DYNAMO: Towards Network Attack Campaign Attribution via
Density-Aware Active Learning
Helene Orsini
1 a
and Yufei Han
2 b
Inria, Univ. Rennes, IRISA, Rennes, France
CentraleSupelec, Univ. Rennes, IRISA, Rennes, France
Campaign Attribution, Unseen Campaign Detection, Density-Aware Active Learning.
Network attack attribution is crucial for identifying and understanding attack campaigns, and implementing
preemptive measures. Traditional machine learning approaches face challenges such as labor-intensive cam-
paign annotation, imbalanced attack data distribution, and concept drift. To address these challenges, we
propose DYNAMO, a novel weakly supervised and human-in-the-loop machine learning framework for au-
tomated network attack attribution using raw network traffic records. DYNAMO integrates self-supervised
learning and density-aware active learning techniques to reduce the overhead of exhaustive annotation, query-
ing human analysts to label only a few selected highly representative network traffic samples. Our experiments
on the CTU-13 dataset demonstrate that annotating less than 3% of the records achieves attribution accuracy
comparable to fully supervised approaches with twice as many labeled records. Moreover, compared to clas-
sic active learning and semi-supervised techniques, DYNAMO achieves 20% higher attribution accuracy and
nearly perfect detection accuracy for unknown botnet campaigns with minimal annotations.
Cyber attack attribution aims to recognize the cam-
paigns of attacks that are likely performed by the
same organization and use similar attack techniques
(Sahoo, 2022; Jaafar et al., 2020; Alrabaee et al.,
2019; Zhang et al., 2019; Pitropakis et al., 2018; Ni-
sioti et al., 2018; Rosenberg et al., 2017; Alrabaee
et al., 2014). Deploying machine learning (ML) tech-
niques for attack attribution harnesses the power of
artificial intelligence (Lee and Choi, 2023; Ren et al.,
2023; Haddadpajouh et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2019;
Rosenberg et al., 2017). The ML-based attribution
methods excel at processing attack data with expo-
nentially growing volumes and identifying automati-
cally subtle patterns that may elude human analysts.
By analyzing many data sources, ML-based attack at-
tribution techniques can significantly enhance the ac-
curacy and efficiency of attribution efforts. They can
swiftly process and correlate indicators of compro-
mise to identify commonalities across disparate at-
tacks. Our study focuses on network attack attribu-
tion, identifying the campaigns responsible for mali-
cious activities.
Traditional machine learning (ML) approaches
encounter three primary challenges in network at-
tack attribution. First, ML-driven methods necessi-
tate substantial annotation efforts to construct a fully
labeled training dataset for attributing attack cam-
paigns (Rosenberg et al., 2017). The effectiveness
of ML models, especially Deep Neural Networks, is
linked to the availability of abundant labeled training
samples. However, manual annotations and investiga-
tions become prohibitively costly.
Secondly, imbalances in data volumes across var-
ious attack campaigns introduce severe statistical bias
for attack attribution (Sahoo, 2022; da Silva Fre-
itas Junior and Pisani, 2022). The complexity of net-
work attacks directly influences the volume of gen-
erated attack data, with specific techniques, such as
brute-force attacks, denial-of-service attacks, and ran-
somware attacks, yielding extensive observation data.
Conversely, more sophisticated attack campaigns may
go unnoticed due to their limited generation of dis-
persed logs over an extended period.
Given the intrinsic imbalanced data distribution,
the most frequently occurring campaigns are more
likely to be gathered and annotated. Consequently,
the attack attribution model trained with highly imbal-
anced data will easily overfit the majority campaigns
Orsini, H. and Han, Y.
DYNAMO: Towards Network Attack Campaign Attribution via Density-Aware Active Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0012759100003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 91-102
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
while ignoring the minority ones. Thirdly, the ever-
evolving nature of cyber-attacks poses a challenge in
the form of concept drift (Yang et al., 2021). The
tactics and infrastructure of attack campaigns contin-
ually evolve to evade detection and exploit new vul-
nerabilities. A ML-driven attack campaign attribution
system trained on historical data may no longer be rel-
evant if there is a behavior shift.
Echoing the challenges, our study proposes a
novel framework of weakly supervised and human-in-
the-loop ML-based attack attribution, known as DY-
NAMO, to address the bottlenecks. As in Figure 1,
DYNAMO comprises three modules.
Similarity-Enhancing and Self-Supervised Fea-
ture Learning with Unlabeled Network Traffic
Data. The initial module employs self-supervised
learning (Wen and Li, 2021) to acquire a similarity-
enhancing representation of unlabeled network traf-
fic records. This process aims to encode raw net-
work traffic data into a concise feature representa-
tion that groups network traffic data with similar pro-
files while separating those with distinct ones (Sahoo,
2022; Rosenberg et al., 2017; Lee and Choi, 2023).
Modern network attacks are commonly automated
by preprogrammed malware families and directed by
commands from command-and-control servers. Con-
sequently, network traffic data generated by the same
campaign tends to exhibit similar patterns. Compared
to raw network traffic, the similarity-enhancing latent
features can better differentiate attack behaviors.
Density-Aware Active Learning to Select Repre-
sentative Attack Data. Building on the learned
feature representation, the pipeline incorporates a
density-aware active learning module to sample and
label a fraction of network traffic data. Initially, DY-
NAMO conducts clustering of network traffic data in
the learned feature space. These derived clusters rep-
resent typical attack behaviors among the unlabeled
data. Subsequently, DYNAMO samples a few repre-
sentative network traffic records from each cluster and
annotates them. This density-aware active learning
process combines the methodologies of uncertainty
sampling and a round-robin-based ranking method to
prioritize clusters of smaller sizes during the sampling
The primary objectives of this density-aware ac-
tive learning module are threefold. Firstly, labeling
network traffic records from each local cluster en-
sures comprehensive coverage of diverse attack be-
haviors in the unlabeled data pool. Secondly, the un-
certainty sampling method in DYNAMO focuses on
attack behaviors that remain underfit and uncertain
to the attack attribution model, significantly enhanc-
ing the accuracy of attack attribution with minimal
labeling overheads. Thirdly, the round-robin-based
ranking method provides a balanced sample cover-
age across high and low-density areas in the unlabeled
Attack Attribution and Unseen Campaign Detec-
tion with Minimal Annotation Overheads. Com-
pared to density-agnostic sampling strategies such as
random selection or uncertainty sampling (Lewis and
Catlett, 1994; Cohn et al., 1994), the density-aware
active learning module constructs a more comprehen-
sive and less biased labeled dataset for attack attribu-
tion. Leveraging the selected representative network
traffic data, DYNAMO concurrently trains two mod-
els of attack attribution and unseen campaign detec-
tion tasks. With minimal labeling efforts, DYNAMO
simultaneously achieves the identification of network
traffic data belonging to human-annotated campaigns
and the detection of the attack campaigns remaining
unknown to human analysts in the pool of unlabeled
network traffic records.
Difference Between Our Work and Intrusion De-
tection (IDS). The primary objective of DYNAMO
is to identify distinct attack campaigns (Nisioti et al.,
2018). DYNAMO takes a collection of malicious
network traffic records as input. The output of DY-
NAMO determines whether the observed malicious
traffic activities are associated with specific attack
campaigns previously identified by human analysts
or generated by a previously unseen campaign, dis-
tinct from the known ones. DYNAMO can be further
chained with intrusion detection systems to detect and
categorize attack behaviors. However, differentiating
normal and malicious network activities is beyond the
scope of this work.
We summarize our contribution as below:
First, we propose DYNAMO to achieve accurate at-
tack attribution across campaigns with highly imbal-
anced distributions while minimizing campaign anno-
tation overhead. Empirical results demonstrate that
DYNAMO requires annotating 3% of the network
traffic records to achieve a campaign attribution accu-
racy close to the fully supervised baseline trained with
over 80% of the network traffic data. Compared to
uncertainty sampling based on active learning (Lewis
and Catlett, 1994; Balcan and Long, 2013; Zhou et al.,
2003; Han and Shen, 2016), DYNAMO exhibits sig-
nificantly higher campaign attribution accuracy. Es-
pecially, (Han and Shen, 2016) is adopted as an active
learning solution to spear-phishing campaign attribu-
tion. DYNAMO shows over 10% higher attribution
accuracy than this approach in the test.
Second, with the active learning technique, DY-
NAMO accurately detects the campaigns unseen in
the training phase of the campaign classifier while
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
minimizing the labeling overheads over the samples
from already recognized campaigns. Our experimen-
tal study shows that DYNAMO can achieve almost
perfect detection accuracy of unknown botnet cam-
paigns with less than 1% of the network traffic records
annotated, which is 30% higher than two state-of-the-
art anomaly detection-based baselines.
Third, we demonstrate DYNAMO’s effectiveness us-
ing a large-scale botnet traffic dataset. This dataset
contains over 444, 699 botnet traffic flows from 13
botnet campaigns, with highly imbalanced data dis-
tribution across different campaigns. 4 of the 13 cam-
paigns take over 90% of the network traffic records.
We randomly divide the botnet campaign into two
parts, i.e., we select 7 campaigns as known campaigns
and the rest 6 as unseen ones to mimic concept drift
of attack attribution. With this challenging setting, we
measure DYNAMO’s attack attribution and unseen
campaign detection performance. The empirical re-
sults confirm the validity of the design of DYNAMO.
Accurate attack attribution plays a pivotal role in de-
terring future cyber threats by enabling the applica-
tion of targeted defense mechanisms. In current secu-
rity practices, attack attribution relies on synthesizing
and analyzing threat intelligence reports (Pitropakis
et al., 2018; Jaafar et al., 2020; Alrabaee et al.,
2014). These reports are crafted by aggregating intel-
ligence from diverse sources, including open-sourced
intelligence, social media intelligence, human intel-
ligence, and intelligence gathered from the deep and
dark web (Sahoo, 2022; Pitropakis et al., 2018; Jaafar
et al., 2020). Integrating these information sources
helps unveil mechanisms, indicators, and actionable
insights related to emerging cyber threats. However,
the manual investigation-based attack attribution bot-
tleneck lies in the substantial domain-specific and
hardware-dependent knowledge required from human
security analysts to identify relevant indicators of at-
tack behaviors across different campaigns. This re-
sults in significant costs of manual investigation of
attacks, impeding timely responses to mitigate cyber-
In contrast to manual investigation-based attack
attribution, machine learning (ML)-driven methods
offer automated categorization of attack campaigns
based on security incident logs or network traffic pat-
terns (Rosenberg et al., 2017; Lee and Choi, 2023;
Nisioti et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2019; Haddadpajouh
et al., 2020). These ML-based solutions approach the
attack attribution problem as a multi-class classifica-
Figure 1: DYNAMO-based workflow for attack attribution
and unseen attack campaign detection.
tion task, taking inputs like system logs (e.g., Net-
Flow records or sandbox analysis logs). These inputs
are encoded into computable feature representations
of attack behaviors. The classifiers are built over these
features to categorize the encoded attack behaviors
into pre-labeled attack campaigns, e.g., different mal-
ware authors and network attack campaigns. How-
ever, applying these ML-based attack campaign at-
tribution methods requires to first preparing a fully
supervised training set, i.e., a set of network traf-
fic/system logs paired with explicitly identified cam-
paigns. Annotating attack campaigns usually requires
substantial manual investigation into the network traf-
fic/system logs. Besides, The imbalanced and dynam-
ically evolving nature of attack behaviors undermines
the performance of ML-based attack attribution, vi-
olating the Independent and Identically Distributed
(IID) assumption of ML methods (da Silva Freitas Ju-
nior and Pisani, 2022).
Active Learning. Active learning aims to enhance
classifier performance by strategically selecting unla-
beled samples for labeling, typically focusing on un-
certain or informative instances. These samples are
then labeled by external sources and incorporated into
the training set to refine the classifier. Methods in this
domain often prioritize challenging regions near clas-
sifier boundaries in the feature space and employ un-
certainty measures like posterior probability and pre-
diction entropy (Lewis and Catlett, 1994; Cohn et al.,
1994; Balcan and Long, 2013). Recent efforts extend
active learning to spear-phishing campaign attribution
(Han and Shen, 2016), refining the selection crite-
ria for uncertain samples (Sinha et al., 2019; Deng
et al., 2018). However, conventional active learning
approaches struggle with imbalanced data distribu-
tions, particularly in neglecting minority class sam-
ples, which exacerbates misclassifications early in the
learning process when uncertainty measures may be
less reliable.
Categorizing different attack campaigns hinges on as-
sessing the similarity between network traffic pat-
DYNAMO: Towards Network Attack Campaign Attribution via Density-Aware Active Learning
terns, particularly botnet attacks programmed by
Command and Control servers. In these attacks, net-
work traffic patterns within the same campaign tend
to be very similar. In situations where limited net-
work traffic is annotated with campaign labels, a high-
quality similarity metric between network activities
proves crucial for estimating the distribution of dis-
tinct campaigns. Furthermore, active learning is also
pivotal in alleviating the challenge of limited anno-
tated traffic. For imbalanced data distribution, ac-
tive learning should prioritize sampling representative
data from locally sparse areas in the data distribution,
which are likely to contain traffic from rarely occur-
ring campaigns. This density-aware sampling strat-
egy balances the sample coverage over rarely and fre-
quently occurring campaigns.
Following the principles, the DYNAMO’s work-
flow, shown in Figure.1, operates for practical at-
tack campaign attribution. Initially, it ingests a pool
of unlabeled malicious network traffic records cap-
tured from System Information and Event Manage-
ment (SIEM) system. During training, DYNAMO ap-
plies a nearest-neighbor-based self-supervised learn-
ing technique that compresses raw records into fea-
ture embeddings. Then, DYNAMO employs density-
aware active learning on unlabeled records, strategi-
cally selecting representative samples. These sam-
ples are annotated by human analysts with campaign
labels. DYNAMO concurrently builds an attack at-
tribution and an unseen campaign detection model
by leveraging these labels. In testing, DYNAMO
reaches dual objectives: 1) categorizing network traf-
fic into human-annotated attack campaigns; 2) detect-
ing traffic critically distinct from human-annotated
campaigns, potentially emanating from previously
unseen campaigns. DYNAMO may then be reapplied
to categorize the new campaigns.
3.1 Self-Supervised Feature Encoding
Let X = {x
} (i=1,2,3,...,N) denote the network traffic
records of different attack campaigns. Each x
can be
raw network traffic data, such as NetFlow records, or
aggregated statistics of NetFlow records within slid-
ing time windows (Garcia et al., 2014; Kim et al.,
2020). DYNAMO uses raw NetFlow records as the
input. NetFlow aggregates pcap data into flow, pro-
viding an efficient and scalable metadata-based rep-
resentation of communication. It includes numerical
and categorical features such as source and destina-
tion IP addresses, ports, network protocols, traffic du-
ration, etc (Sarhan et al., 2020). As reported in (Nisi-
oti et al., 2018; Garcia et al., 2014), NetFlow is used
widely in network traffic analysis and attack detec-
tion. Our study inherits the NetFlow features used for
intrusion detection as in (Sarhan et al., 2020).
As shown in Figure.2, given the input network
traffic data, this self-supervised learning module
aims to map the raw NetFlow records into a low-
dimensional latent feature space. The learned feature
space is designed to enhance the similarity relation
between network traffic data: pairs of network traffic
records x
and x
sharing similar attributes are forced
to stay close, thus having a higher similarity level. In
contrast, pairs of network traffic with different pat-
terns are separated as much as possible, holding a
lower similarity level. To reach this goal we gener-
ate a K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) graph over all the
Netflows. In this KNN graph, each node is a Net-
Flow record x
and linked to its K-Nearest Neighbors,
i.e., KNN(x
) = {x
}. In our
study, we empirically choose K to be 5, providing a
sparse KNN graph structure and showing the optimal
performance. We then train a GraphSage-based auto-
encoder h parameterized by θ in DYNAMO to opti-
mize the objective function in the following:
= arg min
where x
/ KNN(x
) denote the nodes in the KNN
graph that are not connected to x
(hence beyond the
5-hop nearest neighbors of x
). σ is the sigmoid func-
tion. In Eq.1, minimizing the first term maximizes
the similarity between x
and its nearest neighbors
) in the latent feature embedding space. Mini-
mizing the second term maximizes the distance (min-
imizing similarity) between x
and any data points be-
yond the K nearest neighbors. λ is a hyperparameter
balancing the second term’s impact in the objective
function. Optimizing Eq.1 aims to generate a com-
pact feature representation of raw NetFlow data that
can separate different network flows as much as pos-
sible. In parallel, network flows with similar features
tend to be produced by the same attack campaign.
In the GraphSage-based feature space, these similar
network flows are grouped together, which facilitates
identifying the clusters of similar traffics. In conclu-
sion, this GraphSage-based feature learning method
trains a similarity-enhancing encoder of raw NetFlow.
It swells the similarity between network traffic exe-
cuted by the same attack campaign and difference be-
tween attack campaigns. We can then use the learned
feature embeddings of NetFlow data to identify at-
tack campaigns. We note that DYNAMO provides a
flexible workflow: other self-supervised learning en-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 2: The concept of GraphSage-based self-supervised
feature learning.
coders, such as triple contrastive learning, can be de-
ployed in the feature encoding module of DYNAMO.
We focus on demonstrating how the self-supervised
learning-based encoder helps automated campaign at-
tribution with weak supervision.
3.2 Density-Aware Active Learning
DYNAMO performs hierarchical clustering of the
learned latent features of network traffic data h
X). Hierarchical clustering has been used fre-
quently in data analysis (Silva et al., 2018), reach-
ing good clustering results yet inducing reasonable
overheads. The clustering algorithm aims to identify
the groups of network traffic with highly similar pro-
files, which potentially belong to the same attack cam-
paigns. More advanced clustering algorithms, e.g.
spectral clustering and DBSCAN, can be integrated
into DYNAMO. Empirically, we find these cluster-
ing methods end up with similar campaign attribu-
tion results. DYNAMO then conducts cluster-wise
sampling. Network traffic selected from each clus-
ter is annotated with campaign labels by external or-
acles, e.g., human analysts or MITRE attack knowl-
edge graph. DYNAMO trains a classifier f parame-
terized by ψ to map an input NetFlow record to the
annotated campaign label. Let C = {C
,..., C
} de-
note the M clusters derived. The active learning pro-
cess in DYNAMO iteratively executes two steps.
Initialization of the Attack Attribution. At the ini-
tial stage, DYNAMO selects data points Γ
= {x
(i=1,2,3,...,M) closest to the center of each cluster,
queries the external oracle to obtain corresponding at-
tack campaign labels y
and initializes the classifier f
using the initial labeled dataset S = Γ
. The round-
robin sampling strategy. In each iteration t of the ac-
tive learning, DYNAMO aims to select a diverse set of
network traffic records with the lowest decision con-
fidence of the classifier f . These selected data points
are added to the labeled training dataset S. By select-
ing samples that the classifier is least confident about,
active learning aims to reduce uncertainty to the max-
imum extent in the classifier. These samples are un-
derfitted by the classifier. They are often located in the
regions where the decision boundary is ambiguous or
Figure 3: The Round-Robin sampling strategy for density-
aware active learning.
where the model is likely to make errors. Including
such instances in the training set can lead to a more
robust and accurate model.
Figure.3 demonstrates the round-robin sampling
process. We use the certainty score u(x
) of an in-
put network traffic record x
(Lewis and Catlett, 1994)
to measure the decision confidence, i.e., a lower cer-
tainty score denotes lower decision confidence. DY-
NAMO hence applies the classifier f over the whole
pool of unlabeled network traffic records X
XS and selects Q records with the lowest certainty
score. After that, DYNAMO retrieves the clusters that
contain these Q records in the total M clusters. We
note these clusters containing the Q data records with
the highest uncertainty scores as
C ={
, ...,
with M
< M. DYNAMO sorts the M
clusters in an
ascending order of the cluster size. The sorted clus-
ters are given as
, ...,
, where i
,..., i
are the indices of the clusters in the sorted cluster list.
| |
|... |
|. DYNAMO employs a round-
robin sampling method. It follows a cyclic sampling
process, starting from the first (the smallest) cluster
. For each of the M
clusters, it selects one network
traffic record with the lowest certainty score to anno-
tate and moves to the next cluster along the ranked
list of clusters. After obtaining a sample from the
largest cluster
, it returns to the smallest cluster
with still unlabeled data records. This process repeats
until the maximum number of the labeled network
traffic records is reached for the iteration t. The se-
lected records are added to S to update the classifier.
This round-robin sampling strategy uses the clus-
ter’s size to evaluate the cluster’s distribution density
in the latent feature space. A cluster of a smaller size
represents a sparser area and is more likely to include
rarely appearing campaigns compared to high-density
areas. The round-robin method guarantees that DY-
NAMO prioritizes the sparse areas containing infor-
mative examples over the dense areas in the sampling
process. It balances the number of training samples
from minority and majority campaigns.
DYNAMO: Towards Network Attack Campaign Attribution via Density-Aware Active Learning
3.3 Detecting Unseen Campaigns
In parallel with training the classifier f for attack attri-
bution, DYNAMO builds an unseen attack campaign
detector g parameterized by φ in the latent feature
space, using the labeled network traffic records S se-
lected by the density-aware active learning module.
The network traffic records annotated by human an-
alysts are considered samples from the attack cam-
paigns already known. In the pool of remaining un-
labeled network traffic records, the task of unseen
campaign detection is to decide whether an unlabeled
network traffic record belongs to any labeled cam-
paigns or a new campaign beyond the labeled sam-
ples. Formally, the detector maps the latent feature
embedding of a network traffic record x to a binary
response, i.e.,g
(x)) {1,1}. with 1 denoting
unseen campaigns and 1 for known campaigns.
We incorporate two state-of-the-art one-class
anomaly detection methods (Moya and Hush, 1996),
One-class SVM and Isolation Forest, for the unseen
campaign detection task. These methods have proven
effective in detecting concept drift in intrusion detec-
tion, malware classification systems, and outlier de-
tection (Nisioti et al., 2018; Karev et al., 2017; Bur-
naev and Smolyakov, 2016). In DYNAMO, we ad-
here to the one-class classification setting (Moya and
Hush, 1996) and train both one-class anomaly detec-
tion models using annotated network traffic records
from known campaigns. In this setup, the selected
labeled network traffic records S serve as the repre-
sentative dataset for known attack campaigns. The
two one-class anomaly detection methods establish
a hypersphere in the latent feature space to encom-
pass data points in S. During testing, points inside
the sphere are considered inliers (data from known
campaigns), while points outside are flagged as out-
liers from potentially unknown campaigns. How-
ever, these one-class methods are sensitive to the high
diversity of training data, often classifying rarely-
appearing classes of normal data as anomalies and
leading to false alarms. To address this issue, we pro-
pose using Positive-Unlabeled (PU) learning (Plessis
et al., 2015) to enhance unseen campaign detection.
PU learning formulates unseen campaign detec-
tion as a binary classification task. The labeled
network traffic data S and the remaining unlabeled
records X/S are treated as positive and negative train-
ing data. As X/S is potentially a mixture of the net-
work traffic data of the known and unseen attack cam-
paigns, they form a set of noisy negative training data.
Our work adopts the PU learning method in (Plessis
et al., 2015) to recover the boundary differentiating
the known campaigns from previously unseen cam-
paigns. Integrating PU learning and active learning
in DYNAMO for unseen campaign detection offers a
two-fold advantage. First, PU learning explicitly in-
cludes labeled training samples of known campaigns,
allowing DYNAMO to capture accurately the charac-
teristics differentiating known and unseen campaigns.
Second, PU learning benefits from density-aware ac-
tive learning, using labeled representative network
traffic records to provide balanced coverage over both
majority and minority attack campaigns. This ap-
proach can better capture variability within known
attack campaigns, reducing sensitivity to imbalanced
campaign distribution and improving the performance
of unseen campaign detection.
We demonstrate the use of DYNAMO with the task of
botnet campaign attribution. Our experimental study
shows the merits of DYNAMO by addressing the fol-
lowing 3 questions:
Question 1. (Q1) Compared to using raw NetFlow
data directly, can the self-supervised feature learning
technique of DYNAMO improve the performance of
attack attribution ?
Question 2. (Q2) Highly imbalanced network traf-
fic data distribution from various attack campaigns
may pose challenges to the density-agnostic query-to-
learn active learning techniques. Compared to them,
can DYNAMO’s density-aware active learning mod-
ule help reach more effective attack attribution?
Question 3. (Q3) Except for a few NetFlow records
annotated with the corresponding campaigns, plenty
NetFlow data remain unannotated due to the expen-
sive cost of manual investigation. Can unannotated
data be useful to boost the performance of unseen
campaign detection ?
4.1 Experimental Setup
Dataset. We use the CTU-13 dataset (Garcia et al.,
2014) as the benchmark data to evaluate the effec-
tiveness of DYNAMO. The CTU-13 is a dataset of
botnet traffic records captured by CTU University in
2011. It contains 13 scenarios of botnet attacks. Each
botnet scenario was defined as a particular infection
of the virtual machines by executing a specific type
of malware. Across different botnet scenarios, differ-
ent network protocols were employed for botnets, and
different attack actions such as IRC-based, PortScan,
Spam, DDoS attacks were adopted. For example, bot-
net scenario 10 primarily employs IRC botnets and
DDoS attacks, while botnet scenario 9 also introduces
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
parallel PortScan, ClickFraud, and Spam-based at-
tacks. The diversity of the attack actions results in
different attack behaviors between botnet scenarios.
In the following experiments, we treat each scenario
as a separate attack campaign. The task of attack at-
tribution in the following experiments is categorizing
the NetFlow records to the corresponding scenarios.
In total, there are 444, 699 NetFlow records of botnet
flows in the whole 13 scenarios. We use the scenario
label of each NetFlow record as the ground truth of
attack attribution and unseen campaign detection. As
shown in (Garcia et al., 2014), different botnet scenar-
ios contribute drastically varied numbers of NetFlow
data. The 1st, 3rd, 9th, and 10th botnet scenarios
contain over 85% of the NetFlow data in the whole
dataset. Since differentiating botnet traffic from be-
nign ones is beyond our scope, we do not use either
benign or background traffic in CTU-13.
The Test Settings. We follow the dataset split setting
in (Garcia et al., 2014; Kim et al., 2020) in the at-
tack attribution test. We pick 7 out of the total 13 bot-
net scenarios (the 3,4,5,10,11,12,13 scenarios). These
7 scenarios were captured by executing the botnet
Rbot, Virus, and NSIS.ay. They perform IRC-based,
P2P-based and HTTP-based communication methods
including botnet attacks such as Spam, ClickFraud,
PortScan, DDoS, and FastFlux. The rest 6 campaigns
(the 1,2,6,7,8, and 9 scenarios) were executed with
the botnet Neris, Sougou, Menti, and Murlo. The
NetFlow records in the 7 and 6 campaigns are noted
as D
and D
. They contain 186990 and 257709
NetFlow records, respectively. The botnet malware
samples used to generate the two subsets of scenar-
ios have no overlapping. This split aims to mimic the
real-world situation where the captured botnet attacks
are potentially launched by different attack campaigns
in term of protocols and attack behaviors. Using D
and D
, we define two testing settings: Attack Attri-
bution and Unseen Campaign Detection.
Attack Campaign Attribution. We randomly select
80% of NetFlow data in each of the 7 scenarios in
as the training set, noted as D
. The rest 20%
NetFlow samples of each scenario in D
are used as
the testing set, noted as D
. The botnet scenario la-
bels of D
are taken as the ground truth attack cam-
paign labels for campaign attribution test.
DYNAMO selects p% of D
to label by hu-
man experts with p = 0.7%,1.3%,2.0%,2.6%, cor-
responding to 1000,2000,3000,4000 and 5000 sam-
ples respectively. DYNAMO trains the classifier with
the selected and labeled NetFlow records. Then DY-
NAMO applies the classifier over D
to measure the
accuracy of the attack attribution classification. The
higher the botnet scenario classification accuracy is,
the more effective DYNAMO is for attack attribution.
Unseen Campaign Detection: We consider the bot-
net scenarios in D
and D
as known and unseen
campaigns. To demonstrate that the unseen campaign
detection can be conducted in parallel to the attribu-
tion of known campaigns, we provide to DYNAMO
p% of the NetFlow records in D
(the training data
of attack attribution) annotated with the attack cam-
paign labels. They are considered labeled samples
from known attack campaigns. We note this selected
subset as D
. The rest unlabeled traffic data
in D
are noted as D
We randomly split D
into two non-overlapped
subsets D
and D
, containing 80% and 20% of
NetFlow records in D
. We train One-Class SVM-
based and Isolation Forest-based detector as two base-
lines using the labeled samples D
. For the
PU learning module of DYNAMO, we train g
ing D
as positive training data. We com-
bine D
and D
together to form the
noisy negative training data of PU learning, noted
as D
. In this setting, D
contains a
mixture of both already known and unknown botnet
campaigns. We evaluate the performance of unseen
campaign detection on D
and D
. Evaluation
metric. We utilize Macro F1 to measure the attack
campaign attribution accuracy and unseen campaign
detection accuracy. To report the performance met-
ric, we repeat the random split of D
into D
for 10 times. The average and standard deviation
of each metric is reported in the experimental results.
The Settings of DYNAMO. DYNAMO projects a
raw NetFlow record to a 64 dimensional embed-
ding vector using the self-supervised feature encoder,
which empirically provide the optimal performance.
In each round of active learning, DYNAMO selects at
most 50 NetFlow records. We emphasize that propos-
ing a new classifier architecture for attack attribu-
tion is beyond our scope. To demonstrate the appli-
cation of DYNAMO, we choose Gradient Boosted
Trees (GBT) composing 800 trees for attack attri-
bution and unseen campaign detection. GBT-based
classifiers have been widely used in various cyber se-
curity applications. It provides competitive and ac-
curate classification performances compared to more
complex models, e.g., deep neural networks. We also
involve Label Spreading (LS) as a baseline in our
study, which is a semi-supervised classifier previously
used for spear-phishing campaign attribution. It has
been combined with uncertainty sampling-based ac-
tive learning for spear-phishing campaign attribution
in (Han and Shen, 2016). It propagates class label
confidence scores across nearest neighbors to esti-
mate the class label of unlabeled data points. Com-
DYNAMO: Towards Network Attack Campaign Attribution via Density-Aware Active Learning
pared to GBT, LS is sensitive to the imbalanced class
distribution. For unseen campaign detection, we in-
herit the same hyperparameter settings of GBT in the
attack attribution test. We use 800 trees for Isolation
Forest and the RBF kernel for One-class SVM.
4.2 Attack Campaign Attribution
The empirical study provides the answer to the ques-
tion Q1 and Q2. We involve three alternative base-
lines to DYNAMO.
Attack Attribution with Full Supervision. We use a
fully supervised GBT classifier, trained on the entirety
of the attack-labeled training dataset D
. Proxim-
ity of campaign classification accuracy between DY-
NAMO and this baseline indicates that DYNAMO
can provide accurate campaign attribution.
UAL. The uncertainty sampling-based active learn-
ing method (UAL) (Lewis and Catlett, 1994; Han
and Shen, 2016) performs an iterative annotation-
retraining process. In each iteration, it first selects
and annotates the 50 network traffic records with the
highest uncertainty scores in the unlabeled data of
. These annotated records are added to the train-
ing dataset. The classifier is then retrained using the
enriched and fully annotated training dataset.
Random Selection. We randomly select network
traffic data from the whole pool of D
to label and
train the classifier.
We implement DYNAMO and all the base-
lines using both raw data and the learned feature
space. We compare the attack attribution performance
with/without the learned features to confirm the mer-
its of introducing the self-supervised feature learn-
ing module. Table.1 and Table.2 present the aver-
aged and standard deviation of Macro F1 score of
attack attribution of all the involved methods using
the raw data and the learned features, respectively.
In each table, we vary the number of the selected
samples from the training dataset D
in the ac-
tive learning process. In Table.1 and Table.2 , we
consistently observe superior attack attribution accu-
racy achieved using the DYNAMO’s learned features.
Across various fractions of labeled data, Macro F1
scores of Random Selection, DYNAMO, and UAL
using learned features are, on average, 15% higher
than those obtained using raw NetFlow data. Notably,
using learned features, both DYNAMO and UAL can
achieve Macro F1 scores close to the full supervision
method employing the entire training dataset D
requiring only 3% of the training dataset (5000 la-
beled samples). These empirical observations confirm
the accuracy-boosting effect of self-supervised learn-
ing, which answer Q1 raised before.
DYNAMO performs clustering of NetFlow
records in the learned feature space. To intuitively
illustrate the merit of the self-supervised learning
module, we show 6 out of the whole 50 clusters
in Figure.4. In each plot, the x-axis represents
the botnet campaign labels. The y-axis gives the
number of the NetFlow records attributed to different
campaigns in each cluster. As shown, the NetFlow
data in all the 6 clusters are dominated by only
one botnet campaign. It indicates that each cluster
contains highly similar network traffic patterns. In
the learned feature space, similar network traffic
flows are compressed into close feature embeddings
and different flows are separated with a distinctive
gap. This similarity-enhancing characteristic of the
learned feature space facilitates the identification of
representative network traffic patterns, prompting
the performance of attack attribution. In Cluster 13,
except for 353 NetFlow records from botnet scenario
4, there are also 84 NetFlow records from botnet
scenario 13. One potential reason for the overlapping
can be that both botnet scenarios involve traffic for
communication with C2 servers and data exfiltration,
which show similar network traffic patterns. Cluster
34 contains 77 and 320 NetFlow records from botnet
scenarios 5 and 13. Both scenarios are executed by
Virut malware for spam and port scan attacks, leading
to similar traffic patterns.
We address Q2 by examining the outcomes from
various perspectives, as outlined in Table 1 and Ta-
ble 2 for Macro-F1. As shown in Table 2, the aver-
age Macro-F1 scores of DYNAMO surpass those of
Random Selection by up to 15% when utilizing the
learned feature space across varying fractions of la-
beled data points. Simultaneously, Figure.5 illustrates
the average percentages of labeled NetFlow records
from different campaigns using DYNAMO and Ran-
dom Selection. Notably, DYNAMO yields signifi-
cantly more balanced labeled NetFlow records cov-
ering diverse botnet campaigns than those selected
by Random Selection. These observations mutually
reinforce one another: DYNAMO supplies less bi-
ased labeled samples for training the attack attribu-
tion model, achieving superior accuracy compared to
Random Selection.
As depicted in Table.1, DYNAMO consistently
achieves a higher average Macro-F1 with 1/20th of
the standard deviation over the Macro-F1 scores on
raw NetFlow data compared to UAL. For Table.2,
DYNAMO exhibits higher average Macro-F1 scores
than UAL, especially when the number of the la-
beled NetFlow records is limited, e.g., less than 4000.
For example, with 3000 records labeled, DYNAMO’s
Macro-F1 score is already close to the full supervi-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
(a) Distributions of different campaigns
in Cluster 3
(b) Distributions of different campaigns
in Cluster 7
(c) Distributions of different campaigns
in Cluster 8
(d) Distributions of different campaigns
in Cluster 13
(e) Distributions of different campaigns
in Cluster 34
(f) Distributions of different campaigns
in Cluster 35
Figure 4: Distributions of different campaigns in 6 clusters derived by DYNAMO.
sion method using 80% of the training data. It is 6%
and 14% higher than the averaged Macro-F1 score of
UAL and Random Selection, respectively. Figure.5
displays the average percentages of network traffic
data from different campaigns (y-axis) in the labeled
NetFlow records using DYNAMO, UAL, and Ran-
dom Selection with 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, and 5000
labeled NetFlow records (x-axis). For Random Selec-
tion, the number of labeled samples from the minor-
ity botnet campaigns is generally less than 10, with
some scenarios having only 1 labeled sample even
when the total number of labeled data reaches 5000.
In contrast, DYNAMO provides more than 20 labeled
samples for minority campaigns. The balanced sam-
pling coverage of DYNAMO results in more accu-
rate attack attribution than Random Selection. Com-
pared to UAL, DYNAMO reaches a more stable and
balanced data distribution between the minority cam-
paigns (e.g., botnet scenarios 3,4,5,11, and 12) and
the dominant ones (botnet scenarios 10 and 13). In ad-
dition, the campaign distribution in the selected Net-
Flow records by UAL contains more drastic fluctua-
tion than DYNAMO. This results in UALs attribution
accuracy being less accurate. The result affirms the
merits of DYNAMO, particularly in scenarios with a
tight labeling budget.
Furthermore, employing the GBT-based classi-
fier, DYNAMO yields 10% to 15% higher average
Macro-F1 scores than those obtained with the LS-
based semi-supervised learning method used in (Han
and Shen, 2016), irrespective of the sampling strat-
egy and the number of labeled samples. The LS
method iteratively propagates class membership con-
fidence from labeled training samples to their unla-
beled k-hop nearest neighbors. It is intrinsically sen-
sitive to imbalanced class distribution, as the majority
campaigns influence the estimated label confidence
more. In contrast, GBT is composed of ensemble
tree-based classifiers, which exhibit more resilience to
data imbalance than the LS-based method. This result
suggests the efficacy of combining the density-aware
sampling strategy with class imbalance-resilient clas-
sifiers for attack attribution.
The Best v.s. Worst Classified Botnet Campaigns.
We compute the class-wise F1 scores of DYNAMO
with 5000 labeled NetFlow records. The two best-
classified campaigns are botnet scenarios 3 and 13,
with class-wise F1 scores of 0.999 and 0.990. Net-
Flow records in these two scenarios are almost per-
fectly classified to the correct campaigns. Botnet
scenario 3 contains IRC botnet attacks executed by
Rbot IRC bots. The network activity includes IRC
C2 server communication and port scans. They can
be characterized by the use of IRC ports that are
rarely used in other scenarios (e.g., TCP port 6667).
Besides, some of the traffic in this scenario is exe-
cuted by the authors of CTU-13 to simulate attacks.
These behaviors make this scenario easily differen-
tiated from the others using ICMP/UDP/HTTP for
spam and DDoS attacks. Botnet scenario 13 involves
spam attacks executed by Virut with the attempts by-
passing CAPTCHA on webmail servers. These be-
haviors are different from the DDoS/IRC botnet at-
tacks. The worst two classified campaigns are botnet
scenarios 5 and 11. Botnet scenario 5 is mostly mis-
classified to Botnet scenario 13. Though scenarios 5
and 13 are dedicated to different attack behaviors, as
indicated by (Garcia et al., 2014), they are both exe-
cuted by Virut for spam attacks. These two campaigns
share similar network activities, e.g., they have simi-
lar C2 server communication traffic. Similarly, botnet
scenarios 11 and 10 are both executed by Rbot for
DDoS attacks. They also share similar network traf-
fic patterns pre-programmed by Robt. Differentiating
these two campaigns thus becomes difficult. Distin-
guishing scenarios 5 and 11 requires further investi-
DYNAMO: Towards Network Attack Campaign Attribution via Density-Aware Active Learning
gating and encoding the payloads of communications,
e.g., extracting and encoding C2 command strings in
the payloads. This is beyond the scope of our current
study, but definitely within our future plan.
4.3 Unseen Campaign Detection
We involve the following tests to provide the answer
to the question Q3. For DYNAMO, UAL, and Ran-
dom Selection, we implement Isolation Forest (ISO)
and One-class SVM (OCSVM) as alternatives to the
PU-learning-based unseen campaign detector. All of
the 9 settings are evaluated over the testing NetFlow
data from the 7 campaigns in D
(the known cam-
paigns) and the other 6 campaigns in D
(the unseen
campaigns). Table.3 and Table.4 report the average
and standard deviation of Macro-F1 achieved in the
9 settings using raw NetFlow data and the latent fea-
ture space encoded within DYNAMO. The detection
performance for unseen campaigns, detailed in Ta-
bles 3 and 4, reveals a substantial improvement when
utilizing progressively more labeled NetFlow data
from the seven known campaigns during the training
phase. In comparison to Isolation Forest and One-
class SVM models, it is consistently evident that DY-
NAMO’s PU-learning-based detector achieves signif-
icantly higher detection accuracy. When employing
raw NetFlow data, DYNAMO, with the PU-learning
technique, exhibits orders of magnitude improvement
and a 10% to 50% increase in Macro F1 compared
to the Isolation Forest and OCSVM-based detection
methods. By further leveraging feature embeddings,
DYNAMO with the PU-learning technique achieves
perfect detection accuracy (Macro-F1 of 1.0) with
only 0.3% of the NetFlow records (1000 NetFlow
records) labeled from the known campaigns. The
Macro-F1 scores presented in Table 1 demonstrate a
substantial deterioration in performance when apply-
ing the PU-learning technique to randomly selected
labeled data with raw NetFlow records, reaching al-
most half of the scores achieved by ISO and OCSVM.
In contrast, leveraging the PU-learning method with
the active learning module of DYNAMO and UAL
yields significantly higher detection accuracy. This
highlights that relying solely on the PU-learning tech-
nique does not ensure precise unseen campaign de-
tection. The effectiveness of PU learning is contin-
gent on the representativeness of the labeled NetFlow
records. Therefore, it becomes imperative to inte-
grate the self-supervised feature encoder, the density-
aware active learning module, and the PU-learning
technique to ensure optimal detection performance.
In the unseen campaign detection task, known cam-
paigns display diverse network traffic patterns, but
the scarcity of labeled data hampers consistent and
accurate detection by both methods. In contrast, the
PU learning module of DYNAMO leverages both la-
beled and unlabeled network traffic data, which pro-
vides an unbiased and direct estimate of the classifica-
tion boundary between known and unseen campaigns,
thereby enhancing DYNAMO’s detection accuracy.
Tables 3 and 4 illustrate that leveraging features
learned by the self-supervised module significantly
enhances Macro-F1 scores compared to using raw
NetFlow data. Moreover, employing these learned
features elevates the AUC scores of all methods close
to 1, indicating high performance. These findings
consistently demonstrate substantial improvements
in detection accuracy with the self-supervised mod-
ule. Compared to density-agnostic strategies (UAL
and Random Selection), utilizing density-aware tech-
niques based on learned latent feature embeddings
achieves the highest detection accuracy across all
three detection models (ISO, OCSVM, and PU). This
highlights the effectiveness of integrating the three
key modules in DYNAMO, not only for categorizing
network activities from various campaigns but also
for identifying emerging campaigns.
In conclusion, we present DYNAMO, a weakly su-
pervised machine learning pipeline for automated
network attack attribution, circumventing the need
for exhaustive campaign labeling. DYNAMO effec-
tively addresses the three-fold challenge in ML-based
campaign attribution, i.e. the limited labeled cam-
paigns for training, imbalanced campaign distribu-
tions, and the emergence of unseen attack campaigns.
Empirical results demonstrate DYNAMO’s capabil-
ity to accurately attribute attack data to known cam-
paigns while concurrently detecting previously un-
known campaigns. Future endeavors will focus on ex-
tending DYNAMO’s applicability to categorize APT
attack campaigns and explore self-supervised tech-
niques for campaign identification to further enhance
the autonomy of attack campaign attribution.
This work is funded by ANR PEPR project Super-
viz (22-PECY-0008) and ANR PEPR project DefMal
(22-PECY-0007). We would also appreciate insight-
ful discussion and suggestions offered by Professor
Valerie Viet Triem Tong of CentraleSupelec.
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Mean and standard deviation (Mean standard deviation) of Macro F1 for attack attribution with raw NetFlow data.
The full supervision method trained using all training data achieves an average Macro F1 of 0.674. NB: the number of the
selected network traffic data.
Attack attribution with the raw network traffic data
Random Selection DYNAMO UAL
1000 (p=0.7%) 0.649 0.022 0.576 0.034 0.654 0.001 0.576 0.000 0.578 0.043 0.533 0.052
2000 (p=1.3%) 0.661 0.010 0.573 0.019 0.654 0.002 0.580 0.000 0.609 0.055 0.573 0.071
3000 (p=2.0%) 0.664 0.009 0.583 0.017 0.654 0.002 0.590 0.000 0.618 0.036 0.603 0.076
4000 (p=2.6%) 0.666 0.008 0.659 0.015 0.654 0.002 0.583 0.000 0.635 0.024 0.648 0.051
5000 (p=3.3%) 0.666 0.006 0.658 0.020 0.653 0.002 0.583 0.000 0.640 0.022 0.652 0.052
Table 2: Mean and standard deviation (Mean standard deviation) of Macro F1 for attack attribution with the learned em-
bedding features. The full supervision method trained using all of the data achieves an average Macro F1 of 0.805. NB: the
number of the selected network traffic data.
Attack attribution with the latent feature learned by the self-supervised learning module
Random Selection DYNAMO UAL
1000 (p=0.7%) 0.611 0.024 0.637 0.036 0.695 0.024 0.631 0.000 0.607 0.016 0.574 0.067
2000 (p=1.3%) 0.653 0.018 0.694 0.022 0.745 0.021 0.677 0.000 0.613 0.016 0.608 0.017
3000 (p=2.0%) 0.673 0.017 0.712 0.016 0.764 0.016 0.688 0.000 0.723 0.013 0.654 0.027
4000 (p=2.6%) 0.686 0.013 0.723 0.049 0.781 0.015 0.707 0.000 0.773 0.002 0.689 0.019
5000 (p=3.3%) 0.697 0.013 0.732 0.012 0.791 0.011 0.708 0.000 0.785 0.009 0.702 0.020
(a) Random Selection (b) DYNAMO (c) UAL
Figure 5: The percentage number of the labeled NetFlow records belonging to different botnet scenarios.
Table 3: Mean and standard deviation (Meanstandard deviation) of Macro F1 of unseen campaign detection on raw NetFlow
data. NB: the number of the selected network traffic data.
Unseen campaign detection using raw NetFlow data
Random Selection DYNAMO UAL
1000 (p=0.7%) 0.816 0.017 0.764 0.000 0.296 0.000 0.758 0.071 0.764 0.026 0.892 0.001 0.489 0.160 0.567 0.191 0.890 0.002
2000 (p=1.3%) 0.808 0.025 0.764 0.000 0.296 0.000 0.762 0.039 0.731 0.026 0.893 0.001 0.494 0.169 0.478 0.162 0.891 0.002
3000 (p=2.0%) 0.764 0.009 0.762 0.000 0.296 0.000 0.811 0.024 0.620 0.169 0.893 0.002 0.419 0.114 0.370 0.012 0.892 0.002
4000 (p=2.6%) 0.801 0.009 0.762 0.000 0.296 0.000 0.762 0.007 0.585 0.180 0.893 0.001 0.459 0.015 0.407 0.118 0.892 0.001
5000 (p=3.3%) 0.797 0.030 0.764 0.000 0.296 0.001 0.749 0.009 0.673 0.157 0.893 0.001 0.461 0.015 0.482 0.182 0.892 0.001
Table 4: Mean and standard deviation (Mean standard deviation) of Macro F1 of unseen campaign detection on the learned
embedding features. NB: the number of the selected network traffic data.
Unseen campaign detection with the latent feature learned by the self-supervised learning module
Random Selection DYNAMO UAL
1000 (p=0.7%) 0.748 0.005 0.853 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.913 0.007 0.921 0.005 1.000 0.000 0.832 0.043 0.898 0.013 1.000 0.000
2000 (p=1.3%) 0.754 0.005 0.762 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.905 0.010 0.913 0.006 1.000 0.000 0.817 0.044 0.880 0.016 1.000 0.000
3000 (p=2.0%) 0.672 0.005 0.696 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.765 0.009 0.909 0.008 1.000 0.000 0.789 0.018 0.860 0.021 1.000 0.000
4000 (p=2.6%) 0.758 0.007 0.687 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.897 0.010 0.904 0.010 1.000 0.000 0.789 0.046 0.848 0.048 1.000 0.000
5000 (p=3.3%) 0.754 0.007 0.689 0.026 1.000 0.000 0.891 0.009 0.898 0.008 1.000 0.000 0.794 0.059 0.842 0.068 1.000 0.000
DYNAMO: Towards Network Attack Campaign Attribution via Density-Aware Active Learning
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