et al., 2008) (Martucci et al., 2008) . Our proposed
solution avoids these complexities by enforcing the
limitation of one pseudonym per vehicle per epoch,
binding it to the current epoch and the vehicle’s se-
cret key which is included in the delegated creden-
tial. Consequently, only one valid pseudonym can be
generated per epoch, and verifiers can readily validate
and ensure the Sybil-freeness of received pseudonyms
without relying on third-party interactions.
This paper addresses the complex privacy and secu-
rity challenges in VANETs, particularly in vehicle
renting scenarios. It successfully bridges a signif-
icant gap in existing research by proposing a non-
interactive, privacy-preserving authentication scheme
that ensures the privacy of both vehicle owners and
renters. This work not only enhances the security
framework of VANETs but also adapts to the evolv-
ing landscape of vehicle sharing and renting, marking
a considerable step forward in the practical applica-
tion of VANET technologies. The paper fulfills all the
privacy and security requirements listed in 3.2. The
performance evaluation shows that the time taken to
send and verify proofs in this system is feasible, mak-
ing it possible to adopt in real-world transportation
systems. This authentication scheme also holds po-
tential for broader applications beyond VANETs, par-
ticularly in smart environments and IoT ecosystems,
where similar privacy and security concerns exist. As
future work, we plan to address the limitation of this
system, where we need to trust the vehicle to remove
credentials after it is turned off every time. We can
circumvent this by setting an end time for each dele-
gated credential or changing the delegation process to
include a signature from the driver, which would only
be valid for the duration of the drive.
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SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography