A Layering Approach with Role-based Workflow Modelling for
the Enterprise Workflow
Yevheniia Yehorova
and Marina Waldén
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Information Technology, Åbo Akademi University, Tuomiokirkontori, Turku, Finland
Keywords: Business Process Modelling, Role-based Workflow, Formal Modelling, Stepwise Refinement, Layering,
Modelling, Simulation.
Abstract: Fast and high-quality workflow management is one of the most important tasks in all domains. Workflow
modelling has become a common technique that facilitates and supports the business process or rather its
automation. Modelling a workflow always depends on the roles that perform tasks. A formal approach is
essential for high-quality system modelling. Besides, visualisation tools are required to represent models and
work with them. In this paper, we propose an approach for modelling processes for efficient workflow
enterprise management. To make this modelling more fluent and flexible, it should be parallelised based on
roles. The core of our approach is the Role-based Workflow method. The Role-based modelling is
accomplished using a layered development method based on stepwise refinement. Our approach combines
straightforward stepwise modelling with the possibility of a quick assessment of the situation at any stage of
the workflow by using the UPPAAL tool for modelling and verification. In this paper, we visualise our
approach with a healthcare case study.
Assurance of high-quality processes and productivity
in any business or enterprise requires highly efficient
workflow organisation and management. In this
paper, we are looking at workflow design that is
driven by a need to provide more efficient business
processes and reduce the risk of human errors
(Omarov, 2021).
Business process management is the discipline of
managing processes as the means for improving
business performance outcomes and operational
agility. The business process indicates how humans,
machines, and systems operationally achieve a goal
(Margaria, 2013) by solving “interacting tasks”
(ANSI/EIA632A, 2021). As a rule, one business
process includes several workflows.
According to the standard, “a workflow consists
of a sequence of concatenated steps, where each step
follows the precedent without delay or gap and ends
just before the subsequent step may begin”
(ISO12052, 2017).
Thus, a workflow is an entire mechanism that
gives a virtual representation of the actual work. At
the core of any workflow are specialists who perform
each role and solve each task in their daily activities.
Role-based workflow modelling allows fast
visualisation and testing of solutions. Additionally,
the workflow process based on roles is agile and
adaptable to changes.
Optimization-based design in the early stages of
architectural design is regarded as an efficient and
performance-driven approach (Wang, 2022). The
role-based modeling of workflows has been proposed
within access control in management systems
(Djatcha, 2022). However, an alternative perspective
can be explored by shifting the attention from the
rights associated with each role to its characteristics,
parameters, and tasks.
Because of the workflow complexity, it is
appropriate to model it using stepwise refinement that
transforms an abstract specification into a
deterministic system. New features suggested by the
requirements are stepwise added to the specification
Yehorova, Y. and Waldén, M.
A Layering Approach with Role-based Workflow Modelling for the Enterprise Workflow.
DOI: 10.5220/0012754900003758
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2024), pages 266-273
ISBN: 978-989-758-708-5; ISSN: 2184-2841
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
to avoid handling all the concrete implementation
issues at once. (Snook & Waldén, 2006).
This paper proposes a layered approach for the
Role-based Workflow modelling method (Liang &
Bai, 2006) (Chengjun, 2009) that allows a stepwise
refinement of the workflow structure. The objective
is to design the structure by using the refinement
process to make the characteristics, tasks, and
resources of each role at different Business Process
Management levels more detailed. To facilitate the
development and validation of our model, we rely on
the UPPAAL tool (Behrmann, 2006) which is a
modelling and verification tool for analysing
concurrent processes and their interactions.
We show the advantages of our method with a
healthcare case study where medical staff, patients,
and systems form the roles. Using our layered
approach strengthened by the UPPAAL tool support
we can demonstrate how to improve task execution,
as well as allocate resources in a hospital, and hence,
how to provide better coverage of patient service.
All UPPAAL models discussed in the paper are made
available (Yehorova, 2024).
Business Process Modelling (BPM) is used to
accurately represent and optimize organizational
processes. Process modelling helps to build
communication between stakeholders both inside and
outside the organization (Alomari, 2018).
BPM allows us to depict the architecture of the
organization and the processes in it. Moreover,
process models can be developed from different
views. Enterprise architecture is an area concerning
the organizations, compositions, connections, and
relationships of individual elements of an enterprise.
These elements can be very different: people,
processes, systems, task data, etc. (ISO/IEC/IEEE
42010, 2022)(ISO 15704, 2019).
Researchers argue that existing modelling
notation is not capable of covering all points of view,
nor all subject areas (Alomari, 2018). There are three
levels of abstraction: strategic, tactical, and
operational. Multiple levels of abstraction are based
on Anthony's model (Joseph Kim-Keung, 2015). This
model is the basis for classifying processes.
The operational level is the level where many
varying roles each with a separate workflow perform
specific tasks. System have not been used as a role in
the modelling in the same way as humans.
Roles at the operational level will be internal and
external. Internal roles are those who perform tasks in
the workflow. External roles are those that will
influence the transitions between roles, as well as the
choice of the model itself. Graphical visualisation at
this level depends on the tasks, roles, and needs of
each role.
The Workflow Management Coalition includes the
concept of roles, represented as a competency or a set
of responsibilities. It is a logical abstraction that
depends on the abilities of the participants. It is based
on the actions of the roles, not the roles themselves.
A role is a set of resources with certain technical
capabilities (Liang & Bai, 2006). It does not support
dynamic changes in those elements. Using BPM
strategies and levels, the roles and their tasks should
first be defined before they are used in role-based
workflow modelling. In our paper, the roles are
defined according to their missions.
Researchers have analysed that a role-based
workflow system can better cope with a changing
workflow than an activity-based system (Chengjun,
2009). The role-based workflow modelling approach
that is presented in our article relies on roles as the
trigger and leader for modelling.
The role-based workflow can be considered as a
technique or methodology in the field of BPM. Role-
based workflows are designed to organize, optimize,
and automate processes and tasks. The role-based
workflow defines the responsibility of roles and the
sequence of activities for each role within specific
business processes. This allows the work of various
departments to be planned. Role-based workflows
typically involve using technology to automate
repetitive tasks and visualise the status and progress
of tasks and processes.
A role-based workflow can best be modelled as a
parallel system. These systems are often complex
consisting of different entities and require a stepwise
approach to development.
4.1 Refinement
Refinement refers to the process of improving an
existing product, project, or system. Stepwise
A Layering Approach with Role-based Workflow Modelling for the Enterprise Workflow
refinement (Back & Sere, 1990) is one of the main
methods for developing high-quality systems that
need to be correct by construction. The behaviour of
parallel systems in this approach is described with
events in the form of guarded commands. An event
can be chosen for execution if its guard evaluates to
true. The parallel execution of two events means that
they can be executed in either order and still perform
the same result.
In stepwise refinement, an abstract specification
of a system is transformed by correctness-preserving
steps into an executable program that has the same
behaviour as the original specification. In each
refinement step, we can add new variables and new
events to introduce new features to the system, while
the old behaviour should not be modified, s.c.,
superposition refinement (Katz, 1993). New invariant
properties that this new feature should satisfy are also
given. To be able to prove that a system is a correct
superposition refinement of another more abstract
system the following proof obligations have to be
satisfied (Back & Sere, 1990)(Snook & Waldén,
1. New variables can be introduced that
satisfy the new invariant.
2. Assignments to the new variables that
preserve the new invariant can be introduced
preserving the old behaviour. Moreover, the guards of
the refined events can be strengthened.
3. Each new event in the refined specification
should only concern the new variables and should
preserve the new invariant.
4. The new events in the refined specification
should not take over the execution, but their guards
should eventually become false. Hence, the refined
system should still allow the old behaviour.
5. Whenever an event in the abstract
specification is enabled, then either the refined event
or one of the new events should be enabled.
By discharging these proof obligations for each
refinement step in the system development we have
proven the correctness of the system with respect to
its abstract specification. This means that the refined
system should satisfy its invariant concerning the new
behaviour, preserve the behaviour of the abstract
system, and not introduce deadlocks, nor infinite
loops that could suppress the old behaviour.
4.2 Layered Development
Layered Development is a software development
methodology that involves structuring a system into
distinct layers (or levels), where each layer is a
specific component that performs specific functions
and has a clearly defined set of responsibilities as,
e.g., data management. Since each layer in a parallel
system is responsible for a specific set of features, it
interacts with the other layers to provide a complete
solution. A layer can only interact with certain other
layers, which makes the system as a whole easier to
understand, maintain, and develop in a reliable and
efficient way.
Superposition refinement using layers (Waldén,
1998) is a special form of Layered Development. The
new features are introduced via new variables and
new events that modify these variables following the
refinement rules above. The layers together with the
original, abstract system constitute the final, refined
4.3 Model-Checking Tool UPPAAL
In order for our approach to be more feasible we need
tool support. We decided to use the UPPAAL tool
(UPPAAL, 2001) to model the actions and the
relationships of the roles in the system.
UPPAAL is a model-checking tool with a
graphical simulator that can be used for the
modelling, verification, and validation of real-time
systems (UPPAAL, 2001). A system developed
within this tool consists of one or several processes,
composed in parallel, and is modeled as networks of
timed automata. In this paper, channels are used for
binary synchronisation. With UPPAAL the system
can be modeled with a number of refinement steps
and the correctness of the system can be proved.
Moreover, both reachability and safety properties can
be verified, allowing to specify system properties
using a formal language. The UPPAAL simulator is
used for imitation of the general workflow
(Behrmann, 2006).
We propose a layered, role-based workflow approach
for design at the BPM levels. Our approach is carried
out step by step applying refinement from an abstract
model to a detailed one.
During the first stage, the BPM level for which the
simulation takes place is determined. In this paper, we
focus on the operational level where there are both
internal and external roles.
At the second stage, the internal and external roles
are determined. The role could be a person or a
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
system. Let us assume that we will have an external
role OutR, and internal roles InR1 and InR2, where
InR1 is the role person, and InR2 is the role system.
For each role, we define their types and properties.
The main idea of our approach is to stepwise add
more details to a model by specifying and adding
more variables, events, and states to it. We use roles
(see Section 3) as the basis of a hierarchical model,
where the characteristics of the roles are modelled by
variables and their tasks are described by transitions
and states. There are internal roles that perform the
workflow and external roles that affect the workflow.
These roles will then be refined into new roles with
new characteristics and tasks in the form of new
variables, transitions, and states. Relationships
between roles are modelled as synchronization of
The roles are then developed in a layered manner
in the third stage. How the layer is added to a role,
depends on the role's type, attributes, and main
characteristics. Our example contains three role
types: "external person", "internal person", and
"internal system". To simplify the terminology, the
external role can be named customer, client, or user,
and the internal role can be named staff if it is a
person, and tool if it is a system. Systems are most
often used to automate processes or support decision-
making depending on what the staff needs. Thus, the
system could be linked to or used instead of the staff.
Figure 1: The refinement process of an external role.
External roles are refined by adding parameters
called properties. New roles are created by adding
new properties to them in the new layer. The new
properties are added to the roles in addition to the
previous ones. External roles could be related to each
role of the staff. Consequently, when adding layers to
an external role, it will have new roles with the same
base property and different new properties. Figure 1
shows the refinement process of an external role,
x is the number of layers,
is the number of refined roles on Layer x,
pr(x) is the new property on Layer x, and
is the value of pr(x) of roles OutRx.1.i and
In the abstract specification, we have one role
OutR. On Layer (x-1) a new property pr(x-1) of type
Boolean has been introduced, and as a result, on
Layer (x-1), we have refined OutR to two new person
roles: OutR(x-1).1 with property (pr(x-1) = true) and
OutR(x-1).2 with property (pr(x-1) = false). In the
next layer, Layer x, property pr(x) with type Val
Int has been introduced. On Layer x, we have refined
both the roles on Layer x-1 to
new roles,
respectively, depending on the size of Val.
For example, let us assume that our external role
in the abstract specification is Client and that we want
to refine it considering the property age_group. Then
the first layer consists of the refined roles
Client_child, Client_adult, and Client_elderly. The
layer has three new roles because the property
age_group has three values.
Figure 2: The refinement process of an internal role.
Internal roles are refined by tasks. New roles are
created by adding new tasks or refining tasks of the
previous role. Internal roles could be related to any
external and internal roles. Figure 2 shows the
refinement process of an internal role, where
x is the number of layers,
m is the number of refined roles on Layer (x-1),
is the number of refined roles on Layer x,
a, b are the task numbers on Layer (x-1),
a.v,a.y,b.z,b.w are the task numbers on Layer x,
i is the number of tasks of task a.v,
j is the number of tasks of task a.y,
k is the number of tasks of task b.z, and
p is the number of tasks of task b.w.
In the abstract specification, we have one role InR
that has been refined to m different roles with separate
tasks on Layer (x-1). As a result, we have m new roles
with the new tasks a, b, etc. on Layer (x-1). These
roles model different persons who work in parallel
and whose tasks can be performed in parallel. Each
role InR(x-1).i of Layer (x-1) has been refined into 𝑛
new roles on Layer x, where every role can have a list
of new tasks. For example, role InR(x-1).1 is refined
by roles InR(x).1.1, ..., InR(x).1.
on Layer x with a
list of i new tasks a.v
A Layering Approach with Role-based Workflow Modelling for the Enterprise Workflow
For example, let us assume that the internal role is
staff layered according to its tasks. If the abstract
specification has the role hotel_staff then it can be
refined to the roles receptionist, other_staff etc., on
the first layer. The layer contains these new roles
because they have separate special tasks.
The fourth stage includes the unification and
coordination of all stratified roles into a single
system. Each role requires careful coordination with
the others, resulting in a unified architectural
structure. Within this architecture, workflows for
each role remain separate, but they all need to be
consistent with each other. Hence, during the merging
process, the separate layers in the workflow of one
role may be changed to better align with the other
roles. Layers can be combined or excluded if
redundancy is detected.
This process of merging and coordinating roles
within the business process results in updated layers.
This not only helps to streamline the workflow but
also creates the conditions for a culture of adaptation
and clear division of roles while ensuring consistency
across all layers to achieve high performance and
organisational excellence.
A healthcare system is a good example for role-based
workflow modelling, since methods, techniques, and
tools from the field of logistics and industry are
suitable for managing operations, inventory, and
resources in healthcare. The quality of medical care
is one of the main objectives of healthcare.
Unfortunately, the quality of patient care depends on
a number of factors that are not all directly related to
medicine. For example, the geographical features of
the country or the region, staffing, and workload of
medical personnel. Here the question arises, what to
do if there is a critical shortage of personnel? Since
the workload and fatigue of medical staff affect the
quality of care, the need for effective resource
management, primarily time and people, emerges.
In the hospital context, a layered architecture can
be used to design a role-based workflow focused on
the basic role. This workflow can be integrated with
existing clinical workflows and systems. In this
section, we will deploy our layered development
method on the healthcare case study.
6.1 Overview of Development Using
Our Approach
As the first stage of our layered development
approach, we select the level to be the operational
BPM level. It allows us to use external and internal
roles in our case study.
At the second stage, the internal and external roles
are determined. The external role is Patient as a user
or customer of medical service. The internal roles are
Hospital staff as the role person and System as the role
In the third stage, roles are further developed in a
layered manner using refinement. Let us start with the
role Patient. The abstract specification consists of one
external role Patient. The degree of urgency of
patient care needs to be determined as the first
property of the role Patient. Therefore, in Layer 1 the
property degree of urgency (Emerg) of type Boolean
is defined. As a result, we have two new roles Patient
with emergency (Emerg=1) and Patient without
emergency (Emerg=0) in Layer 1. In Layer 2 we add
the degree of hidden urgency, i.e. hidden emergency
(HidEmerg) as an additional property of Boolean
type. Using the decision table technique (Copeland,
2004) we select only relevant cases (see Table 1). In
the case of a patient with an emergency (Emerg=1),
the hidden emergency value is not relevant
(HidEmerg=~), while for a patient without an
emergency (Emerg=0), both values of hidden
emergency are important. Hence, in Layer 2, we have
three new roles (see Figure 3):
Patient with an emergency
(Emerg=1 & HidEmerg=~),
Patient with a hidden emergency
(Emerg=0 & HidEmerg=1),
Patient without any emergency
(Emerg=0 & HidEmerg=0).
Table 1: (A) Decision Table of all possible conditions of
role Patient. (B) Intermediate table. (C) A collapsed
Decision Table conditions of role Patient.
In Layer 3 we introduce the third Boolean property
which is needed for hospitalization (Hosp). We
proceed from the relevant cases of Layer 2 that can be
found in Table 1(C). For a patient with an emergency,
hospital care is always required. Hence, the cases
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
without hospital care (Hosp=0) are ignored (see
Table 1(B)). On the other hand, for a patient with a
hidden emergency, hospital care is optional, while a
patient without any emergency is considered not to
need hospital care. Due to this, we have four new
roles in Layer 3 (see Figure 3):
Patient with an emergency needing care
(Emerg=1 & HidEmerg=~ & Hosp=1)
Patient with a hidden emergency needing care
Emerg=0 & HidEmerg=1 & Hosp=1
Patient with a hidden emergency not needing
care (
Emerg=0 & HidEmerg=1 & Hosp=0
Patient without any emergency
Emerg=0 & HidEmerg=0 & Hosp=0
Figure 3: The refinement of the external role Patient.
The next step is the refinement of the internal
roles Hospital Staff and System. In the abstract
specification, we have one general role Hospital
Staff. New internal roles are created by tasks.
Considering the large number of possible categories
of hospital staff and their tasks we are facing a
challenge in selecting tasks for layering. Since
internal roles are usually related to external roles,
layers for internal roles could be added separately for
a single role or in accordance with the needs of
external roles. Three main tasks for Hospital Staff
were defined based on the roles of Patient: (1)
registration and administration support, (2)
preliminary examination, and (3) comprehensive
physical examination. Therefore, we have three new
roles: Registrator, Medical Staff, and Medical
In the same way as above, the internal role System
is refined by tasks. These tasks could be defined
according to their roles among the hospital staff,
Registrator, Medical Staff, and Medical Practitioner.
In the implementation (Yehorova, 2024) we only
consider Registrator-focused system.
Figure 4: New layers after merging and coordinating roles.
The fourth stage of our approach includes the
unification and coordination of all roles into one role-
based workflow. The roles Hospital Staff and System
have one layer, while role Patient has three layers.
During the merging process, the separate layers in the
workflow of one role may be changed to better align
with the other roles (see Section 4). In our case study,
three layers of role Patient are combined into one to
match one single layer of Hospital Staff and System.
The result of this process of merging and
coordinating roles is the workflow with updated
layers (see Figure 4).
6.2 Development and Simulation in
This paper focuses on the parallel workflow process
for different roles, the third and fourth stages of our
method. The UPPAAL tool has been used for the
simulation of the general workflow. In the abstract
model, only one patient can be in the process at one
time to highlight potential problems and inaccuracies
in the process itself, as well as to provide an
opportunity to optimize steps and take into account
the characteristics and needs of the patient. Here we
only present the abstract specification and one
refinement step, Layer 1.
Due to the lack of space all UPPAAL models
discussed in the paper could be found via the link to
our model (Yehorova, 2024).
6.2.1 Abstract Specification
Following the scheme in Figure 4 the abstract
specification is defined as three roles: Patient,
Hospital Staff, and System. Each role is represented
by a separate template. The Patient template for the
abstract specification contains three locations:
entrance, hospital_staff, and exit. The initial location
is entrance, corresponding to a patient arriving at the
hospital. Hospital_Staff also contains three locations:
new_patient, hospital_staff, and exit_patient. Here
the initial location is new_patient for the patient's
arrival. System contains two locations: systemON and
systemOFF, where the latter is the initial location.
When a Patient arrives at the hospital the process
starts with a notification patient_arrived! sent from
Patient to Hospital_staff. After arriving, the patient is
processed by the hospital staff in location
hospital_staff. Since the patient has arrived
(arrival_notification==true), but their data have not
yet been checked (check_data==false) the only
allowed transition is through the channel
patient_in_process, where Hospital_staff sends the
A Layering Approach with Role-based Workflow Modelling for the Enterprise Workflow
request to Patient. This indicates that the patient has
not yet been checked during this visit. Hospital_staff
checks the patient (check_patient=true) and updates
the patient data (check_data=true).
Next, the hospital staff inputs the patient’s data
and parameters into the system. Only after the
patient’s data and patient are checked by the hospital
staff using the system, the patient is moved (channel
patient_process_finished) to location exit.
6.2.2 The First Layer
To cover all critical paths of the workflow model each
defined role of the patient should be taken into
account as defined in Table I (С). The path depends
on the selected patient's health condition. When the
workflow model is refined new roles are introduced
and added as locations. Hence, the location
hospital_staff is refined by three new locations:
registrator, med_practitioners, and other_med_staff.
When a patient arrives at the hospital he/she is at
the entrance location as in the abstract specification.
The process starts by deciding the patient's condition
(emergency or no-emergency). In Table I(C) the first
case is emergency, where the patient needs
hospitalisation by default. In this case, a request is
sent to the hospital staff. An emergency patient skips
registration and directly arrives at location
other_med_staff. When the emergency patient has
arrived (emergency==true) and been processed by
other_med_staff (param==true) he/she directly
moves on to the physicians (location med_
practitioners). Finally, the physicians admit the
patient (channel hospitalisation_of_patient) to
hospital care by specialists (location
The second case (in Table I(C)) concerns a patient
with a hidden emergency who needs hospital care.
The process starts with the patient notifying the
hospital staff. After arriving, the patient is processed
by the registrar (in location Registrator), since the
patient arrived without an emergency
(emergency==false). The registrar checks the patient
data (data==true) and inputs the data into the system
(System) authorised for registrars only. When the
patient's data has been checked by the registrar and
the system (data==true and sys_data_check==true),
the patient moves to another person on the medical
staff (location other_med_staff). This person checks
the patient's parameters (param=true) which could
indicate possible earlier hidden emergencies. The
presence or absence of a hidden emergency can be
selected once after the parameters have been checked
(param==true and check_hidden_em==false). If it is
decided after the check-up that the patient has a
hidden emergency (hidden_emergency==true and
check_hidden_em==true) the patient is directed to
physicians (location med_practitioners) that carry out
additional examinations (examination=true) (channel
examination_of_patient) and decide in this case that
the patient needs hospital care (hospitalisation=true),
and allow parameters to be checked again
(param=false). The patient ends up in the care of a
specialist (location other_med_staff).
In the other cases (in Table 1(C)) it is selected that
no hospital care is needed (channel no_need_
hospitalisation). Medical practitioners end the patient
process (channel finish_patient_process) and the
patient exits the hospital (location exit in template
6.3 Verification and Validation
The case study shows an example of our approach on
layered development, where we covered different
workflows in the hospital depending on the patient's
condition. The abstract specification presents the
overall picture of the interaction between hospital
staff, patients, and systems. The first layer, Layer 1,
covers four different scenarios for processing
patients, depending on whether they are medically
urgent and possibly require hospitalisation or not.
The layered development can be proved to be a
correct superposition refinement with respect to the
abstract specification. This is the case since Layer 1
introduces new external roles for Patient with new
characteristics modelled by new variables. These
variables and transitions have been added in a
controlled manner so that the proof obligations (1)-
(5) are satisfied (see Section 4).
Only the new variables are initialised (1) and
assigned new values in the transitions (2)-(3) in this
layer. The old behaviour remains the same. The
guards of the transitions have been strengthened by
more precise conditions. The new transitions disable
their own guards (4), and hence, they do not start
looping. Moreover, the guards of the transitions are
constructed so that some transition is always enabled
until the exit locations have been reached (5) to
guarantee the progress of the model.
The UPPAAL tool has been used to model and
analyse the workflows. This allows not only to create
formal models and check the correctness of the
workflows but also to simulate them. For the case
study, all scenarios in Table I(С) have been explored
to validate the model.
Modelling using our layered development method
can identify problems and improve workflows. This
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
is the basis for continuous improvement of
workflows, innovation, and response to changes in
patient needs and healthcare requirements. Our
approach could be used as a tool to coordinate the
activities of the hospital staff and optimise the use of
hospital resources.
The key to clear resource allocation strategies is using
well-coordinated workflow models. The model may
include all possible results alternatives. In this paper,
we propose a new workflow modelling method based
on a role-based approach and layered development.
We use UPPAAL as our tool support, which allows a
concise description and provides means for the
analysis of complex systems.
This approach can be applied at any of the BPM
levels. The proposed modelling approach consists of
four stages for developing models. The first two
stages are aimed at defining the subject area, levels of
responsibility, and managers’ goals, the third stage
constitutes the layered development, and the fourth
concerns dividing and developing the roles.
The case study shows that the proposed approach
allows a structured development of a model stepwise
adding details for each role in the workflow. With
UPPAAL as our tool support, we can validate our
workflow model and achieve increased reliability of
the modelling. In conclusion, our proposed
development method could provide a powerful tool
for analysing and optimising work processes in
various industries, which can lead to improved
productivity and competitiveness of enterprises.
In the future, we want to elaborate more on how
decision support systems could be considered as a
role. Moreover, the positive results in this paper open
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scholarship OPH-5532-2022, as well as from the
Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters.
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A Layering Approach with Role-based Workflow Modelling for the Enterprise Workflow