facturers and retailers included in the survey and the
seven expert interviews was not representative. Al-
though survey and the interviews were conducted with
companies of different sizes and focal points, it would
be beneficial to validate them within a larger sample
in order to achieve more meaningful results for the
development of the AI-based prediction and recom-
mendation system. A field test with customers who are
confronted with the concrete ideas of the present study,
such as the introduction of return fees depending on
the probability of returns determined by the system,
could also be recommended. This would allow the
effectiveness of the proposed measures to be tested.
Nevertheless, AI-based prediction and recommenda-
tion systems are not sufficient to address the issue of
returns alone. Consequently, it is essential that future
research also concentrates on topics such as process
optimisation in the context of returns processes and
reverse logistics.
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man Federal Ministry of Education and Research
(BMBF) under the project OptiRetouren (grant num-
ber 01IS22046B). It is a joint project of the August-
Wilhelm Scheer Institut, INTEX, HAIX and h+p.
August-Wilhelm Scheer Institut is mainly entrusted
with conducting research in AI for predicting returns
volume and for recommendations based on AI.
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Enhancing Returns Management in Fashion E-Commerce: Industry Insights on AI-Based Prediction and Recommendation Systems