through, these psychophysiological signals.
Our primary research goal is to elucidate the
intricate dynamics between female sexual arousal and
the sense of sexual presence within virtual reality
environments. By doing so, we aim to operationally
delineate the functional relationships between
therapeutic learning objectives in addressing female
sexual dysfunctions and the impacts elicited by virtual
reality simulations. This foundational step is critical for
precisely mapping the operant conditioning
contingencies inherent to synthetic environments onto
the perceptuomotor and physiological facets of the
organismic response we seek to alter; in turn, said
facets could guide clinical interventions. Our study
begins by examining the synergy between visual-
behavioural indicators, cerebral neurodynamics, and
sexual arousal. It then integrates these elements to
assess their collective influence on the emergence of a
sense of sexual presence.
The data used for this paper had been collected in a
study in which participants encountered four
immersive conditions wherein a Virtual Character
(VC) engaged in sexually arousing movements. For
the purposes of this paper, our focus is solely on the
initial immersive condition, wherein female
participants found themselves in a bedroom alongside
a VC they had previously customized to embody an
ideal sexual partner.
This study enlisted twelve heterosexual ad
cisgendered women aged between 20 and 30 years,
= 23.7 years, SD = 3.92). Each participant was
compensated with 70 CAD for their involvement. The
research obtained ethical clearance from the
Université du Québec en Outaouais, École de
technologie supérieure, and Université de Montréal.
4.1 Modelling and Animation Software
The Unity game engine (Version 2020.3.36, Unity
Software Inc.) was employed to model and render the
virtual environment (VE). The VC utilized in this
environment was obtained from the Genesis 8
collection (Daz3D, Daz Production Inc.). Animation
for the character was achieved through a motion
capture session featuring a male performer, utilizing
eight Prime13 cameras and Motive: Body software
(Version 2.3.1, NaturalPoint Inc.). The animation
production process was made using MotionBuilder
software (Version 2019, Autodesk Inc.).
4.2 Virtual Reality Apparatus
The experiment took place within our laboratory
located at École de Technologie supérieure. The
computer employed was outfitted with an 8GB Nvidia
GeForce RTX 3080 graphics card and an Intel Core i7-
10700K processor, complemented by 32 GB of RAM.
The visualization device utilized was the HTC Vive
Pro Eye HMD.
4.3 Measurements Instruments
4.3.1 Electroencephalography
EEG measurements were obtained using a 32-active
electrode EEG cap adhering to the 10-20 system
(Acticap, Brain Vision). Real-time amplification of
the EEG signal was executed with the ActiChamp
amplifier from Brain Vision and recorded using Brain
Vision's MOVE and Recorder software (Version
1.20.0401, Brain Vision). The online reference point
was established at Cz. EEG sampling rate was set at
500 Hz, and online filtering was implemented,
encompassing a low-pass filter at 1.59 Hz, a high-
pass filter at 70 Hz, and a notch filter at 60 Hz.
Preprocessing of the EEG data was performed using
Analyzer software (Version 2.1, Brain Vision).
Channels deemed noisy upon visual inspection were
excluded from the analysis. Spontaneous and isolated
artifacts unrelated to eye movement were manually
eliminated. Subsequently, all channels were re-
referenced to the mean of the mastoids. Ocular
Independent Component Analysis (ICA) further
contributed to artifact removal, employing the
meaned slope algorithm, the given condition’s
dataset, and the Infomax and sum of squared
correlations methods available in Analyzer.
Components specifically related to horizontal or
vertical ocular artifacts were removed. Frontal alpha
asymmetry (FAA) scores were calculated for F4-F3
and F8-F7 pairs. Prior to computing the asymmetry, a
natural logarithm transformation was applied to
ERSeGEL 2024 - Workshop on Extended Reality and Serious Games for Education and Learning
standardize the data distribution, as per Equation 1
(e.g., (Smith et al., 2017)
𝐿𝑁(𝐸𝐸𝐺𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑡 ) − 𝐿𝑁(𝐸𝐸𝐺𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡 ) (1)
4.3.2 Vaginal Plethysmography
The vaginal plethysmograph (VPG) is constructed
from transparent acrylic plastic and is designed in the
shape of a menstrual tampon. Integrated into the
device is an infrared light- emitting diode (LED) that
projects light toward the vaginal wall. A portion of
this light is reflected to a phototransistor situated
within the probe, while the remaining light is
expected to disperse through the vaginal tissue;
researchers typically hypothesize that an elevated
amount of returned light to the phototransistor
corresponds to an increase in blood volume in the
vaginal blood vessels (see Prause & Janssen, 2005).
This alteration is quantified as a change in millivolts
(mV) from a baseline value. In this manuscript, we
examine the alternating current, signal, also known as
vaginal pulse amplitude. This signal is believed to
reflect variations in pressure within the blood vessels
of the vascular walls of the vagina. We filtered the
signal with a low- pass filter to remove high
frequency noise. We then computed the mean (M),
standard deviation (SD) and variation coefficient
(VC) of the signal. We also computed the area under
the curve (AUC) of the signal.
4.3.3 Oculometry
Eye movement data were captured using the HTC
Corporation's SRanipal software development kit via
the headset, with a sampling rate of 90 Hz. The eye-
tracking precision of the HTC Vive Pro Eye system
ranges between 0.5 and 1.1 degrees. The Gaze Radial
Angular Deviation (GRAD) is determined by
assessing the angle between two vectors: one
connecting the eye's center to a virtual measurement
point (VMP), and the other representing the
normalized eye direction acquired directly through
SRanipal. In our context, the VMP was located on the
VC. Evaluation of the direction and consistency of
visual search behaviour involves computing the mean
(GRAD Mean) and its standard deviation (GRAD
SD), respectively. The GRAD variation coefficient
(GARD CV) in turn is a standardized measure of
dispersion of a probability distribution or frequency
distribution (SD/AVG). The GRAD’s related
variables were computed offline using a custom
program developed in MATLAB (version R2021B,
The MathWorks Inc., Natick, USA).
4.3.4 Questionnaires
To gain insights into participants' subjective sexual
experiences during virtual exposure, the Sexual
Presence Questionnaire was used (Renaud et al.,
2019), with items adapted for the immersive context
when applicable. It consisted of three questions
gauging realism and seven questions assessing
involvement. The overall subjective presence score
was then determined by summing the scores of these
two subscales.
4.4 Data Analysis
We analysed data focusing on a particular segment of
the animation, specifically when the VC engages in
sexually explicit movements. This sequence unfolds
25 seconds after the VC first appears in the Virtual
Environment (VE) and spans a duration of 30
seconds. We conducted two regression analysis to
predict VPG AUC and Self-Reported Sexual
Presence (SP). This involved leveraging the collected
data from quantitative electroencephalography
(qEEG), vaginal plethysmography (VPG) and
To explore potential relationships between the
triangulated variables, bivariate correlations were
computed and are presented in Table 1.
Noteworthy correlations emerged, including a
significant association between Self-reported Sexual
Presence and the AUC of the VPG signal (r = 0.66, p
= 0.021). Additionally, significant correlations were
identified between AUC of the VPG signal and two
other variables of interest: the relative asymmetry in
F8 and F7 in the Alpha band (r = -0.68, p = 0.03) and
the variation coefficient of the Gaze Radial Angular
Deviation (GRAD CV) (r = -0.62, p = 0.03).
In the linear model proposed to predict the AUC
of the VPG signal (Table 2), the relative asymmetry
in F8 and F7 in the Alpha band (β = -0.55, p = 0.019)
and the variation coefficient of the Gaze Radial
Angular Deviation = -0.54, p = 0.02) collectively
contribute to explaining 60% of the observed
variance. The residuals of the regression display
linearity are conformed to a normal distribution
(Shapiro-Wilk: p = 0.15) and demonstrate
Investigating Female Sexual Presence Through Triangulation of Behavioral and Physiological Measures in Virtual Reality: Towards
Therapeutic Applications for Sexual Disorders
Table 1: Bivariate correlations between AUC of the VPG signal, qEEG relative asymmetry in frontal regions and GRAD
0.66 *
EEG (F4-F3)
EEG (F8-F7)
-0.68 *
-0.62 *
-0.83 **
EEG (F4-F3)
EEG (F8-F7)
Note: *p < 0.05, **p <0. 01, ***p < 0.001.
Table 2: Linear model of predictors of the AUC the VPG
measure (n = 12). 95% confidence intervals reported in
< 0.001
[348.46, 383.01]
qEEG (F8-F7)
[-50.17, -5.71]
[-82.05, -8.70]
Note: R = 0.82, R2 = 0.68, Adjusted R2 = 0.60, F = 9.36, p = 0.006
In the linear model for predicting Self-Reported
Sexual Presence (Table 3), the AUC of the VPG signal
= 0.98, p < 0.001), the mean Gaze Radial Angular
Deviation (β = -0.55, p = 0.013), and the relative
asymmetry in F4 and F3 in the Alpha band (β = - 0.38,
p = 0.049) collectively contribute to explaining 73% of
the observed variance in sexual presence. The
residuals of the regression demonstrate linearity,
conformity to a normal distribution (Shapiro-Wilk: p=
0.20), and exhibit homoscedasticity.
Table 3: Linear model of predictors of Sexual presence (n
= 12). 95% confidence intervals reported in brackets.
< 0.001
[-1086.34, -406.10]
< 0.001
[1.37, 3.36]
- 0.55
[-4.87, -0.77]
qEEG (F4-F3)
- 0.38
[-56.65, -0.11]
Note: R = 0.90, R2 = 0.80, Adjusted R2 = 0.73, F = 10.78, p = 0.003
This study examined the relationships between
genital, ocular, electroencephalographic and sexual
presence scores, all in the context of a VR immersion
with a personalized VC.
The first regression model revealed robust
correlations between gaze behaviour and FAA with the
AUC of the VPG signal. This indicates that a
substantial understanding of female physiological
sexual arousal can be achieved by accessing data on
brain and gaze dynamics during interactions with
sexual virtual content. More specifically, female sexual
preparedness is associated with less gaze dispersion
around the visual object of interest and more
pronounced asymmetrical frontal brain activation.
The second regression model showed even
stronger correlations between psychophysiological
predictors (i.e., VPG, GRAD and FAA) and self-
reported sexual presence, providing insights into how
these variables can predict SP level or the impression
of realism and sexual engagement felt during our VR
Examining the coefficients of these factors, we
observe that each of them significantly and
independently contributes to sexual presence scores.
Peripheral genital arousal appears to be strongly
linked with increased sexual presence levels.
Increased radial angular deviation of gaze is
negatively correlated with sexual presence,
impression of realism and sexual engagement,
suggesting that a more focalized attention on critical
cues of the sexual stimulus plays a role in inducing
sexual presence. Finally, frontal alpha asymmetry,
which is posited as an indicator of approach or
avoidance motivation, has a negative coefficient.
That decreased of frontal alpha EEG activity on the
right side relative to the left is associated with
heightened levels of sexual presence seems to go
counter to the “approach/avoid” interpretation of
FAA (i.e., more sexual presence is associated with
“avoidance” FAA). However, the present results fit
with earlier accounts of FAA in sexual contexts
(Prause et al., 2014; Renaud et al., 2019).
Overall, it appears that sexual presence is strongly
associated with a psychophysiological pattern, which
ERSeGEL 2024 - Workshop on Extended Reality and Serious Games for Education and Learning
is concordant with the latter partly shaping sexual
presence. What is achieved here with simple statistical
regressions could very well be tapped into with more
predictive and control power by using machine
learning methods (Côté et al., 2021; Galaup et al.,
Limitations of this study include the small sample
size of participants, which diminishes the statistical
strength of the presented analyses, the correlational
statistical approach which prevents causal inferences
about SP, and the relative lack of diversity (i.e.,
heterosexual and cisgender) within the sample.
A key insight to retain here in terms of learning
pertains to the importance of focused attention in the
enacting of affordances. The observed negative
correlation between gaze dispersion and sexual
presence underscores the potential of attention
training in sex therapy protocols. Techniques that
enhance the ability to focus on sexual stimuli could
aid in improving sexual response and functioning.
Training modalities could include mindfulness-based
practices or attention control exercises designed to
reduce cognitive distractions and increase mental
presence during sexual activity.
The significance of visual-behavioural indicators
also points towards the utility of cognitive-
behavioural techniques. Such interventions can help
in restructuring cognitive patterns, managing
maladaptive attentional strategies or biases, and
reduce (experiential) avoidance behaviours that may
hinder sexual arousal. By focusing on the cognitive
and behavioural components of sexual response,
therapists can work with patients to develop healthier
sexual attention and engagement patterns.
Neurofeedback emerges as another promising
avenue for treatment, given the relationship between
frontal alpha asymmetry and sexual presence. This
method could enable individuals to gain control over
their brain activity, potentially leading to improved
sexual arousal patterns. By providing real-time
feedback on brain wave patterns, VR-mediated
neurofeedback could help patients learn to modulate
their physiological responses in ways that may
enhance sexual engagement and satisfaction.
The integrative nature of sexual arousal, as
revealed by the study, implies that a combination of
physiological and psychological strategies may yield
the best treatment outcomes. Incorporating VR
technology into therapy could simulate intimate
situations, allowing patients to navigate and manage
their responses to sexual stimuli within a controlled,
therapeutic setting. This could be particularly useful
for exposure therapy and the practice of skills learned
through other treatment modalities.
Lastly, the potential for data-driven treatment
approaches based on machine learning applications,
could be a game changer to the field (Côté et al.,
2021; Galaup et al., 2024). These methods offer the
prospect of developing predictive models that tailor
interventions to the unique psychophysiological
profile of everyone, optimizing treatment outcomes
and leading to more nuanced and effective therapies.
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ERSeGEL 2024 - Workshop on Extended Reality and Serious Games for Education and Learning