both subjective user preferences and objective evalu-
ations, offering a more nuanced and comprehensive
solution to transportation mode selection.
Furthermore, the proposed approach stands out
for its ability to integrate both objective and sub-
jective factors seamlessly. By incorporating user
preferences and incorporating objective criteria, the
hybrid decision-making model aims to provide a
well-rounded recommendation system. This unique
combination enhances the robustness and adaptabil-
ity of the system, catering to individual user needs
while considering broader performance indicators.
As a result, the hybrid model introduces a balanced
and effective approach to transportation mode selec-
tion, fostering a more sustainable and user-centric
decision-making process.
As future work, we envision a further investiga-
tion that involves expanding our research in two key
areas: collecting more comprehensive passenger data
and evaluating additional recommender system algo-
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ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies