Social Virtual Environments: Opportunities and Workflows in
Cultural Heritage and Education in Architecture
Elisabetta Caterina Giovannini
Department of Architecture and Design - DAD, Politecnico di Torino, Valentino Castle,
Viale Pier Andrea Mattioli 39, Turin, Italy
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Mozilla Hubs, Virtual Exhibitions, Virtual Tours, VR Headset, Web-Based Applications.
Abstract: The paper analyses the use of social virtual environments in cultural heritage and education in Architecture.
Specifically, it aims to trace state-of-the-art and possible developments of a web-based solution based on 3D
models and diverse content to create virtual environments that remain rare in the disciplinary field of
architectural digital representation and cultural heritage sector but widely used in education. The applicative
scenarios presented, using Hubs by Mozilla and Spoke, were developed at the Department of Architecture
and Design DAD of Politecnico di Torino. They comprise a series of experiences in communicating didactic
activities on the TeleArchitettura TA platform and some collaborations with various museums in Italy.
Extended Reality (XR) is a term that comprises
diverse technologies: virtual reality (VR), augmented
reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). The conceptual
definition of XR has been outlined in the reality-
virtuality continuum that classifies the various
possible combinations of digital and physical
elements. (Milgram et al., 1995)
Virtual reality is an interactive, participatory
environment that could sustain many remote users
sharing a virtual place (Gigante, 1993).
VR includes computer applications and programs that
create, visualize, and interact with virtual spaces and
environments. This technology may consist of
graphics engines, VR-developed environments, and
specific digital solutions for education,
entertainment, training, and others.
Augmented Reality (AR) is a system that
enhances the real world by superimposing computer-
generated information on top of it. It can include
diverse types of information, annotations, audio,
images, videos, and 3D models, giving users the
perception of interaction with the real world (Wellner
et al., 1993).
Finally, Mixed Reality (MR) is a hybrid
environment where real-world and digital objects
coexist. The user can be immersed in the physical
environment using, for example, semitransparent
displays or VR headsets and interact with digital
elements visible through them (Costanza et al., 2009).
In recent years, significant advances in hardware
and software technology have made extended reality
technologies more widespread and accessible.
COVID-19 has further accelerated the diffusion of
technologies such as virtual and augmented reality in
education and for the promotion and enhancement of
cultural heritage (Alnagrat et al., 2022; Nemo, 2021).
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, new
methods and tools have been developed, changing
how individuals unable to see each other in person
can communicate. In parallel, educational processes
have also seen platforms such as Teams and Zoom
used at all levels of education for online or blended
lectures (Hagler, 2022). However, some platforms
with prosocial intents allowed the creation of new
spaces, digitally capable of replicating in-person
experiences to interact with others. This type of
technology differs from the generic virtual reality,
where the user is alone within the space. A prosocial
virtual environment enables people to embody a
virtual avatar and interact with other users in an
immersive, three-dimensional virtual space
(Martínez-Canos, et al., 2023; Large et al. 2022a;
Kolesnichenko, 2019). This path is already well
established in gamification and the edutainment
Giovannini, E.
Social Virtual Environments: Opportunities and Workflows in Cultural Heritage and Education in Architecture.
DOI: 10.5220/0012758500003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 772-783
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
context, which have created new social presence
In this direction, Social Virtual Environments
SVE have boomed in use during the pandemic period,
and the European Union also contributed to financing
specific learning units for first and second-grade
schools. The intention was to test and set up best
practices for these social and virtual learning
environments. (Abbate, 2022) Building with Bits was
a Europeana Initiative mentoring program and
educational challenge contributing to the New
European Bauhaus movement by inviting students
and educators to design beautiful and sustainable
spaces with Mozilla Hubs (Europeana Pro, 2021).
In universities, on the other hand, new systems for
design studio teaching and the development of virtual
environments, metaverses, and virtual exhibitions
have been created, for example, to answer the need to
create habitats for shared exchange, reviews, and for
the final presentation of the designed projects
themselves. (Smithson, 2021) An early prototype of
this type of experience was conceptualized in Italy
under the name Hyspace (Valenti, 2007).
Regarding the Galleries and Contemporary Art
sector, virtual exhibitions have also increased thanks
to the non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and the Crypto Art
within the Metaverse. (Terry and Keeney, 2022) An
iconic initiative was the 2020 edition of Ars
Electronica which was entirely developed online
using Mozilla Hubs and creating 60 rooms with a
multitude of contents (Ars Electronica, 2020).
Again, in 2022, Mozilla Hubs was contacted by
conceptual artist Ashley Zelinskie on a project with the
NASA James Webb team. The output was the New
York exhibition Unfold the Universe: First Light. The
exhibition features her VR artwork Unfolding the
Universe: A NASA Webb VR Experience.
Indeed, the pandemic has accelerated the
digitization of cultural heritage, with museum
institutions needing to reach the public through social
media, virtual tours, and new media, including
gamification and virtual exhibitions. However, it
remains a partially unknown tool in cultural heritage;
the role of low-cost and less time-consuming VR
solutions should be analyzed and understood to
highlight its criticality and potential compared to
other widely used extended reality tools, such as
Unity or Unreal engines, which Heritage Institutions
generally prefer.
This became quite clear in drawing and
representation, which comprises the knowledge of
digital tools to represent design projects. However, it
also has documentation and representation of cultural
heritage for its purposes.
Therefore, this research focuses on standardizing
processes in creating web-based digital content that
differs from the existing workflow for creating
environments and models for game engines.
Specifically, the paper analyzes the web application
Mozilla Hubs and some Hubs rooms developed to
describe diverse and heterogeneous applicative
scenarios. The Hubs infrastructure consists of a 3D
scene hosted by Mozilla servers called Hubs room.
Each room has a specific URL address that people can
use to reach the SVR space simultaneously and where
they can speak, chat, and interact in various ways with
others and within the digital environment.
Figure 1: Hubs User Interface.
The project was born in 2014, starting with the
AltspaceVR solution, which was, at that time, first
tested with one of the prototype visors on the market,
an Oculus HD. AltspaceVR was envisioned as a
system capable of loading a mobile web browser into
a 3D VR environment. It was developed within Unity
in a project called Unity Client. Following its failure
in 2017, it was evident not only that a new way of
communicating and socializing online had been
created but also that the biggest beneficiaries of this
type of technology were those who could not leave
their homes due to illness or social anxiety. Hubs by
Mozilla was then released by The Hubs Team in 2018
as a system based on WebVR technology, which
allowed graphics to be rendered on VR viewers using
the browser. Alongside creating an immersive digital
environment, there is also the possibility of meeting
with other users using personal avatars. In 2019, the
COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the expected digital
transition for virtual social environments, which was
previously unthinkable (Fodor, 2020).
Unfortunately, just as with AltspaceVR, which
Microsoft purchased in 2017 and shut down in 2023
(McVeigh-Schultz, 2019), the Mozilla Hubs
Social Virtual Environments: Opportunities and Workflows in Cultural Heritage and Education in Architecture
adventure has also come to an end. The servers will
be shut down on May 31, 2024.
In late 2022, Fodor also released a possible
alternative to Hubs: Webspaces. The novel solution is
a new way to create self-hosted 3D worlds on the web
using HTML. Webspaces don’t just run on the web
but are built into the web and can be hosted in a
GitHub repository. (Fodor, 2022) In particular, the
new solution differs from Hubs in its ability to use
vox files, a voxel-based file description used to
represent assets for 3D games and virtual
environments such as Minecraft and MagicaVoxel.
Despite the ominous news and the need to
understand how to migrate content developed from
Hubs to Webspaces, the paper analyzes some
application experiences in the literature that have
addressed the development of a social virtual
environment using Hubs by Mozilla as a tool.
The analysis started by searching for articles, even
those that were not indexed, using the Google Scholar
platform. The keywords used were Mozilla Hubs,
social virtual reality, and prosocial.
Forty articles, covering the period between 2019
and 2023, were identified and divided according to
the year of publication. This identified an incremental
increase in scientific production on the topic,
consistent with the application's release and
progressive deployment in recent years.
Figure 2: Analysis of references according to years of
These resources are joined by other contributions
collected through online searches that are mainly found
in the form of blogs or web news. Another interesting
research tool turned out to be the Adobe Bēhance
portal. Bēhance is the leading online platform for
presenting and discovering creative works. Indeed, by
using the words Mozilla Hubs within the platform's
search engine, it was possible to see how many artists
have used the platform to showcase virtual
environments created online, documenting them
through presentations, portfolios, and videos. This is in
line with one of the new professional figures that
emerged in conjunction with the advent of Web 3.0 and
metaverse: the ‘content creator,’ which does not
involve only individuals, e.g., YouTubers, influencers,
or tiktokers, but also companies and cultural
organizations, including museums.
Analyzing the forty papers, it is possible to
categorize them according to three main applicative
scenarios: learning environments and education (blue),
social activities and online events (red), and cultural
heritage and creative art solutions (yellow). Other
papers that have already been cited address literature
reviews or methodological approaches to analyzing
prosocial activities within virtual spaces (green).
Table 1: List of analyzed references.
Cheng et al. (2022)
Duester et al. (2023)
Kolensnichenko et al. (2019)
Dziwis et al. (2023)
Martínez-Cano et al. (2023)
Flyntz et al. (2023)
McVeigh-Schultz et al. (2019)
Giovannini (2023a)
Osborne et al. (2023)
Giovannini (2023b)
Wiliamson et al. (2021)
Giovannini & Bono (2023)
Gomes et al. (2021)
Giovannini et al. (2023a)
Gonsalves et al. (2021)
Hagler et al. (2022)
Kumari et al. (2023)
Lin, J. (2023)
Large et al. (2022)
Tsiamalou et al. (2023)
Le et al. (2020)
Cowie et al. (2022)
Lee et al. (2021)
Eriksson (2022)
Li et al. (2021)
Hallewell et al. (2022)
Shatilov et al. (2023)
Herman et al. (2022)
Abbate, 2022
Lam et al. (2022)
Anumolu et al. (2021)
Nirbaya et al. (2023)
Asino et al. (2022)
O'Hagan et al. (2023)
Bedolla et al. (2021)
Poolsawas et al. (2023)
Bredikhina et al. (2020)
Qian (2022)
Canniff et al. (2022)
Revianti et al. (2022)
The series of experiences presented here were
conducted at the prototype level both in the field of
Cultural Heritage enhancement and in the field of
project education in Architecture.
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
ERSeGEL 2024 - Workshop on Extended Reality and Serious Games for Education and Learning
The workflows used in both fields to develop six
digital environments highlight the main differences
between a virtual exhibition for cultural heritage and a
virtual display for project education. They also address
the different approaches to creating digital assets,
including text, audio, video, images, and 3D models.
The choice of Mozilla Hubs for the experiences
developed was mainly based on two main factors:
ease of use and the possibility of having a web-based
system to access and enjoy the digital environments
created. Another factor that influenced the choice was
the possibility of having an additional tool, also
developed by Mozilla, that would serve to create 3D
scenes: Spoke by Mozilla. This type of web-based
application does not require the installation of
specific software. Still, it is based on retrieving
resources already available on the web, interfacing,
for example, with online 3D platforms used today as
digital galleries or 3D repositories. The proposed
projects mainly used SketchFab as the primary 3D
models repository and GitHub to store images and
audio tracks. Different YouTube accounts were also
used to store and retrieve videos.
Figure 3: Spoke elements for creating the 3D scene.
From the virtual environment design perspective,
digital assets can be considered as part of a digital
ecosystem with a hierarchy between a ‘container’ and
its ‘content.’
Containermeans the virtual environment with
its three-dimensional features that may or may not
reflect the physical features of a real environment or
digital environments that do not respond to real
physical laws. ‘Content,’ on the other hand, is the set
of resources that populate the created digital
Part of this category are, for example, the objects
in a museum collection or the exhibition layout itself
(3D), but also the texts and infographics (1D), videos,
and images (2D) that create the storytelling paths and
narratives within the 3D scene. Audio that narrates
and accompanies visitors during the immersive
environment visit can also coexist within the system.
The aim is to generate imagery and storytelling
models where the immersive and shared experience
plays a key role. In addition, the platform also allows
the inclusion of animations and physical simulations
within the environment, increasing the sense of
interaction between the user and the digital
environment. This web-based solution introduces a
novel way of fruition that is no longer passive but
active, interactive, and participatory. Many users can
join the Hubs room (container and content) and
interact not only with the contents but also with other
people and their avatars.
4.1 Cultural Heritage Sector
The first three experiences concern repurposing
museum environments and collections from the
National Museum in Ravenna, the Egyptian Museum
in Turin, and the Museum of Passion in Sordevolo.
These Social Virtual Environments (SVE) enhance
and communicate cultural heritage, tangible and
intangible, through different types of content: texts,
images, 360° spherical panoramas, videos, and 3D
models. Creating the scenes involved digitizing
museum collections (content) and using three-
dimensional solid modeling processes for the
environment (container).
The ’content,’ resulting from reverse engineering
processes, was also retopologized to reduce its MB
size. Sometimes, the ‘container’ was also simplified
to create a low-poly scene that still evokes real
environments using textures developed by
photogrammetric acquisition processes.
Both 3D elements for ‘container’ and ‘content’
were stored in a SketchFab account to be retrievable
by their URL addresses. To satisfy the platform
requirements, each 3D model, including 3D mesh,
textures, and any other file included with the model,
should be under 200 MB in size.
4.1.1 ‘Porta Aurea Hall’ at the
Archeological Museum of Ravenna
Inside the hall at the National Museum of Ravenna,
entitled 'Porta Aurea Hall,' which consists of two
main rooms, there are numerous fragments, some of
them belonging to the Porta Aurea, an ancient Roman
gate commissioned by Emperor Claudius in 42. B.C.
Today, no trace of the ancient monument remains
Social Virtual Environments: Opportunities and Workflows in Cultural Heritage and Education in Architecture
except where it must have stood, near the Ravenna
walls where the ruins of two circular towers that
framed it are still located. The project for the virtual
environment of the Porta Aurea Hall has the primary
objective of providing more information concerning
the monument and its original appearance according
to past documentary heritage, including drawings and
sketches of illustrious authors, including Andrea
Palladio, Pirro Ligorio, and Sangallo the Young.
The digital replica of the environment (container)
is intended to simulate the room as it appears in
reality, but it is completely dedicated to the
monument's narrative. In the scene, all fragments that
do not belong to Porta Aurea have been removed, and
the spaces have been used to display historical and
archival documents, a timeline of historical
representations, survey drawings, and a hypothesis of
virtual reconstruction displayed with referenced
fragments, addressing the theme of documentation
and representation of a vanished architectural asset.
The environment can be used entirely in shared mode
with other users, allowing for example, a distance-
guided virtual tour. However, the solution doesn’t
allow to interact with the exhibition elements because
the individual institutions copyright the documentary
material (Giovannini, 2023a).
Table 2: ‘Porta Aurea Hall’ SVE project analysis.
A virtual exhibition repurposing nowadays layout with
content focused on Porta Aurea fragments and
historical/archival sources.
Container Specifications
3D technique
- Solid modeling from point-cloud of an
existing room
- materials with reality-based textures
3D repository
- n. 1, 3D model
- SketchFab
Type of Content
3D model
360° image
Type of Content Interactions
3D model
360° image
Content specifications
3D technique
- Photogrammetric acquisition
- retopologization processes
- materials with reality-based textures
3D repository
- n. 3, 3D models
- SketchFab
2D repository
- n. 10, images
- GitHub
Figure 4: Images of the SVE of the ‘Porta Aurea Hall’ at
the National Museum in Ravenna.
4.1.2 EMEA Collection at Egyptian Museum
in Turin
The 'Expedition Models of Egyptian Architectures'
EMEA collection consists of fifteen wooden
maquettes, part of a collection stored in depots of the
Egyptian Museum in Turin. The maquettes, dated to
the early 1800s, were created to show to the large
public the exotic wonders of Egypt and Nubian
temples. The collection was investigated from
multiple aspects in the funded international project
entitled B.A.C.K. TO T.H.E. F.U.T.U.RE.
Part of the project was employed in the
photogrammetric acquisition of wooden objects and
testing new tools and web-based methodologies for
their fruition (Mafrici and Giovannini, 2020). Virtual
and immersive environment reconstruction activities
also complemented parallel historical research
activities. The research also involved the Institute of
Heritage Science ISPC-CNR in developing a game
that re-proposes the collection in its past
configuration in the Egyptian Museum, which is
extremely real and immersive (Lo Turco et al., 2020).
However, the limitations of the application Unreal
Engine do not allow for wide-ranging dissemination,
effectively making the activity little known and not
usable by the public (Giovannini et al., 2023).
The subsequent experimentation here presented
took up the 'experimental' challenge of repurposing
the digital assets (container and content) developed
for the game at a lower resolution that could,
however, make the environment usable through web-
based technology using Mozilla Hubs, Spoke,
SketchFab, and GitHub (Giovannini, 2023b).
ERSeGEL 2024 - Workshop on Extended Reality and Serious Games for Education and Learning
According to historical pictures and
documentation, the scene also comprises Sekhmet
statues. Near each maquette is the archival
documentation (planche) corresponding to the
Temple depicted by each wooden model.
Table 3: ‘Expedition Models of Egyptian Architectures’
SVE project analysis.
A virtual exhibition with a historical layout repurposed
based on documents and historical/archival sources.
Container Specifications
3D technique
- Solid modeling from CAD of an existing
- no texture/clay visualization
3D repository
- n. 1, 3D model
- SketchFab
Type of Content
3D model
360° image
Type of Content Interactions
3D model
360° image
Content specifications
3D technique
- Photogrammetric acquisition
- retopologization processes
- materials with reality-based textures
3D repository
- n. 13, 3D models
- SketchFab
2D repository
- n. 10, images
- GitHub
Figure 5: The ‘Expedition Models of Egyptian
Architectures’ of the Egyptian Museum in Turin.
4.1.3 ‘Phygital Experience’ of the Museum
Passion in Sordevolo
The SVE experience aims to create the digital twin of
the temporary exhibition entitled Phygital Exhibition.
The on-site exhibition was an initiative of the
Museum Passion in Sordevolo and opened in July
2022 in the Church of Santa Marta. (Giovannini and
Bono, 2023). The exhibition's theme was to narrate
the evolution of the set design projects since the late
XIX century. The Passion, in the form of Popular
theatre, is part of the intangible heritage of Piedmont.
The core was to document the intangible heritage
through tangible documentation. For creating the
environment of the Church (container), solid
modeling was used to simulate the real space with a
low level of detail while recreating the color of the
interior with textures.
Table 4: ‘Phygital Experience’ SVE project analysis.
A virtual exhibition of a temporary exhibition layout
repurposing simplified reality. The content of the SVE is
different from the actual set-up and is enriched with
material that cannot be visualized in reality.
Container Specifications
3D technique
- Solid modeling repurposing the
simplified interior of an existing church
- materials with generic textures
3D repository
- n. 1, 3D model
- SketchFab
Type of Content
3D model
360° image
Type of Content Interactions
3D model
360° image
Content specifications
3D technique
- Photogrammetric acquisition of current
set design and a maquette
- retopologization processes
- materials with reality-based textures
- Solid modeling repurposing simplified
reality of past set design
- no texture/clay visualization
3D repository
- n. 6, 3D models
- n. 1, 360° image
- SketchFab
2D repository
- n. 11 videos
- YouTube
- n. 15, images
- GitHub
1D repository
- n. 30, textual elements (Spoke elements)
Social Virtual Environments: Opportunities and Workflows in Cultural Heritage and Education in Architecture
The collection (content) composed of panels and
infographics was re-proposed in the digital
environment, allowing interaction with each image.
The church's side chapels were used to store 3D
models, historical videos, and a 360° immersive
picture where it is possible to enter and visualize it as
a 360° virtual tour. The other perimeter walls were
also used to collect a digital gallery of more recent
videos already stored in the YouTube channel of the
Museum Passion. The main empty wall in the
Presbyterian area carries the video with 3D
animations developed during a previous collaboration
between the Department of Architecture and Design
DAD of Politecnico di Torino and the Museum
Passion (Giovannini et al., 2021).
Figure 6: The ‘Phygital Experience’ of the Museum Passion
in Sordevolo.
4.2 Didactic Activities in Architecture
The following three experiences fall within the scope
of the dissemination of teaching activity carried out
both at the level of master's degree programs and as a
circumscribed activity of a master thesis still in
The intention to create immersive and social
environments to collect student works and their two-
and three-dimensional outcomes aligns with the
Telearchitettura (TA) portal's primary mission. TA is
an online platform of the Department of Architecture
and Design DAD and it is part of the Center for
Education in Architecture activities. The platform
collects the outcomes of all degree courses afferent to
DAD by creating individual web pages dedicated to
courses, seminars, and ateliers. The activity of
collecting student outcomes originated during the
COVID-19 pandemic, and the platform was
configured as a tool to collect not only student 2D
layouts but also videos to maintain the memory of
revisions in a participatory dialogue between students
and faculty members.
The discipline of drawing and representation thus
set itself the ambition of overcoming the two-
dimensionality of web pages, where content is
collected in the form of images, videos, and texts, by
adding the third dimension. This action is also aligned
with many other latest universities' experiences.
In 2018, 2020, and 2021, Tulane University
developed a digital recreation of Tulane School of
Architecture's large lecture hall as a virtual exhibition
experience to showcase Thesis projects by Graduate
and Undergraduate students. (Tulane, University,
n.a.) The Uncertain Space is the Virtual Museum of
the University of Bristol in the UK. (University of
Bristol Museum, n.a.) Harward University with
Archiverse created a digital design platform for
architectural and artistic creation using a
collaborative VR environment. (Harvard University,
n.a.) The TU Delft organized the VR exhibition The
News of the Progress 2.0, collecting the graduate
work of Architectural Engineering students. (Starink,
2020) In 2021, Newcastle University's School of
Architecture and Planning launched the Virtual
Degree Show (V21 ArtSpace, 2021). The XR Lab at
UC Berkeley launched the Virtual Bauer Wurster,
where students can upload their drawings and 3D
models and interact with others (Natividad, 2021).
Within this panorama, Social Virtual
Environments have played and are still playing an
undoubtedly significant role on the teaching front
(Poolsawas, 2023; Cowie, 2022).
4.2.1 The Inside the Museum Seminar
The first prototype experience was created in 2023 for
the introductory seminar Inside the Museum, in which
the disciplines of digital design representation
collaborate with Exhibit Design and Museography.
Students develop a design proposal to be
implemented inside a museum space. The activity
also requires students to use Extended Reality tools
within the exhibit and narrate the design projects for
the exhibit itself.
In 2023, the introductory seminar aimed to
develop an exhibition design for the FIAT Lingotto in
Turin. As part of the course activities, an on-site
temporary exhibition was developed to show
students' outcomes to the future student community at
Valentino Castle, inside the ‘Sala delle Colonne.’
The space is commonly used for exhibitions and
various events, and it consists of a hall with six
columns and a vaulted system. The aim of recreating
the space in a virtual exhibition was to document the
ERSeGEL 2024 - Workshop on Extended Reality and Serious Games for Education and Learning
on-site temporary exhibition, creating a diverse
access point for students' outcomes.
A photogrammetric acquisition was made to
develop the digital space (container) to obtain 3D
textured meshes of specific elements: columns and
stucco decorations. The intention was to close the gap
between real space and its digital replica. The 3D
model of the hall was used as a 3D environment
(container) with the possibility to interact with its
elements (content): students’ layouts, 3D models,
videos, and audio tracks obtained from a voice
synthesizer (Giovannini et al., 2023b).
Table 5: The ‘Inside the Museum Experience’ SVE project
A virtual exhibition of a temporary exhibition layout
repurposing simplified reality. The content of the SVE is
different from the original set-up. It is enriched with
students' material that cannot be visualized in reality,
including videos and audio tracks narrating the concept of
each project.
Container Specifications
3D technique
- Solid modeling from point-cloud of an
existing room
- colored texture materials
- Photogrammetric acquisition of
architectural elements that characterize
the space
- retopologization processes
- materials with reality-based textures
3D repository
- n. 2, 3D model
- SketchFab
Type of Content
3D model
360° image
Type of Content Interactions
3D model
360° image
Content specifications
3D technique
- Solid modeling repurposing maquette
and exhibition panels
- no texture/clay visualization
3D repository
- n. 6, 3D models
- SketchFab
2D repository
- n. 15, images
- GitHub
- n. 5 videos
- YouTube
1D repository
- n. 16, textual elements (Spoke elements)
- n. 16 audio tracks
Figure 7: The ‘Inside the Museum Experience’ for the
Telearchitettura platform at Politecnico di Torino is on the
top audio frame.
The prototyped environment was embedded in the
Telearchitettura portal that already contain other
course information.
In 2024, the seminar activity was replicated. The
case study was the design exhibit for Sale Auliche
at the Reale Mutua Historical Museum in Turin. The
exhibit comprises five rooms with painted vaults and
coffered ceilings. Silk wallpapers and diverse door
and window ornaments also characterized all the
rooms. Again, the photographic and photogrammetric
acquisition was done to obtain reality-based textures
for the 3D scene (container). This environment differs
from the previous one because it aims to develop a
guided virtual exhibition using five rooms as it
happens in reality.
The scene was then quite complex to optimize,
and it collects both reality-based 3D models for
vaulted systems and low-poly 3D models used for
walls. The ‘content’ consists of diverse types of
student outcomes. The seminar's didactic activities
also comprise developing different extended reality
solutions, including digital replicas, of their proposed
exhibition layouts.
Social Virtual Environments: Opportunities and Workflows in Cultural Heritage and Education in Architecture
Figure 8: The ‘container’ 3D digital asset of Sale Auliche
Experience’ for Reale Mutua Historical Museum in Turin.
Table 6: ‘Sale Auliche Experience’ SVE project analysis.
A virtual exhibition of a temporary exhibition layout
repurposing simplified reality. The content of the SVE is
different from the actual setup and is enriched with
exhibition layouts proposed by course students.
Container Specifications
3D technique
- Solid modeling from CAD
- materials with reality-based textures
- Photogrammetric acquisition of
architectural elements that characterize
the space (ceilings and vaulted systems)
- retopologization processes
- materials with reality-based textures
3D repository
- n. 9, 3D model
- SketchFab
Type of Content
3D model
360° image
Type of Content Interactions
3D model
360° image
Content specifications
3D technique
- Solid modeling repurposing maquette
and exhibition panels
- no texture/clay visualization
- 360° images used as primary access to
virtual tours developed by students
3D repository
- n. 2, 3D models
- n. 18, 360° image
- SketchFab
2D repository
- n. 40, images
- GitHub
- n. 18 videos
- YouTube
1D repository
- n. 55, textual elements (Spoke elements)
Figure 9: The ‘container’ 3D model of Sale Auliche
Experience’ for Reale Mutua Historical Museum in Turin
with an exhibit solution developed by a student group.
Figure 10: The ‘container’ 3D model of Sale Auliche
Experience’ for Reale Mutua Historical Museum in Turin
with an exhibit solution developed by a student group.
4.2.2 TeleArchitettura Virtual Space
Table 7: ‘TeleArchitettura Virtual’ SVE project analysis.
A virtual portal to access TeleArchitettura platform content.
Container Specifications
3D technique
- Solid modeling
- no texture/colored visualization
3D repository
- n. 9, 3D model
- SketchFab
Type of Content
3D model
360° image
Type of Content Interactions
3D model
360° image
Content specifications
3D technique
- Photogrammetric acquisition
- retopologization processes
- materials with reality-based textures
3D repository
- 3D models (according to courses
groups and materials available)
- SketchFab
2D repository
- images (according to courses groups
and materials available)
- GitHub
ERSeGEL 2024 - Workshop on Extended Reality and Serious Games for Education and Learning
TeleArchitettura is an institutional web platform that
collects didactic activities of academic courses for
bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Creating the digital
assets for the virtual environment follows the idea of
creating a TeleArchitettura virtual space where student
works can be exhibited, and the content can be
visualized and scrolled in an immersive way using VR
headsets. Extended reality applications are also part of
student work and can enrich the digital space,
augmenting the diversity of possible virtual
The space's design concept follows the idea of
creating spaces according to the type of interaction
with specific digital contents: 1D, 2D, or 3D. The space
consists of a series of hub rooms connected by portals
that allow one to pass from one space to another.
The main Hall introduces the diverse degree
courses offered by DAD. Each degree course is then
subdivided according to academic courses, organized
by academic years, and shows students' outcomes or,
eventually, registered plenary reviews. A gallery also
comprises the newest added content to the platform.
Figure 11: The Telearchitettura Virtual Space’ prototype
for the main Hall and Gallery developed by P. Cardone.
The paper presents a possible workflows for
disseminating cultural heritage and didactic activities
using digital technologies and developing digital
assets. Integrating and re-elaborating digital assets
was also part of the processes to create a
comprehensive visualization of content created to be
re-used also in diverse context with different
storytelling purposes. Within the digital environment,
documentary heritage and 3D models can be used the
same way as students' outcomes, which generally
produce bidimensional layouts and 3D models of
their designed projects.
Digital spaces and metaverses have become a way
to communicate culture and design projects and a place
of interaction for students and professors, the same as
museum professionals and visitors. In line with other
worldwide extended reality experiences, using web-
based Social Virtual Environments to display content
can be a good compromise between low cost and ease
of development. The outcomes of the activities
developed with museum collections, already presented
to the public through virtual exhibitions and demo
sessions on conference presentations, can also become
an asset to populate the virtual display of other
alternative virtual exhibitions. Again, TeleArchitettura
is a space of communication that today uses diverse
media, images, and videos. With this experience, the
platform will also include digital environments
exploring novel ways of communication and
interaction between students, academics and large
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