Coupling Agent-Based Simulations and VR Universes:
the Case of GAMA and Unity
Alexis Drogoul
1,2 a
, Patrick Taillandier
1,2 b
, Arthur Brugière
1,2 c
, Louis Martinez
, Léon Sillano
Baptiste Lesquoy
and Huynh Quang Nghi
ACROSS IJL, IRD / Thuyloi University, 175 Tay Son, Hanoi, Vietnam
UMMISCO, IRD / Sorbonne Université, 32 Avenue Henri Varagnat, 93100 Bondy Cedex, France
CICT, Can Tho University, 3/2 Street, Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho, Vietnam
Keywords: Agent-Based Modelling, Virtual Reality, Immersive Simulations, Participatory Simulations.
Abstract: Agent-based models (ABMs) and video games, including those taking advantage of virtual reality (VR), have
undergone a remarkable parallel evolution, achieving impressive levels of complexity and sophistication. This
paper argues that while ABMs prioritize scientific analysis and understanding and VR aims for immersive
entertainment, they both simulate artificial worlds and can benefit from closer integration. Coupling both
approaches indeed opens interesting possibilities for research and development in various fields, and in
particular education, at the heart of the SIMPLE project, an EU-funded project on the development of digital
tools for awareness raising on environmental issues. However, existing tools often present limitations,
including technical complexity, limited functionalities, and lack of interoperability. To address these
challenges, we introduce a novel framework for linking GAMA, a popular ABM platform, with Unity, a
widely used game engine. This framework enables seamless data exchange, real-time visualization, and user
interaction within VR environments, allowing researchers to leverage the strengths of both ABMs and VR for
more impactful and engaging simulations. We demonstrate the capabilities of our framework through two
prototypes built to highlight its potential in representing and interacting with complex socio-environmental
system models. We conclude by emphasizing the importance of continued collaboration between the ABM
and VR communities to develop robust, user-friendly tools, paving the way for a new era of collaborative
research and immersive experiences in simulations.
The fields of agent-based modelling (ABM) and
video games, including virtual reality (VR), have
developed in parallel. Both simulate artificial worlds
with rules and agents, but they are used for different
purposes. ABMs are used for scientific analysis,
while video games aim to provide immersive
entertainment. This paper argues that there are
fundamental similarities between these two fields and
that closer integration can unlock new potential for
education and training. This however requires tools
that are easy to use and reliable (Berger & Mahdavi
1.1 Convergence of Technology and
ABMs have emerged as powerful tools for exploring
complex systems across diverse disciplines, ranging
from social sciences and economics to ecology and
urban planning (Drogoul et al. 2002). By modeling
individual agents and their interactions within a
simulated environment, ABMs offer unparalleled
insights into emergent phenomena that arise from the
collective behavior of the components of any system.
Video games, on the other hand, have matured into
intricate virtual worlds capable of captivating users
with rich narratives, engaging gameplay, and
increasingly immersive experiences (Ivory 2015).
Drogoul, A., Taillandier, P., Br ugière, A., Martinez, L., Sillano, L., Lesquoy, B. and Nghi, H.
Coupling Agent-Based Simulations and VR Universes: the Case of GAMA and Unity.
DOI: 10.5220/0012757600003758
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2024), pages 57-68
ISBN: 978-989-758-708-5; ISSN: 2184-2841
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
VR, the latest frontier in gaming and training, further
transcends the screen, transporting users directly into
the heart of the simulated world, fostering
unprecedented levels of presence and interaction
(Bown et al. 2017).
This parallel evolution is not merely coincidental;
a closer examination reveals convergences between
ABMs and the developments in gaming. Both rely on
simulation engines that govern the behavior of agents
and the evolution of a simulated world. Both utilize
advanced graphics technologies to render realistic
environments and more and more engaging visuals.
And, especially in advanced ABM platforms like
GAMA (Taillandier et al. 2019b), both employ user
interfaces that allow users to interact with the virtual
space and its virtual inhabitants (Guyot et al. 2006).
Furthermore, the lines between research and
entertainment are increasingly blurring (Conesa et al.
2022). ABMs are being employed to inform and
enhance game design, leading to more realistic and
engaging virtual experiences. Conversely, game
engines like Unity (e.g. (Craighead et al. 2008)) or
Unreal are being adopted by researchers to build
sophisticated immersive research environments for
the purpose of serious gaming or participatory
simulations (Gazis & Katsiri 2023). This cross-
pollination of technologies is further accelerating the
convergence between these two fields.
1.2 The Potential of ABM-VR
The potential benefits of integrating ABMs with VR
platforms are far-reaching and transformative. By
leveraging the strengths of both approaches,
researchers can:
- Gain deeper insights into complex systems (Juřík
et al. 2023), by immersing themselves in the
simulated world alongside the agents, observing
their interactions and behaviors firsthand. This
allows for a more intuitive and visceral
understanding of the system's dynamics.
- Conduct more realistic and controlled
experiments (Lin et al. 1999): Design virtual
experiments that closely mimic real-world
scenarios, allowing for the exploration of
different hypotheses and the testing of
interventions in a risk-free environment.
- Enhance engagement and understanding for
diverse audiences: Communicate research
findings and complex concepts through
immersive and interactive experiences, thereby
making them more accessible and engaging for a
broader audience.
- Revolutionize education and training (Richards
2008; Brasil 2011): Develop virtual learning
environments that offer interactive and
personalized learning experiences, fostering
deeper engagement and understanding of
complex subjects.
These applications are far from theoretical.
Researchers are already utilizing ABM-VR
integration in a variety of domains, including:
Social science: Studying collective behavior,
crowd dynamics (Shendarkar et al. 2008; Liu et
al. 2014).
Urban planning: Experiencing the impact of
different urban design decisions on the built
environment and its inhabitants (Zhang et al.
2009; Yu et al. 2014).
Ecology: Exploring the interactions between
different species and the impact of human
intervention on ecosystems (Cho & Park 2023).
Healthcare: Training medical professionals in a
safe and controlled virtual environment (Possik
et al. 2021; Possik et al. 2022).
Education: Learning about history, science, and
other complex subjects through interactive and
immersive experiences (Lin et al. 1999; Popovici
et al. 2004; Bosse et al. 2014).
1.3 Education to Sustainable
Development using ABMs and VR:
the SIMPLE Project
Education, the final point, is at the heart of the
SIMPLE project
, funded by the European Union as
part of the EU-ASEAN Green Partnership, which
aims to explore the relevance of educational virtual
environments for raising teenagers' awareness of
sustainable development and environmental issues. It
is based on the idea that integrating ABM-VR into the
curricula can transform the learning experience on
these large-scale, complex issues, which are not
generally amenable to experiential learning.
In the project, on one hand, ABMs are used for
integrating the knowledge and concepts from various
disciplines, something required for representing the
evolution of socio-environmental issues as complex
as the subsidence of coastal areas, the loss of
biodiversity of forests, the leakage of plastics in the
ocean or the importance of agro-ecological practices
for sustainable agriculture. On the other, interactive
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
VR simulations, based on scientific models, can offer
immersive and engaging ways for young people to
explore complex topics, fostering deeper
understanding through virtual experiences and
encouraging a new generation of critical thinkers and
problem solvers (Sancar et al. 2023).
SIMPLE will support the design, implementation,
and experimentation in classrooms of at least six
ABM-backed virtual universes in Vietnam, Thailand,
Lao and Cambodia from 2024 to 2026, on topics co-
constructed by the partners of the project, local
research institutions and educational communities.
1.4 The Challenges of a Seamless
Integration Between ABM and VR
Despite the undeniable potential, integrating ABM
and VR platforms still presents significant challenges.
Existing approaches (Louloudi & Klügl 2012; Huang
et al. 2018; Adinolf et al. 2019) often suffer from
technical complexity, limited functionalities, and lack
of interoperability between ABM platforms and game
engines. Furthermore, the literature on the subject is
quite scarce. For instance, (Ospina-Bhorquez et al.
2021) provides a systematic mapping of the literature
exploring synergies between multi-agent systems
(MAS) and virtual reality environments. Although
MAS is a broader field of application than ABM, it is
interesting to note that (1) they only found 82 articles
of interest; (2) the vast majority of papers focus on
applications rather than frameworks or platforms
(indeed, this review is mainly organized in terms of
application domains, most of which, interestingly,
relate to simulation domains such as urban traffic,
crowd simulation, or robot control).
For example, in (Louloudi & Klügl 2012), the
general framework for coupling an agent-based
platform (SeSaM) with a 3-dimensional rendering
tool (Horde3D) ultimately addresses only the issue of
visualizing simulations and not that of mapping
interactions between agents and player(s) in the two
environments. In (Huang et al 2018), which
addresses, in the context of urban design, the issue of
coupling not only visualization but also behavior,
agent-based paradigms are ported within Unity, with
the authors using the C# scripting engine to write an
agent-based model. This is also the path chosen by
other authors, in particular (Conesa et al. 2022), also
in Unity, by considering the GameObjects offered by
Unity as autonomous agents, (Olivier et al. 2014),
dedicated to crowd simulation, or (Kamalasanan et al.
2022), dedicated to cycling in realistic traffics. In
contrast to these approaches, which are more akin to
porting than coupling, (Possik et al. 2022) represents
one of the most successful attempts at operational
coupling, based on three pieces of software: Unity
(VR) and AnyLogic (ABM), as well as Papyrus, the
latter serving to orchestrate the whole. All three are
linked using the HLA platform, originally designed to
facilitate the design of distributed, modular
simulations. However, this work, which is based on
truly interesting elements, has not necessarily been
designed, for the time being, to be reusable. The
software complexity of the whole package is
furthermore considerable and making it available or
reusing it in contexts other than the propagation of
Covid19 in a hospital, for which it was designed, does
not seem to be one of the authors' objectives.
In this paper, we introduce the SIMPLE platform,
a framework for easily linking GAMA, a leading
ABM platform, with Unity, a widely used game
engine, which addresses the limitations of existing
approaches by:
Providing a software solution that's independent
of the application domain: neither GAMA nor
Unity are tied to specific domains, so the
SIMPLE platform isn't either, instead relying on
the use of operational abstractions.
Providing a user-friendly interface and a
modeler-friendly access to VR: the SIMPLE
platform simplifies the process of coupling
GAMA and Unity, allowing researchers with
diverse backgrounds to leverage the framework.
Enabling seamless and flexible data exchange: it
facilitates the real-time transfer of data between
the ABM and VR environments, ensuring
accurate and consistent visualization of the
simulated system, and offers tools to monitor
these exchanges.
Supporting user interaction: it allows to describe
VR input into ABMs, allowing players in the
virtual universes to interact with the simulated
worlds and influence the behavior of agents in
the ABM in real-time.
This framework represents a significant step
forward in bridging the gap between ABMs and VR.
It empowers researchers to create immersive and
interactive virtual environments that enhance
understanding, facilitate experimentation, and engage
diverse audiences.
GAMA has always been at the forefront of agent-
based modeling platforms in terms of visualization
Coupling Agent-Based Simulations and VR Universes: the Case of GAMA and Unity
Figure 1: Coupling is based on the definition of a plugin (on the GAMA side) and a model (on the Unity side). This
combination allows a wide range of configurations, from bijection (top) to incomplete projection (bottom), to the simple
exchange of data between the platforms.
(Grignard and Drogoul, 2017) and interaction
between users and simulations. Offering early on the
possibility of multiplying viewpoints on a model,
either via multiple 2D and 3D displays, or via specific
devices (Brugière et al. 2019), the platform has
earned itself a fine reputation in the field of
participatory simulations (Taillandier et al. 2019a).
At the heart of GAMA lies the concept of “agent”,
an instance of a "species," which acts analogously to
classes in object-oriented programming, serving as a
blueprint for individual agents within the simulation,
defining their behaviors, attributes, and interactions.
Similarly, Unity's fundamental building block is the
"GameObject," a versatile entity representing any
visual or interactive element within the game engine,
which can be instantiated from a "prefab". Prefabs are
pre-configured sets of GameObject components that
can be easily replicated and customized, allowing
developers to create large numbers of visually
consistent agents with minimal effort.
Built on this conceptual similarity, the coupling
between GAMA and Unity aims to seamlessly
translate the GAMA concepts into Unity's
environment, enabling the creation of immersive and
interactive virtual worlds powered by agent-based
modelling. However, the translation process requires
careful consideration of the diverse nature of agents
and the desired level of integration between the
model(s) and the virtual universes built on top of
them. We have identified three potential modes of
coupling (Fig. 1), of course not exhaustive:
- Bijection: In this mode, each GAMA agent is
directly translated into a corresponding Unity
GameObject. The GAMA species acts as a
template for a prefab, which in turns defines
GameObjects behaviors and attributes (but not
their visual appearance). This approach offers the
highest level of fidelity, allowing for complete
control, in GAMA, over the individual
representation of agents within the virtual world,
using Unity as an interface of the simulation.
- Projection: A more flexible approach, required
by some models. Instead of translating every
GAMA agent into a GameObject, only a subset
deemed essential for visual representation or
interaction is converted. Other agents may not be
explicitly represented visually but remain active
in the simulation, contributing to background
dynamics and influencing other agent behaviors.
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
This approach optimizes performance while still
maintaining the core functioning of the model.
- Background: In this mode, GAMA acts as a
background simulation engine, driving the
underlying dynamics and behaviors of the virtual
universe without having any direct visual
representation in Unity. This is suitable for
situations where the virtual universe relies on the
model for data and computations, and where the
influence of the agents on the environment or
other agents needs to be accounted for.
As can be seen above, SIMPLE platform’s
coupling between GAMA and Unity extends beyond
simply translating agents into game objects. The
framework also enables the exchange of data and
information between the two platforms, allowing for
real-time updates and dynamic interactions within the
virtual environment and a great flexibility in how the
two worlds communicate.
2.1 On the ABM Side: A Dedicated
GAMA Plugin
We have developed a plugin for GAMA to provide a
connection with Unity or Unity-based products. This
plugin extends a GAMA simulation by enabling the
connection of external clients, like players using VR
headsets. This connection can be used in two modes
of operation: direct or indirect. The direct mode
establishes a direct connection between a VR headset
and GAMA but does not allow more than one player
to be connected. The indirect mode requires the use
of another piece of software (the GAMA Server
Middleware, available and documented at, but enables
multiple players to be connected simultaneously. The
middleware also provides additional monitoring and
management tools of the connections. Both methods
use the same GAMA Server API, which not only
enables messages to be sent in both directions, but
also allows clients to control a simulation by directly
executing code defined in its model. Configuring it is
easy, with just a few highly configurable species of
agents to add to establish the connection.
The first species of agents introduced by the
plugin, abstract_unity_player, offers an optional
representation of the players in the model. It allows to
track and visualize them (if their representation in the
model makes any sense) but also to provide them with
behaviours or capacities of interaction with other
agents in the simulation. A second species, a key
element of the plugin, is abstract_unity_linker. It
allows the creation of agents that connect GAMA and
a game running on Unity. More precisely, it oversees
creating player agents when a player connects,
sending the elements needed to initialize the virtual
world (world size, geometries, etc.) and, at each
simulation step, synchronizing the information
defined by the modeler between the two worlds (for
instance, the location and orientation of agents, etc.).
The last species allows to instantiate a new type of
experiment (unity) that automatically creates and
initializes a corresponding abstract_unity_linker
agent based on the parameters entered by the modeler.
These species form the basis of the components
injected by the plugin into GAMA. They can be used
directly, like any agent, when creating models to
support VR games. However, as one of the most
likely use cases for SIMPLE is to connect existing
models to VR games, we have designed a wizard for
this purpose. This allows modelers to enter various
parameters and generates a derived model in which
all these components are correctly initialized,
enabling for instance the exploration of simulations
of the source model using a VR headset almost
instantly and without any special knowledge of Unity.
2.2 On the VR Side: A Dedicated Unity
Another significant development in the SIMPLE
platform is the Unity template that offers prefab
managers to handle the connection with GAMA, as
well as pre-configured Unity projects with plugins
providing different properties (physics-aware
movements, etc.). It also provides three scenes to
facilitate game construction and support the
interaction using the controllers of the VR headset:
- Start Scene: a simple main menu that allows to
load two other scenes - the IP Menu Scene and the
Main Scene. This menu also allows defining
whether the middleware will be used to connect to
GAMA or not.
- IP Scene: allows the user to change the address
used to connect to the computer running the
middleware or GAMA.
- Main Scene: main scene composed by default of
the following GameObjects:
o Directional light: default light for Unity
scenes. This type of light corresponds to a
large, distant source originating from outside
the range of the world.
o Player: predefined GameObject with First
Person View and movement for VR. This
package offers different types of player
settings. For instance, in games requiring
large-scale decision-making, the package
Coupling Agent-Based Simulations and VR Universes: the Case of GAMA and Unity
provides a type of player who can fly over
the game space
o Connection Manager: main interface with
GAMA, sets Unity connection settings to
GAMA in this package.
o Game Manager: main coupling interface
with GAMA. It defines all aspects of the
game, such as how to represent the agents in
the game or how to convert space
coordinates from GAMA to Unity.
o Debug Overlay (can be disabled): used to
show messages from GAMA in the headsets
for debugging purposes.
The software package has been designed to
provide a high degree of configurability and ease in
replacement of components, with the aim of
accommodating a diverse array of use cases. Beyond
accommodating various player types, the package
allows for the explicit definition of player interactions
with the simulation from the game. This is achieved
through two main modes of interaction: triggering
actions through an agent (which can be any agent
within the simulation, not exclusively the player
agent), or sending GAML code directly executed by
GAMA. The package also facilitates processing
messages received from GAMA in JSON format. It
manages the deserialization of messages and
subsequently initiates actions as per the
communicated instructions. Messages can range from
simple function calls to more intricate transmissions,
such as the dissemination of the positional
information of all agents within the simulation.
Moreover, this package encompasses two editor-
level tools, both based on the connection with
GAMA. The first one facilitates the importation of
geometries from GAMA in either two or three
dimensions and their translation to GameObjects.
This feature allows to retrieve geographic data,
initially read by GAMA (such as shapefiles or other
geographical data), while maintaining the same
coordinate system. Then, users can manipulate the
visual representation of these geometries within the
Unity environment. The second one operates in the
reverse direction, exporting GameObjects from Unity
to GAMA and saving them as shapefiles (in 2D). This
feature facilitates the connection between virtual
worlds developed in Unity and GAMA simulations.
2.3 Using ABM and VR Extensions
The tools we developed were designed to enable
modelers to quickly build a first prototype VR version
of an existing GAMA model with minimal
knowledge about Unity and VR technologies. The
tools have been developed for GAMA 1.9.3
( and Unity
2022.3.5f1 ( They
require GAMA to install the Unity plugin and Unity
to use the dedicated template project, both of which
are available on SIMPLE’s GitHub repository
( For the sake of
this section, we'll assume that the modeler has already
developed a GAMA model and wishes to implement
a VR headset interaction with this model. Three steps
are needed to create a Unity environment from an
existing GAMA model:
1. Generation of a GAMA model extending the
base model with VR capabilities.
2. Development of the virtual universe in Unity.
3. Implementation of specific actions that VR
players can execute in the GAMA simulation.
2.3.1 Step 1. Generation of the GAMA
Model for Connection to Unity
Upon installation, the Unity template for GAMA
automatically generates a new GAMA model that
extends the base model and allows its connection to a
VR headset. To set this up, the user needs to make a
few choices. The first concerns the number of
expected players in the simulation. It is thus possible
to define a minimum number of players to launch the
simulation and a maximum number who will be able
to connect to it. The user also needs to choose the
initial experiment for the extended model, pick how
the player will be shown, and specify any displays not
to be used from the initial experiment. The next step
is to select the agent species whose coordinates will
be sent to Unity at each time step.
Another choice to make is to define the agent
species whose geometries will be sent to Unity at
initialization. The aim here is to send geometries that
will not be modified during the simulation, such as
the buildings or roads in a traffic model. For each of
these species, it is possible to define whether they will
be in Unity 2D or 3D, their colour, an associated tag,
whether they will have a collider and whether it will
be possible to interact with them.
2.3.2 Step 2. Development of a Virtual
Universe Under Unity
Once the basic model is generated in GAMA, the next
step consists in developing the virtual universe. The
modeler can do this by using the three scenes
available in the SIMPLE template and parametrizing
the main scene accordingly. If the modeler keeps the
default First Person View-type player, the sole
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
parameterization required concerns the Game
manager. Specifically, for each species dispatched
from GAMA, the modeler must specify their
representation within the Unity environment. This
involves determining the appropriate prefab,
establishing the scaling factor, deciding on the
application of rotation or translation, and addressing
related considerations. The Game manager thus
serves as the central locus for configuring the visual
representation and spatial attributes of each agent
species within the Unity interface.
2.3.3 Step 3. Definition of Specific
The last, optional, step consists of defining specific
interactions between Unity and GAMA. The default
SIMPLE template for Unity already provides
illustrative instances of interactions, such as
modifying the lighting through button presses on
controllers and enabling GAMA actions triggered
when a player selects an object with a ray interactor.
To make it easier, it is possible to use these
existing examples and adapt them to newer
interaction with the extended model. For instance, in
a traffic model, it is possible to define in GAMA
(within the plugins Unity Linker library) an action to
close a road, with the road name as an argument. It
will then just be necessary in the script linked to the
Game Manager in Unity to specify the name of this
action when a road is selected with the name of the
road’s GameObject as an argument. It is of course
possible to go further in the parameterization of
actions by adding actions linked to default Unity’s
interfaces (as the OpenXR’s XRI Default Input
Actions) which will also trigger specific actions in
GAMA from controller’s interaction.
While the two first virtual universes planned in the
SIMPLE project are still in pre-production, we have
begun to validate crucial aspects of the platform with
the design of two prototypes that extend existing
agent-based models and explore different interactions
with users in virtual worlds linked to simulations.
3.1 RÁC VR: A VR Extension to a
Serious Game Based on an ABM
RÁC is a multiplayer game designed to raise
awareness of the issue of domestic waste pollution
and its impact on an irrigation system in Vietnam. It
also aims to foster social dialogue between the
various stakeholders involved in this pollution. The
game follows the evolution of waste management and
agricultural production in the fictitious territory of a
rural commune. This commune is divided into four
villages, each facing specific problems due to its
upstream or downstream location. The game is played
by four groups of two or three players (8 to 12 players
in total, see Fig. 2). Each group represents a village
chief and makes decisions on actions that will have a
local impact to achieve a common goal for all four
villages: maintaining the so-called EcoLabel
certification. This fictitious label, which refers
directly to the VietGap quality label, is presented as
necessary for farmers to be able to sell their produce
to supermarkets. To retain EcoLabel certification, the
commune must achieve a minimum level of
agricultural production and a limited level of soil and
water pollution on its fictitious territory, meaning that
each village must meet these requirements
individually so that EcoLabel certification can be
guaranteed, collectively, for the commune. All
players are then invited not only to improve the
Figure 2: Left shows a game session of the card version of the Rác model, right shows some in-game images of the VR
adaptation of the model.
Coupling Agent-Based Simulations and VR Universes: the Case of GAMA and Unity
situation in their village, but also to coordinate their
actions to influence and promote agricultural
productivity at commune level. The game is based on
two materials:
Cards: each group receives a complete deck of
cards. Each card represents an action linked to
waste management or agricultural production,
with a QR code.
A GAMA computer simulation: this simulates
the evolution of the territory, allowing players to
observe the consequences of their actions.
RÁC was played in two contexts: with high-
school students and with farmers and village leaders.
The first series of games with students, which mainly
served to test the game, showed the importance of the
emergence of leaders among the players to ensure the
coordination of decisions taken and therefore the
effectiveness of the chosen policy. The second series
of experiments with farmers and village chiefs, in
addition to taking part in the debate on waste
management in their territory, highlighted discussion
regimes and depicted specific circulations of power
within different categories of actors.
The VR version (Fig. 2 right) is based on the same
principles as RÁC, but with an emphasis on raising
awareness of pollution issues among young people.
This version uses four Meta Quest 3 headsets directly
connected to GAMA. The idea was to add an
immersion phase in the villages to make players more
aware of the impact of pollution, and to force them to
discuss their own perceptions of this pollution. More
specifically, before each decision-making phase,
during which groups of players choose which actions
to take, a village exploration phase is added. During
this phase, one of the players in each group will put
on the VR headset to explore “their” fictional village.
If this village is not directly linked to the territory
simulated in GAMA, its characteristics are consistent
with it. GAMA will send information on pollution
and agricultural production to each VR headset at the
start of the VR phase, representing the situation of
each player's village. These levels of pollution (solid
and water) and production will be represented in the
VR headset (solid waste, color of water, color of
plants) allowing the player to observe directly by
immersion the impact of decisions taken at village
level. The challenge for the immersed player will then
be to describe to the other players what he or she has
seen, so that they can then make the right decisions:
typically, if the player observes and describes a high
level of waste, the other players may take actions
linked with solid waste management. Conversely, a
map representing the village to explore is displayed
on the GAMA screen, along with the players'
positions, which allows players without VR headsets
to give advice on the direction to follow to reach
interesting points to explore (e.g. fields, river, etc.).
In this prototype, we are therefore in the case of
”Background coupling”, where the simulated
environment (the commune) is different from the one
seen by the players in the VR headset. Only
information on pollution and production levels is sent
by GAMA, and Unity only sends the player's position
back to GAMA so that other players can follow what's
happening for the VR headset-equipped player.
In the context of this prototype where the link
between GAMA and the VR headsets is very simple
and where only some information passes, the only
thing to define was the information sent by GAMA at
a given moment in the simulation. This information
includes three values: solid pollution, water pollution
and agricultural production. From the moment the
headset receives this information, the exploration
phase of the village in VR can begin. A timer is
present in the Unity application to limit exploration
time. Once this timer ends, the headset sends a
message to GAMA to specify that the VR exploration
phase is over for the player. In this prototype, there is
therefore no species of agents sent at each simulation
step to the headset or geometries used to define the
environment. There is also no interaction in the
headset that impacts the simulation in GAMA.
3.2 Hoankiem VR: A Transposition of
a Tangible ABM Interface into VR
The Hoan Kiem Air model was designed to open
discussions on the introduction of pedestrian zones in
terms of traffic and air pollution. Many cities have
seen the emergence of pedestrian zones in recent
years. If the interest of such zones is multiple, they
can also have negative impacts due to the deferral of
traffic in terms of congestion and therefore air
pollution. The Hoan Kiem Air model thus makes it
possible to simulate traffic and pollution emitted by
vehicles in the Hoan Kiem district of Hanoi, Vietnam.
In this district, the surroundings of the central lake are
closed to traffic every weekend and the local
authorities have been considering extending the
pedestrian zone for several years. The Hoan Kiem Air
model allows to simulate these different scenarios
(without pedestrian zone, with current pedestrian
zone or with extended pedestrian zone) and to see
their impact on traffic and pollution. The heart of the
model is based on the traffic plugin included in
GAMA (Saval et al. 2023), which enables to simulate
road traffic made up of different types of vehicles
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
(cars, motorcycles, etc.) to be finely represented at the
scale of a district or city.
To facilitate discussions around the simulations,
Hoan Kiem Air also includes a 3D physical model of
the district onto which the simulation is projected.
The use of a tangible interface makes it possible to
better grasp the spaces, give more reality to the
outcomes and facilitate exchanges by placing the
stakeholders all around the physical model (Fig. 3
left). Finally, an Android application (running on a
tablet) directly connected to GAMA allows users to
control the parameters (scenario for pedestrian zones,
number of vehicles, etc.) and by this to quickly test
different configurations.
The VR version of Hoan Kiem Air (Fig. 3 right)
allows us to go further in the possibilities of
interaction with the simulation by also providing a
playful aspect intended for a younger audience. It thus
allows a player equipped with a VR headset to
close/open roads themselves and directly see the
impact (both positive or negative) of their choices on
traffic and pollution, materialized by buildings’ color
and a score. The challenge is therefore for the player
to have the best possible scores by judiciously
choosing the roads to close. In practice, the game has
the main advantage of showing that it can be complex
to limit pollution only by closing roads due to the
deferral of traffic.
In the VR headset, the player can observe the
entire district from above: the player can see all the
buildings, roads and vehicles already present in the
GAMA simulation. Likewise, in the GAMA
simulation, other people can observe the player's
position, his orientation (where he is looking) as well
as the roads he has decided to close. In this prototype,
we are therefore in the case of “Bijective coupling”,
where all the information in the GAMA simulation is
displayed in the headset.
To be more precise, 2 species are sent from
GAMA to the VR headset at each simulation step (i.e.
they are part of the list of species to be sent to Unity
from the simulation defined in the GAMA model):
cars and motorcycles. We chose 2 prefabs in Unity for
each of these species, representing a typical car and a
typical motorcycle in Hanoi. To accommodate the
limited capabilities of the headsets and ensure the
display of a substantial number of agents while
maintaining a smooth framerate, low-polygon assets
were employed for rendering these two types of
objects. In addition, roads and buildings rendered in
the VR headset are sent by the GAMA model at
initialization. As the aim was to enable roads to be
closed, we made them interactable by specifying, in
the GAMA model, that they have a collider in VR.
Finally, we specified in Unity the GAMA action to be
called when a specific road is closed (defined in the
Unity Linker of the GAMA plugin).
In this article, we introduced the SIMPLE platform,
which bridges the gap between GAMA, a popular
agent-based modelling platform, and Unity, the well-
known game engine. We first gave an overview of the
relationships between the concepts used in GAMA
and Unity, and then presented how we link these
concepts between the two platforms and how their
coupling can be achieved via SIMPLE. Examples
from two prototypes (RAC and HoanKiem Air) are
presented and discussed.
4.1 Limitations
While SIMPLE offers a valuable bridge between
GAMA and Unity, limitations remain that hinder the
Figure 3: Left: presentation of Hoan Kiem Air at the French Embassy in Hanoi; right: some in-game images of the VR
adaptation. The colors of buildings show the level of pollution. Roads are displayed in red when closed, black when opened
and green when selected.
Coupling Agent-Based Simulations and VR Universes: the Case of GAMA and Unity
full potential of their integration. These limitations
primarily revolve around two key areas: a reliance on
manual steps and the lack of a dedicated process to
simplify the workflow for modelers.
The current manual configuration for coupling
GAMA species with Unity GameObjects can be
tedious and prone to errors. Manually mapping
attributes, defining behaviors, and setting up
interaction mechanics is time-consuming and can
discourage adoption, particularly for users less
familiar with both platforms. Automating as many of
these steps as possible, potentially through code
generation or drag-and-drop interfaces, would
significantly improve accessibility and efficiency.
The lack of wizards is a particularly critical
missing element. Providing guided workflows
tailored to specific use cases would greatly benefit
modelers. These wizards could handle common
configurations, suggest relevant Unity components,
and automate repetitive tasks, allowing modelers to
focus on the core logic and design of their
4.2 Developments
Addressing these limitations through enhanced
automation and user-friendly tools is crucial. This
will involve:
- Providing a GAMA runtime endpoint directly in
the Unity extension: Allowing Unity to make
requests to GAMA and directly compile
experiments able to be linked to Unity.
- Developing intelligent mapping tools:
Automatically identifying corresponding
attributes and behaviors between GAMA species
and Unity GameObjects, minimizing manual
- Implementing context-aware wizards: Providing
step-by-step guidance based on the model being
developed, offering relevant options and best
- Exploring plug-and-play components: Building
libraries of pre-configured Unity components
designed to work seamlessly with specific GAMA
species functionalities.
By overcoming these limitations, the SIMPLE
platform will evolve into a truly streamlined and
accessible tool for coupling GAMA and Unity. This
will not only simplify the modelers’ workflow, but
also encourage wider adoption and unlock the
potential of this integration for research, education,
and virtual world creation. An important point will be
to support each major release of both development
environments, which will be achieved through the
first point in the list above (i.e. by integrating the
corresponding version of GAMA into each version of
the Unity extensions).
4.3 Future Developments
While addressing the limitations of SIMPLE
represents a critical step, the future of GAMA-Unity
coupling holds even more exciting possibilities. Here,
generative AI (Becker et al. 2023; Qin & Hui 2023;
Chamola et al. 2023) emerges as a promising tool to
ease the way we bridge these two platforms and we
have already begun to explore it in a series of research
Generative AI can significantly reduce the
reliance on manual configurations, currently a major
bottleneck in the coupling process. Imagine
intelligent algorithms automatically mapping GAMA
species attributes to Unity components, suggesting
optimal configurations for behaviors and interactions,
and even generating code snippets for custom
functionalities. This level of automation would
streamline the workflow, allowing modelers to focus
on the bigger picture without getting bogged down in
technical details.
Generative AI can also unlock dynamic content
creation within virtual environments (Ratican et al.
2023). Imagine a system that automatically generates
diverse and unique Unity assets, such as buildings,
landscapes, and even characters, based on the
underlying GAMA simulation parameters or natural
language prompts used for the aspects of agents. This
would support fast prototyping of complete virtual
worlds, offering an unparalleled way to test ideas and
offering modelers without a graphics expertise the
possibility to deploy appealing virtual worlds within
By embracing the power of generative AI on top
of the existing coupling mechanisms, with intelligent
automation and dynamic content creation, we aim at
transforming the SIMPLE platform into a truly
transformative tool for research, education, and --
why not -- entertainment.
This publication was produced with the financial
support of the European Union. Its contents are the
sole responsibility of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
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