Virtual Museum Gamification for Discovery-Based Online Learning
in the Metaverse
Stylianos Mystakidis
, Penelope Theologi-Gouti
, Athanasios Christopoulos
2,3 b
and Chrysostomos Stylios
2,3 c
Science and Technology Museum, University of Patras, Rion GR-26504, Greece
University of Ioannina, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, GR-45110 Ioannina, Greece
Athena Research Center, Industrial Systems Institute, Rion GR-26504, Greece
Keywords: Metaverse, Virtual Reality, Social Virtual Reality, Webxr, Gamification, Playful Learning, Informal
Learning, Online Learning, Museum Education, History Education, Science Museum.
Abstract: During the pandemic, museums were forced to deploy innovative methods and platforms to serve their
audiences, especially schools. Immersive technologies, such as social virtual reality environments in the
Metaverse, can enable the creation of online virtual museum exhibitions. Indifferent or tiresome educational
procedures can be transformed into appealing, enjoyable experiences with gamification. In this pilot
exploratory study, the perceptions of elementary education teachers on the gamified online exhibition “Out
of love for Greece” in the Metaverse are investigated. A qualitative research design is employed involving
interviews, observations, and post-test scores. Findings indicate that WebXR technology met the expectations
of participants, especially for asynchronous individual and group self-study. Gamification mechanics
enhanced the motivation of less-interested pupils and increased their interest and engagement with digital
content. This study provides useful insights and suggestions for the design of effective playful learning
experiences in the Metaverse.
Museums and science centres aim to become
education excellence destinations where visitors and,
especially children and school pupils, can observe
scientific phenomena in practice and learn informally
by experience. Beyond visiting the museum spaces
and collections, students can participate in engaging
training programmes, interact with exhibits, become
curious, aware and interested in facets of human
cultural and scientific heritage.
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted all
classroom-based education activities involving
physical mobility (Kostas et al., 2023). While
emergency remote teaching was implemented out of
necessity in all levels of education, museums could
not resort easily to this method, as their exhibits and
programmes are usually of participative nature based
on active learning. Hence, new innovative methods
had to be deployed in science museums to reach and
serve their regular audiences.
In response to these unprecedented disruptions,
the present study introduces and preliminary assesses
an innovative gamification method for informal
online learning within digital museum exhibitions in
the Metaverse. Specifically, it presents the design,
development and evaluation of the temporary
Metaverse exhibition “Out of love for Greece”. The
manuscript concludes by offering insights into the
potential of gamified learning environments to enrich
and transform the educational landscape especially in
view of the Metaverse and its impact in distance
Mystakidis, S., Theologi-Gouti, P., Christopoulos, A. and Stylios, C.
Virtual Museum Gamification for Discovery-Based Online Learning in the Metaverse.
DOI: 10.5220/0012756600003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 711-719
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2.1 Immersive Technologies in
Museum Education
Immersive technologies include Virtual Reality (VR),
Augmented Reality (AR) and the Metaverse. Virtual
Reality allows the creation of synthetic, digital,
computer-generated spaces that can be used for
learning purposes in education. AR overlays digital
information in the physical environment that can be
accessed via mobile and wearable devices
(Koutromanos et al., 2015). Museums have used
immersive technologies mostly to engage learners
and visitors and offer informal learning experiences
(Fokides & Atsikpasi, 2018; Ng et al., 2018).
Museums have employed collaborative virtual
environments or virtual worlds to host virtual events
(Mikropoulos & Natsis, 2011; Vosinakis & Tsakonas,
2016). Moreover, immersive technologies can be
used to increase the accessibility to museum
exhibition; an action of mass communication with a
meaning making purpose (Lester, 2006).
Thanks to VR and the Metaverse, the concept of a
virtual museum, a museum without walls
(Schweibenz, 2019), has been extended to provide
virtual experiences that would be impossible in the
physical world. Digital exhibitions in VR enable
roaming in ancient cities, traveling across space to the
Mars surface and inhabiting art-inspired immersive
spaces (Shehade & Stylianou-Lambert, 2020).
Notable studies in the history and heritage fields
include the Picts & Pixels exhibition (Cassidy et al.,
2018) and an immersive experience around the
Antikythera mechanism, the first analog computer of
the world (Chrysanthakopoulou et al., 2021). VR can
be instrumental in visualizing objects and structures
of historical significance that do no longer exist in the
physical environment (Morsman et al., 2022).
However, as VR efforts in museums were based on
stand-alone immersive VR systems providing single-
user experiences, the lack of social interaction was
identified as the primary limitation and challenge
(Shehade & Stylianou-Lambert, 2020). This gap can
be addressed with virtual museum exhibitions in the
Metaverse, an open and persistent multiuser
environment merging physical reality with digital
virtuality (Mystakidis et al., 2024).
2.2 Gamification
Playful attitudes and approaches towards teaching
and learning informed by game design have been
summarized in literature under the umbrella concept
of gamification (Christopoulos & Mystakidis, 2023).
In education, gamification can be used to transform
an indifferent or tiresome procedure into an
appealing, enjoyable experience. Game mechanics,
dynamics and aesthetics, when applied effectively,
can enhance user motivation and produce satisfying
experiences (Hunicke et al., 2004).
Immersive technologies have been used widely
for the design of serious games in education such as
escape rooms games (Voreopoulou et al., 2024).
Escape room games have been used effectively to
provide skill building opportunities and to facilitate
deeper learning around science topics (Vontzalidis et
al., 2024). Multiuser, social VR environments can be
used for lighter, technically less-complicated
gamification strategies to amplify learner motivation
(Craig et al., 2016). According to the TANC model, a
playful design strategy can be implemented with
activities inside of a narrative story within a common
semiotic domain, a theme (Mystakidis, 2021).
2.2.1 Discovery-Based Online Learning
Exploration is an inherent mode of human learning
experienced in the preschool age. Discovery- or
Inquiry-based learning is based on a constructivist
epistemological foundation; it facilitates the social
construction of knowledge. Inquiry-based learning
places the context of education within a quest;
learners become the protagonists of their learning and
decide their path towards a set goal or deliverable
(Mamun et al., 2020). Exploration is one of the most
popular game design elements. It activates the
players’ agency and grants them the freedom to
choose their own adventures (Christopoulos &
Mystakidis, 2023). Discovery-based methods have
been applied in immersive VR environments and
virtual worlds effectively in science education
(Jacobson et al., 2016; Tsivitanidou et al., 2021).
The Science and Technology Museum of the
University of Patras (STMUP) bridges the interaction
and communication between the academic
community and the local society, especially primary
and secondary schools, by providing research-based
scientific knowledge dissemination related to cultural
tradition. This goal is achieved through various
actions including ‘temporary exhibitions (i.e.,
exhibitions on contemporary topics with a limited
ERSeGEL 2024 - Workshop on Extended Reality and Serious Games for Education and Learning
3.1 Temporary Museum Exhibition on
Greek Revolution
The temporary exhibition “Out of love for Greece”
was planned to be hosted by STMUP in 2021 to
commemorate the 200-year celebration since the
Greek war of independence (or Greek revolution)
against the Ottoman occupation (Figure 1). As the
COVID-19 pandemic prevented school visits, its
digitalization was decided to make its materials
accessible to all interested via the Internet. The virtual
museum exhibition was based on a digital exhibition
initiative by the Institut Français of Greece and
RetroNews on the same topic. Materials were
modified and transformed into forms that were
appropriate and optimized for primary and secondary
school audiences.
Figure 1: The poster of the exhibition “Out of love for
Based on historical evidence in various museums
around Europe, in this exhibition, an attempt was
made to convey the impact, the various views, and the
common feeling caused in Europe by the Greek
revolution. Since 1821, everywhere in France,
England, Germany, the message of the revolution
which was inspired mainly by the ideas of the French
revolution, was spreading and expanding. A
philhellenic trend was mobilizing public opinion to
support the rebellious Greeks. Romantic youth and
veteran soldiers were rushing to fight for the Greek
The digital exhibition was enriched by the digital
deliverables of transdisciplinary 9-month projects
called “thematic networks”, in cooperation with K-12
schools, around a relevant, common, topic
(Mystakidis et al., 2024).
The exhibition included the following units:
Philhellenic committees and the mobilization
in France and in Europe.
Portraits of philhellenic volunteers.
Art joins the battle.
The educational dimension of the philhellenic
3.2 Development of VR Exhibitions in
the Metaverse
The digital museum exhibition was implemented by
STMUP in the Metaverse. It was hosted in the free
Mozilla Hubs social VR platform based on WebXR
technology which allows flexible accessibility
through popular web browsers in computers, mobile
devices or immersive VR headsets (Maclntyre &
Smith, 2018).
Figure 2: Layout of the VR museum exhibition using a
WebXR authoring tool (Scene Editor or Spoke).
The exhibition was hosted in a custom virtual
space that was created using the platform’s authoring
tool. Specifically, Mozilla Hubs provided a free, web-
based authoring tool named Scene Editor or Spoke
which can be used to create 3D environments, add
objects and program custom actions and behaviours.
The created museum space was developed by
modifying the template “Modular Art Gallery” that is
provided in the Scene Editor. It was configured as a
symmetrical H-shaped structure, consisting of four
main gallery rooms that are connected through two
central corridors (Figure 2). Whole parts of the
environments such as entire sections or separate
elements such as walls can be edited or replicated
(Figure 3). Once the environment is ready it can be
published so that it is accessible on the web.
Moreover, in the Scene Editor pre-made 3D
objects can be inserted and 2D multimedia materials
such as images, pdf files, audio and video can be
embedded. However, Hubs also allows the easy
creation and manipulation of these digital resources
directly from the actual virtual world and their precise
placement in desired locations e.g. on the walls.
Virtual Museum Gamification for Discovery-Based Online Learning in the Metaverse
Figure 3: Editing elements of a scene in the WebXR
authoring tool (Scene Editor or Spoke).
3.3 Gamified Instructional Design of
Exhibitions in the Metaverse
Multiuser Metaverse platforms allow the
simultaneous participation of up to 50 users in a 3D
environment. Visitors can select and modify a
persona or avatar to express their name and identity
(Figure 4). This feature is essential to maintain either
a desired proximity to users’ real identity or to ensure
their full anonymity, if it is desirable. Moreover,
avatars can roam the place freely, explore and study
the materials. Materials included multimedia such as
posters, images, presentations, audio and video.
Figure 4: Two personas (avatars) visiting an exhibition of
STM in the Metaverse.
The purpose of the virtual exhibition was fulfilled
with the digitalization of materials and their online
provision, illustrated in Figure 5. However, an
additional gamification layer was employed to
improve user experience and enhance learners’
motivation and engagement. Specifically, a second,
playful visiting mode was offered based on the game
mechanics of curiosity, discovery and competition.
Avatars were spawn at the virtual entrance of the
museum where they encounter a surprise
communication. A non-player character in the shape
of a monk welcomed visitors and invited them to
explore and seek to access a hidden room, a hide-out
Figure 5: Entrance of one gallery room in the VR museum
exhibition with portraits of philhellenic volunteers.
of the revolution’s heroes (Figure 6). There they
could participate in a puzzle game and compete to
join the museum’s leaderboard.
Figure 6: Playful ‘call to action’ and invitation to seek the
hidden room and gameful challenge.
The hidden room was dedicated to general
Kolokotronis, one of the moral and military leaders of
the revolution and the long road to freedom after 400
years of occupation (Figure 7).
Users could access it behind an artificial wall.
They could discover it based on the symmetrical
layout of the overall space. An additional hint was
provided in the form of a spatial audio cue, an
instrumental music in low volume with sudden sound
effects that was echoing from the hidden room.
Figure 7: The hidden room – hideout of Kolokotronis.
Inside the hidden playful room, an optional puzzle
game was offered to players. The game consisted of
questions based on the materials of the exhibition.
The game was conceived as a self-evaluation activity
on the comprehension and critical thinking skills of
ERSeGEL 2024 - Workshop on Extended Reality and Serious Games for Education and Learning
In this exploratory study, we employed a qualitative
research design approach to evaluate participants’
perceptions of the gamified VR exhibition in the
Metaverse. The main goal is to uncover the meaning
of the studied social procedure. Specifically,
qualitative research designs aim at describing,
analyzing and understanding in-depth the acceptance
and repercussions of the current intervention (Flick,
2018). The guiding research question was the
following: What were the perceptions of teachers on
a gamified Metaverse museum exhibition in social
The main data collection method was semi-
structured interviews with primary school teachers.
Secondary data collection instruments were students’
observations, students’ performance in a post-test,
and their comments during a debriefing session.
The teachers’ interviewing protocol included a
series of questions on the intervention where the
exhibition was used during their classes and is
provided in the Appendix. Teachers also observed
their students’ behaviour during the virtual visit to the
exhibition. The post-test included eleven questions
based on the content of the virtual exhibition and
could be found in the hidden room as part of the
gamified mode of the exhibition visit. Questions had
the form of multiple-choice items, e.g. “How did
women become a driving force of the philhellenic
movement in Europe and the U.S.A.?”, “Why did
Eugène Delacroix got involved in the Greek quest for
Participants in this pilot research were three
female teachers from local primary (elementary)
schools in Greece that visited the virtual exhibition
with their sixth-grade students. The educators were
selected based on their expressed interest in the topic
of the exhibition and prior work. Detailed instructions
on how to access the VR exhibition were provided to
educators in advance, as well as the possibility for
private one-to-one tutoring sessions for problem-
solving. Teachers visited the virtual exhibition during
one lesson period (forty-five minutes). Teachers held
a short, guided tour with a group of 16 students for
approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Additionally, the
exhibition’s link was provided to students for
additional exploration if they wished to. After the
visit, teachers held a short reflective debriefing
session to collect students’ impressions and overall
Individual interviews with teachers took place
online one month after the visit. During interviews,
notes were taken and were subsequently analyzed
thematically, through the systematic coding
approach, to identify common recurring themes
within specific categories (Braun & Clarke, 2006).
Data analysis of qualitative data revealed several
themes that can be organized and classified into the
following three categories. Findings are illustrated in
Figure 8.
5.1 Insights into Teacher and Student
All participants, teachers and students, accessed the
WebXR museum environment either via computer,
desktop or laptop, or a tablet. They encountered no
notable technical problems as the platform was robust
with an adequate response time to user movements.
Both teachers and students appreciated the ability
to customize their digital representation in the virtual
world. This was a feature of interest to almost all
students and generated a rich, social, dynamic form
of communication and exchange of practices.
The participating teachers were receptive to
integrating innovative educational materials into their
practice. They were willing to use new forms under
the following conditions; learning materials, digital
platforms or environments should have: (i) a high
degree of usability (ii) low technical complexity and
(iii) high pedagogical usefulness, related and
supplementary to taught topics. All these conditions
were met by the studied VR exhibition according to
the study’s participants. However, they expressed
their wish to have tools in their arsenal that could
mitigate eventual problems generated by the total
freedom of users. For example, they would like to be
able to mute students in case they forgot their
microphones open during the online meeting.
Moreover, teachers would like to be able to assemble
and teleport all users to their location.
Students accepted this type of 3D environment
and declared that they would be positive to
experience them more often. Students’ motivation
was dynamic and more diverse. The initial drive when
accessing the digital exhibition was to see if and how
their own relevant work had been included in the
collection and how. It is worth reminding here that
participating students had completed a group project
on a related historical topic. During the debriefing,
around half of students reported that they visited the
exhibition again with friends and their parents.
Virtual Museum Gamification for Discovery-Based Online Learning in the Metaverse
5.2 Student Preferences About VR
Exhibition Design
According to the participating teachers, their students
offered specific suggestions for the layout of similar
exhibitions. Some students with high, inherent
interest in the exhibition’s topics were satisfied with
the layout of the exhibition and appreciated the
wealth of presented materials.
Students who had a stronger gaming attitude
would prefer less text-heavy materials in favour of
audiovisual and more interactive materials. Several of
them asked to have the right to download or share
exhibited materials. This sparked discussions on the
concept of intellectual right of digital creations. In
this context, the degrees of freedom granted from
creators to the public to allow the sharing, reuse and
modification of their work through appropriate
licences were discussed. The exhibition of student
work was instrumental in raising awareness around
sharing and copyright in a creative economy.
5.3 Insights into the Gamification of
VR Exhibitions
As mentioned, students had a varying interest in the
theme of the digital exhibition. The gamification
layer provided an additional incentive that intrigued
more than half of the less motivated students to
engage with the digital materials and play the game.
Locating the hidden room was not straightforward
but most of them were able to locate it thanks mainly
to the audio hint. In the knowledge challenge inside
the hidden room, mean post-test scores of
participating students were 83,3 points out of 110 or
75,7%. This result can be interpreted as very good,
reflecting a good command of the presented
materials. No notable differences between boys and
girls were observed. Interestingly, students reported
that they were motivated to revisit the materials and
inquire about the facts behind questions to get the
answer right. Several users opted spontaneously to
play the puzzle multiple times and increased their
academic performance.
Several students commented also on the game
design of the online exhibition. They advocated for a
more complex structure of the 3D environment, e.g.
inside of a castle and wished that the gamification
layer would have more characteristics of an elaborate
game with more levels, challenges and even an
adventurous plot. Several children expressed their
willingness to learn, experiment and practice with
social VR to create their own environments within
educational projects.
This exploratory study attempted to capture primary
teachers’ perceptions about a gamified museum
exhibition in the Metaverse. Exhibitions in social VR
constitute an alternative and very attractive tool for
museums to interact with school groups, pupils and
teachers. Moreover, they empower museums to
expand and diversify their audience and engage
actively with remote visitors. It has supported
STMUP to stay in touch with its audience during the
pandemic and build new contacts with remote
audiences ever since.
This research presents a series of notable
limitations. First, the sample of convenience is not
generalizable. Second, the studied environment
constitutes a proof of concept, not a fully developed
solution. However, it offers a series of insights with
useful implications for practitioners that can inform
the instructional design of educational WebXR
Social VR platforms are a viable solution for
using 3D immersive environments in education as
they allow flexible access from multiple devices.
Specifically, they are highly appropriate for flexible
individual and group study in an asynchronous mode
of learning. Synchronous online learning in younger
ages can be effective with teacher-centric moderation
tools that can minimize eventual distractive effects
and behaviours (Rau et al., 2019).
Gamification and playful design can attract young
learners’ attention and interest to explore with digital
content. Game challenges and playful quizzes of
appropriate degree of difficulty and complexity can
sustain a high degree of engagement. Finally, future
efforts and studies can be focused on placing students
in the role of producers of immersive content utilizing
the potential of 3D virtual reality environments.
Museums can explore and implement more procedures
to engage pupils and teachers as co-creators of WebXR
exhibitions and immersive experiences.
This research has been financed by the European
Union: Next Generation EU through the Program
Greece 2.0 National Recovery and Resilience Plan,
under the call RESEARCH CREATE
INNOVATE, project name “iCREW: Intelligent
small craft simulator for advanced crew training using
Virtual Reality techniques" (project code:TAEDK-
ERSeGEL 2024 - Workshop on Extended Reality and Serious Games for Education and Learning
Figure 8: Visual summary and organization of research findings.
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Teachers’ Interview Protocol
1 Ice breaking: Welcoming of the participant,
explanation of the aims of the interview and
the research.
2 Demographic questions
2.1 Age
2.2 Highest degree of education
2.3 School
3 Main questions
3.1 Total number of participating students
3.2 When did the virtual visit take place?
3.3 What was the visit’s duration to the VR
3.4 What devices were used by the teacher and
ERSeGEL 2024 - Workshop on Extended Reality and Serious Games for Education and Learning
3.5 How would you describe the students’
behavior and why?
3.6 Did you or students encounter any technical
issues or difficulty?
3.7 When did the debriefing session take place?
3.8 What was the approximated duration of the
debriefing session?
3.9 What were their impressions of the virtual
3.10 Did students have any comments or
suggestions for improvements?
4 Epilogue
Virtual Museum Gamification for Discovery-Based Online Learning in the Metaverse